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synced 2025-03-13 00:31:04 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
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; File: ScriptMgrExtensions.a
; Contains: Extensions to the Script Manager that were formerly in ScriptMgrExtTail.a.
; Written by: FM Fred Monroe
; JSM Jeff Miller
; PKE Peter Edberg
; HA Hani Abdelazim
; Copyright: © 1992-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM8> 5/21/93 CSS Update fixes from Reality per P. Edberg's review:
; <12> 4/2/93 ngk Fix bug with gestalt routine. It was returning a long instead of
; a short. This is bad with Pascal calling conventions.
; <SM7> 11/19/92 RB When looking for the standard Chicago font, look in ROM first.
; <SM6> 11/6/92 SWC Changed PackMacs.a->Packages.a.
; <SM5> 10/27/92 CSS Changed short branch to word branch.
; <10> 7/6/92 HA ##1034403 <PKE>: Fixed bug in StyledLineBreak, now I made sure
; to return the correct offset when the (text buffer ends with a
; carriage return) AND (textStart parameter is > 0 ) AND the whole
; text fits in the line pixel width) .
; <9> 6/22/92 PKE #1032408 <amw>: <+ csd>: Move check for presence of bidi &
; 2-byte scripts to be after call to ScriptAvail vector.
; <8> 6/17/92 HA #1029756,<PKE>: #1032724 <YS> : Fixed CharType to return correct
; results when offset is > 256. #1029756 <PKE> moved here the new
; StyledLineBreak (and FindCarriage) from ScriptMgrUtilText.a, so
; the new routine will be included in ptch 27.
; <7> 6/5/92 PKE #1031797 <csd>: Add option-space to prevent enabling of all
; scripts except primary & roman
; <6> 5/31/92 FM Add entry point StdExit for call by the ROM build. There was a
; duplicate of this code in another file. The only difference was
; this added label.
; <5> 5/18/92 PKE #1028382,<jh>: InitScripts should not enable a script if it has
; no fonts. If the specified system font is not present but other
; fonts in the script range are, use one of them.
; <4> 5/14/92 PKE #1029395,<bbm>: Move glue for generic FindScriptRun from Roman
; script to Script Mgr dispatcher so scripts get it for free; we
; only come to romanFindScriptRun if a new-format table does not
; exist. Move new FindScriptTable record to ScriptPriv.a, where it
; belongs.
; <3> 5/8/92 PKE #1029395,<KST>: Fix FindScriptRun for non-Roman simple scripts
; to handle "shared" characters (space, punctuation) contextually.
; Also fix it to get the correct itl2.
; <2> 4/28/92 JSM Move almost all resident code from ScriptMgrExtTail.a here.
; Slightly modified the LwrString routine by changing the name of
; the entry point to NewLwrString so we could keep the weird
; come-from patch back in ScriptMgrExtTail.a where it belongs.
; This file has no conditionals (yay!).
; <1> 4/28/92 JSM first checked in
blanks on
string asis
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'ScriptPriv.a'
include 'Packages.a'
include 'IntlUtilsPriv.a'
include 'GestaltEqu.a'
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <1.4>
; Gestalt function
import StdUnlink
export gestaltScriptMgr,gestaltSMgrTable
; The following Gestalt Function is an interface between the Gestalt mechanism
; and the Script Manager's GetEnvirons routine. Currently, it only supports two
; Gestalt selectors: gestaltScriptMgrVersion and gestaltScriptCount.
; Routine gestaltScriptMgr (
; gestaltSelector: OSType; = PACKED ARRAY [1..4] OF CHAR;
; VAR gestaltResult: Longint;
; ): OSErr; = Integer;
; <08/05/89 pke> New today
gestaltSMgrFrame record {oldA6},decrement
result ds.w 1 ; OSErr
argSize equ *-8
gestaltSelector ds.l 1 ; packed array [1..4] of char
gestaltResult ds.l 1 ; addr of longint result
return ds.l 1
oldA6 ds.l 1
localFrame equ *
with gestaltSMgrFrame
link a6,#localFrame
; initialize loop, set up default return values
move.l gestaltSelector(a6),d0 ; selector value
move.w #gestaltUndefSelectorErr,result(a6) ; assume unknown selector <12>
lea gestaltSMgrTable,a1
; loop to find Gestalt selector in table
move.l (a1)+,d1 ; get next table entry
beq.s @gestaltDone ; end of list, quit
move.w (a1)+,d2 ; now get GetEnvirons verb
cmp.l d0,d1 ; is selector correct?
bne.s @gestaltLoop ; no, get next one
; ok, we found the Gestalt selector. Now call GetEnvirons with correct verb
clr.l -(sp) ; space for result
move.w d2,-(sp) ; push verb
move.l gestaltResult(a6),a0 ; addr for result
move.l (sp)+,(a0) ; pop result into Gestalt
move.w #noErr,result(a6) ; return no error
; all done
move.w #argSize, d0 ; for StdUnlink
bra StdUnlink ; standard exit
; Table for converting between gestalt selectors and GetEnvirons verbs. Each pair
; consists of a long with the gestalt selector, followed by a word with the
; GetEnvirons verb. This table and the equate files where the Gestalt selectors
; are defined are the only things that need to change to add new Gestalt selectors
; for the Script Manager.
dc.l gestaltScriptMgrVersion
dc.w smVersion
dc.l gestaltScriptCount
dc.w smEnabled
dc.l 0 ; terminator
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <45>
; function: PrintAction
; input: d0.l Printer GrafPort.
; d1.w Printer number.
; warning: This routine is register based.
; The script manager print action routine calls the print action routines
; of each script that is currently installed. These private print action
; routines should preserve all of the registers.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export PrintAction
; Save the registers and load a pointer to the list of script entries in the
; script manager globals. Load the script manager count so we will step
; through all of the scripts.
; register usage:
; a4.l Script Manager globals, script entry table.
; a3.l Script Interface System entry pointer.
; d4.l Count of script entries.
with smgrRecord,scriptRecord ;
movem.l a0-a6/d0-d7,-(sp) ; save all registers.
GetSMgrCore a4 ; load SMgr pointer.
lea smgrEntry(a4),a4 ; load entry table address.
move.w #smgrCount,d4 ; get the count.
bra.s @2 ; enter loop at bottom.
; Check the next script system to see if it is installed. If so, load call
; the printer action routine. A pointer to the routine is kept in the
; script entry record.
@1 move.l (a4)+,d3 ; entry pointer = nil?
beq.s @2 ; yes -> try the next script.
move.l d3,a3 ; load entry pointer.
tst.b scriptEnabled(a3) ; script disabled?
beq.s @2 ; yes -> try the next script.
move.l scriptPrint(a3),d3 ; action pointer = nil?
beq.s @2 ; yes -> try the next script.
move.l a3,a0 ; pass ScriptRecord pointer to script <45>
move.l d3,a3 ; load action pointer.
movem.l a4/d0-d4,-(sp) ; save used registers.
jsr (a3) ; call the routine.
movem.l (sp)+,a4/d0-d4 ; restore used registers.
@2 dbra d4,@1 ; try the next one.
; Restore the registers and return to the caller.
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a6/d0-d7 ; restore all registers.
rts ; return to the caller.
endwith ;smgrRecord,scriptRecord
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <8>
; Function FindScriptRun (
; textPtr: Ptr;
; textLen: Longint;
; var lenUsed: Longint
; ): Integer;
; Find a block of text. Very simple for Roman!
; Modified to use itl2 tables for simple scripts (single-byte,non-Roman)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export FindScriptRun
FScript record {oldA6},decr
Result ds.w 1 ; result of the function
ParamStart equ *
TextPtr ds.l 1 ; Pointer
Length ds.l 1 ; length of the text
LenUsedPtr ds.l 1 ; Length use
scriptRecPtr ds.l 1 ; Scriptrecord ptr
ParamEnd equ *
Return ds.l 1 ;
oldA6 ds.l 1
FScriptFrame equ *
WITH ScriptRecord,FScript ; <3>
link a6,#FScriptFrame ; now link always <3>
clr.w Result(a6) ; initialize to script Roman, variant zero <3>
move.l Length(a6),d1 ; check length <3>
bpl.s @goodLength ; if negative, <3>
moveq #0,d1 ; fix it <3>
move.l LenUsedPtr(a6),a0 ; LenUsedPtr is the address <3>
move.l d1,(a0) ; initialize lenUsed to textLen <3>
move.l scriptRecPtr(a6),a0 ; get script pointer <3>
moveq #0,d0 ; for word-izing <3>
move.b scriptID(a0),d0 ; what script are we really handling? <3>
beq @doneRoman ; if Roman, done, go unlink & return <3>
move.b d0,Result(a6) ; initialize to real script, variant 0 <3>
tst.l d1 ; any length? <3>
beq @doneRoman ; if not, bail now <3>
; Now use GetScriptItl <3>
subq #4,sp ; make room for the itl handle.
move.w #2,-(sp) ; push 'which' argument => itl2.
move.w d0,-(sp) ; push ScriptCode
move.w #-1,-(sp) ; push sysFlag as TRUE
_IUGetScriptItl ; get itl handle
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; pop handle (null if err)
beq.s @doneRoman ; bail if none
move.l d0,a1 ; get handle
move.l (a1),a1 ; get pointer
move.w findScriptTableOffset(a1),d0 ; get offset to table
beq.s @doneRoman ; bail if no table
tst.w findScriptTableLen(a1) ; check table length
beq.s @doneRoman ; bail if null
add.w d0,a1 ; make pointer to table
; Now we assume old format; new format would have been picked up by glue in <4>
; Script Mgr dispatcher.
move.l a2,-(sp) ; <3>
move.l Length(a6),d0 ; text length to d0
move.l a1,a2 ; working table ptr in a1, saved in a2 <31++><3>
move.l TextPtr(a6),a0 ; text pointer to a0
move.b (a0)+,d1 ; get character
bra.s @JmpIn1
; get initial script!
addq #1,a1
cmp.b (a1)+,d1
bhi.s @InitScriptLoop ; not in this script range <31>
move.b (a1),d2 ; save initial script of this text
move.b d2,result(a6) ; and return it to caller in hi byte of word ; sub 1 to zero base for the dbne below
; a2 = ptr to FindScriptTable
; a0 = textPtr
; d0.l = textLen
; d2 = script of the first byte of the textPtr
; now search for script run boundary
sub.l #1,d0 ; update textLen beyond processed char <31+>
beq.s @noMoreText ; <31+>
move.l a2,a1 ; reset ptr to FindScriptTable <31++>
move.b (a0)+,d1 ; get character
bra.s @JmpIn2
addq #1,a1
cmp.b (a1)+,d1 ; cmp to char range & incr to script #
bhi.s @RangeLoop ; not in this script range <31>
; found range of character
cmp.b (a1),d2 ; are the scripts the same <31+>
beq.s @TextLoop ; yep, so branch (can't use dbne since d0 is long) <31+>
; found a script boundary
move.l LenUsedPtr(a6),a0 ; LenUsedPtr is the address
sub.l d0,(a0) ; contains initial length
move.l (sp)+,a2 ; <3>
unlk a6
move.l (sp)+,a1 ; get return address
add.w #ParamStart-ParamEnd,sp ; remove parameters from stack
jmp (a1) ; return
endwith ;ScriptRecord,FScript
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <18>
; function: ParseTable(tablePtr: Ptr): Boolean;
; input: (sp).l Pointer to parse table.
