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308 lines
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308 lines
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; File: SystemMenusPatch.a
; Contains: patches to the Menu Manager to support system menus
; Written by: Kevin S. MacDonell
; Copyright: © 1990, 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <11> 1/20/92 PN Roll in patches into MenuMgr.a
; <10> 10/8/90 dba make simpler Munger call in GetMenuBar to shrink the code a bit;
; also fix potential bug where high word was not cleared
; <9> 9/6/90 KSM System Menus are installed ONLY if (and whent) you install an
; Apple Menu. Get/SetMenuBar remove and insert System Menus,
; respectively. Insert patch calls _IsSystemMenu for consistency.
; <8> 7/10/90 KSM Roll out Help Mgr setup code.
; <7> 7/9/90 KSM Roll in HelpMgr menu setup code. Bug fix in system menu
; insertion code. Use new system menu range checking.
; <6> 6/8/90 KSM Move equates to MenuMgrPriv.a and include here.
; <5> 4/29/90 KSM Remove debug messages.
; <4> 4/29/90 KSM Update the utilities.
; <3> 4/17/90 KSM Commented out GetMenuBar Patch (*** need to just nuke this at
; some point!)
; <2> 4/10/90 KSM Update GetMenuBar patch.
; <1> 4/9/90 dba integrated with the new MBDF; checked in for the first time
; 4/6/90 KSM New today.
load 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'LinkedPatchMacros.a'
include 'MenuMgrPriv.a'
_DMSG &msg
if &msg = '' then
PEA @dbgStrBase
BRA.S @overstring
DC.B &msg
; InitSystemMenuList Ñ Clear out system menu list global.
InitSystemMenuList InstallProc (Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
MOVE.L SystemMenuList, A0 ; Dump the switcherTpr table
MOVEQ #InitMListSize, D0 ; Get size of menuList
_NewHandle ,SYS,CLEAR ; Allocate it in system heap
MOVE.L A0, SystemMenuList ; Save off the new handle
; GetMenuBarDoesNotReturnSystemMenus Ñ do not return system menus in the returned menu list
GetMenuBarDoesNotReturnSystemMenus PatchProc _GetMenuBar,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
IMPORT FindFirstSystemMenu6BO
jsr FindFirstSystemMenu6BO ; Are there any system menus?
beqOLD ; EQ means no system menus, do the original thing
MOVE.L d3,-(SP) ; Save off a work register
MOVE.W D0,D3 ; Save off index
SUBQ.L #4,SP ; Make room for result
jsrOLD ; Call thru
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; Get copy of menulist
MOVE.L A0,8(SP) ; Return as result
BEQ.S @done ; EQ means no menulist or memfull
; Munger(menuH, d3, NIL, d1, POINTER(-1), 0);
MOVE.L (A0),A1 ; Get copymenulist ptr
moveq #0,d1 ; clear out high word <10>
MOVE.W lastMenu(A1),D1 ; Offset to last menu (could be zero but weÕve chkd that)
ADDQ.W #6,D1 ; Offset past last menu entry
SUB.W d3,D1 ; D1 = Offset to last menu - Offset to 1st sysmenu
; (i.e., # bytes for system menus)
SUB.W D1,lastMenu(A1) ; Set new count for the list
SUBQ.L #4,SP ; Make room for Munger result
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; Push the handle
MOVE.L d3,-(SP) ; offset=first system menu offset
CLR.L -(SP) ; ptr1=NIL <10>
MOVE.L D1,-(SP) ; len1=# of bytes to delete
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; ptr2=anything non-nil will do
CLR.L -(SP) ; len2=0 means delete
_Munger ; Rip out system menus
ADDQ.L #4,SP ; ignore Munger result
MOVE.L (SP)+,d3 ; Restore work register
; SetMenuBarAddsSystemMenus Ñ SetMenuBar should add the system menus to the current menu list
SetMenuBarAddsSystemMenus PatchProc _SetMenuBar,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
MOVE.L 4(SP),-(SP) ; Copy params
jsrOLD ; Call old one, but come back here
MOVE.L MenuList,D0 ; Get result
BEQ.S @done ; EQ means no menulist or memfull
; Call the MBDF to put in the system menus
MOVEQ #2,D0 ; set up for the menu-edge-calc msg
CLR.L D1 ; calc entire bar
jsr CallMBarProc
MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ; Eat param (handle)
; PatchInsertMenu
; When this patch sees a system menu (-16385 thru -32768), it adds it to the system menu bar.
; If the system menu bar doen't exist, this patch creates it.
; If the menu is not a system menu, ensure that the beforeID is modified so that the
; menu is inserted before the system menu partition.
PatchInsertMenu PatchProc _InsertMenu,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
EXPORT FindFirstSystemMenu6BO
InsertStack RECORD {base},DECR
ParamBegin: EQU * ; start parameters after this point
menuHdl DS.L 1
beforeID DS.W 1
ParamSize: EQU ParamBegin-*
retAddr DS.L 1
base DS.W 0
LocalSize: EQU *
WITH InsertStack
CMP.W #$FFFF, beforeID(SP) ; beforeID = -1 ==> H Menu
; If a system menu is being inserted, put it into the System Menu Bar
MOVE.L menuHdl(SP), A0 ; Get the MenuHandle
MOVE.L (A0), A0 ; dereference
SUBQ.L #4,SP ; Make Room for result & VAR
MOVE.W menuID(A0),-(SP) ; Push the menuID
PEA 4(SP) ; Point to VAR
_IsSystemMenu ; Do it the standard way
ADDQ.L #2,SP ; Eat the result
TST.B (SP)+ ; Is it a system menu?
