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2185 lines
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; File: ScriptMgrKeyGetSet.a
; Contains: Script Manager routines KeyScript, Get/SetEnvirons, Get/SetScript.
; Written by: JDT Joe Ternasky
; KWK Ken Krugler
; MED Mark Davis
; LDC Lee Collins
; PKE Peter Edberg
; SMB Sue Bartalo
; Copyright: © 1986-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <52> 8/14/92 JH #1039719,1039768 <DTY>: Change 50 which saves a5 and restores it
; will cause a crash at boottime because now we call the process
; manager. Add the check to expandmem global before messing around
; with a5 and calling process manager.
; <51> 8/4/92 KST Oop, last minute change is bad. movea.l should really be move.l
; <50> 8/4/92 KST #1038311 <gbm>: <HA>: Set up a5 before calling
; SetTextServiceLanguage(), and SetDefaultInputMethod() calls.
; <49> 7/30/92 SMB #1037480 <cv>: Fix error handling code to push the byte
; identifying the current menu item number onto the stack into its
; expected position.
; <48> 7/15/92 SMB #1035923,1033475 (revisited), <kt>: Add bug #s and Kenny Tung's
; reviewing initials for change <47> since the CheckInMultiple
; script was upset with my erroneous bug # detail.
; <47> 7/15/92 SMB Wasn't deactivating old-style IM before going to a TSM-style IM;
; need to get the ID of the old-style JIM from the component ptr
; passed to _GetDefaultInputMethod.
; <46> 6/30/92 SMB #1033475,#1030903, <pke>: Add bug #s and Peter Edberg's
; reviewing initials for change <45> since the CheckInMultiple
; script was upset with my erroneous bug # detail.
; change <45> since the CheckInMultiple script didn't like me.
; <45> 6/30/92 SMB Changed the input method updating model per different
; specifications by TSM. The most important part of this change
; was to no longer deactivate an old-style input method when
; switching to a KCHR or a TSM-style input method in another
; script. This guarantees that if the old-style IM was the default
; IM for Japanese, then it would still be activated when switched
; to the Japanese script for input. However, when activating a
; TSM-style IM, must now check if the default is currently set to
; old-style and deactivate this one before activating the
; TSM-style IM. (See UpdateInputMethods for details.) ¥ Added
; error handling in the case that the call to UpdateInputMethods
; failed. Now restore the previous KeyScript and LastScript
; values. ¥ Fixed a stack bug that shows up (at least) when an
; initial KeyScript call is made to set the KCHR for the system
; script. The menu item # is expected on the stack but it wasn't
; pushed when app-specific globals did not exist in the CheckKybd
; code. (See PushItemAndSetKybd for details.) ¥ Fixed another bug
; in SetKybd to test for a NIL keyboard menu pointer before using
; it.
; <44> 6/17/92 SMB #1006394,<ha>: Per technote #160, a developer may call SetScript
; (once with smScriptKeys and once with smScriptIcon) and
; KeyScript to change the default keyboard layout. (This assumes
; s/he had already added the KCHR and icon resources to the System
; file.) Calling SetScript to update the ÔitlbÕ to point to this new
; KCHR still works but calling KeyScript w/ the KCHRÕs script no longer
; sets the KCHR as the active KCHR since the keyboard menu doesnÕt
; include it yet. (this broke in System 7) The problem is that
; the keyboard menu needs to be rebuilt to incorporate this
; keyboard layout that was added to the system and which is now
; desired by the application. We have a private ScriptUtil call to
; do this, _RebuildKeybdMenu, which currently is only called by
; the Mover. It is now called in KeyScript when the verb is
; smKeyRoman, smKeySysScript, smKeySwapScript, or when an explicit
; script code is specified. Once the menu is rebuild, we re-search
; the menu for the desired KCHR. If the keyboard layout is not found,
; the menu will default to the system scriptÕs current keyboard
; layout rather than display a trashed icon.
; ¥ #1031491: when switching from an application using an old-style
; IM to the Finder using a keyboard layout, will now correctly
; deactivate the old-style IM before making the keyboard layout
; active. Initially attempted to fix this for B2 or B3, but I have
; now added a specific test for this scenario (switching from old-style
; IM to a KCHR) in CheckKybd in order for the code changes to be utilized.
; <43> 6/12/92 FM Changed the call to SwapKbd to always be made through th
; internal vectors. Removed the obsolete smgrKeyGetSetInPtch27
; conditional.
; <42> 6/5/92 SMB #1029675,<pke>: When switching from old-style IM to any keyboard
; layout need to deactivate the old-style IM. So, now calling
; UpdateInputMethods for all setting of the keyboard. This change
; required adding a call to SetKybd before the call to
; utSetTextServiceLanguage. A number of KeyScript calls funnel out
; through SetKybd including RotateScript, SetSysScript,
; SetLastScript and an explicit script code (with the latter three
; .
; <41> 5/20/92 PKE #1019369,<ha>: Update handling of GetEnvirons verb
; smKeyDisableState to use the new lock state maintained in the
; application script globals. SetEnvirons can continue to write
; into the SMgrRecord, since we don't really want it to change the
; lock state (KeyScript should be used instead).
; <40> 5/10/92 SMB #1026551,<pke>: Add support for new private verb,
; smKeySynchKbdMenuState: SynchKbdMenuState disables the keyboard
; menu appropriately for the state of the current applications
; smgrAppDisableKybds flag. Called from DrawMenuBar (the SE/Plus
; patch version (!) and the ROM version of the code). (Previously
; were patching DrawMenuBar in ScriptMgrSysMenuPatch.a but this
; didn't work for the SE/Plus since they were completely patched
; out as a linked patch. The SMgr is installed first, so the
; linked patch walked all over us!)
; <39> 4/29/92 JSM Load StandardEqu.d, include ScriptPriv.a, MenuMgrPriv.a and add
; an END statement so we can compile this file standalone.
; <38> 4/29/92 JSM Get rid of conditionals: ScriptMgrKeyboardMenu,
; smgrKeyScriptDoItlk, smgrSys7Extensions are always true, leave
; smgrKeyGetSetInPtch27 conditionals for now until we fix the ROM
; build.
; <37> 4/23/92 SMB #1025355,<kjo>: Was not correctly searching for the menu item
; that corresponded to the default input type for the script.
; Needed to compare the menu item's type to the script's default
; input type before testing if the ID was the same.
; <36> 4/22/92 SMB #1027747,<cv>: #1022196: In CheckKbd, need to branch to SetKybd
; if the application globals aren't initialized rather than
; exiting. This ensures that the system script's default KCHR is
; available at boot rather than KCHR (0).
; <35> 4/10/92 SMB #1026551,<pke>: ,#1026911: Modify KeyScript handling of
; disabling the keyboard menu items to now use the byte
; information in the application-specific globals instead of the
; script manager record. Also, for KeyScript calls to
; enable/disable the About Keyboards menu item, must be sure item
; #1 is this menu item (if it didn't get added it may be a KCHR or
; input method for the system script).
; <34> 4/8/92 PKE #1026741,<cv>: Fix Get/SetScript to put ScriptRecord ptr in a0
; when dispatching to script Get/SetScript for private verbs.
; <33> 4/7/92 SMB Need to add a conditional for the ROM build around the call to
; utSetTextServiceLanguage.
; <32> 4/6/92 SMB #1024484,<pke>: #1022196,1024484,+others: Fixed change <28> the
; right way: must get the system script's default menu item # from
; the script record; can't assume it's #3: this is guaranteed to
; be in the system script (if the About KeyboardsÉ menu item
; exist!) but isn't necessarily the default. This fix takes care
; of the case that the About Keyboards menu item might not exist!
; Made routine UpdateInputMethods into a proc that's exported so
; that ptchSystemMenu in ScriptMgrSysMenuPatch.a can use it. Also
; generalized it a bit so that it applies when switching from
; either KCHRs or IMs to IMs. (used to be IM -> IM only). ¥ PKE
; #1022875 (smb reviewed): Add smKeyRoman verb for KeyScript (for
; use in KSWP) that sets keyboard script to Roman only if multiple
; scripts are installed; otherwise, it does nothing, and the
; corresponding KSWP key combination is not stripped from the
; event queue.
; <31> 3/6/92 JH 2 locals were added to the stack frame for change <22> .
; Regrettably, the equ for frame size was left above the 2 new
; locals so the link instruction wasn't actually grabbing enough
; stack space. Changing now.
; <30> 3/1/92 JSM Forgot to add a semicolon before comments on two lines in last
; revision. Always build before checking in.
; <29> 2/28/92 YK In CheckKybd, save d4 and keep new script code in d4 since
; smgrKeyScript has not been changed at this point.(and it should
; be so) Pass d4 to GetScript to get language code. Point the
; correct AuxKeyboardMenuInfo to get a item type.
; <28> 2/19/92 DTY When switching keyboard scripts, if the input item could not be
; found, or if the default input method could not be found, switch
; to the system script. The code confuses the script number and
; the menu item number at this point. The system script will be
; menu item 3, not 1.
; <27> 2/11/92 DCL Changed the name of TSMEqu.[aph] to TextServices.[aph] for
; better read-ability.
; <26> 2/10/92 KST We need to include TSMPrivate.a as well. Also InformTSM's
; ChangetoOldJIM message now takes a parameter.
; <25> 2/4/92 JSM Include TSMEqu.a and change a bge.s to bge so ROM build works
; with last change.
; <24> 2/1/92 KST Need to inform TSM when switching from a new to old Japanese
; input method. Need to call SetTextServiceLanguage when we switch
; to a script which does not need IM. Call SetDefaultInputMethod
; when switch to a TSM styled IM.
; <23> 1/15/92 SMB Add code to support old Input MethodsÉ must also support
; switching from an old im -> old im, old im -> new im, new im ->
; new im, new im -> old im. #1019369: add GetEnvirons verb to
; return keyboard disabled state (for PKE).
; <22> 1/10/92 SMB Bug fix to restore the stack correctly. Update
; GetDefaultInputMethod & SetDefaultInputMethod calls to reflect
; change in interface (now use scriptLangRec).
; <21> 12/21/91 RB Need to include Components.a for this file to build for ROM.
; <20> 12/16/91 pvh Nuke last change. We can do it in UpdateKeybdMenu instead.
; <19> 12/14/91 JH <pvh>: THIS IS TEMPORARY, it's 12:30am and John & I need to go
; home. A4 not set to point to correct AuxKbdMenuRecord when
; calling UpdateKeyboardMenu, so we'll do it now. The
; AuxKbdMenuInfoRecord needs to be initialized with default script
; system info (script #1). Right now there is nothing there so we
; get trash as the KbdMenu icon.
; <18> 12/11/91 SMB Updating to support input methods in the keyboard menu. Renamed
; AuxKeyboardMenuInfo members with new names. Renamed
; scriptRecord's scriptKCHRCount member to scriptInputCount.
; <17> 11/8/91 SMB #1015613 (for CubeE & Bruges) - Fix bug that shows up when an
; application has no menu bar. We really want to use the system
; menu bar (SystemMenuList) and not the current menu bar which may
; be an application's menu bar.
; <16> 10/28/91 PKE #1014967 (for Cube-E & Bruges): KeyScript call with
; smKeyDisableKybds verb should set the keyboard to system script
; if it is not already in the system script or Roman. Also clean
; up a few conditionals and remove some obsolete code.
; <15> 2/9/91 PKE smb,#81488: Fix KeyScript bug that permitted keyboard switching
; that was supposed to be disallowed by a previous call to
; KeyScript with the verbs smKeyDisableKybds or
; smKeyDisableKybdSwitch. This caused problems with Mover, etc.
; <14> 1/7/91 SMB (JDR) Need to modify since the Keyboard menu structures have to
; always exist so the KeyScript verb "NextKeybdInScript" is
; meaningful (and functions!). Now testing smgrKbdMenuAvail(sGlb)
; to do the right thing when a menu does/doesn't exist! Added test
; for case of Roman script code on a Roman-only system; must call
; CheckKybd to update KCHR/icon resources for keyboard switching
; within a script. In this case, will update the scriptKeysItemNum
; field of the script record directly since won't call
; UpdateKeybdMenu.