; output: (sp).w Table validity flag.
; warning: This routine follows pascal register conventions.
; ParseTable fills the given table with values for parsing characters in the
; Roman script.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc ; <18>
export ParseTable ; <18>
import StdUnlink ; <18>
ptRecord record {oldA6},decr
result ds.w 1 ; validity flag.
ptArgs equ *-8 ; size of args. BUG FIX: Moved this AFTER result. <18>
table ds.l 1 ; parse table pointer.
selector ds.l 1 ; selector
return ds.l 1 ; return address.
oldA6 ds.l 1 ; old link address.
ptLocals equ * ; size of local variables.
; Link the stack and set the result to true. Since Roman characters are all
; one byte long, all we have to do is clear the parse table.
with ptRecord
link a6,#ptLocals ; set up stack frame.
move.w #$0100,result(a6) ; set result to true.
move.l table(a6),a0 ; load table pointer.
move.w #256-1,d0 ; load table length - 1.
@0 clr.b (a0)+ ; clear a byte in the table.
dbra d0,@0 ; do the next entry.
; Unlink the stack and return to the caller.
move.w #ptArgs,d0 ; for std exit
bra StdUnlink ; StdUnlink
endproc ; <18>
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ <14>
; FUNCTION InitScripts: OSErr;
; InitScripts routine calls FixSMgrWorld and then handles new
; initializations that must be done after script systems are installed
; and enabled.
; These initializations set up the emItlSysCache sort cache (with entries <15>
; for each script in correct sorting order), and the emScriptMap and
; emLangMap tables that map script (lang) to sorting position and default
; lang (script).
; KillOldFixWorldVec is just an rts whose address we can stuff in the
; old sVectFixSMgrWorld vector to render it inactive.
export InitScripts, KillOldFixWorldVec
import StdUnlink
disabCacheReq equ -2 ; disable cache request in CurFMInput <26>
isFrame record {a6link},decr
result ds.w 1 ; OSErr result code.
isArgs equ *-8 ; size of arguments.
selector ds.l 1 ; selector
return ds.l 1 ; return address.
a6link ds.l 1 ; old a6
saveItlcSysFlag ds.w 1 ; save sysflags from itlc <7>
saveOldISOkeybd ds.b 1 ; Mac Plus ISO keybd flag <7>
disabAuxScripts ds.b 1 ; T to enable only system & Roman script <7>
isLocals equ *
isRegs reg d3-d7/a2-a4 ; save all regs
with SMgrRecord,isFrame,ExpandMemRec ;
link a6,#isLocals ; link the stack.
movem.l isRegs,-(sp) ; save regs
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <26>
; The first batch of stuff is mostly a copy of the old FixSMgrWorld routine,
; enhanced to (1) get the RegionCode from itlc, (2) copy and check the extended
; itlb font and style info if present. It no longer detaches the itlc.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
with smgrRecord ;
GetSmgrCore a4 ; get script manager core.
; Install the keyboard swapping table from the system file. If we get a nil
; handle back, we store the nil value in the script manager globals anyway.
; This effectively disables keyboard swapping.
sub.l #4,sp ; make room for handle.
move.l #'KSWP',-(sp) ; push KSWP type.
move.w #0,-(sp) ; push KSWP id number.
_GetResource ; get the KSWP resource.
move.l (sp)+,smgrKeySwap(a4) ; store handle in SMgr globals.
; Load the configuration resource and set the system and
; keyboard script numbers in the script manager globals.
; Moved this after enabling all installed scripts. <37>
; Moved back here <7>
; Currently we don't touch the following fields in SMgrRecord, which
; are set from itlc only in ScriptMgrInit.a; should we reset them here?
; smgrFontForce from itlcFontForce
; smgrIntlForce from itlcIntlForce
; smgrGenFlags from itlcFlags high byte
clr.w saveItlcSysFlag(a6) ; set to 0 if we can't get 'itlc' <7>
clr.b saveOldISOkeybd(a6) ; set to 0 if we can't get 'itlc' <7>
with itlcRecord
sub.w #4,sp ; make room for handle.
move.l #'itlc',-(sp) ; push conf type.
move.w #0,-(sp) ; push conf number.
_GetResource ; load the resource.
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; handle = nil?
beq.s @doneItlc ; yes -> skip this.
move.l d0,a0 ; load conf handle.
move.l (a0),a0 ; load conf pointer.
move.w itlcSystem(a0),d1 ; load system code.
move.w d1,smgrSysScript(a4) ; set system script.
move.w d1,smgrKeyScript(a4) ; set key script.
move.w itlcRegionCode(a0),d1 ; get preferred region code. <26>
move.w d1,smgrRegionCode(a4) ; save in globals <26>
move.w itlcSysFlags(a0),saveItlcSysFlag(a6) ; save system flags <7>
move.b itlcOldKybd(a0),saveOldISOkeybd(a6) ; save Mac Plus ISO flag <7>
endWith ;itlcRecord
; Check for Option-space to prevent enabling of scripts other than system <7>
; script & Roman
; Masks for word at KeyMap+6:
ClearCapsLock equ $FFFD ; and with this to ignore CapsLock <7>
NormalOptSpace equ $0204 ; bits set for Opt & Space on reg kybd <7>
MacPlusISOOptSp equ $1004 ; bits set for Opt & Space on Mac+ ISO <7>
move.w KeyMap+6,d0 ; get state of modifiers, space, etc <7>
and.w #ClearCapsLock,d0 ; ignore Caps Lock <7>
move.w #NormalOptSpace,d1 ; setup desired bit state <7>
cmp.b #3,KbdType ; is it a 128K/512K-type mini keyboard? <7>
bne.s @doCompare ; if not, we're ready to check bits <7>
tst.b saveOldISOkeybd(a6) ; is it the ISO version? <7>
beq.s @doCompare ; if not, we're ready to check bits <7>
move.w #MacPlusISOOptSp,d1 ; else desired bit state is different <7>
@doCompare ; <7>
cmp.w d1,d0 ; Do we have Opt-Space & nothing else? <7>
seq disabAuxScripts(a6) ; if so, set disable flag <7>
; Fetch the script bundle for each installed script and copy the bundle
; information into the script entry. If we cannot find a bundle for a
; script, it is disabled. Notice that at least one bundle must be found
; for an installed script in order for the script manager to be enabled.
with ScriptRecord
sf smgrEnabled(a4) ; clear the enabled counter.
move.w #smgrCount-1,d3 ; forall entries.
move.w d3,d0 ; copy index.
lsl.w #2,d0 ; long word offset.
move.l smgrEntry(a4,d0.w),d0 ; script installed?
beq @nextScript ; no -> try next entry.
move.l d0,a3 ; load script entry.
sf scriptEnabled(a3) ; disable this entry.
; check for disabling key combo <7>
tst.w d3 ; is it Roman? <7>
beq.s @dontDisable ; if so, don't disable <7>
cmp.w smgrSysScript(a4),d3 ; is it system? <7>
beq.s @dontDisable ; if so, don't disable <7>
tst.b disabAuxScripts(a6) ; are we disabling others? <7>
bne @nextScript ; if so, we're outta here <7>
sub.l #4,sp ; make room for handle.
move.l #'itlb',-(sp) ; push bundle type.
move.w d3,-(sp) ; push bundle number.
_GetResource ; load the resource.
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; handle = nil?
beq @nextScript ; yes -> try next entry.
with ItlbRecord
move.l d0,a2 ; load bundle handle.
move.l (a2),a0 ; load bundle pointer.
lea scriptBundle(a3),a1 ; load script pointer.
move.l #itlbSize,d0 ; load size of bundle.
_BlockMove ; copy bundle into script.
endwith ;ItlbRecord
move.b d3,scriptID(a3) ; put script code in ScriptRecord <52>
; Now see if we have an extended bundle, and if so, copy font info <26>
with ItlbExtRecord
subq #4,sp ; space for SizeRsrc result
move.l a2,-(sp) ; push 'itlb' handle
cmp.l #itlbExtSize,(sp)+ ; is itlb size big enough
blt @doneExtItlb ; skip if too small or res err
move.l (a2),a0 ; get itlb pointer
move.l itlbMonoFond(a0),scriptMonoFondSize(a3) ; set the mono font.
move.l itlbPrefFond(a0),scriptPrefFondSize(a3) ; set the font.
move.l itlbSmallFond(a0),scriptSmallFondSize(a3) ; set the font.
move.l itlbSysFond(a0),scriptSysFondSize(a3) ; set the font.
move.l itlbAppFond(a0),scriptAppFondSize(a3) ; set the font.
move.l itlbHelpFond(a0),scriptHelpFondSize(a3) ; set the font.
move.b itlbValidStyles(a0),scriptValidStyles(a3) ; set valid styles
move.b itlbAliasStyle(a0),scriptAliasStyle(a3) ; set alias style
endwith ;ItlbExtRecord
; Done with bundle, now do some checking. <26>
; First, if this is Roman, do some funky testing for sys fond ID.
; If Chicago $3FFF is present, it becomes the Roman sys font.
