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2017-12-26 09:52:23 +08:00

1259 lines
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; File: SonoraPrimaryInit
; Written by: Mike Puckett, December 2, 1991.
; Copyright: © 1991-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM29> 12/13/93 PN Roll in KAOs and Horror changes to support Malcom and AJ
; machines
; <SM28> 11/3/93 RC Took out test for VRAM so Factory test would work on PDM
; <SM27> 10-19-93 jmp Quit defaulting the Full-Page Display to 1bpp now that
; NewGDevice can handle mono-only displays correctly.
; <SM26> 10/6/93 RC Took out PDM EVT1 support from DoSonoraExtendedSense
; <SM25> 09-23-93 jmp Commented out the RAM allocation family modes for PDM (since
; weÕre not doing the RAM allocation stuff).
; <SM24> 08-16-93 jmp Now always write out the RAM/VRAM bits.
; <SM23> 08-03-93 jmp Began cleaning up the support for dynamically allocating RAM in
; PDM for video, as well as added initial support for the three
; new Apple multiscan displays.
; <SM22> 7/14/93 RC stripping out debugging flags
; <SM21> 6/3/93 PW Fixed the build. 2 uses of SWRESET for AMIC registers were
; changed to DMARST to coincide with AMICEqu.a and 1 use of
; SWRESET for MACE register was changed to MACERESET.
; <20> 6/1/93 IH Add rubrik560 and hr400 modes to multisync OK lise
; <SM19> 5/28/93 IH Add VGA mode to Multi-mode family
; <SM18> 5/6/93 RC Cleaned up the extended sense line support in PDM EVT2 and
; greater units. The old support for EVT1 units is also there
; until EVT3
; <SM17> 4/16/93 dwc Mask and clear MACE and DMA ENET interrupts.
; <SM16> 04-07-93 jmp Fixed problem where I was ALWAYS forcing the ÒdefaultÓ bit depth
; instead of using what the user set in Monitors.
; <SM15> 04-07-93 jmp Added initial low-level support for the Display Manager. Still
; need to do depth validation (as opposed to just defaulting to a
; particular depth) across family mode switches.
; <SM14> 04-01-93 jmp Added initial support for the no-VRAM case where we use family
; modes to represent the various RAM-based allocations.
; <SM13> 3/9/93 jmp Fully spelled out the differences between the AMIC (PDM) and
; Sonora video hardware, added code that prunes all but the
; appropriate CPU sResource, and moved around the Ethernet
; (Sonic/Mace) reset code to be a bit more PMD/Sonora universal.
; <SM12> 3/8/93 dwc Added reset to PDM MACE and ENET DMA transmit and receive
; channels.
; <SM11> 3/5/93 CCH Added code to prune Mace sRsrcs if it's not present.
; <SM10> 2/20/93 SAM Added a bit of PDMDebug code to drive the monitor sense lines
; with a reversed polarity.
; <SM9> 2/9/93 SAM Added some Evt1 fix code to the monitor sense routine.
; <SM8> 01/13/93 jmp Removed the extraneous MiniGamma record.
; <SM7> 12/09/92 jmp Removed the PDM bring-up code.
; <SM6> 11/6/92 jmp Added a little more PDM bring-up code.
; <SM5> 11/5/92 SWC Changed VideoEqu.a->Video.a and ShutdownEqu.a->Shutdown.a.
; <SM4> 10/20/92 CCH Conditionalized out an instruction that keeps PDM video from
; coming up.
; <SM3> 10/17/92 jmp Added initial support for PDMÕs (broken) bring-up hardware.
; <SM2> 10/13/92 jmp (jmp,H20) Even though itÕs not technically necessary for Sonora
; (Vail), I went ahead and tri-stated the senselines just prior to
; the first read. For PDM (whose video I/O is almost identical to
; that of Sonora), this is necessary.
; <SM1> 10/6/92 GDW New location for ROMLink tool.
; Pre-ROMLink comments begin here.
; <SM4> 09/03/92 jmp (jmp,H19) Fixed three problems: 1) Fixed a bug where the
; machine would crash on boot if an unsupported display (such as
; Vesuvio or Kong) were connected to built-in video. 2) Fixed a
; bug where I was using _sPutPRAMRec instead of _InitSlotPRAM to
; setup Slot $0 pRAM the first time. And 3) Due to a change in
; the Sonora hardware, had to change the way the sense-lines are
; read.
; (NJV,H18) Removed hasSonora1 conditionalized code (no longer
; needed)
; (jmp,H17) Corrected .s vs. non-.s branches and odd-alignment
; problems.
; <SM3> 6/18/92 KW (jmp,H16) Added extended factory burn-in support (for various
; displays), and added code to accomodate the Omega-2 when it
; arrives.
; <SM2> 6/4/92 KW (NJV,H15) Temporarily using $57 for DFAC Sound initialization to
; get rid of annoying playthrough.
; (NJV,H14) Fixed bug with DFAC setup for sound
; <SM1> 5/2/92 kc Roll in Horror. Comments follow:
; <H13> 04/24/92 jmp Changed the support for Egret Keyboard NMI to be toggle-able
; with a Slot pRAM bit.
; <H12> 04/20/92 jmp Fixed a bug where I was trashing A0 which caused direct-slot
; video cards to hang due to the fact that none of the Sonora
; functional sRsrcs were being pruned when no monitor was
; connected. Also, added some code to enable Egret Keyboard NMI.
; <H11> 04/20/92 jmp Added full support for family modes.
; <H10> 4/13/92 JC Removed references to SonoraAddr and replaced with references to
; VIA1Addr.
; <H9> 2/24/92 NJV Added sound DFAC values to dot-clock setup portion of Omega
; <H8> 2/14/92 JC Add support for Sonic Ethernet with Rev 1 Sonora parts
; <H7> 02/04/92 jmp Removed some extraneous Endwith statements.
; <H6> 01/27/92 jmp Changed the no-connect path so that it no longer supports the
; alternate sense byte. Now, only type-6Õs trigger it. Also,
; fixed a problem I introduced in <H5> where I would cause
; Vail/Carnation to hang if nothing was plugged into built-in
; video.
; <H5> 01/22/92 jmp Updated the original ÒNo ConnectÓ code to take full advantage of
; the newly-defined extended sense codes. Changed the name from
; ÒNoConnectÓ to ÒAltSense.Ó
; <H4> 1/14/92 jmp Fixed a problem where I wasnÕt setting up A3 correctly if Slot
; pRAM was already setup.
; <H3> 01/11/92 jmp Eliminated several BoxFlag dependencies.
; <H2> 12/19/91 jmp Added the initial support for Rubik-560 mode for Sonora.
