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2019-06-29 14:03:22 +00:00
MPW 3.2 Help Summaries
Help summaries are available for each of the MPW commands.
To see the list of all commands enter "Help Commands". To see
a partial list of commands, e.g., those relating to compilers, enter
"Help Languages". Some commands may appear in more than one category.
In addition, brief descriptions of Expressions, Patterns, Selections,
Characters, Shortcuts, and Variables, are also included.
To see Help summaries, Enter a command such as
Help Commands # a list of all commands
Help Editing # a list of commands useful for editing
Help FileSystem # a list of commands relating to files,
# directories, and volumes
Help Languages # a list of compiler/assembler names
Help Projector # a list of commands in Projector,
# a project/source control system
Help Scripting # a list of commands useful primarily within scripts
Help System # a list of commands that perform system functions
Help Miscellaneous # a list of utilities and aids to software construction
Help Window # a list of commands pertaining to windows
Help Expressions # summary of expressions
Help Patterns # summary of patterns (regular expressions)
Help Selections # summary of selections
Help Characters # summary of MPW Shell special characters
Help Shortcuts # summary of MPW Shell shortcuts
Help Variables # summary of the standard MPW shell variables
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1986-1991
All rights reserved.
This is a full alphabetic list of all commands in MPW. This includes build-in
commands, commands that are implemented as scripts, and commands that are
implemented as tools. To get details, enter a command such as
Help AddMenu # add a menu item
Help AddPane # split the window into panes
Help Adjust # adjust lines
Help Alert # display an alert box
Help Alias # define or write command aliases
Help Align # align text to left margin
Help Asm # MC68xxx Macro Assembler
Help Backup # folder file backup
Help Beep # generate tones
Help Begin # group commands
Help Break # break from For or Loop
Help Browser # invoke Marker Browser
Help BuildCommands # show build commands
Help BuildMenu # create the Build menu
Help BuildProgram # build the specified program
Help C # C compiler
Help Canon # canonical spelling tool
Help Catenate # concatenate files
Help CFront # C++ to C translator
Help CheckIn # check a file into a project
Help CheckOut # check a file out from a project
Help CheckOutDir # specify the directory where checked out files will placed
Help Choose # choose or list network file server volumes and printers
Help Clear # clear the selection
Help Close # close specified windows
Help CMarker # generate Mark commands for C and C++ function definitions
Help Commando # present a dialog interface for commands
Help Compare # compare text files
Help CompareFiles # compare text files and interactively view differences
Help CompareRevisions# compare two revisions of a file in a project
Help Confirm # display a confirmation dialog box
Help Continue # continue with next iteration of For or Loop
Help Copy # copy selection to Clipboard
Help Count # count lines and characters
Help CPlus # script to compile C++ source
Help CreateMake # create a simple makefile
Help Cut # copy selection to Clipboard and delete it
Help Date # write the date and time
Help Delete # delete files and directories
Help DeleteMenu # delete user-defined menus and menu items
Help DeleteNames # delete user-defined symbolic names
Help DeletePane # delete panes from the window
Help DeleteRevisions # delete previous revisions of files in a project
Help DeRez # resource decompiler
Help Directory # set or write the default directory
Help DirectoryMenu # create the Directory menu
Help DoIt # highlight and execute a series of shell commands
Help DumpCode # write formatted CODE resources
Help DumpFile # display contents of any file
Help DumpObj # write formatted object file
Help Duplicate # duplicate files and directories
Help Echo # echo parameters
Help Eject # eject volumes
Help Entab # convert runs of spaces to tabs
Help Equal # compare files and directories
Help Erase # initialize volumes
Help Evaluate # evaluate an expression
Help Execute # execute command file in the current scope
Help Exists # confirm the existence of a file or directory
Help Exit # exit from a command file
Help Export # make variables available to commands
Help FileDiv # divide a file into several smaller files
Help Files # list files and directories
Help Find # find and select a text pattern
Help Flush # flush the tools that the Shell has cached
Help For # repeat commands once per parameter
Help Format # set or display formatting options for a window
Help Get # get a record from an indexed file
Help GetErrorText # display error messages based on message number
Help GetFileName # display a Standard File dialog box
Help GetListItem # display items for selection in a dialog box
Help Help # write summary information
Help If # conditional command execution
Help Lib # combine object files into a library file
Help Line # find line in the target window
Help Link # link an application, tool, or resource
Help Loop # repeat commands until Break
Help Make # build up-to-date version of a program
Help MakeErrorFile # create error message textfile
Help Mark # assign a marker to a selection
Help Markers # list markers
Help MatchIt # semi-intelligent language sensitive bracket matcher
Help MergeBranch # merge a branch revision onto the trunk
Help ModifyReadOnly # enables a read-only Projector file to be edited
Help Mount # mount volumes
Help MountProject # mount projects
Help Move # move files and directories
Help MoveWindow # move window to h,v location
Help NameRevisions # define a symbolic name
Help New # open a new window
Help Newer # compare modification dates of files
Help NewFolder # create a new folder
Help NewProject # create a new project
Help Open # open file(s) in window(s)
Help OrphanFiles # remove Projector information from a list of files
Help Parameters # write parameters
Help Pascal # Pascal compiler
Help PasMat # Pascal programs formatter
Help PasRef # Pascal cross-referencer
Help Paste # replace selection with Clipboard contents
Help PerformReport # generate a performance report
Help Position # display current line position
Help Print # print text files
Help ProcNames # display Pascal procedure and function names
Help Project # set or write the current project
Help ProjectInfo # display information about a Project
Help Quit # quit MPW
Help Quote # echo parameters, quoting if needed
Help Rename # rename files and directories
Help Replace # replace the selection
Help Request # request text from a dialog box
Help ResEqual # compares the resources in two files
Help Revert # revert window to previous saved state
Help Rez # resource compiler
Help RezDet # detect inconsistencies in resources
Help RotateWindows # send active (frontmost) window to back
Help Save # save specified windows
Help SaveOnClose # set save behavior when closing windows
Help Search # search files for pattern
Help Set # define or write Shell variables
Help SetDirectory # set the default directory
Help SetFile # set file attributes
Help SetPrivilege # set access privileges for directories on file servers
Help SetVersion # maintain version and revision number
Help Shift # renumber command file positional parameters
Help ShowSelection # place the selection within an editor window
Help Shutdown # power down or restart the machine
Help SizeWindow # set a window's size
Help Sort # sort or merge lines of text
Help StackWindows # arrange windows diagonally
Help StreamEdit # scriptable text editor
Help Target # make a window the target window
Help TileWindows # arrange windows in a tiled fashion
Help TransferCkid # move Projector information from one file to another
Help Translate # translate characters
Help Unalias # remove aliases
Help Undo # undo the last edit
Help Unexport # remove variable definitions from the export list
Help Unmark # remove a marker from a window
Help Unmount # unmount volumes
Help UnmountProject # unmount projects
Help Unset # remove Shell variable definitions
Help UserVariables # uses Commando to set all the user variables
Help Version # print the version of the MPW Shell
Help Volumes # list mounted volumes
Help WhereIs # find the location of a file
Help Which # determine which file the shell will execute
Help Windows # list windows
Help ZoomWindow # enlarge or reduce a window's size
The commands in this list are primarily useful for the editing of files.