; <13> 12/15/90 PKE (gbm) Make KeyScript set smgrKeyScriptResult field which is now
; used by GetOSEvent patch. Clean up dispatching. Move 'itlk'
; disposing and reloading to SwapKybd, where it should have been
; all along. This fixes bugs with some European keyboards when
; using Keyboard menu, etc.
; <12> 12/14/90 SMB (csd) Fixed bug #74905 by adding support for new KeyScript verb,
; smKeyEnableAboutKybds, to enable the About KeyboardsÉ modal
; dialog. Modified to guarantee fetching resources from the system
; resource file.
; <11> 9/10/90 PKE For consistency and code sharing, make GetScript and SetScript
; accept the special negative script codes (iuSystemScript,
; iuCurrentScript).
; <10> 8/16/90 SMB Added support for new KeyScript verb to disable the AboutÉ menu
; item when another modal dialog is up.
; <9> 8/14/90 SMB Fixed RotateScript to correctly save & restore a3 for the new
; disabled keyboard code rather than do a nasty bus error!
; <8> 8/7/90 SMB Added support for new KeyScript verbs: smKeyDisableKybds,
; smKeyEnableKybds, and smKeyDisableKybdSwitch. Potential bug:
; cleared d1 and moved long (.l) into d3. Also, do not need to 0
; base the menu item loop control; this causes the last menuitem
; to always reset to the system's default, item 1.
; <7+> 7/20/90 SMB Potential bug: cleared d1 and moved long (.l) into d3. Also,
; do not need to 0 base the menu item loop control; this causes
; the last menuitem to always reset to the system's default, item 1.
; Added support for new KeyScript verbs: smKeyDisableKybds,
; smKeyEnableKybds, and smKeyDisableKybdSwitch.
; <7> 7/17/90 PKE Adapt to updated ItlbRecord, in which itlbReserved3 field is
; renamed itlbEncoding.
; <6> 7/16/90 PKE Use new name for field in ExpandMemRec: emItlCache2Ptr is now
; emItlSysCachePtr. Renamed Cache2Rec to NewItlCacheRec.
; <5> 7/5/90 PKE NEEDED FOR SIXPACK: Fix GetScript handling of unimplemented
; verbs (old bug, fix needed for Sound Cdev).
; <4> 6/1/90 SMB Adding support for Next Script and Next Keyboard.
; <3> 5/31/90 PKE Added new scrTable entries for new GetScript verbs
; smScriptValidStyles, smScriptAliasStyle.
; <2> 5/13/90 SMB Modifying KeyScript to use new Keyboard Menu.
; <1> 4/10/90 PKE New today - extracted from ScriptMgrUtil.a and
; ScriptMgrExtTail.a; included in both of those files.
; Conditionalized so it can be used with ROM builds too.
; Relevant recent comments from ScriptMgrExtTail.a below
; <x9> 3/21/90 PKE Changed scrTable so GetScript and SetScript support new
; smScriptAppFondSize and smScriptHelpFondSize verbs.
; <x3> 1/17/90 PKE Added handling of new GetEnvirons verb smRegionCode.
; <1.6> 10/2/89 PKE Added code in GetEnvirons/SetEnvirons to handle new smKCHRCache
; verb.
; <1.5> 9/18/89 PKE Moved KeyScript here from ptch 4 so we can move 'itlk'
; GetResource after the point at which meta-script numbers are
; mapped to real script numbers and checks are made for script
; installed and enabled. Replaced the _GetScript call in this
; 'itlk' stuff with a direct access to ScriptRecord since we have
; already done the validity checking.
; <1.4> 9/17/89 PKE Moved GetEnvirons/SetEnvirons and GetScript/SetScript here from
; ptch 4 for 7.0 so we can remove Get/SetScript from PTCH files
; and so we don't have to also add Get/SetEnvirons there. Added
; new smDoubleByte verb for Get/SetEnvirons.
; Relevant recent comments from ScriptMgrUtil.a below
; <2.7> 9/18/89 PKE Move KeyScript to ptch 27 so we can make a bug fix in itlk
; processing for both old and new ROMs. Change its vector here to
; be a dummy and stuff real address in ptch 27.
; <2.6> 9/17/89 PKE For 7.0, move Get/SetEnvirons and Get/SetScript to ptch 27.
; Change the vectors for these routines to be dummy vectors here;
; ptch 27 will stuff the real addresses.
; <2.0> 6/30/89 PKE NEEDED FOR AURORA: Optimize table access in Get/SetEnvirons and
; Get/SetScript (from code review).
; <1.9> 6/23/89 PKE Add four verbs to GetScript/SetScript which correspond to new
; font&size information in ScriptRecord; skip definition of
; buildLevel (done in ScriptEqu.priv).
; <1.5> 3/5/89 PKE Use KeyScript patch from KeyHack.a for Big Bang (as well as ROM)
; To Do:
; ¥ These are not supported in script systems so the values can be re-used:
; -10 is switch to next input method in current keyscript (**) <8>
; -11 is switch to last-used input method in cur keyscript (**) <8>
; ¥ work on error handling in UpdateInputMethods: (see old->new)
; <??> this is a problem if _SetDefaultInputMethod fails: if an old-style IM was previously
; <??> active then there's a problem cause now its deactivated and secret script flag is unset.
; <??> ow, can use the previous TSM-style IM but must reset smgrKeyScript (to smgrLastScript) since it was set above.
; ¥ eventually remove the smgrDisableKybds verb from the envTable (used by Get/SetEnvirons)
; (see ScriptPriv.a too)
; ¥ in RotateScript: instead of 'cmp.b' followed by 'tst.b' of smgrAppDisableKybds(ax),
; simply do a tst.b followed by beq, bgt, blt for each disable/enable state.
; ¥ I think there's a problem with using scriptInputCount as a default loop controller for searching
; for the desired input. The loop should start with the script's menu items rather than starting
; from the beginning of the AuxMenuInfo structure sine the scriptInputCount is the count of the
; current script's menu items.
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d' ; <39>
include 'ScriptPriv.a' ; <39>
include 'Components.a' ; <21> rb
include 'TextServices.a' ; <25> JSM <27> dcl
include 'TSMPrivate.a' ; <26> KST
include 'MenuMgrPriv.a' ; <39>
include 'Processes.a' ; <50> KST
include 'MFPrivate.a' ; <50> KST
blanks on
string asis
export KeyScript
import StdUnlink
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; procedure: KeyScript(code: Integer);
; input: (sp).w Script code, or various negative verbs for special functions.
; warning: This routine follows Pascal register conventions.
; KeyScript is used to change the current keyboard script. It also swaps
; to the KCHR of the new key script and draws its script icon in the upper
; right corner of the menu bar.
; If the script code passed indicates an smgrEntry that is nil, or the
; smgrEntry is present but the script is disabled, the key script is left
; in place.
; If the script code is -1, then KeyScript searches through the smgrEntry
; table, looking for the next present and enabled script, and makes it the
; current one. If the script code is -2, then KeyScript will attempt to
; switch to the system script. If the script code is -3, then KeyScript
; will swap the current key script with the last key script.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ksRecord record {a6link},decr
ksArgs equ *-8 ; size of arguments.
code ds.w 1 ; new keyboard script code.
selector ds.l 1 ; trap selector value.
return ds.l 1 ; return address.
a6link ds.l 1 ; old a6 register.
lastScript ds.w 1 ; save last script in case of error in UpdateInputMethods <45>
scriptLangRec ds.l 1 ; script word / language word <22>
CompDesc ds ComponentDescription ; <18>
ksLocals equ * ; size of local variables.
maxVerb equ 18 ; max abs value of special verb <13><32><40>
sGlb equ a2 ; preserve across traps in smgrKeyScriptDoItlk code
; Link the stack and load the Script Manager globals pointer. If the
; Script Manager is disabled, return immediately.
with ksRecord,smgrRecord
link a6,#ksLocals ; link the stack.
move.l sGlb, -(sp) ; save register
GetSMgrCore sGlb ; load script manager globals.
; The Portable and IIci ROMs have code to do the following at this point <1><16>
; (but this is the wrong place to do it, so now we put it in SwapKybd) <13>
; 1. If we already have an itlk, dispose of it
; 2. Get the new KCHR ID number (assumes KeyScript param is an explicit
; script code - wrong!) and bail if we cannot find it.
; 3. Load an itlk resource with same ID if present, detach it, store its handle
; Check for meta-script numbers:
; -1 is rotate to next available script.
; -2 is switch directly to the system script.
; -3 is switch directly to the last key script.
; -4 is rotate to next keyboard in script. <4>
; -5 is switch to previously-used keyboard in current keyscript (*) <8>
; -6 is disable keyboards not in the system script or roman script <8>
; -7 is enable all keyboards <8>
; -8 is toggle inline input for current keyscript (**) <8>
; -9 is toggle default line direction (TESysJust) (**) <8>
; -10 is switch to next input method in current keyscript (**) <8>
; -11 is switch to last-used input method in cur keyscript (**) <8>
; -12 is disable switching from the current keyboard <8>
; -13 is disable AboutÉ menu item since another modal dialog is up (***) <10>
; -14 is re-enable AboutÉ menu item (***) <13>
; -15 is Set default line dir to left-right, align left (**) <32>
; -16 is Set default line dir to right-left, align right (**) <32>
; -17 is Set keyscript to Roman if non-Roman scripts are installed <32>
; -18 is synchronize keyboard menu state to current process' flag (***) <40>
; (*) Not implemented in System 7 <8>
; (**) Not implemented in System, may be implemented by script systems <8>
; (***) Implemented but private verbs. <32>
; clean up dispatching and set smgrKeyScriptResult field. <13>
clr.b smgrKeyScriptResult(sGlb) ; initialize result field <13>
move.w code(a6),d0 ; script code or neg verb
blt.s @negVerb ; if verb, go handle it.
; handle direct script code
; In case of Roman-only, must still call CheckKybd to update KCHR/icon resources for
; keyboard switching within a script. <14>
beq.s @DoneScriptChk ; <14>
cmpi.b #1,smgrEnabled(sGlb) ; more than one enabled script?
ble KybdDone ; if not, do nothing.
cmp.w #smgrCount,d0 ; scriptCode >= smgrCount?
bgt KybdDone ; if so, bail out.
st smgrKeyScriptResult(sGlb) ; say we handled the code.
bra CheckKybd ; and now go do it.
; check neg verbs - slick new way <13>
neg.w d0
cmp.w #maxVerb,d0
bgt KybdDone ; invalid verb, bail
; valid verb, handle it.
subq.w #1,d0 ; make 0 based index
lsl.w #2,d0 ; make into long offset
lea DispTable,a0 ; get table pointer
move.l 0(a0,d0.w),d0 ; envChk offset in lo word, doVerb offset in hi
lea 0(a0,d0.w),a1 ; make pointer to environment check routine
jmp (a1) ; and go to it.
;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <13>
; New dispatch table for KeyScript.
; Checks environment for each verb, and skips action if the verb does nothing
; useful in current environment. If it does something, the smgrKeyScriptResult
; flag is set.
