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2019-06-29 15:17:50 +00:00
; File: DeCompressDefProc1.a
; By Donn Denman
; Contains: parts of the decompress defprocs that are common to all.
; Copyright: © 1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <4> 8/14/90 DD Changed variable lookup at FetchData and assignment at
; RememberData to use unsigned word offsets.
; <3> 7/24/90 gbm Fix branches to next instruction, but don't break debug mode...
; :)
; <2> 4/18/90 DD Added RunLength Encoding and Delta Encoding variations.
; <1> 4/12/90 DD first checked in today
; BBS versions above:
* Procedure UnPackData(SourcePtr, DestPtr, VarTable: ptr; VarTableSize: Longint);
* Description: Unpack the data from the source pointer to the dest pointer.
* The unpacking is automatically terminated when the end token is reached.
UnPackFrame Record {A6Link},Decr
SourcePtr DS.L 1
DestPtr DS.L 1
VarTablePtr DS.L 1
VarTableSize DS.L 1
ReturnAddress DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
LocalSize DS.L 0
With UnpackFrame
Link A6,#LocalSize ;do the unpack from ptr A0 into pointer in A1.
MoveM.L D0-D3/A0-A4,-(SP)
; Set up the registers, for fast handling.
Move.L SourcePtr(A6),A4 ;input stream.
Move.L DestPtr(A6),A1 ;output stream.
Lea CodeDispatchTable,A2 ;dispatch table.
Move.L VarTablePtr(A6),A3 ;variable table.
Move.L VarTableSize(A6),D0 ; table size.
Bsr InitRemember ;init the var table.
Bra UnpackLoop ; now go to the unpack loop.
MoveM.L (SP)+,D0-D3/A0-A4
UnLk A6
Move.L (SP)+,A0
Add #SourcePtr-ReturnAddress,SP
Jmp (A0)
* GetEncodedValue
* Description: gets the value pointed to by A4 into D0.L. The values are encoded:
* Tag Range computation method
* --- ----- ------------------
* 0..127 0,127 Tag[0]
* 128..254 -16384,16127 (Tag[0]-$C0)*$100+Tag[1]
* 255 same as Long Tag[1]<<24 + Tag[2]<<16 + Tag[3]<<8 + Tag[4]
* Input: A4: pointer to tags.
* Output: A0: points past tags.
* D0: value long.
GetEncodedValue Head
; try byte encoding, cuz it is so easy.
MoveQ #0,D0
Move.B (A4)+,D0
Bpl.S @HaveValue ;got the result already.
; is it long encoded?
Cmp.B #FourByteValue,D0 ;long?
Beq.S @FetchLong ;yep, that's fairly easy too.
; word encoded value.
Sub.W #TwoByteValue*3/2,D0 ;cut back the range, toggle the psuedo sign bit.
Asl.W #8,D0 ;shift by a byte (*256).
Asl.W #1,D0 ;shift away the top bit.
ASR.W #1,D0 ;sign extend the top bit.
Move.B (A4)+,D0 ;get the next byte.
Ext.L D0 ;sign extend to a long value.
Bra.S @HaveValue
; long encoding
Move.B (A4)+,D0 ;add in the next byte.
Asl.W #8,D0 ;shift by a byte (*256).
Move.B (A4)+,D0 ;add in the next byte.
Asl.L #8,D0 ;shift by a byte (*256).
Move.B (A4)+,D0 ;add in the next byte.
Asl.L #8,D0 ;shift by a byte (*256).
Move.B (A4)+,D0 ;add in the next byte.
; CopyWithLength - copy the data following an encoded length.
Bsr GetEncodedValue ;get the value into D0.
IF delta=2 THEN
Add.W D0,D0 ;double the value if we are processing word chucks.
;BRA.S CopyData ;fall through
; CopyData - copy the data already knowing the word length.
Bra.S @Sub1FirstTime
Move.B (A4)+,(A1)+ ;copy a byte.
DBRA D0,@CopyData
; RememberLiteral - copy the data already knowing the word length.
; Also add this literal to the Var Table.
Bsr.S RememberData ;stuff the data pointed to by A4, for length D0 into the var table.
; fall through to CopyLiteralAndLoop
; CopyLiteralAndLoop - copy the data pointed to by the input into the output and loop.
