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synced 2025-03-13 00:31:04 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
632 lines
27 KiB
632 lines
27 KiB
; File: RomanITL2.a
; Contains: Pack 6 sorting hooks, character type and conversion tables, and word break
; tables (all for US Roman).
; Written by: MED Mark Davis
; JDT Joe Ternasky
; ldc Lee Collins
; PKE Peter Edberg
; SMB Sue Bartalo
; Copyright: © 1986-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <15> 11/17/92 PKE Change includes so that we can give this file out to localizers.
; Move SetClass, DumpCharTable, setByte, and SetRow macros to new
; IntlResourcesPriv.a.
; <14> 6/17/92 HA #1020127,<PKE>: Changed "¢" to be mapped to a postNum class
; instead of preNum, in class mapping table of FindWord (wrTable).
; So clicking on a run of numbers followed by ¢ will select the
; whole as one word.
; <13> 4/14/92 JSM Get rid of all SysVers conditionals.
; <12> 3/3/92 PKE #1021909, CubeE: Fix error in word select tables for non-break
; space handling.
; <11> 1/10/91 PKE (csd) Adapt to change in ScriptEqu.a: change ÒringÓ to
; ÒringMarkÓ.
; <10> 12/10/90 PKE (VL) Change word break tables to fix old bug in which a
; non-breaking space glues whitespace to anything else. Now it
; only glues it to other whitespace.
; <9> 9/17/90 PKE Use formerly-reserved field in version 7 wordTable and wrapTable
; headers to store length of those tables; makes the tables ever
; so much nicer to DeRez. Touched up previous comment.
; <8> 9/17/90 SMB (PKE) Use formerly-reserved field in resource header for format
; code. A value >= 1 indicates that the length fields, etc. are
; present.
; <7> 5/29/90 DDG NEEDED FOR SIXPACK: Changed all the sixpack conditionals from
; six-point-oh-seven to six-point-oh-six.
; <5> 3/26/90 PKE Changed to also include 7.0 header extensions if
; romanDoSimpleScripts is true (which is now the case for 6.0.6).
; <4> 3/21/90 SMB Adding FindScriptTable to itl2 in a previously reserved space
; (by simply adding a comment!).
; <3> 3/2/90 PKE Changed word select definition in 7.0 to include letter-number
; as well as number-letter (already changed for 6.x).
; <2> 2/1/90 PKE NEEDED FOR 6.0.5: Change word select definition in 6.x to
; include letter-number as well as number-letter. Makes word
; select in TextEdit 3.0 act more like old TextEdit. This partly
; addresses BRC #58143. ALSO: Updated header to BBS format.
; <1> 12/18/89 CCH Adding for the first time into BBS. Changed include 'inc.sum.a'
; to load 'StandardEqu.d'. Updated file name references.
; (BBS versions above, EASE versions below)
; <2.3> 9/19/89 PKE Add length fields to header, fill in wordTableLen and
; wrapTableLen. Rearranged headers for 7.0 break tables to match
; new interfaces.
; <2.2> 9/5/89 PKE Now always use new-format FindWord tables for 7.0; other changes
; solved the problem that led to the silly forNFindWord
; conditional.
; <2.1> 9/4/89 PKE Add new-format FindWord tables for 7.0, but conditionalize them
; on forNFindWord, since will only be using them for testing at
; the moment.
; <2.0> 8/26/89 PKE Deleted load 'nEqu.d'. Changed references to newItl2Tables
; symbol to use SysVers instead, deleted newItl2Tables symbol.
; <1.9> 5/30/89 PKE Remove support in 6.0.4 for double-acute accent.
; <1.8> 4/12/89 PKE Added version number; fixed DumpCharTable macro for &index=0.
; <1.7> 3/29/89 PKE Add NoMarkList to SetClass & DumpCharTable macros; replace
; LowerNoMarkList table with NoMarkList table in itl2. LwrString
; can only use 4 out of the 5 possible conversions we might want,
; and the LowerNoMark conversion is the least useful.
; <1.6> 3/13/89 PKE Changed back to old order of offsets to tables (would have
; caused too many problems with existing prototypes).
; <1.5> 3/12/89 PKE Added LowerNoMarkList table; changed SetClass and DumpCharTable
; macros to accomodate this and to set UpperNoMarkList and
; LowerNoMarkList table values for all characters; supplied the
; additional data for the SetClass macro calls; fixed handling of
; ¯ & ¿ (when stripping diacritics, they now go to O & o). Changed
; order of offsets to CharType/Transliterate/FindWord tables.
