
2476 lines
43 KiB
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2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; Important note: If you want more than r3-r5, get them from ECB!!!
; Unimplemented MPCalls from MPLibrary:
; NKSetPrInfoPageSize 109
; NKSetPrInfoILockSizes 110
; NKSetPrInfoTransCache 111
; NKSetPrInfoL1Cache 112
; NKSetPrInfoL2Cache 113
;MPCall_Panic set MPCall_Panic
if &TYPE('NKDebugShim') != 'UNDEFINED'
MaxMPCallCount equ 300
MaxMPCallCount equ 134
DeclareMPCall &n, &code
org MPCallTable + 4*&n
dc.l &code - NKTop - 4*&n
org @h
; Creates a blank table without overflowing PPCAsm's default
; macro stack size :)
CreateMPCallTbl &n
if &n >= 1
dc.l (MPCallBad - NKTop) - (* - MPCallTable)
if &n >= 2
dc.l (MPCallBad - NKTop) - (* - MPCallTable)
if &n >= 3
dc.l (MPCallBad - NKTop) - (* - MPCallTable)
if &n >= 4
dc.l (MPCallBad - NKTop) - (* - MPCallTable)
if &n >= 5
dc.l (MPCallBad - NKTop) - (* - MPCallTable)
if &n >= 6
dc.l (MPCallBad - NKTop) - (* - MPCallTable)
if &n >= 7
dc.l (MPCallBad - NKTop) - (* - MPCallTable)
if &n >= 8
dc.l (MPCallBad - NKTop) - (* - MPCallTable)
if &n >= 9
dc.l (MPCallBad - NKTop) - (* - MPCallTable)
if &n >= 10
dc.l (MPCallBad - NKTop) - (* - MPCallTable)
if &n >= 11
CreateMPCallTbl (&n) - 10
kcMPDispatch ; reached by `sc`, or `twi *, *, 8`
bl Save_r14_r31
lwz r8, EWA.r6(r8) ; clobbers our EWA pointer :(
lwz r14, KDP.PA_NanoKernelCode(r1) ; but r14...
lwz r15, ContextBlock.r0(r6) ; ...and r15 were saved
stw r8, ContextBlock.r6(r6) ; why move r6 from EWA to ContextBlock?
b MPCallTableEnd
CreateMPCallTbl MaxMPCallCount
; Not sure where this counter table is?
lwz r16, KDP.NanoKernelInfo + NKNanoKernelInfo.MPDispatchCountTblPtr(r1)
rlwinm r17, r15, 2, 20, 29
cmplwi r16, 0
beq- @no_count
lwzx r18, r16, r17
addi r18, r18, 1
stwx r18, r16, r17
cmplwi r15, MaxMPCallCount
rlwimi r14, r15, 2, 21, 29
llabel r16, MPCallTable
lwzx r15, r16, r14
add r15, r15, r14
mtlr r15
; Handler for out-of-range or unimplemented (debug)
; MPCalls.
li r3, -4
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
; ReleaseAndMPCallWasBad
; Xrefs:
; MPCall_75
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
b MPCallBad
; ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
; Xrefs:
; KCRegisterCpuPlugin
; KCCreateProcess
; MPCall_5
; MPCall_55
; KCCreateCpuStruct
; MPCall_43
; KCStartCPU
; KCStopScheduling
; KCRegisterThermalHandler
; KCRegisterPMFHandler
; KCMarkPMFTask
; NKSetClockStep
; NKSetClockDriftCorrection
; MPCall_115
; KCRegisterExternalHandler
; MPCall_133
; MPCall_15
; MPCall_16
; MPCall_39
; MPCall_17
; MPCall_18
; MPCall_19
; MPCall_20
; MPCall_23
; MPCall_24
; MPCall_21
; MPCall_25
; MPCall_27
; MPCall_29
; MPCall_28
; MPCall_26
; MPCall_49
; MPCall_50
; MPCall_51
; MPCall_52
; MPCall_53
; MPCall_54
; MPCall_40
; MPCall_30
; MPCall_31
; MPCall_32
; MPCall_64
; MPCall_65
; MPCall_66
; MPCall_128
; MPCall_120
; MPCall_7
; MPCall_8
; MPCall_10
; MPCall_14
; MPCall_56
; MPCall_58
; MPCall_59
; MPCall_60
; MPCall_61
; MPCall_63
; MPCall_114
; KCSetTaskType
; MPCall_71
; KCSetTaskAddressSpace
; MPCall_74
; MPCall_75
; MPCall_130
; KCSetAreaAccess
; MPCall_123
; MPCall_77
; MPCall_78
; MPCall_80
; MPCall_125
; MPCall_81
; MPCall_98
; MPCall_82
; KCMapPage
; KCUnmapPages
; KCMakePhysicallyContiguous
; KCLockPages
; KCUnlockPages
; KCHoldPages
; KCUnholdPages
; MPCall_91
; MPCall_92
; MPCall_93
; MPCall_94
; MPCall_129
; MPCall_95
; > r1 = kdp
ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall ; OUTSIDE REFERER
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; ReturnZeroFromMPCall
; Xrefs:
; ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
; MPCall_0
; MPCall_6
; MPCall_55
; MPCall_34
; MPCall_35
; MPCall_36
; KCGetNextID
; KCGetNextIDOwnedByProcess
; MPCall_38
; MPCall_62
; KCStartCPU
; MPCall_47
; NKxprintf
; KCSetBlueProcessID
; NKLocateInfoRecord
; MPCall_108
; NKSetClockDriftCorrection
; MPCall_41
; MPCall_79
; MPCall_83
; MPCall_102
li r3, 0x00
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
; ReleaseAndScrambleMPCall
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; Xrefs:
; KCRegisterCpuPlugin
; KCCreateProcess
; MPCall_5
; MPCall_6
; MPCall_34
; KCCreateCpuStruct
; MPCall_43
; KCStartCPU
; KCStopScheduling
; MPCall_115
; MPCall_15
; MPCall_39
; MPCall_17
; MPCall_18
; MPCall_19
; MPCall_20
; MPCall_23
; MPCall_24
; MPCall_25
; MPCall_27
; MPCall_29
; MPCall_28
; MPCall_49
; MPCall_52
; MPCall_53
; MPCall_40
; MPCall_31
; MPCall_64
; MPCall_7
; MPCall_8
; MPCall_9
; MPCall_10
; KCThrowException
; MPCall_58
; MPCall_60
; MPCall_61
; MPCall_114
; MPCall_70
; MPCall_71
; KCSetTaskAddressSpace
; MPCall_72
; MPCall_73
; MPCall_74
; MPCall_75
; MPCall_130
; MPCall_83
; KCMapPage
; KCUnmapPages
; KCMakePhysicallyContiguous
; KCLockPages
; KCHoldPages
; MPCall_91
; MPCall_92
; MPCall_94
; MPCall_95
ReleaseAndScrambleMPCall ; OUTSIDE REFERER
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; I'd really live a name for this.
