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448 lines
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448 lines
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File: ScriptMgrFindWord.c
Contains: New version of Script Mgr FindWord routine, uses state table.
Written by: Peter Edberg
Copyright: © 1988-1990, 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<8> 6/17/92 HA #1020596: Fixed NFindWord routine to correcly retrun the second
offset if the string is a nonbreaking space or the a string ends
with nonbreaking space. We make sure that when we exit from the
forward processing "While" loop both start and end pointers are
updated properly.
<7> 5/29/92 DCL Included TextUtils.h. NBreakTablePtr moved there for the New
Inside Mac.
<6> 5/14/92 PKE #1015333,<hsk>: Size optimization for FindWord/FindScriptRun
tables. Permit additional classes for two-byte characters based
on first byte only, to avoid unnecessary secondary tables. Also
for #1029395: In FindScriptRun, handle textLen <= 0 here instead
of in glue code, for more flexibility (and simpler glue).
<5> 5/8/92 PKE #1029395,<KST>: Add new FindScriptRun extension to handle
"shared" characters (space, punctuation) contextually.
<4> 4/29/92 FM Get rid of SysVers conditionals
<3> 7/10/90 dba get rid of warning from C
<2> 3/26/90 PKE Conditionalized for System 7.0 only, since we're now including
the Script Mgr extensions patch (27) in Sys607 builds but we
don't want this for System 6. Updated header to BBS format.
<1> 12/17/89 CCH Adding for the first time into BBS. Changed include 'inc.sum.a'
to load 'StandardEqu.d'. Updated file name references.
(BBS versions above, EASE versions below)
<1.4> 9/19/89 PKE Change doBackupOff to doBackup to match new interfaces.
<1.3> 9/15/89 PKE We're going to allow a direct call to NFindWord (in addition to
getting it through the old FindWord selector), so an interface
for NFindWord is going back into Script.h; consequently, we are
renaming the function here to xNFindWord to avoid conflict.
<1.2> 9/5/89 PKE Move into assembler glue (in ScriptMgrExtTail.a) the code that
handles getting the tables and checking their validity. This
simplifies the hitherto-unaddressed problem of making NFindWord
work with the FindWord selector but still be able to access a
script's old FindWord. As a result, we cancel some of the 1.1
changes: nbreaks is NBreakTablePtr again, the name is NFindWord
again, and we no longer include Packages.h or SysEqu.h.
<1.1> 9/4/89 PKE Change nbreaks from NBreakTablePtr to BreakTablePtr to match old
FindWord. Change function name to xNFindWord to distinguish it
from the NFindWord which invokes _ScriptUtil; add selector as
xNFindWord parameter. Add include of Packages.h. Change the way
we set offsets per MPW 3.0 definition of OffsetTable. It's all
functional now.
<1.0> 9/1/89 PKE New version of FindWord for 7.0. Not completely functional yet,
which is ok since it isn't installed yet.
9/1/89 pke Revive this stuff again for System 7.0; modify to get tables
from resources, and get address for old FindWord from Script
Manager internal vectors. Changed offsets argument from
(OffsetTable *) to (OffsetTable); need to change the code to
10/18/88 pke Seems pretty solid.
9/22/88 pke Begin.
To Do:
#include "Types.h"
#include "Script.h"
#include "TextUtils.h" /*<7>*/
#include "ScriptPriv.h"
#include "IntlUtilsPriv.h" /*<5>*/
* Pascal calling convention
* NFindWord(textPtr: Ptr; textLength, offset: Integer; leadingEdge: Boolean;
* nbreaks: NBreakTablePtr; Var offsets: OffsetTable);
* Note that the break tables have a new format.
* Constants
#define StateMask 0x7F
#define ExitFlag 0
#define StartState 2
#define BreakClass 0
* The assembly-language glue code converts nbreaks values of 0 or 1 into the
* appropriate pointers, doing an IUGetIntl if necessary and doing appropriate
* error checking. By the time we get here, nbreaks is a pointer to a valid
* new-format break table.
* Note that we are not allowed to do anything here that can move memory!