; <1> 12/12/91 jmp first checked in
; Header
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'EgretEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'IOPrimitiveEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'SonicEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'Video.a'
INCLUDE 'SlotMgrEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'UniversalEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'DepVideoEqu.a'
SEG '_sSonoraPrimaryInit'
LSonoraPrimaryInit MAIN EXPORT
Dc.b sExec2 ; Header
Dc.b sCPU68020
Dc.w 0
Dc.l BeginSonoraInit-*
; Local variables, definitions, etc....
With SEBlock,SPBlock,EgretPB
SonoraFrame Record {A6Link},Decrement
Return Ds.l 1 ; Return address.
A6Link Ds.l 1 ; Saved A6.
spBlk Ds SPBlock ; SpBlock for generic use.
sPRAMBlk Ds.b SizeSPRAMRec ; sPRAMRec for generic use.
egretBlk Ds.b EgretPbSize ; EgretPB for generic use.
hasVRAM Ds.b 1 ; If set, vRAM sizing needs to be performed.
hasExternDotClk Ds.b 1 ; If set, dot-clock must be programmed manually.
Ds.b 1 ; <pad>
vidParamsPtr Ds.l 1 ; Pointer to video parameters.
configParamsPtr Ds.l 1 ; Pointer to config parameters.
vidControlPtr Ds.l 1 ; Pointer to video control registers.
vidVIA2Ptr Ds.l 1 ; Pointer to VIA2.
SFSize Equ *
SVRAMConfigRec Record 0 ;
sRsrcID Ds.b 1 ; sRsrc ID for this vRam configuration.
modeID Ds.b 1 ; Favored modeID (depth).
familiesOffset Ds.w 1 ; Offset to family mode table.
SVRAMConfigSize Equ *
With MiniGamma,SVRAMConfigRec
SonoraConfigRec Record 0
gammaTbl Ds.b GT_Size ; Mini-gamma table (defined in PrimaryInit.a).
SConfigHdrSize Equ *
s256KVRAM Ds.b SVRAMConfigSize ; 256K vRAM preferences.
s512KVRAM Ds.b SVRAMConfigSize ; 512K vRAM preferences.
s768KVRAM Ds.b SVRAMConfigSize ; 768K vRAM preferences.
SConfigRecSize Equ *
; Utils
; PruneList
; Loops thru a table of sRsrcIDs comparing the ÒkeeperÓ with each
; of the entries in the table. Those IDs that donÕt match
; the keeper are pruned.
; -> D0: sRsrcID of the ÒkeeperÓ
; -> A0: pointer to appropriately filled-out SpBlock
; -> A1: pointer to list of sRsrcIDs
; Trashes: D0-D1/A1.
With SpBlock
Move.b D0,-(Sp) ; Remember the ID of the Òkeeper.Ó
Move.w (A1)+,D1 ; Get the zero-based counter into D1.
@Repeat Move.b (A1)+,D0 ; Get an sRsrc ID.
Cmp.b (Sp),D0 ; If itÕs the keeper,
Beq.s @Until ; then donÕt prune it.
Move.b D0,spID(A0) ; Otherwise, prune it.
@Until Dbra D1,@Repeat ; Loop until done.
Tst.b (Sp)+ ; Clean up the stack.
Rts ; Return to caller.
; BuildFamilyList
; Loops thru a table of sRsrcIDs comparing the ÒkeeperÓ with each
; of the entries in the table. Those IDs that donÕt match
; the keeper are inserted back in as disabled.
; -> D0: sRsrcID of the ÒkeeperÓ
; -> A0: pointer to appropriately filled-out SpBlock
; -> A1: pointer to list of sRsrcIDs
; Trashes: D0-D1/A1.
With SpBlock
Move.b D0,-(Sp) ; Remember the ID of the Òkeeper.Ó
Move.w (A1)+,D1 ; Get the zero-based counter into D1.
@Repeat Move.b (A1)+,D0 ; Get an sRsrc ID.
Cmp.b (Sp),D0 ; If itÕs the keeper,
Beq.s @Until ; then leave it alone.
Move.b D0,spID(A0) ; Otherwise, load that sRsrc ID.
Clr.l spsPointer(A0) ; Tell the Slot Manager that itÕs in ROM.
Move.l #1,spParamData(A0) ; Say that we want it disabled.
Clr.w spRefNum(A0) ; Say that thereÕs no driver yet.
_InsertSRTRec ; Do it!
@Until Dbra D1,@Repeat ; Loop until done.
Tst.b (Sp)+ ; Clean up the stack.
Rts ; Return to caller.
; This subroutine reads the Sonora sense lines. On entry, A2 should point to the Sonora base address, D6
; should contain $03, $05, $06, or $07 to indicate the type of extended sense weÕre doing, and
; the CPU should have been put into 32-bit addressing mode. On exit, D6 contains the appropriate
; extended sense code.
; Note: The idea behind the extended-sense-line ($07) algorithm is as follows: First, drive sense line
; ÒaÓ and read the values of ÒbÓ and Òc.Ó Next, drive sense line ÒbÓ and read the values of ÒaÓ
; and Òc.Ó Finally, drive sense line ÒcÓ and read the values of ÒaÓ and Òb.Ó In this way, a
; six-bit number of the form bc/ac/ab is generated. The other extended-sense algorithms are
; identical to that of $07, except one of the three lines doesnÕt need to be driven. For example,
; with $03, ÒaÓ doesnÕt need to be driven. With $05, ÒbÓ doesnÕt need to be driven, and
; with $06, ÒcÓ doesnÕt need to be driven.
Movem.l D0-D4,-(Sp) ; Save work registers.
Moveq #0,D1 ; Use D1 to store extended-sense code.
Moveq #0,D0 ; Use D0 as temp from reads.
move.b $0cb3,D2
cmp.b #$44, D2 ; is it EVT1
bne.s @notEVTone ; no, not EVT1
Move.b #04,D2 ; D2 == sonoraEnableAMask
Move.b #02,D3 ; D3 == sonoraEnableBMask
Move.b #01,D4 ; D4 == sonoraEnableCMask
bra.s @done
@notEVTone Move.b #03,D2 ; D2 == sonoraEnableAMask
Move.b #05,D3 ; D3 == sonoraEnableBMask
Move.b #06,D4 ; D4 == sonoraEnableCMask
; Drive a, Read bc
@done Cmp.b #indexedSense2P,D6 ; If this is not a type-3 extended sense,
Bne.s @DriveA ; then go ahead and drive A.
Move.b D6,D0 ; Otherwise, write out the assumed value,
Bra.s @EndA ; and go on.
@DriveA Move.b D2,SonoraVdSenseRg(A2) ; abc <- 011 ¥¥¥ Take out in PDM EVT3
;@DriveA Move.b #sonoraEnableAMask,SonoraVdSenseRg(A2) ; abc <- 011
SonoraReadSenseLines D0 ; abc -> ABC
Andi.b #sonoraAMask,D0 ; 0BC
@EndA Move.b D0,D1 ; 00 00 BC
Lsl.b #2,D1 ; 00 BC 00
; Drive b, Read ac
Cmp.b #indexedSenseRGBFP,D6 ; If this is not a type-5 extended sense,
Bne.s @DriveB ; then go ahead and drive B.