To get details, enter a command such as
Help Adjust # adjust lines
Help Align # align text to left margin
Help Canon # canonical spelling tool
Help Clear # clear the selection
Help CompareFiles # compare text files and interactively view differences
Help Copy # copy selection to Clipboard
Help Cut # copy selection to Clipboard and delete it
Help Entab # convert runs of spaces to tabs
Help FileDiv # divide a file into several smaller files
Help Find # find and select a text pattern
Help Format # set or display formatting options for a window
Help Line # find line in the target window
Help Mark # assign a marker to a selection
Help Markers # list markers
Help MatchIt # semi-intelligent language sensitive bracket matcher
Help Paste # replace selection with Clipboard contents
Help Replace # replace the selection
Help ShowSelection # place the selection within an editor window
Help StreamEdit # scriptable text editor
Help Translate # translate characters
Help Undo # undo the last edit
Help Unmark # remove a marker from a window
The commands in this list relate to the manipulation of files and volumes.
To get details, enter a command such as
Help Catenate # concatenate files
Help Close # close specified windows
Help Compare # compare text files
Help CompareFiles # compare text files and interactively view differences
Help Count # count lines and characters
Help Delete # delete files and directories
Help Directory # set or write the default directory
Help DumpFile # display contents of any file
Help Duplicate # duplicate files and directories
Help Equal # compare files and directories
Help Erase # initialize volumes
Help Exists # confirm the existence of a file or directory
Help FileDiv # divide a file into several smaller files
Help Files # list files and directories
Help Move # move files and directories
Help Mount # mount volumes
Help New # open a new window
Help Newer # compare modification dates of files
Help NewFolder # create a new folder
Help Open # open file(s) in window(s)
Help Position # display current line position
Help Print # print text files
Help Rename # rename files and directories
Help Save # save specified windows
Help Search # search files for pattern
Help SetDirectory # set the default directory
Help SetFile # set file attributes
Help SetPrivilege # set access privileges for directories on file servers
Help SetVersion # maintain version and revision number
Help Target # make a window the target window
Help Unmount # unmount volumes
Help Volumes # list mounted volumes
Help WhereIs # find the location of a file
The user should note that under normal circumstances, CFront should not be
called directly. It has been made available primarily for those who wish to
use a C compiler other than MPW C. If it is desired to see the intermediate
C code produced from C++ source, use "CPlus -c …". For help, enter a command
such as
Help Asm # MC68xxx Macro Assembler
Help C # C compiler
Help CFront # C++ to C translator
Help CPlus # script to compile C++ source
Help Pascal # Pascal compiler
Projector is a collection of builtin MPW commands and windows that
help programmers (both individuals and teams) control and account for
changes to all the files (documentation, source, applications etc.)
associated with a software project.
Here is a brief summary of the commands (the CheckIn, CheckOut, and
NewProject commands also have windows that can be opened using the
“-w” option to the respective command). For help, enter a command such as
Help CheckIn # check a file into a project
Help CheckOut # check a file out from a project
Help CheckOutDir # specify the directory where checked out files will placed
Help CompareRevisions # compare two revisions of a file in a project
Help DeleteNames # delete user-defined symbolic names
Help DeleteRevisions # delete previous revisions of files in a project
Help MergeBranch # merge a branch revision onto the trunk
Help ModifyReadOnly # enables a read-only Projector file to be edited
Help MountProject # mount projects
Help NameRevisions # define a symbolic name
Help NewProject # create a new project
Help OrphanFiles # remove Projector information from a list of files
Help Project # set or write the current project
Help ProjectInfo # display information about a Project
Help TransferCkid # move Projector information from one file to another
Help UnmountProject # unmount projects
The commands in this list are particularly useful within scripts.
To get details, enter a command such as
Help AddMenu # add a menu item
Help Alert # display an alert box
Help Alias # define or write command aliases
Help Beep # generate tones
Help Begin # group commands
Help Break # break from For or Loop
Help Confirm # display a confirmation dialog box
Help Continue # continue with next iteration of For or Loop
Help Date # write the date and time
Help DeleteMenu # delete user-defined menus and menu items
Help DirectoryMenu # create the Directory menu
Help DoIt # highlight and execute a series of shell commands
Help Echo # echo parameters
Help Evaluate # evaluate an expression
Help Execute # execute command file in the current scope
Help Exists # confirm the existence of a file or directory
Help Exit # exit from a command file
Help Export # make variables available to commands
Help For # repeat commands once per parameter
Help GetFileName # display a Standard File dialog box
Help GetListItem # display items for selection in a dialog box
Help If # conditional command execution
Help Loop # repeat commands until Break
Help Parameters # write parameters
Help Quote # echo parameters, quoting if needed
Help Request # request text from a dialog box
Help Set # define or write Shell variables
Help Shift # renumber command file positional parameters
Help Unexport # remove variable definitions from the export list
Help Unset # remove Shell variable definitions
The following commands provide direct access from MPW to certain system
functions. For help, enter a command such as
Help Choose # choose or list network file server volumes and printers
Help Date # write the date and time
Help GetErrorText # display error messages based on message number
Help SetPrivilege # set access privileges for directories on file servers
Help Shutdown # power down or restart the machine
The following commands are a conglomeration of miscellaneous utilities
and tools that are of use in the software construction process. To get details,
enter a command such as
Help Backup # folder file backup
Help BuildCommands # show build commands
Help BuildMenu # create the Build menu
Help BuildProgram # build the specified program
Help CMarker # generate Mark commands for C and C++ function definitions
Help Commando # present a dialog interface for commands
Help CreateMake # create a simple makefile
Help DeRez # resource decompiler
Help DumpCode # write formatted CODE resources
Help DumpObj # write formatted object file
Help Help # write summary information
Help Lib # combine object files into a library file
Help Link # link an application, tool, or resource
Help Make # build up-to-date version of a program
Help MakeErrorFile # create error message textfile
Help PasMat # Pascal programs formatter
Help PasRef # Pascal cross-referencer
Help PerformReport # generate a performance report
Help ProcNames # display Pascal procedure and function names
Help Rez # resource compiler
Help RezDet # detect inconsistencies in resources
Help SetVersion # maintain version and revision number
Help Sort # sort or merge lines of text
Help Unalias # remove aliases
Help Version # print the version of the MPW Shell
Help Which # determine which file the shell will execute
The following commands are used to manipulate windows. For details,
enter a command such as
Help AddPane # split the window into panes
Help Close # close specified windows
Help DeletePane # delete panes from the window
Help Format # set or display formatting options for a window
Help MoveWindow # move window to h,v location
Help New # open a new window
Help Open # open file(s) in window(s)
Help RotateWindows # send active (frontmost) window to back
Help Save # save specified windows
Help SaveOnClose # set save behavior when closing windows
Help ShowSelection # place the selection within an editor window
Help SizeWindow # set a window's size
Help StackWindows # arrange windows diagonally
Help Target # make a window the target window
Help TileWindows # arrange windows in a tiled fashion
Help Windows # list windows
Help ZoomWindow # enlarge or reduce a window's size
To see the current value, enter a command such as Echo {<var name>}
Variables defined by the MPW Shell:
Echo {Active} # full pathname of current active window
Echo {Aliases} # list of all defined aliases
Echo {Boot} # volume name of the boot disk
Echo {Command} # full pathname of the last command executed
Echo {MPW} # full pathname of the Macintosh Programmer's Workshop.
