2018-07-28 13:37:20 +08:00

139 lines
3.7 KiB

; Equates for the whole NanoKernel
; Helps with making equates
; X = 0x00008000, Xbit=16, Xshift=15
_bitEqu &bit, &name
&name equ 1 << (31-&bit)
bit&name equ &bit
shift&name equ 31 - &bit
kNanoKernelVersion equ $0101
; PowerPC Machine Status Register (MSR) bits
; (borrowing the _bitEqu macro from NKInfoRecordsPriv.s)
_bitEqu 13, MsrPOW
_bitEqu 15, MsrILE
_bitEqu 16, MsrEE
_bitEqu 17, MsrPR
_bitEqu 18, MsrFP
_bitEqu 19, MsrME
_bitEqu 20, MsrFE0
_bitEqu 21, MsrSE
_bitEqu 22, MsrBE
_bitEqu 23, MsrFE1
_bitEqu 25, MsrIP
_bitEqu 26, MsrIR
_bitEqu 27, MsrDR
_bitEqu 30, MsrRI
_bitEqu 31, MsrLE
; Special Purpose Registers (SPRs) not understood by MPW
l2cr equ 1017
; Alignment for NanoKernel interrupt routines (mostly Interrupts.s)
kIntAlign equ 5
; Junk
; IRP is 10 pages below KDP (measured start to start)
; This should be neatened up to describe the kernel global area
IRPOffset equ (-10) * 4096
kKDPfromIRP equ 10 * 4096
kPoolOffsetFromGlobals equ (-7) * 4096 ; goes all the way up to 24 bytes short of PSA
; Branch instruction BO fields
; (disregarding static prediction :)
BO_IF equ 12
BO_IF_NOT equ 4
Z equ 0x80000000
; SIGP (SIGnal Plugin) selectors used by the kernel:
kStartProcessor equ 1 ; r4 = target CPU idx, r5 = cpu's entry point, r6 = entry point's r3 (CPU struct ptr)
kStopProcessor equ 3 ; r4 = target CPU idx
kResetProcessor equ 4 ; r4 = target CPU idx
kAlert equ 5 ; r4 = target CPU idx? ; my name, has something to do with timers
kSIGP6 equ 6 ; r4 = target CPU idx?
kSIGP7 equ 7 ; r4 = target CPU idx?
kSynchClock equ 8 ; r4 = target CPU idx,
kSIGP9 equ 9 ; no args?
kGetProcessorTemp equ 12 ; r4 = selector (ignored on Core99), r5 = cpu ID ; my name
kSIGP17 equ 17 ; r4 = target CPU idx?
; Exception cause equates
; System = FFFFFFFF, Alt = 7DF2F700 (ecInstPageFault and ecDataPageFault disabled), same +/- VM
ecNoException equ 0
ecSystemCall equ 1
ecTrapInstr equ 2
ecFloatException equ 3
ecInvalidInstr equ 4
ecPrivilegedInstr equ 5
ecMachineCheck equ 7
ecInstTrace equ 8
ecInstInvalidAddress equ 10
ecInstHardwareFault equ 11
ecInstPageFault equ 12
ecInstSupAccessViolation equ 14
ecDataInvalidAddress equ 18
ecDataHardwareFault equ 19
ecDataPageFault equ 20
ecDataWriteViolation equ 21
ecDataSupAccessViolation equ 22
ecDataSupWriteViolation equ 23
ecUnknown24 equ 24
; FLAGS r7/cr
crMaskAll equ %11111111
; Bits 0-7 (CR0-CR1): Exception Cause Number (see equates)
crMaskExceptionNum equ %11000000
maskExceptionNum equ 0xFF000000
crMaskFlags equ %00111111
maskFlags equ 0x00FFFFFF
; Bits 8-15 (CR2-CR3) Global Flags
crMaskGlobalFlags equ %00110000
maskGlobalFlags equ 0x00FF0000
_bitEqu 8, GlobalFlagSystem ; raised when System (Emulator) Context is running
_bitEqu 13, GlobalFlagMQReg ; raised when POWER "Multiply-Quotient" register is present
; Bits 24-31 (CR6-CR7) Context Flags
crMaskContextFlags equ %00001111
maskContextFlags equ 0x0000FFFF
; Bits 20-23 (CR5) MSR Flags FE0/SE/BE/FE1:
crMaskMsrFlags equ %00000100
maskMsrFlags equ 0x00000F00
; Bits 24-31 (CR6-CR7) Other Context Flags:
_bitEqu 26, ContextFlagTraceWhenDone ; raised when MSR[SE] is up but we get an unrelated interrupt
_bitEqu 27, ContextFlagMemRetryErr ; raised when an exception is raised during MemRetry
_bitEqu 31, ContextFlagResumeMemRetry ; allows MemRetry to be resumed (raised by userspace?)
mrOpflag1 equ cr3_lt
mrOpflag2 equ cr3_gt
mrOpflag3 equ cr3_eq
mrFlagDidLoad equ cr3_so