; If not, try the itlb value. If this also isn't present, assume
; 0 is the Roman sys FOND ID.
clr.b ResLoad ; don't bother loading fonts (move here) <5>
tst.w d3 ; is this Roman?
bne.s @nonRoman ; if not, different check <5>
move.w #RomanSysFond,d4 ; assume fond $3FFF exists
bsr.s @returnIfNotFound ; set if found, return if not <5>
move.w scriptSysFondSize(a3),d4 ; try itlb value <5>
bsr.s @returnIfNotFound ; set if found, return if not <5>
clr.w d4 ; otherwise, reset to 0
bra.s @setSysFondId ; <5>
; check that itlb system font ID is there <5>
move.w scriptSysFondSize(a3),d4 ; try itlb value
bsr.s @returnIfNotFound ; set if found, return if not
; if not, try itlb app font ID <5>
move.w scriptAppFondSize(a3),d4 ; try itlb value
bsr.s @returnIfNotFound ; set if found, return if not
; specified font not there; use first font in range <5>
subq #4,sp ; space for result
move.w d3,-(sp) ; push ScriptCode (explicit code works at this point in boot)
_ScriptToRange ; map it
move.l (sp)+,d4 ; min in high word, max in low
move.w d4,d5
swap d4 ; min in d4.w, max in d5.w
bsr.s @returnIfNotFound ; set if found, return if not
addq.w #1,d4
cmp.w d5,d4 ; past end of range?
ble.s @fontLoop ; if not, check next
bra.s @nextScript ; else no fonts found, don't enable
; this routine expects FOND ID in d4. If found, it pops return addr and <5>
; falls through to set system font to the value in d4. Otherwise, it
; returns to the caller.
subq #4,sp ; space for return value
move.l #'FOND',-(sp) ; push type
move.w d4,-(sp) ; push next id in range
MOVE.W #MapTrue,RomMapInsert ; look in ROM first <SM7> rb
tst.l (sp)+ ; was it there?
bne.s @popRetnAndSetSysFondId ; if yes, go reset
addq #4,sp ; discard return addr
@setSysFondId ; <5>
move.w d4,scriptSysFondSize(a3) ; reset the system font. <5>
; now check non-sys fonts and copy font IDs to old fields <26>
move.w scriptSysFondSize(a3),scriptSysFond(a3) ; copy sys fond to old field
lea scriptAppFondSize(a3),a0
bsr FixFond ; resets to sys fond if bad
move.w scriptAppFondSize(a3),scriptAppFond(a3) ; copy app fond to old field
lea scriptMonoFondSize(a3),a0 ; top word is fond id
bsr FixFond ; resets to sys fond if bad
lea scriptPrefFondSize(a3),a0 ; top word is fond id
bsr FixFond ; resets to sys fond if bad
lea scriptSmallFondSize(a3),a0 ; top word is fond id
bsr FixFond ; resets to sys fond if bad
lea scriptHelpFondSize(a3),a0 ; top word is fond id
bsr FixFond ; resets to sys fond if bad
st scriptEnabled(a3) ; enable this entry.
add.b #1,smgrEnabled(a4) ; enable the script manager.
; moved scriptRedraw check down after call to ScriptAvail <9>
move.b #1,ResLoad ; reset ResLoad (move here) <5>
dbra d3,@scriptLoop ; do the next entry.
endWith ;ScriptRecord
; (Load the configuration resource and set the system and
; keyboard script numbers in the script manager globals.)
; Moved this here from above, so we can make decisions based on <37>
; enabled scripts. <37>
; Moved back above to get keyboard flag earlier, but keep decisions <7>
; here.
moveq #0,d0 ; assume L->R <37>
tst.w saveItlcSysFlag(a6) ; check system flags <37><7>
bpl.s @doneSysFlags ; if config is L->R, don't change <37>
cmpi.w #1,smgrEnabled(a4) ; how many scripts? <37>
ble.s @doneSysFlags ; if Roman only, don't change <37>
moveq #-1,d0 ; else R->L <37>
@doneSysFlags ; <37>
move.w d0,TESysJust ; set direction <37>
; If the current system script is not installed, or is installed but not
; enabled, default the system and key scripts to Roman.
with scriptRecord
move.w smgrSysScript(a4),d3 ; load system script code.
move.w d3,d0 ; copy system script code.
lsl.w #2,d0 ; code is long word index.
move.l smgrEntry(a4,d0.w),d0 ; system script installed?
beq.s @useRoman ; no -> use Roman.
move.l d0,a3 ; load system script entry.
tst.b scriptEnabled(a3) ; system script enabled?
bne.s @doneCheckSysScript ; yes -> keep system script.
move.l #smRoman,d3 ; script is Roman.
move.l smgrEntry(a4),a3 ; load Roman script entry.
move.w d3,smgrSysScript(a4) ; reset system script.
move.w d3,smgrKeyScript(a4) ; reset keyboard script.
endWith ;scriptRecord
; Set the system font according to the system script. If the application
; font is not in the system script's range, then reset it as well.
; Note that we expect the system script code in d3 and its entry in a3.
; Also, we have SMgrRecord pointer in a4.
with scriptRecord
; Now we just set it ; <41>
move.w scriptSysFond(a3),d0 ; get desired system font. <41>
cmp.w SysFontFam,d0 ; already set up? <41>
beq.s @SkipSFontSet ; yes -> skip resetting. <41>
move.w d0,SysFontFam ; set desired system font. <41>
move.w #disabCacheReq,CurFMInput ; disable cache request <41>
move.w scriptAppFond(a3),d0 ; get desired application font. <41>
cmp.w ApFontID,d0 ; already set up? <41>
beq.s @SkipAFontSet ; yes -> skip resetting. <41>
move.w d0,ApFontID ; set desired application font. <41>
move.w #disabCacheReq,CurFMInput ; disable cache request <41>
; Load the keyboard character table for the new system script. If this fails,
; we are left with the current KCHR resource in the cache.
move.w smgrKeyScript(a4),-(sp) ; push current keyboard script. <16jun87 jdt>
_KeyScript ; load appropriate KCHR. <16jun87 jdt>
; Save the new boot driver number. This prevents us from executing all of
; the above code during a vanilla-launch.
move.w BootDrive,smgrSysRef(a4) ; save vRefNum in globals.
endWith ; ScriptRecord
endWith ; SMgrRecord ; <x3.1>
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Set up regs we'll need
move.l IntlSpec,a3 ; SMgrRecord ptr
move.l ExpandMem,a4 ; ExpandMemRec ptr
; Initialize ItlSysCache
with NewItlCacheRec
moveq #0,d0 ; for wordizing smgrEnabled
move.b smgrEnabled(a3),d0 ; how many scripts installed?
move.w d0,d3 ; save copy
mulu.w #newItlCacheRecSize,d0 ; one record per script
addq.l #2,d0 ; space for record count
_NewPtr sys,clear ; make a0 point to new space
bne @doneInitScripts ; bail if error (errcode in d0)
move.l a0,emItlSysCachePtr(a4) ; save pointer
move.w d3,(a0)+ ; put in record count
move.l a0,a2 ; save for later use
endwith ;NewItlCacheRec
; Get 'itlm' resource
subq #4,sp ; space for returned handle
move.l #'itlm',-(sp) ; resource type
clr.w -(sp) ; resource ID
move.l (sp)+,d7 ; check handle, save in d7
beq @resError ; special handling for rmgr errs
move.l d7,a0 ; copy handle
move.l (a0),d6 ; dereference, save in d6
_HLock ; "can't have error here"
; Next, put script codes in emItlSysCache in proper sort order
with ItlmHeaderRec,ScriptRecord,NewItlCacheRec
move.l d6,a1 ; copy pointer
add.l scriptDataOffset(a1),a1 ; point to scriptData table
addq #4,a1 ; skip to num entries
move.w (a1)+,d3 ; get num entries in 'itlm' table
; have emItlSysCachePtr in a2 from above
move.w smgrSysScript(a3),d2 ; get system script
move.w d2,(a2) ; system script always comes first
lsl.w #2,d2 ; make it a long offset
move.l smgrEntry(a3,d2.w),a0 ; get scriptRecord ptr for sys script
st scriptInItlm(a0) ; remember that script has 'itlm' entry
bra.s @nextEntry ; test for d3=0, decrement it for dbra
move.w (a1)+,d2 ; get next script code in 'itlm'
addq #2,a1 ; skip default lang value
cmp.w smgrSysScript(a3),d2 ; is it system script?
beq.s @nextEntry ; if so, we handled it above
move.w d2,d1 ; copy for shift
lsl.w #2,d1 ; make a long offset
move.l smgrEntry(a3,d1.w),d0 ; get scriptRecord ptr
beq.s @nextEntry ; if none, script not installed
move.l d0,a0
tst.b scriptEnabled(a0) ; is script enabled?
beq.s @nextEntry ; if not, really give up.
st scriptInItlm(a0) ; remember that script has 'itlm' entry
add.w #newItlCacheRecSize,a2 ; now go to next emItlSysCache entry
move.w d2,(a2) ; put script code in emItlSysCache entry
dbra d3,@sysCacheLoop
; Now, go through installed & enabled scripts and add any that were not in 'itlm'.
move.w #smgrCount-1,d3 ; for all possible scriptsÉ
moveq #0,d2 ; current script
move.w #0,d4 ; keep track of max script code forÉ
; Éinst. & enab. scripts
lea smgrEntry(a3),a1 ; pointer to current entry in SMgrRecord
move.l (a1)+,d0 ; get scriptRecord ptr
beq.s @nextScript ; if none, script not installed
move.l d0,a0
tst.b scriptEnabled(a0) ; is script enabled?
beq.s @nextScript ; if not, really give up.
move.w d2,d4 ; keep max inst & enab script code so far
tst.b scriptInItlm(a0) ; have we already put this in emItlSysCache?
bne.s @nextScript ; skip if so
add.w #newItlCacheRecSize,a2 ; otherwise go to next emItlSysCache entry
move.w d2,(a2) ; put script code in emItlSysCache entry
addq.w #1,d2 ; next script
dbra d3,@scriptLoop
endwith ;ItlmHeaderRec,ScriptRecord,NewItlCacheRec
; Now emItlSysCache is set up, and d4 has max script code for an installed & enabled
; script.
; Next, allocate space for scriptData and fill it header entries
with ItlmHeaderRec,NewItlCacheRec
move.l d6,a1 ; copy pointer
add.l scriptDataOffset(a1),a1 ; point to scriptData table
move.w (a1)+,d5 ; get max script for table
cmp.w d4,d5 ; is it big enough?
bge.s @bigEnough ; if so, ok so far
move.w d4,d5 ; if not, make it big enough
lea emScriptMapPtr(a4),a2 ; say where to save ptr
; Allocate map table, put pointer in ExpandMem, copy header from itlm,
; advance pointer, set some registers with values from header, and fill in
; default values.
; Scripts with real entries will replace the default values. Scripts that
; are not installed and enabled are sorted after everything else in order
; of script number, by adding a base value to their script code. They get
; the default lang code.
bsr SetHdrAndDefaults
bne @unlockThenDone ; bail if can't allocate space
; Now fill in sort positions obtained from sort order in emItlSysCache
moveq #0,d2 ; sort position count
move.l emItlSysCachePtr(a4),a0 ; get emItlSysCache ptr
move.w (a0)+,d3 ; get count of enab scripts
bra.s @nextSort
move.w (a0),d1 ; get next script code, in order
lsl.w #2,d1 ; make a long offset
move.w d2,0(a2,d1.w) ; set data in table
addq.w #1,d2 ; next sort position
add.w #newItlCacheRecSize,a0 ; now go to next emItlSysCache entry
dbra d3,@sortLoop
; And fill in lang codes obtained from 'itlm'.
bra.s @nextScriptLang
move.w (a1)+,d1 ; get script code
move.w (a1)+,d2 ; get lang code
cmp.w d5,d1 ; too big?
bgt.s @nextScriptLang ; skip if so
lsl.w #2,d1 ; make a long offset
move.w d2,2(a2,d1.w) ; stuff lang code
dbra d4,@scriptLangLoop
endwith ;ItlmHeaderRec,NewItlCacheRec
; Almost done: allocate space for langData and fill in header info.
with ItlmHeaderRec
move.l d6,a1 ; copy pointer
add.l langDataOffset(a1),a1 ; point to langData table
move.w (a1)+,d5 ; get max lang for table
lea emLangMapPtr(a4),a2 ; say where to save ptr
; Allocate map table, put pointer in ExpandMem, copy header from itlm,
; advance pointer, set some registers with values from header, and fill in
; default values.