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
mfspr r16, pvr
rlwinm. r16, r16, 0, 0, 14
beq- @is_601
mftb r4
b @not_601
mfspr r4, rtcl
xori r16, r4, 0x1007
xoris r16, r16, 0x1950
stw r16, PSA.ScrambledMPCallTime(r1)
li r3, -29294
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
; dead code?
li r3, kMPDeletedErr
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
ReleaseAndTimeoutMPCall ; OUTSIDE REFERER
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
li r3, kMPTimeOutErr
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
ReleaseAndReturnMPCallTaskAborted ; OUTSIDE REFERER
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
li r3, kMPTaskAbortedErr
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; ReturnMPCallOOM
; Xrefs:
; ReleaseAndScrambleMPCall
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; MPCall_0
; KCRegisterCpuPlugin
; MPCall_47
; NKxprintf
; KCSetBlueProcessID
; NKSetClockStep
; NKSetClockDriftCorrection
; MPCall_39
; MPCall_20
; MPCall_7
; MPCall_82
; KCPropogateExternalInterrupt
; major_0x16b80
li r3, kMPInsufficientResourcesErr
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
; ReleaseAndReturnMPCallBlueBlocking
; Xrefs:
; MPCall_18
; MPCall_23
; MPCall_27
; MPCall_52
ReleaseAndReturnMPCallBlueBlocking ; OUTSIDE REFERER
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock + Lock.Count, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; ReturnMPCallBlueBlocking
; Xrefs:
; ReleaseAndReturnMPCallBlueBlocking
; MPCall_33
ReturnMPCallBlueBlocking ; OUTSIDE REFERER
li r3, kMPBlueBlockingErr
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
; ReleaseAndReturnParamErrFromMPCall
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; Xrefs:
; MPCall_128
; MPCall_120
; MPCall_73
; MPCall_75
; MPCall_130
; KCSetAreaAccess
; MPCall_123
; MPCall_78
; MPCall_80
; MPCall_125
; MPCall_81
; MPCall_98
; KCMapPage
; KCUnmapPages
; KCMakePhysicallyContiguous
; KCLockPages
; KCUnlockPages
; KCHoldPages
; KCUnholdPages
; MPCall_91
; MPCall_92
; MPCall_93
; MPCall_94
; MPCall_129
ReleaseAndReturnParamErrFromMPCall ; OUTSIDE REFERER
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock + Lock.Count, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; ReturnParamErrFromMPCall
; Xrefs:
; ReleaseAndReturnParamErrFromMPCall
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; KCGetNextIDOwnedByProcess
; NKLocateInfoRecord
; MPCall_108
; NKSetClockStep
; KCGetPageSize
; MPCall_95
; KCPropogateExternalInterrupt
; major_0x16b80
ReturnParamErrFromMPCall ; OUTSIDE REFERER
li r3, -0x32
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
; ReleaseAndReturnMPCallPrivilegedErr
; Xrefs:
; KCRegisterCpuPlugin
; KCCreateProcess
; MPCall_5
; MPCall_6
; MPCall_43
; KCStartCPU
; KCStopScheduling
; KCRegisterThermalHandler
; KCRegisterPMFHandler
; KCMarkPMFTask
; MPCall_115
; KCRegisterExternalHandler
; MPCall_16
; MPCall_39
; MPCall_17
; MPCall_18
; MPCall_19
; MPCall_23
; MPCall_24
; MPCall_22
; MPCall_21
; MPCall_27
; MPCall_29
; MPCall_28
; MPCall_26
; MPCall_50
; MPCall_51
; MPCall_52
; MPCall_53
; MPCall_54
; MPCall_41
; MPCall_30
; MPCall_31
; MPCall_32
; MPCall_65
; MPCall_67
; MPCall_66
; MPCall_128
; MPCall_7
; MPCall_8
; MPCall_9
; MPCall_10
; MPCall_14
; MPCall_56
; KCThrowException
; MPCall_58
; MPCall_59
; MPCall_60
; MPCall_61
; MPCall_63
; MPCall_114
; KCSetTaskType
; MPCall_71
; KCSetTaskAddressSpace
; MPCall_72
; MPCall_73
; MPCall_74
; MPCall_75
; MPCall_130
; KCSetAreaAccess
; MPCall_123
; MPCall_77
; MPCall_78
; MPCall_80
; MPCall_125
; MPCall_81
; MPCall_98
; MPCall_82
; KCMapPage
; KCUnmapPages
; KCMakePhysicallyContiguous
; KCLockPages
; KCUnlockPages
; KCHoldPages
; KCUnholdPages
; MPCall_91
; MPCall_92
; MPCall_93
; MPCall_94
; MPCall_129
ReleaseAndReturnMPCallPrivilegedErr ; OUTSIDE REFERER
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
li r3, kMPPrivilegedErr
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
ReleaseAndReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr ; OUTSIDE REFERER
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; ReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
; Xrefs:
; ReleaseAndReturnMPCallPrivilegedErr
; KCRegisterCpuPlugin
; MPCall_35
; MPCall_36
; KCGetNextID
; KCGetNextIDOwnedByProcess
; MPCall_38
; MPCall_62
; KCCreateCpuStruct
; KCSetBlueProcessID
; MPCall_14
; MPCall_79
li r3, kMPInvalidIDErr
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
; major_0x0b0cc
; Xrefs:
; KCLockPages
; KCUnlockPages
; KCHoldPages
; KCUnholdPages
major_0x0b0cc ; OUTSIDE REFERER
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock + Lock.Count, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
li r3, -0x725a
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
; ReturnZeroFromMPCall_again
; Xrefs:
; MPCall_1
ReturnZeroFromMPCall_again ; OUTSIDE REFERER
li r3, 0x00
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
; BlockMPCall
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; Xrefs:
; major_0x02964
; major_0x02ccc
; MPCall_55
; MPCall_18
; MPCall_23
; MPCall_22
; MPCall_27
; MPCall_52
; MPCall_67
; MPCall_9
; KCThrowException
; MPCall_58
; MPCall_60
; MPCall_61
; KCSetTaskAddressSpace
; MPCall_81
; MPCall_98
crclr 10
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
b TrulyCommonMPCallReturnPath
ReleaseAndReturnMPCall ; OUTSIDE REFERER
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; CommonMPCallReturnPath
; Xrefs:
; MPCallBad
; ReturnZeroFromMPCall
; ReleaseAndScrambleMPCall
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; ReturnMPCallOOM
; ReturnMPCallBlueBlocking
; ReturnParamErrFromMPCall
; ReleaseAndReturnMPCallPrivilegedErr
; ReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
; major_0x0b0cc
; ReturnZeroFromMPCall_again
; BlockMPCall
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; KCGetCpuCount
; MPCall_6
; KCYieldWithHint
; KCCpuPlugin
; NKPrintHex
; NKPrintDecimal
; MPCall_11
; MPCall_12
; KCGetPageSizeClasses
; KCGetPageSize
; MPCall_70
; KCCurrentAddressSpace
; KCHomeAddressSpace
; MPCall_72
; MPCall_73
; MPCall_84
; KCGetFreePageCount
; KCGetUnheldFreePageCount
; major_0x16b80
CommonMPCallReturnPath ; OUTSIDE REFERER
crset 10
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
TrulyCommonMPCallReturnPath ; OUTSIDE REFERER
mfsprg r8, 0
lwz r9, 0x0134(r6)
stw r9, 0x0018(r8)
bc BO_IF_NOT, 10, @block
;return immediately
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
bl Restore_r14_r31
b IntReturn
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
b RescheduleAndReturn
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; MPCall_0
DeclareMPCall 0, MPCall_0
andi. r16, r3, 0xfff
mr r30, r7
mr r29, r6
bne+ ReturnMPCallOOM
rlwinm. r4, r3, 20, 12, 31
lwz r9, 0x06a8(r1)
beq+ ReturnMPCallOOM
cmplw r4, r9
bge+ ReturnMPCallOOM
_Lock PSA.HTABLock, scratch1=r17, scratch2=r18
Reverse some VM functions (Daniel) VeryPopularFunction (now GetPARPageInfo) takes a page number in the PAR and returns a bunch of info on it. The flags of the PTE are copied into cr5-cr7 of the condition register so that VMCalls can easily make decisions off of them. I had already figured out the bit flags of the PTEs Mac OS 9 uses when I reversed PagingFunc1. The definitions are in the end of the 'Area Definitions.txt' file I sent you a while ago. If you see a ' bltl cr5, VMDoSomethingWithTLB' (now RemovePageFromTLB) followed by a ' bltl cr5, major_0x09b40' (now RemovePTEFromHTAB), you know that the function is manipulating pages directly. RemovePageFromTLB clears a page from the TLB if it follows a VeryPopularFunction call. RemovePTEFromHTAB takes a page that is resident in the HTAB and removes its HTAB entry. cr5_lt is bit 20 (mask 0x800), which my notes tell me is set when the PTE is in the HTAB. Altogether, the sequence translates to 'if the page is in the HTAB, flush it from the TLB and delete its HTAB entry'. VMExchangePages uses this (twice) to make sure there are no race conditions when it is swapping the data in the pages. I still don't have proof, but I am very very strongly convinced that KDP.FlatPageListPointer is always equal to the PAR's PageMapArrayPtr. On an unrelated note, KCMapPage seems to always panic when called on an area where the PageMapArrayPtr is 2d. I have absolutely no idea why this happens, but it is bad news for MPMapper because the threshold for 2-dimensionality is around 1 MB. I would have to make 512 separate CreateArea calls to map all the memory without the NK panicking. I will have to look into this.