Bsr.S CopyData
Bra UnpackLoop
; RememberWithLength - copy the data preceeded by a byte length.
; Also add this literal to the Var Table.
Bsr GetEncodedValue ;get the value into D0.
IF delta=2 THEN
Add.W D0,D0 ;double the value if we are processing word chucks.
Bsr.S RememberData ;stuff the data pointed to by A4, for length D0 into the var table.
Bra.S CopyData
; InitRemember - Init the var table.
; Entry: A3 - Var Table.
; D0 - Table size.
Move.W D0,VarsList(A3) ;first entry points to the end of the table.
Move.W #2+VarsList,NextVarIndex(A3) ;point to the next var entry.
; RememberData - stuff the data pointed to by A4, for length D0 into the var table.
; Entry: A4 - Pointer to the data.
; D0 - length of the data.
; A3 - Var Table.
; Exit: A1,D0 - preserved.
; A0,D1 Trashed.
MoveM.L D0/A1,-(SP)
MoveQ #0,D1
Move.W NextVarIndex(A3),D1 ;get the index into the next var.
AddQ.W #2,NextVarIndex(A3) ;bump the index.
Lea -2(A3,D1.L),A0 ;point to the previous data offset.
Move.W (A0)+,D1 ;it defines where my new string must end.
Sub.W D0,D1 ;compute my new offset.
Move.W D1,(A0) ;put my offset in place.
; Debugging
IF DoDebug > 0 THEN
Lea 0(A3,D1.L),A1 ;point to my data loc.
Cmp.L A0,A1
BGT.S @NoOverFlow
BreakError 'Variable Table Over Flow!'
; Debugging
Lea 0(A3,D1.L),A0 ;point to my data loc.
Move.L A4,A1
Bsr.S BlockMoveBytes
MoveM.L (SP)+,D0/A1
; BlockMoveBytes - block moves bytes from (A1)+ to (A0)+ for D0.W.
Bra.S @Sub1FirstTime
Move.B (A1)+,(A0)+ ;copy a byte.
DBRA D0,@CopyData
; ReuseByte2Length - Reuse the data indexed by the following byte, to add 256 to.
MoveQ #0,D0
Move.B (A4)+,D0 ;get the length from the input stream
Add.W #Max1ByteReuse+256,D0 ;bump by the number of vars we can ref in one byte.
Bra.S FetchData ;call FetchData.
; ReuseWordLength - copy the data following a word length.
MoveQ #0,D0
Move.B (A4)+,D0 ;get the length from the input stream
Asl.W #8,D0 ;shift into high byte.
Bra.S ReuseLowByte
; ReuseByteLength - Reuse the data indexed by the following byte.
MoveQ #0,D0
Move.B (A4)+,D0 ;get the length from the input stream
Add.W #Max1ByteReuse,D0 ;bump by the number of vars we can ref in one byte.
;Bra.S FetchData ;call FetchData.
; FetchData - retrieve the data from index D0 of the var table.
; Entry: A1 - Pointer to the output stream.
; D0 - index the data.
; A3 - Var Table.
; Exit: A0,D0,D1 Trashed.
Add.W D0,D0 ;make the index into an offset.
; Debugging
IF DoDebug > 0 THEN
Cmp.W NextVarIndex(A3),D0 ;are we indexing too far into the table?
BLo.S @NoProblem
BreakError 'Error - Index beyond end of vars list'
; Debugging
Lea VarsList(A3,D0),A0 ;point to the previous entry (end of this string).
Move.W (A0)+,D0 ;get the data offset of the previous entry.
MoveQ #0,D1 ;clear high word, so unsigned offsets will work.
Move.W (A0),D1 ;get the offset of this entry.
Sub.W D1,D0 ;compute the length of this entry.
Lea 0(A3,D1.L),A0 ;point to the string.
Exg A0,A1 ;point A1 to the string, A0 to the output Stream.
Bsr.S BlockMoveBytes
Move.L A0,A1 ;get output ptr back.
; ReuseData - Reuse the data indexed by the encoded byte.
Bsr.S FetchData ;fetch the data from the var table.
Bra UnpackLoop ; go back to the main loop.
Move.B (A4)+,D0 ;get the extension opCode.
Beq.S @JumpTableTrans
SubQ.B #RunLengthByteTransCode,D0 ; runlength encoding by bytes?