Move.b D6,D0 ; Otherwise, write out the assumed value,
Bra.s @EndB ; and go on.
@DriveB Move.b D3,SonoraVdSenseRg(A2) ; abc <- 101 ¥¥¥ Take out in PDM EVT3
;@DriveB Move.b #sonoraEnableBMask,SonoraVdSenseRg(A2) ; abc <- 101
SonoraReadSenseLines D0 ; abc -> ABC
Andi.b #sonoraBMask,D0 ; A0C
@EndB Bclr #sonoraSenseLineA,D0 ; A0C becomes
Beq.s @OrIn ; A0C or
Bset #sonoraSenseLineB,D0 ; A1C
@OrIn Or.b D0,D1 ; 00 BC AC
Lsl.b #2,D1 ; BC AC 00
; Drive c, Read ab
Cmp.b #indexedSenseHR,D6 ; If this is not a type-6 extened sense,
Bne.s @DriveC ; then go ahead and drive C.
Move.b D6,D0 ; Otherwise, write out the assumed value,
Bra.s @EndC ; and go on.
@DriveC Move.b D4,SonoraVdSenseRg(A2) ; abc -> 110 ¥¥¥ Take out in PDM EVT3
;@DriveC Move.b #sonoraEnableCMask,SonoraVdSenseRg(A2) ; abc -> 110
SonoraReadSenseLines D0 ; abc <- ABC
Andi.b #sonoraCMask,D0 ; AB0
@EndC Lsr.b #1,D0 ; 0AB
Or.b D0,D1 ; BC AC AB
@End Move.b D1,D6 ; Save the extended-sense code.
Movem.l (Sp)+,D0-D4 ; Restore work registers.
Rts ; Return to caller.
; This subroutine programs Omega, which is the dot-clock generator. To talk to Omega we have to go through
; DFAC, which itself is accessed through Egret. To program Omega, there are three parameters that are
; packed into 16 bits, but we must program DFAC with 4 bytes (32 bits). So, the input to this routine
; should be in D0 as the hi-word as follows: N [15:9], D [8:2], P [1:0]. The lo-word of
; D0 should just be cleared. Note: This routine does not preserve D0.
; Note: On PDM CPUs, the dot-clock is set up automatically.
With SonoraFrame,EgretPB
Tst.b hasExternDotClk(A6) ; If we donÕt need to set up the dot-clock ourselves,
Beq.s @Done ; then just skip this code.
Ori.b #sndSonoraReverseDFAC,D0 ; Make sure the sound part of DFAC is correct.
Lea egretBlk(A6),A0 ; Point to the Egret param block.
Move.w #(PseudoPkt<<8)+WrDFAC,pbCmdType(A0) ; Say that weÕre writing DFAC.
Move.l D0,pbParam(A0) ; Put out the DFAC data.
Move.w #4,pbByteCnt(A0) ; WeÕre sending 4 bytes.
Clr.w pbResult(A0) ; Clear the result word.
Clr.l pbCompletion(A0) ; No completion routines here.
@Done Rts
; Main
With SEBlock,SPBlock,SonoraFrame
; Set up initial ÒvendorÓ status.
Link A6,#SFSize ; Allocate stack space for locals.
Move.w #seSuccess,seStatus(A0) ; Just say that weÕre okay.
; Perform some generic initializations.
Clr.b spBlk.spSlot(A6) ; Built-in video is always Slot $0.
Clr.b spBlk.spExtDev(A6) ; Why ask why? Just clear this guy.
Movea.l UnivInfoPtr,A4 ; Keep a pointer to ProductInfo.
; Initialize the BoardID part of the Slot $0 pRAM if necessary, and prune the board sResources.
With SP_Params,ProductInfo,VideoInfo
Lea spBlk(A6),A0 ; Point A0 at our local SpBlock.
Lea sPRAMBlk(A6),A2 ; Get a pointer to our local SPRAMBlock.
Move.l A2,spResult(A0) ; Put our pointer in the SpBlock.
_sReadPRAMRec ; Read Slot $0Õs pRAM.
Move.l A4,A3 ; Copy the ProductInfo pointer.
Adda.l VideoInfoPtr(A3),A3 ; Point to the VideoInfo record.
Tst.w SP_BoardID(A2) ; If the board ID is non-zero,
Bne.s @PruneBoardSRsrc ; then just go on.
Move.b BoardSRsrcID(A3),spID(A0) ; Get the appropriate board sRsrc ID.
_sRsrcInfo ; Get the spsPointer.
Move.b #BoardID,spID(A0) ; Set up to get the correct board ID.
_sReadWord ; Get it.
Move.w spResult+2(A0),SP_BoardID(A2) ; Save the board ID into pRAM.
Move.l A2,spsPointer(A0) ; Point to the pRAM param block.
_InitSlotPRAM ; Write it out.
Lea SonoraSpIDTbl,A1 ; Point to the table of supported board sRsrcs.
Move.b BoardSRsrcID(A3),D0 ; Get the sRsrc ID of the keeper into D0.
Bsr SPIPruneList ; Call our pruning utility.
; Set up the right CPU sResource. We only recognize Õ020, Õ030, and Õ040 CPUs (or emulators); all others
; are ignored (i.e., the CPU sResources are all deleted in that case).
Move.b CPUFlag,D1 ; Get the CPUFlag (680x0-flag) for compares.
Lea @CPUTable,A1 ; Get pointer to the table of valid CPU types.
@CPULoop Move.b (A1)+,D0 ; Pick up the next CPU type.
Beq.s @EndPruneCPUSRsrcs ; If weÕre done, leave.
Move.b (A1)+,spID(A0) ; Assume we wonÕt find a match.
Cmp.b D0,D1 ; But, if they do match,
Beq.s @SkipDelete ; then just go on.
_sDeleteSRTRec ; Otherwise, delete non-matching CPU sRsrc type.
@SkipDelete Bra.s @CPULoop ; And loop until done.
@CPUTable Dc.b cpu68020,sRsrc_CPUMacIIci ; Table of 680x0 CPU types and corresponding sRsrcs.
Dc.b cpu68030,sRsrc_CPUMac030
Dc.b cpu68040,sRsrc_CPUMac040
Dc.b 0,0
; Set various feature flags for use later. (Note: For now this is pretty lame code; weÕll
; make it ÒsmarterÓ later.)
Cmp.b #sRsrc_BdVail,BoardSRsrcID(A3) ; If weÕre not on a Sonora,
Bne.s @MustBePDM ; then we must be a PDM for now.