BNE.S @DoSystemMenu ; EQ means it is a system menu
; Menu for main list, be sure it is inserted before all the system menus
BSR FindFirstSystemMenu6BO ; Find the system menu partition
beqOld ; Do old stuff if no system menus
MOVE.W D0, D1 ; Save off 6BO of 1st system menu
MOVE.W beforeID(SP), D0 ; Get the beforeID
BEQ.S @forceBeforeSys ; branch if zero
BSR Find6BOFromID ; Find its offset
BEQ.S @forceBeforeSys ; branch if the beforeID not in list
CMP.W D1, D0 ; Is it after the system partition?
bleOld ; No, do as caller wanted
MOVE.W D0, D1 ; It is after the system partition
@forceBeforeSys ; the beforeID must be changed to before the 1st system menu
MOVE.L MenuList, A0 ; get the menulist
MOVE.L (A0), A0 ; deref
MOVE.L menuOH(A0,D1.W), A0 ; get the menuhandle to insert before
MOVE.L (A0), A0 ; deref
MOVE.W menuID(A0), beforeID(SP) ; Make beforeID be 1st system menu
braOld ; Now go do it
; If menuID already exists in system menulist, we're done!
MOVE.L MenuList, A1 ; Save Menulist
MOVE.L SystemMenuList, MenuList ; Store system as menulist
BSR Find6BOFromID ; Is this menuID already in the list?
MOVE.L A1, MenuList ; Restore Menulist
TST.W D0 ; Was the menuID found?
BNE.S @Done ; Don't double insert it, done.
; Swap the two menu lists so this menu inserts into the system menu
MOVE.W beforeID(SP), D0 ; Get the beforeID
BEQ.S @AddAtEnd ; Yes, branch
MOVE.L MenuList, A1 ; Save Menulist
MOVE.L SystemMenuList, MenuList ; Store system as menulist
BSR.S Find6BOFromID ; Look up the beforeID
MOVE.L A1, MenuList ; Restore Menulist
TST.W D0 ; Was the menuID found?
BNE.S @DoTheAdd
MOVE.L SystemMenuList, A0 ; Get system menulist
MOVE.L (A0), A0 ; deref
MOVE.W lastMenu(A0), D0 ; Get last menu
ADDQ.W #6, D0 ; Insert "before" the end
SUBQ.L #4, SP ; Make room for result
MOVE.L SystemMenuList, -(SP) ; handle
MOVE.W D0, -(SP) ; Move the offset
CLR.W -(SP) ; as a long with high cleared
CLR.L -(SP) ; ptr1 = 0
CLR.L -(SP) ; len1 = 0
PEA 6+20(SP) ; ptr2 = menuhandle parameter
MOVEQ.L #6, D0
MOVE.L D0, -(SP) ; len2 = 6
_Munger ; Munge away! Left coord will be junk.
ADDQ.L #4, SP ; Dump result
; Remember to update the lastMenu field
MOVE.L SystemMenuList, A0 ; Get system menulist
MOVE.L (A0), A0 ; handle -> ptr
ADDQ.W #6, lastMenu(A0) ; Bump the count
MOVE.L (SP)+, A0 ; Get the return address
ADDQ.L #ParamSize, SP ; Cut back the parameters
JMP (A0)
; Utility -- FindFirstSystemMenu6BO
; Returns the 6B0 of the 1st system menu found in the menulist in D0 (conditions set).
; Returns zero if no system menus are in the current menu bar.
; All registers (except D0 of course) are preserved.
; NOTE: We walk from last menu -> first since there usually are fewer system menus
; and they are at the end of the menu list
MOVEM.L FFSMSaveReg, -(SP) ; Save our regs
MOVE.L MenuList, A0 ; Get the current menulist
MOVE.L (A0), A0 ; dereference
MOVEQ #0, D0 ; Clear high word
MOVE.W lastMenu(A0), D0 ; Get the last menu offset
BEQ.S @done ; If there are none, done
MOVE.L menuOH(A0,D0.w), A1 ; Get the menu handle
MOVE.L (A1), A1 ; dereference
CMP.W #-16384, menuID(A1) ; IF menuID >= -16384 THEN
BGE.S @pastSysMenus ; GOTO pastSysMenus
SUBQ #6, D0 ; point to the next one in the menulist
BNE.S @nextMenu ; and continue
; Falling out of loop, D0=0 and 1st is system menu
ADDQ #6, D0 ; Bump D0 to point to next entry
BRA.S @done ; And weÕre outa here
CMP.W lastMenu(A0), D0 ; were there any system menus at all?
BLT.S @bumpAndExit ; D0 moved, so we found at least 1 system menu
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; Show that there is no partition
MOVEM.L (SP)+, FFSMSaveReg ; Restore our regs
; Utility -- Find6BOFromID
; Find and return six byte offset of menuID in D0.
; Returns in D0 the 6B0 in D0 (with condition codes set) or zero if not found.
; All registers (except D0 of course) are preserved.
F6B0SaveReg REG D1/A0/A1
MOVEM.L F6B0SaveReg, -(SP) ; Save our regs
MOVE.L MenuList, A0 ; Get the current menulist
MOVE.L (A0), A0 ; dereference
MOVE.W D0, D1 ; Save the item weÕre looking for
MOVEQ #0, D0 ; Clear high word
MOVE.W lastMenu(A0), D0 ; Get the last menu offset
BEQ.S @done ; If there are none, done
MOVE.L menuOH(A0,D0.w), A1 ; Get the menu handle
MOVE.L (A1), A1 ; dereference
CMP.W menuID(A1), D1 ; Is this the one?
BEQ.S @foundIt ; Branch if it is.
SUBQ #6, D0 ; point to the next one in the menulist
BNE.S @nextMenu ; If more menus, branch...
TST.W D0 ; Return the 6B0 as promised (w/cond. codes)
MOVEM.L (SP)+, F6B0SaveReg ; Restore our regs