Echo {ShellDirectory} # full pathname of the directory that contains the MPW Shell
Echo {Status} # result of the last command executed (0 means successful)
Echo {SystemFolder} # full pathname of the system folder
Echo {Target} # full pathname of the target window
Echo {User} # the current user name (initialized to the “Chooser” name)
Echo {Windows} # list of current windows
Echo {Worksheet} # full pathname of the Worksheet window
Variables used by the MPW Shell:
Echo {Commando} # name of the commando tool
Echo {Commands} # list of directories to search for commands
Echo {DirectoryPath} # list of common directories to speed changing directories
Echo {Echo} # control the echoing of commands to diagnostic output
Echo {Exit} # control script termination based on {Status}
Echo {IgnoreCmdPeriod} # control use of cmd-. during critical sections
Echo {HideHelpKey} # deactivate "help" key on extended keyboard
Echo {Test} # control execution of tools and applications
Echo {AutoIndent} # auto indent setting used for new windows
Echo {CaseSensitive} # control case sensitivity for searching
Echo {Font} # font used for new windows
Echo {FontSize} # font size used for new windows
Echo {NewWindowRect} # window rectangle used for new windows (top,left,bottom,right)
Echo {PrintOptions} # options used by the print menu commands
Echo {SearchBackward} # control direction of searching
Echo {SearchType} # control type of searching (literal/word/expression)
Echo {SearchWrap} # control wrap-around search
Echo {StackOptions} # options used by the Stack Windows menu command
Echo {Tab} # tab size used for new windows
Echo {TileOptions} # options used by the Tile Windows menu command
Echo {WordSet} # set of characters that constitue a word
Echo {ZoomWindowRect} # window rectangle used for a zoomed window (top,left,bottom,right)
Variables automatically set before script execution:
{0} name of the currently executing script
{1}, {2}, … {n} first, second, and nth parameter to the script
{#} number of parameters
{Parameters} equivalent to {1} {2} … {n}
{"Parameters"} equivalent to "{1}" "{2}" … "{n}"
Variables used for libraries and include files:
Echo {AIncludes} # directories to search for assemby-language include files
Echo {CIncludes} # directories to search for C include files
Echo {CLibraries} # directory containing C library files
Echo {Libraries} # directory containing shared library files
Echo {PInterfaces} # directory containing Pascal interface files
Echo {PLibraries} # directory containing Pascal library files
Echo {RIncludes} # directory containing Rez include files
The characters listed below have special meanings in the command language.
Space Space separates words.
Tab Tab also separates words.
Return Return separates commands.
; Semicolon also separates commands.
| Pipe separates commands and pipes output to input.
&& And separates commands, executing second if first succeeds.
|| Or separates commands, executing second if first fails.
(…) Parenthesis group commands.
Parenthesis also group characters in filename patterns.
# Comment begins comments.
∂ Escape (Option-D) quotes the following character.
'…' Single quote quotes all other characters.
"…" Double quote quotes all characters except ∂, {, and `.
/…/ Slash quotes all characters except ∂, {, and `.
\…\ Backslash quotes all characters except ∂, {, and `.
{…} Braces denote variable substitution.
`…` Backquotes denote command substitution.
? Question mark matches any character in filename patterns.
≈ Approximately (Option-X) matches any string in patterns.
[…] Brackets enclose character sets in filename patterns.
* Star indicates zero or more repetitions in patterns.
+ Plus indicates one or more repetitions in patterns.
«…» European quotes (Option-\ and Option-Shift-\) enclose
repeat counts.
< Less-than indicates an input file specification.
> Greater-than indicates an output file specification.
>> Indicates appending to an output file specification.
≥ Greater-than-or-equal indicates a diagnostic specification.
≥≥ Indicates appending to a diagnostic file specification.
∑ Capital sigma (option-w) indicates both an output file and
diagnostic output file specification.
∑∑ Indicates appending to the output and diagnostic file
… Elipsis (Option-;) signals the Shell to use Commando
Numbers may be expressed in decimal, hexadecimal, octal, or
binary. Any of the following formats may be used:
[0-9]+ decimal number
0x[0-9a-f]+ hexadecimal number
$[0-9a-f]+ hexadecimal number
0[0-7]+ octal number
0b[01]+ binary number
The operators listed below are used in expressions in the
Evaluate, If, Else If, Break, Continue, and Exit commands.
Alternate spellings of several operators are provided.
All of the operators are evaluated from left to right.
Operators with the highest precedence are listed first,
and operators in the same group have equal precedence.
(…) expression grouping
- unary negation
~ bitwise negation
! NOT ¬ logical NOT (¬ is Option-L)
* multiplication
÷ DIV division (÷ is Option-/)
% MOD modulus division
+ addition
- subtraction
<< shift left
>> shift right
< less than
<= ≤ less than or equal to (≤ is Option-<)
> greater than
>= ≥ greater than or equal to (≥ is Option->)
== equal
!= <> ≠ not equal (≠ is Option-=)
=~ equal to a pattern
!~ not equal to a pattern
& bitwise AND
^ bitwise XOR
| bitwise OR
&& AND logical AND
|| OR logical OR
Selections - selections specify a selection or insertion point
§ current selection (Option-6)
n line number n
!n line n lines after end of current selection
¡n line n lines before start of selection (Option-1)
position position (defined below)
markerName selection marked by markerName
pattern pattern (defined below)
(selection) selection grouping
selection:selection both selections and everything in between
position - positions specify an insertion point
• position before first character of file (Option-8)
∞ position after last character of file (Option-5)
∆selection position before first character of selection (Option-J)
selection∆ position after last character of selection (Option-J)
selection!n position n characters after selection
selection¡n position n characters before selection (Option-!)
pattern - patterns specify characters to be matched
/entireRE/ regular expression - search forward
\entireRE\ regular expression - search backward
Help Patterns # See "Help Patterns" for more information.
Patterns - Patterns specify characters to be matched
/entireRE/ regular expression - search forward
\entireRE\ regular expression - search backward
•RE regular expression at beginning of line (Option-8)
RE∞ regular expression at end of line (Option-5)
RE regular expression
simpleExpr simple regular expression - defined below
(RE)®digit tagged RE - refer to match as ®digit (Option-R)
'string' literal - no characters within '…' are special
"string" literal - only ∂, {, and ` are special within "…"
RE1RE2 regular expression RE1 followed by RE2
(RE) regular expression grouping
charExpr single character regular expression - defined below
simpleExpr* simple expression zero or more times
simpleExpr+ simple expression one of more times
simpleExpr«n» simple expression n times (Option-\, Option-Shift-\)
simpleExpr«n,» simple expression at least n times
simpleExpr«n1,n2» simple expression at least n1, at most n2 times
character character (unless it has special meaning)
∂character character - defeats any special meaning (Option-D)
? any character except Return
≈ zero or more characters, except Return (Option-X)
[charList] any character in the list
[¬charList] any character not in the list (Option-L)
[ [ first in the list represents itself
] ] first in the list represents itself
- - first in the list represents itself
character character
charList character list of characters
character-character character range (e.g. A-Z)
The following is a list of MPW Shell shortcuts:
Double click select word
Triple click select line
Double Clicking on any of the characters (,),[,],{,},',",/,\,` will select
everything between the character and its mate.
LeftArrow move insertion point one character to the left
RightArrow move insertion point one character to the right
UpArrow move insertion point one line above current position
DownArrow move insertion point one line below current position
Opt-LeftArrow move insertion point one word to the left
Opt-RightArrow move insertion point one word to the right
Shift-LeftArrow extend selection one character to the left
Shift-RightArrow extend selection one character to the right
Shift-UpArrow extend selection one line above current position
Shift-DownArrow extend selection one line below current position
Shift-Opt-LeftArrow extend selection one word to the left
Shift-Opt-RightArrow extend selection one word to the right
Cmd-LeftArrow move insertion point to beginning of current line
Cmd-RightArrow move insertion point to end of current line
Cmd-UpArrow move insertion point up one screen size
Cmd-DownArrow move insertion point down one screen size
Cmd-Shift-LeftArrow extend selection to beginning of current line
Cmd-Shift-RightArrow extend selection to end of current line
Cmd-Shift-UpArrow extend selection up one screen size
Cmd-Shift-DownArrow extend selection down one screen size
Cmd-Opt-UpArrow move insertion point to beginning of file
Cmd-Opt-DownArrow move insertion point to end of file
Cmd-Shift-Opt-UpArrow extend selection to beginning of file
Cmd-Shift-Opt-DownArrow extend selection to end of file
Delete delete character to the left
Del (Extended Keyboard) delete character to the right
Shift-Delete delete character to the left
Shift-Del delete character to the right
Opt-Delete delete word to the left
Opt-Del delete word to the right
Cmd-Delete delete from current position to end of file
Cmd-Del delete from current position to end of file
Searching shortcuts
Cmd-Shift-G reverse the direction of "Find Same"
Cmd-Shift-H reverse the direction of "Find Selection"
Cmd-Shift-T reverse the direction of "Replace Same"
Holding down Shift while selecting OK will reverse the direction
of "Find" and "Find and Replace"
Holding down Option while selecting "Tile Windows" or "Stack Windows"
will include the worksheet in the tiling or stacking
Holding down Option while pressing Return will disable auto-indent
for that line.