; Langs with real entries will replace the default values. Langs that
; are not in 'itlm' are sorted after everything else in order of lang
; code, by adding a base value to their lang code. They get the default
; script code.
bsr SetHdrAndDefaults
bne @unlockThenDone ; bail if can't allocate space
; Now just fill in sort positions obtained from 'itlm'. This is much
; simpler than what we did with script codes.
moveq #0,d3 ; sort position
bra.s @nextLang
move.l (a1)+,d2 ; get lang code & script
swap d2 ; get lang code
cmp.w d5,d2 ; too big?
bgt.s @nextLang ; skip if so
move.w d2,d1
lsl.w #2,d1 ; make a long offset
move.w d3,d2 ; stuff sort position
swap d2 ; put everything in its place
move.l d2,(a2,d1.w) ; stuff lang code
addq.w #1,d3 ; update sort position count
dbra d4,@langLoop
endwith ;ItlmHeaderRec
; Now go through all installed & enabled scripts, loading the 'itl2' and <26>
; 'itl4' resource IDs & handles into the system itl cache, and calling the
; scriptÕs scriptAvail vector if non-zero.
; At this point, a4 still points to ExpandMemRec, a3 points to SMgrRecord.
with ScriptRecord
move.l emItlSysCachePtr(a4),a4 ; get emItlSysCache ptr
move.w (a4)+,d7 ; number of enabled scripts
bra.s @nextCopy ; dbra, so decrement d7
move.w (a4)+,d6 ; get script code
move.w d6,d0 ; copy it
lsl.w #2,d0 ; make it a long offset
move.l smgrEntry(a3,d0.w),a2 ; and get scriptRecord ptr
; we already know script is enabled
;; sub #8,sp ; space for 2 GetResource results <55>
with ItlbRecord
move.w scriptBundle.itlbSort(a2),d0 ; get itl2 ID
move.w d0,(a4)+ ; save ID in cache
;; move.l #'itl2',-(sp) ; push type <55>
;; move.w d0,-(sp) ; push ID <55>
;; _GetResource ; <55>
;; move.l (sp)+,(a4)+ ; save handle in cache (even if 0) <55>
clr.l (a4)+ ; don't save a handle <55>
move.w scriptBundle.itlbToken(a2),d0 ; get itl4 ID
move.w d0,(a4)+ ; save ID in cache
;; move.l #'itl4',-(sp) ; push type <55>
;; move.w d0,-(sp) ; push ID <55>
;; _GetResource ; <55>
;; move.l (sp)+,(a4)+ ; save handle in cache (even if 0) <55>
clr.l (a4)+ ; don't save a handle <55>
endwith ;ItlbRecord
; now call ScriptAvail
move.l scriptAvail(a2),d0 ; check script's Avail vector
beq.s @checkRedraw ; if none, finish up this script <9>
move.l d0,a0 ; otherwiseÉ
move.w d6,-(sp) ; Épush script codeÉ
jsr (a0) ; Éand call scriptÕs Avail routine
; Set smgrBidirect and smgrDoubleByte if appropriate (moved here from above) <37><9>
@checkRedraw ; <9>
tst.b scriptRedraw(a2) ; what kind of script is it? <37><9>*
beq.s @doneCheckRedraw ; if redraw char, L->R 1-byte, done <37><9>
bpl.s @setDouble ; if redraw word, 2-byte <37><9>
st smgrBidirect(a3) ; else redraw line, bidi sys <37><9>*
bra.s @doneCheckRedraw ; <37><9>
@setDouble ; <37><9>
st smgrDoubleByte(a3) ; <37><9>*
@doneCheckRedraw ; <37><9>
dbra d7,@copyLoop ; loop for all enabled scripts
endwith ;ScriptRecord
; If we got to here, no errors
moveq #0,d0 ; return noErr
; Set result and return
move.w d0,result(a6) ; return error code or noErr
movem.l (sp)+,isRegs ; restore regs
move.w #isArgs,d0 ; for StdUnlink
bra StdUnlink ; standard exit
move.w ResErr,d0 ; get current resource err code
bne.s @doneInitScripts
move.w #resNotFound,d0 ; some errs leave ResErr as 0
bra.s @doneInitScripts
move.w d0,d6 ; save errcode across HUnlock
move.l d7,a0 ; get handle
move.w d6,d0 ; restore errcode
bra.s @doneInitScripts
endwith ;SMgrRecord,isFrame,ExpandMemRec
; This utility routine allocates a block of memory for scriptMap or langMap,
; copies header information from the 'itlm' resource, fills in the table with
; default values, and sets up various registers.
; At entry:
; d5 max script or lang value for map table. WILL NOT BE CHANGED.
; a2 pointer to ExpandMemRec field for map table ptr. WILL BE REPLACED.
; a1 pointer to beginning of scriptData or langData table in 'itlm'.
; At exit:
; d0 OSErr
; a1 pointer to scriptData or langdata data (past header).
; a2 pointer to map table data (past header, which has been filled in).
; d4 num entries in 'itlm' table
; Besides the above, uses: a0,d3,d2,d1
move.w d5,d0
addq.w #2,d0 ; add script 0 and header entry
lsl.w #2,d0 ; get size (one long per entry)
_NewPtr sys,clear ; OS trap, saves a1,d1-d2
bne.s @exit ; bail if error (errcode in d0)
move.l a0,(a2) ; save ptr
move.w (a1)+,d3 ; get default lang/script code
move.w (a1)+,d4 ; get num entries in 'itlm' table
move.w d5,(a0)+
move.w d3,(a0)+
move.l a0,a2 ; save pointer to data to fill in
; Fill in default values for everything.
move.w d5,d2
clr.w d0 ; current script/lang code
move.w #$1000,d1 ; base sort pos for bad scripts/langs
move.b d0,d1 ; make base + script/lang
move.w d1,(a0)+ ; and put it in table
move.w d3,(a0)+ ; put in default lang/script code
addq.w #1,d0 ; next script/lang code
dbra d2,@initLoop
moveq #0,d0 ; no error
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Utility routine to check for FOND & reset if bad
; Input (a0): fond id
; a3: ptr to script globals <47>
; Don't manipulate ResLoad here, now done at higher level <5>
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
with ScriptRecord
movem.l a2,-(sp) ; don't trash a2 <47>
move.l a0,a2 ; remember pointer to fond id in a2 <47>
subq #4,sp ; return room
move.l #'FOND',-(sp) ; see if this FOND exists
move.w (a2),-(sp) ; id, get the id from a2 pointer <47>
MOVE.W #MapTrue,RomMapInsert ; look in ROM first <SM7> rb
tst.l (sp)+ ; was it there?
bne.s @fixFondDone ; yes, ok
move.w scriptSysFond(a3),(a2) ; reset to system fond, changed to used a3 as pointer to script globals <47>
movem.l (sp)+,a2 ; restore a2
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Convenient rts; this address will be stuffed in obsolete vectors
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ <32>
; FUNCTION ReInitScripts: OSErr;
; ReInitScripts frees all of the structures set up by InitScripts, then
; redoes the parts of installation that must be performed with a new
; system file: setting fields from itlc, setting up a KCHR, and then
; calling InitScripts again.
export ReInitScripts
import StdUnlink
risFrame record {a6link},decr
result ds.w 1 ; OSErr result code.
risArgs equ *-8 ; size of arguments.
selector ds.l 1 ; selector
return ds.l 1 ; return address.
a6link ds.l 1 ; old a6
risLocals equ *
risRegs reg d3-d7/a2-a4 ; save all regs
with risFrame,ExpandMemRec
link a6,#risLocals ; link the stack.
movem.l risRegs,-(sp) ; save regs
; dispose of caches whose size depended on resources in old system file
move.l ExpandMem,a1 ; ExpandMemRec ptr
moveq #0,d1
move.l emItlSysCachePtr(a1),a0
move.l d1,emItlSysCachePtr(a1)
move.l emScriptMapPtr(a1),a0
move.l d1,emScriptMapPtr(a1)
move.l emLangMapPtr(a1),a0
move.l d1,emLangMapPtr(a1)
; Call _InitScripts and get any errors from it
subq #2,sp ; make room for OSErr result
_InitScripts ;
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; get result in d0
; Set result and return
move.w d0,result(a6) ; return error code or noErr
movem.l (sp)+,risRegs ; restore regs
move.w #risArgs,d0 ; for StdUnlink
bra StdUnlink ; standard exit
endwith ;risFrame,ExpandMemRec
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ <16>
; FUNCTION AddScriptFonts: OSErr;
; AddScriptFonts loops through all enabled script systems, checks the
; script's AddFonts vector, and calls the routine at that vector (if
; non-zero) to load additional fonts over the network (or do other
; post-initialization).
export AddScriptFonts
import StdUnlink
asfFrame record {a6link},decr
result ds.w 1 ; OSErr result code.
asfArgs equ *-8 ; size of arguments.
selector ds.l 1 ; selector
return ds.l 1 ; return address.
a6link ds.l 1 ; old a6
asfLocals equ *
asRegs reg a2-a3/d3 ; regs to save
with asfFrame,ExpandMemRec,NewItlCacheRec,SMgrRecord,ScriptRecord
link a6,#asfLocals ; link the stack.
movem.l asRegs,-(sp) ; save regs
move.l IntlSpec,a3 ; GetSMgrRecord pointer
move.l ExpandMem,a2 ; get ExpandMemRec ptr
move.l emItlSysCachePtr(a2),a2 ; get sys itl cache ptr
move.w (a2)+,d3 ; get count of enabled scripts
bra.s @nextAddFont ; enter loop at end
move.w (a2)+,d1 ; get next script code
add #newItlCacheRecSize-2,a2 ; advance to next cache entry
move.w d1,d0 ; copy script code
lsl.w #2,d0 ; make a long offset
move.l smgrEntry(a3,d0.w),a0 ; get ScriptRecord ptr, know it's enabled
move.l scriptAddFonts(a0),d0 ; check script's AddFonts vector
beq.s @nextAddFont ; if none, skip to next script
move.l d0,a0 ; otherwiseÉ
move.w d1,-(sp) ; Épush script codeÉ
jsr (a0) ; Éand call scriptÕs AddFonts routine
dbra d3,@addFontLoop
move.w #noErr,result(a6) ; return noErr
movem.l (sp)+,asRegs ; restore regs
move.w #asfArgs,d0 ; for StdUnlink
bra StdUnlink ; standard exit
endwith ;asfFrame,ExpandMemRec,NewItlCacheRec,SMgrRecord,ScriptRecord
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ <27>
; FUNCTION InitScriptApp: OSErr;
; InitScriptApp initializes the application-specific Script Mgr globals,
; which are allocated in the app heap.