St hasVRAM(A6) ; Sonora CPUs have real vRAM.
St hasExternDotClk(A6) ; Sonora CPUs have Omegas.
Bra.s @EndFeatureSetup
@MustBePDM Sf hasVRAM(A6) ; PDMs donÕt have vRAM.
Sf hasExternDotClk(A6) ; PDMs set up the dot-clock automatically.
; Prune the Ethernet (Sonic or Mace) sResources as needed.
Lea spBlk(A6),A0 ; Point A0 at our local SpBlock.
TestFor SonicExists ; If we have Sonic hardware, then
Bne.s @DeleteMace ; delete Mace, and reset Sonic.
Move.b #sRsrc_Sonic,spID(A0) ; Prune the Sonic sRsrc.
_sDeleteSRTRec ;
TestFor MaceExists ; If we have Mace hardware,
Bne.s DoMaceReset ; then reset it.
@DeleteMace Move.b #sRsrc_Sonora_Mace,spID(A0) ; Prune the Mace sRsrc.
Bra.s SonoraVideoInit
With SonicRegs
Move.l A4,A2 ; Copy the ProductInfo pointer.
Add.l ProductInfo.DecoderInfoPtr(A2),A2 ; Point to the base address table.
Move.l DecoderInfo.SonicAddr(A2),A2 ; Get the Sonic base address into A2.
BSET #EXUSR3,D0 ; Set FC0 to 1
MOVE.L D0,Data_Config2(A2) ; set extended data config
BSET #EXBUS,D0 ; enable extended data config
MOVE.L D0,Data_Config(A2) ; set extended data config
Moveq #(1<<RxDisable),D0
Move.l D0,Command(A2) ; Disable packet reception.
@Wait Move.l Command(A2),D0
Btst #RxEnable,D0
Bne.s @Wait ; Wait until it disables.
Move.l #(1<<SoftReset),D0
MOVE.L D0,Command(A2) ; Enable use of CAM cells.
Sub.l D0,D0
Move.l D0,Int_Mask(A2) ; disable SONIC interrupts
Move.l D0,CAM_Enable(A2) ; wipe out the CAM
Bra.s SonoraVideoInit ; Skip the Mace code.
; (following is from DeclNet:Mace:MaceEqu.a which I can't include because of mega-duplication between it and SonicEqu.a.)
MACERESET EQU 0 ; software reset
; Reset the Ethernet hardware <SM12>
; First, reset the MACE
Movea.l A4,A3 ; Copy the ProductInfo pointer.
Adda.l ProductInfo.DecoderInfoPtr(A3),A3 ; Point to the base address table.
move.l DecoderInfo.MACEAddr(A3),A2 ; Point to the MACE
Move.b #(1<<MACERESET), MACE_BIU_CNFG(A2) ; Reset MACE
IF nonSerializedIO THEN ;
nop ; Allow write to complete
; Mask all MACE interrupts <SM17>
Move.b #$77, MACE_INT_MSK(A2) ; Mask all MACE interrupts
IF nonSerializedIO THEN ;
nop ; Allow write to complete
; Make sure all MACE interrupts are cleared <SM17>
Move.b MACE_INT(A2),D0 ; Register is read/clear
; and the AMIC Ethernet DMA transmit and receive channels too, just to be safe
Movea.l DecoderInfo.AMICAddr(A3), A2 ; Get the AMIC DMA base address
; Reset the AMIC ENET DMA transmit channel
IF nonSerializedIO THEN
nop ; Allow write to complete
; Make sure the DMA interrupt is cleared and disabled <SM17>
IF nonSerializedIO THEN
nop ; Allow write to complete
; Reset the AMIC ENET DMA receive channel
IF nonSerializedIO THEN
nop ; Allow write to complete
; Make sure the DMA interrupt is cleared and disabled <SM17>
Move.b #(1<<DMAIF), AMIC_DMA_RECV_CNTL(A3) ; Clear recv DMA IF, disable DMA
IF nonSerializedIO THEN
nop ; Allow it to complete
; end of reset ENET hardware <SM12>
; HereÕs where we actually get the Sonora video going. This includes setting up the functional
; sRsrcs, as well as initializing the Sonora hardware and getting a stable raster for the
; type of display connected.
; Get some useful values up front.
Move.l A4,A3 ; Copy the ProductInfo pointer.
Adda.l ProductInfo.DecoderInfoPtr(A3),A3 ; Point to the base address table.
Move.l DecoderInfo.VIA1Addr(A3),A3 ; Get the Sonora base address (same as VIA1) into A3.
; First, disable the Slot $0 (built-in video) VBL interrupts.
Move.l A3,A2 ; Copy the Sonora base address.
Adda.l #SonoraVIA2Base,A2 ; Point to the interrupt register space.
Move.l A2,vidVIA2Ptr(A6) ; Save it for later.
Move.b #(1<<SonoraVBLIRQEn),SonoraSlotIER(A2) ; Disable built-in videoÕs VBLs.
; Size the amount of VRAM. When done, D4 is set to one of {0,1,2}, where 0=256K,1=512K,2=768K.
; Note: Although 1024K is theoretically possible in a Sonora system, it is not useable. So,
; we just say 768K is available (i.e., D4=2), even though we set up the hardware for 1024K
; if itÕs there (so that the vRAM memory controller works correctly).
; For PDM...
Moveq #0,D4 ; Init the VRAM size register.
Tst.b hasVRAM(A6) ; If this CPU doesnÕt have vRAM, then
Beq @EndSize1 ; skip the VRAM sizing stuff.
@TestVRAM Move.l A4,A1 ; Copy the ProductInfo pointer.
Adda.l ProductInfo.VideoInfoPtr(A4),A1 ; Point to the VideoInfo record.
Move.l VideoInfo.VRAMLogAddr32(A1),A1 ; Get the framebuffer base address.
Moveq #true32b,D0 ; Set up to flip into 32-bit addressing mode.
_SwapMMUMode ; Do the flip.
Move.b #Sonora1024K,SonoraVRAMSize(A2) ; Set up the hardware for 1Meg of VRAM.
Move.l #'256K',(A1) ; Write a signature to longword 0 in physbank 0.
Sub.l #4,(Sp) ; Clear the data lines.
Add.l #4,(Sp)
Cmp.l #'256K',SonoraWrap(A1) ; If we got our signature back,
Adda.l #k256KvRAM*2,A1 ; (Point to longword 0 in physbank 2.)
Beq.s @256K ; it wrapped, so go on.
Addq #1,D4 ; Otherwise, weÕve got 512K on-board.
Bra.s @512Kb
@256K Move.l #'512?',(A1) ; Write signature to longword 0 in physbank 2.
Sub.l #4,(Sp) ; Clear the data lines.
