mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 00:31:04 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
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186 lines
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File: ManagerPriv.h
Contains: Private Interface for Speech Manager Internals
Written by: Tim Schaaff
Copyright: © 1991-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<3> 4/23/93 MC ?
<1> 3/10/93 JDR first checked in
<1> 3/10/93 JDR moved to {IntCIncludes}
<2> 1/26/93 TIM #0,<TIM>: Add Notification Mgr routine to kill idle channels
created by SpeakString.
<7> 11/10/92 TIM Moved FailErr macro to CoolMacros.h
<6> 9/15/92 TIM Added cool Pascal string copy inline.
<5> 8/3/92 TIM Clean up code so JDR doesn't thrash me so much during code
<4> 7/27/92 TIM Add speechMgrVersion to SpeechGlobalsRec definition
<3> 7/23/92 TIM Clean up the file a bit.
<2> 7/17/92 JDR make it a link patch
<1> 7/ 1/92 TIM Added Voice list defines
<0> 11/6/91 TIM first checked in
#ifndef _ManagerPriv_
#define _ManagerPriv_
#include <ExpandMemPriv.h> /* kludge to avoid conflicts in Sound Mgr */
#ifndef __SOUNDPRIVATE__
#include "SoundPrivate.h" /* pick up private defines from SADISM code */
#include <Components.h>
#include <Notification.h>
#include <Speech.h>
#define USE_SYSTEM_HEAP true /* true to allocate channel memory from SysZone, false for ApplZone */
#define TRACE false /* set true to break at every proc entry */
#define DEBUG_PRINTS false /* set true to compile in debug diagnostic calls */
#define TraceMsg(msg) DebugStr("\p"#msg)
#define TraceMsg(msg) ((void)0)
#define MIN(a,b) (((a) <= (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a,b) (((a) >= (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define ABS(a) (((a) < 0) ? -(a) : (a))
#define ShowNum(label, num) if (gSpeechGlobals->flags & kDebug) fprintf(stdout,label,(num))
#ifdef THINK_C
#define ShowPStr(label, pstr) if (gSpeechGlobals->flags & kDebug) fprintf(stdout,label"\"%#s\"", (pstr))
#define ShowPStr(label, pstr) if (gSpeechGlobals->flags & kDebug) fprintf(stdout,label"\"%.*s\"", (pstr)[0], &((pstr)[1]))
#define ShowOSType(label, type) if (gSpeechGlobals->flags & kDebug) fprintf(stdout,label"\'%.4s\'", &(type))
#define ShowStr(label) if (gSpeechGlobals->flags & kDebug) fprintf(stdout,label)
#define ShowCR() if (gSpeechGlobals->flags & kDebug) fprintf(stdout,"\n")
#define ShowNum(label, num) ((void)0)
#define ShowPStr(label, pstr) ((void)0)
#define ShowOSType(label, type) ((void)0)
#define ShowStr(label) ((void)0)
#define ShowCR() ((void)0)
#define ShowNumCR(label, num) {ShowNum(label,num); ShowCR();}
#define ShowPStrCR(label, pstr) {ShowPStr(label, pstr); ShowCR();}
#define ShowOSTypeCR(label, type) {ShowOSType(label, type); ShowCR();}
#define ShowStrCR(label) {ShowStr(label); ShowCR();}
// Speech globals defines
#define speechToolNum 0xC
#ifndef __SOUNDPRIVATE__
#define gSpeechGlobals ((SpeechGlobalsPtr) SndGlobals->unused2)
#define gSpeechGlobals ((SpeechGlobalsPtr) (GetSadismGlobals()->speechGlobals))
enum { /* flag defines for VoiceListRec 'flags' field */
kExtensionVoice = (1 << 0), /* bit set if voice was found in Extension folder */
kSystemVoice = (1 << 1), /* bit set if voice was found in System Folder*/
kApplicationVoice = (1 << 2) /* bit set if voice was found in app resource file chain */
typedef struct VoiceListRec VoiceListRec, *VoiceListPtr, **VoiceListHandle;
struct VoiceListRec {
VoiceListHandle nextVox; /* forward link to next record or nil if end of list */
VoiceSpec vox; /* the voice spec info */
VoiceFileInfo file; /* file spec & resource id for voice */