; <1.4> 3/10/89 PKE Add Þ,ß to CharType/Transliterate tables
; <1.3> 3/5/89 PKE Conditionalized table changes that support character set
; extensions in Sys $604 and up; added German '§' support as part
; of these changes.
; <1.2> 2/21/89 PKE Extended to include CharType/Transliterate/FindWord tables from
; itlR. Fixed a problem introduced by use of new MPW equates: the
; itl2 offset equates defined in ScriptEqu.a replace the address
; offsets in this file, so change the offsets here to itl2XXXX.
; <1.1> 2/14/89 PKE Updated to use MPW 3.0 final ScriptEqu.a equate names
; <1.0> 11/16/88 CCH Added to EASE.
; (itlr history below, before it was merged in here)
; 10/18/88 ldc Moved word break and word wrap tables from RomanUtil.a
; 9/23/88 ldc changed lower casing rule for dotless i, added UpperNoMarkList
; for lower to upper casing without diacritics
; 7/12/88 ldc Added extensions of Macintosh character set
; 6/14/88 ldc Broke out from RomanUtil.a
; (old itl2 history below)
; 11/20/86 jdt Removed standard equates load. Renamed this file to prevent file
; name collisions.
; 9/18/86 JDT Roman package hooks are now also used by a switch-launched
; international system. And loving it.
; 8/28/86 JDT Mercilessly axed for the Roman script hook routines. The Roman
; package hooks do absolutely nothing. And they enjoy it.
; 8/27/86 MED Fixed extension bar.
; 8/24/86 MED Broke out from Intl, using $$Resource.
; new includes <15>
include 'Script.a'
include 'IntlResourcesPriv.a'
; old includes:
;; load 'StandardEqu.d'
;; include 'ScriptPriv.a'
string asis
dc.w itl2InitHook - HookDispatch ; (0) initHook
dc.w itl2FetchHook - HookDispatch ; (2) fetchHook
dc.w itl2VernierHook - HookDispatch ; (4) vernierHook
dc.w itl2ProjectHook - HookDispatch ; (6) projectHook
dc.w -1 ; (8) flag for new tables
dc.w itl2Rsvd2Hook - HookDispatch ; (10) exitHook (in ScriptEqu.a)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Additional offsets for CharType/Transliterate/FindWord tables
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dc.w TypeList - HookDispatch ; (12)
dc.w ClassArray - HookDispatch ; (14)
dc.w UpperList - HookDispatch ; (16)
dc.w LowerList - HookDispatch ; (18)
dc.w UpperNoMarkList - HookDispatch ; (20)
dc.w WordTable - HookDispatch ; (22)
dc.w WrapTable - HookDispatch ; (24)
dc.w NoMarkList - HookDispatch ; (26) <change to NoMarkList <03/29/89 pke>
dc.w $200 ; (28) version number <04/12/89 pke>
dc.w 1 ; (30) format #: 1 => header extensions exist <8>
dc.w 0 ; (32) reserved for initHookLen
dc.w 0 ; (34) reserved for fetchHookLen
dc.w 0 ; (36) reserved for vernierHookLen
dc.w 0 ; (38) reserved for projectHookLen
dc.w 0 ; (40) reserved
dc.w 0 ; (42) reserved for exitHookLen
dc.w 0 ; (44) reserved for typeListLen
dc.w 0 ; (46) reserved for classArrayLen
dc.w 0 ; (48) reserved for upperListLen
dc.w 0 ; (50) reserved for lowerListLen
dc.w 0 ; (52) reserved for upperNoMarkListLen
dc.w WordTableEnd - WordTable ; (54) wordTableLen
dc.w WrapTableEnd - WrapTable ; (56) wrapTableLen
dc.w 0 ; (58) reserved for noMarkListLen
dc.w 0 ; (60) reserved for FindScriptTableOffset <4>
dc.w 0 ; (62) reserved for FindScriptTableLen <4>
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Routine: InitHook
; Input: x(a6) Local frame variables.
; Output: none.
; Warning: Follows Pascal register conventions.
; Initialize any special stuff for the international hooks.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rts ; return to the caller.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Routine: FetchHook
; Input: a2.l String Data Structure.
; a3.l String pointer (one past fetched character).
