; AUTO-GENERATED SYMBOL LIST ; IMPORTS: ; NKConsoleLog ; printh ; printw ; NKInit ; CancelReplacement ; InitHighLevel ; InitIRP ; NKPrimaryIntHandlers ; LookupInterruptHandler ; NKScreenConsole ; InitScreenConsole ; NKTranslation ; FDP ; EXPORTS: ; InitReplacement (=> NKInit) ; sprg0 = old KDP/EWA/r1 ptr ; r3 = PA_NanoKernelCode ; r4 = physical base of our global area ; r5 = NoIdeaR23 ; r6 = PA_EDP or zero? ; r7 = probably ROMHeader.ROMRelease ('rom vers', e.g. 0x10B5 is 1.0§5) InitReplacement crset cr5_eq li r0, 0 ; Position and initialise the kernel globals, IRP to KDP inclusive. ; (subset of builtin kernel) ; Zero from IRP (r4) to KDP (r4 + 10 pages) lisori r12, kKDPfromIRP mr r13, r4 @wipeloop subic. r12, r12, 4 stwx r0, r13, r12 bgt @wipeloop ; Copy the old KDP to r4 + 10 pages. ; (r1 becomes our main ptr and r4 is discarded) mfsprg r11, 0 lisori r1, kKDPfromIRP add r1, r1, r4 li r12, 4096 @kdp_copyloop subic. r12, r12, 4 lwzx r10, r11, r12 stwx r10, r1, r12 bgt @kdp_copyloop ; IRP goes at the base of the area we were given. ; Fill with repeating pattern and point EWA at it. lisori r12, -kKDPfromIRP add r12, r12, r1 stw r12, EWA.PA_IRP(r1) bl InitIRP ; clobbers r10 and r12 ; Play with some of the other values we were given ; Leave ROMRelease in r23. mr r23, r7 ; If no EDP (Emulator Data Page) pointer was provided, ; then put the EDP above our new KDP. cmpwi r6, 0 stw r11, KDP.OldKDP(r1) stw r9, 0x05a4(r1) ; discarded bne @emulatordata_ptr_provided addi r6, r1, 0x1000 @emulatordata_ptr_provided ; Save a few bits stw r6, 0x05a8(r1) stw r3, KDP.PA_NanoKernelCode(r1) stw r5, PSA.NoIdeaR23(r1) stw r1, EWA.PA_KDP(r1) addi r12, r1, -0x340 ; get the base of the main CPU struct li r10, -1 stw r10, CPU.ID(r12) lwz r3, KDP.PA_ConfigInfo(r1) bl LookupInterruptHandler stw r7, KDP.PA_InterruptHandler(r1) ; Clearly changed our mind about where we might be. bl @x @x mflr r12 subi r12, r12, @x - NKTop stw r12, KDP.PA_NanoKernelCode(r1) ; FDP llabel r10, FDP add r12, r10, r12 stw r12, KDP.PA_FDP(r1) ; Do something terrible with the CPU features lwz r12, EWA.Flags(r1) li r10, 0x00 rlwimi r10, r12, 0, 12, 15 rlwimi r10, r12, 0, 28, 30 stw r10, PSA.FlagsTemplate(r1) ; Cook up a MSR: ; MSR_EE = 1 ; MSR_PR = 1 ; MSR_FP = 0 ; MSR_ME = 0 ; MSR_FE0 = 0 ; MSR_SE = 0 ; MSR_BE = 0 ; MSR_FE1 = 0 ; MSR_IP = preserved ; MSR_IR = 1 ; MSR_DR = 1 ; MSR_RI = 0 ; MSR_LE = 0 mfmsr r12 andi. r12, r12, 0x0040 ori r12, r12, 0xd032 stw r12, PSA.UserModeMSR(r1) ; Set SPRG0 (for this CPU at least) mtsprg 0, r1 ; r11 still contains the OLD EWA ptr (which is also KDP/PSA ptr?) lhz r12, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKNanoKernelInfoVer(r11) cmpwi r12, 0x0101 bgt @replaces_later_than_0101 ; Move some per-cpu values from KDP to EWA lwz r12, KDP.PA_ContextBlock(r1) stw r12, EWA.PA_ContextBlock(r1) lwz r12, KDP.Flags(r1) _bset r12, r12, EWA.kFlag9 stw r12, EWA.Flags(r1) lwz r12, KDP.Enables(r1) stw r12, EWA.Enables(r1) b @endif @replaces_later_than_0101 ; Obviously cannot replace a v2 NanoKernel like myself cmpwi r12, 0x0200 bge CancelReplacement lwz r12, EWA.PA_ContextBlock(r11) stw r12, EWA.PA_ContextBlock(r1) lwz r12, EWA.Flags(r11) oris r12, r12, 0x20 stw r12, EWA.Flags(r1) lwz