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2019-06-29 15:17:50 +00:00
File: Components.p
Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
Written by: xxx put writers here xxx
Copyright: © 1991-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<4> 11/17/92 PKE Fix broken System build: Add missing parenthesis in
<3> 11/13/92 JDR Updated to the QuickTime 1.5 release of the interfaces. General
rearrangement of the stuff too.
<2> 11/23/91 YK Removed gestaltComponentMgr. It's already in GestaltEqu.p.
<1> 11/21/91 JH first checked in
Created: Wednesday, August 14, 1991 at 12:11 PM
Pascal Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1990 - 1991
All rights reserved
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 0}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}
UNIT Components;
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingComponents}
{$SETC UsingComponents := 1}
{$SETC ComponentsIncludes := UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 1}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Types.p}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := ComponentsIncludes}
kAnyComponentType = 0;
kAnyComponentSubType = 0;
kAnyComponentManufacturer = 0;
kAnyComponentFlagsMask = 0;
cmpWantsRegisterMessage = $80000000;
kComponentOpenSelect = -1; {ComponentInstance for this open}
kComponentCloseSelect = -2; {ComponentInstance for this close}
kComponentCanDoSelect = -3; {selector # being queried}
kComponentVersionSelect = -4; {no params}
kComponentRegisterSelect = -5; {no params}
kComponentTargetSelect = -6; {ComponentInstance for top of call chain}
defaultComponentIdentical = 0; {Set Default Component flags}
defaultComponentAnyFlags = 1;
defaultComponentAnyManufacturer = 2;
defaultComponentAnySubType = 4;
defaultComponentAnyFlagsAnyManufacturer = defaultComponentAnyFlags+defaultComponentAnyManufacturer;
defaultComponentAnyFlagsAnyManufacturerAnySubType = defaultComponentAnyFlags+defaultComponentAnyManufacturer+defaultComponentAnySubType;
ComponentDescription = RECORD
componentType: OSType; {A unique 4-byte code indentifying the command set}
componentSubType: OSType; {Particular flavor of this instance}
componentManufacturer: OSType; {Vendor indentification}
componentFlags: LONGINT; {8 each for Component,Type,SubType,Manuf/revision}
componentFlagsMask: LONGINT; {Mask for specifying which flags to consider in search, zero during registration}
ResourceSpec = RECORD
resType: OSType; {4-byte code }
resId: INTEGER; { }
ComponentResourcePtr = ^ComponentResource;
ComponentResourceHandle = ^ComponentResourcePtr;
ComponentResource = RECORD
cd: ComponentDescription; {Registration parameters}
component: ResourceSpec; {resource where Component code is found}
componentName: ResourceSpec; {name string resource}
componentInfo: ResourceSpec; {info string resource}
componentIcon: ResourceSpec; {icon resource}
{Structure received by Component: }
ComponentParameters = PACKED RECORD
flags: CHAR; {call modifiers: sync/async, deferred, immed, etc}
paramSize: CHAR; {size in bytes of actual parameters passed to this call}
what: INTEGER; {routine selector, negative for Component management calls}
params: ARRAY [0..0] OF LONGINT; {actual parameters for the indicated routine}
Component = ^ComponentRecord;
ComponentRecord = RECORD
data: ARRAY [0..0] OF LONGINT;
ComponentInstance = ^ComponentInstanceRecord;
ComponentInstanceRecord = RECORD
data: ARRAY [0..0] OF LONGINT;
ComponentResult = LONGINT;
ComponentRoutine = LONGINT;
ComponentFunction = LONGINT;
* *
* *
* Component Database Add, Delete, and Query Routines