Holding down Option while pressing Enter will invoke Commando on that
command line.
In Dialogs without an EditText item
Y Yes
N No
CMD . Cancel
ESC Cancel
AddMenu # add a menu item
AddMenu [menu [item [command…]]] > menuList
Note: Item can contain the following metacharacters ("<char>" means
any character):
/<char> Assign the keyboard equivalent Command-<char>
!<char> Place <char> to the left of the menu item
^n Item has an icon, where n is the icon number
( Item is disabled
<style Item has a special style: "style" can be any of the following:
B Bold
I Italic
U Underline
O Outline
S Shadow
AddPane # split the window into panes
AddPane [-p paneSpec] [-y ySplit | -h xSplit] [window]
-p paneSpec # choose a pane to split
-y ySplit # horizontal split at ySplit pixels from top
-x xSplit # vertical split at xSplit pixels from left
Note: paneSpec is an alternating catenation of strings of the
form cm and rn, where m is a column ordinal and n is a row ordinal.
Adjust # adjust lines
Adjust [-c count] [-l spaces] selection [window]
-c count # repeat the Adjust count times
-l spaces # shift lines by “spaces” spaces
Alert # display an alert box
Alert [-s] [message…] < file
-s # silent, don't beep when dialog is displayed
Alias # define or write command aliases
Alias [name [word…]] > aliasList
Align # align text to left margin
Align [-c count] selection [window]
-c count # repeat the Align count times
Asm # MC68xxx Macro Assembler
Asm [option…] [file…] < file > listing ≥ progress
-addrsize size # set size of address display
-blksize blocks # use blocks * 512 byte I/O buffers
-case on # distinguish between upper and lower case
-case obj[ect] # preserve case in object file
-case off # ignore case (default)
-c[heck] # syntax check only, don't create object file
-d[efine] name # equivalent to: name EQU 1
-d[efine] name=value # equivalent to: name EQU value
-d[efine] &name # equivalent to: &name SET[AC] 1
-d[efine] &name=value # equivalent to: &name SET[AC] value
-e[rrlog] file # write errors and warnings to file
-f # suppress page ejects in listing
-font name[,size] # set listing font and size
-h # suppress page headers in listing
-i directory,… # search for includes in directory,…
-l # write full listing to output
-lo file # listing output file or directory
-model far # allow generation of load-time relocatable 32-bit references
-model near # prohibit generation of load-time relocatable 32-bit
# references (the default)
-o objname # generate code in file or directory objname
-pagesize l[,w] # set listing page length and width
-print mode # equivalent to: PRINT mode
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
-s # write short listing to output
-sym off # no SADE records
-sym on|full # full SADE records; can modify with [,nolines] [,notypes] [,novars]
-t # write time and total lines to diagnostics
-w # suppress warnings
-wb # suppress warnings on branch instructions
Backup # folder file backup
Backup [option…] -from folder -to folder [file…] > commands ≥ progress
-a # copy all files in "from" not in "to"
-alt # alternate prompts for disk drives
-c # create "to" folders if they don't exist
-check checkopt,… # produce reports based on checkopt
# checkopt=from "from" not in "to"
# to "to" not in "from"
# allfroms "from" not in "to" even if none
# alltos "to" not in "from" even if none
# folders "from" folders not in "to"
# newer "to"s newer than "from"s
-co filename # redirect -check reports to filename
-compare [only][,'opts']# write compare commands for out-of-date files
-d # write delete commands for files in "to" not in "from"
-do [only][,'command'] # write the command string specified by command…
-e # eject disk when done
-from folder|drive # specify source folder or drive (1 or 2)
-l # write directory listing of "from" files
-lastcmd 'command' # write the command string as the last command
-level n # restrict -a and -d to files beyond level n
-m # multi-disk -- more than one "from" or "to" disk
-n # show folder nesting by indenting commands
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
-r # recursively process nested folders
-revert # revert "to" files to their "from" state
-since date[,time]|fname# process only files since specified time
-sync # synchronize both source and destination folders
-t type # process only files of specified type
-to folder|drive # specify destination folder or drive (1 or 2)
-y # suppress duplicate -y option
Beep # generate tones
Beep [note [,duration [,level]]]…
# duration is given in sixtieths of a second (default is 15)
# sound level is given as a number from 0 to 255 (default is 128)
Begin # group commands
Break # break from For or Loop
Break [If expression]
Browser # invoke Marker Browser
# The MPW Browser command is used to navigate source files or other text. It
# presents a window containing a list of the files in the current directory
# and, for the selected file, a list of markers. Double-clicking on the marker
# opens the file with the selection point at the marker. Entering a marker name
# in a text box searches all files in the directory for that marker, and if found
# opens the file with the selection point at the marker.
BuildCommands # show build commands
BuildCommands program [option…] > commands
option… # Make command options
BuildMenu # create the Build menu
BuildProgram # build the specified program
BuildProgram program [option…] > log
option… # Make command options
C # C compiler
C [option…] [file] < file > preprocessor ≥ progress
-b # put string constants into code and generate PC-relative references
# for function addresses
-b2 # implies '-b' above, and allows string constants to be overlaid
-b3 # overlaid string constants in code (but A5-relative references
# for function addresses)
-bigseg # generate single large (>32K) code segment, 68020 only
-c # syntax check only, don't create object file
-d name # equivalent to: #define name 1
-d name=string # equivalent to: #define name string
-e # write preprocessor results to output
-e2 # implies '-e' above, and strips comments
-elems881 # generate MC68881 code for transcendentals
-i directory # search for includes in directory
-k directory # create load/dump files in directory
-m # generate 32-bit references for data (less efficient code)
-mbg ch8 # v2.0 compatible macsbug symbols
-mbg off # no macsbug symbols in the code
-mbg on|full # full macsbug symbols
-mbg <n> # macsbug symbols to length <n> (<n> can be 0..255)
-mc68020 # generate MC68020 code
-mc68881 # generate MC68881 code for arithmetic operations
-model farCode| # generate load-time relocatable 32-bit references for
farData|far # code, data, or both
-model nearCode| # generate 16-bit references for code, data, or both
nearData|near # (the default)
-n # turn pointer assignment incompatibility errors into warnings
-notonce # do not automatically suppress multiple inclusion of files
-o objname # generate code in file or directory objname
-opt off # don't apply code optimizations
-opt on | full # choose level of code optimization (on is default);
# can modify with [,nopeep] [,nocse]
# (no peephole, no common subexpression)
-p # write progress information to diagnostic
-r # warn on calling a function that has no definition
-s segment # generate code in segment
-sym off # don't generate SADE records
-sym on | full # generate SADE records; can modify with [,nolines] [,notypes] [,novars]
-t # write compilation time to diagnostic
-trace always|never # enable/disable calls to profiler or MacApp debugger
# (overrides #pragma trace on|off)
-trace on|off # enable/disable calls to profiler or MacApp debugger
# (subject to #pragma trace on|off)
-u name # equivalent to: #undef name
-warnings on|off|full # set warning level; "on" is the default
-y directory # create temporary files in directory
Canon # canonical spelling tool
Canon [option…] dictionary [file…] < file > new
-s # case sensitive replacement
-a # assembler identifiers (include $, %, @)
-c n # consider only the first n characters
Catenate # concatenate files
Catenate [file…] < file > catenation
CFront # C++ to C translator
CFront [option…] [file…] < file > intermediate output ≥ progress
-a # force ANSI-style intermediate C code (default)
-a0 # force K&R-style (pre-ANSI) intermediate C code
-a1 # force ANSI-style intermediate C code (default)
-c # intermediate code to standard output; no object file
-d name # equivalent to: #define name 1
-d name=string # equivalent to: #define name string
-e # write preprocessor results to output
-e2 # implies '-e' above, and strips comments
-elems881 # generate MC68881 code for transcendentals
-f filename # act as if input comes from named file when it actually is from stdin
-f1 # send text version of C code to C compiler (no token stream)
-i directory # search for includes in directory
-mc68020 # generate MC68020 code
-mc68881 # generate MC68881 code for arithmetic operations
-mtbl0 # suppress output of method tables for Object Pascal Classes
-mtbl1 # force output of method tables for Object Pascal Classes
-n # Turn pointer assignment incompatibilty errors into warnings
-p # write progress information to diagnostic
-s segment # generate code in segment
-u name # equivalent to: #undef name
-vtbl0 # suppress output of virtual tables for ordinary class
-vtbl1 # force output of virtual tables for ordinary class
-vtbl2 # new improved output algorithm for virtual tables
-w # suppress warnings
-w1 # generate additional warnings from CFront
-w3 # passed through to C compiler (supresses unused warnings)
-y directory # create temporary files in directory
-z0 # force 'inline' functions to be non-inline
-z3 # supress name encoding of local vars and struct members (default)
-z4 # encode names of local vars and struct members
-z6 # force enums always to be int variables
-z7 # relax requirement on static class member initialization
CheckIn # check a file into a project
CheckIn -w | -close | ([options…] files…) > progress
-a # checkin all files in current directory
-b # check in files… as branches
-c # cancel if conflict occurs (avoids dialog)
-cf file # the comment is contained in file.