* Note also that the glue code leaves the selector on the stack, so we show
* it as an argument here.
pascal void xNFindWord(Ptr textPtr, short textLength, short offset,
Boolean leadingEdge, NBreakTablePtr nbreaks,
OffsetTable offsets, long /* selector */)
UBytePtr markbegP; /* Pointer to beginning of word */
UBytePtr markendP; /* Pointer to end of word */
UBytePtr markP; /* Pointer to temporary mark in text */
UBytePtr offsetP; /* Pointer to offset location in text */
UBytePtr endP; /* Offset for right side of last char */
UBytePtr savcurP; /* Save ptr loc at beginning of loop */
register UBytePtr currentP; /* Pointer to current location in text */
register short class; /* Character class for current char. */
register short actstate; /* Current action/state */
SBytePtr classTable;
UWordPtr backwdTable;
UWordPtr forwdTable;
UWordPtr auxClassTable;
UWordPtr firstByteClassTable; /* Pointer to table of 2-byte char class based on 1st byte only */ /*<6>*/
short default2ByteClass;
Boolean doCharByte;
doCharByte = ((nbreaks->flags2) != 0);
* Make offset point to left side of selected single- or double-byte char,
* then handle degenerate cases.
if (!leadingEdge)
if (offset > 0 && doCharByte && CharByte(textPtr, offset) == 1)
endP = (UBytePtr) textPtr + textLength;
if (offset < 0)
markbegP = markendP = (UBytePtr) textPtr;
else if (offset >= textLength)
markbegP = markendP = endP;
* Get pointers to correct tables, etc.
classTable = ((SBytePtr) nbreaks + nbreaks->classTableOff);
auxClassTable = (UWordPtr) ((UBytePtr) nbreaks + nbreaks->auxCTableOff);
backwdTable = (UWordPtr) ((UBytePtr) nbreaks + nbreaks->backwdTableOff);
forwdTable = (UWordPtr) ((UBytePtr) nbreaks + nbreaks->forwdTableOff);
offsetP = (UBytePtr) textPtr + offset;
default2ByteClass = (short) *auxClassTable;
if (default2ByteClass < 0) /*<6>*/
firstByteClassTable = (UWordPtr) ((UBytePtr) auxClassTable + (-default2ByteClass)); /*<6>*/
* If offset is small, just set markbegP to beginning of buffer. Other-
* wise, back up until we find a hard (context-independent) word boundary.
* Initial offset now guaranteed to be on character boundary.
if (offset < nbreaks->doBackup) /* <1.4> */
markbegP = textPtr;
currentP = offsetP;
actstate = StartState;
while (currentP > (UBytePtr) textPtr)
/* Get class for current char */
class = (short) *(classTable + *currentP);
if (class < 0)
if (currentP < endP - 1)
/* redo to permit multiple classes from 1st byte alone */ /*<6>*/
class = -class;
if ((class & 0x0001) == 0)
/* even, need mapping through specified second-byte table */
class = (short) *(
(SBytePtr) auxClassTable +
*((UWordPtr) ((UBytePtr) auxClassTable + class)) +
*(currentP + 1)
/* odd, use first byte only */
if (default2ByteClass >= 0)
/* if default is a real class, just use it */
class = default2ByteClass;
/* use table of classes */ /*<6>*/
class = *((short *) ((UBytePtr) firstByteClassTable + (class - 1)));
class = BreakClass;
actstate = (short) *(
(SBytePtr) backwdTable +
*((UWordPtr) ((UBytePtr) backwdTable + actstate)) +
if (actstate < 0)
markbegP = currentP;
actstate &= StateMask;
if (actstate == ExitFlag)
if (doCharByte && CharByte(textPtr, currentP - textPtr) == 1)
if (currentP <= (UBytePtr) textPtr)
markbegP = textPtr;
* Now go forward until we find the last word beginning before offset.
* markbegP guaranteed to be on a character boundary.
