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; File: TFBPrimaryInit.a
; Contains: PrimaryInit code for the original Macintosh II Video Card.
; Written by: Ernie Beernik, George Norman, Dave Fung, Mike Puckett.
; Copyright: © 1990-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds: ROM
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM2> 11/18/92 SWC Changed SlotEqu.a->Slots.a and VideoEqu.a->Video.a.
; <2> 1/15/92 KC Repair "uncompleted conditional directive" error.
; <1> 1/8/92 RB first checked in
; Terror ROM comments begin here.
; <5> 4/4/91 jmp Cleaned up the conditional assembly stuff (i.e., now use ForRom
; instead of PadForOverPatch).
; <4> 2/10/91 jmp Added interrupt disabling code during write to the CLUT (like
; the driver code).
; <3> 1/7/91 jmp Replaced an RTS that was accidently deleted.
; <2> 1/6/91 jmp Cleaned up conditional assembly stuff.
; <1> 11/19/90 jmp Checked into TERROR ROM build for the first time.
; Pre-Terror ROM comments begin here.
; <C804> 2/13/87 DAF Changed CPUType to 68020
; <C773> 2/9/87 GWN Set mode to One-bit (Copied from Driver). Disabled interrupts.
; <C737> 2/2/87 DAF Added test for amount of RAM and adjusted slot rsrc table for
; appropriate size.
; <C510> 12/11/86 GWN Modified for new seBlock.
; <C336> 11/3/86 GWN Changed to new Video parameters as described in video card spec.
; (1,2,4 and 8-bit modes supported). Added mVertRefRate to video
; parameters. Changed to new SDM format header (ByteLanes field).
; Changed to 4-k ROM. Video driver is on ROM. Fixed video driver
; bugs: (1) SetEntries trash A0, (2) SetEntries/GetEntries Data NOT.;
; 9/19/86 GWN Removed interrupt handler.
; 7/21/86 EHB TFB support.
If ForRom THEN
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'Slots.a'
INCLUDE 'Video.a'
INCLUDE 'TFBDepVideoEqu.a'
TFBPrimaryInit Proc Export
Bra.s Begin
; Header
DC.B sExec2 ;Code revision (Primary init)
DC.B sCPU68020 ;CPU type is 68020 <C804/13Feb87 DAF>
DC.W 0 ;Reserved
DC.L Begin-* ;Offset to code.
; Tables
; TFB Initialization. This data comes from the Macintosh II Video Card Theory of Operations, dated
; 02/16/87, page 7. These values should only be loaded into TFB (from CardBase+TFBIBase) at system
; reset time.
InitTbl DC.B $DF,$B8,$FF,$FF,$E1,$1A,$88,$B9,$FA,$FD,$FD,$FE,$F0,$BE,$FA,$37
SizeInitTbl EQU EndInitTbl-InitTbl
; One-bit Mode Table. These values are given on page 6 of the Macintosh II Video Card Theory of
; Opertaions document.
OneBitTbl DC.B $20,$47,$00,defmBaseOffset/4,$1E,$E5,$77,$46,$05,$02,$02,$01,$0F,$41,$05,$C8
Size1BitTbl EQU End1BitTbl-OneBitTbl
; PrimaryInit
; Set initial vendor status and save vars.
WITH seBlock
If ForRom Then ; For Terror ROM, PrimaryInit is NOT executed thru _sExec.
SaveRegs Reg A0-A2/D0-D3 ; So, we need to save our work registers.
Movem.l SaveRegs,-(Sp)
MOVE.W #1,seStatus(A0) ;VendorStatus <- 1 {Code was executed}
MOVE.L A0,A3 ;save param block {A0 is destroyed}
; Turn the slot number into a base address. Note: When finished, A2 contains slotBase.
MOVEQ #0,D0 ;D0 <- 00000000
MOVE.B seSlot(A0),D0 ;D0 <- 0000000s
LSL.W #4,D0 ;D0 <- 000000s0
OR.B seSlot(A0),D0 ;D0 <- 000000ss
OR.W #$F00,D0 ;D0 <- 00000Fss
SWAP D0 ;D0 <- 0Fss0000
LSL.L #4,D0 ;D0 <- Fss00000
MOVE.L D0,A2 ;A2 <- Base address to the slot.
; Reset the hardware.
MOVE.L A2,A0 ;get slot base
ADD.L #TFBIBase,A0 ;point to registers
LEA InitTbl,A1 ;get data pointer
MOVEQ #(SizeInitTbl-1),D0 ;set init table size
@0 MOVE.B (A1)+,(A0) ;set one byte
SUBQ #4,A0 ;back up to prev register
DBRA D0,@0 ;repeat until done
; Set mode to one bit per pixel.