; verb action routine offset environment check routine offset verb
; -------------------------- -------------------------------- ----
dc.w RotateScript - DispTable, envMultScr - DispTable ; -1, smKeyNextScript
dc.w SetSysScript - DispTable, envMultScr - DispTable ; -2, smKeySysScript
dc.w SetLastScript - DispTable, envMultScr - DispTable ; -3, smKeySwapScript
dc.w NextKybdInScript - DispTable, envMultKCHR - DispTable ; -4, smKeyNextKybd
dc.w KybdDone - DispTable, KybdDone - DispTable ; -5, smKeyXxx (unimp)
dc.w DisableKybds - DispTable, envKeyMenu - DispTable ; -6, smKeyDisableKybds
dc.w EnableKybds - DispTable, envKeyMenu - DispTable ; -7, smKeyEnableKybds
dc.w KybdDone - DispTable, KybdDone - DispTable ; -8, smKeyXxx (unimp)
dc.w KybdDone - DispTable, KybdDone - DispTable ; -9, smKeyXxx (unimp)
dc.w KybdDone - DispTable, KybdDone - DispTable ; -10, smKeyXxx (unimp)
dc.w KybdDone - DispTable, KybdDone - DispTable ; -11, smKeyXxx (unimp)
dc.w DisableKybdSwitch - DispTable, envKeyMenu - DispTable ; -12, smKeyDisableKybdSwitch
dc.w DisableModalDialog - DispTable, envAboutKeyMenu - DispTable ; -13, smKeyDisableAboutKybds <35>
dc.w EnableModalDialog - DispTable, envAboutKeyMenu - DispTable ; -14, smKeyEnableAboutKybds <35>
dc.w KybdDone - DispTable, KybdDone - DispTable ; -15, smKeySetDirLeftRight (unimp) <32>
dc.w KybdDone - DispTable, KybdDone - DispTable ; -16, smKeySetDirRightLeft (unimp) <32>
dc.w SetRoman - DispTable, envMultScr - DispTable ; -17, smKeyRoman <32>
dc.w SynchKbdMenuState - DispTable, envKeyMenu - DispTable ; -18, smKeySynchKbdMenuState <40>
IF maxVerb <> (DispTableEnd - DispTable)/4 THEN
aerror 'ScriptMgrKeyGetSet.a: maxVerb does not match DispTable size'
;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <13>
; Environment check routines (envChk).
; The following conditions apply at entry, and must be preserved for JmpDoVerb:
; d0 hi word has offset from DispTable to verb routine.
; a0 has DispTable ptr.
; (also sGlb has SMgrRecord pointer; preserve this through entire routine)
cmpi.b #1,smgrEnabled(sGlb) ; more than one enabled script?
ble KybdDone ; if not, do nothing.
bra.s JmpDoVerb
movem.l a0/d0,-(sp)
move.w CurMap,-(sp) ; leave cur resfile refnum on stack
clr.w -(sp) ; specify system file
_UseResFile ;
subq #2,sp ; room for Count1Resources result
move.l #'KCHR',-(sp)
move.w (sp)+,d1
_UseResFile ; restore old resfile (refnum on stack)
movem.l (sp)+,a0/d0
cmp.w #1,d1 ; more than one KCHR?
ble KybdDone ; if not, do nothing.
bra.s JmpDoVerb
tst.b smgrKbdMenuAvail(sGlb) ; Keyboard menu displayed? <14>
beq KybdDone ; if not, do nothing.
with AuxKeyboardMenuInfo ; <35>
move.l smgrKeyboardMenuPtr(sGlb),a1 ; test if first menu item is AboutÉ <35>
move.w #AuxMenuInfoSize*1,d1 ; get to menu item offset in aux menu info recordd <35>
cmp.l #0,IconSuiteH(a1,d1) ; if NIL then is About <35>
bne KybdDone ; otherwise, do nothing <8>
endWith ; <35>
bra.s JmpDoVerb
with ExpandMemRec ; <35>
move.l ExpandMem,a1 ; get ExpandMemRec ptr <35>
move.l emScriptAppGlobals(a1),a1 ; get globals handle <35>
move.l a1,d1 ; is it 0 (no app-specific ScriptMgr globals)? <35>
beq KybdDone ; if so, donÕt do anything <35>
addq.l #1,d1 ; is it -1 (no Process Mgr yet, use sys cache)? <35>
beq KybdDone ; if so, donÕt do anything <35>
move.l (a1),a1 ; dereference - get ptr to globals <35>
move.l a1,-(sp) ; save for action routine (since use a1 for JmpDoVerb) <35>
endWith ; <35>
; fall through to JmpDoVerb
st smgrKeyScriptResult(sGlb) ; ok, we're really handling this verb.
swap d0 ; get offset to verb action routine
lea 0(a0,d0.w),a1 ; make pointer to verb action routine
jmp (a1) ; and go to it.
;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <13>
; Entry points corresponding to different verb action routines (doVerb).
SetRoman ; -17, smKeyRoman <32>
;sets keyboard script to Roman only if multiple scripts are installed <32>
clr.w d0 ; Roman script <32>
bra CheckKybd ; go set it <32>
SetSysScript ; -2, smKeySysScript <13>
move.w smgrSysScript(sGlb),d0 ; load system script code.
bra CheckKybd ; yes -> use system script.
SetLastScript ; -3, smKeySwapScript <13>
move.w smgrLastScript(sGlb),d0 ; load last script.
cmp.w smgrKeyScript(sGlb),d0 ; same as current?
beq RotateScript ; yes -> rotate
bra CheckKybd ; yes -> use last script.
NextKybdInScript ; -4, smKeyNextKybd <8>
; do nothing if all keyboard switching is disabled <15>
with ExpandMemRec, SMgrAppRecord ; <35>
move.l ExpandMem,a1 ; get ExpandMemRec ptr <35>
move.l emScriptAppGlobals(a1),a1 ; get globals handle <35>
move.l a1,d1 ; is it 0 (no app-specific ScriptMgr globals)? <35>
beq KybdDone ; if so, donÕt do anything <35>
addq.l #1,d1 ; is it -1 (no Process Mgr yet, use sys cache)? <35>
beq KybdDone ; if so, donÕt do anything <35>
move.l (a1),a1 ; dereference - get ptr to globals <35>
cmp.b #1,smgrAppDisableKybds(a1) ; all switching disabled? <35>
endWith ; <35>
;; cmp.b #1,smgrDisableKybds(sGlb) ; all switching disabled? <15><35>
beq KybdDone ; if so, do nothing. <15>
; get Next Keyboard in the current script
with ScriptRecord, AuxKeyboardMenuInfo
movem.l d2-d5/a3,-(sp)
move.w smgrKeyScript(sGlb),d0 ; get the key script code. <13>
move.w d0,d1 ; copy script code.
lsl.w #2,d1 ; find smgrEntry offset.
move.l smgrEntry(sGlb,d1.w),a0
; get the input, the item # for this input, and the total # of inputs for this script
moveq #0,d1 ; <8>
move.b scriptKeysItemNum(a0),d1 ; current input menu item number
moveq #0,d4
move.b scriptInputCount(a0),d4
move.l smgrKeyboardMenuPtr(sGlb),d2
; set ptr to current item in AuxMenuInfo record
move.l d2,a3
move.l d1,d3 ; <8>
mulu.w #AuxMenuInfoSize,d3
add.l d3,a3 ; ptr to current aux info
; is this the last input item of this script in the menu?
cmp.w itemScriptPosn(a3),d4 ; get the posn of this KCHR within its script
bhi.s @IncrItemNum ; nope
; go to first input item in this script
sub.w d4,d1
; falls through: incr to get the correct item # of the 1st input item in this script
add.w #1,d1 ; get next item in this script
; set new input item for this script: need ptr to current item in AuxMenuInfo record
move.l d2,a3 ; keyboard menu info ptr <12>
move.l d1,d3 ; new item <12>
mulu.w #AuxMenuInfoSize,d3 ; offset to item's aux info <12>
add.l d3,a3 ; ptr to new item's aux info <12>
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <18>
; find out the type of input <18>
tst.b itemType(a3) ; Is this new input a KCHRitem?
beq.s @KCHRinput
import UpdateInputMethods ; <32>
bsr UpdateInputMethods ; <23>
tst.w d2 ; error result?
beq.s @RestoreStack ; no error, finish up
; don't change anything since can't get next item
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d5/a3
bra KybdDone
; ------------------------------------------ <18>
; move new KCHR id into itlbKeys temporarily (since not writing to ÔitlbÕ resource in memory)
move.w itemRsrcID(a3),scriptBundle.itlbKeys(a0) ; move new KCHR id into itlbKeys <12>
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d5/a3
; want new input item # on the stack for the call to UpdateKeybdMenu
move.w d1,-(sp)
; d0 = script code for SetKybd code
; rearranged to correctly handle keybd switching when no menu exists. <14>
; if the kbd menu exists, don't update the scriptKeysItemNum yet. Need to erase the <14>
; mark for the previous kbd before overwriting it. <14>
tst.b smgrKbdMenuAvail(sGlb) ; is the kbd menu displayed? <14>
;; bne SetKybd ; yes, so continue
bne UpdateMenuAndKCHR ; skip all the IM stuff <45>
move.b d1,scriptKeysItemNum(a0) ; no, save new item # in the scriptRecord <14>
;; bra SetKybd ; d0,a0 and sGlb must be set correctly before bra
bra UpdateMenuAndKCHR ; skip all the IM stuff <45>
; ------------------------------------------- <40>
SynchKbdMenuState ; -18, smKeySynchKbdMenuState <40>
; Set the keyboard menu state to correspond to the applicationÕs
; desired setting (enable/disable) in the application-specific
; global flag, smgrAppDisableKybds.
with SMgrAppRecord
move.l (sp)+,a1 ; restore ptr to appl-specific globals
cmp.b #0,smgrAppDisableKybds(a1) ; is everything enabled?
beq.s @EnableItems ; yes
; some level of disabling is desired
cmp.b #1,smgrAppDisableKybds(a1) ; can we switch scripts at all?
beq @DisableItems ; nope.
; application setting is disable kybds not in Sys/Roman script
GetSMgrCore a0 ; get script manager core
move.w smgrKeyScript(a0),d0 ; check current keyboard
beq.s @DisableItems ; if already Roman, we're OK
cmp.w smgrSysScript(a0),d0 ; is it system script?
beq.s @DisableItems ; if so, we're also OK
move.w #smKeySysScript,-(sp) ; not OK, ask for keybd in sys script
import DisableKeyboardItems
bsr DisableKeyboardItems ; disable all menu items
bra KybdDone ; <8>
import EnableKeyboardItems
bsr EnableKeyboardItems
bra KybdDone ; <8>
; ------------------------------------------- <8>
DisableKybds ; -6, smKeyDisableKybds <8>
with SMgrAppRecord ; <35>
move.l (sp)+,a1 ; restore ptr to appl-specific globals <35>
st smgrAppDisableKybds(a1) ; T=>disable keybds not in Sys/Roman script <35>
;; st smgrDisableKybds(sGlb) ; T=>disable keybds not in Sys/Roman script <8><35>
move.w smgrKeyScript(sGlb),d0 ; check current keyboard <16>
beq.s @kybdSysOrRoman ; if already Roman, we're OK <16>
cmp.w smgrSysScript(sGlb),d0 ; is it system script? <16>
beq.s @kybdSysOrRoman ; if so, we're also OK <16>
move.w #smKeySysScript,-(sp) ; not OK, ask for keybd in sys script <16>
_KeyScript ; call ourselves (via trap: patchable) <16>
@kybdSysOrRoman ; <16>
import DisableKeyboardItems ; <8>
bsr DisableKeyboardItems ; <8>
bra KybdDone ; <8>
; ------------------------------------------- <8>
EnableKybds ; -7, smKeyEnableKybds <8>
with SMgrAppRecord ; <35>
move.l (sp)+,a1 ; restore ptr to appl-specific globals <35>
sf smgrAppDisableKybds(a1) ; T=>disable keybds not in Sys/Roman script <35>
;; sf smgrDisableKybds(sGlb) ; T=>disable keybds not in Sys/Roman script <8><35>
import EnableKeyboardItems ; <8>
bsr EnableKeyboardItems ; <8>
bra KybdDone ; <8>
endWith ; <35>
; ------------------------------------------- <8>
DisableKybdSwitch ; -12, smKeyDisableKybdSwitch <8>
with SMgrAppRecord ; <35>
move.l (sp)+,a1 ; restore ptr to appl-specific globals <35>
move.b #1,smgrAppDisableKybds(a1) ; disable all keybds to prevent switching <35>
;; move.b #1,smgrDisableKybds(sGlb) ; disable all keybds to prevent switching <8><35>
bsr DisableKeyboardItems ; <8>
bra KybdDone ; <8>
endWith ; <35>
; ------------------------------------------- <10>
DisableModalDialog ; -13, smKeyDisableAboutKybds <12>
; renamed from ModalDialogPresent
; disable About KeyboardsÉ menu item since another modal dialog is up
; get menu handle for DisableItem call
; If an application doesn't have a menuBar then _GetMHandle will fail. What we <17>
; really want is to use the system menuBar and not the application menuBar. <17>
move.l a4,-(sp) ; preserve contents <17>
move.l MenuList,-(sp) ; save the current menuList since it may be an apps menu
move.l SystemMenuList,MenuList ; <17>
subq #4,sp ; result for _GetMHandle
move.w #kKeyboardMenuID, -(sp) ; menuID
tst.l (sp) ; leave menu handle on stack for DisableItem call
beq.s RestoreStack ; nil hdl implies no menu
move.w #1,-(sp) ; item # for About KeyboardsÉ
move.l (sp)+,MenuList ; restore the menuList <17>
move.l (sp)+,a4 ; restore contents <17>
bra KybdDone
; ------------------------------------------- <12>
EnableModalDialog ; -14, smKeyEnableAboutKybds
; get menu handle for EnableItem call
; If an application doesn't have a menuBar then _GetMHandle will fail. What we <17>
; really want is to use the system menuBar and not the application menuBar. <17>
move.l MenuList,-(sp) ; save the current menuList since it may be an apps menu
move.l SystemMenuList,MenuList ; <17>
subq #4,sp ; result for _GetMHandle
move.w #kKeyboardMenuID, -(sp) ; menuID
tst.l (sp) ; leave menu handle on stack for _EnableItem call
beq.s RestoreStack ; nil hdl implies no menu
move.w #1,-(sp) ; item # for About KeyboardsÉ
move.l (sp)+,MenuList ; restore the menuList <17>
bra KybdDone
; ------------------------------------------- <12>
addq.w #4,sp ; pop handle
move.l (sp)+,MenuList ; restore the menuList <17>
bra KybdDone
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <4>
; Now we have a legal script code in d0, so check the script entry to make
; sure that the script is installed and enabled. If either one of these
; tests fails, bail out.