Blo.S @EntryVectorTrans ; is it an entry vector trans?
Beq RunLengthByteTrans
SubQ.B #DiffWordTransCode-RunLengthByteTransCode,D0 ;peel off the next two cases.
Blo RunLengthWordTrans
Beq DiffWordTrans
SubQ.B #DiffEncLongTransCode-DiffWordTransCode,D0 ;peel off the next two cases.
Blo DiffEncWordTrans
Beq DiffEncLongTrans
BreakError 'got an undefined Extension op-code'
Bra @Return
; EntryVector transformation
; Format is as follows:
; BranchOffset Delta NumEntries Offset0 < Offset1 Offset2 ... OffsetN >
; where each item is an encoded value.
; Offset1...OffsetN is an optional words list that is
; present only if Delta==0. If Delta != 0 then
; the Delta is added to Offset0 to create Offset1 etc.
MoveM.L D2-D7,-(SP)
Move.W #$6100,D3
Move.W #$4EED,D5
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the initial branch offset.
Move.W D0,D4
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the Delta amount.
Move.W D0,D2
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the number of entries.
Move.W D0,D7
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the inital offset.
Move.W D0,D6
Bra.S @HaveOffset
SubQ #8,D4 ;compute the next branch offset.
Tst D2 ;is there an offset list?
Beq.S @GetNextOffset ;if the delta is constant (non-zero) then
Add.W D2,D6 ; compute next offset.
Bra.S @HaveOffset
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the next offset.
Move.W D0,D6
MoveM.W D3-D6,(A1) ;output the next entry vector.
AddQ #8,A1 ;move the output pointer past the entry.
DBRA D7,@ExpandEntryVector ;until all entries are done.
MoveM.L (SP)+,D2-D7
Bra.S @Return
; JumpTable transformation
; Format is as follows:
; Seg# NumEntries Delta0 Delta1 Delta2
; where each value is encoded.
MoveM.L D3-D7,-(SP)
Move.W #$3F3C,D3
Move.W #$A9F0,D5
Move.W #6,D6 ;init the offset to our bias.
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the segment number
Move.W D0,D4 ;remember seg
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the number of entries.
Move.W D0,D7
Bra.S @skipLastOffset
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the delta plus bias of 6.
SubQ #6,D0 ;adjust the delta by my bias (allows some small negs to be a byte).
Add.W D0,D6 ;add the delta to the last offset.
MoveM.W D3-D6,(A1) ;output the next jump table entry.
AddQ #8,A1
DBRA D7,@StuffLoop ;until all entries are done.
MoveM.W D3-D5,(A1) ;output the next jump table entry.
AddQ #6,A1
MoveM.L (SP)+,D3-D7
Bra GetEncodedValue ;get the value
RunLengthByteTrans Head
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the value
Move.W D0,D1 ;remember value.
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the rep count.
Move.B D1,(A1)+ ;output the value.
DBRA D0,@RunLengthByte ;loop till all done.
RunLengthWordTrans Head
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the value
Move.W D0,D1 ;remember value.
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the rep count.
Move.W D1,(A1)+ ;output the value.
DBRA D0,@RunLengthWord ;loop till all done.
DiffWordTrans Head
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the initial value
Move.L D0,D2 ;remember value.
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the rep count.
Move.L D0,D1
Bra.S @FirstTime
Move.B (A4)+,D0 ;get the delta
Ext.W D0
Add.W D0,D2 ;add in the signed delta
Move.W D2,(A1)+ ;output the value.
DBRA D1,@DiffWord ;loop till all done.
DiffEncWordTrans Head
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the initial value
Move.L D0,D2 ;remember value.
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the rep count.
Move.L D0,D1
Bra.S @FirstTime
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the delta.
Add.L D0,D2 ;add in the signed delta
Move.W D2,(A1)+ ;output the value.
DBRA D1,@DiffWord ;loop till all done.
DiffEncLongTrans Head
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the initial value
Move.L D0,D2 ;remember value.
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the rep count.
Move.L D0,D1
Bra.S @FirstTime
Bsr.S GoGetEncodedValue ;get the delta.
Add.L D0,D2 ;add in the signed delta
Move.L D2,(A1)+ ;output the value.
DBRA D1,@DiffLong ;loop till all done.