r12, -0x000c(r11) stw r12, EWA.Enables(r1) @endif lwz r12, 0x0340(r11) lwz r10, KDP.LA_NCB(r11) cmpw r12, r10 beq replace_old_kernel_0x198 stw r12, KDP.LA_NCB(r1) stw r0, 0x06b4(r1) lwz r10, 0x05b0(r11) stw r10, 0x06c0(r1) lwz r10, KDP.LA_NCB(r11) stw r10, 0x06c4(r1) lwz r10, 0x05b8(r11) stw r10, 0x06c8(r1) lwz r10, 0x05bc(r11) stw r10, 0x06cc(r1) stw r0, 0x06d0(r1) stw r0, 0x06d4(r1) stw r0, 0x06d8(r1) stw r0, 0x06dc(r1) stw r0, 0x06e0(r1) stw r0, 0x06e4(r1) stw r0, 0x06e8(r1) stw r0, 0x06ec(r1) stw r0, 0x06f0(r1) stw r0, 0x06f4(r1) stw r0, 0x06f8(r1) stw r0, 0x06fc(r1) replace_old_kernel_0x198 ; Adjust a few KDP pointers to point into the new KDP lwz r12, KDP.PA_PageMapStart(r1) subf r12, r11, r12 add r12, r12, r1 stw r12, KDP.PA_PageMapStart(r1) lwz r12, KDP.PA_PageMapEnd(r1) subf r12, r11, r12 add r12, r12, r1 stw r12, KDP.PA_PageMapEnd(r1) lwz r12, 0x05e8(r1) subf r12, r11, r12 add r12, r12, r1 stw r12, 0x05e8(r1) ; Wipe KDP's NKInfo and ProcessorInfo li r12, 0x200 addi r10, r1, KDP.NanoKernelInfo @wipeloop subic. r12, r12, 4 stwx r0, r10, r12 bgt @wipeloop ; r9 = physical base of kernel li r12, 0 addi r10, r1, KDP.InfoRecord bl MoveRecord ; (NanoKernelCode, NewKDPInfoRecord, OldKDP, 0) stw r10, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.InfoRecordPtr(r1) stw r0, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.Zero(r1) lhz r12, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKProcessorStateLen(r1) addi r10, r1, PSA.ProcessorState lwz r9, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKProcessorStatePtr(r1) bl MoveRecord ; (OldProcessorState, NewPSAProcessorState, OldKDP, ProcessorStateLen) stw r10, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKProcessorStatePtr(r1) lhz r12, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKHWInfoLen(r1) lwz r10, EWA.PA_IRP(r1) addi r10, r10, IRP.HWInfo lwz r9, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKHWInfoPtr(r1) bl MoveRecord ; (OldHWInfo, NewIRPHWInfo, OldKDP, HWInfoLen) stw r10, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKHWInfoPtr(r1) lhz r12, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKProcessorInfoLen(r1) addi r10, r1, KDP.ProcessorInfo lwz r9, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKProcessorInfoPtr(r1) bl MoveRecord ; (OldProcessorInfo, NewKDPProcessorInfo, OldKDP, ProcessorInfoLen) stw r10, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKProcessorInfoPtr(r1) stw r10, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKProcessorInfoPtr2(r1) lhz r10, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKProcessorInfoVer(r1) cmplwi r10, 0x0112 bge @ProcessorInfo_version_already_current li r12, 160 li r10, 0x0112 sth r12, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKProcessorInfoLen(r1) sth r12, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKProcessorInfoLen2(r1) sth r10, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKProcessorInfoVer(r1) sth r10, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKProcessorInfoVer2(r1) @ProcessorInfo_version_already_current lhz r12, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKDiagInfoLen(r1) addi r10, r1, PSA.DiagInfo lwz r9, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKDiagInfoPtr(r1) bl