FUNCTION RegisterComponent(cd: ComponentDescription;componentEntryPoint: ComponentRoutine;
global: INTEGER;componentName: Handle;componentInfo: Handle;componentIcon: Handle): Component;
INLINE $7001,$A82A;
FUNCTION RegisterComponentResource(tr: ComponentResourceHandle;global: INTEGER): Component;
INLINE $7012,$A82A;
FUNCTION UnregisterComponent(aComponent: Component): OSErr;
INLINE $7002,$A82A;
FUNCTION FindNextComponent(aComponent: Component;looking: ComponentDescription): Component;
INLINE $7004,$A82A;
FUNCTION CountComponents(looking: ComponentDescription): LONGINT;
INLINE $7003,$A82A;
FUNCTION GetComponentInfo(aComponent: Component;cd: ComponentDescription;
componentName: Handle;componentInfo: Handle;componentIcon: Handle): OSErr;
INLINE $7005,$A82A;
FUNCTION GetComponentListModSeed: LONGINT;
INLINE $7006,$A82A;
* Component Instance Allocation and dispatch routines
FUNCTION OpenComponent(aComponent: Component): ComponentInstance;
INLINE $7007,$A82A;
FUNCTION CloseComponent(aComponentInstance: ComponentInstance): OSErr;
INLINE $7008,$A82A;
FUNCTION GetComponentInstanceError(aComponentInstance: ComponentInstance): OSErr;
INLINE $700A,$A82A;
{ direct calls to the Components }
FUNCTION ComponentFunctionImplemented(ci: ComponentInstance;ftnNumber: INTEGER): LONGINT;
INLINE $2F3C,$2,$FFFD,$7000,$A82A;
FUNCTION GetComponentVersion(ci: ComponentInstance): LONGINT;
INLINE $2F3C,$0,$FFFC,$7000,$A82A;
FUNCTION ComponentSetTarget(ci: ComponentInstance;target: ComponentInstance): LONGINT;
INLINE $2F3C,$4,$FFFA,$7000,$A82A;
* *
* CALLS MADE BY Components *
* *
* Component Management routines
PROCEDURE SetComponentInstanceError(aComponentInstance: ComponentInstance;
theError: OSErr);
INLINE $700B,$A82A;
FUNCTION GetComponentRefcon(aComponent: Component): LONGINT;
INLINE $7010,$A82A;
PROCEDURE SetComponentRefcon(aComponent: Component;theRefcon: LONGINT);
INLINE $7011,$A82A;
FUNCTION OpenComponentResFile(aComponent: Component): INTEGER;
INLINE $7015,$A82A;
FUNCTION CloseComponentResFile(refnum: INTEGER): OSErr;
INLINE $7018,$A82A;
* Component Instance Management routines
FUNCTION GetComponentInstanceStorage(aComponentInstance: ComponentInstance): Handle;
INLINE $700C,$A82A;
PROCEDURE SetComponentInstanceStorage(aComponentInstance: ComponentInstance;
theStorage: Handle);
INLINE $700D,$A82A;
FUNCTION GetComponentInstanceA5(aComponentInstance: ComponentInstance): LONGINT;
INLINE $700E,$A82A;
PROCEDURE SetComponentInstanceA5(aComponentInstance: ComponentInstance;
theA5: LONGINT);
INLINE $700F,$A82A;
FUNCTION CountComponentInstances(aComponent: Component): LONGINT;
INLINE $7013,$A82A;
{ useful helper routines for convenient method dispatching }
FUNCTION CallComponentFunction(params: ComponentParameters;func: ComponentFunction): LONGINT;
FUNCTION CallComponentFunctionWithStorage(storage: Handle;params: ComponentParameters;
func: ComponentFunction): LONGINT;
FUNCTION DelegateComponentCall(originalParams: ComponentParameters;
ci: ComponentInstance): LONGINT;
INLINE $7024,$A82A;
FUNCTION SetDefaultComponent(aComponent: Component;flags: INTEGER): OSErr;
INLINE $701E,$A82A;
FUNCTION OpenDefaultComponent(componentType: OSType; componentSubType: OSType ) : ComponentInstance;
INLINE $7021,$A82A;
FUNCTION CaptureComponent(capturedComponent: Component;capturingComponent: Component): Component;
INLINE $701C,$A82A;
FUNCTION UncaptureComponent(aComponent: Component): OSErr;
INLINE $701D,$A82A;
FUNCTION RegisterComponentResourceFile(resRefNum: INTEGER;global: INTEGER): LONGINT;
INLINE $7014,$A82A;
{$ENDC} {UsingComponents}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}