-close # close the Check In window
-cs comment # a description of changes made to the file
-delete # delete the file after checking it in
-m # check out the files for modification after checking in
-n # answer no to all dialogs (avoids dialogs)
-new # add a new file to the project
-p # write progress information to standard output
-project project # name of project that contains the files
-t task # a short description of task accomplished
-touch # touch the mod date of file after checking in
-u user # name of current user
-w # open the Check In window
-y # answer yes to all dialogs (avoids dialogs)
CheckOut # check a file out from a project
CheckOut -w | -close | ([options…] files…) > progress
-a # check out all the files in the current project
-b # checkout specified files on a new branch
-c # cancel if conflict occurs (avoids dialog)
-cancel # cancel the checkout of the files
-cf file # the comment is contained in files
-close # close the Check Out window
-cs comment # a short description of changes
-d dir # directory where the checked out files should go
-m # check out a modifiable copy of the file
-n # answer no to all dialogs (avoids dialogs)
-newer # checkout latest copy of all files in the project
-noTouch # don't touch the mod date of the checked out files
-open # open the files after checking out
-p # write progress information to standard output
-project project # name of project that contains the files
-r # recursively checkout files
-t task # a short description of task accomplished
-u user # name of current user
-update # checkout latest copy of all files you already have
-w # open the Check Out window
-y # answer yes to all dialogs (avoids dialogs)
CheckOutDir # specify the directory where checked out files will placed
CheckOutDir [-project project | -m] [-r] [-x | directory]
-project project # name of project to associate with the checkout directory
-m # list the checkout directories of all root projects
-r # recursively set or display the checkout directories
-x # reset the checkout directories to ":"
Choose # choose or list network file server volumes and printers
Choose [option…] [[zone]:server[:volume] …]
-askpw # ask for server password (in a "safe" dialog box)
-askvp # ask for volume password (in a "safe" dialog box)
-c # output in the form of further "Choose" commands.
-cp # print driver name and type of current printer.
-dr driverFileName # name of printer driver file in system folder (e.g. "LaserWriter")
-guest # log-in to the file server as a guest.
-list # list entities (don't choose them).
-p # print version information.
-pr # choose printers (instead of file servers).
-pw password # specify server log-in password.
-u username # specify user name for server log-in.
-v # verbose (print names of volumes really mounted).
-vp volumePassword # specify volume password (to mount it).
-type type # specify type of entity to list or choose (or '≈').
Names take the form "zone:server:volume"
The wildcard '≈' may be used in place of a zone, server, volume or
type name. A leading ':' (empty zone name) or '*:' indicates the
current zone. A name of the form "…server:" will mount all volumes
on the server, unless a specific volume name is given.
Clear # clear the selection
Clear [-c count] selection [window]
-c count # repeat the Clear count times
Close # close specified windows
Close [-y | -n | -c] [ -a | window…]
-y # save modified windows before closing (avoids dialog)
-n # don't save any modified windows (avoids dialog)
-c # cancel if there is a modified window (avoids dialog)
-a # close all the windows
CMarker # generate Mark commands for C and C++ function definitions
CMarker [option…] [file…]
-a[nachronisms] # suppress anachronisms messages
-d[efine] name[=string] # define name to the preprocessor (same as #define)
-e # show macro expansion in the listing (default with -ppout)
-ext[ensions] on|off # turn on or off Apple compiler extensions (default on)
-errors # suppress marking if errors are detected
-i[ncludes] pathname # search for include files in the specified directories (Max of 15)
-lang[uage] C|"C++" # specify target sources as either C or C++ (Default is C)
-linesize n # maximum number of characters generated in a single listing line
-l[ist[ing]] # generate a listing of the source to stdout
-mc68881 # define the macro name mc68881 as having the value 1
-msi # mark include (header) files
-pp # preprocessing only (no markers will be generated)
-ppout filename # write the preprocessor output to the specified filename
-p[rogress] # write version, progress and summary information to stderr
-showskipped # show lines skipped by conditional compilation in the listing output
-t # display processing time and number of lines to stderr
-u[ndefine] name # undefine the preprocessor symbol name (same as #undef)
Commando # present a dialog interface for commands
Commando [command] [-modify]
-modify # enable Commandos built-in editor
Compare # compare text files
Compare [option…] file1 [file2] < file2 > differences ≥ progress
-b # treat several blanks or tabs as a single blank
-c c1-c2[,c1-c2] # compare only specified columns
-d depth # maximum stack depth
-e context # display specified number of context lines
-g groupingFactor # grouping factor (matching lines for resync)
-h width # write differences horizontally
-l # lower case (i.e. ignore case differences)
-m # suppress displays of mismatched lines
-n # don't write to output if files match
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
-s # use static grouping factor
-t # ignore trailing blanks
-v # suppress line numbers in vertical displays
-x # don't expand tabs
CompareFiles # compare text files and interactively view differences
CompareFiles [-9 | -13 | -b x y | -Portrait | -TwoPage] oldFile newFile
-9 # assume a screen size of 512 x 342
-13 # assume a screen size of 640 x 480
-b x y # tile windows into the rectangle specified by x y
-Portrait # screen size for Apple Macintosh Portrait Display
-TwoPage # screen size for Apple Two-Page Monochrome Monitor
CompareRevisions # compare two revisions of a file in a project
CompareRevisions file…
Confirm # display a confirmation dialog box
Confirm [-t] [message…] < file
-t # three buttons (Yes, No, Cancel)
Continue # continue with next iteration of For or Loop
Continue [If expression]
Copy # copy selection to Clipboard
Copy [-c count] selection [window]
-c count # copy the nth selection, where n = count
Count # count lines and characters
Count [-l] [-c] [file…] < file > counts
-l # write only line counts
-c # write only character counts
CPlus # script to compile C++ source
CPlus [option…] [file…] < file > intermediate output ≥ progress
-a # force ANSI-style intermediate C code (default)
-a0 # force K&R-style (pre-ANSI) intermediate C code
-a1 # force ANSI-style intermediate C code (default)
-b # put string constants into code and generate PC-relative references
-b2 # implies '-b' above, and allows string constants to be overlaid
-b3 # overlaid string constants in code (but not PC-relative refs.)
