#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "os.h" #include "os_internal.h" #include "toolbox.h" #include "stackframe.h" using ToolBox::Log; using OS::Internal::errno_to_oserr; namespace { // FSSpec garbage class FSSpecManager { public: static const std::string &pathForID(int32_t id); static int32_t idForPath(const std::string &path, bool insert = true); private: struct Entry { #if 0 Entry(std::string &&p) : path(p), hash(std::hash(path)) {} Entry(const std::string &p) : path(p), hash(std::hash(path)) {} #endif Entry(const std::string &p, size_t h) : path(p), hash(h) {} Entry(std::string &&p, size_t h) : path(p), hash(h) {} std::string path; size_t hash; }; static std::deque _pathQueue; }; std::deque FSSpecManager::_pathQueue; int32_t FSSpecManager::idForPath(const std::string &path, bool insert) { /* char buffer[PATH_MAX + 1]; char *cp = realpath(path.c_str(), buffer); if (!cp) return -1; std::string s(cp); */ std::hash hasher; size_t hash = hasher(path); int i = 1; for (const auto &e : _pathQueue) { if (e.hash == hash && e.path == path) return i; ++i; } if (!insert) return -1; _pathQueue.emplace_back(FSSpecManager::Entry(path, hash)); return _pathQueue.size(); } const std::string &FSSpecManager::pathForID(int32_t id) { static std::string NullString; if (id < 1) return NullString; if (id > _pathQueue.size()) return NullString; return _pathQueue[id - 1].path; } } namespace OS { /* struct FSSpec { short vRefNum; long parID; StrFileName name; // a Str63 on MacOS }; */ uint16_t FSMakeFSSpec(void) { // FSMakeFSSpec(vRefNum: Integer; dirID: LongInt; fileName: Str255; VAR spec: FSSpec): OSErr; /* * See Chapter 2, File Manager / Using the File Manager, 2-35 * * */ uint16_t vRefNum; uint32_t dirID; uint32_t fileName; uint32_t spec; StackFrame<14>(vRefNum, dirID, fileName, spec); std::string sname = ToolBox::ReadPString(fileName, true); Log(" FSMakeFSSpec(%04x, %08x, %s, %08x)\n", vRefNum, dirID, sname.c_str(), spec); bool absolute = sname.length() ? sname[0] == '/' : false; if (absolute || (vRefNum == 0 && dirID == 0)) { char buffer[PATH_MAX + 1]; // expand the path. Also handles relative paths. char *cp = realpath(sname.c_str(), buffer); if (!cp) { return mFulErr; } std::string leaf; std::string path; path.assign(cp); // if sname is null then the target is the default directory... // so this should be ok. int pos = path.find_last_of('/'); if (pos == path.npos) { // ? should never happen... std::swap(leaf, path); } else { leaf = path.substr(pos + 1); path = path.substr(0, pos + 1); // include the / } int parentID = FSSpecManager::idForPath(path, true); memoryWriteWord(vRefNum, spec + 0); memoryWriteLong(parentID, spec + 2); // write the filename... ToolBox::WritePString(spec + 6, leaf); return 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "FSMakeFSSpec(%04x, %08x) not yet supported\n", vRefNum, dirID); exit(1); } return 0; } uint16_t FSpGetFInfo() { // FSpGetFInfo (spec: FSSpec; VAR fndrInfo: FInfo): OSErr; uint32_t spec; uint32_t finderInfo; StackFrame<8>(spec, finderInfo); int parentID = memoryReadLong(spec + 2); std::string leaf = ToolBox::ReadPString(spec + 6, false); std::string path = FSSpecManager::pathForID(parentID); path += leaf; Log(" FSpGetFInfo(%s, %08x)\n", path.c_str(), finderInfo); // todo -- move to separate function? used in multiple places. uint8_t buffer[32]; std::memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); int rv; rv = ::getxattr(path.c_str(), XATTR_FINDERINFO_NAME, buffer, 32, 0, 0); if (rv < 0) { switch (errno) { case ENOENT: case EACCES: return errno_to_oserr(errno); } } // override for source files. if (IsTextFile(path)) { std::memcpy(buffer, "TEXTMPS ", 8); } std::memmove(memoryPointer(finderInfo), buffer, 16); return 0; } uint16_t FSpSetFInfo() { // FSpSetFInfo (spec: FSSpec; VAR fndrInfo: FInfo): OSErr; uint32_t spec; uint32_t finderInfo; StackFrame<8>(spec, finderInfo); int parentID = memoryReadLong(spec + 2); std::string leaf = ToolBox::ReadPString(spec + 6, false); std::string path = FSSpecManager::pathForID(parentID); path += leaf; Log(" FSpSetFInfo(%s, %08x)\n", path.c_str(), finderInfo); // todo -- move to separate function? used in multiple places. uint8_t buffer[32]; std::memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); int rv; rv = ::getxattr(path.c_str(), XATTR_FINDERINFO_NAME, buffer, 32, 0, 0); if (rv < 0) { switch (errno) { case ENOENT: case EACCES: return errno_to_oserr(errno); } } std::memmove(buffer, memoryPointer(finderInfo), 16); rv = ::setxattr(path.c_str(), XATTR_FINDERINFO_NAME, buffer, 32, 0, 0); return rv < 0 ? errno_to_oserr(errno) : 0; } uint16_t HighLevelHFSDispatch(uint16_t trap) { uint16_t selector; selector = cpuGetDReg(0) & 0xffff; Log("%04x HighLevelHFSDispatch(%04x)\n", trap, selector); switch (selector) { case 0x0001: return FSMakeFSSpec(); break; case 0x0007: return FSpGetFInfo(); break; case 0x0008: return FSpSetFInfo(); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "selector %04x not yet supported\n", selector); exit(1); } } }