2018-02-18 03:17:23 +00:00
bl GetPARPageInfo
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
bge- cr4, MPCall_0_0xd8
bgt- cr5, MPCall_0_0xd8
bns- cr7, MPCall_0_0xd8
bgt- cr7, MPCall_0_0xd8
Reverse some VM functions (Daniel) VeryPopularFunction (now GetPARPageInfo) takes a page number in the PAR and returns a bunch of info on it. The flags of the PTE are copied into cr5-cr7 of the condition register so that VMCalls can easily make decisions off of them. I had already figured out the bit flags of the PTEs Mac OS 9 uses when I reversed PagingFunc1. The definitions are in the end of the 'Area Definitions.txt' file I sent you a while ago. If you see a ' bltl cr5, VMDoSomethingWithTLB' (now RemovePageFromTLB) followed by a ' bltl cr5, major_0x09b40' (now RemovePTEFromHTAB), you know that the function is manipulating pages directly. RemovePageFromTLB clears a page from the TLB if it follows a VeryPopularFunction call. RemovePTEFromHTAB takes a page that is resident in the HTAB and removes its HTAB entry. cr5_lt is bit 20 (mask 0x800), which my notes tell me is set when the PTE is in the HTAB. Altogether, the sequence translates to 'if the page is in the HTAB, flush it from the TLB and delete its HTAB entry'. VMExchangePages uses this (twice) to make sure there are no race conditions when it is swapping the data in the pages. I still don't have proof, but I am very very strongly convinced that KDP.FlatPageListPointer is always equal to the PAR's PageMapArrayPtr. On an unrelated note, KCMapPage seems to always panic when called on an area where the PageMapArrayPtr is 2d. I have absolutely no idea why this happens, but it is bad news for MPMapper because the threshold for 2-dimensionality is around 1 MB. I would have to make 512 separate CreateArea calls to map all the memory without the NK panicking. I will have to look into this.
2018-02-18 03:17:23 +00:00
bltl+ cr5, RemovePageFromTLB
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
bgel+ cr5, VMSecondLastExportedFunc
ori r16, r16, 0x404
li r31, 0x03
rlwimi r9, r31, 0, 30, 31
Reverse some VM functions (Daniel) VeryPopularFunction (now GetPARPageInfo) takes a page number in the PAR and returns a bunch of info on it. The flags of the PTE are copied into cr5-cr7 of the condition register so that VMCalls can easily make decisions off of them. I had already figured out the bit flags of the PTEs Mac OS 9 uses when I reversed PagingFunc1. The definitions are in the end of the 'Area Definitions.txt' file I sent you a while ago. If you see a ' bltl cr5, VMDoSomethingWithTLB' (now RemovePageFromTLB) followed by a ' bltl cr5, major_0x09b40' (now RemovePTEFromHTAB), you know that the function is manipulating pages directly. RemovePageFromTLB clears a page from the TLB if it follows a VeryPopularFunction call. RemovePTEFromHTAB takes a page that is resident in the HTAB and removes its HTAB entry. cr5_lt is bit 20 (mask 0x800), which my notes tell me is set when the PTE is in the HTAB. Altogether, the sequence translates to 'if the page is in the HTAB, flush it from the TLB and delete its HTAB entry'. VMExchangePages uses this (twice) to make sure there are no race conditions when it is swapping the data in the pages. I still don't have proof, but I am very very strongly convinced that KDP.FlatPageListPointer is always equal to the PAR's PageMapArrayPtr. On an unrelated note, KCMapPage seems to always panic when called on an area where the PageMapArrayPtr is 2d. I have absolutely no idea why this happens, but it is bad news for MPMapper because the threshold for 2-dimensionality is around 1 MB. I would have to make 512 separate CreateArea calls to map all the memory without the NK panicking. I will have to look into this.
2018-02-18 03:17:23 +00:00
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
mr r7, r30
mr r6, r29
_AssertAndRelease PSA.HTABLock, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
_Lock PSA.PoolLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
rlwinm r8, r9, 0, 0, 19
mr r9, r3
; r1 = kdp
; r8 = anywhere in new page (phys)
; r9 = page_virt
bl ExtendPool
_AssertAndRelease PSA.PoolLock, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
mr r7, r30
mr r6, r29
_AssertAndRelease PSA.HTABLock, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
b ReturnMPCallOOM
; MPCall_1
DeclareMPCall 1, MPCall_1
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall_again
; KCRegisterCpuPlugin
DeclareMPCall 2, KCRegisterCpuPlugin
mfsprg r14, 0
lwz r15, EWA.PA_CurTask(r14)
lwz r16, ContextBlock.r6(r6)
andi. r8, r4, 0xfff ; page alignment?
bne+ ReturnMPCallOOM
andi. r8, r5, 0xfff ; r5 page aligned and nonzero?
