Elliot Nunn 4325cdcc78 Bring in CubeE sources
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2017-12-26 09:52:23 +08:00

334 lines
14 KiB

; File: ToolboxEventMgrPatches.a
; Contains: linked patches for the Toolbox Event Manager
; Copyright: © 1990, 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <3> 3/27/92 JSM Moved this file to ToolboxEventMgr folder, keeping all the old
; revisions, to reflect current Reality structure.
; <2> 3/3/92 PN Roll in DoSysErrorUpdates
; <12> 4/2/91 DFH dba, #86111: Added using32BitHeaps to the FixCheckActivate
; patch, so that apps (like MacWrite 5.0) that depend on the
; undocumented sys-vs-user-window event modifier will work, at
; least in 24-bit mode.
; <11> 1/14/91 DC rlc - Honor ScrDmpEnb on all machines. Currently implemented on
; the Plus. Fix Patches to SE and II. Add Patches for Portable and
; IIci.
; <10> 12/20/90 DFH (dba) Changed GetNextEvent and EventAvail to look for highlevel
; events (with a higher priority than updates).
; <9> 11/20/90 JSM <dba> Add come-from patches on _GetResource inside
; GetNextEvent() for the Plus (to disable FKEYs from GNE) and the
; II and SE (to disable FKEYs from the keypad). Moved here from
; Patch[PlusSEII]ROM.a.
; <8> 11/4/90 dba save the port around the call to PaintBehind
; <7> 10/23/90 dba (with csd) fix patch to OSEventAvail; it does the wrong things
; with the stack
; <6> 9/22/90 dba Ed Tecot meant well when he told us to do a PaintOne(RootLayer),
; but he really meant PaintBehind(RootLayer).
; <5> 8/1/90 dba put in a hack to make the old DSWndUpdate thing work
; <4> 7/2/90 stb Font fix
; <3> 6/24/90 DTY Added come-from patch to _GetMouse, which sets the current port
; to the Window Manager port before calling _GetMouse. This keeps
; the journal driver happy.
; <2> 4/26/90 dba add patch to GetNextEvent and EventAvail on the IIci to fix a
; 32-bit deactivation bug
; <1> 4/20/90 dba first checked in
; NOTE: These patches must be loaded *after* the Layer Mgr. since they call GetRootLayer.
load 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'LinkedPatchMacros.a'
include 'LayerEqu.a'
include 'GestaltEqu.a'
include 'MFPrivate.a'
AfterGetMouseInGetNextEvent ROMBind (Plus,$11136),(SE,$B724),(II,$F2E6),(Portable,$10224),(IIci,$15C04)
AfterOSEventAvailInCheckActivate ROMBind (IIci,$15C28)
AfterSystemUserWindowInCheckActivate ROMBind (IIci,$15C4A)
AfterGetResourceInTryFKey ROMBind (Plus,$110F8),(SE,$B6B8),(II,$F27A),(Portable,$101B8),(IIci,$15B98) ; <9> <11>
DoneGNE ROMBind (Plus,$1112C) ; <9>
TrySysEvent ROMBind (SE,$B6EA),(II,$F2AC) ; <9>
AfterOSEventAvailInGetNextEvent ROMBind (Plus,$1108A),(SE,$B656),(II,$F218),(Portable,$10144),(IIci,$15B2A)
AfterGetOSEventInGetNextEvent ROMBind (Plus,$1108E),(SE,$B65A),(II,$F21C),(Portable,$10148),(IIci,$15B2E)
; GetNextEvent Ñ update windows when a disk switch dialog or other system error trashed the screen
; There is some code (in all of our ROMs) that causes an update when a disk switch dialog has
; appeared, but there was not enough room on the stack to save the bits behind the dialog.
; There is a bug in this code (the high bit of the top coordinate was set, so we always painted
; too much). Also, I needed the same mechanism to erase the space under the Òforced quitÓ system
; error dialog. In order to fix the bug and add a new feature, I introduced a new global (off of
; ExpandMem) to contain a rectangle that needs to be updated. Anyone (in system software) can union
; a rectangle into this global (even when the Memory Manager cannot be used) and the next
; GetNextEvent call will take care of the updating. Patches to the file systemÕs disk switch
; dialog code in FileSystemPatches.a cause it to union with this rectangle, so that it participates
; in this scheme.
; *** This does not take care of the case when the bits are scrolled or otherwise moved before
; GetNextEvent is called, but neither did the old code, and I donÕt have any ideas.