ChkKbdRegs reg a3/a4/d0/d2/d3/d5 ; now saving (using) d5 in the place of d2 <32>using d2 again<37>
with scriptRecord, ScriptSystemGlobals ;
move.w d0,d1 ; copy script code.
lsl.w #2,d1 ; find smgrEntry offset.
move.l smgrEntry(sGlb,d1.w),d1 ; script entry = nil?
beq KybdDone ; yes -> bail out.
move.l d1,a0 ; load script entry pointer.
tst.b scriptEnabled(a0) ; entry disabled?
beq KybdDone ; yes -> bail out.
; must skip this if keyboard switching level doesn't allow it <15>
with ExpandMemRec, SMgrAppRecord ; <35>
move.l ExpandMem,a1 ; get ExpandMemRec ptr <35>
move.l emScriptAppGlobals(a1),a1 ; get globals handle <35>
move.l a1,d1 ; is it 0 (no app-specific ScriptMgr globals)? <35>
beq PushItemAndSetKybd ; if so, donÕt do anything <35><36>need bogus item on stack <45>
addq.l #1,d1 ; is it -1 (no Process Mgr yet, use sys cache)? <35>
beq PushItemAndSetKybd ; if so, donÕt do anything <35><36>need bogus item on stack <45>
move.l (a1),a1 ; dereference - get ptr to globals <35>
cmp.b #1,smgrAppDisableKybds(a1) ; what level of switching is enabled? <35>
endWith ; <35>
;; cmp.b #1,smgrDisableKybds(sGlb) ; what level of switching is enabled? <15>
bcs.s @switchOK ; all, go do it <15>
beq KybdDone ; none, do nothing. <15>
; here, we can only switch if specified script is system or Roman <15>
cmp.w #smRoman,d0 ; is it Roman? <15>
beq.s @switchOK ; if so, go do it <15>
cmp.w smgrSysScript(sGlb),d0 ; is it system? <15>
bne KybdDone ; if not, do nothing <15>
@switchOK ; <15>
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <4>
; In case default input (KCHR or input method) changed must update default input
; menu item #. An example of this is when Keybd Cdev changes the KCHR for a script:
; it makes a SetScript call w/ verb ÔsmScriptKeysÕ for the new KCHR and then KeyScript
; is called w/ the script code. When KeyScript is called w/ a script code it comes
; through here so the script's menu item # must be set here. <4>
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <4>
with AuxKeyboardMenuInfo,itlbRecord
move.w d4,-(sp) ; save d4 so can use it to update script <32>
movem.l ChkKbdRegs,-(sp) ; <29><32>
move.w d0,d4 ; save script <29>
; Want to see if the scriptKeysItemNum reflects the script's default KCHR in the itlb
; if not, need to update the scriptKeysItemNum.
; test if there's a MenuList yet: explicitly test for -1 or 0.
moveq #0,d1 ; clear for use
move.b scriptKeysItemNum(a0),d1 ; init to new script's default item num <32>
move.l MenuList,d0
beq @HaveItemNum ; bra if 0
add.l #1,d0
beq @HaveItemNum ; bra if -1
clr.w d5 ; clear item count <14>
move.b scriptInputCount(a0),d5 ; initialize item count to script's input count <14>
tst.b smgrKbdMenuAvail(sGlb) ; is the kbd menu displayed? <14>
beq.s @HaveItemCount ; no, so have count (assumes Roman-only) <14>
; need a count of the # of menuItems for the loop to search for the default input
; If an application doesn't have a menuBar then _GetMHandle will fail. What we <17>
; really want is to use the system menuBar and not the application menuBar. <17>
move.l MenuList,-(sp) ; save the current menuList since it may be an apps menu
move.l SystemMenuList,MenuList ; <17>
move.l a0,-(sp) ; save script ptr
subq #6,sp ; results of next 2 calls
move.w #KKeyboardMenuID,-(sp)
_GetMHandle ; leave handle on the stack for count
tst.l (sp) ; <14><17>
bne.s @CountItems ; <14><17>
add.w #10,sp ; no menu, pop stack (includes a0) <14><17>
move.l (sp)+,MenuList ; restore menuList <17>
moveq #0,d1 ; clear for use
move.b scriptKeysItemNum(a0),d1 ; use new script's default item num <32>
bra @HaveItemNum ; no menu handle: defaults to zero <14><17>
@CountItems ; <14><17>
move.w (sp)+,d5
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; restore script ptr
move.l (sp)+,MenuList ; restore menuList <17>
move.l smgrKeyboardMenuPtr(sGlb),a4
moveq #0,d3 ; clr storage for input ID
move.w scriptBundle.itlbKeys(a0),d3 ; assume input type is a KCHR
move.b #KCHRitem,d2 ; save for correct comparison below <37>
; set ptr to default item in AuxMenuInfo record to determine type of input for this script
moveq #0,d0
move.b scriptKeysItemNum(a0),d0 ; get current item num
mulu.w #AuxMenuInfoSize,d0 ; offset to current item's aux info
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <18>
; Find out the type of input to set up d3 (storage of the default input) correctly <18>
; Won't ever be both KCHRs and IMs so whatever the default input type is, then we can assume <37>
; this will be the same for all inputs of this script. <37>
cmp.b #TSMIMitem,itemType(a4,d0.w) ; what type of input for this script? <23> <29>
blt.s @InputLoopStart ; bra if a KCHR
;; bgt.s @OldIMLoop ; what to do for an old-style IM <23><37>
; otherwise fall into code that gets the default IM whether new-style or 6.x-compatible
; get the default input method for this script to see if item # changed
; need the default language for this script
move.l a0,-(sp) ; save script ptr <25>
subq #4,sp ; result
move.w d4,-(sp) ; script <29>
move #smScriptLang,-(sp) ; verb: I want the default lang from the 'itlb'
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; default langCode
move.w d4,scriptLangRec(a6) ; script <22>
move.w d0,scriptLangRec+2(a6) ; language <22>
; now get the component identifier or FEP ID for the default input method
subq #6,sp ; 2 = OSErr result, 4 = VAR: component identifier
lea 2(sp),a0 ; return default component identifier on stack (above result)
move.l a0,-(sp) ; push stack addr for comp id
pea scriptLangRec(a6) ; <22>
_GetDefaultInputMethod ; returns either a TSM or old-style IM ID
; now see if there's really a default IM: check the results of _GetDefaultInputMethod
move.b #TSMIMitem,d2 ; assume is a TSM input method <37>
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; result <22>
move.l (sp)+,d3 ; need default component identifier here
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; restore script ptr <25>
tst.w d0 ; bad result from GetDefaultInputMethod? <22>
beq.s @InputLoopStart ; no, continue
; not TSM-style so test if the default is the old-style IM
cmp.w #tsmInputMethodIsOldErr,d0 ; is this the special error? <37>
beq.s @OldIMLoop ; yes <37>
; otherwise, using system script's default if we fail
; Error so must use the system script's default menu item # in case can't find default IM: <32>
; need to get this from the script record - item #3 is not guaranteed to be <32>
; the default, only that it's in the system script <32>
move.w smgrSysScript(sGlb),d1 ; get the system script ID <32>
move.w d1,d4 ; say system script is the new keyscript now <32>
lsl.w #2,d1 ; find smgrEntry offset. <32>
move.l smgrEntry(sGlb,d1.w),a0 ; want script entry pointer in a0 <32>
moveq #0,d1 ; clear for use <32>
move.b scriptKeysItemNum(a0),d1 ; now have system script's default menu item #! <32>
bra @HaveItemNum ; go set the keyboard <32>
; if an old IM then know it's the Japanese script; ptr to script system globals is in a0
; now get the ID for the default IM <23>
;; move.w imMethod(a0),d3 ; unnecessary now <37>
move.b #oldIMitem,d2 ; is a 6.x-compatible JIM <37>
; fall into InputLoopStart
moveq #1,d1 ; item counter: start w/ menu item #1 <32>
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <18>
; d3 = default item ID for this script
; d4 = script code
; a0 = pointer to script system globals
; a4 = smgrKeyboardMenuPtr
; if iconSuiteH is NIL then not a "real" input menuitem (may be a disabled line, About KbdsÉ, etc.)
move.w d1,d0
move.l a4,a3 ; menu ptr
mulu.w #AuxMenuInfoSize,d0
add.w d0,a3 ; pt to next menuItemÕs aux info
tst.l IconSuiteH(a3)
beq.s @NextItem
; compare if this item's type is the same as the default input's "type" (TSMIMitem, KCHRitem, or oldIMitem) <37>
; if is, can now compare the ID
cmp.b itemType(a3),d2 ; are these the same type? if so, bra accordingly <37>
bne.s @NextItem ; not the right type so fetch next input <37>
; find out the type of input to know what to compare <18>
cmp.b #TSMIMitem,itemType(a3) ; what type of input is this? <23>
blt.s @IsKCHR ; bra if a KCHR
bgt.s @IsOldIM ; bra if an old-style IM <23>
; otherwise fall into new-style input method code <23>
; -----------------------------------------------
; is a new-style input method
cmp.l auxItemInfo(a3),d3 ; is this THE input method? <18>
bne.s @NextItem
bra @HaveItemNum
; -----------------------------------------------
; is a KCHR or old-style input method: compare the ID with the default
cmp.w itemRsrcID(a3),d3 ; is this THE KCHR or old-style input method ID?
beq @HaveItemNum
; -----------------------------------------------
add.w #1,d1
dbra d5,@InputLoop
;; move.w #3,d1 ; canÕt find input item, use system script (item 3) <28>
; Use the system script's default menu item # since can't find input item: <32>
; need to get this from the script record - item #3 is not guaranteed to be the default <32>
; only that it's in the system script (and ONLY if About KeyboardsÉÊmenu item exists!) <32>
; A developer may have added a new KCHR to the system file and then called SetScript(desired_Script, smScriptKeys, xx)
; and KeyScript(desired_Script) to make the KCHR active. We need to add it to the keyboard menu to find it.