; So far, these just contain the application itl2/4 cache and some reserved
; fields. The code to initialize the cache was moved from InternationalPACK.a.
export InitScriptApp
import StdUnlink
isaFrame record {a6link},decr
result ds.w 1 ; OSErr result code.
isaArgs equ *-8 ; size of arguments.
selector ds.l 1 ; selector
return ds.l 1 ; return address.
a6link ds.l 1 ; old a6
isaLocals equ *
isaRegs reg a2 ; regs to save
with isaFrame,ExpandMemRec,SMgrAppRecord
link a6,#isaLocals ; link the stack.
movem.l isaRegs,-(sp) ; save regs
; Create app-specific script globals, initialize itl cache part from
; sys itl cache. This code mostly moved from International PACK.a.
move.l ExpandMem,a2
move.l emItlSysCachePtr(a2),a0 ; get pointer to sys itl cache
tst.l d0 ; error?
bmi.s @isaExit ; if so, no app script globals
move.l d0,d2 ; save length
add.l #smgrAppRsvdSize,d0 ; add space for other global fields
_NewHandle ,CLEAR ; make global space in app heap <28>
bmi.s @isaExit ; if error, no app script globals
move.l a0,a1 ; save new handle in a1É
move.l a1,emScriptAppGlobals(a2) ; Éand in ExpandMemRec field
_HNoPurge ; and make it non-purgeable
move.l emItlSysCachePtr(a2),a0 ; get pointer to sys itl cache
move.l (a1),a1 ; get pointer to new globals
lea smgrAppCacheCount(a1),a1 ; point to base of cache area
move.l d2,d0 ; get length of cache part
_BlockMove ; copy sys cache to app cache
; what to do about errors here?
move.w #noErr,result(a6) ; return noErr
movem.l (sp)+,isaRegs ; restore regs
move.w #isaArgs,d0 ; for StdUnlink
bra StdUnlink ; standard exit
endwith ;isaFrame,ExpandMemRec,SMgrAppRecord
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ <27>
; FUNCTION CleanupScriptApp: OSErr;
; CleanupScriptApp cleans up the application-specific Script Mgr globals.
export CleanupScriptApp
import StdUnlink
csaFrame record {a6link},decr
result ds.w 1 ; OSErr result code.
csaArgs equ *-8 ; size of arguments.
selector ds.l 1 ; selector
return ds.l 1 ; return address.
a6link ds.l 1 ; old a6
csaLocals equ *
;csaRegs reg a2-a3/d3 ; regs to save
with csaFrame,ExpandMemRec
link a6,#csaLocals ; link the stack.
; movem.l csaRegs,-(sp) ; save regs
; If app script globals exist, dispose of them
move.l ExpandMem,a0 ; get ptr to ExpandMemRec
move.l emScriptAppGlobals(a0),a0 ; get handle to appÕs script globals
move.l a0,d0 ; is it 0 (couldnÕt allocate)?
beq.s @csaExit ; if so, nothing to do
addq.l #1,d0 ; is it -1 (Process Mgr didnÕt set field)?
beq.s @csaExit ; if so, nothing to do
move.l ExpandMem,a0 ; get ptr to ExpandMemRec <29>
clr.l emScriptAppGlobals(a0) ; clear out so we don't try to use it <29>
move.w #noErr,result(a6) ; return noErr
; movem.l (sp)+,csaRegs ; restore regs
move.w #csaArgs,d0 ; for StdUnlink
bra StdUnlink ; standard exit
endwith ;csaFrame,ExpandMemRec
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <24>
; FUNCTION IsCmdChar(keyEvent: EventRecord; testChar: CHAR): BOOLEAN;
; This function tests if Command is being pressed in conjunction with another
; key (or keys) that could generate testChar for some combination of Command up
; or down and Shift up or down. This accomodates European keyboards that may
; have testChar as a Shifted character, and non-Roman keyboards that will ONLY
; generate testChar if Command is down. It is most useful for testing for
; Command-period.
; The caller passes in the event record, which is assumed by the function to be
; an event record for a key-down or auto-key event with the Command key down.
; The caller also passes in the character to be tested for (e.g. '.'). The
; function returns TRUE if the test char is produced with the current modifier
; keys, or if it would be produced by changing the current modifier key bits in
; the following ways:
; 1. turning the Command bit off
; 2. toggling the Shift bit
; 3. both of the above
export IsCmdChar
export DoKeyTrans ; <37>
keyUpMask equ $80 ; or mask to set key up bit in keycode
cmdOffMask equ $FEFF ; and mask to clear CmdKey bit in keycode
cmdOnMask equ $0100 ; or mask to set CmdKey bit in keycode
shiftToggleMask equ $0200 ; xor mask to toggle ShiftKey bit in keycode
iccFrame record {a6link},decr
result ds.w 1 ; Boolean result
iccArgStart equ *
eventRecPtr ds.l 1 ; Pointer to event record
testChar ds.w 1 ; Char parameter to test for
selector ds.l 1 ; Script Mgr selector
iccArgEnd equ *
return ds.l 1 ; return address
a6link ds.l 1 ; link register
iccLocals equ *
iccArgSize equ iccArgStart-iccArgEnd
iccRegs reg a2/d3-d4 ; regs to save <37>
; Local regs:
; a2.l KCHRPtr
; d3.w keycode
; d4.w testChar
with iccFrame
LINK A6,#iccLocals ;
movem.l iccRegs,-(sp) ; save regs <37>
move.w testChar(a6),d4 ; save testChar <37>
; Set up KeyTrans parameters keycode and KCHRPtr
move.l eventRecPtr(a6),a0 ; get ptr to event record
move.w evtMeta(a0),d3 ; get modifier keys in hi byte of word <37>
move.b evtMessage+2(a0),d3 ; get virtual key code in lo byte <37>
or.b #keyUpMask,d3 ; Set key up bit. This will make <37>
; KeyTrans skip dead key processing.
with ExpandMemRec
MOVE.L ExpandMem,A0 ; Pointer to ExpandMemRec
MOVE.L emKeyCache(A0),a2 ; Save pointer to KCHR resource <37>
; Call KeyTrans with various modifier key settings
ST result(A6) ; Assume we have a match
BSR.S DoKeyTrans ; First, call with real modifiers
BEQ.S DoneTest ; If that gave us a match, hooray
AND.W #cmdOffMask,d3 ; Turn off Command and try again <37>
BSR.S DoKeyTrans ; I can't stand the suspense
BEQ.S DoneTest ; Do we have a match yet?
MOVE.W #shiftToggleMask,D0 ; Because of weird 68000 EOR inst.
EOR.W D0,d3 ; Toggle the Shift bit and try again <37>
BSR.S DoKeyTrans ; Read all about itÉ
BEQ.S DoneTest ; Are we home yet?
OR.W #cmdOnMask,d3 ; Turn on Command and try once more <37>
BSR.S DoKeyTrans ; Almost doneÉ
SZ result(A6) ; Our final result
; Clean up and exit
movem.l (sp)+,iccRegs ; restore regs <37>
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; pop return address
ADD.L #iccArgSize,SP ; clean up parameter space
JMP (A0) ; return to caller
; Subroutine for calling KeyTrans. Returns with condition codes set
; to indicate result: Z set if match, clear if no match.
; Assumes the following registers are set up: <37>
; a2.l KCHRPtr
; d3.w keycode
; d4.w testChar
SUBQ.L #4, SP ; Make room for KeyTrans result
MOVE.L a2,-(SP) ; Push pointer to KCHR resource <37>
MOVE.W d3,-(SP) ; Push keycode (w/o modifiers) <37>
PEA TestDead ; Push address of dead key state
CMP.W (SP)+,D4 ; compare testChar with first char <37>
BEQ.S @FixStackReturn ; if equal, clean up stack & return
CMP.W (SP)+,D4 ; compare testChar with second char <37>
RTS ; return Z set or clear, indicates result
ADDA.W #2,SP ; fix stack w/o changing cond codes
RTS ; return with Z set.
TestDead dc.l 0 ; storage for dead state
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <33>
; FUNCTION FindCharInSet(textPtr: Ptr; textLen: LongInt; charSet: StringPtr;
; table: CharByteTable): LongInt;
; The textPtr and textLen parameters specify a string to be searched for any
; of the characters in charSet. If any are found, the offset where the
; character was found is returned; otherwise, the function returns -1.
; The table parameter is obtained from the Script Mgr ParseTable routine.
; The caller must set the txFont of the port to a font in the script being
; handled, then call ParseTable to get the table.
; This routine is used by Dialog Mgr and Finder (and Help Mgr?).
; Written by Kevin S. MacDonell.
export FindCharInSet
FCISFrame RECORD {A6Link},decr
fcisresult DS.L 1
txtPtr DS.L 1
txtLen DS.L 1
charSetPtr DS.L 1
tblPtr DS.L 1
selector DS.L 1 ; Script Mgr selector <36>
fcisparamSz EQU fcisresult-*
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
fcisSaveReg REG D2-D7/A2-A4
; Register conventions for this routine
; D0 - The char from the text buffer we are looking at
; D1 - The char from the charset we are looking at
; D2 - length of character in charset
; D3 - offset into charset
; D4 - offset into text
; D5 - subrange counter (bytes into char from charset)
; D6 - The # of BYTES in the charset (because there may be double-byte chars in it)
; D7 - The text length in bytes (not chars, we assume caller does not know this)
; A4/D4 - txtPtr and offset
; A3/D3 - charSetPtr and offset
; A2 - tblPtr
; A1 - subrange pointer into charset
; A0 - subrange pointer into text
link a6,#0
movem.l fcisSaveReg,-(sp)
moveq #-1,d7
move.l d7,fcisresult(a6) ; Assume we wonÕt find anything
move.l txtLen(a6),d7 ; Get the length of the text to search
ble.s @done ; donÕt bother if itÕs bogus
move.l charSetPtr(a6),a3 ; Get base of string
moveq #0,d6 ; Clear high part
move.b (a3)+,d6 ; Get length byte and bump pointer past it
beq.s @done ; If no chars to search for, bail
moveq #0,d0 ; Clear text byte
moveq #0,d1 ; Clear charset byte
moveq #0,d2 ; Clear subrange counter
move.l txtPtr(a6),a4 ; Get the text ptr
move.l tblPtr(a6),a2 ; Get the table ptr
move.b (a3),d1 ; Preload d1 with single char to preflight special case
; Since it never changes during textloop
; Loop thru each char in the text and compare it with each char in the charset
; If we find a match, return the byte offset into the text where the match starts
moveq #0,d4 ; Start at offset zero into text
@textLoop ; while (offsetintotext (d4) < textlen) do
move.b (a4,d4.l),d0 ; Get first byte of next char in text
cmp.w #1,d6 ; Is the charset only 1 byte long? (special case)
beq.s @fastCompare
moveq #0,d3 ; Start at offset zero into charset
@charsetLoop: ; while (offsetintocharset(d3) < charsetlen) do
lea (a4,d4.l),a0 ; Point to current byte in text string
lea (a3,d3.l),a1
move.b (a1),d1 ; Get first byte of next char in charset
move.b (a2,d1.l),d2 ; Get the length of this charset character
move.l d2,d5 ; Copy to loop counter
cmpm.b (a0)+,(a1)+ ; Did we find it?