-c # intermediate code to standard output; no object file
-d name # equivalent to: #define name 1
-d name=string # equivalent to: #define name string
-e # write preprocessor results to output
-e2 # implies '-e' above, and strips comments
-elems881 # generate MC68881 code for transcendentals
-f filename # act as if input comes from named file when it actually is from stdin
-f1 # send text version of C code to C compiler (no token stream)
-i directory # search for includes in directory
-m # generate 32-bit references for data (less efficient code)
-mbg ch8 # MPW 2.0 compatible macsbug symbols
-mbg off # no macsbug symbols in the code (link/unlk only if necessary)
-mbg on|full # full macsbug symbols
-mbg <n> # macsbug symbols to length <n> (<n> can be 0..63)
-mc68020 # generate MC68020 code
-mc68881 # generate MC68881 code for arithmetic operations
-mtbl0 # suppress output of method tables for Object Pascal Classes
-mtbl1 # force output of method tables for Object Pascal Classes
-n # Turn pointer assignment incompatibilty errors into warnings
-o objname # generate code in file or directory objname
-p # write progress information to diagnostic
-s segment # generate code in segment
-sym off # no SADE records
-sym on|full # full SADE records; can modify with [,nolines] [,notypes] [,novars]
-t # write C compilation time to diagnostic
-u name # equivalent to: #undef name
-vtbl0 # suppress output of virtual tables for ordinary class
-vtbl1 # force output of virtual tables for ordinary class
-vtbl2 # new improved output algorithm for virtual tables
-w # suppress warnings
-w1 # generate additional warnings from CFront
-w3 # passed through to C compiler (supresses unused warnings)
-y directory # create temporary files in directory
-z0 # force 'inline' functions to be non-inline
-z3 # supress name encoding of local vars and struct members (default)
-z4 # encode names of local vars and struct members
-z6 # force enums always to be int variables
-z7 # relax requirement on static class member initialization
CreateMake # create a simple makefile
CreateMake [-Application [-c creator] | -Tool | -DA | SIOW
-CR -m mainEntryPoint -rt resourceType
[-t type] [-c creator] ] [-sym on]
[-mc68020 | -mc68881 | -elems881] program file…
-Application # create an Application (default)
-c creator # optional Creator for Application or Code Resource
-Tool # create a Tool
-DA # create a Desk Accessory
-CR # create a Code Resource
-SIOW # create a Simple Input/Output Window
-m mainEntryPoint # required Main Entry Point for Code Resource
-rt resourceType # required Resource Type for Code Resource
-t type # optional File Type for Code Resource
-sym on # include SADE information in the object file
-mc68020 # generate 68020 instructions
-mc68881 # generate 68881 instructions for elementary operations
-elems881 # generate 68881 instructions for transcendental functions
Cut # copy selection to Clipboard and delete it
Cut [-c count] selection [window]
-c count # cut the next count selections
Date # write the date and time
Date ([-a | -s] [-d | -t] [-c seconds]) | [-n] > date
-a # abbreviated date (e.g. Wed, Jun 18, 1986)
-s # short date (e.g. 6/18/86)
-d # write date only
-t # write time only
-c seconds # write date corresponding to seconds
-n # write seconds since January 1, 1904
Delete # delete files and directories
Delete [-y | -n | -c] [-i] [-p] name… ≥ progress
-y # delete directory contents (avoids dialog)
-n # don't delete directory contents (avoids dialog)
-c # cancel if a directory is to be deleted (avoids dialog)
-i # ignore errors (no diagnostics)
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
DeleteMenu # delete user-defined menus and menu items
DeleteMenu [menuName [itemName]]
DeleteNames # delete user-defined symbolic names
DeleteNames [-u user] [-project project] [-public | private] [-r] [names… | -a]
-u user # name of current user
-private # delete private names
-project project # name of project that contains the files
-public # delete public names (the default)
-r # delete names recursively
-a # delete all names
DeletePane # delete panes from the window
DeletePane [-p paneSpec | -a] [window]
-p paneSpec # choose a pane to delete
-a # reset the window to one pane
Note: paneSpec is an alternating catenation of strings of the
form cm and rn, where m is a column ordinal and n is a row ordinal.
DeleteRevisions # delete previous revisions of files in a project
DeleteRevisions [-u user] [-project project] [-file] [-y] revision…
-u user # name of current user
-project project # name of project that contains the files
-file # deletes the file and all its revisions
-y # delete the file/revision (avoids dialog)
DeRez # resource decompiler
DeRez [option…] resourceFile [file…] > description ≥ progress
-c[ompatible] # generate output compatible with Rez 1.0
-e[scape] # don't escape chars < $20 or > $D8
-d[efine] name[=value] # equivalent to #define name [value]
-i[nclude] pathname # search this path when looking for #include files
-m[axstringsize] n # write strings n characters per line
-only typeExpr # process only resources of this type
-p[rogress] # write progress information to diagnostics
-rd # suppress warnings for redeclared types
-s[kip] typeExpr # skip resources of this type
-u[ndef] name # equivalent to #undef name
Note: A typeExpr may have one of these forms:
Directory # set or write the default directory
Directory [-q | directory] > directory
-q # don't quote directories with special characters
DirectoryMenu # create the Directory menu
DirectoryMenu [directory…]
DoIt # highlight and execute a series of shell commands
DoIt (CommandFile [-echo] [-dump]) | [-selection]
-echo # echo commands before execution
-dump # dump unexecuted commands after error
-selection # execute command in the current selection
DumpCode # write formatted CODE resources
DumpCode [option…] resourceFile > dump ≥ progress
-n # dump only resource names
-d # don't dump object code
-h # don't write headers (offsets, hex, etc.)
-a # show offsets from beginning of segment
-jt # don't dump jump table
-di # don't dump data initialization info
-ri # don't dump a5- and segment-relocation info
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
-r byte1[,byte2] # dump code from address byte1 (through byte2)
-rt type[=id] # dump only resources with this type (and id)
-s name # dump only resource with this name
DumpFile # display contents of any file
DumpFile [ option… ] filename > dump ≥ progress
-rf # display the resource fork of the file. (Default is data fork.)
-bf # display both forks of the file
-a # suppress display of ASCII character values.
-h # suppress display of hexadecimal characters.
-o # suppress display of file offsets.
-w nn # width - display nn bytes on each line of output.
-g nn # group nn bytes together without intervening spaces.
-p # write progress information to diagnostic output.
-r byte1[,byteN] # display only the byte range from byte1 to byteN.
DumpObj # write formatted object file
DumpObj [option…] objectFile > dump ≥ progress
-d # don't dump object code
-h # don't write headers (offsets, hex, etc.)