MOVE.L A2,A0 ;get slot base <C773>
ADD.L #TFBBase,A0 ;point to registers <C773>
LEA OneBitTbl,A1 ;point to depth data <C773>
MOVEQ #(Size1BitTbl-1),D0 ;set 1-bit table size <C773>
@1 MOVE.B (A1)+,D1 ;get a byte <C773>
NOT.B D1 ;invert it <C773>
MOVE.B D1,(A0) ;write one byte <C773>
ADDQ #4,A0 ;bump to next register <C773>
DBRA D0,@1 ;=>repeat until done <C773>
; Disable interrupts.
MOVE.L A2,A0 ;get slot base <C773>
ADD.L #DisableVInt,A0 ;Adjust the base <C497><C773>
CLR.B (A0) ;Disable interrupt from card <C497><C773>
MOVE.W SR,-(SP) ; preserve the status register
MOVEQ #7,D0 ; get mask in D0
AND.B (SP),D0 ; get the interrupt level
SUBQ.B #2,D0 ;
BGE.S @OK ; if ³, then don't change
ORI.W #$0200,SR ; raise above level-2
ANDI.W #$FAFF,SR ; make it level-2
; Load CLUT as half-white/half-black.
DoTbl MOVE.L A2,A0 ;get slot base
Add.l #ClrTbl,A0 ;point to clut address space.
Moveq #0,D0 ;Start at address 0 in the CLUT:
Not.b D0 ; Invert for Nubus, and
Move.b D0,wClutAddReg(A0) ; write it out.
Add.l #wClutDataReg,A0 ;point to clut data reg.
MOVEQ #-1,D1 ;first half of table is FF (-1)
MOVE #128*3-1,D0 ;do all values in table (*3 for r,g,b)
@0 MOVE.B D1,(A0) ;write next byte
DBRA D0,@0 ;=>repeat until done
MOVEQ #$00,D1 ;second half of table is 00
MOVE #128*3-1,D0 ;do all values in table (*3 for r,g,b)
@1 MOVE.B D1,(A0) ;write next byte
DBRA D0,@1 ;=>repeat until done
MOVE.W (SP)+,SR ; restore status register.
; Size the RAM on the video card. To do this, we look for a nice longword in the second
; half of the frame buffer array that doesn't show up on the screen. I've selected the
; last longword of the first scanline that is a multiple of 8 in the second RAM bank (line 264).
; This alignment guarantees that this memory is off the right edge in all pixel depths
; when the frame buffer base addr is on a normal page boundary.
; <C737/02Feb87> DAF
WITH spBlock ;use the template
SUBA #spBlockSize,SP ;make an SDM parameter block on stack
MOVE.L SP,A0 ;get pointer to parm block now
MOVE.B seSlot(A3),spSlot(A0) ;put slot in pBlock
CLR.B spExtDev(A0) ;external device = 0
MOVE.L #TFBTestPos,D1 ;get offset in D1
MOVE.L #TFBTestPat,(A2,D1.L) ;write to alleged RAM
MOVE.L #-1,-(SP) ;write out some garbage to clear data lines
ADDQ #4,SP ;and pitch it
MOVE.L (A2,D1.L),D0 ;read pattern back
CMP.L #TFBTestPat,D0 ;did it stick?
BEQ.S @1 ;if equal, we have ram
MOVE.B #sRsrcVideo8,spID(A0) ;if not, remove 8-bit table
BRA.S @2
CLR.B (A2,D1.L) ;clear RAM of test pattern (for MaxAppleZoom)
MOVE.B #sRsrcVideo4,spID(A0) ;remove 4-bit table if we have ram
_sDeleteSRTRec ;remove the invalid entry
BNE.S @3 ;
MOVE #2,seStatus(A3) ;mark the change
@3 ADDA #spBlockSize,SP ;clean up the caca...
; Clear video RAM to a nice grayÉ
MOVE.L #$AAAAAAAA,D0 ;1-bit graypattern ($A=b1010)
MOVE.W #defScrnRow,D4 ;sRow := defScrnRow {Bytes per pixel line}
MOVE.W #$200*4-1,D3 ;sHei := defScrnHeight {Screen Height in pixels}
MOVE.L A2,A1 ;init row pointer ;REPEAT
@nxtRow MOVE.L A1,A0 ;get next row
MOVE.W #defScrnRow/4-1,D2 ; rowlongs := defScrnRow/4 - 1 {How many Longs there are}
@nxtLong MOVE.L D0,(A0)+ ; (A0) := graypat(1/2)
DBF D2,@nxtLong ; UNTIL rowlongs < 0
EXG D0,D1 ; graypat1 <-> graypat2
ADD.W D4,A1 ; A2 := A2 + sRow
DBF D3,@nxtRow ;UNTIL sHei < 0
If ForRom Then
Movem.l (Sp)+,SaveRegs
If ForRom Then
End ; <2>