
672 lines
16 KiB

; Opaque NanoKernel structures:
; - stored in the NanoKernel pool (not always)
; - associated with a class number and opaque ID (not always)
; - referenced by opaque ID (for MPLibrary's benefit)
; (size: 32b, thud command: id -p)
; The NanoKernel's internal representation of a cooperative process
; within the blue environment. Processes and tasks have a many-to-one
; relationship.
; There is a special 'blue' process that owns the blue task and all
; the CPU idle tasks.
Process record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 1
kFirstID equ 0x00010001
kSignature equ 'PROC'
; Fields
ID ds.l 1 ; 00
Signature ds.l 1 ; 04 ; 'PROC'
Flags ds.l 1 ; 08 ; MPCall_5 does something here
kFlag0 equ 0
kFlag1 equ 1
kFlag2 equ 2
kFlag3 equ 3
kFlag4 equ 4
kFlag5 equ 5
kFlag6 equ 6
kFlag7 equ 7
kFlag8 equ 8
kFlag9 equ 9
kFlag10 equ 10
kFlag11 equ 11
kFlag12 equ 12
kFlag13 equ 13
kFlag14 equ 14
kFlag15 equ 15
kFlag16 equ 16
kFlag17 equ 17
kFlag18 equ 18
kFlag19 equ 19
kFlag20 equ 20
kFlag21 equ 21
kFlag22 equ 22
kFlag23 equ 23
kFlag24 equ 24
kFlag25 equ 25
kFlag26 equ 26
kFlag27 equ 27
kFlag28 equ 28
kFlag29 equ 29
kFlag30 equ 30
kFlag31 equ 31
SystemAddressSpaceID ds.l 1 ; 0c ; set by Init.s after addrspc creation
TaskCount ds.l 1 ; 10 ; incremented by CreateTask
SystemAddressSpacePtr ds.l 1 ; 14
AddressSpaceCount ds.l 1 ; 18 ; incremented by NKCreateAddressSpaceSub
ds.l 1 ; 1c
Size equ *
; (size: 1k, thud command: id -t)
; What the MPLibrary and NanoKernel call the unit of multitasking.
; (Remember that 'Thread' and 'Process' were taken.)
; Contains space for a ContextBlock in the style of the ECB, but
; blue's ContextBlockPtr is redirected to the ECB.
Task record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 2
kFirstID equ 0x00020001
kSignature equ 'TASK'
; Task priorities
kCriticalPriority equ 0
kLatencyProtectPriority equ 1
kNominalPriority equ 2
kIdlePriority equ 3
; Fields
ID ds.l 1 ; 000
Signature ds.l 1 ; 004
QueueMember ds.l 4 ; 008:018 ; a task is always a member of a queue, e.g. the RDYQ
State ds.b 1 ; 018 ; non-zero when running
Priority ds.b 1 ; 019 ; CreateTask sets 2 by default
CPUIndex ds.w 1 ; 01a
Weight ds.l 1 ; 01c ; default is 100, blue gets 200, idle gets 1
Timer ds.b 64 ; 020:060
ProcessID ds.l 1 ; 060
Flags ds.l 1 ; 064 ; IntAlignment is interested in bit 9, MPCalls 52/116 in bit 15
kFlag0 equ 0
kFlag1 equ 1
kFlag2 equ 2
kFlag3 equ 3
kFlag4 equ 4
kFlag5 equ 5
kFlag6 equ 6
kFlag7 equ 7
kFlag8 equ 8
kFlag9 equ 9
kFlag10 equ 10
kFlag11 equ 11
kFlag12 equ 12 ; set for idle1, idle2
kFlag13 equ 13
kFlag14 equ 14 ; set for blue, idle1
kFlagBlue equ 15
kFlag16 equ 16
kFlag17 equ 17
kFlag18 equ 18
kFlag19 equ 19
kFlag20 equ 20
kFlagPMF equ 21 ; set by MPMarkPMFTask, means perf monitor
kFlag22 equ 22
kFlag23 equ 23
kFlag24 equ 24
kFlag25 equ 25 ; set for idle1, idle2
kFlag26 equ 26 ; set for blue
kFlag68kInterrupt equ 27 ; set on SWI (meaning 68k, or 68k interrupt?)