Add.l #4,(Sp)
Cmp.l #'512?',(A1) ; If we got our signature back,
Beq.s @512Ka ; weÕve got expansion vRAM.
Move.b #Sonora256K,SonoraVRAMSize(A2) ; Otherwise, thereÕs only 256K out there.
Bra.s @EndSize
@512Ka Addq #1,D4 ; Say thereÕs at least 512K out there.
Cmp.l #'512?',SonoraWrap(A1) ; If we got our signature back,
Beq.s @Set512Ka ; it wrapped, so set 512K.
Move.b #Sonora768Ka,SonoraVRAMSize(A2) ; Otherwise, thereÕs 768K out there.
Addq #1,D4 ; Say thereÕs 768K out there.
Bra.s @EndSize
@Set512Ka Move.b #Sonora512Ka,SonoraVRAMSize(A2) ; Say that thereÕs 512K out there.
Bra.s @EndSize
@512Kb Move.l #'768?',(A1) ; Write signature to longword 0 in physbank 2.
Sub.l #4,(Sp) ; Clear the data lines.
Add.l #4,(Sp)
Cmp.l #'768?',(A1) ; If we got our signature back,
Beq.s @768Kb ; weÕve got expansion vRAM.
Move.b #Sonora512Kb,SonoraVRAMSize(A2) ; Otherwise, thereÕs only 512K out there.
Bra.s @EndSize
@768Kb Addq #1,D4 ; Say thereÕs 768K out there.
Cmp.l #'768?',SonoraWrap(A1) ; If we got our signature back,
Beq.s @Set768Kb ; it wrapped, so set 768K.
Bra.s @EndSize ; Otherwise, thereÕs 1024K out there.
@Set768Kb Move.b #Sonora768Kb,SonoraVRAMSize(A2) ; Say that thereÕs 768K out there.
@EndSize _SwapMMUMode ; Flip back to previous addressing mode.
; Sense the type of display to drive. Because of a problem in Sonora, the dot clock must be going
; in order to sense the type of display that is connected. As a result, the video blanking signal
; must be turn off -- i.e., syncs must be running.
Move.l A3,A2 ; Copy the Sonora base address.
Adda.l #SonoraVdCtlBase,A2 ; Point to the video control address space.
Move.l A2,vidControlPtr(A6) ; Save it for later.
Bclr #SonoraVidBlnkBit,SonoraVdModeReg(A2) ; Turn off video blanking so that we can read the senselines.
Move.l #ndpHR,D0 ; Set up to turn on Omega (weÕll just use 30.24 MHz).
Bsr.s DoOMega ; Turn on Omega (so that we can read the senselines).
Moveq #0,D6 ; Clear our senseline variable.
Move.b #tristateSonoraSense,SonoraVdSenseRg(A2); Tristate the sense lines.
SonoraReadSenseLines D6 ; Read the senselines.
Tst.b D6 ; Zero means we have a broken AMIC.
Bne.s @Ok ; -> Nope, all's well
Move.b #0,SonoraVdSenseRg(A2) ; Tristate the sense lines the broken way & continue
SonoraReadSenseLines D6 ; Read the senselines.
@Ok Cmp.b #indexedSenseHR,D6 ; If we got a type-6, then do the
Beq.s @ExtendedHR ; extended Hi-Res stuff.
Cmp.b #indexedNoConnect,D6 ; If we got a type-7, then do the
Beq.s @ExtendedNoConnect ; extened no-connect stuff.
Bra @EndSense ; Otherwise, the display is already indexed.
; ¥ Check for Extended type-6 (HR)...
@ExtendedHR Bsr DoSonoraExtendedSense ; Do the extended type-6 sense algorithm.
Lea @XT6Table,A1 ; Point to the table of extended type-6 codes.
@XT6Loop Move.b (A1)+,D0 ; Pick up the next supported extended type-6 code.
Bmi.s @EndExtHR ; If weÕre at the end of the list, then just leave.
Move.b (A1)+,D1 ; Pick up the indexed version of the extended code.
Cmp.b D0,D6 ; If we didnÕt find a match, then
Bne.s @XT6Loop ; just keep looping.
Move.b D1,D6 ; Translate the extended code into its indexed version.
Bra @EndSense ; And move on.
@EndExtHR Move.b #indexedSenseHR,D6 ; Say that a type-6 display is connected.
With SP_Params
LEA sPRAMBlk(A6),A2 ; Point to the sPRAM block.
Move.b SP_AltSense(A2),D0 ; Get the alternate senseID pRam byte.
Andi.b #spAltSenseValidMask,D0 ; If it is valid, then just pretend that
Bne.s @DoMonID ; the monID monitor is attached.
Bra @EndSense ; Otherwise, just let it be a type-6.
@DoMonID Move.b SP_AltSense(A2),D6 ; Get the no-connect pRam byte.
Andi.b #spAltSenseMask,D6 ; Strip the validation code.
Bra @EndSense
; ¥ Check for Extended type-7 (No Connect)...
Bsr DoSonoraExtendedSense ; Do the extended no-connect algorithm.
Cmp.b #extendedNoConnect,D6 ; If nothing really is connected,
Beq.s @EndNoConnect ; then just say so.
Lea @XNCTable,A1 ; Point to the table of extended no-connect codes.
@XNCLoop Move.b (A1)+,D0 ; Pick up the next supported extended no-connnect code.
Bmi.s @EndNoConnect ; If weÕre at the end of the list, then just leave.
Move.b (A1)+,D1 ; Pick up the indexed version of the extended code.
Cmp.b D0,D6 ; If we didnÕt find a match, then
Bne.s @XNCLoop ; just keep looping.
Move.b D1,D6 ; Translate the extended code into its indexed version.
Bra @EndSense
@XNCTable Dc.b extendedSenseVGA,indexedSenseVGA
Dc.b extendedSenseGF,indexedSenseGF
Dc.b -1,-1
@XT6Table Dc.b extendedMSB1,indexedSenseMSB1
Dc.b extendedMSB2,indexedSenseMSB2
Dc.b extendedMSB3,indexedSenseMSB3
Dc.b -1,-1
@EndNoConnect Move.b #indexedNoConnect,D6 ; We donÕt recognize the code, so say nothingÕs connected.
; When no monitor is connected, we first want to check to see if weÕre at the factory
; If we are, then the last 4-bytes of pRAM will contain a special signature. If
; we arenÕt at the factory and we donÕt recognize the no-connect code, then we
; set up to delete all the video data structures and to turn built-in video off.
; Note: On Systems with no real VRAM, we just skip this code because no RAM will
; have been allocated for video in this case. Will this be a problem for the
; factory?
Tst.b hasVRAM(A6) ; If we donÕt have VRAM, then
Beq @EndSense ; just go on.
With SP_Params
Subq #burnInSiz,Sp ; Get pRAM buffer on stack (4-bytes).
