/* * Copyright (c) 2013, Kelvin W Sherlock * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "os.h" #include "rm.h" #include "os_internal.h" #include "toolbox.h" #include "stackframe.h" #include "fs_spec.h" using ToolBox::Log; using MacOS::macos_error_from_errno; extern "C" { char * fs_spec_realpath(const char * __restrict path, char * __restrict resolved); } namespace OS { /* struct FSSpec { short vRefNum; long parID; StrFileName name; // a Str63 on MacOS }; */ // MacOS: -> { -1, 1, "MacOS" } // MacOS:dumper -> {-1, 2 "dumper"} std::string realpath(const std::string &path) { char buffer[PATH_MAX + 1]; // FSSpecs are valid for non-existant files // but not non-existant directories. // realpath does not behave in such a manner. // expand the path. Also handles relative paths. char *cp = ::fs_spec_realpath(path.c_str(), buffer); if (!cp) { fprintf(stderr, "realpath failed %s\n", path.c_str()); return ""; } return std::string(cp); } uint16_t FSMakeFSSpec(void) { // FSMakeFSSpec(vRefNum: Integer; dirID: LongInt; fileName: Str255; VAR spec: FSSpec): OSErr; /* * See Chapter 2, File Manager / Using the File Manager, 2-35 * * */ uint16_t vRefNum; uint32_t dirID; uint32_t fileName; uint32_t spec; StackFrame<14>(vRefNum, dirID, fileName, spec); std::string sname = ToolBox::ReadPString(fileName, true); Log(" FSMakeFSSpec(%04x, %08x, %s, %08x)\n", vRefNum, dirID, sname.c_str(), spec); if (vRefNum == 0 && dirID > 0 && sname.length()) { // SC uses dirID + relative path. std::string root = FSSpecManager::PathForID(dirID); if (root.empty()) { std::memset(memoryPointer(spec), 0, 8); return MacOS::dirNFErr; } sname = root + sname; dirID = 0; } bool absolute = sname.length() ? sname[0] == '/' : false; if (absolute || (vRefNum == 0 && dirID == 0)) { std::string leaf; std::string path; int parentID; path = realpath(sname); if (path.empty()) { std::memset(memoryPointer(spec), 0, 8); return MacOS::mFulErr; } int pos = path.find_last_of('/'); if (pos == path.npos) { // file is relative to cwd. leaf = std::move(path); parentID = 0; } else { leaf = path.substr(pos + 1); path = path.substr(0, pos + 1); // include the / parentID = FSSpecManager::IDForPath(path, true); } memoryWriteWord(vRefNum, spec + 0); memoryWriteLong(parentID, spec + 2); // write the filename... ToolBox::WritePString(spec + 6, leaf); return 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "FSMakeFSSpec(%04x, %08x) not yet supported\n", vRefNum, dirID); exit(1); } return 0; } uint16_t FSpGetFInfo() { // FSpGetFInfo (spec: FSSpec; VAR fndrInfo: FInfo): OSErr; uint32_t spec; uint32_t finderInfo; uint16_t d0; StackFrame<8>(spec, finderInfo); int parentID = memoryReadLong(spec + 2); std::string leaf = ToolBox::ReadPString(spec + 6, false); std::string path = FSSpecManager::PathForID(parentID); path += leaf; Log(" FSpGetFInfo(%s, %08x)\n", path.c_str(), finderInfo); d0 = Internal::GetFinderInfo(path, memoryPointer(finderInfo), false); return d0; } uint16_t FSpSetFInfo() { // FSpSetFInfo (spec: FSSpec; VAR fndrInfo: FInfo): OSErr; uint32_t spec; uint32_t finderInfo; uint16_t d0 = 0; StackFrame<8>(spec, finderInfo); int parentID = memoryReadLong(spec + 2); std::string leaf = ToolBox::ReadPString(spec + 6, false); std::string path = FSSpecManager::PathForID(parentID); path += leaf; Log(" FSpSetFInfo(%s, %08x)\n", path.c_str(), finderInfo); d0 = Internal::SetFinderInfo(path, memoryPointer(finderInfo), false); return d0; } uint16_t FSpCreate(void) { // FUNCTION FSpCreate (spec: FSSpec; creator: OSType; // fileType: OSType; scriptTag: ScriptCode): // OSErr; uint16_t d0 = 0; uint32_t sp; uint32_t spec; uint32_t creator; uint32_t fileType; uint16_t scriptTag; int fd; sp = StackFrame<14>(spec, creator, fileType, scriptTag); int parentID = memoryReadLong(spec + 2); std::string sname = ToolBox::ReadPString(spec + 6, false); Log(" FSpCreate(%s, %08x ('%s'), %08x ('%s'), %02x)\n", sname.c_str(), creator, ToolBox::TypeToString(creator).c_str(), fileType, ToolBox::TypeToString(fileType).c_str(), scriptTag); sname = OS::FSSpecManager::ExpandPath(sname, parentID); if (sname.empty()) { return MacOS::dirNFErr; } fd = ::open(sname.