kFlag28 equ 28 ; set for blue
kFlag29 equ 29
kFlag30 equ 30
kFlag31 equ 31
ds.l 1 ; 068
OwningProcessPtr ds.l 1 ; 06c
AddressSpacePtr ds.l 1 ; 070 ; borrowed from PROC argument to CreateTask
Name ds.l 1 ; 074 ; 'blue', creator of owning cooperative process, etc
CpuID ds.l 1 ; 078
ds.l 1 ; 07c
CreateTime3 ds.d 1 ; 080
ContextBlockPtr ds.l 1 ; 088 ; points internally by default, and to EDP.ECB in blue
VectorSaveArea ds.l 1 ; 08c
ds.l 1 ; 090
ds.l 1 ; 094
ds.l 1 ; 098
NotificationPtr ds.l 1 ; 09c
Semaphore ds.b 32 ; 0a0:0c0 ; Zero and One were fields
Zero1 ds.l 1 ; 0c0
Zero2 ds.l 1 ; 0c4
CreateTime1 ds.d 1 ; 0c8
CreateTime2 ds.d 1 ; 0d0
ds.l 1 ; 0d8
ds.l 1 ; 0dc
Zero3 ds.l 1 ; 0e0
Zero4 ds.l 1 ; 0e4
Zero5 ds.l 1 ; 0e8
SomeLabelField ds.l 1 ; 0ec
YellowVecTblPtr ds.l 1 ; 0f0
ExceptionHandlerID ds.l 1 ; 0f4 ; a queue
ErrToReturnIfIDie ds.l 1 ; 0f8
ds.l 1 ; 0fc
ContextBlock ds.b 768 ; 100:400 ; like the EDP's Emulator Context Block -- unsure of size
Size equ *
; (size: 64b, thud command: id -tm)
; "Prev" is actually the next timer to fire!
Timer record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 3
kFirstID equ 0x00030001
kSignature equ 'TIME'
; Fields
ID ds.l 1 ; 00 ; task+20
Signature ds.l 1 ; 04 ; task+24
QueueLLL ds.l 1 ; 08 ; task+28 ; overlaps with the below bytefields, as a union?
ds.l 1 ; 0c ; task+2c
ProcessID ds.l 1 ; 10 ; task+30
Kind ds.b 1 ; 14 ; task+34 ; InitTMRQs sets to 6, MPCall 55 to 1, MPCall 52 to 2
kKind1 equ 1
kKind2 equ 2
kKind3 equ 3
kKind4 equ 4
kKind5 equ 5
kKind6 equ 6
kKind7 equ 7
Byte1 ds.b 1 ; 15 ; task+35
KeepAfterFiring ds.b 1 ; 16 ; task+36 ; InitTMRQs sets to 1
Byte3 ds.b 1 ; 17 ; task+37 ; called_by_init_tmrqs sets to 1
ParentTaskPtr ds.l 1 ; 18 ; task+38 ; task to be unblocked when timer fires
ReservedMessage ds.l 1 ; 1c ; task+3c ; 'note' allocated when timer armed
Message1 ds.l 1 ; 20 ; task+40 ; if I hit a message queue
Message2 ds.l 1 ; 24 ; task+44
Message3 ds.l 1 ; 28 ; task+48
EventGroupID ds.l 1 ; 2c ; task+4c ; if I hit an event group
EventGroupFlags ds.l 1 ; 30 ; task+50
SemaphoreID ds.l 1 ; 34 ; task+54
Time ds.l 2 ; 38 ; task+58 ; set from first two args to MPCall 55
Size equ *
; (size: 52b, thud command: id -q)
Queue record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 4
kFirstID equ 0x00040001
; Fields
BlockedTasks ds.l 4 ; 00:10 ; titled MSGQ ; waiting for messages
Messages ds.l 4 ; 10:20 ; titled NOTQ ; waiting for tasks
ProcessID ds.l 1 ; 20 ; why associate a queue with a process?
ReserveCount ds.l 1 ; 24 ; as number of messages, from MPSetQueueReserve
ReservePtr ds.l 1 ; 28 ; ptr to first element of
BlockedTaskCount ds.l 1 ; 2c
MessageCount ds.l 1 ; 30
Size equ *
ReadyQueue record 0,INCR
LLL ds.l 4 ; 00:10 ; nothing fancy, freeform contains priority flag
Counter ds.l 1 ; 10 ; SchInit sets, SchRdyTaskLater bumps, major_0x13e4c decs
TotalWeight ds.l 1 ; 14 ; divide available time by these
Timecake ds.d 1 ; 18 ; period of ~1ms, 8ms, 64ms, 512ms
org 0x20
; Constants
kSignature equ 'RDYQ'
Message record 0,INCR
kSignature equ 'note'
kReservedSignature equ 'notr'
LLL ds.l 4 ; 00:10 ; singly linked (next ptrs) only
Word1 ds.l 1 ; 10
Word2 ds.l 1 ; 14
Word3 ds.l 1 ; 18
Size equ *
kTimerQueueSignature equ 'TMRQ'
kDelayQueueSignature equ 'DLYQ'
kDbugQueueSignature equ 'DBUG'
kPageQueueSignature equ 'PAGQ'
kNotQueueSignature equ 'NOTQ'
kSemaQueueSignature equ 'SEMQ'
; (size: 32b, thud command: id -s)
Semaphore record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 5
kFirstID equ 0x00050001
kSignature equ 'SEMA'
; Fields
BlockedTasks ds.l 4 ; 00:10 ; blocked tasks
Value ds.l 1 ; 10 ; negative if tasks are blocked???