MoveRecord ; (OldDiagInfo, NewPSADiagInfo, OldKDP, DiagInfoLen) stw r10, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKDiagInfoPtr(r1) lhz r12, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKSystemInfoLen(r1) lwz r10, EWA.PA_IRP(r1) addi r10, r10, IRP.SystemInfo lwz r9, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKSystemInfoPtr(r1) bl MoveRecord ; (OldSystemInfo, NewIRPSystemInfo, OldKDP, SystemInfoLen) stw r10, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKSystemInfoPtr(r1) lhz r12, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKNanoKernelInfoLen(r1) addi r10, r1, KDP.NanoKernelInfo lwz r9, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKNanoKernelInfoPtr(r1) bl MoveRecord ; (OldNanoKernelInfo, NewKDPNanoKernelInfo, OldKDP, NanoKernelInfoLen) stw r10, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKNanoKernelInfoPtr(r1) li r12, 0x160 sth r12, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKNanoKernelInfoLen(r1) li r12, kNanoKernelVersion sth r12, KDP.InfoRecord + InfoRecord.NKNanoKernelInfoVer(r1) lwz r8, KDP.ProcessorInfo + NKProcessorInfo.DecClockRateHz(r1) stw r8, PSA.DecClockRateHzCopy(r1) ; Play with ConfigFlags lwz r8, KDP.NanoKernelInfo + NKNanoKernelInfo.ConfigFlags(r1) _bset r8, r8, 31 ; always set bit 31 if &TYPE('NKShowLog') != 'UNDEFINED' _bset r8, r8, 28 ; see if someone can test this endif cmplwi r23, 0x27f3 ; set bit 27 on ROM 2.7f3 or later blt @oldrom ; means later than PDM and Cordyceps _bset r8, r8, 27 @oldrom stw r8, KDP.NanoKernelInfo + NKNanoKernelInfo.ConfigFlags(r1) ; Say hello. bl InitScreenConsole _log 'Hello from the replacement multitasking NanoKernel. Version: ' mr r8, r12 bl printh _log '^n Old KDP: ' mr r8, r11 bl printw _log ' new KDP: ' mr r8, r1 bl printw _log ' new irp: ' lwz r8, EWA.PA_IRP(r1) mr r8, r8 bl printw _log 'ROM vers: ' mr r8, r23 bl printh _log '^n' ; Jump back into the common code path of Init.s ; The Emulator ContextBlock is expected in r6. lwz r6, KDP.PA_ECB(r1) b InitHighLevel ; MoveRecord ; r9 = base of kernel??? ; Seems to be code to relocate some old structures. MoveRecord ; OUTSIDE REFERER ; Check whether the old structure is in KDP ; lwz r22, KDP.PA_ConfigInfo(r1) lwz r22, NKConfigurationInfo.LA_InfoRecord(r22) subf r9, r22, r9 ; r9 = offset of old address in irp cmplwi r9, 0x1000 bge @kdp add r21, r9, r11 ; r21 = the old address if it had been in KDP instead? @0x18 ; r9 = offset of old structure in old parent page ; r10 = destination ; r12 = length ; @loop subic. r12, r12, 4 blt @exit_loop lwzx r9, r21, r12 stwx r9, r10, r12 bgt @loop @exit_loop lwz r22, KDP.PA_ConfigInfo(r1) lwz r22, NKConfigurationInfo.LA_KernelData(r22) subf r10, r1, r10 lisori r21, -9 * 4096 cmpw r10, r21 ; if dest is nearer than 9 pages below kdp... blt @0x50 add r10, r10, r22 blr @0x50 lwz r22, KDP.PA_ConfigInfo(r1) lwz r22, NKConfigurationInfo.LA_InfoRecord(r22) lwz r21, EWA.PA_IRP(r1) add r10, r10, r1 subf r10, r21, r10 add r10, r10, r22 blr @kdp add r9, r9, r22 lwz r22, KDP.PA_ConfigInfo(r1) lwz r22, NKConfigurationInfo.LA_KernelData(r22) subf r9, r22, r9 ; r9 now equals an offset from old_kdp add r21, r9, r11 ; r21 = address in new_kdp b @0x18