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synced 2025-03-13 00:31:04 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
359 lines
11 KiB
359 lines
11 KiB
File: IntlResources.h
Contains: C Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
Written by: Don Louv
Copyright: © 1983-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<5> 10/16/92 PKE For New IM: Add timeCycle constants and Itl1ExtRec.
<4> 8/28/92 DCL Fixed enums with commas before the closing brace. MPW now
<3> 7/28/92 DCL Remove ifdef __cplusplus because there ain't nothin' but
resources here. (oh, yeah, and it was wrong anyway)
<2> 5/29/92 DCL Moved int0, itl3 & itl4 resource constants from TextUtils and
<1> 5/5/92 DCL first checked in
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
enum {
/* Bits in the itlcFlags byte.
itlcShowIcon = 7, /*Show icon even if only one script*/
itlcDualCaret = 6, /*Use dual caret for mixed direction text*/
/* Bits in the itlcSysFlags word.
itlcSysDirection = 15, /*System direction - left to right/right to left*/
/* the NumberParts indices */
tokLeftQuote = 1,
tokRightQuote = 2,
tokLeadPlacer = 3,
tokLeader = 4,
tokNonLeader = 5,
tokZeroLead = 6,
tokPercent = 7,
tokPlusSign = 8,
tokMinusSign = 9,
tokThousands = 10,
tokSeparator = 12, /*11 is a reserved field*/
tokEscape = 13,
tokDecPoint = 14,
tokEPlus = 15,
tokEMinus = 16,
tokMaxSymbols = 31,
curNumberPartsVersion = 1 /*current version of NumberParts record*/
/* These were moved from Packages.h */
enum {
currSymLead = 16,
currNegSym = 32,
currTrailingZ = 64,
currLeadingZ = 128
enum {mdy,dmy,ymd,myd,dym,ydm};
typedef unsigned char DateOrders;
enum {
timeCycle24 = 0, /*time sequence 0:00 - 23:59*/ /*<5>*/
timeCycleZero = 1, /*time sequence 0:00-11:59, 0:00 - 11:59*/ /*<5>*/
timeCycle12 = 255, /*time sequence 12:00 - 11:59, 12:00 - 11:59*/ /*<5>*/
zeroCycle = 1, /*old name for timeCycleZero*/
longDay = 0, /*day of the month*/
longWeek = 1, /*day of the week*/
longMonth = 2, /*month of the year*/
longYear = 3, /*year*/
supDay = 1, /*suppress day of month*/
supWeek = 2, /*suppress day of week*/
supMonth = 4, /*suppress month*/
supYear = 8, /*suppress year*/
dayLdingZ = 32,
mntLdingZ = 64,
century = 128,
secLeadingZ = 32,
minLeadingZ = 64,
hrLeadingZ = 128
struct OffPair {
short offFirst;
short offSecond;
typedef struct OffPair OffPair;
typedef OffPair OffsetTable[3];
struct Intl0Rec {
char decimalPt; /*decimal point character*/
char thousSep; /*thousands separator character*/
char listSep; /*list separator character*/
char currSym1; /*currency symbol*/
char currSym2;
char currSym3;
unsigned char currFmt; /*currency format flags*/
unsigned char dateOrder; /*order of short date elements: mdy, dmy, etc.*/
unsigned char shrtDateFmt; /*format flags for each short date element*/
char dateSep; /*date separator character*/
unsigned char timeCycle; /*specifies time cycle: 0..23, 1..12, or 0..11*/
unsigned char timeFmt; /*format flags for each time element*/
char mornStr[4]; /*trailing string for AM if 12-hour cycle*/
char eveStr[4]; /*trailing string for PM if 12-hour cycle*/
char timeSep; /*time separator character*/
char time1Suff; /*trailing string for AM if 24-hour cycle*/
char time2Suff;
char time3Suff;
char time4Suff;
char time5Suff; /*trailing string for PM if 24-hour cycle*/
char time6Suff;
char time7Suff;
char time8Suff;
unsigned char metricSys; /*255 if metric, 0 if inches etc.*/
short intl0Vers; /*region code (hi byte) and version (lo byte)*/
typedef struct Intl0Rec Intl0Rec;
typedef Intl0Rec *Intl0Ptr, **Intl0Hndl;
struct Intl1Rec {
Str15 days[7]; /*day names*/
Str15 months[12]; /*month names*/