Move.l Sp,A0 ; Point to it.
Move.w #burnInSiz,D0 ; Set up parameters
Swap D0 ;
Move.w #burnInLoc,D0 ;
_ReadXPram ;
Move.l (Sp)+,D0 ;
Beq.s @EndSense ; With no signature, just leave.
Lea @NCTable,A1 ; Point to the table of no-connect signatures.
@NCLoop Move.l (A1)+,D1 ; Pick up the next supported code.
Beq.s @EndSense ; If weÕre at the end of the list, then just leave.
Move.l (A1)+,D2 ; Pick up the indexed version of the no-connect signature.
Cmp.l D0,D1 ; If we didnÕt find a match, then
Bne.s @NCLoop ; just keep looping.
Move.b D2,D6 ; Translate the no-connect signature into an index.
Bra.s @EndSense
@NCTable Dc.l burnInSig,indexedSenseHR ; Table of recognized no-connect signatures withÉ
Dc.l burnInSigAlt,indexedSenseRubik ; Écorresponding index.
Dc.l burnInSig12,indexedSenseRubik
Dc.l burnInSig13,indexedSenseHR
Dc.l burnInSig15,indexedSenseRGBFP
Dc.l burnInSig16,indexedSenseGF
Dc.l 0,0
@EndSense Move.l vidControlPtr(A6),A2 ; Point to the video control register space.
Bset #SonoraVidBlnkBit,SonoraVdModeReg(A2) ; Turn on blanking for now.
Moveq #0,D0 ; Set up to turn off Omega.
Bsr.s DoOmega ; Turn Omega off for now.
; Pick up the favored configuration based on the amount of vRAM and the type of display sensed or assumed.
With SVRAMConfigRec,SonoraConfigRec
Tst.b hasVRAM(A6) ; If we donÕt have VRAM,
Beq.s @NoVRAM ; then say so.
Lea SonoraConfigTable,A1 ; Point to the Sonora configuration table.
Bra.s @Config ; Go on.
@NoVRAM Lea PDMConfigTable,A1 ; Point to the PDM (no VRAM) config table.
@Config Move.w #SConfigRecSize,D0 ; Get the size of each entry into D0.
Mulu D6,D0 ; Multiply it by the right entry.
Adda.l D0,A1 ; Skip to the entry we want.
Move.l A1,configParamsPtr(A6) ; Save it for later.
Adda.l #SConfigHdrSize,A1 ; Skip past the header.
Move.w #SVRAMConfigSize,D0 ; Get the size of the VRAM entries.
Mulu D4,D0 ; Multiply by the right entry.
Adda.l D0,A1 ; Skip to the right VRAM entry.
Move.b modeID(A1),D7 ; Get the default mode (depth).
Move.b sRsrcID(A1),D5 ; Get the default sRsrcID.
; Initialize built-in videoÕs pRAM.
With SP_Params
Lea spBlk(A6),A0 ; Point to the slot param block.
Lea sPRAMBlk(A6),A2 ; Point to the sPRAM block.
Move.b SP_Flags(A2),D0 ; Copy the flags byte.
Bfins D4,D0{spVRamBits:numSPVRamBits} ; Load the amount of VRAM (real or imaginary).
Tst.b hasVRAM(A6) ; If we have real VRAM, then
Bne.s @SetFlags ; skip the no-VRAM stuff.
@NoVRAM Bset #spNoVRAM,D0 ; Always set the no-VRAM bit here.
Bclr #spFamilyChanged,D0 ; Always reset the family changed bit.
Beq.s @SetFlags ; If it was already reset, then go on.
Move.w #drHwSonora,ScrnInval ; Remind ourselves to manually update the 'scrn' resource (so disk can make things right).
@SetFlags Move.b D0,SP_Flags(A2) ; Remember which flags and such were set/reset.
Move.b D6,SP_MonID(A2) ; Remember which monitor we sensed (or assumed).
Cmp.b SP_DfltConfig(A2),D5 ; If this is the same configuration/family we had last time,
Beq.s @WritePRAM ; then just write out the just-set PRAM info.
Move.b D5,SP_LastConfig(A2) ; Set the identification configuration.
Move.b D5,SP_DfltConfig(A2) ; Set the default/family configuration.
Move.b D7,SP_Depth(A2) ; Set the default depth for this configuration.
@WritePRAM Move.l A2,spsPointer(A0) ; Set up the pRAM parameter block.
_sPutPRAMRec ; Write out Slot $0Õs pRAM.
Move.b SP_LastConfig(A2),D5 ; Get the right (family member) sRsrc into D5.
; First, prune all of the video sResources except for the selected one. If there are no families, then weÕre done.
; Otherwise, weÕre either done (because weÕve come up with an unknow configuration), or we re-insert all the members
; of the selected configurationÕs family as disabled.
With SVRAMConfigRec,SonoraConfigRec
Lea SonoraModeList,A1 ; Point to the table of supported video sRsrcs.
Move.b D5,D0 ; Get the sRsrcID of the keeper into D0.
Bsr SPIPruneList ; Call our pruning utility.
Cmp.b #sRsrc_Sonora_NeverMatch,D5 ; If weÕve come up with an unknown configuration,
Beq SonoraExit ; then weÕre now done.
Move.l configParamsPtr(A6),A1 ; Point to this configÕs parameters.
Adda.w #SConfigHdrSize,A1 ; Skip past the header.
Move.w #SVRAMConfigSize,D0 ; Get the size of the vRAM entries.
Mulu D4,D0 ; Multiply by the right entry.
Adda.l D0,A1 ; Skip to the right vRAM entry.
Move.w familiesOffset(A1),D0 ; If there arenÕt any families,
Beq.s @EndConfig ; then just go on.
Move.l configParamsPtr(A6),A1 ; Point back to this configÕs parameters.
Adda.w D0,A1 ; Point to the table of supported families.
Move.b D5,D0 ; Get the sRsrcID of the keeper into D0.
Bsr SPIBuildFamilyList ; Call our family-building utility.
; Initialize the video hardware.
With SonoraVidParams,MiniGamma
Clr.w spID(A0) ; Start looking at spID 0, no external devices.
Clr.b spTBMask(A0) ; Only look for the board sRsrc.
Move.w #catBoard,spCategory(A0) ; Look for: catBoard,
Move.w #typBoard,spCType(A0) ; typBoard,
Clr.w spDrvrSW(A0) ; 0,
Clr.w spDrvrHW(A0) ; 0.
Clr.l spParamData(A0) ; (The board sRsrc must be enabled.)
Bset #foneslot,spParamData+3(A0) ; Limit search to this slot 0.
_GetTypeSRsrc ; Get the spsPointer.
Move.b #sVidParmDir,spID(A0) ; Look for the video parameters directory.
Move.b D5,spID(A0) ; Look in the directory for this configÕs params.