bne.s @charsetLoopNext ; Nope, check the next char in the charset
dbf d5,@subcharsetloop ; Go check the next one
bra.s @foundit ; If we fell out of loop, we found it!
addq.l #1,d3 ; Advance 1 byte in the char set
add.l d2,d3 ; Advance more bytes if necessary, past end of char
cmp.l d3,d6 ; Checked all the chars in the charset?
bgt.s @charsetLoop ; no, keep going
bra.s @textLoopNext ; yep, check next char in text
; This is the short-circuit compare loop when we are searching for a single 1-byte character
cmp.b d0,d1 ; Did we find it?
bne.s @textLoopNext
move.l d4,fcisresult(a6) ; Return the offset into the text where we matched
bra.s @done
addq.l #1,d4 ; Point to next character in the text
move.b (a2,d0.l),d0 ; Get number of additional chars
add.l d0,d4 ; And point past those
cmp.l d4,d7 ; Checked all the chars in the text?
bgt.s @textLoop ; keep going
movem.l (sp)+,fcisSaveReg
unlk a6
move.l (sp)+,a0
moveq #fcisparamSz,d0
add.w d0,sp
jmp (a0)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; StdUnlink, StdExit
; Standard point of return for script manager routines.
; Input
; d0 := number of arguments passed to returning routine
; sp := address of jump target routine
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export StdUnlink, StdExit ; standard exit points
unlk a6 ; unlink the stack.
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; pop return address.
add.w d0,sp ; pop arguments.
jmp (a0) ; return to the caller.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <1.8>
; Patch out LwrString to handle 2-byte chars.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; routine: LwrString
; input: a0 textPtr
; d0.w length
; d1.w trap word; the following bits are significant in 7.0 only:
; Opcode bits
; 10 9 Function
; -- -- --------
; 0 0 convert to lower-case
; 0 1 strip diacritics
; 1 0 convert to upper-case
; 1 1 convert to upper-case and strip diacritics
; output: d0.w error
; function: Change text pointed to by a0 according to opcode bits. Before 7.0, we
; just assume that these bits are 0 and act accordingly.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Add a new entry point for ScriptUtil. Like LwrString, but params on stack,
; and two additional params: script specifies the script (so we don't need a
; grafPort), and func selects which function (Upper, Lower, etc.) using the same
; bits as in the OS trap word.
; PROCEDURE SCLwrString(textPtr: Ptr;len: INTEGER;script: ScriptCode;
; func: INTEGER);
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export NewLwrString, SCLwrString ; <38><2>
lwrTrFrame record {a6link},decr
return ds.l 1 ; return address
a6link ds.l 1 ; link pointer
sourcePtr ds.l 1 ; orig source ptr
sourceLen ds.l 1 ; orig source len
sourceHndl ds.l 1 ; new handle with copy of source
destHndl ds.l 1 ; new handle for transliterate result
errCode ds.w 1 ; err code to be returned in d0
target ds.w 1 ; target for Transliterate <new in 7.0>
script ds.w 1 ; script code <38>
lwrTrLocals equ * ; size of locals
opcodeMask equ $0600 ; mask for opcode bits
stripOnly equ $0200 ; opcode bits for strip diacritics only
; New entry point, ScriptUtil routine <38>
move.l (sp)+,a1 ; pop return address <38>
addq #4,sp ; discard selector <38>
move.w (sp)+,d1 ; get func code (bits 9-10 like trap word) <38>
move.w (sp)+,d2 ; get ScriptCode for later <38>
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; get length where OS trap would have itÉ <38>
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; and pointer where OS trap would have it. <38>
move.l a1,-(sp) ; restore return address <38>
cmp.w #smSystemScript,d2 ; check ScriptCode <38>
blt.s useFontScript ; FontScript, go get it <38>
with SMgrRecord,ScriptRecord ; <38>
movea.l IntlSpec,a1 ; doesn't affect cc <38>
bgt.s @haveRealScript ; <38>
move.w smgrSysScript(a1),d2 ; get system script <38>
move.w d2,-(sp) ; save script code <38>
lsl.w #2,d2 ; convert to long offset. <38>
move.l smgrEntry(a1,d2.w),d2 ; script installed? <38>
beq lwrCleanup ; no, do nothing <38>
move.l d2,a1 ; load ScriptRecord pointer. <38>
tst.b scriptEnabled(a1) ; script enabled? <38>
beq lwrCleanup ; if so, go dispatch <38>
move.w (sp)+,d2 ; restore ScriptCode <38>
bra.s haveValidScript ; <38>
endwith ;SMgrRecord,ScriptRecord <38>
; Old entry point, OS trap
NewLwrString ; <2>
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; NOTE: For 2-byte scripts, we need to call Transliterate. So, the first thing to
; do is figure out what script we're in. We also test for length <= 0 (tests >32K).
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
useFontScript ; <38>
movem.l a0/d0/d1,-(sp) ; save important registers
subq.l #2,sp ; make room for return
_FontScript ; find script of port, ScriptRecord in a0
move.w (sp)+,d2 ; pop script into d2
move.l a0,a1 ; put ScriptRecord ptr in a1 <38>
movem.l (sp)+,a0/d0/d1 ; restore important registers
haveValidScript ; <38>
; Here we have: ; <38>
; a0 textPtr
; d0.w len
; d1.w bits 9-10 have func flags
; a1 ScriptRecord ptr
; d2 real script code
ext.l d0 ; as fast as tst.w and we need ext.l later <38> move here
ble lwrRTS ; if bad length, quit <38> move here
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Here we make use of the fact that a word redraw flag of 1 (or anything >0)
; indicates a 2-byte script.
; Now we already have ScriptRecord ptr in a1, and we know script is enabled. <38>
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
with ScriptRecord ; <38>
tst.b scriptRedraw(a1) ; is it a 2-byte script?
ble not2Byte ; if not, go use normal LwrString
endwith ;ScriptRecord
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; OK, we need to set up for Transliterate: set up source & dest handles.
; Also set target depending on opcode bits <new in 7.0>.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
with lwrTrFrame
link a6,#lwrTrLocals ; create local storage
move.w d2,script(a6) ; save script code <38>
; ------------
; Set target depending on opcode bits <new in 7.0>.
clr.w errCode(a6) ; start with no errors
move.w #smTransLower+smTransAscii,target(a6) ; assume lower-casing
and.w #opcodeMask,d1 ; isolate opcode bits
beq.s @gotTarget ; if 00, go with lower-casing
cmp.w #stripOnly,d1 ; if just stripping diacriticsÉ
beq lwrTrUnlk ; nothing to do in 2-byte system
move.w #smTransUpper+smTransAscii,target(a6) ; else upper-casing
; ------------
move.l a0,sourcePtr(a6) ; save source ptr
move.l d0,sourceLen(a6) ; save length
_PtrToHand ; make new handle containing copy of text
move.w d0,errCode(a6) ; save err code
bne lwrTrUnlk ; if error in PtrToHand, quit <SM5> CSS
move.l a0,sourceHndl(a6) ; save new source handle
move.l sourceLen(a6),d0 ; get length again
_NewHandle ; make new handle with random contents
move.w d0,errCode(a6) ; save err code
bne.s lwrTrDisp1Hndl ; if error in NewHandle, quit
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Now do Transliterate and check result: dest length should equal source length
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
move.l a0,destHndl(a6) ; save new dest handle
subq.l #2,sp ; space for Transliterate error code
move.l sourceHndl(a6),-(sp) ; push source handle
move.l a0,-(sp) ; push dest handle (still in a0)
move.w target(a6),-(sp) ; use specified target <changed in 7.0>
move.l #smMaskAscii,-(sp) ; convert Roman only
move.w script(a6),-(sp) ; push ScriptCode <38>
_SCTransliterate ; <38>
move.w (sp)+,errCode(a6) ; save error code
bne.s lwrTrDisp2Hndl ; if error in Transliterate, quit
move.l destHndl(a6),a0 ; now check resultÉ
move.w d0,errCode(a6) ; save err code
tst.l d0 ; .l, because the result is really a long
blt.s lwrTrDisp2Hndl ; if error in GetHandleSize, quit
move.w #-1,errCode(a6) ; assume len err; need a better err code!
cmp.l sourceLen(a6),d0 ; should be same as source len
bne.s lwrTrDisp2Hndl ; if not, set err and bail
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Copy result (destHndl) to original text buffer (sourcePtr).
; NOTE: For large text blocks, _BlockMove might be faster than this loop.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
move.l destHndl(a6),a0 ; get dest handle andÉ
move.l (a0),a0 ; deref it to get source ptr for this copy
move.l sourcePtr(a6),a1 ; old source ptr is dest for this copy
move.l sourceLen(a6),d0 ; length for copy (we know it is >= 1)
subq.l #1,d0 ; set up for dbra
@1 move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ ; copy a byte
dbra d0,@1 ; loop till done
clr.w errCode(a6) ; no errors!
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Exits - need to dispose of handles we created
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
move.l destHndl(a6),a0 ;
_DisposHandle ;
move.l sourceHndl(a6),a0 ;
_DisposHandle ;
move.w errCode(a6),d0 ; set err code
unlk a6 ;
lwrCleanup ; <38>
addq #2,sp ; discard saved script code <38>
clr.w d0
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This is not a 2-byte script, just use old LwrString.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; We used to jump back into ROM here with "BackToTrap oldLwrString". Now we <38>
; patch out LwrString entirely, so we add the code below.