move.l a0,-(sp) ; save script ptr for SetKybd call
tst.b d2
bne @RestoreA0
; rebuild the menu and see if the desired KCHR appears
subq #2,sp ; OSErr result
cmp.w #noErr,(sp)+
bne.s @RestoreA0
; now try again to find the KCHR
move.w d4,d0 ; copy script code
lsl.w #2,d0 ; find smgrEntry offset
move.l smgrEntry(sGlb,d0.w),a0 ; load script entry pointer
addq #4,sp ; pop old a0
; get count of menu items
clr.w d5 ; clear item count
move.b scriptInputCount(a0),d5 ; initialize item count to script's input count
tst.b smgrKbdMenuAvail(sGlb) ; is the kbd menu displayed?
beq.s @HaveMenuItemCnt ; no, so have count (assumes Roman-only)
move.l MenuList,-(sp) ; save the current menuList since it may be an apps menu
move.l SystemMenuList,MenuList
move.l a0,-(sp) ; save script ptr
subq #6,sp ; results of next 2 calls
move.w #KKeyboardMenuID,-(sp)
_GetMHandle ; leave handle on the stack for count
tst.l (sp)
bne.s @CountMenuItems
add.w #10,sp ; no menu, pop stack (includes a0)
move.l (sp)+,MenuList ; restore menuList
moveq #0,d1 ; clear for use
move.b scriptKeysItemNum(a0),d1 ; use new script's default item num
bra @HaveItemNum ; no menu handle: defaults to zero
move.w (sp)+,d5
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; restore script ptr
move.l (sp)+,MenuList ; restore menuList
move.l smgrKeyboardMenuPtr(sGlb),a4
moveq #1,d1 ; item counter: start w/ menu item #1
; ----------------------------------------------
; d3 = default item ID for this script
; d4 = script code
; a0 = pointer to script system globals
; a4 = smgrKeyboardMenuPtr
; if iconSuiteH is NIL then not a "real" input menuitem (may be a disabled line, About KbdsÉ, etc.)
move.w d1,d0
move.l a4,a3 ; menu ptr
mulu.w #AuxMenuInfoSize,d0
add.w d0,a3 ; pt to next menuItemÕs aux info
tst.l IconSuiteH(a3)
beq.s @GetNextMenuItem
; Is this input a KCHR?
cmp.b #KCHRitem,itemType(a3) ; Is this input a KCHR?
bne.s @GetNextMenuItem ; not the right type so fetch next input
; Is a KCHR so compare the ID with the default
cmp.w itemRsrcID(a3),d3 ; is this the KCHR ID?
beq.s @HaveItemNum
add.w #1,d1
dbra d5,@KCHRLoop
bra.s @UseSysScriptInput
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; restore script ptr for SetKybd
move.w smgrSysScript(sGlb),d1 ; get the system script ID <32>
move.w d1,d4 ; say system script is new keyscript now (for SetKybd) <32>
lsl.w #2,d1 ; find smgrEntry offset. <32>
move.l smgrEntry(sGlb,d1.w),a0 ; load script entry pointer (must be a0 for below) <32>
moveq #0,d1 ; clear for use <32>
move.b scriptKeysItemNum(a0),d1 ; now have system script's default menu item #! <32>
movem.l (sp)+,ChkKbdRegs
; d0 must be the new keyboard script code for SetKybd call
; d1 must be new input menu item #
move.w d4,d0 ; use the script in d4 since it may have changed since d0 was set <32>
move.w (sp)+,d4 ; restore d4 now <32>
; want new input menu item # on the stack for the call to UpdateKeybd <4>
move.w d1,-(sp) ; input item num <4>
; Update the script record w/ the new item # if the kbd menu isn't available. This
; will allow the switching between keybds w/in a script to work correctly. <14>
; a0 must be the current script record for updating the new item #
; d0 must be the new keyScript
tst.b smgrKbdMenuAvail(sGlb) ; does the kbd menu exist? <14>
bne SetKybd ; if menu exists don't save item # here <14>
move.b d1,scriptKeysItemNum(a0) ; update script record w/ current item # <14>
bra SetKybd ; make it the key script.
endWith ;
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; bug fix for no app-specific globals yet but need to set KCHR <45>
; must have item # on the stack for SetKybd! <45>
; On Entry: d0 is the script code: MUST PRESERVE for SetKybd! <45>
; a0 is the ptr to the current script: MUST PRESERVE for SetKybd! <45>
PushItemAndSetKybd ; <45>
with ScriptRecord ; <45>
moveq #0,d1 ; <45>
move.b scriptKeysItemNum(a0),d1 ; now have system script's default menu item #! <45>
move.w d1,-(sp) ; gotcha! <45>
bra SetKybd ; oh for the glory of another bug fix! <45>
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RotateScript ; renamed - was RotateKybd <4>
; In order to change the key script, we use the 'itlm' resource to get the next
; script. Then we update the script mgr and keyboard menu.
; if disabledItems flag is set then <8>
; if KeyScript <> SysScript then KeyScript = SysScript
; else KeyScript = Roman
with ExpandMemRec, SMgrAppRecord ; <35>
move.l ExpandMem,a1 ; get ExpandMemRec ptr <35>
move.l emScriptAppGlobals(a1),a1 ; get globals handle <35>
move.l a1,d1 ; is it 0 (no app-specific ScriptMgr globals)? <35>
beq KybdDone ; if so, donÕt do anything <35>
addq.l #1,d1 ; is it -1 (no Process Mgr yet, use sys cache)? <35>
beq KybdDone ; if so, donÕt do anything <35>
move.l (a1),a1 ; dereference - get ptr to globals <35>
cmp.b #1,smgrAppDisableKybds(a1) ; are all keyboards in the menu disabled? <35>
;; cmp.b #1,smgrDisableKybds(sGlb) ; are all keyboards in the menu disabled? <8><35>
beq KybdDone ; yes, do nothing <8>
move.l a3,-(sp) ; preserve <9>
tst.b smgrAppDisableKybds(a1) ; are all keyboards in the menu disabled? <35>
;; tst.b smgrDisableKybds(sGlb) ; are there disabled items? <8><35>
beq.s @DoNormalRotate ; no, so do normal rotate! <8>
endWith ; <35><40>
; all keybds disabled except ones in Sys/Roman script
move.w smgrKeyScript(sGlb),d0 ; get the key script code. <8>
cmp.w smgrSysScript(sGlb),d0 ; is the key script = the system script <8>
bne.s @GetSysScript ; no <8>
move.w #smRoman,d0 ; yes, so set the key script = Roman script <8>
bra.s @GetScriptEntry ; <8>
@DoNormalRotate ; <8>
; use the itlm ordering to determine the next script
; get ptr to record containing ascending ordering of scripts and itl info (per itlm)
with scriptRecord ;
move.w smgrKeyScript(sGlb),d0 ; get the key script code.
with ExpandMemRec
move.l ExpandMem,a3
move.l emItlSysCachePtr(a3),a3 ; <6>
move.w (a3)+,d1 ; # of enabled scripts
sub.w #1,d1 ; want 0 based for loop counter
; find the current KeyScript in the record & then get the next script for the rotate
with NewItlCacheRec
cmp.w (a3),d0 ; is this the current script #
bne.s @NextScript ; nope, try again
tst.w d1 ; last script in record?
beq.s @GetSysScript
add.w #newItlCacheRecSize,a3 ; set ptr to next enabled script
move.w (a3),d0
bra.s @GetScriptEntry
add.w #newItlCacheRecSize,a3 ; set ptr to next enabled script
dbra.w d1,@itlCache2Loop
; shouldn't ever fall through here
; reset itlCache2 ptr and get first script in cache (which is the system script)
with ExpandMemRec
move.l ExpandMem,a3
move.l emItlSysCachePtr(a3),a3 ; <6>
move.w 2(a3),d0 ; skip over # of enabled scripts and get sys script #
move.l (sp)+,a3 ; restore <9>
move.w d0,d1 ; copy the script code.
lsl.w #2,d1 ; find smgrEntry offset.
move.l smgrEntry(sGlb,d1.w),a0 ; script entry
; want new input menu item # on the stack for the call to UpdateKeybdMenu <4>
moveq #0,d1 ; <4>
move.b scriptKeysItemNum(a0),d1 ; <4>
move.w d1,-(sp) ; <4>
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; We found the script entry pointer and are ready to change the current
; key script, for better or worse. Remember to save the current keyboard
; script for special toggling verbs.
; d0.w New keyboard script code.
; a0.l New keyboard script entry.
; sGlb Script Manager globals pointer. (a2.l for new ROMs & 7.0, a1.l otherwise)
; We get into SetKybd from RotateScript, NextKybdInScript, and CheckKybd
; (which is branched to from SetRoman, SetSysScript, SetLastScript and
; when the script code is smRoman)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
move.w smgrLastScript(sGlb),lastScript(a6) ; save for error handling <45>
move.w smgrKeyScript(sGlb),d1 ; load old key script.
move.w d1,smgrLastScript(sGlb) ; save old key script.
move.w d0,smgrKeyScript(sGlb) ; set the keyboard script.
add.w #1,smgrMunged(sGlb) ; update munged counter.
moveq #0,d0 ; clear <45>
move.w (sp),d0 ; new input menuitem # saved on stack <45>
movem.l d1/d2/a3,-(sp) ; <45>
move.l smgrKeyboardMenuPtr(sGlb),d2 ; <45>
beq.s @SetTSLang ; if 0, no menu d.s. yet <45>
; set ptr to new item in AuxMenuInfo record
with AuxKeyboardMenuInfo ; <45>
move.l d2,a3 ; <45>
mulu.w #AuxMenuInfoSize,d0 ; <45>
add.l d0,a3 ; ptr to current aux info <45>
cmp.b #KCHRitem,itemType(a3) ; is the new input a KCHR? <45>
beq.s @SetTSLang ; yes, so don't call UpdateInputMethods <45>
move.w smgrLastScript(sGlb),d0 ; last key script <45>
lsl.w #2,d0 ; find smgrEntry offset. <45>
move.l smgrEntry(sGlb,d0.w),a0 ; script entry <45>
bsr UpdateInputMethods ; <45>
tst.w d2 ; error result
beq.s @SetTSLang ; no error, finish up
movem.l (sp)+,d1/d2/a3 ; <45>
; error so reset key script and last script
move.w smgrLastScript(sGlb),d1 ; get previous keyScript <45>
move.w d1,smgrKeyScript(sGlb) ; restore previous keyScript <45>
move.w lastScript(a6),smgrLastScript(sGlb) ; restore previous lastScript <45>
; fetch previous item #
lsl.w #2,d1 ; find smgrEntry offset. <43>
move.l smgrEntry(sGlb,d1.w),a0 ; script entry <43>
move.b ScriptRecord.scriptKeysItemNum(a0),1(sp) ; get current item num <43><49>
bra.s UpdateMenuAndKCHR
movem.l (sp)+,d1/d2/a3 ; d1 = lastScript <45>
; inform TSM if key script has changed so can synch the IM to the new script/lang <KSCT #24>
move.w smgrKeyScript(sGlb),d0 ; <45>
cmp.w d0,d1 ; have we switched scripts?
beq.s UpdateMenuAndKCHR ; no so TSM doesn't care to know
move.w d0,d1 ; utSetTextServiceLanguage wants keyScript in d1
; input to utSetTextServiceLanguage is d1.w = new keyscript code
import utSetTextServiceLanguage ; <24>
bsr utSetTextServiceLanguage
; <33>
; jump here from NextKybdInScript: script's unchanged and not an IM so skip IM stuff<45>
UpdateMenuAndKCHR ; <45>
; If we are in ptch 27, have to jsr through vectors to SwapKybd,SwapIcon <1.5>
move.l SmgrRecord.sVectSwapKybd(sGlb),a0 ; load address of SwapKybd <1.5>
jsr (a0) ; jsr to it <1.5>
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Input to UpdateKeyboardMenu is the menu ID and menu item # in d0.