unsigned short flags; /* some control/info flags that might be useful */
enum { /* flag defines for SpeechChanRec 'flags' field */
kPrivateChan = (1 << 0), /* bit set if SpeechChannel is owned by Speech Mgr (for SpeakString) */
kNMRecInstalled = (1 << 1) /* bit set if Notification Mgr task has been installed on this channel */
typedef struct SpeechChanRec {
struct SpeechChanRec *nextChan; /* link ptr to next active speech chan or NULL if at end of list */
ProcessSerialNumber appPSN; /* application that created the channel */
long A5World; /* latched copy of A5 when channel was first allocated */
struct SpeechChanRec **selfHandle; /* will hold copy of handle to ourself (THIS IS WIERD) */
SpeechChannel theChan; /* the ComponentInstance allocated for this SpeechChannel */
Str255 speakStr; /* a Pascal string used by SpeakString */
unsigned short flags; /* some control/info flags for us to use */
NMRec notifyRec; /* Notification Mgr record for tracking SpeakString channels */
} SpeechChanRec, *SpeechChanRecPtr, **SpeechChanRecHandle;
typedef pascal void (*SADProcPtr)(void); /* for SoundAppDead proc ptr */
enum { /* flag defines for SpeechGlobalsRec */
kDebug = (1 << 0), /* set bit to enable debugging diagnostics */
kSysHeap = (1 << 1) /* set bit to force allocation of VoiceListRecords in System heap */
typedef struct SpeechGlobalsRec {
SpeechChanRecPtr chanQHead; /* head ptr for linked list of active speech channels */
VoiceListHandle voxList; /* list of voices known to Speech Manger */
unsigned long systemModDate; /* Date/time of last modification to System Folder */
long systemVersion; /* System software version number from Gestalt */
unsigned short flags; /* just some bits to play with */
VoiceSpec defaultVoice; /* voice spec for default voice from prefs resource */
long defaultRate; /* Rate for default voice from prefs resource */
long defaultPitch; /* Pitch for default voice from prefs resource */
long speechMgrVersion; /* version value for currently installed Speech Manager */
} SpeechGlobalsRec, *SpeechGlobalsPtr, **SpeechGlobalsHandle;
#ifndef __SOUNDPRIVATE__
// Here's a very cool Pascal string copy inline routine.
#pragma parameter PStringCopy(__A0,__A1)
void PStringCopy(StringPtr source, StringPtr destination) =
{0x7000, 0x1010, 0x12D8, 0x51C8, 0xFFFC};
// moveq #0,d0 ; clear the index register
// move.b (A0),D0 ; get string length
//Loop move.b (A0)+,(A1)+ ; copy bytes, one greater for length byte
// dbra D0,Loop ;
//Private Speech Manager Traps
#define privSetDefaultVoice 'pvox' // Set default voice (SetSpeechDefaults)
#define privSetDefaultPitch 'ppit' // Set default voice (SetSpeechDefaults)
#define privSetDefaultRate 'prat' // Set default voice (SetSpeechDefaults)
pascal OSErr SetSpeechDefaults (OSType selector, void *defaultInfo)
= {0x203C,0x0464,0x000C,0xA800};
pascal OSErr GetSpeechDefaults (OSType selector, void *defaultInfo)
= {0x203C,0x0468,0x000C,0xA800};
pascal OSErr AddSpeechChannelToList (SpeechChannel ch) /* put SpeechChannel into SpeechGlobals channel queue */
= {0x203C,0x026C,0x000C,0xA800};
pascal OSErr ShutDownSpeechManager ( void )
= {0x203C,0x0070,0x000C,0xA800};
pascal OSErr KillIdlePrivateChannels ( Boolean curProcessOnly )
= {0x203C,0x0174,0x000C,0xA800};
pascal OSErr KillProcessChannels ( void )
= {0x203C,0x0078,0x000C,0xA800};
pascal OSErr RegisterVoices (long whereToSearch, VoiceListHandle *voxList) /* finds and registers voices in various places */
= {0x203C,0x047C,0x000C,0xA800};
pascal OSErr UnRegisterVoices (unsigned short whichVoices, VoiceListHandle *voxList)
= {0x203C,0x0480,0x000C,0xA800};
#endif |