-i # use ids, rather than names, in dump
-jn # just use names, rather than ids, in dump
-l # dump file locations of object records
-m name # dump only module "name" or module containing
# entry-point "name" (-m option may be used repeatedly)
-n # dump only the dictionary of names
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
-r byte1[,byte2] # dump code from byte1 in file (through byte2)
-sym [Off] # disable symbolic output
[On | Full] # enable symbolic output (default), can be followed by:
[,NoLabels] # omit label information
[,NoLines] # omit source line information
[,NoTypes] # omit type information
[,NoVars] # omit variable information
-mods # dump a module summary with entry point information
-mh # omit module summary header
Duplicate # duplicate files and directories
Duplicate [-y | -n | -c] [-p] [-d | -r] name… target ≥ progress
-y # overwrite target files (avoids dialog)
-n # don't overwrite target files (avoids dialog)
-c # cancel if conflict occurs (avoids dialog)
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
-d # duplicate data fork only
-r # duplicate resource fork only
Echo # echo parameters
Echo [-n] [parameter…] > parameters
-n # don't write return following the parameters
Eject # eject volumes
Eject [-m] volume…
-m # leave the volume mounted
Entab # convert runs of spaces to tabs
Entab [option…] [file…] < file > tabbed ≥ progress
-a minValue # Min run of blanks that can be replaced with a tab
-d tabValue # input tab setting
-l quote… # left quotes that prevent EnTab (default '")
-n # no quote characters, EnTab everything
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
-q quote… # quotes that prevent EnTab (default '")
-r quote… # right quotes that prevent EnTab (default '")
-t tabValue # output tab setting
Equal # compare files and directories
Equal [-d | -r] [-i] [-p] [-q] name… target > differences ≥ progress
-d # compare data forks only
-r # compare resource forks only
-i # ignore files in target not in directory name
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
-q # quiet - don't write output, just set {Status}
Erase # initialize volumes
Erase [-y] [-s] volume…
-y # yes - erase the disk (avoids dialog)
-s # single-sided - 400K (default 800K)
Evaluate # evaluate an expression
Evaluate [-h | -o | -b] [word…] > value
Evaluate Name [binary operator]= expression
-h # display result in hexadecimal (leading 0x)
-o # display result in octal (leading 0)
-b # display result in binary (leading 0b)
Execute # execute command file in the current scope
Execute commandFile
Exists # confirm the existence of a file or directory
Exists [-d | -f | -w] [-q] name… > file
-d # check if name is a directory
-f # check if name is a file
-w # check if name is a file and writeable
-q # don't quote file names with special characters
Exit # exit from a command file
Exit [status] [If expression]
Export # make variables available to commands
Export [-r | -s | name…] > exports
-r # generate Unexport commands for all exported variables
-s # print the names only
FileDiv # divide a file into several smaller files
FileDiv [option…] file [prefix] ≥ progress
-b # input is a byte stream instead of lines
-f # split file at formfeed character
-n splitPoint # split file after splitPoint lines or bytes (-b)
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
-s n # set -b input buffer to n * 512 bytes
Files # list files and directories
Files [option…] [name…] > fileList
-c creator # list only files with this creator
-d # list only directories
-f # list full pathnames
-i # treat all arguments as files
-l # long format (type, creator, size, dates, etc.)
-m columns # n column format, where n = columns
-n # don't print header in long or extended format
-o # omit directory headers
-q # don't quote filenames with special characters
-r # recursively list subdirectories
-s # suppress the listing of directories
-t type # list only files of this type
-x format # extended format with the fields specified by format
Note: The following characters can specify the format
a Flag attributes
b Logical size, in bytes, of the data fork
r Logical size, in bytes, of the resource fork
c Creator of File ("Fldr" for folders)
d Creation date
k Physical size in kilobytes of both forks
m Modification date
t Type
o Owner (only for folders on a file server)
g Group (only for folders on a file server)
p Privileges (only for folders on a file server)
Find # find and select a text pattern
Find [-c count] selection [window]
-c count # find the nth selection, where n = count
Flush # flush the tools that the Shell has cached
For # repeat commands once per parameter
For name In word…
Format # set or display formatting options for a window
Format [[-f font] [-s fontsize] [-t tabsize] [-a attr]] | [-x fmt] [window…]
-f fontName # set font to fontName
-s fontSize # set the font size to fontSize
-t tabSize # set the tab size to tabSize
-a attr # set the auto indent and show invisibles flags
-x fmt # output the current format in the specified format
Note: The following attributes may be used with the -a option:
A auto indentation on
a auto indentation off
I show invisibles on
i show invisibles off
L lock auto scrolling
l unlock auto scrolling
Note: The following characters may be used with the -x option:
f font name
s font size
t tab size
a attributes
Get # get a record from an indexed file
Get (dataFile… | -dfl listfFle) [-x] [-k key] [-width w] [-d default key] [-h | -h2]
[-l] [-m] [-nf] [-q] [-s] [-search] [-t] [-sfl] [-y] [-field field list
[-format format string] ] [-lessFields field list]
dataFile # a specially formatted help file which must be
# accompanied by an index file whose name is of
# the form: dataFile.index, and whose type is 'btre'
-dfl listFile # listFile contains a list of datafiles
-k keyword # keyword in the datafile's index file
-width w # column format for key lists, w = 1..200 is the
# window width in characters
-d default # use default keyword if no keyword is specified
-h # write full header
-h2 # write short header (only the used datafile)
-l # list all keys in the first data file that begin
# with nnn, where nnn is the keyword following -k
-lessFields tag [,tag]… # remove the named items from the existing field
# list (default list or as specified by -field)
-m # select the key word that was found and assign
# a marker to the selection
-nf # no filtering; include field tags
-q # quiet output when keyword not found
-s # use the selection in the active window as keyword
-search # text search datafile for occurrences of keyword
-t # write out template of the requested function/procedure
-field tag[,tag]… # specify the data field(s) to display
-format format_string # specify string(s) to be output in front of data
# specified in -field option. '%s' flags in string
# correspond ordinally to tags in -field option
-sfl # produce ordered list of data files
# (requires -dfl listFile)
-x # create or update the cross reference index file
-y # do not present dialog before (re)building index file
GetErrorText # display error messages based on message number
GetErrorText [-f filename] [-s filename] [-n] [-p] errnbr[,insert,…] …
GetErrorText -i idnbr,…
# display error messages based on message number
-f filename # explicit error msg file
-i idnbr # report meaning of System Error Handler ID number
-n # suppress error numbers in displayed messages
-p # write SysErrs's version info to diagnostics
-s filename # explicit system error msg file (default SysErrs.Err)
GetFileName # display a Standard File dialog box
GetFileName [-q] [-s]
[-c | [(-t type)… | -p | -d | -wd] [-m message] [-b buttontitle] [pathname]]
-b buttontitle # specify the default button's title
-c # write current standard file path to standard output
-d # select a directory
-wd # select a directory on a non-locked volume
-m message # specify a prompt
-p # select a new filename (SFPutFile)
-q # suppress quoting of filenames
-s # return 0 status even if cancel is clicked
-t type # specify file type for SFGetFile dialog
GetListItem # display items for selection in a dialog box
GetListItem [option…] [[item…] | < file]
-c[ancel] # return a status of 0 even when cancel is clicked
-d[efault] item # item is entered in list and comes up selected
-m[essage] message # display message in dialog above the list
-q[uote] # don't quote items in the output
-r[ows] rows # make the list with this many rows
-s[ingle] # only allow a single selection
-sort # sort input list
-w[idth] width # make the list this many pixels wide
Help # write summary information
Help [-f helpfile] [command…] > helpInformation
-f helpfile # alternate helpfile (default MPW.Help)
If # conditional command execution
If expression
[Else If expression
command… ] …
command… ]
Lib # combine object files into a library file
Lib [option…] objectFile… ≥ progress
-d # suppress duplicate definition warnings
-df deleteFile # delete modules listed in file deleteFile
-dm name[,name]… # delete external modules and entry points
-dn name[,name]… # delete external names, making them local
-f # allow FORTRAN-style common data
-mf # use MultiFinder temporary memory if necessary
-o name # write object file name (default Lib.Out.o)
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
-rn OldNameA=NewNameA # change module name(s) OldNameA to NewNameA,
[,OldNameB=NewNameB]… # OldNameB to NewNameB, etc.