; Now using test of smgrKbdMenuAvail(sGlb) to determine if no menu exists! <14>
with smgrRecord,ScriptRecord,ItlbRecord
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; item # (only exists if there's a menu!) <14>
tst.b smgrKbdMenuAvail(sGlb) ; is the kbd menu displayed? <14>
beq.s @NoMenu
swap d0 ; put in high word
move.w #kKeyboardMenuID,d0 ; menu id
import UpdateKeybdMenu
bsr UpdateKeybdMenu ; updates scriptKeysItemNum (& menu!)
; Unlink the stack and return to the caller.
move.l (sp)+,sGlb ; restore reg
move.w #ksArgs, d0 ; for StdUnlink
bra StdUnlink ; standard exit
;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <23>
; Utility UpdateInputMethods
; Handles the necessary updating when switching between input methods and
; keyboard layouts. Supports switching between old-style IMs, new-style IMs,
; from an old IM to a new IM, from a new IM to an old IM, from an IM to a
; keyboard layout and from a keyboard layout to an IM.
; Called internally from NextKybdInScript & RotateScript, and externally from ptchSystemMenu.
; Case Action
; KCHR => KCHR call SetTextServicesLanguage (done outside of this routine)
; TSM-style IM => KCHR call SetTextServicesLanguage (done outside of this routine)
; old-style JIM => KCHR call SetTextServicesLanguage (done outside of this routine)
; old-style JIM => old-style JIM call IntfActivate; if failed, no change
; else _InformTSM and secret _SetScript
; KCHR => old-style JIM call IntfActivate; if failed, no change
; else _InformTSM and secret _SetScript
; TSM-style IM => old-style JIM call IntfActivate; if failed, no change
; else _InformTSM and secret _SetScript
; TSM-style IM => TSM-style IM call SetDefaultInputMethod
; old-style JIM => TSM-style IM deactivate the old-style JIM ¥IF¥ the script of the TSM-style
; IM is Japanese.
; call SetDefaultInputMethod
; KCHR => TSM-style IM if the script of the TSM-style IM is Japanese call
; GetDefaultInputMethod to determine if the the current default
; is an old-style JIM. If so, deactivate it.
; call SetDefaultInputMethod
; Input
; d2 = smgrKeyboardMenuPtr, ptr to AuxKeyboardMenuInfo record
; a0 = ptr to current script record (based on KeyScript) (used for old input item)
; a3 = ptr to AuxKeyboardMenuInfo record, smgrKeyboardMenuPtr, for the new input item
; Uses
; d0 = current item num (preserved since is the new script code)
; d1 (preserved since is the new input item # for the script)
; d3
; a2 = ptr to current item's aux menu info (AuxKeyboardMenuInfo record)
; a4
; Output
; d2.w = 00 for no error
; = $FFFF for error occurred.
; sets KeyScript when necessary (everything except when going from old->old)
; regs restored
; Also, must make a utSetTextServiceLanguage afterwards if the script changed to be sure
; that TSM cleans up the previous state of its world correctly.
export UpdateInputMethods
updIMRecord record {a6link},decr
return ds.l 1 ; return address.
a6link ds.l 1 ; old a6 register.
scriptLang ds.l 1 ; script word / language word
tsmCompDesc ds ComponentDescription ; component description record
updIMLocals equ * ; size of local variables.
UpdateRegs reg d0/d1/d3/a0/a2/a3/a4
with updIMRecord, smgrRecord
link a6,#updIMLocals ; link the stack.
movem.l UpdateRegs,-(sp) ; save
with ScriptRecord, AuxKeyboardMenuInfo, ScriptSystemGlobals, intfRecord
; new input: KCHR
; if the new input is a KCHR (no matter the old input), simply exit because SetTextServicesLanguage
; will handle this correctly.
cmp.b #KCHRitem,itemType(a3) ; is the new input a KCHR?
beq @DoneUpdating
; get input type of current item
moveq #0,d0
move.b scriptKeysItemNum(a0),d0 ; get current item num
; set ptr to current item in AuxMenuInfo record
move.l d2,a2
move.l d0,d3
mulu.w #AuxMenuInfoSize,d3
add.l d3,a2 ; ptr to current item's aux info
cmp.b #TSMIMitem,itemType(a3) ; is the new input a TSM-style IM?
beq.s @Switch2NewIM
; otherwise, new input is an old-style JIM
; new input: old-style JIM
; scenario 1: TSM-style IM to old-style JIM
; The user wants to use an old-style IM now but has been using a new-style IM:
; activate the old-style IM (but don't need to worry about closing the new-style IM
; due to secret script flag that gets set w/ a SetScript call)
; scenario 2: KCHR to old-style JIM
; The user wants to use an old-style IM now but has been using a KCHR: activate the
; old-style IM but don't worry about the KCHR because utSetTextServiceLanguage will
; be called later and this will signal TSM to synchronize the KCHR for the IM, the
; script and the language.
; scenario 3: old-style JIM to old-style JIM
; Activating another old-style JIM will deactivate the previous old-style JIM
; call local version of UserIDIntf using the input method ID of the new item
Import GetKanjiUserIDIntf
move.w itemRsrcID(a3),-(sp) ; pass input method ID of new item
bsr GetKanjiUserIDIntf
; test if an error occured: if so, didn't active old-style IM so don't make secret SetScript call.
GetSMgrCore a1 ; get Script Mgr core
move.l smgrEntry+(smJapanese*4)(a1),a1 ; load doubleTalkRecord for Japanese.
tst.w FISError(a1) ; bad index?
bne @ErrorStop ; yes -> bail.
; tell TSM that the user switched to an old-style Japanese input method <24>
; _InformTSM will set the default IM with the FEP ID in itemRsrcID(aa3).
move.w scriptLang+2(a6),-(sp) ; preserve language <32>
subq #2,sp ; OSErr result <24>
move.w #kMsgChangeToOldJIM,-(sp) ; message number <24>
move.w #smJapanese,scriptLang(a6) ; store the script in the record <26>
move.w itemRsrcID(a3),scriptLang+2(a6) ; store the ID <26>
pea scriptLang(a6) ; we need a parameter now <26>
_InformTSM ; <24>
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; temp storage <32>
move.w (sp)+,scriptLang+2(a6) ; restore language <32>
tst.w d0 ; <32>
bne @ErrorStop ; <24>
; set secret script flag that says we are using old-style input method
subq #2,sp ; result
move.w #smJapanese,-(sp) ; script
move #kUsingOldInputMethodVerb,-(sp) ; verb: are we using an old IM?
move.l #UsingOldStyleIM,-(sp) ; TRUE
tst.w (sp)+ ; ignore result OSErr
GetSMgrCore a1 ; get Script Mgr core <32>
move.w #smJapanese,smgrKeyScript(a1) ; update the keyScript <32> <18>
bra @DoneUpdating
; new input: TSM-style IM
; scenario 1: TSM-style IM to TSM-style IM
; Activating another TSM-style IM will deactivate the previous TSM-style IM
; scenario 2: KCHR to TSM-style IM
; If the script of the TSM-style IM is Japanese, and in case an old-style
; JIM was active before the KCHR was activated, must call GetDefaultInputMethod
; to determine the current IM. If it returns with an old-style JIM, must
; deactivate this before activating the TSM-style IM. When utSetTextServiceLanguage
; is called later, this signals TSM to synchronize the KCHR for the IM, the script
; and the language.
; scenario 3: old-style IM to TSM-style IM
; Deactivate the old-style JIM if the script of the TSM-style JIM is Japanese.
; Activate the TSM-style JIM.
; A3 = the new input, new TSM-style input method
; get component info to get script
subq #2,sp ; OSErr result
move.l auxItemInfo(a3),-(sp) ; get more info on this component
pea tsmCompDesc(a6) ; VAR: component description space
moveq #0,d0 ; faster and smaller to use this method! <45>
move.l d0,-(sp) ; NIL => don't care about name
move.l d0,-(sp) ; NIL => don't care about component's info string
move.l d0,-(sp) ; NIL => don't care about icon
tst.w (sp)+
bne @ErrorStop ; bra if error (invalidComponentID)
; now get script
move.l tsmCompDesc.componentFlags(a6),d0
and.l #ScriptMask, d0 ; only care about script code in low word
lsr.w #8,d0 ; shift script to low nibble
move.w d0,scriptLang(a6) ; store the script in the record <22>
; need the default language for this script
subq #4,sp ; result
move.w d0,-(sp) ; script
move #smScriptLang,-(sp) ; verb: gimme the default lang from the 'itlb'
move.l (sp)+,d1 ; default langCode
move.w d1,scriptLang+2(a6) ; store the language in the record <22>
cmp.b #TSMIMitem,itemType(a2) ; is the old input a TSM-style IM?
beq.s @ActivateTSMinput ; yes, so just activate new input
cmp.w #smJapanese,scriptLang(a6) ; is the script Japanese?
bne.s @ActivateTSMinput ; no, so don't deactivate the old-style JIM
; Our new input is Japanese BUT our old input might be an old-style JIM ¥OR¥ a KCHR possibly preceded by an
; old-style JIM, so must first deactivate the old-style JIM if it is the current default input method.
; get the default Japanese input method: the component identifier for TSM-style IMs or
; the FEF ID for old-style IMs
subq #2,sp ; OSErr result
pea tsmCompDesc(a6) ; use this space temporarily: returns default component id
pea scriptLang(a6) ; wants a ptr to this record
_GetDefaultInputMethod ; need to preserve a2/a3/d3/d4 ....
cmp.w #tsmInputMethodIsOldErr,(sp)+ ; is this the special old-style JIM error?
bne.s @ActivateTSMinput ; if not, can assume TSM-style IM is the current default
; a2 = old-style JIM to deactivate
; get name & volref num of desired IM from table of input methods
GetSMgrCore a1 ; get Script Mgr core
move.l smgrEntry+(smJapanese*4)(a1),a1 ; load doubleTalkRecord for Japanese.
move.l a1,-(sp) ; save Japanese script record ptr
subq #4,sp ; result
move.l intfArray(a1),-(sp) ; load table handle
move.w tsmCompDesc+2(a6),-(sp) ; load ID of desired input method <47>
Import GetIDEntry
bsr GetIDEntry
move.l (sp)+,a4 ; have input record ptr
move.l (sp)+,a1 ; restore script record ptr
tst.w FISError(a1) ; bad index?
bne @ActivateTSMinput ; yes -> then just activate new input.
btst.b #intfFReady-8,intfFlags(a4) ; is the IM ready?
beq @ActivateTSMinput ; no -> then just activate new input.
; set up for deactivate call by loading name and volref num
move.w intfVol(a4),-(sp) ; load volref num
pea intfFile(a4) ; load name of input method
IntfDeactivate ; now deactivate current IM
bclr.b #intfFActive-8,intfFlags(a4) ; clear active bit.
; now set (activate) the input method
;; set up front process's A5 ... ; <KSCT #50>
; this code could be called from GetOSEvent when user press Cmd-space, or Cmd-option-space,
; however, the call is called with Process Manager's A5, _SetDefaultInputMethod could call
; FixTSMDocument which could trigger application's AppleEvent handler. When we run in the
; AppleEvent handler, application expects a5 points to its globals or else ....
; Here, D0/A0/A1 are free registers
move.l a5,-(sp) ; save a5 <#50><52> moved this
move.l ExpandMem,a0 ; ExpandMemRec pointer <52>
tst.w ExpandMemRec.emProcessMgrExists(a0) ; See if Process Manager is around <52>
beq.s @noProcessMgr ; ItÕs not. DonÕt do any of change 50 <52>
suba.w #10,sp ; room for result and PSN <#50>
pea 2(sp) ; ptr(PSN) <#50>
_GetFrontProcess ; <#50>
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; any error? <#50>
bne.s @bail ; yes <#50>
subq #4,sp ; result <#50>
pea 4(sp) ; ptr(PSN) <#50>
_PEntryFromProcessSerialNumber ; get the pentry <#50>
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; d0 = pEntry <#50>
beq.s @bail ; no pEntry <#50>
movea.l d0,a0 ; a0 = pEntry <#50>
movea.l $54(a0),a0 ; a0 = pcb handle <#50>
movea.l (a0),a1 ; a1 = pcb pointer <#50>
movea.l $34(a1),a5 ; a5 = process's a5 <#50>
adda #8,sp ; restore stack <#50>
subq #2,sp ; OSErr result
move.l auxItemInfo(a3),-(sp) ; make this component the new default
pea scriptLang(a6) ; want a ptr for the script and lang codes <22>
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; any error?
movea.l (sp)+,a5 ; restore a5 <#50>
bne @ErrorStop ; assume didn't update and use current IM if we fail
GetSMgrCore a1 ; get Script Mgr core <32>
move.w scriptLang(a6),smgrKeyScript(a1) ; update the keyScript <32>
; fall into cleanup
movem.l (sp)+,UpdateRegs ; save
move.w #0,d2 ; indicate no error upon return
unlk a6 ; unlink the stack.