unsigned char suppressDay; /*255 for no day, or flags to suppress any element*/
unsigned char lngDateFmt; /*order of long date elements*/
unsigned char dayLeading0; /*255 for leading 0 in day number*/
unsigned char abbrLen; /*length for abbreviating names*/
char st0[4]; /*separator strings for long date format*/
char st1[4];
char st2[4];
char st3[4];
char st4[4];
short intl1Vers; /*region code (hi byte) and version (lo byte)*/
short localRtn[1]; /*now a flag for opt extension*/
typedef struct Intl1Rec Intl1Rec;
typedef Intl1Rec *Intl1Ptr, **Intl1Hndl;
struct Itl1ExtRec { /*fields for optional itl1 extension*/ /*<5>*/
Intl1Rec base; /*un-extended Intl1Rec*/
short version;
short format;
short calendarCode; /*calendar code for this itl1 resource*/
long extraDaysTableOffset; /*offset in itl1 to extra days table*/
long extraDaysTableLength; /*length of extra days table*/
long extraMonthsTableOffset; /*offset in itl1 to extra months table*/
long extraMonthsTableLength; /*length of extra months table*/
long abbrevDaysTableOffset; /*offset in itl1 to abbrev days table*/
long abbrevDaysTableLength; /*length of abbrev days table*/
long abbrevMonthsTableOffset; /*offset in itl1 to abbrev months table*/
long abbrevMonthsTableLength; /*length of abbrev months table*/
long extraSepsTableOffset; /*offset in itl1 to extra seps table*/
long extraSepsTableLength; /*length of extra seps table*/
short tables[1]; /*now a flag for opt extension*/
typedef struct Itl1ExtRec Itl1ExtRec;
struct UntokenTable {
short len;
short lastToken;
short index[256]; /*index table; last = lastToken*/
typedef struct UntokenTable UntokenTable;
typedef UntokenTable *UntokenTablePtr, **UntokenTableHandle;
union WideChar {
char a[2]; /*0 is the high order character*/
short b;
typedef union WideChar WideChar;
struct WideCharArr {
short size;
WideChar data[10];
typedef struct WideCharArr WideCharArr;
struct NumberParts {
short version;
WideChar data[31]; /*index by [tokLeftQuote..tokMaxSymbols]*/
WideCharArr pePlus;
WideCharArr peMinus;
WideCharArr peMinusPlus;
WideCharArr altNumTable;
char reserved[20];
typedef struct NumberParts NumberParts;
typedef NumberParts *NumberPartsPtr;
struct Itl4Rec {
short flags; /*reserved*/
long resourceType; /*contains 'itl4'*/
short resourceNum; /*resource ID*/
short version; /*version number*/
long resHeader1; /*reserved*/
long resHeader2; /*reserved*/
short numTables; /*number of tables, one-based*/
long mapOffset; /*offset to table that maps byte to token*/
long strOffset; /*offset to routine that copies canonical string*/
long fetchOffset; /*offset to routine that gets next byte of character*/
long unTokenOffset; /*offset to table that maps token to canonical string*/
long defPartsOffset; /*offset to default number parts table*/
long resOffset6; /*reserved*/
long resOffset7; /*reserved*/
long resOffset8; /*reserved*/
typedef struct Itl4Rec Itl4Rec;
typedef Itl4Rec *Itl4Ptr, **Itl4Handle;
/* New NItl4Rec for System 7.0: */
struct NItl4Rec {
short flags; /*reserved*/
long resourceType; /*contains 'itl4'*/
short resourceNum; /*resource ID*/
short version; /*version number*/
short format; /*format code*/
short resHeader; /*reserved*/
long resHeader2; /*reserved*/
short numTables; /*number of tables, one-based*/
long mapOffset; /*offset to table that maps byte to token*/
long strOffset; /*offset to routine that copies canonical string*/
long fetchOffset; /*offset to routine that gets next byte of character*/
long unTokenOffset; /*offset to table that maps token to canonical string*/
long defPartsOffset; /*offset to default number parts table*/