; Instead of saving/clearing IntlForce, calling GetIntl,
; then restoring IntlForce, we now just call GetScriptItl.
move.l a2,-(sp) ; save a2 <03/05/89 pke>
; actually, OS trap dispatch saves & restores a2 - strange but true <06/05/89 pke>
movem.l a0/d0/d1,-(sp) ;*save around IUGetScriptItl (ugly temp hack)
; <38>
clr.l -(sp) ; space for returned handle
move.w #2,-(sp) ; select itl2
move.w d2,-(sp) ; push ScriptCode <38>
clr.w -(sp) ; sysFlag = 0 <38>
_IUGetScriptItl ; may trash a0,a1,d0-d2 <38>
move.l (sp)+,a2 ; store itl2 handle
; <38>
movem.l (sp)+,a0/d0/d1 ;*(ugly temp hack)
move.l a2,d2 ; nil handle? <06/05/89 pke>
beq.s @LwrError ; bail if so <06/05/89 pke>
move.l (a2),a2 ; dereference
btst.b #0,itl2FlagsOffset+1(a2) ; extended itl2 tables?
beq.s @LwrError ; no, bail (was beq to @LwrExit) <06/05/89 pke>
move.l a2,a1 ; copy pointer
clr.l d2 ; for longizing
move.w classArrayOffset(a2),d2 ; longize classArrayOffset
add.l d2,a1 ; make classArray pointer
; Opword = 1010 xcdx xxxx xxxx , where c=caseBit and d=diacBit. Shift & mask
; to form 0000 0000 0000 0CD0 for use as an address offset. <03/28/89 pke>
lsr.w #8,d1 ; xxxx xxxx 1010 xcdx <03/28/89 pke>
andi.w #$0006,d1 ; 0000 0000 0000 0cd0 <03/28/89 pke>
move.w @LwrOffsetTable(d1.w),d1 ; offset into itl2 offset table <03/28/89 pke>
move.w 0(a2,d1.w),d2 ; now get actual table offset <03/28/89 pke>
add.l d2,a2 ; make lowerList pointer
clr.l d1 ; wordize
bra.s @LwrNext ; loop at bottom
move.b (a0),d1 ; char
move.b 0(a1,d1.w),d1 ; class
move.b 0(a2,d1.w),d1 ; delta
add.b d1,(a0)+ ; add delta to make lower
dbra d0,@LwrLoop ; until d0 = -1
clr.l d0 ; no error
@LwrExit2 ; <06/05/89 pke>
move.l (sp)+,a2 ; restore a2 <03/05/89 pke>
@LwrError ; <06/05/89 pke>
move.w #resNotFound,d0 ; <06/05/89 pke><07/08/89 pke>
bra.s @LwrExit2 ; <06/05/89 pke>
@LwrOffsetTable ; <03/28/89 pke>
dc.w lowerListOffset ; <03/28/89 pke>
dc.w noMarkListOffset ; <03/28/89 pke><04/07/89 pke>
dc.w upperListOffset ; <03/28/89 pke>
dc.w upperNoMarkListOffset ; <03/28/89 pke>
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <37>
; FUNCTION TestLetter(testChar: CHAR): BOOLEAN; {Pascal calling conventions}
; This function tests if a key on the main keyboard is being pressed that could
; generate testChar with Command up or down (and no other modifiers). This is only
; intended to test for Roman lower-case letters. It checks for the key press by
; examining the low-memory Keymap area, so this is useful when we are not in an
; event loop. We check with Command bit on because this forces the Roman layout
; on a non-Roman keyboard.
; Example of usage from assembly language to test for Opt-e:
; btst #2,KeyMap+7 ; option key down?
; beq.s @done ; no, skip check.
; subq #2,sp ; make room for Boolean result
; move.w #'e',-(sp) ; push 'e' as the char to test for
; bsr TestLetter ; returns TRUE if key with Roman 'e' being pressed
; tst.b (sp)+ ; what was the result?
; bne SkipInstall ; if Opt-e, skip script install
export xTestLetter, iTestLetter
import DoKeyTrans
clearModifiers equ $FFFF7F80 ; and mask to clear modifier bits in (KeyMap+4).L
keyUpMask equ $0080 ; or mask to set key up bit in keycode
cmdOnMask equ $0100 ; or mask to set CmdKey bit in keycode
tlFrame record {a6link},decr
result ds.w 1 ; Boolean result
tlArgStart equ *
testChar ds.w 1 ; Char parameter to test for
tlArgEnd equ *
return ds.l 1 ; return address
a6link ds.l 1 ; link register
tlLocals equ *
tlArgSize equ tlArgStart-tlArgEnd
tlRegs reg a2/d3-d4 ; regs to save
; Local regs:
; a2.l KCHRPtr
; d3.w keycode
; d4.w testChar
xTestLetter ; external entry <44>
move.l (sp)+,(sp) ; discard selector but save return addr <44>
iTestLetter ; internal entry <44>
; Check if we have a non-modifier key down on the main keyboard (not the keypad
; etc.). We look in the KeyMap bit array to see if a bit is set that indicates a
; non-modifier key is pressed. KeyMap is 128 bits, so we can test 4 longs.
; However, we skip the last 2 longs, because they are only for the keypad, arrow
; keys or special keys on the extended keyboard.
CLR.W 6(SP) ; Assume result FALSE
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; bit offset in KeyMap
MOVE.L KeyMap,D0 ; Key down in (KeyMap+0).L?
BNE.S GotKey ; If so, handle it
MOVEQ #32,D1 ; bit offset in KeyMap
MOVE.L KeyMap+4,D0 ; Get (KeyMap+4).L
AND.L #clearModifiers,D0 ; Is non-modifier key down?
BEQ.S NoKey ; If not, give up
; Here, we have a non-modifier key down on the main keyboard. At this point, D0
; is guaranteed to have at least one non-zero bit. We determine the keycode
; modulo 32 based on the position of this bit in D0. Then we add in the bit
; offset from the beginning of KeyMap to the 32-bit block that the key down bit
; was in (this value is in D1). This gives us the keycode.
with tlFrame
LINK A6,#tlLocals
movem.l tlRegs,-(sp) ; save regs
move.w testChar(a6),d4 ; save testChar
; Set up KeyTrans parameter: keycode (in d3)
; Note that modifiers byte will be all 0 (this is what we want)
MOVEQ.L #31,d3 ; Loop starts testing from 31
BTST.L d3,d0 ; Is selected bit set in D0?
DBNE d3,@bitLoop ; No, try next. Guaranteed to find one.
; Now d3.W contains the number of the bit that was set in D0.L.
MOVE.W d3,d0 ; Copy bit number
AND.W #$07,d3 ; Get bit number within byte
AND.W #$F8,d0 ; Get bit offset of byte in register
ADD.W #24,d3 ; Byte's bit offset in KeyMap is É
SUB.W d0,d3 ; É 24 - bit offset in register
; Now we have keycode mod 32 in d3.
ADD.W d1,d3 ; Add in Keymap block bit offset (0 or 32).
; Now we have keycode in d3.w
OR.W #keyUpMask,d3 ; Set key up bit. This will make
; KeyTrans skip dead key processing.
; Get KeyTrans parameter: KCHRPtr (in a2)
with ExpandMemRec
MOVE.L ExpandMem,A0 ; Pointer to ExpandMemRec
MOVE.L emKeyCache(A0),a2 ; Save pointer to KCHR resource
endwith ;ExpandMemRec
; Call KeyTrans with various modifier key settings
ST result(A6) ; Assume we have a match
BSR DoKeyTrans ; First, call with no modifiers
BEQ.S DoneTest ; If that gave us a match, hooray
OR.W #cmdOnMask,d3 ; Turn on Command and try once more
BSR DoKeyTrans ; Almost doneÉ
SZ result(A6) ; Our final result
; Clean up and exit
movem.l (sp)+,tlRegs ; restore regs
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; pop return address
ADDQ.L #tlArgSize,SP ; clean up parameter space
JMP (A0) ; return to caller
endwith ;tlFrame
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <50>
; GetScript/SetScript for Roman
; These do nothing but clean up the stack and return a constant value.
export RomanGetScript, RomanSetScript
gsRecord record {return},decr
result ds.l 1 ; result code.
gsArgs equ *-4 ; size of arguments.
script ds.w 1 ; script code.
verb ds.w 1 ; verb value.
selector ds.l 1 ; trap selector.
return ds.l 1 ; return address.
gsLocals equ * ; size of local variables.
with gsRecord
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; pop return address.
addq #gsArgs,sp ; discard arguments.
clr.l (sp) ; return value
jmp (a0) ; return to the caller.
endwith ;gsRecord
ssRecord record {return},decr
result ds.w 1 ; result code.
ssArgs equ *-4 ; size of arguments.
script ds.w 1 ; script code.
verb ds.w 1 ; verb value.
param ds.l 1 ; parameter value.
selector ds.l 1 ; trap selector.
return ds.l 1 ; return address.
ssLocals equ * ; size of local variables.
with ssRecord
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; pop return address.
add.w #ssArgs,sp ; discard arguments.
move.w #smBadVerb,(sp) ; set error code.
jmp (a0) ; return to the caller.
endwith ;ssRecord
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <54>
; function: CharType(textBuf: Ptr; textOffset: Integer): Integer;
; input: (sp).l Text pointer.
; (sp).w Text offset.
; output: (sp).w Result, character type.
; warning: This routine follows Pascal register conventions.
; Return information about a character, including character type, punctuation
; type, and case. For RIS, this is reduced to a simple table lookup.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export CharType
ctRecord record {a6link},decr
result ds.w 1 ; result.
ctArgs equ *-8 ; size of arguments.
textBuf ds.l 1 ; text buffer pointer.
textOffset ds.w 1 ; text buffer offset.
scriptRecPtr ds.l 1 ; Scriptrecord ptr
return ds.l 1 ; return address.
a6link ds.l 1 ; old a6 register.
ctLocals equ * ; size of local variables.
caseBit equ 14 ; case bit index in returned word
dirBit equ 13 ; dir bit index in returned word <54>
charMask equ $0f ; mask for character type.
punctMask equ $70 ; mask for punctuation class in itl2 (L-R scripts)
rlPunctMask equ $30 ; mask for punctuation class in itl2 (R-L scripts) <54>
dirBitInItl2 equ 6 ; dir bit number in Itl2 type byte <54>
ctRegs reg a2/a3 ;
with ctRecord
move.l 4(sp),a0 ; ScriptRecord ptr (maybe nonRoman)
moveq #0,d2 ; sysFlag=0 in hi word
move.b ScriptRecord.scriptID(a0),d2 ; script code in low word
clr.l -(sp) ; space for returned handle
move.w #2,-(sp) ; select itl2
move.l d2,-(sp) ; two arguments: script code, sysFlag=0
_IUGetScriptItl ; may trash a0,a1,d0-d2
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; store itl2 handle
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; pop return address.
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; save scriptRecPtr in d2 <54>
move.w (sp)+,d1 ; get character offset.
move.l (sp)+,a1 ; get text buffer pointer.
movem.l ctRegs, -(sp) ; save regs
tst.l d0 ; nil handle?
beq.s @CharTypeExit ; if so, bail (return 0)
move.l d0,a2 ; get handle in a2
clr.l d0 ; for longizing & err return
move.l (a2),a2 ; dereference
btst.b #0,itl2FlagsOffset+1(a2) ; extended itl2 tables?
beq.s @CharTypeExit ; no, bail (returns 0)
move.l a2,a3 ; copy
move.w classArrayOffset(a2),d0 ; longize
add.l d0,a2 ;
move.w typeListOffset(a3),d0 ;
add.l d0,a3 ;
clr.l d0 ; clear character code.
move.b 0(a1,d1.w),d0 ; get the character code.
move.b 0(a2, d0.w),d0 ; get character class and
move.b 0(a3, d0.w),d0 ; specific type
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; clear it, we are going to shit later <8>
move.b d0,d1 ; punctuation type.
bpl.s @1 ; move case bit to the
bset #caseBit,d0 ; left.