; d5.b 1 if string is empty, otherwise 0.
; d4.w Top byte is fetched character.
; Output: d4.w Top byte set to character, bottom to extension.
; d5.B 1 if string is empty, otherwise 0.
; Warning: Follows Pascal register conventions.
; Adds an extension byte to the character if necessary. This is used for
; double byte characters or in preparation for projection of two characters
; into one.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rts ; return to the caller.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Routine: VernierHook
; Input: d4.b High byte of character.
; d5.b Low byte of character.
; Output: d4.b High byte of character.
; d5.b Low byte of character.
; cc NE if we should skip standard Vernier.
; Warning: Follows Pascal register conventions.
; Modifies the character in either d4 or d5 to establish the relationship
; between two characters that are weakly equal.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
move.l #0,d0 ; use standard Vernier.
rts ; return to the caller.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Routine: ProjectHook
; Input: a2.l String data structure.
; d4.w Top byte set to character, bottom to extension.
; Output: d4.w Projected character.
; cc NE to skip normal Vernier.
; Warning: Follows Pascal register conventions.
; Combines a character and its extension into a single character.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
move.l #0,d0 ; use standard Vernier.
rts ; return to the caller.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Routine: Rsvd2Hook
; Input: none.
; Output: none.
; Warning: Follows Pascal register conventions.
; Mark has not decided what this hook does yet.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rts ; return to the caller.
; SetClass & DumpCharTable macros moved to IntlResourcesPriv.a <15>
; ==========================================================================================
; The first element of each row is the type byte. Format is as follows:
; bits 0-3: char type; 0=punct, 1=ASCII, 7=European, 8=bidirect
; if bidirect script
; bits 4-5: sub-type (for punct); 0=normal, 1=number, 2=symbol, 3=blank
; bit 6 (mask $40): 1=> right-left character
; else
; bits 4-6: sub-type (for punct); 0=normal, 1=number, 2=symbol, 3=blank
; bit 7 (mask $80): 1 => uppercase
; type, case+strip delta, case delta, strip delta, list...
lastClass: set 0
SetClass $20,0,0,0,(0,255) ; default: punct,symbol
SetClass $30,0,0,0,$00,$09,$0D,$20 ; spaces: punct,blank
SetClass $00,0,0,0, '!', '"', '''', '(' ,')', ',', '-', '.', '/', ':', ';', '?', \
'[', ']', '{', '}', 'Ç', 'È', 'É', 'Ñ', 'Ò', 'Ó', 'Ô', 'Õ' \
; punct,normal
SetClass $10,0,0,0,('0','9') ; punct,number
SetClass $81,'a','a','A',('A','Z') ; upper letter
SetClass $01,'A','A','a',('a','z') ; lower letter
SetClass $07,0,0,0,('€','Ÿ'),'Ø' ; default European
; removed diacritics from the case+strip delta in lower-case chars below <03/12/89 pke>
SetClass $87,'a','Š','A','€'
SetClass $87,'a','Œ','A','<27>'
SetClass $87,'c','<27>','C','‚'
SetClass $87,'e','Ž','E','ƒ'
SetClass $87,'n','–','N','„'
SetClass $87,'o','š','O','…'
SetClass $87,'u','Ÿ','U','†'
SetClass $87,'¾','¾','®','®'
SetClass $87,'o','¿','O','¯' ; separated for special handling <03/12/89 pke>
SetClass $87,'Ï','Ï','Î','Î'
SetClass $87,'a','ˆ','A','Ë'
SetClass $87,'a','‹','A','Ì'
SetClass $87,'o','›','O','Í'
SetClass $07,'A','€','a','Š'
SetClass $07,'A','<27>','a','Œ'
SetClass $07,'C','‚','c','<27>'
SetClass $07,'E','ƒ','e','Ž'
SetClass $07,'N','„','n','–'
SetClass $07,'O','…','o','š'
SetClass $07,'U','†','u','Ÿ'
SetClass $07,'®','®','¾','¾'
SetClass $07,'O','¯','o','¿' ; separated for special handling <03/12/89 pke>
SetClass $07,'Î','Î','Ï','Ï'
SetClass $07,'A','Ë','a','ˆ'
SetClass $07,'A','Ì','a','‹'
SetClass $07,'O','Í','o','›'
;<7/12/88ldc> extensions to Macintosh character set