cmpwi cr1, r5, 0
bne+ ReturnMPCallOOM
beq+ cr1, ReturnMPCallOOM
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r18, scratch2=r19
mr. r8, r3
bne- KCRegisterCpuPlugin_0x50
mfsprg r15, 0
lwz r14, -0x0338(r15)
b KCRegisterCpuPlugin_0x60
; r8 = id
bl LookupID
cmpwi r9, CoherenceGroup.kIDClass
mr r14, r8
bne+ ReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
cmpwi r16, 0x00
bne- KCRegisterCpuPlugin_0x74
stw r16, 0x0038(r14)
stw r16, 0x0034(r14)
b ReleaseAndReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
add r17, r4, r5
cmplw r16, r4
cmplw cr1, r16, r17
blt+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallOOM
bge+ cr1, ReleaseAndReturnMPCallOOM
lwz r19, 0x0038(r14)
mr. r19, r19
bne+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
mr r27, r4
addi r29, r1, 800
bl PagingFunc3
beq+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallOOM
rlwinm r18, r31, 0, 0, 19
mr r27, r16
mr r19, r16
addi r29, r1, 800
bl PagingFunc3
beq+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallOOM
rlwimi r19, r31, 0, 0, 19
stw r4, 0x0028(r14)
stw r18, 0x002c(r14)
stw r5, 0x0030(r14)
stw r16, 0x0034(r14)
stw r19, 0x0038(r14)
lwz r27, 0x0000(r19)
addi r29, r1, 800
bl PagingFunc3
beq+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallOOM
rlwimi r27, r31, 0, 0, 19
stw r27, 0x0040(r14)
mfsprg r16, 0
lwz r17, -0x001c(r16)
stw r17, 0x004c(r14)
addi r16, r19, 0x20
stw r16, 0x003c(r14)
subi r16, r16, 4
lwz r17, 0x001c(r19)
cmplwi r17, 0x40
stw r17, 0x0044(r14)
bgt+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallOOM
lwzu r27, 0x0004(r16)
addi r29, r1, 800
bl PagingFunc3
beq+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallOOM
addi r17, r17, -0x01
rlwimi r27, r31, 0, 0, 19
cmpwi r17, 0x00
stw r27, 0x0000(r16)
bgt+ KCRegisterCpuPlugin_0x114
_log 'CPU plugin registered^n'
; r1 = kdp
b ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
; KCGetCpuCount
; Called by MPProcessors and MPProcessorsScheduled
; > r3 = 0:all, 1:scheduled
; < r3 = cpu_count
DeclareMPCall 3, KCGetCpuCount
mfsprg r15, 0
lwz r14, EWA.CPUBase + CPU.LLL + LLL.Freeform(r15)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
mr. r8, r3
lwz r3, CoherenceGroup.CpuCount(r14)
beq+ CommonMPCallReturnPath
lwz r3, CoherenceGroup.ScheduledCpuCount(r14)
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
; ARG AddressSpaceID r3
; RET AddressSpaceID r3, ??? r4, ProcessStructID r5
DeclareMPCall 4, KCCreateProcess
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
mr. r8, r3
bne- @spac_id_supplied
lwz r3, PSA.SystemAddressSpaceID(r1)
mr r8, r3
bl LookupID
; r8 = something not sure what
; r9 = 0:inval, 1:proc, 2:task, 3:timer, 4:q, 5:sema, 6:cr, 7:cpu, 8:addrspc, 9:evtg, 10:cohg, 11:area, 12:not, 13:log
cmpwi r9, AddressSpace.kIDClass
mr r30, r8
bne+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
li r8, 0x20 ;Process.Size
bl PoolAlloc
mr. r31, r8
beq+ ReleaseAndScrambleMPCall
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
li r9, Process.kIDClass
bl MakeID
cmpwi r8, 0x00
bne- @did_not_fail
mr r8, r31
bl PoolFree
b ReleaseAndScrambleMPCall
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
stw r8, Process.ID(r31)
lisori r16, Process.kSignature
stw r16, Process.Signature(r31)
stw r3, Process.SystemAddressSpaceID(r31) ; NOT SYSTEM -- fix struct
stw r30, Process.SystemAddressSpacePtr(r31)
lwz r17, Process.AddressSpaceCount(r31)
addi r17, r17, 1
stw r17, Process.AddressSpaceCount(r31)
mr r5, r8
; r1 = kdp
b ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
DeclareMPCall 5, MPCall_5
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
mr r8, r3
; r8 = id
bl LookupID
cmpwi r9, Process.kIDClass
bne+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
mr r31, r8
lwz r16, 0x0008(r31)
rlwinm. r17, r16, 0, 30, 30
bne+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallOOM
ori r16, r16, 0x02
stw r16, 0x0008(r31)
mr r8, r3
; r1 = kdp
b ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
; ARG ProcessID r3
; RET OSStatus r3
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
DeclareMPCall 6, MPDeleteProcess
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
mr r8, r3
bl LookupID
cmpwi r9, Process.kIDClass
bne+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
mr r31, r8
lwz r16, Process.Flags(r31)
lwz r17, Process.TaskCount(r31)
rlwinm. r8, r16, 0, Process.kFlag30, Process.kFlag30
cmpwi cr1, r17, 0
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
beq+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallOOM
bne+ cr1, ReleaseAndReturnMPCallOOM
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
mr r8, r3
bl DeleteID
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock + Lock.Count, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
mr r8, r31
bl PoolFree
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
mfsprg r16, 0
rlwinm. r8, r7, 0, 10, 10
lwz r17, KDP.PA_ECB(r1)
lwz r31, EWA.PA_CurTask(r16)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
beq- MPCall_6_0xb4
lwz r8, ContextBlock.PriorityShifty(r17)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
rlwinm r8, r8, 0, 24, 21
oris r8, r8, 0x8000
stw r8, ContextBlock.PriorityShifty(r17)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
mr r8, r31
bl TaskUnready
li r16, Task.kNominalPriority
stb r16, Task.Priority(r31)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
bl TaskReadyAsPrev
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
mr r8, r31
bl FlagSchEvaluationIfTaskRequires
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock + Lock.Count, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
; KCYieldWithHint
DeclareMPCall 13, KCYieldWithHint
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
mfsprg r16, 0
rlwinm. r8, r7, 0, 10, 10
lwz r17, KDP.PA_ECB(r1)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
lwz r31, -0x0008(r16)
beq- KCYieldWithHint_0x68
clrlwi. r8, r3, 0x1f
lwz r8, ContextBlock.PriorityShifty(r17)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
rlwinm r8, r8, 0, 24, 21
oris r8, r8, 0x8000
stw r8, ContextBlock.PriorityShifty(r17)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
beq- KCYieldWithHint_0x68
lbz r16, 0x0019(r31)
cmpwi r16, 0x02
bge- KCYieldWithHint_0x7c
mr r8, r31
bl TaskUnready
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
li r16, 0x02
stb r16, 0x0019(r31)
bl TaskReadyAsNext
b KCYieldWithHint_0x7c
mr r8, r31
bl TaskUnready
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
li r16, 0x02
stb r16, 0x0019(r31)
bl TaskReadyAsPrev
mr r8, r31
bl FlagSchEvaluationIfTaskRequires
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock + Lock.Count, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
DeclareMPCall 33, MPCall_33
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
rlwinm. r8, r7, 0, 10, 10 ; Contains CpuFlags
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
bne+ ReturnMPCallBlueBlocking
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
b MPCall_55_0x60
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; MPCall_55
; Xrefs:
; kcMPDispatch
; MPCall_33
DeclareMPCall 55, MPCall_55
rlwinm. r8, r7, 0, 10, 10
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
lwz r16, KDP.NanoKernelInfo + NKNanoKernelInfo.ExternalIntCount(r1)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
beq- MPCall_55_0x60
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
lwz r17, PSA.OtherSystemContextPtr(r1)
lwz r18, KDP.PA_ECB(r1)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
cmpw r16, r17
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
stw r16, PSA.OtherSystemContextPtr(r1)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
bne+ ReturnZeroFromMPCall
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
lwz r8, ContextBlock.PriorityShifty(r18)
rlwinm r8, r8, 0, 24, 21
oris r8, r8, 0x8000
stw r8, ContextBlock.PriorityShifty(r18)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
lwz r16, PSA.BlueSpinningOn(r1)
cmpwi r16, -1
li r16, 0
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
bne- MPCall_55_0x60
stw r16, PSA.BlueSpinningOn(r1)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
b ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
mfsprg r16, 0
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
li r17, 1
lwz r31, EWA.PA_CurTask(r16)
addi r16, r31, Task.Timer
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
stb r17, Timer.Kind(r16)
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
; High bit is possibly suspect? Or a flag?