Move.l spResult(A0),A1 ; Get a pointer to the vidParams.
Move.l A1,vidParamsPtr(A6) ; Save for later disposal.
; Set up the dot-clock portion of Omega.
With EgretPB,SonoraOmega
Tst.b hasExternDotClk(A6) ; If we donÕt need to set up the dot-clock ourselves,
Beq.s @EndOmegaSetup ; then just go on.
Move.l A1,A0 ; Copy the vidParams ptr.
Move.l vidVIA2Ptr(A6),A2 ; Point to the VIA2.
Move.b SonoraVRAMSize(A2),D0 ; Pick up the VRAM Sizing parameters.
Cmp.b #Sonora512Kb,D0 ; If weÕve got 512K on the motherboard
Beq.s @Omega2 ; then weÕve got a new Omega.
Cmp.b #Sonora768Kb,D0 ;
Bne.s @SetOmega ;
@Omega2 Addq #SOmegaSize,A0 ; Skip past the Omega-1 parameters.
@SetOmega Moveq #0,D0 ; n d p <- 0000000 0000000 00
Move.b SOmegaN(A0),D0 ; n d p <- 0000000 00NNNNN NN
Lsl.w #OmegaDBits,D0 ; n d p <- 00NNNNN NN00000 00
Move.b SOmegaD(A0),D1 ; n d p <- 00NNNNN NN00000 00 (0DDDDDDD)
Or.b D1,D0 ; n d p <- 00NNNNN NNDDDDD DD
Move.b SOmegaP(A0),D1 ; n d p <- 00NNNNN NNDDDDD DD (000000PP)
Lsl.w #OmegaPBits,D0 ; n d p <- NNNNNNN DDDDDDD 00 (000000PP)
Or.b D1,D0 ; n d p <- NNNNNNN DDDDDDD PP
Swap D0 ; Move the ndp value into the MSW.
Bsr.s DoOmega ; Now, go program Omega.
; Set up Sonora and Ariel.
Move.l vidControlPtr(A6),A2 ; Point to the video control register space.
Clr.b SonoraVdColrReg(A2) ; Set the framebuffer controller 1bpp.
Move.b svpMonitorCode(A1),D0 ; Get the appropriate monitor code.
Bset #SonoraVidBlnkBit,D0 ; Set the video blanking bit.
Move.b D0,SonoraVdModeReg(A2) ; Write it out.
Move.l A4,A2 ; Copy the ProductInfo pointer.
Adda.l ProductInfo.DecoderInfoPtr(A2),A2 ; Point to the baseAddr table.
Move.l DecoderInfo.VDACAddr(A2),A2 ; Get the base address of the VDAC.
Move.b #$08,ArielConfigReg(A2) ; Set the CLUT/DAC to 1bpp, master mode, no overlay.
Adda.w #ArielDataReg,A2 ; Point to the CLUT/DAC data register.
Move.l configParamsPtr(A6),A5 ; Point to the config parameters.
Move.b #$7F,ArielAddrReg-ArielDataReg(A2) ; Setup to write 1bpp white.
Move.b whiteRed(A5),(A2)
Move.b whiteGreen(A5),(A2)
Move.b whiteBlue(A5),(A2)
Move.b #$FF,ArielAddrReg-ArielDataReg(A2) ; Setup to write 1bpp black.
Move.b blackRed(A5),(A2)
Move.b blackGreen(A5),(A2)
Move.b blackBlue(A5),(A2)
; Gray the screen.
Move.l A4,A2 ; Copy the ProductInfo pointer.
Adda.l ProductInfo.VideoInfoPtr(A2),A2 ; Point to the VideoInfo record.
Move.l VideoInfo.VRAMLogAddr32(A2),A2 ; Point to the base of VRAM.
Moveq #true32b,D0 ; Set up to flip into 32-bit addressing mode.
_SwapMMUMode ; Do flip.
Move.b D0,-(Sp) ; Save previous mode.
Move.w svpNumRows(A1),D3 ; Get the number of rows.
Move.l #OneBitGray,D2 ; Set the 1bpp gray pattern.
Moveq #1,D0 ; Assume that weÕre not doing Rubik-560.
Cmp.b #sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GS560a,D5 ; If weÕre doing Rubik-560a,
Beq.s @Flag560 ; then say so.
Cmp.b #sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GS560b,D5 ; If weÕre not doing Rubik-560b,
Bne.s @NxtRow ; then just go on
@Flag560 Moveq #0,D0 ; Flag that weÕre doing Rubik-560.
@NxtRow Move.w svp1bppRowLongs(A1),D1 ; Get the number of longwords/row.
@NxtLong Move.l D2,(A2)+ ; Write out gray to the frame bufferÉ
Dbra D1,@NxtLong ; Éfor each scanline.
Tst.b D0 ; If this not is a Rubik-560,
Bne.s @Skip560 ; then just go on.
Move.w D2,(A2)+ ; Otherwise, write out 16 more pixels.
@Skip560 Not.l D2 ; Invert the pattern for the next row.
Dbra D3,@NxtRow ; Repeat for each row.
Move.b (Sp)+,D0 ; Set up to flip back to previous addressing mode.
_SwapMMUMode ; Do flip.
Move.l vidControlPtr(A6),A2 ; Point back at the video control registers.
Move.b SonoraVdModeReg(A2),D0 ; Get the current monitor code value.
Bclr #SonoraVidBlnkBit,D0 ; Reset the video blanking bit.
Move.b D0,SonoraVdModeReg(A2) ; Write it out to get video going.
; Clean up and go home.
Move.l vidParamsPtr(A6),A0 ; Dispose of the vidParams pointer.
Unlk A6 ; De-allocate local stack frame.
Rts ; Return to caller.
; Data
Align 4
; The SonoraSpIDTbl is a list of all the board sRsrcIDs supported in the Sonora
; sRsrc directory. It is used to prune all the unnecessary board sRsrc.