SetClass $87,'y','Ø','Y',diaeresisUprY ; Ù
SetClass $87,'a','‰','A',circumflexUprA ; å
SetClass $87,'e','<27>','E',circumflexUprE ; æ
SetClass $87,'a','‡','A',acuteUprA ; ç
SetClass $87,'e','‘','E',diaeresisUprE ; è
SetClass $87,'e','<27>','E',graveUprE ; é
SetClass $87,'i','’','I',acuteUprI ; ê
SetClass $87,'i','”','I',circumflexUprI ; ë
SetClass $87,'i','•','I',diaeresisUprI ; ì
SetClass $87,'i','“','I',graveUprI ; í
SetClass $87,'o','—','O',acuteUprO ; î
SetClass $87,'o','™','O',circumflexUprO ; ï
SetClass $87,'o','˜','O',graveUprO ; ñ
SetClass $87,'u','œ','U',acuteUprU ; ò
SetClass $87,'u','ž','U',circumflexUprU ; ó
SetClass $87,'u','<27>','U',graveUprU ; ô
;<7/12/88ldc> more extensions
SetClass $07,'Y',diaeresisUprY, 'y','Ø'
SetClass $07,'A',circumflexUprA, 'a','‰'
SetClass $07,'E',circumflexUprE, 'e','<27>'
SetClass $07,'A',acuteUprA, 'a','‡'
SetClass $07,'E',diaeresisUprE, 'e','‘'
SetClass $07,'E',graveUprE, 'e','<27>'
SetClass $07,'I',acuteUprI, 'i','’'
SetClass $07,'I',circumflexUprI, 'i','”'
SetClass $07,'I',diaeresisUprI, 'i','•'
SetClass $07,'I',graveUprI, 'i','“'
SetClass $07,'O',acuteUprO, 'o','—'
SetClass $07,'O',circumflexUprO, 'o','™'
SetClass $07,'O',graveUprO, 'o','˜'
SetClass $07,'U',acuteUprU, 'u','œ'
SetClass $07,'U',circumflexUprU, 'u','ž'
SetClass $07,'U',graveUprU, 'u','<27>'
SetClass $07,'I','I', 'i',dotlessLwrI
SetClass $07,'§','§','§','§' ; <03/05/89 pke>
; Note: the following are not specifically European, but they're not ASCII either.
; Sigh. Call them European for now.
SetClass $07,'Þ','Þ','Þ','Þ' ; <03/10/89 pke>
SetClass $07,'ß','ß','ß','ß' ; <03/10/89 pke>
DumpCharTable 0
DumpCharTable 1
DumpCharTable 2
DumpCharTable 3
DumpCharTable 4
DumpCharTable 5 ; make this 5 now, since there is no LowerNoMarkList <15>
; ****************************************************************************
; ****************************************************************************
; SetByte & SetRow macros moved to IntlResourcesPriv.a <15>
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; There are two sets of tables here, one for word select and one for word wrap.
; FindWord needs a pointer to the appropriate table, or 0 or -1 to select the
; default select or wrap tables.
; Each set of tables begins with a 256-byte array which assigns a character
; type to each code in the Macintosh. This is followed by a table of tuples
; indicating which character combinations should not be split; this table
; begins with a length word.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ****************************************************************************
; ****************************************************************************
; Class definitions.
; Values must be assigned sequentially, beginning at 0 (which must be the
; break class). NumClass must be set to the number of classes.
WordClass record 0
break ds.b 1 ; always breaks (must be present as first item)
nonbreak ds.b 1 ; non-breaking space.
letter ds.b 1 ; letters.
number ds.b 1 ; digits.
midLetter ds.b 1 ; a'a.
midLetNum ds.b 1 ; a'a 1'1.
preNum ds.b 1 ; $, etc.
postNum ds.b 1 ; %, etc.
midNum ds.b 1 ; 1,1.
preMidNum ds.b 1 ; .1234.
blank ds.b 1 ; spaces and tabs.
cr ds.b 1 ; add carriage return <7/31/87med>
;wild ds.b 1 ; anything goes.
NumClass set *
; Main index (rearranged <1.8>)
align 2
dc.b $80 ; Flags1 (must be negative to indicate new format)
dc.b 0 ; Flags2 (if non-zero, there may be 2-byte chars)
dc.w 0 ; Version
dc.w wdClassTable - WordTable
dc.w wdAuxCTable - WordTable
dc.w wdBackwdTable - WordTable
dc.w wdForwdTable - WordTable
dc.w 6 ; doBackupOffset (if offset < this, go forward from
; beginning instead of backing up)
dc.w WordTableEnd - WordTable ; length <1.8><9>
; Base class table
; The ClassTable is 256 bytes of character types, as defined above. It is
; indexed by the character's ascii code.