clrlwi r3, r3, 1
stw r3, Timer.Time(r16)
stw r4, Timer.Time+4(r16)
stw r31, Timer.ParentTaskPtr(r16)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
mr r8, r16
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
bl EnqueueTimer
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
mr r8, r31
bl TaskUnready
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
addi r16, r1, PSA.DelayQueue
addi r17, r31, Timer.QueueLLL
stw r16, LLL.Freeform(r17)
InsertAsPrev r17, r16, scratch=r18
li r3, 0
b BlockMPCall
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
DeclareMPCall 34, MPCall_34
mr r8, r3
mr r9, r4
; r1 = kdp
; r9 = kind
bl MakeID
cmpwi r8, 0x00
beq+ ScrambleMPCall
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
mr r5, r8
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
DeclareMPCall 35, MPCall_35
mr r8, r3
bl DeleteID
cmpwi r8, 0x01
beq+ ReturnZeroFromMPCall
b ReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
DeclareMPCall 36, MPCall_36
mr r8, r3
; r8 = id
bl LookupID
cmpwi r9, 0 ; invalid
mr r4, r9
mr r5, r8
bne+ ReturnZeroFromMPCall
b ReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
; Replace the provided process/coherence/console ID with
; the "next" one. IDs were opaque but were only longs.
; Wrapped by MPGetNext*ID, which indirects the opaque ID
; structure.
; From MP docs: A coherence group is the set of processors
; and other bus controllers that have cache-coherent
; access to memory. Mac OS 9 defines only one coherence
; group, which is all the processors that can access
; internal memory (RAM). Other coherence groups are
; possible; for example, a PCI card with its own memory
; and processors can comprise a coherence group.
; > r3 = kind (process=1,coherence=10,console=13)
; > r4 = prev_id
; < r3 = MP result code
; < r4 = next_id
DeclareMPCall 37, KCGetNextID
mr r8, r4
mr r9, r3
bl GetNextIDOfClass
cmpwi r8, 0x00
mr r4, r8
bne+ ReturnZeroFromMPCall
b ReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
; Replace the provided address
; space/task/queue/semaphore/critical
; region/timer/event/notification ID with the "next" one.
; IDs were opaque but were only longs. Wrapped by
; MPGetNext*ID, which indirects the opaque ID structure.
; Differs from KCGetNextID because it deals in
; objects owned by a particular process.
; Useful info about some poorly understood structures
; ARG ProcessID r3, IDClass r4, ID r5
; RET MPErr r3, IDClass r4, ID r5
DeclareMPCall 116, KCGetNextIDOwnedByProcess
; Confirm that owner ID in r3 is a Process
mr r8, r3
bl LookupID
cmpwi r9, Process.kIDClass
bne+ ReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
; Loop over IDs (and resolve them) until one is owned by the Process
mr r8, r5
mr r9, r4
; ARG ID r8, IDClass r9
bl GetNextIDOfClass
; RET ID r8
mr. r5, r8
beq+ ReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
; ARG ID r8
bl LookupID
; RET Ptr r8, IDClass r9
cmpwi r4, Task.kIDClass
cmpwi cr1, r4, Timer.kIDClass
beq- @task
beq- cr1, @timer
cmpwi r4, Queue.kIDClass
cmpwi cr1, r4, Semaphore.kIDClass
beq- @queue
beq- cr1, @semaphore
cmpwi r4, CriticalRegion.kIDClass
cmpwi cr1, r4, AddressSpace.kIDClass
beq- @critical_region
beq- cr1, @address_space
cmpwi r4, EventGroup.kIDClass
cmpwi cr1, r4, Area.kIDClass
beq- @event_group
beq- cr1, @area
cmpwi r4, Notification.kIDClass
cmpwi cr1, r4, ConsoleLog.kIDClass
beq- @notification
beq- cr1, @console_log
b ReturnParamErrFromMPCall
lwz r17, Task.Flags(r8)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
lwz r9, Task.ProcessID(r8)
rlwinm. r17, r17, 0, 15, 15
beq- @not_owned_by_blue_process
lwz r9, PSA.blueProcessPtr(r1)
lwz r9, Task.ID(r9)
cmpw r9, r3
bne+ @try_another_id
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
lwz r9, Timer.ProcessID(r8)
cmpw r9, r3
bne+ @try_another_id
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
lwz r9, Queue.ProcessID(r8)
cmpw r9, r3
bne+ @try_another_id
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
lwz r9, Semaphore.ProcessID(r8)
cmpw r9, r3
bne+ @try_another_id
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
lwz r9, CriticalRegion.ProcessID(r8)
cmpw r9, r3
bne+ @try_another_id
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
lwz r9, AddressSpace.ProcessID(r8)
cmpw r9, r3
bne+ @try_another_id
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
lwz r9, EventGroup.ProcessID(r8)
cmpw r9, r3
bne+ @try_another_id
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
lwz r9, Area.ProcessID(r8)
cmpw r9, r3
bne+ @try_another_id
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
lwz r9, Notification.ProcessID(r8)
cmpw r9, r3
bne+ @try_another_id
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
lwz r9, ConsoleLog.ProcessID(r8)
cmpw r9, r3
bne+ @try_another_id
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
DeclareMPCall 38, MPCall_38
mr r8, r3
; r8 = id
bl LookupID
cmpwi r9, Process.kIDClass
bne+ ReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
mr r31, r8
mr r8, r4
li r9, 0x02
bl GetNextIDOfClass
cmpwi r8, 0x00
beq+ ReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
mr r4, r8
; r8 = id
bl LookupID
; r8 = something not sure what
; r9 = 0:inval, 1:proc, 2:task, 3:timer, 4:q, 5:sema, 6:cr, 7:cpu, 8:addrspc, 9:evtg, 10:cohg, 11:area, 12:not, 13:log
lwz r17, 0x0064(r8)
lwz r16, 0x0060(r8)
rlwinm. r17, r17, 0, 15, 15
beq- MPCall_38_0x48
lwz r16, -0x041c(r1)
lwz r16, 0x0000(r16)
cmpw r16, r3
beq+ ReturnZeroFromMPCall
b MPCall_38_0x14
DeclareMPCall 62, MPCall_62
mr. r8, r3
bne- MPCall_62_0x18
mfsprg r15, 0
lwz r31, -0x0338(r15)
lwz r3, 0x0000(r31)
b MPCall_62_0x24
; r8 = id
bl LookupID
cmpwi r9, CoherenceGroup.kIDClass
bne+ ReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
mr r8, r4
li r9, 0x07
bl GetNextIDOfClass
cmpwi r8, 0x00
beq+ ReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
mr r4, r8
; r8 = id
bl LookupID
; r8 = something not sure what
; r9 = 0:inval, 1:proc, 2:task, 3:timer, 4:q, 5:sema, 6:cr, 7:cpu, 8:addrspc, 9:evtg, 10:cohg, 11:area, 12:not, 13:log
lwz r16, 0x0008(r8)
lwz r17, 0x0000(r16)
cmpw r17, r3
bne+ MPCall_62_0x24
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
DeclareMPCall 42, KCCreateCpuStruct
mr. r8, r3
bne- KCCreateCpuStruct_0x14
mfsprg r15, 0
lwz r30, EWA.CPUBase + CPU.LLL + LLL.Freeform(r15)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
b KCCreateCpuStruct_0x24
; r8 = id
bl LookupID
cmpwi r9, CoherenceGroup.kIDClass
mr r30, r8
bne+ ReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
li r8, 960
; r1 = kdp
; r8 = size
bl PoolAlloc
; r8 = ptr
mr. r31, r8
beq+ ScrambleMPCall
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
li r9, 0x07
; r1 = kdp
; r9 = kind
bl MakeID
cmpwi r8, 0x00
bne+ KCCreateCpuStruct_0x68
mr r8, r31
bl PoolFree
b ReleaseAndScrambleMPCall
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
stw r8, CPU.ID(r31)
lisori r16, CPU.kSignature
stw r8, ContextBlock.r6(r6) ; return ID in r6
stw r16, CPU.Signature(r31)
lwz r17, 0x0020(r30)
addi r17, r17, 0x01
stw r17, 0x0020(r30)
addi r16, r31, 0x08
stw r30, 0x0000(r16)
InsertAsPrev r16, r30, scratch=r17
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
lisori r8, 11
lisori r8, 6
stw r8, CPU.Eff(r31)
addi r30, r31, CPU.EWABase
addi r8, r1, PSA.Base
stw r8, EWA.PA_PSA - EWA.Base(r30)
stw r1, EWA.PA_KDP - EWA.Base(r30)
li r8, 0
stw r8, EWA.PA_CurTask - EWA.Base(r30)
; Matches code in Init.s quite closely
li r8, -0x01
sth r4, 0x020a(r30)
stb r8, 0x0209(r30) ; interesting...