MaxValue ds.l 1 ; 14
ProcessID ds.l 1 ; 18
BlockedTaskCount ds.l 1 ; 1c ; starts as 0
Size equ *
; (size: 36b, thud command: id -r)
CriticalRegion record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 6
kFirstID equ 0x00060001
kSignature equ 'CRGN'
; Fields
LLL ds.l 4 ; 00:10
ProcessID ds.l 4 ; 10:20 ; lll.freeform is the field?
ds.l 1 ; 20
Size equ *
; (size: 32+800+128 = 960b, thud command: id -c)
CPU record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 7
kFirstID equ 0x00070001
kSignature equ 'CPU '
; Fields
ID ds.l 1 ; 00
Signature ds.l 1 ; 04
LLL ds.l 4 ; 08:18 ; member of CGRP
Flags ds.l 1 ; 18 ; contains 0x0000000f ; cannot delete if this field & 9
IdleTaskPtr ds.l 1 ; 1c
EWABase ds.b 800 ; negative-indexed parts of EWA
EWA ds.b 128 ; positive-indexed parts of EWA
kFlag0 equ 0
kFlag1 equ 1
kFlag2 equ 2
kFlag3 equ 3
kFlag4 equ 4
kFlag5 equ 5
kFlag6 equ 6
kFlag7 equ 7
kFlag8 equ 8
kFlag9 equ 9
kFlag10 equ 10
kFlag11 equ 11
kFlag12 equ 12
kFlag13 equ 13
kFlag14 equ 14
kFlag15 equ 15
kFlag16 equ 16
kFlag17 equ 17
kFlag18 equ 18
kFlag19 equ 19
kFlag20 equ 20
kFlag21 equ 21
kFlag22 equ 22
kFlag23 equ 23
kFlag24 equ 24
kFlag25 equ 25
kFlag26 equ 26
kFlag27 equ 27
kFlagScheduled equ 28
kFlag29 equ 29
kFlag30 equ 30
kFlag31 equ 31
Size equ *
; (size: 192b, thud command: id -sp)
AddressSpace record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 8
kFirstID equ 0x00080001
kSignature equ 'SPAC'
; Fields
ID ds.l 1 ; 00
Signature ds.l 1 ; 04
ds.l 1 ; 08
TaskCount ds.l 1 ; 0c ; incremented by CreateTask
RsrvList ds.l 4 ; 10:20 ; LLL
AreaList ds.l 4 ; 20:30 ; LLL
SRs ds.l 16 ; 30:70 ; segment register values
ParentCoherenceSpecialPtr ds.l 1 ; 70 ; SpecialPtr of owning cgrp (in list owned by Cpu)
ProcessID ds.l 1 ; 74 ; ID of owning PROC
ds.l 1 ; 78
ds.l 1 ; 7c
BAT0U ds.l 1 ; 80
BAT0L ds.l 1 ; 84
BAT1U ds.l 1 ; 88
BAT1L ds.l 1 ; 8c
BAT2U ds.l 1 ; 90
BAT2L ds.l 1 ; 94
BAT3U ds.l 1 ; 98
BAT3L ds.l 1 ; 9c
ExtraBATs ; the flag that enables these is never set?
