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synced 2025-02-08 11:32:26 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
176 lines
3.4 KiB
176 lines
3.4 KiB
Created: Saturday, July 27, 1991 at 6:42 PM
C Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1985-1991
All rights reserved
This file is used in these builds: Mac32 BigBang Sys606
Change History (most recent first):
<SM2> 1/13/94 chp Add lots of useful constants previously missing. The csCodes
need new names since a few differ from function names only in
<7> 7/31/91 JL Updated Copyright.
<6> 1/27/91 LN Checked in Database generate file from DSG.
<5> 11/7/90 JL Changed all #defines to anonymous enums
To Do:
#ifndef __SERIAL__
#define __SERIAL__
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
enum {
baud300 = 380,
baud600 = 189,
baud1200 = 94,
baud1800 = 62,
baud2400 = 46,
baud3600 = 30,
baud4800 = 22,
baud7200 = 14,
baud9600 = 10,
baud19200 = 4,
baud38400 = 1,
baud57600 = 0,
stop10 = 16384,
stop15 = -32768,
stop20 = -16384,
noParity = 0,
oddParity = 4096,
evenParity = 12288,
data5 = 0,
data6 = 2048,
data7 = 1024,
data8 = 3072
enum {
ctsEvent = 32,
breakEvent = 128,
xOffWasSent = 128,
dtrNegated = 64,
ainRefNum = -6, /*serial port A input*/
aoutRefNum = -7, /*serial port A output*/
binRefNum = -8, /*serial port B input*/
boutRefNum = -9, /*serial port B output*/
swOverrunErr = 1, /*serial driver error masks*/
breakErr = 8, /*serial driver error masks*/
parityErr = 16, /*serial driver error masks*/
hwOverrunErr = 32 /*serial driver error masks*/
// csCodes for Control routines
enum {
serReset = 8,
serSetBuf = 9,
serHShake = 10,
serClrBrk = 11,
serSetBrk = 12,
serSetBaud = 13,
serHShakeDTR = 14,
serSetMIDI = 15,
serSetMisc = 16,
serSetDTR = 17,
serClrDTR = 18,
serSetPEChar = 19,
serSetPECharAlt = 20,
serSetXOff = 21,
serClrXOff = 22,
serSendXOnCond = 23,
serSendXOn = 24,
serSendXOffCond = 25,
serSendXOff = 26,
serChanReset = 27,
serSet230KBaud = 'JF',
serSetPollWrite = 'jf',
serSetFlushCount = 'FC'
// csCodes for Status routines
enum {
serGetBuf = 2,
serStatus = 8,
serGetVers = 9,
serGetVersSys = 0x8000
// miscellaneous options for the serSetMisc control function (csCode 16)
enum {
enum {sPortA,sPortB};
typedef unsigned char SPortSel;
struct SerShk {
char fXOn; /*XOn flow control enabled flag*/
char fCTS; /*CTS flow control enabled flag*/
unsigned char xOn; /*XOn character*/
unsigned char xOff; /*XOff character*/
char errs; /*errors mask bits*/
char evts; /*event enable mask bits*/
char fInX; /*Input flow control enabled flag*/
char fDTR; /*DTR input flow control flag*/
typedef struct SerShk SerShk;
struct SerStaRec {
char cumErrs;
char xOffSent;
char rdPend;
char wrPend;
char ctsHold;
char xOffHold;
typedef struct SerStaRec SerStaRec;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
pascal OSErr SerReset(short refNum,short serConfig);
pascal OSErr SerSetBuf(short refNum,Ptr serBPtr,short serBLen);
pascal OSErr SerHShake(short refNum,const SerShk *flags);
pascal OSErr SerSetBrk(short refNum);
pascal OSErr SerClrBrk(short refNum);
pascal OSErr SerGetBuf(short refNum,long *count);
pascal OSErr SerStatus(short refNum,SerStaRec *serSta);
#ifdef __cplusplus