lwz r8, EWA.PA_IRP(r1)
stw r8, EWA.PA_IRP - EWA.Base(r30)
lisori r8, 'time'
stw r8, EWA.TimeList - EWA.Base + LLL.Signature(r30)
li r8, 0x04
stb r8, 0x0014(r30)
li r8, 0x01
stb r8, 0x0016(r30)
li r8, 0x00
stb r8, 0x0017(r30)
lisori r8, 0x7fffffff
stw r8, 0x0038(r30)
oris r8, r8, 0xffff
stw r8, 0x003c(r30)
; r1 = kdp
b ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
DeclareMPCall 43, MPCall_43
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
mr r8, r3
; r8 = id
bl LookupID
cmpwi r9, CPU.kIDClass
mr r31, r8
bne+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
lwz r16, 0x0018(r31)
lis r17, 0x00
ori r17, r17, 0x09
and. r17, r17, r16
bne+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallOOM
mfsprg r15, 0
li r16, 0x04
stw r16, -0x0238(r15)
lhz r16, CPU.EWA + EWA.CPUIndex(r31)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
stw r16, -0x0234(r15)
li r8, 0x02
; r7 = flags
; r8 = usually 2?
lwz r17, 0x0008(r31)
addi r16, r31, 0x08
lwz r18, 0x0020(r17)
addi r18, r18, -0x01
stw r18, 0x0020(r17)
RemoveFromList r16, scratch1=r17, scratch2=r18
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
mr r8, r31
bl PoolFree
mr r8, r3
bl DeleteID
; r1 = kdp
b ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
DeclareMPCall 44, KCStartCPU
; ARG CpuID r3
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
mr r8, r3
bl LookupID
cmpwi r9, CPU.kIDClass
bne+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
mr r30, r8
lwz r16, CPU.Eff(r30)
rlwinm. r8, r16, 0, 28, 28
bne+ ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
mfsprg r15, 0
li r16, 0x04
stw r16, -0x0238(r15)
lhz r16, CPU.EWA + EWA.CPUIndex(r30)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
stw r16, -0x0234(r15)
; Put the boots in?
_log 'SIGP kResetProcessor^n'
li r8, 2
cmpwi r8, -0x7264
cmpwi cr1, r8, 0
beq+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallOOM
bne+ cr1, ReleaseAndReturnMPCallOOM
; Every CPU gets an idle task
_log 'Creating idle task^n'
mr r31, r7
rlwinm r7, r7, 0, 13, 11
lwz r8, PSA.blueProcessPtr(r1)
; ARG GlobalCPUFlags r7, Process *r8
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
bl CreateTask
; RET Task *r8
mr r7, r31
mr. r31, r8
beq+ ReleaseAndScrambleMPCall
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
stw r31, CPU.IdleTaskPtr(r30)
lisori r8, 'idle'
stw r8, Task.Name(r31)
lisori r8, 0x80040 ; (Z>>Task.kFlag12)| (Z>>Task.kFlag25)
stw r8, Task.Flags(r31)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
li r8, 1
stw r8, Task.Weight(r31)
li r8, Task.kIdlePriority
stb r8, Task.Priority(r31)
; whoa -- cpu structs arent this big?
lhz r8, CPU.EWA + EWA.CPUIndex(r30)
sth r8, Task.CPUIndex(r31)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
lwz r8, Task.ContextBlock + ContextBlock.Flags(r31)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
_bset r8, r8, 9
stw r8, Task.ContextBlock + ContextBlock.Flags(r31)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
lwz r8, KDP.PA_NanoKernelCode(r1)
llabel r26, IdleCode
add r8, r8, r26
stw r8, Task.ContextBlock + ContextBlock.CodePtr(r31)
; better compare this with init code idle task
lwz r8, Task.ContextBlock + ContextBlock.MSR(r31)
andi. r8, r8, 0xbfcf
stw r8, Task.ContextBlock + ContextBlock.MSR(r31)
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; Some EWA/KDP stuff I do not understand
mfsprg r15, 0
li r16, 0x08
stw r16, -0x0238(r15)
lhz r16, CPU.EWA + EWA.CPUIndex(r30)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
stw r16, -0x0234(r15)
_log 'SIGP kSynchClock^n'
li r8, 0x02
; r7 = flags
; r8 = usually 2?
cmpwi r8, -0x7264
cmpwi cr1, r8, 0x00
beq+ MPCall_44_0x15c
bne- cr1, MPCall_Panic
mfsprg r15, 0
li r16, 0x01
stw r16, -0x0238(r15)
lhz r16, CPU.EWA + EWA.CPUIndex(r30)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
stw r16, -0x0234(r15)
lwz r16, 0x064c(r1)
llabel r17, major_0x14bcc
add r16, r16, r17
stw r16, -0x0230(r15)
stw r30, -0x022c(r15)
_log 'SIGP kStartProcessor^n'
li r8, 0x04
; r7 = flags
; r8 = usually 2?