ExtraBAT0U ds.l 1 ; a0
ExtraBAT0L ds.l 1 ; a4
ExtraBAT1U ds.l 1 ; a8
ExtraBAT1L ds.l 1 ; ac
ExtraBAT2U ds.l 1 ; b0
ExtraBAT2L ds.l 1 ; b4
ExtraBAT3U ds.l 1 ; b8
ExtraBAT3L ds.l 1 ; bc
Size equ *
; (size: 32b, thud command: id -e)
EventGroup record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 9
kFirstID equ 0x00090001
kSignature equ 'EVNT'
; Fields
LLL ds.l 4 ; 00:10 ; first field is ID
Flags ds.l 1 ; 10
ProcessID ds.l 1 ; 14
SWI ds.l 1 ; 18 ; contains 1-8 +/- 16 ; flag 27 (=16) means "is swi"
Counter ds.l 1 ; 1c
Size equ *
; (size: 88b, thud command: id -cg)
CoherenceGroup record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 10
kFirstID equ 0x000a0001
kSignature equ 'CGRP'
; Fields
CPUList ds.l 4 ; 00:10 ; CPUs on this "motherboard"
LLL ds.l 4 ; 10:20 ; member of global CGRP list
CpuCount ds.l 1 ; 20
ScheduledCpuCount ds.l 1 ; 24
LA_CpuPlugin ds.l 1 ; 28 ; page-aligned
PA_CpuPlugin ds.l 1 ; 2c ; page-aligned
CpuPluginSize ds.l 1 ; 30 ; page-aligned size
LA_CpuPluginDesc ds.l 1 ; 34 ; non-page-aligned ; [1c] = count, [20...] = entry table
PA_CpuPluginDesc ds.l 1 ; 38 ; non-page-aligned
PA_CpuPluginTOC ds.l 1 ; 3c ; "table of contents": a TVector pointer for each selector
PA_CpuPluginStackPtrs ds.l 1 ; 40 ; array of stack pointers (one per CPU)
CpuPluginSelectorCount ds.l 1 ; 44 ; max of 64
Incrementer ds.l 1 ; 48 ; number of NKCreateAddressSpaceSub calls % 1M
CpuPluginSpacePtr ds.l 1 ; 4c ; space that cpup runs in
ds.l 1 ; 50
ds.l 1 ; 54
Size equ *
; (size: 160b, thud command: id -a)
; A contiguous region of effective addresses with similar properties.
Area record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 11
kFirstID equ 0x000b0001
kSignature equ 'AREA'
; Fields
ID ds.l 1 ; 00
Signature ds.l 1 ; 04
Flags ds.l 1 ; 08
kDontOwnPageMapArray equ 25
kPageMapArrayIs2D equ 26
kPageMapArrayInPool equ 27
kAliasFlag equ 28
kPrivilegedFlag equ 29
kFaultCtrArrayIs2D equ 30
kFaultCtrArrayInPool equ 31
ProcessID ds.l 1 ; 0c
AddressSpaceID ds.l 1 ; 10
ParentAreaID ds.l 1 ; 14 ; if alias
BackingProviderID ds.l 1 ; 18 ; notification ID
PTEConfig ds.l 1 ; 1c
FlagsAndMinAlign ds.l 1 ; 20 ; detailed description to come
LogicalBase ds.l 1 ; 24
LogicalEnd ds.l 1 ; 28 ; the last valid address in the area
Length ds.l 1 ; 2c ; in actual bytes!
LogicalSeparation ds.l 1 ; 30 ; min logical distance to any other area
Counter ds.l 1 ; 34
BytesMapped ds.l 1 ; 38 ; total size of pages actually mapped to me
FaultCtrArrayPtr ds.l 1 ; 3c ; in paged areas, tracks how many times pages are added to HTAB
PageMapArrayPtr ds.l 1 ; 40 ; in paged areas, stores PTE template for each page
AliasLLL ds.l 4 ; 44:54
LLL ds.l 4 ; 54:64 ; member of address space
ds.l 1 ; 64
PageSize ds.l 1 ; 68 ; always 4k, the size of a PPC page
AddressSpacePtr ds.l 1 ; 6c
ContigPTETemplate ds.l 1 ; 70 ; in contig areas, acts as PTE template for every page
PagedPTETemplate ds.l 1 ; 74 ; when paged area is created this fills PageMapArray
AlignmentMask ds.l 1 ; 78 ; bit mask that LogicalBase is aligned to
DefaultAlignmentMask ds.l 1 ; 7c ; always 0xFFFFF000 (page alignment)
ds.l 1 ; 80
BackingProviderMisc ds.l 1 ; 84 ; seems to be arbitrary (third arg to MPSetAreaBackingProvider)
ds.l 1 ; 88
ds.l 1 ; 8c
FenceLLL ds.l 4 ; 90:a0 ; function unknown, id is 'fenc'
Size equ *
; (size: 40b, thud command: id -n)
Notification record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 12
kFirstID equ 0x000c0001
kSignature equ 'KNOT'
; Fields
TaskPtr ds.l 1 ; 00 ; (set on init)
Signature ds.l 1 ; 04 ; (set on init)
ProcessID ds.l 1 ; 08 ; (set on init)
QueueID ds.l 1 ; 0c ; message queue
MsgWord1 ds.l 1 ; 10
MsgWord2 ds.l 1 ; 14
MsgWord3 ds.l 1 ; 18
EventGroupID ds.l 1 ; 1c
EventFlags ds.l 1 ; 20
SemaphoreID ds.l 1 ; 24
Size equ *
; (size: 16b, thud command: id -nc)
; Never seen one in the wild -- must have been in debug builds.
ConsoleLog record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 13
kFirstID equ 0x000d0001
; Fields
ds.l 1 ; 00
ds.l 1 ; 04
ProcessID ds.l 1 ; 08
ds.l 1 ; 0c
Size equ *