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0666); if (fd < 0) { return macos_error_from_errno(); } else { ::close(fd); } { char buffer[32]; std::memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); buffer[0] = fileType >> 24; buffer[1] = fileType >> 16; buffer[2] = fileType >> 8; buffer[3] = fileType >> 0; buffer[4] = creator >> 24; buffer[5] = creator >> 16; buffer[6] = creator >> 8; buffer[7] = creator >> 0; std::memcpy(buffer+4, &creator, 4); // since this is a new file, set the entire finder info. d0 = OS::Internal::SetFinderInfo(sname, buffer, true); } return d0; } uint16_t ResolveAliasFile() { // FUNCTION ResolveAliasFile (VAR theSpec: FSSpec; // resolveAliasChains: Boolean; // VAR targetIsFolder: Boolean; // VAR wasAliased: Boolean): OSErr; uint32_t spec; uint16_t resolveAliasChains; uint32_t targetIsFolder; uint32_t wasAliased; StackFrame<14>(spec, resolveAliasChains, targetIsFolder, wasAliased); int parentID = memoryReadLong(spec + 2); std::string leaf = ToolBox::ReadPString(spec + 6, false); std::string path = FSSpecManager::PathForID(parentID); path += leaf; Log(" ResolveAliasFile(%s)\n", path.c_str()); struct stat st; int rv; rv = ::stat(path.c_str(), &st); if (rv < 0) { if (wasAliased) memoryWriteWord(0, wasAliased); if (targetIsFolder) memoryWriteWord(0, targetIsFolder); return macos_error_from_errno(); } if (targetIsFolder) memoryWriteWord(S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) ? 1 : 0, targetIsFolder); // don't bother pretending a soft link is an alias. if (wasAliased) memoryWriteWord(0, wasAliased); return 0; } uint16_t HighLevelHFSDispatch(uint16_t trap) { /* * $0001 FSMakeFSSpec * $0002 FSpOpenDF * $0003 FSpOpenRF * $0004 FSpCreate * $0005 FSpDirCreate * $0006 FSpDelete * $0007 FSpGetFInfo * $0008 FSpSetFInfo * $0009 FSpSetFLock * $000A FSpRstFLock * $000B FSpRename * $000C FSpCatMove * $000D FSpOpenResFile * $000E FSpCreateResFile * $000F FSpExchangeFiles */ uint16_t selector; uint16_t d0; selector = cpuGetDReg(0) & 0xffff; Log("%04x HighLevelHFSDispatch(%04x)\n", trap, selector); switch (selector) { case 0x0001: d0 = FSMakeFSSpec(); break; case 0x0004: d0 = FSpCreate(); break; case 0x0007: d0 = FSpGetFInfo(); break; case 0x0008: d0 = FSpSetFInfo(); break; case 0x000d: d0 = RM::FSpOpenResFile(); break; case 0x000e: d0 = RM::FSpCreateResFile(); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "HighLevelHFSDispatch selector %04x not yet supported\n", selector); exit(1); } ToolReturn<2>(-1, d0); return d0; } uint16_t HGetVol(uint16_t trap) { uint32_t parm = cpuGetAReg(0); Log("%04x HGetVol(%08x)\n", trap, parm); //uint32_t ioCompletion = memoryReadLong(parm + 12); uint32_t namePtr = memoryReadLong(parm + 18); // ioResult memoryWriteWord(0, parm + 16); // ioVRefNum memoryWriteWord(0, parm + 22); // ioWDProcID memoryWriteLong(0, parm + 28); // ioWDVRefNum memoryWriteWord(0, parm + 32); // todo -- this should create an FSSpec entry for // the current wd and return the id. // (FSMakeSpec handles 0 as a dir, so ok for now) // ioWDDirID memoryWriteLong(0, parm + 48); std::string tmp = "MacOS"; ToolBox::WritePString(namePtr, tmp); return 0; } uint16_t HOpen(uint16_t trap) { uint32_t parm = cpuGetAReg(0); Log("%04x HOpen(%08x)\n", trap, parm); return OpenCommon(parm, true, false); } }