cmpwi r8, -0x7264
cmpwi cr1, r8, 0x00
beq+ MPCall_44_0x1c0
bne- cr1, MPCall_Panic
_log 'Processor scheduled^n'
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
; KCStopScheduling
DeclareMPCall 45, KCStopScheduling
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
mr r8, r3
; r8 = id
bl LookupID
cmpwi r9, CPU.kIDClass
bne+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
mr r30, r8
lwz r16, 0x0018(r30)
rlwinm. r8, r16, 0, 28, 28
; r1 = kdp
beq+ ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
lwz r31, 0x001c(r30)
clrlwi. r8, r16, 0x1f
bne+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallOOM
lbz r17, 0x0019(r31)
cmpwi r17, 0x00
beq- KCStopScheduling_0x94
lwz r17, 0x0064(r31)
oris r17, r17, 0x80
stw r17, 0x0064(r31)
mr r8, r31
bl TaskUnready
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
li r17, 0x00
stb r17, 0x0019(r31)
mr r8, r31
bl TaskReadyAsNext
bl CalculateTimeslice
mr r8, r31
bl major_0x14af8_0xa0
lwz r8, 0x064c(r1)
llabel r9, StopProcessor
add r8, r8, r9
stw r8, 0x01fc(r31)
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock + Lock.Count, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
b MPCall_6_0x78
; KCCpuPlugin
DeclareMPCall 46, KCCpuPlugin
li r8, 0x00
; r7 = flags
; r8 = usually 2?
mr r3, r8
mr r4, r9
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
DeclareMPCall 47, MPCall_47
rlwinm. r8, r7, 0, 12, 12
lwz r15, 0x00d8(r6)
beq+ ReturnMPCallOOM
cmpwi r15, 0x00
mr r16, r2
beq+ ReturnMPCallOOM
mr r17, r3
mr r18, r4
mr r19, r5
bl Save_v0_v31
mr r2, r16
mr r3, r17
mr r4, r18
mr r5, r19
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
; MPCall_48_Bad
DeclareMPCall 48, MPCall_48_Bad
b MPCallBad
; NKxprintf
DeclareMPCall 96, NKxprintf
rlwinm. r9, r11, 0, 27, 27
mr r8, r3
beq- NKxprintf_0x1c
li r9, 0x00
bl V2P
beq- NKxprintf_0x24
rlwimi r8, r17, 0, 0, 19
bl PrintS
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
_log 'NKxprintf (V->P translation error)^n'
b ReturnMPCallOOM
; ARG long r3, int r4 size (1:byte, 2:half, else:word)
DeclareMPCall 97, NKPrintHex
mr r8, r3
cmpwi r4, 1
cmpwi cr1, r4, 2
beq- @byte
beq- cr1, @half
bl Printw
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
bl Printh
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
bl Printb
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
DeclareMPCall 124, NKPrintDecimal
mr r8, r3
bl Printd
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
; KCSetBlueProcessID
DeclareMPCall 99, KCSetBlueProcessID
mfsprg r16, 0
rlwinm. r8, r7, 0, 10, 10
lwz r31, EWA.PA_CurTask(r16)
beq+ ReturnMPCallOOM
mr r8, r3
; r8 = id
bl LookupID
; r8 = something not sure what
; r9 = 0:inval, 1:proc, 2:task, 3:timer, 4:q, 5:sema, 6:cr, 7:cpu, 8:addrspc, 9:evtg, 10:cohg, 11:area, 12:not, 13:log
cmpwi r9, Process.kIDClass
bne+ ReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
stw r3, Task.ProcessID(r31)
stw r4, 0x00ec(r31)
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
; KCRegisterThermalHandler
DeclareMPCall 104, KCRegisterThermalHandler
KCRegisterThermalHandler ; OUTSIDE REFERER
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
mr. r8, r3
beq- @is_zero
bl LookupID
cmpwi r9, Notification.kIDClass
bne+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
stw r3, PSA.ThermalHandlerID(r1)
b ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
; KCRegisterPMFHandler
DeclareMPCall 105, KCRegisterPMFHandler
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
mr. r8, r3
beq- @is_zero
bl LookupID
cmpwi r9, Notification.kIDClass
bne+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
stw r3, PSA.PMFHandlerID(r1)
b ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
; KCMarkPMFTask
DeclareMPCall 106, KCMarkPMFTask
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
mfsprg r30, 0
mr. r8, r3
lwz r31, EWA.PA_CurTask(r30)
beq- @use_blue_task_instead
bl LookupID
cmpwi r9, Task.kIDClass
mr r31, r8
bne+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
; Insert bit 31 of r4 into bit 21 of these flags
lwz r17, Task.Flags(r31)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
rlwimi r17, r4, 10, 21, 21
stw r17, Task.Flags(r31)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; Don't know what this does!
mr r8, r31
bl major_0x14af8_0xa0
b ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
; ARG int r6:
; 2: SystemInfo
; 3: DiagInfo
; 4: NanoKernelInfo
; 5: ProcessorInfo
; 6: HWInfo
; 7: ProcessorState
; RET Ptr r4, short r5 ver, short r6 len
DeclareMPCall 107, NKLocateInfoRecord
cmpwi r3, 5
cmpwi cr1, r3, 2
beq- @ProcessorInfo
beq- cr1, @SystemInfo
cmpwi r3, 3
cmpwi cr1, r3, 4
beq- @DiagInfo
beq- cr1, @NanoKernelInfo
cmpwi r3, 7
cmpwi cr1, r3, 6
beq- @ProcessorState
bne+ cr1, ReturnParamErrFromMPCall
lwz r4, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKHWInfoPtr(r1)
lhz r16, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKHWInfoLen(r1)
lhz r5, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKHWInfoVer(r1)
stw r16, ContextBlock.r6(r6)
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
lwz r4, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKProcessorStatePtr(r1)
lhz r16, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKProcessorStateLen(r1)
lhz r5, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKProcessorStateVer(r1)
stw r16, ContextBlock.r6(r6)
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
lwz r4, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKProcessorInfoPtr(r1)
lhz r16, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKProcessorInfoLen(r1)
lhz r5, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKProcessorInfoVer(r1)
stw r16, ContextBlock.r6(r6)
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
lwz r4, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKNanoKernelInfoPtr(r1)
lhz r16, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKNanoKernelInfoLen(r1)
lhz r5, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKNanoKernelInfoVer(r1)
stw r16, ContextBlock.r6(r6)
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
lwz r4, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKDiagInfoPtr(r1)
lhz r16, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKDiagInfoLen(r1)
lhz r5, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKDiagInfoVer(r1)
stw r16, ContextBlock.r6(r6)
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
lwz r4, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKSystemInfoPtr(r1)
lhz r16, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKSystemInfoLen(r1)
lhz r5, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKSystemInfoVer(r1)
stw r16, ContextBlock.r6(r6)
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
DeclareMPCall 108, MPCall_108
cmplwi r3, 0x02
bge+ ReturnParamErrFromMPCall
mulli r17, r3, 0x10
addi r18, r1, 0xf80
add r18, r17, r18
lwz r16, 0x0134(r6)
stw r4, 0x0000(r18)
stw r5, 0x0004(r18)
stw r16, 0x0008(r18)
_log 'Clock rates for step '
mr r8, r3
bl Printd
_log '- Cpu '
mr r8, r4
bl Printd
_log '- Bus '
mr r8, r5
bl Printd
_log '- Dec '
mr r8, r16
bl Printd
_log 'Hz^n'
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
; NKSetClockStep
; Debug string matches MPLibrary!