; don't change anything since can't get next item
movem.l (sp)+,UpdateRegs ; save
move.w #$FFFF,d2 ; indicate error upon return
unlk a6 ; unlink the stack.
; end of UpdateInputMethods utility routine
;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <23>
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; function: utSetTextServiceLanguage <02Feb92 #24>
; input: d1.w = new keyscript code.
; output: d0.w = result from TSM
; warning: To be called by Assembly code only !!
; except a0/d0, all registers preserved
; 02Feb92 KSCT New today
; 04Aug92 KSCT Has to set up A5 to front process's A5 before calling _SetTextServiceLanguage.
; This code could be called from GetOSEvent when user press Cmd-space, or Cmd-option-space,
; However, the call is called with Process Manager's A5, _SetDefaultInputMethod could call
; FixTSMDocument which could trigger application's AppleEvent handler. When we run in the
; AppleEvent handler, application expects a5 points to its globals or else .... <#50>
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
utSetTextServiceLanguage PROC EXPORT ; <KSCT #24, #50>
movem.l d1-d2/a1/a5,-(sp) ; save regs <#50>
suba #6,sp ; room for result and a script/language Record
lea 2(sp),a0 ; a0 = scriptLangRec ptr
move.w d1,(a0) ; set new script
subq #4,sp ; result
move.w d1,-(sp) ; script
move #smScriptLang,-(sp) ; verb: gimme the default lang from the 'itlb'
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; get default langCode
lea 2(sp),a0 ; a0 = scriptLangRec ptr
move.w d0,2(a0) ; set new language
move.l a0,-(sp) ; push param
move.l ExpandMem,a0 ; ExpandMemRec pointer <52>
tst.w ExpandMemRec.emProcessMgrExists(a0) ; See if Process Manager is around <52>
beq.s @noProcessMgr ; ItÕs not. DonÕt do any of change 50 <52>
;; set up front process's A5 ... ; <KSCT #50>
suba.w #10,sp ; room for result and PSN <#50>
pea 2(sp) ; ptr(PSN) <#50>
_GetFrontProcess ; get PSN of the front process <#50>
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; any error? <#50>
bne.s @bail ; yes ! <#50>
subq #4,sp ; room for result <#50>
pea 4(sp) ; push ptr(PSN) <#50>
_PEntryFromProcessSerialNumber ; get the pEntry <#50>
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; d0 = pEntry <#50>
beq.s @bail ; no pEntry <#50>
movea.l d0,a0 ; a0 = pEntry <#50>
movea.l $54(a0),a0 ; a0 = pcb handle <#50>
movea.l (a0),a1 ; a1 = pcb pointer <#50>
movea.l $34(a1),a5 ; a5 = process's a5 <#50>
adda #8,sp ; restore stack <#50>
@noProcessMgr ; we jump here if no process mananger <52>
_SetTextServiceLanguage ; inform TSM with the new current key script
move.w (sp),d0 ; result code
adda #6,sp ; restore stack
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d2/a1/a5 ; restore regs <#50>
rts ; and return
ENDP ; <KSCT #24>
import StdUnlink
export GetEnvirons,SetEnvirons
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; function: GetEnvirons(verb: Integer): LongInt;
; input: (sp).w Verb value.
; output: (sp).l Result, script manager global variable.
; warning: This routine follows Pascal register conventions.
; For most verbs, this routine retrieves a value from the Script Manager
; globals and returns it.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
geRecord record {a6link},decr
result ds.l 1 ; result code.
geArgs equ *-8 ; size of arguments.
verb ds.w 1 ; verb value.
selector ds.l 1 ; trap selector.
return ds.l 1 ; return address.
a6link ds.l 1 ; old a6 register.
geLocals equ * ; size of local variables.
; Link the stack, clear the result, and load the verb.
with smgrRecord,geRecord
link a6,#geLocals ; link the stack.
move.l #0,d0 ; clear param value.
GetSMgrCore a1 ; load SMgr globals.
; Convert the verb into a length and offset in the Script Manager globals.
; Fetch the Script Manager globals pointer and add the offset to it.
move.w verb(a6),d2 ; load the verb.
cmp.w #smLastEVerb,d2 ; verb > smLastEVerb?
bhi.s GetDone ; yes -> bail out.
cmp.w #smKCHRCache,d2 ; special handling for this one? <1.6>
beq.s GetExpandMem ; branch if so <1.6>
cmp.w #smKeyDisableState,d2 ; another with special handling <41>
beq.s GetKeyDisableState ; branch if so <41>
lea envTable,a0 ; load table pointer.
move.l #0,d1 ; clear offset.
add.w d2,a0 ; <06/30/89 pke>
move.b (a0)+,d1 ; <06/30/89 pke>
lea 0(a1,d1.w),a1 ; offset pointer.
move.b (a0),d1 ; <06/30/89 pke>
; Copy the Script Manager global to the parameter.
subq #2,d1 ; length - 2?
bmi.s GetByte ; <0 -> copy 1 byte.
beq.s GetWord ; =0 -> copy 1 word.
GetLong move.l (a1),d0 ; copy the long.
bra.s GetDone ; bail out.
GetByte move.b (a1),d0 ; copy the byte.
bra.s GetDone ; bail out.
GetWord move.w (a1),d0 ; copy the word.
; Store the parameter, unlink the stack, and return to the caller.
move.l d0,result(a6) ; store result. Fixed for SysVers<$700 <1/30/89 pke>
move.w #geArgs, d0 ; for StdUnlink
bra StdUnlink ; standard exit
GetExpandMem ; <1.6>
with ExpandMemRec ; <1.6>
move.l ExpandMem,a0 ; ExpandMemRec pointer <1.6>
move.l emKeyCache(a0),d0 ; KCHR pointer <1.6>
bra.s GetDone ; <1.6>
endwith ; <1.6>
GetKeyDisableState ; <41>
with ExpandMemRec,SMgrAppRecord ; <41>
move.l ExpandMem,a0 ; get ExpandMemRec ptr <41>
move.l emScriptAppGlobals(a0),a0 ; get globals handle <41>
move.l a0,d1 ; is it 0 (no app-specific ScriptMgr globals)? <41>
beq.s GetDone ; if so, return 0 (keybds are not locked) <41>
addq.l #1,d1 ; is it -1 (no Process Mgr yet)? <41>
beq.s GetDone ; if so, return 0 (keybds are not locked) <41>
move.l (a0),a0 ; dereference - get ptr to globals <41>
move.b smgrAppDisableKybds(a0),d0 ; get keyboard lock state <41>
bra.s GetDone ; <41>
endwith ;ExpandMemRec,SMgrAppRecord ; <41>
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; function: SetEnvirons(verb: Integer; param: LongInt): OSErr;
; input: (sp).w Verb value.
; (sp).l Param value.
; output: (sp).w Result, OSErr.
; warning: This routine follows Pascal register conventions.
; For most verbs, this routine stores the parameter value in the Script
; Manager globals.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
seRecord record {a6link},decr
result ds.w 1 ; result code.
seArgs equ *-8 ; size of arguments.
verb ds.w 1 ; verb value.
param ds.l 1 ; parameter value.
selector ds.l 1 ; trap selector.
return ds.l 1 ; return address.
a6link ds.l 1 ; old a6 register.
seLocals equ * ; size of local variables.
; Link the stack and check the verb.
with smgrRecord,seRecord
link a6,#seLocals ; link the stack.
move.w #smBadVerb,result(a6) ; assume bad verb.
GetSMgrCore a1 ; load SMgr globals.
; Convert the verb into a length and offset in the Script Manager globals.
; Fetch the Script Manager globals pointer and add the offset to it.
move.w verb(a6),d2 ; load verb.
cmp.w #smLastEVerb,d2 ; verb > smLastEVerb?
bhi.s SetDone ; yes -> bail out.
add.w #1,smgrMunged(a1) ; update munge count.
cmp.w #smKCHRCache,d2 ; does this set ExpandMem instead? <1.6>
beq.s SetExpandMem ; branch if so <1.6>
lea envTable,a0 ; load table pointer.
move.l #0,d1 ; clear offset.
add.w d2,a0 ; <06/30/89 pke>
move.b (a0)+,d1 ; <06/30/89 pke>
lea 0(a1,d1.w),a1 ; offset pointer.
move.b (a0),d1 ; <06/30/89 pke>
; Copy the parameter value into a Script Manager global.
move.l param(a6),d0 ; load param value.
subq #2,d1 ; length - 2?
bmi.s SetByte ; <0 -> copy 1 byte.
beq.s SetWord ; =0 -> copy 1 word.
SetLong move.l d0,(a1) ; copy the long.
bra.s SetVerb ; bail out.
SetByte move.b d0,(a1) ; copy the byte.
bra.s SetVerb ; bail out.
SetWord move.w d0,(a1) ; copy the word.
; The verb was legal, so return noErr.
move.w #noErr,result(a6) ; return noErr.
; Unlink the stack and return to the caller.
move.w #seArgs, d0 ; for StdUnlink
bra StdUnlink ; standard exit
SetExpandMem ; <1.6>
with ExpandMemRec ; <1.6>
move.l ExpandMem,a0 ; ExpandMemRec pointer <1.6>
move.l param(a6),emKeyCache(a0) ; set KCHR pointer <1.6>
bra.s SetVerb ; <1.6>
endwith ; <1.6>
; The environment verb table is used by GetEnvirons and SetEnvirons. Each
; verb is represented by a tuple of the form <offset>,<length>. The offset
; is a byte index into the Script Manager globals, and the length is the
; size of the variable in bytes. The tuples are index by the verb codes.
; Note that the smKCHRCache verb is not handled through this table, since
; the corresponding global is in the ExpandMemRec and not the SMgrRecord <1.6>.
with smgrRecord ;
dc.b smgrVersion,2 ; smVersion verb.
dc.b smgrMunged,2 ; smMunged verb.
dc.b smgrEnabled,1 ; smEnabled verb.
dc.b smgrBidirect,1 ; smBidirect verb.
dc.b smgrFontForce,1 ; smFontForce verb.
dc.b smgrIntlForce,1 ; smIntlForce verb.
dc.b smgrForced,1 ; smForced verb.
dc.b smgrDefault,1 ; smDefault verb.
dc.b smgrPrint,4 ; smPrint verb.
dc.b smgrSysScript,2 ; smSysScript verb.
dc.b smgrLastScript,2 ; smLastScript verb.
dc.b smgrKeyScript,2 ; smKeyScript verb.
dc.b smgrSysRef,2 ; smSysRef verb.
dc.b smgrReservedB,4 ; smKeyCache verb.
dc.b smgrKeySwap,4 ; smKeySwap verb.
dc.b smgrGenFlags,4 ; smGenFlags verb. <7/7/87med>
dc.b smgrOverride,4 ; smOverride verb. <7/7/87med>
dc.b smgrCharPortion,2 ; smCharPortion verb <8/18/87med>
; new verbs for 7.0
dc.b smgrDoubleByte,1 ; smDoubleByte verb.
dc.b smgrDummy,4 ; dummy for smKCHRCache verb <x3>
dc.b smgrRegionCode,2 ; smRegionCode verb <x3>
dc.b smgrDisableKybds,1 ; smKeyDisabState verb <23>
import StdUnlink
export GetScript,SetScript
; These constants are only required until we can get them out of the <6/24/88ldc>
; East Asian script systems.