SonoraSpIDTbl Dc.w EndSonoraSpIDTbl-BeginSonoraSpIDTbl-1
Dc.b sRsrc_BdVail
Dc.b sRsrc_BdPDM
Align 4
SonoraModeList Dc.w EndSonoraML-BeginSonoraML-2
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_FPa,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_FPb,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_FPc
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GSa,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GSb
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GS560a,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GS560b
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_RGBFPa,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_RGBFPb,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_RGBFPc
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_HRa,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_HRb,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_HRc
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_HR400a,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_HR400b
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_VGAa,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_VGAb,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_VGAc
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GFa,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GFb
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_FP,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GS,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GSM
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_RGBFP,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_HR,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_VGA
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GF,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_MSB1,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_MSB2
Dc.b 0
Align 4
SRubikFamTbla Dc.w EndSRubikMLa-BeginSRubikMLa-1
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GSa,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GS560a
SRubikFamTblb Dc.w EndSRubikMLb-BeginSRubikMLb-1
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GSb,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GS560b
SHiResFamTbla Dc.w EndSHiResMLa-BeginSHiResMLa-1
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_HRa,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_HR400a
SHiResFamTblb Dc.w EndSHiResMLb-BeginSHiResMLb-1
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_HRb,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_HR400b
SHiResFamTblc Dc.w EndSHiResMLc-BeginSHiResMLc-1
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_HRc,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_HR400b
Align 4
PFPFamTbl Dc.w EndPFPML-BeginPFPML-1
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_FPc,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_FP
PGSFamTbl Dc.w EndPGSML-BeginPGSML-2
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GSb,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GSa,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GS
Dc.b 0
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_RGBFPc,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_RGBFP
PHRFamTbl Dc.w EndPHRML-BeginPHRML-2
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_HRc,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_HRb,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_HR
Dc.b 0
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_VGAc,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_VGAb,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_VGA
Dc.b 0
PGFFamTbl Dc.w EndPGFML-BeginPGFML-1
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GFb,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GF
PMSB1FamTbl Dc.w EndPMSB1ML-BeginPMSB1ML-2
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_MSB1,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GSM,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_MSB2
Dc.b 0
PMSB2FamTbl Dc.w EndPMSB2ML-BeginPMSB2ML-1
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_MSB2,sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_MSB1
Align 4
; The SonoraConfigTable is an array of configuration parameters indexed
; by monitor type. Within each set of monitor parameters is a set
; of parameters that are indexed by the amount of vRAM available. These
; parameters are used in setting up the intial values of the CLUT and
; selecting the right functional sRsrc per monitor per vRAM configuration.
With SonoraConfigRec
Dcb.b SConfigRecSize,sRsrc_Sonora_NeverMatch ; Vesuvio (Not Supported).
SFullPageTbl Dc.b $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_FPa,FirstVidMode ; 256K vRAM prefs.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_FPb,FirstVidMode ; 512K vRAM prefs.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_FPc,FirstVidMode ; 768K vRAM prefs.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
SRubikTbl Dc.b $05,$FF,$05,$FF,$05,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GSa,FourthVidMode ; 256K vRAM prefs.
Dc.w SRubikFamTbla-SRubikTbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GSb,FourthVidMode ; 512K vRAM prefs.
Dc.w SRubikFamTblb-SRubikTbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GSb,FourthVidMode ; 768K vRAM prefs.
Dc.w SRubikFamTblb-SRubikTbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dcb.b SConfigRecSize,sRsrc_Sonora_NeverMatch ; Mono Two-Page (Not Supported).
Dcb.b SConfigRecSize,sRsrc_Sonora_NeverMatch ; NTSC (Not Supported).
SRGBFullPageTbl Dc.b $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_RGBFPa,SecondVidMode ; 256K vRAM prefs.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_RGBFPb,ThirdVidMode ; 512K vRAM prefs.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_RGBFPc,FourthVidMode ; 768K vRAM prefs.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
SHiResTbl Dc.b 00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_HRa,ThirdVidMode ; 256K vRAM prefs.
Dc.w SHiResFamTbla-SHiResTbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_HRb,FourthVidMode ; 512K vRAM prefs.
Dc.w SHiResFamTblb-SHiResTbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_HRc,FourthVidMode ; 768K vRAM prefs.
Dc.w SHiResFamTblc-SHiResTbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dcb.b SConfigRecSize,sRsrc_Sonora_NeverMatch ; No connect.
SVGATbl Dc.b $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_VGAa,ThirdVidMode ; 256K vRAM prefs.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_VGAb,FourthVidMode ; 512K vRAM prefs.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_VGAc,FourthVidMode ; 768K vRAM prefs.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
Dcb.b SConfigRecSize,sRsrc_Sonora_NeverMatch ; PAL (Not Supported).
SGoldFishTbl Dc.b $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GFa,SecondVidMode ; 256K vRAM prefs.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GFb,FourthVidMode ; 512K vRAM prefs.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GFb,FourthVidMode ; 768K vRAM prefs.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
Dcb.b SConfigRecSize,sRsrc_Sonora_NeverMatch ; 19" (Not Supported).
Dcb.b SConfigRecSize,sRsrc_Sonora_NeverMatch ; MS (Not Supported).
Dcb.b SConfigRecSize,sRsrc_Sonora_NeverMatch ; Vesuvio (Not Supported). [0]
PFPTbl Dc.b $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table. [1]
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_FPc,FirstVidMode ;
; Dc.w PFPFamTbl-PFPTbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
Dcb.b 8,0
PGSTbl Dc.b $05,$FF,$05,$FF,$05,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table. [2]
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GSb,FourthVidMode ;
; Dc.w PGSFamTbl-PGSTbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
Dcb.b 8,0
Dcb.b SConfigRecSize,sRsrc_Sonora_NeverMatch ; Mono Two-Page (Not Supported). [3]
Dcb.b SConfigRecSize,sRsrc_Sonora_NeverMatch ; NTSC (Not Supported). [4]
PRGBFPTbl Dc.b $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table. [5]
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_RGBFPc,FourthVidMode ;
; Dc.w PRGBFPFamTbl-PRGBFPTbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
Dcb.b 8,0
PHRTbl Dc.b 00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table. [6]
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_HRc,FourthVidMode ;
; Dc.w PHRFamTbl-PHRTbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
Dcb.b 8,0
Dcb.b SConfigRecSize,sRsrc_Sonora_NeverMatch ; No connect. [7]
PVGATbl Dc.b $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table. [8]
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_VGAc,FourthVidMode ;
; Dc.w PVGAFamTbl-PVGATbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
Dcb.b 8,0
Dcb.b SConfigRecSize,sRsrc_Sonora_NeverMatch ; PAL (Not Supported). [9]
PGFTbl Dc.b $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table. [A]
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_GFb,FourthVidMode ;
; Dc.w PGFFamTbl-PGFTbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dc.w 0 ; No families.
Dcb.b 8,0
Dcb.b SConfigRecSize,sRsrc_Sonora_NeverMatch ; 19" (Not Supported). [B]
PMSB1Tbl Dc.b $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table. [C]
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_MSB1,FourthVidMode ;
Dc.w PMSB1FamTbl-PMSB1Tbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dcb.b 8,0
PMSB2Tbl Dc.b $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table. [D]
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_MSB2,FourthVidMode ;
Dc.w PMSB2FamTbl-PMSB2Tbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dcb.b 8,0
PMSB3Tbl Dc.b $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,0,0 ; Mini-gamma table. [E]
Dc.b sRsrc_Vid_Sonora_MSB2,FourthVidMode ;
Dc.w PMSB2FamTbl-PMSB3Tbl ; Offset to family modes.
Dcb.b 8,0