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synced 2025-03-06 14:30:33 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
164 lines
6.6 KiB
164 lines
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; File: vardefs2.a
; Contains: xxx put contents here (or delete the whole line) xxx
; Written by: xxx put name of writer here (or delete the whole line) xxx
; Copyright: © 1987-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <1> 10/14/91 JSM first checked in
; <1.1> 9/8/89 jhl Phase 2 AppleTalk with final mods and VM rolled in.
; <1.0> 6/14/89 WTO Adding AppleTalk 2.0 for first time.
; <2.0d1> 9/6/88 KEL - AppleTalk 2.0.
; <1.0> 12/23/87 BBM Converted appletalk sources to new build process.
;EASE$$$ READ ONLY COPY of file Òvardefs2.aÓ
; 1.1 jhl 09/08/1989 Phase 2 AppleTalk with final mods and VM rolled in.
; 1.0 WTO 06/14/1989 Adding AppleTalk 2.0 for first time.
; 2.0d1 06 Sep 88 KEL - AppleTalk 2.0.
;EASE$$$ READ ONLY COPY of file vardefs.a
; 1.0 BBM 12/23/87 Converted appletalk sources to new build process.
; MPP Local Variables. Complete variable layout:
; SysLAPAddr +-------------------+ <- MPPVars (and A2)
; | MPP Globals |
; | (including RHA) | defined in ATalkequ.a
; AfterGlobals +-------------------+
; | MPP Local | (protocol handler table, socket listener table, ...)
; | Variables | *** DEFINED IN THIS FILE ***
; MPPVarsEnd +-------------------+
; | LAP-only variables| defined in LAPvars.a
; DataSize +-------------------+
NumOfPHs EQU AfterGlobals ; Entries in PH table (45)
NumOfSkts EQU NumOfPHs+1 ; Entries in socket table (45)
; The LAP protocol handler table starts here.
; Format:
; .BYTE ProtCode1, ..., ProtCodeN ; Protocol type codes
; .LONG PHAddr1, ..., PHAddrN ; Protocol handler addresses
LAPTblSz EQU PHs ; Size of LAP protocol handler table (even)
Protocols EQU NumOfSkts+1 ; List of active protocols
Handlers EQU Protocols+LAPTblSz ; List of handler addresses
LAPTblEnd EQU Handlers+(4*LAPTblSz) ; End of LAP table
; The DDP socket table starts here.
; Format:
; .BYTE SktNum1, .., SktNumN ; Socket numbers
; .LONG SktLstAdr1, .., SktLstAdrN ; Socket listener addresses
; NOTE: The last offset in this table must be less than $80 [for Offset(A2,D2)].
; This table only used for statically-assigned sockets (45)
DDPTblSz EQU SASs ; Size of socket table (even!)
SocketNum EQU LAPTblEnd ; Socket number in socket table
SktLstnr EQU SocketNum+DDPTblSz ; Socket listener addr
EPBufPtr EQU SktLstnr+(4*DDPTblSz) ; Pointer to EP buffer
; The following is the DAS socket table. There is one longword for each
; potentially opened DAS, FirstDAS thru MaxBigSkt, indicating the socket
; listener address, or zero if the socket hasn't been opened.
FirstDAS EQU DDPMaxWKS+1 ; First DAS socket number
MaxBigSkt EQU $FE ; Largest socket in table
BigSktListen EQU EPBufPtr+4 ; Start of DAS table
DDPTblEnd EQU BigSktListen+(4*(MaxBigSkt-DDPMaxWKS)) ; End of DAS table
; VBL variables - the following are used in the VBL task
VBLQEl EQU DDPTblEnd ; A VBL queue element
VBL20 EQU 20 ; Call VBL task every 20 ticks
BrTimeVal EQU 150 ; Age-out for A_BRIDGE (= 50 seconds)
; Code resource variables - the following are used for loading and
; calling the code resources (non-resident NBP code and lookup-reply code)
NRPtr EQU VBLQEl+14 ; Ptr to non-resident code (and flag)
LookupPtr EQU NRPtr+4 ; Pointer to lookup-reply code (and flag)
NRVars EQU LookupPtr+4 ; Pointer to NR local variables
JDDPWrite EQU NRVars+4 ; Address of DDPWrite routine
NTQueueHd EQU JDDPWrite+4 ; Names Table Queue Head
LUQElPtr EQU NTQueueHd+4 ; Ptr to lookup queue element/buffer
SelfSend EQU LUQElPtr+4 ; Whether to send packet to self
MPPVarsEnd EQU SelfSend+2 ; End of MPP vars (*** more in LAPvars.a ***)
; Definitions for NBP code resources
NBPCodeType EQU 'NBPC' ; Type code for NBP code resource
NBPNRCode EQU 1 ; ID for NBP non-resident code
NBPLookup EQU 2 ; ID for lookup-reply code
; The lookup-reply code uses a combination queue element and buffer for
; reading in LkUp requests, queueing a LookupReply command to itself, and
; writing out a response through DDP. The LkUp request is read into the
; queue element starting at CSParam, and the data structures for DDPWrite
; are then built on top of it. This queue element/buffer's size is:
LUQElSize EQU CSParam+NBPTuple+ArgBlkSz+2+(WDSEntrySz*(TupleMax+2))+2
; external bits
NoNetNotify EQU 28 ; = 1 to supress 'Bad Net' NM message
; internal bits
; ***** WARNING - The ExtendedBit MUST remain at bit 15 *****
ExtendedBit EQU 15 ; = 1 iff this port is extended AppleTalk
SeedPortBit EQU 14 ; = 1 iff this port is a router AND a seed port
UserMPPBit EQU 13 ; = 1 iff this is default (user port) .MPP, i.e. refNum -10
MPPOpenBit EQU 11 ; = 1 iff .MPP has opened successfully
CloseATPBit EQU 10 ; = 1 iff .ATP is being closed by .MPP
ATPOpenBit EQU 9 ; = 1 iff .ATP has opened successfully
UseBuiltIn EQU 8 ; = 1 when using built-in AppleTalk
ioMixMask EQU (1<<SrvAdrBit)+(1<<RouterBit)+(1<<NoZoneNotify)
; *** End VARDEFS.TEXT ***