; smScriptName will not always = smLastSVerb, but it will mark the
; last public verb before the lower bound of the Kanji private verbs.
firstKanjiVerb equ smScriptName+2
lastKanjiVerb equ 76
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; function: GetScript(script, verb: Integer): LongInt;
; input: (sp).w Script code.
; (sp).w Verb value.
; (sp).l Selector.
; output: (sp).l Result, script entry variable.
; warning: This routine follows Pascal register conventions.
; This routine may not return directly.
; GetScript attempts to dispatch to the script indicated. If the script
; code is illegal, the script is not installed, or the script is disabled,
; it returns 0.
; The dispatch here is different than that of other script interface system
; routines. In this case, the application has directly specified which
; script it wants to use, instead of using the font of the current GrafPort.
;<11/10/87med> Merged in public verbs from RomanUtil
; Handle special negative script codes, like Intl Utils routines <11>
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
gsRecord record {a6link},decr
result ds.l 1 ; result code.
gsArgs equ *-8 ; size of arguments.
script ds.w 1 ; script code.
verb ds.w 1 ; verb value.
selector ds.l 1 ; trap selector.
return ds.l 1 ; return address.
a6link ds.l 1 ; old a6 register.
gsLocals equ * ; size of local variables.
; Link the stack and find the entry pointer for the appropriate script.
; If the script is not installed, exit immediately.
with smgrRecord,gsRecord
link a6,#gsLocals ; link the stack.
move.w script(a6),d0 ; get script code.
bsr MapScript ; map ScriptCode, set up pointers <11>
beq.s @GetDone ; bail if err (d0 already 0) <11>
move.w verb(a6),d2 ; private verb? <11/10/87med>
bge.s @GetCheckKanji ; aaargh! <6/24/88ldc>
with ScriptRecord ;
move.l a1,a0 ; copy ScriptRecord ptr <34>
move.l scriptTrap(a0),a1 ; load trap vector. <34>
unlk a6 ; unlink the stack.
jmp (a1) ; jump to trap vector. <34>
endWith ;ScriptRecord ;
; Something is wrong, so it's time to punt. Unlink the stack, and return
; to the caller.
clr.l d0 ; default result
bra.s @GetDone ; done
;<6/24/88ldc> added the following check for KanjiTalk private verbs
cmp.w #firstKanjiVerb, d2 ; is this in the Kanji Talk private range?
blt.s @GetPublic ; if yes then do private
cmp.w #lastKanjiVerb, d2 ; else fall through to GetPublic
ble.s @GetPrivate
; assume that range from 0 through smLastSVerb is filled with either
; public or Kanji verbs - there are no other holes. <06/23/89 pke>
cmp.w #smLastSVerb,d2 ; verb > smLastSVerb?
bhi.s @GetPunt ; yes => bail out. <5>
sub.w #(lastKanjiVerb-smScriptName),d2 ; get rid of Kanji hole
lea scrTable,a0 ; load table pointer.
move.l #0,d1 ; clear offset.
add.w d2,a0 ; <06/30/89 pke>
move.b (a0)+,d1 ; <06/30/89 pke>
lea 0(a1,d1.w),a1 ; offset pointer.
move.b (a0),d1 ; <06/30/89 pke>
; Copy the script entry variable to the parameter.
clr.l d0 ; clear top bytes
sub.w #2,d1 ; length - 2?
bmi.s @GetByte ; <0 -> copy 1 byte.
beq.s @GetWord ; =0 -> copy 1 word.
move.l (a1),d0 ; >0 -> copy the long.
bra.s @GetDone ; bail out.
move.b (a1),d0 ; copy the byte.
bra.s @GetDone ; bail out.
move.w (a1),d0 ; copy the word.
; Store the parameter, unlink the stack, and return to the caller.
move.l d0,result(a6) ; store variable.
move.w #gsArgs, d0 ; for StdUnlink
bra StdUnlink ; standard exit
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; function: SetScript(script,verb: Integer; param: LongInt): OSErr;
; input: (sp).w Script code.
; (sp).w Verb value.
; (sp).l Param value.
; output: (sp).w Result, OSErr.
; warning: This routine follows Pascal register conventions.
; This routine may not return directly.
; SetScript attempts to dispatch to the script indicated. If the script
; code is illeagal, the script is not installed, or the script is disabled,
; it returns an error code.
; The dispatch here is different than that of other script interface system
; routines. In this case, the application has directly specified which
; script it wants to use, instead of using the font of the current GrafPort.
;<11/10/87med> Merged in public verbs from RomanUtil
; Handle special negative script codes, like Intl Utils routines <11>
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ssRecord record {a6link},decr
result ds.w 1 ; result code.
ssArgs equ *-8 ; size of arguments.
script ds.w 1 ; script code.
verb ds.w 1 ; verb value.
param ds.l 1 ; parameter value.
selector ds.l 1 ; trap selector.
return ds.l 1 ; return address.
a6link ds.l 1 ; old a6 register.
ssLocals equ * ; size of local variables.
; Link the stack, assume failure, and find the entry pointer for the
; appropriate script. If the script is not installed, exit immediately.
with smgrRecord,ssRecord
link a6,#ssLocals ; link the stack.
move.w script(a6),d0 ; get script code.
bsr MapScript ; map ScriptCode, set up pointers <11>
beq.s @SetBadScript ; bail if err <11>
move.w verb(a6),d2 ; private verb? <11/10/87med>
bge.s @SetCheckKanji ; first check for Kanji private <6/23/88ldc>
with ScriptRecord ;
move.l a1,a0 ; copy ScriptRecord ptr <34>
move.l scriptTrap(a0),a1 ; load trap vector. <34>
unlk a6 ; unlink the stack.
jmp (a1) ; jump to trap vector. <34>
endWith ;ScriptRecord ;
; <6/24/88ldc> added four lines to check for Kanji private range
cmp.w #firstKanjiVerb, d2 ; is this in the Kanji Talk private range?
blt.s @SetPublic ; if yes then do private
cmp.w #lastKanjiVerb, d2 ; else fall through to GetPublic
ble.s @SetPrivate
; assume that range from 0 through smLastSVerb is filled with either
; public or Kanji verbs - there are no other holes. <06/23/89 pke>
cmp.w #smLastSVerb,d2 ; verb > smLastSVerb?
bhi.s @SetBadVerb ; yes => bail out.
sub.w #(lastKanjiVerb-smScriptName),d2 ; get rid of Kanji hole
; Use the verb to find a length and offset in the table. Add the offset to
; the script pointer to form the source pointer.
with scriptRecord
add.w #1,scriptMunged(a1) ; update munge count.
lea scrTable,a0 ; load table pointer.
move.l #0,d1 ; clear offset.
add.w d2,a0 ; <06/30/89 pke>
move.b (a0)+,d1 ; <06/30/89 pke>
lea 0(a1,d1.w),a1 ; offset pointer.
move.b (a0),d1 ; <06/30/89 pke>
; Copy the parameter value into a script entry variable.
move.l param(a6),d0 ; load param value.
sub.w #2,d1 ; length - 2?
bmi.s @SetByte ; <0 -> copy 1 byte.
beq.s @SetWord ; =0 -> copy 1 word.
move.l d0,(a1) ; copy the long.
bra.s @SetVerb ; bail out.
move.b d0,(a1) ; copy the byte.
bra.s @SetVerb ; bail out.
move.w d0,(a1) ; copy the word.
; The verb is legal, so return noErr.
move.l #0,d0 ; noError
; Unlink the stack and return to the caller.
move.w d0,result(a6) ; return noErr.
move.w #ssArgs, d0 ; for StdUnlink
bra StdUnlink ; standard exit
; error exits
move.w #smBadScript,d0 ; assume bad script.
bra.s @SetDone ; done
moveq #smBadVerb,d0 ; bad verb
bra.s @SetDone ; done
; The script entry verb table is used by GetScript and SetScript. Each
; verb is represented by a tuple of the form <offset>,<length>. The offset
; is a byte index into the script entry, and the length is the size of the
; variable in bytes.
with scriptRecord ;
dc.b scriptVersion,2 ; 0 smScriptVersion verb.
dc.b scriptMunged,2 ; 2 smScriptMunged verb.
dc.b scriptEnabled,1 ; 4 smScriptEnabled verb.
dc.b scriptRight,1 ; 6 smScriptRight verb.
dc.b scriptJust,1 ; 8 smScriptJust verb.
dc.b scriptRedraw,1 ; 10 smScriptRedraw verb.
dc.b scriptSysFond,2 ; 12 smScriptSysFond verb.
dc.b scriptAppFond,2 ; 14 smScriptAppFond verb.
dc.b scriptBundle.itlbNumber,2 ; 16 smScriptNumber verb.
dc.b scriptBundle.itlbDate,2 ; 18 smScriptDate verb.
dc.b scriptBundle.itlbSort,2 ; 20 smScriptSort verb.
dc.b scriptBundle.itlbFlags,2 ; 22 smScriptFlags verb.
dc.b scriptBundle.itlbToken,2 ; 24 smScriptToken verb. <3/6/87med>
dc.b scriptBundle.itlbEncoding,2 ; 26 smScriptEncoding verb. <7>
dc.b scriptBundle.itlbLang,2 ; 28 script language
dc.b scriptBundle.itlbNumRep,2 ; 30 number/date
dc.b scriptBundle.itlbKeys,2 ; 32 smScriptKeys verb.
dc.b scriptBundle.itlbIcon,2 ; 34 smScriptIcon verb.
dc.b scriptPrint,4 ; 36 smScriptPrint verb.
dc.b scriptTrap,4 ; 38 smScriptTrap verb.
dc.b scriptCreator,4 ; 40 smScriptCreator verb.
dc.b scriptFile,4 ; 42 smScriptFile verb.
dc.b scriptName,4 ; 44 smScriptName verb.
; new verbs for 7.0
dc.b scriptMonoFondSize,4 ; 78-32=46 smScriptMonoFondSize
dc.b scriptPrefFondSize,4 ; 80-32=48 smScriptPrefFondSize
dc.b scriptSmallFondSize,4 ; 82-32=50 smScriptSmallFondSize
dc.b scriptSysFondSize,4 ; 84-32=52 smScriptSysFondSize
dc.b scriptAppFondSize,4 ; 86-32=54 smScriptSysFondSize
dc.b scriptHelpFondSize,4 ; 88-32=56 smScriptSysFondSize
dc.b scriptValidStyles,1 ; 90-32=58 smScriptValidStyles <3>
dc.b scriptAliasStyle,1 ; 92-32=60 smScriptAliasStyle <3>
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <11>
; MapScript - map ScriptCode to real script, set up record pointers, check
; for errors
; input: d0.w ScriptCode
; output: a0.l SMgrRecord pointer
; a1.l ScriptRecord pointer
; condition codes: Z set if err, clear otherwise
; d0.l clear if err, =a1 otherwise
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
with SMgrRecord,ScriptRecord
tst.w d0 ; real or special?
bpl.s @doneMap ; if real, don't need to map it
addq.w #1,d0 ; is it SystemScript (-1)?
bne.s @tryCurrent ; no, check for other codes
GetSMgrCore a0 ; get SMgrRecord pointer
move.w smgrSysScript(a0),d0 ; get system script
bra.s @doneMap
addq.w #1,d0 ; is it CurrentScript (-2)?
bne.s @error ; no, bail
subq #2,sp ; leave space for returned script
_FontScript ; NOT IntlScript
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; get current script
cmp.w #smgrCount-1,d0 ; in range?
bhi.s @error ; no -> punt.
; OK, we have a good script code in d0, use it to get ScriptRecord
GetSMgrCore a0 ; SMgrRecord pointer
lsl.w #2,d0 ; make script code a long offset
move.l smgrEntry(a0,d0.w),d0 ; script installed?
beq.s @error ; bail if not
move.l d0,a1 ; copy ScriptRecord pointer
tst.b scriptEnabled(a1) ; script enabled?
bne.s @done ; if so, done (Z clear)
moveq #0,d0 ; set Z & clear d0
endwith ;SMgrRecord,ScriptRecord