With WordClass
dcb.b 256,break
setByte wdClassTable,nonBreak,$ca
setByte wdClassTable,letter,('A','Z'),('a','z'),('€','Ÿ') ; fixed € bug <6/6/88med>
setByte wdClassTable,letter,'®','¯','¾','¿',('Ë','Ï'),'Ø'
setByte wdClassTable,letter,diaeresisUprY ; <7/18/88ldc>
setByte wdClassTable,letter,fiLigature,flLigature ; <7/18/88ldc>
setByte wdClassTable,letter,(circumflexUprA,circumflexUprO) ; <7/18/88ldc>
setByte wdClassTable,letter,(graveUprO,dotlessLwrI) ; <7/18/88ldc>
setByte wdClassTable,letter,'§' ; <03/05/89 pke>
setByte wdClassTable,letter,(circumflex, ringMark) ; <7/18/88ldc><11>
setByte wdClassTable,letter,(cedilla, hachek) ; <7/18/88ldc>
setByte wdClassTable,midLetter,'-'
setByte wdClassTable,midLetNum,$27,'Õ'
setByte wdClassTable,number,('0','9')
setByte wdClassTable,preNum,'$','£','´',intlCurrency ; <7/18/88ldc> <14>
setByte wdClassTable,postNum,'%','¢', perThousand ; <7/18/88ldc> <14>
setByte wdClassTable,midNum,',',fraction ; <7/18/88ldc>
setByte wdClassTable,preMidNum,'.'
; setByte wdClassTable,blank,' ',$09,$0D
setByte wdClassTable,blank,$00,' ',$09 ; removed cr, added null <7/31/87med>
setByte wdClassTable,cr,$0d ; cr only on end of white-space <7/31/87med>
; Auxiliary class tables index
align 2
dc.w WordClass.break ; not used for roman
; Transition table index for backward processing
align 2
NState set 12 ; Highest-numbered state <10>
NClass set WordClass.NumClass
dcb.w NState+1, 0 ; Add 1 for exit state (0)
; Transition table for backward processing
; NOTE: in following table, first row must be all non-zero values with '*'
; brk nBr let num mLe mLN prN poN mNu pMN blk cr
SetRow wdBackwdTable,1, *6, *9, *2, *3, *4, *5, *6, *7, *7, *5, *8, *8 ; <10>
SetRow wdBackwdTable,2, 0,*10, *2, *3, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0 ; <10>
SetRow wdBackwdTable,3, 0,*10, *2, *3, 0, 7, *6, 0, 7, *7, 0, 0 ; <3><10><12> use *6 for prN
SetRow wdBackwdTable,4, 0,*10, *2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; <10>
SetRow wdBackwdTable,5, 0,*10, *2, *3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; <10>
SetRow wdBackwdTable,6, 0,*10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; <10>
SetRow wdBackwdTable,7, 0,*10, 0, *3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; <10>
SetRow wdBackwdTable,8, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, *8, *0 ; <10>
SetRow wdBackwdTable,9, *6, *9, *2, *3, *4, *5, *6, *7, *7, *5, *8, 0 ; <10>
SetRow wdBackwdTable,10, *6,*10, *2, *3, *4, *5, *6, *7, *7, *5, 0, 0 ; <10>
; Transition table index for forward processing
align 2
NState set 11 ; Highest-numbered state <10>
NClass set WordClass.NumClass
dcb.w NState+1, 0 ; Add 1 for exit state (0)
; Transition table for forward processing
; NOTE: in following table, first row must be all non-zero values with '*'
; brk nBr let num mLe mLN prN poN mNu pMN blk cr
SetRow wdForwdTable,1, *4, *1, *2, *3, *4, *4, *5, *4, *4, *5, *6,*10 ; <10>
SetRow wdForwdTable,2, *0, *8, *2, *3, *7, *7, *0, *0, *0, *7, *0, *0 ; <3>
SetRow wdForwdTable,3, *0, *8, *2, *3, *0, *9, *0, *4, *9, *9, *0, *0
SetRow wdForwdTable,4, *0, *8, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0
SetRow wdForwdTable,5, *0, *8, *0, *3, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0
SetRow wdForwdTable,6, *0,*11, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *6,*10 ; <10>
SetRow wdForwdTable,7, 0, 0, *2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
SetRow wdForwdTable,8, *4, *8, *2, *3, *4, *4, *5, *4, *4, *5, *0, *0 ; <10>
SetRow wdForwdTable,9, 0, 0, 0, *3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
SetRow wdForwdTable,10, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0 ; <10>
SetRow wdForwdTable,11, 0, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, *6,*10 ; <10>
WordTableEnd ; <2.3>
; ****************************************************************************
; ****************************************************************************
; Class definitions.