currentP = markbegP;
actstate = StartState;
while (currentP <= endP)
savcurP = currentP;
/* Get class for current char */
class = (short) *(classTable + *(currentP++));
if (currentP > endP) /* remember, currentP has been bumped */
class = BreakClass;
if (class < 0)
if (currentP < endP)
/* redo to permit multiple classes from 1st byte alone */ /*<6>*/
class = -class;
if ((class & 0x0001) == 0)
/* even, need mapping through specified second-byte table */
class = (short) *(
(SBytePtr) auxClassTable +
*((UWordPtr) ((UBytePtr) auxClassTable + class)) +
/* odd, use first byte only */
if (default2ByteClass >= 0)
/* if default is a real class, just use it */
class = default2ByteClass;
/* use table of classes */ /*<6>*/
class = *((short *) ((UBytePtr) firstByteClassTable + (class - 1)));
class = BreakClass;
/* Get action/state from prev state and current char class */
actstate = (short) *(
(SBytePtr) forwdTable +
*((UWordPtr) ((UBytePtr) forwdTable + actstate)) +
if (actstate < 0)
markP = savcurP;
actstate &= StateMask;
if (actstate == ExitFlag)
if (markP <= offsetP)
{ /* markP is before or at selected char */
currentP = markbegP = markP;
actstate = StartState;
{ /* markP is after selected char */
markendP = markP;
{ // this is the case when end of text state does not exit
if (currentP > endP)
markendP = markP;
* Save return values
* (if every bit of speed is critical, use offsetsP and autoincrement)
offsets[0].offFirst = (short) (markbegP - textPtr);
offsets[0].offSecond = (short) (markendP - textPtr);
offsets[1].offFirst = 0;
offsets[1].offSecond = 0;
offsets[2].offFirst = 0;
offsets[2].offSecond = 0;
* pascal ScriptRunStatus xFindScriptRun(
* Ptr textPtr,
* long textLen,
* long *lenUsedPtr,
* FindScriptTablePtr fsTablePtr
* );
* This is designed to be called by glue code in the Roman FindScriptRun after
* it has replaced the ScriptRecordPtr on the stack with a pointer to the
* appropriate new-format FindScriptTable.
* Constants
#define fsStateMask 0x7F
#define fsStartState 0
#define fsBreakClass 0
* Code
pascal ScriptRunStatus xFindScriptRun(Ptr textPtr, long textLen, long *lenUsedPtr,
FindScriptTablePtr fsTablePtr)
UBytePtr markendP; /* Pointer to end of run */
UBytePtr markP; /* Pointer to temporary mark in text */
UBytePtr endP; /* Offset for right side of last char */
UBytePtr savcurP; /* Save ptr loc at beginning of loop */
UBytePtr currentP; /* Pointer to current location in text */
short class; /* Character class for current char. */
short state; /* Current state */
SByte actstate; /* byte with action and state */
SBytePtr classTable;
UWordPtr auxClassTable;
UWordPtr firstByteClassTable; /* Pointer to table of 2-byte char class based on 1st byte only */ /*<6>*/
UWordPtr stateTable;
UWordPtr returnTable;
short default2ByteClass;
ScriptRunStatus myStatus;
short returnIndex;
* Get subtable pointers
classTable = ((SBytePtr)fsTablePtr + fsTablePtr->classTableOffset);
auxClassTable = (UWordPtr) ((UBytePtr)fsTablePtr + fsTablePtr->auxCTableOffset);
stateTable = (UWordPtr) ((UBytePtr)fsTablePtr + fsTablePtr->stateTableOffset);
returnTable = (UWordPtr) ((UBytePtr)fsTablePtr + fsTablePtr->returnTableOffset);
default2ByteClass = (short) *auxClassTable;
if (default2ByteClass < 0) /*<6>*/
firstByteClassTable = (UWordPtr) ((UBytePtr) auxClassTable + (-default2ByteClass)); /*<6>*/
* Now go forward until we exit.
endP = (UBytePtr) textPtr + ((textLen > 0) ? textLen: 0); /*<6>*/
currentP = textPtr;
state = fsStartState;
while (currentP <= endP)
savcurP = currentP;
/* Get class for current char */
if (currentP < endP) /*<6>*/
class = (short) *(classTable + *(currentP++));
else /*<6>*/
class = fsBreakClass;
if (class < 0)
if (currentP < endP)
/* redo to permit multiple classes from 1st byte alone */ /*<6>*/
class = -class;
if ((class & 0x0001) == 0)
/* even, need mapping through specified second-byte table */
class = (short) *(
(SBytePtr) auxClassTable +
*((UWordPtr) ((UBytePtr) auxClassTable + class)) +
/* odd, use first byte only */
if (default2ByteClass >= 0)
/* if default is a real class, just use it */
class = default2ByteClass;
/* use table of classes */ /*<6>*/
class = *((short *) ((UBytePtr) firstByteClassTable + (class - 1)));
class = fsBreakClass;
/* Get action/state from prev state and current char class */
actstate = (SByte) *(
(SBytePtr) stateTable +
*((UWordPtr) ((UBytePtr) stateTable + state)) +
if (actstate < 0)
markP = savcurP;
actstate = actstate << 1;
if (actstate < 0)
returnIndex = actstate & fsStateMask;
myStatus = *((ScriptRunStatus *)((UBytePtr) returnTable + returnIndex));
markendP = markP;
state = actstate;
* Save return values
*lenUsedPtr = (short) (markendP - textPtr);