DoSysErrorUpdates patchproc _GetNextEvent,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
import ClearSysErrorUpdateRect
BSET #7,DSWndUpdate ; check if someone is trying to use the old update mechanism
bnz.s @noUpdateNeeded
move.l DSAlertRect+4,-(sp)
move.l DSAlertRect,-(sp)
bclr #7,(sp) ; clear the bit that is sometimes set here
move.l sp,-(sp) ; copy of DSAlertRect without the high bit
move.l ExpandMem,a0
pea ExpandMemRec.SysErrorUpdateRect(a0)
move.l (sp),-(sp)
add #8,sp ; get rid of the rectangle on the stack
TST.B WWExist ; does a window world exist?
BNE.S @noWindowMgr ; no, one less world to worry about
subq #2,sp ; make room for result
move.l ExpandMem,a0
pea ExpandMemRec.SysErrorUpdateRect(a0)
tst.b (sp)+ ; is it empty?
bnz.s @rectIsEmpty
subq #4,sp ; make room for saved port
move.l sp,-(sp)
SUBQ #4,SP ; get a region for PaintBehind
MOVE.L (SP),-(sp) ; and set region to the deep squid window
move.l ExpandMem,a0
pea ExpandMemRec.SysErrorUpdateRect(a0)
subq #4,sp ; make room for root layer
MOVE.L 4(sp),-(SP) ; clobber the whole region, from WindowList down!
_DisposRgn ; and then throw away the clobbered region
_SetPort ; restore the port
jsr ClearSysErrorUpdateRect ; no more rectangle
if forROM then
import GetNextEvent
jmp GetNextEvent
ClearSysErrorUpdateRect installproc (Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
; Empty out the sysErrorUpdateRect, and make the coordinates such that UnionRect with any
; rectangle will return that rectangle. UnionRect will do this if top and left are maximum
; and bottom and right are minimum.
move.l ExpandMem,a0
move.l #$7FFF7FFF,ExpandMemRec.SysErrorUpdateRect+topLeft(a0) ; highest numbers
move.l #$80008000,ExpandMemRec.SysErrorUpdateRect+botRight(a0) ; lowest numbers
if not forROM then
; GetNextEvent/EventAvail Ñ fix 32-bit activation bug
; A bug occurs in the IIci ROM under 32-bit mode. The high bit of CurActivate and CurDeactivate
; are used as flags to indicate that the events have already been sent. (0 in either also means that
; the event was sent.) The problem is that the ROM code (written for 24-bit machines) refers to the
; windowKind field without stripping off this high bit. Under some circumstances, this would cause
; a bus error. Since the code that checks the window is only used to set the system/application bit
; in the modifiers of the activate/deactivate event, and that bit was never documented in a released
; version of Inside Mac. (and no one uses it), we can fix the bug by getting rid of the code that
; sets the system/application bit. This patch to CheckActivate eliminates the code to set the
; system/application bit.
FixCheckActivate comefrompatchproc _OSEventAvail,AfterOSEventAvailInCheckActivate,(IIci,using32BitHeaps)
lea ComeBackHere,a1 ; after doing the OSEventAvail, come back here
move.l a1,ReturnAddressDepth(sp) ; jam in that return address
jmpOld ; go do the OSEventAvail
MOVE.W #activateEvt,(A0)+ ; flag it as (de)activate event
MOVE.L D1,(A0) ; the windowPtr is the message
jmpROM AfterSystemUserWindowInCheckActivate
; GetNextEvent - Make sure current port is valid before calling _GetMouse
; This is mostly for the sake of the journalling driver. Before _GetNextEvent calls _GetMouse, check
; to see if the Window Manager exists by checking WWExist. (QDExist is also checked in the process, but
; thatÕs fine.) If the Window Manager exists, set the port to the Window Manager port before calling
; _GetMouse. If thereÕs no Window Manager, the call to _GetMouse is skipped.
SetWindowMgrPort ComeFromPatchProc _GetMouse,AfterGetMouseInGetNextEvent,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
tst.w WWExist ; See if the Window Manager & QuickDraw exist
bne.s @backToGetNextEvent ; If WMgr isnÕt there, donÕt call _GetMouse
; Window Mananger exists. Set the port to the Window ManagerÕs port before calling _GetMouse
sub.w #4,sp
move.l sp,-(sp)
_GetPort ; Save the current port on the stack
move.l WMgrPort,-(sp)
_SetPort ; Set the port to the Window ManagerÕs port
move.l 8(sp),-(sp) ; Copy the original _GetMouse parameter
jsrOld ; Call _GetMouse
_SetPort ; Old port is already on the stack.
add.w #8,sp ; Remove return address and parameter from stack
jmpROM AfterGetMouseInGetNextEvent
; Come-from patch on _GetResource inside GetNextEvent to ignore FKEYs on the Mac Plus <9>
; If called from GetNextEvent trying to load an FKEY, abort out so that the
; event record is passed to the application. FKEYs are handled by SystemEvent on the Plus.
; Note that this FKEY patch is rarely invoked, and only in bizarre circumstances.
