#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "screen.h" #include "font.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "io.h" #include "keyboard.h" #define true 1 #define false 0 #define FONTPTR(a) (a<<4) char tmp[64]; int previousMode; unsigned char CharWide=8; unsigned char CharHigh=16; padPt TTYLoc; padPt statusLoc={0,0}; unsigned char fontm23[2048]; extern padBool FastText; /* protocol.c */ Rect screenRect; Rect windowRect; double verticalScaleFactor; WindowPtr win; EventRecord theEvent; unsigned char is_mono=true; SysEnvRec environment; Handle menuBar; RGBColor current_foreground; RGBColor current_background; int windowWidth; int windowHeight; static AEEventHandlerUPP oappUPP, odocUPP, pdocUPP, quitUPP; extern unsigned char running; static long sysv; extern void done(void); /* Apple Event Handler callbacks */ static pascal OSErr AEOpenApplication(const AppleEvent *theAE, AppleEvent *reply, UInt32 refCon) { return noErr; } static pascal OSErr AEOpenDocuments(const AppleEvent *theAE, AppleEvent *reply, UInt32 refCon) { return errAEEventNotHandled; } static pascal OSErr AEPrintDocuments(const AppleEvent *theAE, AppleEvent *reply, UInt32 refCon) { return errAEEventNotHandled; } static pascal OSErr AEQuitApplication(const AppleEvent *theAE, AppleEvent *reply, UInt32 refCon) { running=false; return noErr; } /** * screen_init() - Set up the screen */ void screen_init(void) { InitGraf(&qd.thePort); InitFonts(); InitWindows(); InitMenus(); InitPalettes(); TEInit(); InitDialogs(NULL); InitCursor(); /* Attach Apple Event handler callbacks */ Gestalt('sysv',&sysv); if (sysv>0x6FF) { oappUPP = NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEOpenApplication); AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenApplication, oappUPP, 0L, false); odocUPP = NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEOpenDocuments); AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenDocuments, odocUPP, 0L, false); pdocUPP = NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEPrintDocuments); AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEPrintDocuments, pdocUPP, 0L, false); quitUPP = NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEQuitApplication); AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication, quitUPP, 0L, false); } current_foreground.red=255; current_foreground.green=255; current_foreground.blue=255; current_background.red=0; current_background.green=0; current_background.blue=0; SetMenuBar(GetNewMBar(128)); AppendResMenu(GetMenu(128),'DRVR'); DrawMenuBar(); screenRect=qd.screenBits.bounds; windowRect.left=0; windowRect.right=511; /* Set window size depending on screen size. */ if (screenRect.bottom < 468) { /* Mac Plus sized screen */ windowRect.top=20; windowRect.bottom=windowRect.top+320; CharHigh=10; } else if (screenRect.bottom < 532) { /* 640x480 screen */ windowRect.top=20; windowRect.bottom=windowRect.top+448; CharHigh=14; } else { /* Larger */ windowRect.top=45; windowRect.bottom=windowRect.top+512; windowRect.left+=5; /* scooch the content area inward slightly. */ windowRect.right+=5; /* scooch */ } windowWidth=windowRect.right-windowRect.left; windowHeight=windowRect.bottom-windowRect.top; verticalScaleFactor=((double)windowRect.bottom-(double)windowRect.top)/(double)512.0; if (SysEnvirons(1,&environment) == noErr) is_mono=!environment.hasColorQD; else is_mono=true; if (is_mono==true) { win = NewWindow(NULL, &windowRect, "\pPLATOTerm", true, 0, (WindowPtr)-1, false, 0); } else { win = NewCWindow(NULL, &windowRect, "\pColor PLATOTerm", true, 0, (WindowPtr)-1, false, 0); } SetPort(win); } /** * screen_update_menus() - Update menu state */ void screen_update_menus(void) { } /** * screen_menu_command(menuCommand) - Do menu command. */ void screen_menu_command(long menu_command) { Str255 str; WindowRef w; short menuID = menu_command >> 16; short menuItem = menu_command & 0xFFFF; if(menuID == 128) { if(menuItem == 1) { } else { GetMenuItemText(GetMenu(128), menuItem, str); OpenDeskAcc(str); } } else if(menuID == 129) { switch(menuItem) { case 1: done(); break; } } HiliteMenu(0); } /** * screen_main(void) */ void screen_main(void) { WindowRef currentWindow; SystemTask(); if (GetNextEvent(everyEvent,&theEvent)) { switch(theEvent.what) { case mouseDown: switch(FindWindow(theEvent.where,¤tWindow)) { case inGoAway: if (TrackGoAway(currentWindow,theEvent.where)) DisposeWindow(currentWindow); break; case inDrag: DragWindow(currentWindow,theEvent.where,&qd.screenBits.bounds); break; case inMenuBar: screen_update_menus(); screen_menu_command(MenuSelect(theEvent.where)); break; case inContent: SelectWindow(currentWindow); break; case inSysWindow: SystemClick(&theEvent,currentWindow); break; } case keyDown: case autoKey: keyboard_main(&theEvent); break; case updateEvt: BeginUpdate((WindowPtr)theEvent.message); EndUpdate((WindowPtr)theEvent.message); case kHighLevelEvent: if (sysv>0x6FF) AEProcessAppleEvent(&theEvent); break; } } } /** * screen_scale_x(x) - Scale PLATO X coordinate to screen */ short screen_scale_x(short x) { return (x); } /** * screen_scale_y(y) - Scale PLATO Y coordinate to screen */ short screen_scale_y(short y) { y=y^0x1FF; return round(y*verticalScaleFactor); } /** * screen_wait(void) - Sleep for approx 16.67ms */ void screen_wait(void) { } /** * screen_beep(void) - Beep the terminal */ void screen_beep(void) { SysBeep(5); } /** * screen_clear - Clear the screen */ void screen_clear(void) { SetPort(win); EraseRect(&win->portRect); } /** * screen_color_transform - Map PLATO color to * QuickDraw color */ void screen_color_transform(padRGB* theColor, RGBColor* newColor) { newColor->red = (theColor->red << 8) | ((theColor->red & 0x80)? 0xFF : 0x00); newColor->green = (theColor->green << 8) | ((theColor->green & 0x80)? 0xFF : 0x00); newColor->blue = (theColor->blue << 8) | ((theColor->blue & 0x80)? 0xFF : 0x00); } /** * screen_foreground - set foreground color */ void screen_foreground(padRGB* theColor) { if (is_mono) return; screen_color_transform(theColor,¤t_foreground); SetPort(win); RGBForeColor(¤t_foreground); } /** * screen_background - set background_color */ void screen_background(padRGB* theColor) { if (is_mono) return; screen_color_transform(theColor,¤t_background); SetPort(win); RGBBackColor(¤t_background); } /** * screen_current_mode(void) - Return current drawing mode */ short screen_current_mode(void) { if ((CurMode == ModeWrite) || (CurMode == ModeRewrite)) PenMode(patOr); else PenMode(patBic); } /** * screen_block_draw(Coord1, Coord2) - Perform a block fill from Coord1 to Coord2 */ void screen_block_draw(padPt* Coord1, padPt* Coord2) { Rect tmpRect; SetPort(win); tmpRect.left=screen_scale_x(Coord1->x); tmpRect.top=screen_scale_y(Coord1->y); tmpRect.right=screen_scale_x(Coord2->x); tmpRect.bottom=screen_scale_y(Coord2->y); screen_current_mode(); PaintRect(&tmpRect); } /** * screen_dot_draw(Coord) - Plot a mode 0 pixel */ void screen_dot_draw(padPt* Coord) { SetPort(win); MoveTo(screen_scale_x(Coord->x),screen_scale_y(Coord->y)); screen_current_mode(); Line(0,0); } /** * screen_line_draw(Coord1, Coord2) - Draw a mode 1 line */ void screen_line_draw(padPt* Coord1, padPt* Coord2) { SetPort(win); MoveTo(screen_scale_x(Coord1->x),screen_scale_y(Coord1->y)); screen_current_mode(); LineTo(screen_scale_x(Coord2->x),screen_scale_y(Coord2->y)); } /** * screen_char_draw(Coord, ch, count) - Output buffer from ch* of length count as PLATO characters */ void screen_char_draw(padPt* Coord, unsigned char* ch, unsigned char count) { BitMap drawMap; char drawBits[64][16]; char* chPt; char* drawFrom; char* drawTo; int offset; short Mode; Point charSize; Rect fromRect; Rect toRect; int chNum; int direction; int row; SetPort(win); /* Set up staging bitmap */ drawMap.baseAddr=&drawBits[0][0]; drawMap.rowBytes=64; drawMap.bounds.top=0; drawMap.bounds.bottom=16; drawMap.bounds.left=0; drawMap.bounds.right=512; /* Select appropriate font memory */ switch (CurMem) { case M0: chPt = font; offset = -32; break; case M1: chPt = font; offset = 64; break; case M2: chPt = fontm23; offset = -32; break; case M3: chPt = fontm23; offset = 32; break; } /* Select appropriate bitmap transfer mode */ switch(CurMode) { case ModeWrite: Mode = srcOr; break; case ModeRewrite: Mode = srcCopy; break; case ModeErase: Mode = srcBic; break; case ModeInverse: Mode = notSrcCopy; break; } /* Set up character size */ charSize.h = CharWide; charSize.v = CharHigh; if (ModeBold) { charSize.h<<=1; charSize.v<<=1; } /* Set up transfer rects */ fromRect.top=0; fromRect.bottom=16; fromRect.left=0; fromRect.right = count << 3; toRect.bottom = screen_scale_y(Coord->y+1); toRect.top = toRect.bottom - charSize.v; if (Reverse) { chNum = count - 1; direction = -1; toRect.right = screen_scale_x(Coord->x); toRect.left = toRect.right - charSize.h * count; } else /* forward */ { chNum=0; direction = 1; toRect.left = screen_scale_x(Coord->x); toRect.right = toRect.left + charSize.h * count; } /* plot the bitmap. */ while (count--) { drawFrom = chPt + ((*ch++ + offset) << 4); drawTo = &drawBits[0][chNum]; chNum+=direction; for (row=1; row <= 16; row++) { *drawTo = *drawFrom++; drawTo += 64; } } /* Finally, blit it to the window. */ CopyBits(&drawMap, &(win->portBits), &fromRect, &toRect, Mode, NULL); if (toRect.top < 0) { toRect.top = windowHeight; toRect.bottom+=windowHeight; CopyBits(&drawMap, &(win->portBits), &fromRect, &toRect, Mode, NULL); } if (toRect.right > windowWidth) { toRect.right -= windowWidth; toRect.left -= windowWidth; CopyBits(&drawMap, &(win->portBits), &fromRect, &toRect, Mode, NULL); if (toRect.bottom > windowHeight) { toRect.bottom -= windowHeight; toRect.top -= windowHeight; CopyBits(&drawMap, &(win->portBits), &fromRect, &toRect, Mode, NULL); } } } /** * screen_tty_char - Called to plot chars when in tty mode */ void screen_tty_char(padByte theChar) { if ((theChar >= 0x20) && (theChar < 0x7F)) { screen_char_draw(&TTYLoc, &theChar, 1); TTYLoc.x += CharWide; } else if ((theChar == 0x0b)) /* Vertical Tab */ { TTYLoc.y += CharHigh; } else if ((theChar == 0x08) && (TTYLoc.x > 7)) /* backspace */ { padPt ec1,ec2; TTYLoc.x -= CharWide; ec1.x=TTYLoc.x; ec1.y=TTYLoc.y; ec2.x=TTYLoc.x+CharWide; ec2.y=TTYLoc.y+CharHigh; CurMode=ModeErase; screen_block_draw(&ec1,&ec2); CurMode=ModeRewrite; } else if (theChar == 0x0A) /* line feed */ TTYLoc.y -= CharHigh; else if (theChar == 0x0D) /* carriage return */ TTYLoc.x = 0; if (TTYLoc.x + CharWide > 511) { /* wrap at right side */ TTYLoc.x = 0; TTYLoc.y -= CharHigh; } if (TTYLoc.y < 0) { screen_clear(); TTYLoc.y=495; } } /** * is pixel set to specified color? */ unsigned char screen_is_pixel_color(int x, int y, RGBColor* color) { RGBColor currentPixelColor; GetCPixel(x,y,¤tPixelColor); return ((currentPixelColor.red==color->red) && (currentPixelColor.green==color->green) && (currentPixelColor.blue==color->blue)); } /** * Are two pixel colors the same? */ unsigned char screen_pixel_colors_same(RGBColor* firstColor, RGBColor* secondColor) { return ((firstColor->red==secondColor->red) && (firstColor->green==secondColor->green) && (firstColor->blue==secondColor->blue)); } /** * screen_paint - Called to paint at location. */ void screen_paint(padPt* Coord) { static unsigned short xStack[512]; static unsigned short yStack[512]; int x=screen_scale_x(Coord->x); int y=screen_scale_y(Coord->y); unsigned char stackentry = 1; unsigned short spanAbove, spanBelow; RGBColor oldColor; if (is_mono==1) return; GetCPixel(x,y,&oldColor); if ((oldColor.red == current_foreground.red) && (oldColor.green == current_foreground.green) && (oldColor.blue == current_foreground.blue)) return; do { unsigned short startx; while (x > 0 && screen_is_pixel_color(x-1,y,&oldColor)) --x; spanAbove = spanBelow = false; startx=x; while(screen_is_pixel_color(x,y,&oldColor)) { if (y < (512)) { RGBColor belowColor; GetCPixel(x, y+1,&belowColor); if (!spanBelow && screen_pixel_colors_same(&belowColor,&oldColor)) { xStack[stackentry] = x; yStack[stackentry] = y+1; ++stackentry; spanBelow = true; } else if (spanBelow && !screen_pixel_colors_same(&belowColor,&oldColor)) spanBelow = false; } if (y > 0) { RGBColor aboveColor; GetCPixel(x, y-1,&aboveColor); if (!spanAbove && screen_pixel_colors_same(&aboveColor,&oldColor)) { xStack[stackentry] = x; yStack[stackentry] = y-1; ++stackentry; spanAbove = true; } else if (spanAbove && !screen_pixel_colors_same(&aboveColor,&oldColor)) spanAbove = false; } ++x; } MoveTo(startx,y); LineTo(x-1,y); --stackentry; x = xStack[stackentry]; y = yStack[stackentry]; } while (stackentry); } /** * screen_done() * Close down TGI */ void screen_done(void) { ExitToShell(); }