long whtSpListOffset; /*offset to white space code list*/
long resOffset7; /*reserved*/
long resOffset8; /*reserved*/
short resLength1; /*reserved*/
short resLength2; /*reserved*/
short resLength3; /*reserved*/
short unTokenLength; /*length of untoken table*/
short defPartsLength; /*length of default number parts table*/
short whtSpListLength; /*length of white space code list*/
short resLength7; /*reserved*/
short resLength8; /*reserved*/
typedef struct NItl4Rec NItl4Rec;
typedef NItl4Rec *NItl4Ptr, **NItl4Handle;
struct TableDirectoryRecord {
OSType tableSignature; /*4 byte long table name */
unsigned long reserved; /*Reserved for internal use */
unsigned long tableStartOffset; /*Table start offset in byte*/
unsigned long tableSize; /*Table size in byte*/
typedef struct TableDirectoryRecord TableDirectoryRecord;
struct Itl5Record {
Fixed versionNumber; /*itl5 resource version number */
unsigned short numberOfTables; /*Number of tables it contains */
unsigned short reserved[3]; /*Reserved for internal use */
TableDirectoryRecord tableDirectory[1]; /*Table directory records */
typedef struct Itl5Record Itl5Record;
struct RuleBasedTrslRecord {
short sourceType; /*Transliterate target type for the LHS of the rule */
short targetType; /*Transliterate target type for the RHS of the rule */
short formatNumber; /*Transliterate resource format number */
short propertyFlag; /*Transliterate property flags */
short numberOfRules; /*Number of rules following this field */
typedef struct RuleBasedTrslRecord RuleBasedTrslRecord;
struct ItlcRecord {
short itlcSystem; /*default system script*/
short itlcReserved; /*reserved*/
char itlcFontForce; /*default font force flag*/
char itlcIntlForce; /*default intl force flag*/
char itlcOldKybd; /*MacPlus intl keybd flag*/
char itlcFlags; /*general flags*/
short itlcIconOffset; /*keyboard icon offset; not used in 7.0*/
char itlcIconSide; /*keyboard icon side; not used in 7.0*/
char itlcIconRsvd; /*rsvd for other icon info*/
short itlcRegionCode; /*preferred verXxx code*/
short itlcSysFlags; /*flags for setting system globals*/ /*<40>*/
char itlcReserved4[32]; /*for future use*/ /*<40>*/
typedef struct ItlcRecord ItlcRecord;
struct ItlbRecord {
short itlbNumber; /*itl0 id number*/
short itlbDate; /*itl1 id number*/
short itlbSort; /*itl2 id number*/
short itlbFlags; /*Script flags*/
short itlbToken; /*itl4 id number*/
short itlbEncoding; /*itl5 ID # (optional; char encoding)*/
short itlbLang; /*current language for script */
char itlbNumRep; /*number representation code*/
char itlbDateRep; /*date representation code */
short itlbKeys; /*KCHR id number*/
short itlbIcon; /*ID # of SICN or kcs#/kcs4/kcs8 suite.*/
typedef struct ItlbRecord ItlbRecord;
/* New ItlbExtRecord structure for System 7.0 */
struct ItlbExtRecord {
ItlbRecord base; /*un-extended ItlbRecord*/
long itlbLocalSize; /*size of script's local record*/
short itlbMonoFond; /*default monospace FOND ID*/
short itlbMonoSize; /*default monospace font size*/
short itlbPrefFond; /*preferred FOND ID*/
short itlbPrefSize; /*preferred font size*/
short itlbSmallFond; /*default small FOND ID*/
short itlbSmallSize; /*default small font size*/
short itlbSysFond; /*default system FOND ID*/
short itlbSysSize; /*default system font size*/
short itlbAppFond; /*default application FOND ID*/
short itlbAppSize; /*default application font size*/
short itlbHelpFond; /*default Help Mgr FOND ID*/
short itlbHelpSize; /*default Help Mgr font size*/
Style itlbValidStyles; /*set of valid styles for script*/
Style itlbAliasStyle; /*style (set) to mark aliases*/
typedef struct ItlbExtRecord ItlbExtRecord;