; Due to a bug in the Mac Plus ROM, a valid FKEY event always fails the range check (it
; compares ASCII 0 through 9 (i.e. $30 to $39) to decimal 0 through 9), and GetNextEvent
; never tries to invoke the FKEY. However, it may try to load an FKEY when an invalid key
; combination is held down. For example, shift-cmd-enter is really shift-cmd-$03, which because
; of the range checking problem causes FKEY 3 to be loaded. Someday we may want to reassess whether
; this patch is more trouble than it's worth.
LoadFKEYInGetNextEvent ComeFromPatchProc _GetResource,AfterGetResourceInTryFKey,(Plus)
LEA 14(SP), SP ; Clean off the stack
jmpROM DoneGNE ; Go where we are supposed to
; Come-from patch on _GetResource inside GetNextEvent to disable FKEYs from the keypad <9>
; Note that even though this is a come-from on the same label as LoadFKEYInGetNextEvent on
; the Plus, it's doing different things. On the Plus, FKEY handling was moved into SystemEvent.
; On the SE and II, it was moved back out so that FKEY's are handled before calling SystemEvent.
; So, it's valid for GetNextEvent to get an FKEY on the SE and II where it wasn't valid on the
; Plus.
KeypadFKEYInGetNextEvent ComeFromPatchProc _GetResource,AfterGetResourceInTryFKey,(SE,II)
TST.B ScrDmpEnb ; Check the ScrDmpEnb flag <11>
BNE.S moreChecks ; if it is not false, do some more checks <11>
MOVE.L (SP)+, A0 ; otherwise, return NIL. <11>
ADDQ.L #6, SP ; <11>
CLR.L (SP) ; <11>
JMP (A0) ; <11>
moreChecks ; <11>
MOVE.B evtMessage+2(A3), D0 ; Get the raw keycode
CMP.B #$3F, D0 ; Keyboard or Keypad?
blsOld ; Keyboard -- execute normally
LEA 14(SP), SP ; Clean off the stack
jmpROM TrySysEvent ; Go where we are suppossed to
; Come-from patch on _GetResource inside GetNextEvent to honor ScrDmpEnb <11>
; The portable and IIci ROMS are fixed to do most of what KeypadFKEYInGetNextEvent does. They only
; require a fix to honor the ScrDmpEnable BOOLEAN in low-memory.
CheckInhibitFKEYInGetNextEvent ComeFromPatchProc _GetResource,AfterGetResourceInTryFKey,(Portable,IIci)
TST.B ScrDmpEnb ; Check the ScrDmpEnb flag
bneOld ; if it is not false, try to get the FKEY
MOVE.L (SP)+, A0 ; otherwise, return NIL.
JMP (A0)
; GetOSEvent/OSEventAvail -- change ROM GetNextEvent to look for high level (PPC) events.
; This code should be rolled inline into GetNextEvent. We use comefrom patches for
; convenience only.
HLEAvail ComeFromPatchProc _OSEventAvail,AfterOSEventAvailInGetNextEvent,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
import shareHLEPatch:CODE
; must look for OS events before we waste any more time
jsrOld ; call through
jmp shareHLEPatch ; go share code
EndProc ; HLEAvail
GetNextHLE ComeFromPatchProc _GetOSEvent,AfterGetOSEventInGetNextEvent,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
entry shareHLEPatch:CODE
; must try to get OS events before we waste any more time
jsrOld ; call through
tst.w EvtNum(a3) ; find something?
bne.s Return ; if so, get out without further ado
; no OS events. Should we look for high-level events?
move.w 12(a6),d0 ; get the caller's event mask
btst #highLevelEvtBit,d0 ; high-level events requested?
beq.s ReturnFalse ; if not, just go on
move.w WeKnowProcMgrExists,d0 ; do we know whether OSDispatch is OK?
bne.s CallGetHLEvent ; if so, go do it right now
; We need to check for high level events. Determine whether Process Mgr is around yet.
move.l #gestaltOSAttr,d0 ; Gestalt implemented by Process Mgr
_Gestalt ; ask about Process Mgr
blt.s ReturnFalse ; exit now if we're still too early
lea WeKnowProcMgrExists,a0 ; get address of cheater flag
st (a0) ; remember not to check again
; Ask the Process Mgr for a high level event.
clr.w -(sp) ; allocate result storage
move.w 12(a6),-(sp) ; pass event mask
move.l a3,-(sp) ; pass address of event record
tst.w d3 ; EventAvail or GetNextEvent?
seq -(sp) ; pass Boolean: GNE - true, EA - false
_GetNextHighLevelEvent ; call Processs Mgr
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; pop result
; Exit where we have to restore d0 to say ÒfalseÓ
moveq #0,d0 ; say false
bra.s Return ; joint exit
; Flag whether we know Process Mgr exists
WeKnowProcMgrExists dc.w 0
EndProc ; GetNextHLE