@1 andi.b #charMask,d0 ; isolate character type.
move.l d2,a1 ; scriptRecPtr <54>
tst.b ScriptRecord.scriptRight(a1) ; right-to-left script? <54>
beq.s @dontSetDirBit ; if not, don't check dir bit <54>
; for right-left scripts, itl2 table has 2 bits for type + 1 dir bit <54>
btst #dirBitInItl2,d1 ; does byte in table indicate R-L char? <54>
beq.s @dontSetDirBit ; if not, go handle punct sub-types <54>
bset #dirBit,d0 ; return R-L direction <54>
andi.b #rlPunctMask,d1 ; and isolate punctuation sub-type <54>
bra.s @setType ; <54>
@dontSetDirBit ; <54>
andi.b #punctMask,d1 ; isolate punctuation sub-type.
@setType ; <54>
lsl.w #4,d1 ;
or.w d1,d0 ; or punctuation type back
movem.l (sp)+,ctRegs ;
move.w d0,(sp) ; into character type.
jmp (a0) ; return to the caller.
; Routine StyledLineBreak (
; textPtr: Ptr;
; textLen: Longint; {must be < 32K ;<2/14/89 pke>}
; textStart: Longint;
; textEnd: Longint;
; flags: Longint;
; var textWidth: Fixed; {on exit, set if too long}
; var textOffset: Longint;
; ): LineCode;
LineBreakFrame record {oldA6},decrement
result ds.w 1
argSize equ *-8
textPtr ds.l 1
textLen ds.l 1
textStart ds.l 1
textEnd ds.l 1
flags ds.l 1
textWidth ds.l 1
textOffset ds.l 1
selector ds.l 1
return ds.l 1
oldA6 ds.l 1
offsets ds.l 3
leadingEdge ds.b 1
foundCR ds.b 1
lineDirection ds.w 1
oldBlockFlags ds.w 1 ; only a byte is used
savedTextWidth DS.L 1 ; fixed value
localFrame equ *
FixMinusOne equ $FFFF0000
HiByteFlags EQU ScriptRecord.scriptBundle.itlbFlags
LoByteFlags EQU HiByteFlags+1
LineBreakRegs reg a2-a3/d4-d6
StyledLineBreak proc EXPORT ; <8>
import FindCarriage
import StdUnlink
; setup
with LineBreakFrame
link a6,#localFrame
movem.l LineBreakRegs,-(sp)
; common args
move.l textWidth(a6),a3 ; get @width
move.l textPtr(a6),d5 ; pointer
add.l textStart(a6),d5 ; pointer+start
; save environment and reset
;!!! generalize for left-right
move.w teSysJust,lineDirection(a6) ; save just
move.w #0,teSysJust ; set to LR, disable formating of RL scripts
; get current script
move.w #0,-(sp) ; allocate _FontScript return
_FontScript ; get current script
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; current script
; get core globals and test: inline instead of trap, for speed
lsl.w #2,d0 ; make script code a longword offset <1.9>
GetSmgrCore a2 ; smgr core globals
move.l smgrRecord.smgrEntry(a2,d0),a2 ; get the script record ptr
move.b HiByteFlags(a2),oldBlockFlags(a6) ; save the high byte of the itlb flags
bclr.b #smsfReverse,HiByteFlags(a2) ; set reverse block bit, disable reversing text for RL scripts
; quick check on length
move.l textEnd(a6),d4 ; get length
sub.l textStart(a6),d4 ; segment length
ble @TooLong ; if zero, bail
tst.l (a3) ; no width (degenerate)
; changed this so we handle blanks at start of 0-width line. <06/09/89 pke><3>
bmi @FixNoChars ; fix neg width
; first search for a carriage return, try minimum buffer for NPixel2Char
MOVE.L D5,A0 ; pass text ptr (TextPtr + start offset)
MOVE.W D4,D0 ; pass textlength (start offset - end offset)
BSR FindCarriage ; returns the offset after CR in D1
MOVE.B D0,foundCR(A6) ; D0=true if a carriage return was found,save this value
MOVE.W D1,D4 ; update the textlength
; now try to find how much of the text (D4) fits in the line pixel width
MOVE.L (A3),savedTextWidth(A6) ; save this value, can be changed by NP2C
MOVE.W #0,-(SP) ; space for result
MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ; push text ptr
MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ; push text byte length
MOVE.L #0,-(SP) ; 0 slop
MOVE.L (A3),-(SP) ; line pixel width
PEA leadingEdge(A6) ; leading Edge flag
MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ; remaing with
MOVE.W #smOnlyStyleRun,-(SP) ; style run position
MOVE.L #$00010001,D0 ; 1/1 scaling
MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; num
MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; denum
_NPixel2Char ; call trap
MOVE.L #0,D6 ; longize
MOVE.W (SP)+,D6 ; pop char offset
; if width is zero, fix leadingEdge for FindWord etc.
tst.l savedTextWidth(A6) ; zero width?
bne.s @doneFixleadingEdge ;
st leadingEdge(a6) ; if so, fix leadingEdge
; check for position being too long
move.l d6,d0 ; copy un-offsetted length
add.l textStart(a6),d6 ; get char offset
; if offset > length, return width of text
cmp.l d4,d0 ; position at end?
blt.s @GotCharPos ; no, skip
tst.b leadingEdge(a6) ; test if D4=D0 and leadingEdge is false
BEQ.S @GotCharPos ; if so, skip
TST.B foundCR(A6) ; was a CR found ?
BEQ.S @TooLong ; the pix width is too big for the line
MOVE.L D6,D1 ; update D1 with the whole offet <10>
BRA @ReturnWord ; we had CR so, return a word
; get word around char offset
move.l textPtr(a6),-(sp) ; ptr
move.w textLen+2(a6),-(sp) ; length (mod)
move.w d6,-(sp) ; offset (truncate)
move.b leadingEdge(a6),-(sp) ; leadingEdge
move.l MinusOne,-(sp) ; line break table
pea offsets(a6) ; offset table
_FindWord ; use trap
; test character to see if it is white-space
; Mark suggests checking to see if VisibleLength would work better hereÉ <06/09/89 pke>
move.w #0,-(sp) ; allocate return
move.l textPtr(a6),-(sp) ; ptr
move.w offsets(a6),-(sp) ; offset
_CharType ; use trap
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; get type
move.l #0,d1 ; longize
move.w offsets(a6),d1 ; assume second offset ***
and.w #smcTypeMask+smcClassMask,d0 ; type and class
cmp.w #smCharPunct+smPunctBlank,d0 ; blank?
bne.s @ReturnOffset ; no, continue
btst.b #smsfReverse,oldBlockFlags(a6) ; test reverse block flag
sne d0 ; 0/-1 left/right
cmp.b LineDirection+1(a6),d0 ; line = char? (bottom byte of line)
bne.s @ReturnOffset ; yes, skip to end
; here, word is whitespace and direction is ok (script direction = line direction),
; so return second offset.
MOVE.W offsets+2(A6),D1 ; set to second offset
BRA.S @ReturnWord ; we broke at word boundary
move.l textEnd(a6),d6 ; return width
move.l #smBreakOverflow,d0 ; set type
bra.s @Done ; return
tst.l d1 ; break at start?
bne.s @ReturnWord ; yes, return char
move.l textOffset(a6),a0 ; get @textOffset
tst.l (a0) ; was offset 0 at entry?
beq.s @ReturnWord ; if so, go return zero offset
; have to break word, so backup until length is less.
; The most we have to backup is one char, and we only have to do that if
; leadingEdge is false . We also need to catch the case of d6=0.
tst.b leadingEdge(a6) ; leadingEdge?
bne.s @checkNullOffset ; if T, skip decrement
sub.l #1,d6 ; decrement
BTST.B #smsfSingByte,LoByteFlags(A2) ; is it a single byte script ?
BNE.S @checkNullOffset ; don't fall thru if single byte script
clr.w -(sp) ; allocate return
move.l d5,-(sp) ; pass text ptr
move.l d6,d0 ; cur position
sub.l textStart(a6),d0 ; start of real text
move.w d0,-(sp) ; count (mod!!!)
tst.w (sp)+ ; return 0=single,-1=first,1=last
ble.s @checkNullOffset ; bail if -1 or 0, ok
sub.l #1,d6 ; fix for 2-byte chars
tst.l d6 ; are we still >0?
bgt.s @ReturnChar ; if so, go return a char
bra.s @FixNoChars1 ; don't redo test for orig offset 0
move.l textOffset(a6),a0 ; get @textOffset
tst.l (a0) ; was offset 0 at entry?
bne.s @FixNoChars1 ; if not, return 1 char
moveq #0,d1 ; if so, set zero offset
bra.s @ReturnWord ; and go return word break
; string is now zero length, make it at least 1 char
move.l #1,d6 ; include first char
BTST #smsfSingByte,LoByteFlags(A2) ; is it single byte script ?
BNE.S @ReturnChar ; don't fall thru if single byte script
clr.w -(sp) ; allocate return
move.l d5,-(sp) ; pass text ptr
move.w #1,-(sp) ; offset
tst.w (sp)+ ; return 0=single,-1=first,1=last
ble.s @ReturnChar ; bail if -1 or 0, ok
add.l #1,d6 ; fix for 2-byte chars
move.l #smBreakChar,d0 ; so, word too long.
bra.s @Done ; exit
moveq #0,d6 ; make long
move.w d1,d6 ; set to word bound
move.l #smBreakWord,d0 ; break at word
move.l textOffset(a6),a0 ; get @textOffset
move.l d6,(a0) ; set to char position
move.b d0,result(a6) ; set result type
; restore environment
move.b oldBlockFlags(a6),HiByteFlags(a2) ; restor the high byte of itlb flags
move.w lineDirection(a6),teSysJust ; restore just
; cleanup
movem.l (sp)+,LineBreakRegs
move #argSize, d0 ; for StdUnlink
bra StdUnlink ; standard exit
; Routine FindCarriage
; Input a0.l ptr
; d0.w length
; Output d0.b $FF/0 found/not found
; d1.w offset from ptr to char after CR; =length if CR not found
; Uses Pascal regs
FindCarriage proc
With smgrRecord, scriptRecord ; <8>
move.w d0,d1 ; copy for later
move.b #$0D,d2 ; carriage return
bra.s @CheckLength ; zero check
cmp.b (a0)+,d2 ; is it?
dbeq d0,@CarriageLoop ; keep going?
beq.s @GotCarriage ; not found
sf d0 ; signal caller
bra.s @FindCarriageDone ; done
; found a CR. Set up length and leftside. length is to character AFTER cr.
sub.w d0,d1 ; - characters left (+1) <2/14/89 pke><3>
st d0 ; signal caller