; Values must be assigned sequentially, beginning at 0 (which must be the
; break class). NumClass must be set to the number of classes.
WrapClass record 0
break ds.b 1 ; always breaks (must be present as first item)
nonBreak ds.b 1 ; non-breaking space.
blank ds.b 1 ; spaces and tabs.
cr ds.b 1 ; add carriage return <7/31/87med>
nonBlank ds.b 1 ; most everything else.
op ds.b 1 ; hyphen, plus, etc.
;wild ds.b 1 ; constant! anything goes.
NumClass set *
; Main index (rearranged <1.8>)
align 2
dc.b $80 ; Flags1 (must be negative to indicate new format)
dc.b 0 ; Flags2 (if non-zero, there may be 2-byte chars)
dc.w 0 ; Version
dc.w wrClassTable - WrapTable
dc.w wrAuxCTable - WrapTable
dc.w wrBackwdTable - WrapTable
dc.w wrForwdTable - WrapTable
dc.w 6 ; doBackupOffset (if offset < this, go forward from
; beginning instead of backing up)
dc.w WrapTableEnd - WrapTable ; reserved <1.8><9>
; Base class table
; The ClassTable is 256 bytes of character types, as defined above. It is
; indexed by the character's ascii code.
With WrapClass
dcb.b 256,nonBlank
setByte wrClassTable,nonBreak,$ca
; setByte wrClassTable,blank,' ',$09,$0D
setByte wrClassTable,blank,$00,' ',$09 ; removed cr, added null <7/31/87med>
setByte wrClassTable,cr,$0d ; cr only on end of white-space <7/31/87med>
setByte wrClassTable,op,'-','Ð','Ñ','+','±','*','/','Ö'
setByte wrClassTable,op,'=','','Å','>','<','²','³'
setByte wrClassTable,op,$26,'|','^','\'
; Auxiliary class tables index
align 2
dc.w WrapClass.break ; not used for roman
; Transition table index for backward processing
align 2
NState set 6 ; <10>
NClass set WrapClass.NumClass
dcb.w NState+1, 0 ; Add 1 for exit state (0)
; Transition table for backward processing
; NOTE: in following table, first row must be all non-zero values with '*'
; brk nBr bl cr nBl op
SetRow wrBackwdTable,1, *4, *5, *2, *2, *3, *3 ; <10>
SetRow wrBackwdTable,2, 0, 2, *2, *0, 0, 0 ; <10>
SetRow wrBackwdTable,3, 0, *6, 0, 0, *3, 0 ; <10>
SetRow wrBackwdTable,4, 0, *6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; <10>
SetRow wrBackwdTable,5, *4, *5, *2, 0, *3, *3 ; <10>
SetRow wrBackwdTable,6, *4, *6, 0, 0, *3, *3 ; <10>
; Transition table index for forward processing
align 2
NState set 7 ; <10>
NClass set WrapClass.NumClass
dcb.w NState+1, 0 ; Add 1 for exit state (0)
; Transition table for forward processing
; NOTE: in following table, first row must be all non-zero values with '*'
; brk nBr bl cr nBl op
SetRow wrForwdTable,1, *4, *1, *2, *6, *3, *4 ; <10>
SetRow wrForwdTable,2, *0, *7, *2, *6, *0, *0 ; <10>
SetRow wrForwdTable,3, *0, *5, *0, *0, *3, *4
SetRow wrForwdTable,4, *0, *5, *0, *0, *0, *0
SetRow wrForwdTable,5, *4, *5, *0, *0, *3, *4
SetRow wrForwdTable,6, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0, *0 ; <10>
SetRow wrForwdTable,7, 0, 7, *2, *6, 0, 0 ; <10>
WrapTableEnd ; <2.3>