; 0xf7e(r1) = clock_step (half-word)
; > r3 = new_clock_step # (half-word)
DeclareMPCall 131, NKSetClockStep
mfsprg r9, 0
lwz r8, -0x0338(r9)
lwz r9, 0x0024(r8)
cmpwi r9, 0x01
bgt+ ReturnMPCallOOM
lhz r19, 0x0f7e(r1)
_log 'NKSetClockStep - current '
mr r8, r19
bl Printd
_log ' new '
mr r8, r3
bl Printd
_log '^n'
cmplwi r3, 0x02
cmpw cr1, r3, r19
bge+ ReturnParamErrFromMPCall
beq+ cr1, ReturnMPCallOOM
mulli r17, r3, 0x10
addi r18, r1, 0xf80
sth r17, 0x0f7e(r1)
add r18, r17, r18
lwz r16, 0x0000(r18)
lwz r17, 0x0004(r18)
stw r16, 0x0f24(r1)
stw r17, 0x0f28(r1)
lwz r16, 0x0f88(r1)
stw r16, 0x0f2c(r1)
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
lwz r16, 0x0008(r18)
stw r16, -0x0438(r1)
bgt- cr1, NKSetClockStep_0xec
lwz r31, -0x0434(r1)
lbz r18, 0x0017(r31)
cmpwi r18, 0x00
; r1 = kdp
beq+ ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
mr r8, r31
bl DequeueTimer
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; r1 = kdp
b ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
lwz r31, -0x0434(r1)
lbz r18, 0x0017(r31)
cmpwi r18, 0x01
; r1 = kdp
beq+ ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
bl GetTime
stw r8, 0x0038(r31)
stw r9, 0x003c(r31)
mr r8, r31
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
bl EnqueueTimer
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; r1 = kdp
b ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
; NKSetClockDriftCorrection
; There's a one-billion constant in here, for fractional
; expression.
; -0x36c(r1) = tb_drift_numerator
; -0x368(r1) = tb_drift_denominator
; > r3 = to
DeclareMPCall 132, NKSetClockDriftCorrection
NKSetClockDriftCorrection ; OUTSIDE REFERER
lwz r31, -0x0364(r1)
mfsprg r9, 0
cmpwi r31, 0x00
beq+ ReturnMPCallOOM
lwz r8, -0x0338(r9)
lwz r9, 0x0024(r8)
cmpwi r9, 0x01
bgt+ ReturnMPCallOOM
lwz r19, 0x0fa0(r1)
cmpwi r3, 0x00
cmpw cr1, r3, r19
stw r3, 0x0fa0(r1)
beq- NKSetClockDriftCorrection_0x12c
beq+ cr1, ReturnZeroFromMPCall
lis r16, 0x3b9a
ori r16, r16, 0xca00
lwz r17, 0x0f88(r1)
srwi r17, r17, 7
divw r18, r16, r3
cmpw r18, r17
bge- NKSetClockDriftCorrection_0x64
divw r16, r16, r17
mr r18, r17
divw r17, r3, r16
b NKSetClockDriftCorrection_0x6c
rlwinm r17, r3, 2, 30, 30
addi r17, r17, 0x01
stw r17, -0x036c(r1)
stw r18, -0x0368(r1)
_log 'TB drift adjusted to '
mr r8, r3
bl Printd
_log ' ppb ( '
mr r8, r17
bl Printd
_log '/ '
mr r8, r18
bl Printd
_log ')^n'
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
lwz r31, -0x0364(r1)
lbz r18, 0x0017(r31)
cmpwi r18, 0x01
; r1 = kdp
beq+ ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
bl GetTime
stw r8, 0x0038(r31)
stw r9, 0x003c(r31)
mr r8, r31
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
bl EnqueueTimer
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; r1 = kdp
b ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
li r17, 0x00
stw r17, -0x036c(r1)
stw r17, -0x0368(r1)
lwz r31, -0x0364(r1)
lbz r18, 0x0017(r31)
cmpwi r18, 0x00
; r1 = kdp
beq+ ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
mr r8, r31
bl DequeueTimer
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; r1 = kdp
b ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
DeclareMPCall 115, MPCall_115
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
mr r8, r3
; r8 = id
bl LookupID
cmpwi r9, ConsoleLog.kIDClass
mr r31, r8
bne+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
lwz r30, 0x000c(r31)
cmpwi r30, 0x00
bne- MPCall_115_0x94
_Lock PSA.DbugLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
lwz r30, -0x0404(r1)
addi r30, r30, 0x01
andi. r29, r30, 0xfff
bne- MPCall_115_0x64
lwz r30, -0x1000(r30)
lbz r16, 0x0000(r30)
cmpwi r16, 0x00
beq+ MPCall_115_0x54
stw r30, 0x000c(r31)
_AssertAndRelease PSA.DbugLock, scratch=r16
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
cmpwi r5, 0x00
ble+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallOOM
rlwinm. r9, r11, 0, 27, 27
mr r8, r4
crmove 30, 2
beq- MPCall_115_0xd0
li r9, 0x00
bl MPCall_95_0x45c
beq+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallOOM
add r8, r4, r5
li r9, 0x00
addi r8, r8, -0x01
mr r30, r8
bl MPCall_95_0x45c
beq+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallOOM
lwz r28, -0x0404(r1)
lwz r29, 0x000c(r31)
li r5, 0x00
not r27, r4
cmpw r28, r29
cmplw cr1, r4, r30
beq- MPCall_115_0x144
bgt- cr1, MPCall_115_0x144
rlwinm r16, r4, 0, 0, 19
mr r8, r4
beq- cr7, MPCall_115_0x11c
cmpw r16, r27
mr r17, r26
beq- MPCall_115_0x11c
mr r27, r16
li r9, 0x00
bl MPCall_95_0x45c
beq+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallOOM
mr r26, r17
rlwimi r17, r4, 0, 20, 31
lbz r8, 0x0000(r29)
addi r29, r29, 0x01
andi. r16, r29, 0xfff
bne+ MPCall_115_0x134
lwz r29, -0x1000(r29)
stb r8, 0x0000(r17)
addi r5, r5, 0x01
addi r4, r4, 0x01
b MPCall_115_0xe0
stw r29, 0x000c(r31)
; r1 = kdp
b ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
; KCRegisterExternalHandler
; Point external interrupts (thing PIHes) towards this notification
DeclareMPCall 121, KCRegisterExternalHandler
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
mr. r8, r3
beq- @zero
bl LookupID
cmpwi r9, Notification.kIDClass
bne+ ReleaseAndReturnMPCallInvalidIDErr
stw r3, PSA.ExternalHandlerID(r1)
b ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
DeclareMPCall 133, MPCall_133
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
cmpw r3, r0
lwz r16, 0x0edc(r1)
li r17, 0x0b
blt- MPCall_133_0x34
and r3, r3, r17
or r16, r16, r3
b MPCall_133_0x3c
orc r3, r3, r17
and r16, r16, r3
stw r16, 0x0edc(r1)
srawi r16, r4, 16
extsh r17, r4
cmpwi r16, -0x01
cmpwi cr1, r17, -0x01
beq- MPCall_133_0x60
bgt- MPCall_133_0x5c
li r16, 0x00
sth r16, -0x0360(r1)
beq- cr1, MPCall_133_0x70
bgt- cr1, MPCall_133_0x6c
li r17, 0x00
sth r17, -0x035e(r1)
srawi r16, r5, 16
extsh r17, r5
cmpwi r16, -0x01
cmpwi cr1, r17, -0x01
beq- MPCall_133_0x90
bgt- MPCall_133_0x8c
li r16, 0x00
sth r16, -0x035c(r1)
beq- cr1, MPCall_133_0xa0
bgt- cr1, MPCall_133_0x9c
li r17, 0x00
sth r17, -0x035a(r1)
; r1 = kdp
bl ScreenConsole_redraw
; r1 = kdp
b ReleaseAndReturnZeroFromMPCall
; MPCall_Panic
; Xrefs:
; KCStartCPU
b panic