-sg newSeg=old[,old]… # merge old segments into new segment
-sn oldSeg=newSeg # change segment name oldSeg to newSeg
-sym [On | Full] # keep symbolic information (default)
[Off] # discard symbolic information, can be followed by:
[,NoLabels] # discard label information
[,NoLines] # discard source line information
[,NoTypes] # discard type information
[,NoVars] # discard variable information
-ver N # set OMF file version number to N
-w # suppress warnings
Line # find line in the target window
Line n
Link # link an application, tool, or resource
Link [option…] objectFile… > map ≥ progress
-ac alignment # align code modules to 'n' byte boundaries
-ad alignment # align data modules to 'n' byte boundaries
-br on # generate branch islands where needed
-br off # do not generate branch islands (default)
-c creator # set resourceFile creator (default ????)
-d # suppress duplicate definition warnings
-da # desk accessory - add NULL to segment names
-f # allow FORTRAN-style common data
-l # write a location map to output
-la # -l, include anonymous symbols in location map
-lf # -l, include file and location of definitions
-m mainEntry # use mainEntry as main entry point
-ma name=alias # create an alias for module name
-map # generate "friendly" link map
-mf # use MultiFinder temporary memory if necessary
-model far # process 32-bit load-time relocatable references
-model near # prohibit 32-bit load-time relocatable references
-msg keyword[,…] # message options
[no]dup # (suppress) warnings about duplicate symbols
[no]multiple # (suppress) multiple undefined symbol reports
[no]warn # (suppress) warning messages
-o resourceFile # write resourceFile (default Link.Out)
-opt [Off] # disable Object Pascal optimizations (default)
[On ] # enable optimizations
[NoBypass] # enable optimizations, but always dispatch
[,Info] # write optimization information to diagnostics
[,Names] # include MacsBug symbols within SelectorProc modules
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
-pg size # set page size to "size"; max: 32K; min: 1024; default: 2048
-ra [seg]=attr[,attr…] # set segment resource attributes:
$xx (or) nnn # a hex or decimal attribute you figure out
resSysHeap # or a comma-seperated list of resource
resPurgeable # attributes by name
resLocked #
resProtected #
resPreload #
resChanged # (essentially ignored)
-rn # don't include resource names in resourceFile
-rt type[=id] # set resource type and lowest id (default CODE=0)
-sg newSeg[=old[,old]…] # merge old segments into new segment
-sn oldSeg=newSeg # change segment name oldSeg to newSeg
-srt # sort global data by "near" and "far" references (default)
-ss size # maximum segment size (default 32760)
-sym [Off] # disable symbolic output (default)
[On | Full] # enable symbolic output, can be followed by:
[,NoLabels] # omit label information
[,NoLines] # omit source line information
[,NoTypes] # omit type information
[,NoVars] # omit variable information
-t type # set resourceFile type (default APPL)
-uf unrefFile # write list of unreferenced modules to unrefFile
-w # suppress warnings
-wrap # when jump table space is exhausted, put excess jump table
# entries in global data space, if available
-x crossRefFile # write cross reference to crossRefFile
Loop # repeat commands until Break
Make # build up-to-date version of a program
Make [option…] target… > commands ≥ progress
-d name[=value] # define variable name as value (overrides makefile)
-e # rebuild everything regardless of dates
-f makefile # read dependencies from makefile (default MakeFile)
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
-r # write roots of dependency graph to output
-s # write structure of target dependencies to output
-t # touch dates of targets and prerequisites
-u # identify targets in makefile not reached in build
-v # write verbose explanations to diagnostics
-w # suppress warnings
-y # like -v, but omit announcing up-to-date targets
MakeErrorFile # create error message textfile
MakeErrorFile [option…] [file…] < file > listing ≥ progress
-l # write listing to standard output
-o file/dir # output file or directory
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
Mark # assign a marker to a selection
Mark [-y | -n] selection name [window]
-y # replace existing marker (avoids dialog)
-n # don't replace existing marker (avoids dialog)
Markers # list markers
Markers [-q] [window]
-q # don't quote the marker names
MatchIt # semi-intelligent language sensitive bracket matcher
MatchIt [-a[sm] | -p[ascal] | -c] [-h] [-l] [-n] [-v] [window]
-a[sm] # target language is Assembler
-p[ascal] # target language is Pascal
-c # target language is C
-h # highlight all characters enclosed by match
-l # highlight entire lines containing match
-n # generate error message if no match
-v # display MatchIt's version number
MergeBranch # merge a branch revision onto the trunk
MergeBranch file…
ModifyReadOnly # enables read-only Projector files to be edited
ModifyReadOnly file…
Mount # mount volumes
Mount drive…
MountProject # mount projects
MountProject ([-s] [-pp] [-q] [-r]) | [Project]
-s # print names only, not commands
-pp # list mounted projects using project paths
-q # don't quote names with special characters
-r # list projects recursively
Move # move files and directories
Move [-y | -n | -c] [-p] name… target ≥ progress
-y # overwrite target files (avoids dialog)
-n # don't overwrite target files (avoids dialog)
-c # cancel if conflict occurs (avoids dialog)
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
MoveWindow # move window to h,v location
MoveWindow [h v] [-i] [window]
h # horizontal position of top left corner
v # vertical position of top left corner
-i # ignore positioning errors
NameRevisions # define a symbolic name
NameRevisions [-u User] [-project Project] [-public | private | -b] [-r]
[[-only] | name [[-expand] [-s] | [-replace] [-dynamic] [names… | -a]]]
-u user # name of current user
-private # create a private name
-project project # name of project that contains the revisions
-public # create a public name (the default)
-b # print both public and private names
-expand # evaluate names to revision level before printing
-only # only print the names, not the associated revisions
-replace # completely overwrite the previous definition of name
-dynamic # evaluate names to revision level when using not defining
-r # recursively execute NameRevisions starting with current project
-s # print a single name per line
-a # all the files in the project
New # open a new window
New [name…]
Newer # compare modification dates of files
Newer [-c] [-e] [-q] file… target > newer
-c # compare creation dates
-e # report names that have same (equal) mod date as target
-q # don't quote file names with special characters
NewFolder # create a new folder
NewFolder name…
NewProject # create a new project
NewProject -w | -close | ([-u user] [-cs comment | -cf file] project)
-cf file # the comment is contained in file.
-close # close the New Project window
-cs comment # a short description of the project
-w # open the New Project window
-u user # name of current user
Open # open file(s) in window(s)
Open [-n | -r] [-t] [name…]
-n # open new file (default name Untitled)
-r # open file for read-only use
-t # open file as the target window
OrphanFiles # remove Projector information from a list of files
OrphanFiles file…
Parameters # write parameters
Parameters [parameter…] > parameters
Pascal # Pascal compiler
Pascal [option…] [file…] < file ≥ progress
-b # generate A5 references for procedure addresses
-c # syntax check only, don't create object file
-clean # erase all symbol table resources
-d name=(TRUE|FALSE) # set compile time variable name
-e file # write errors to file
-forward # allow only explicit forward and external object declarations
-h # suppress error messages regarding unsafe handles
-i directory,… # search for includes in directory,…
-k directory # create symbol table resource files in directory
-m # allow greater than 32K globals by using 32 bit references
-mbg ch8 # include v2.0 compatible MacsBug symbols
-mbg full # include full (untruncated) symbols for MacsBug
-mbg off # don't include symbols for MacsBug
-mbg number # include MacsBug symbols truncated to length number
-mc68020 # generate MC68020 code
-mc68881 # generate MC68881 code for floating point operations
-model farCode| # generate load-time relocatable 32-bit references for
farData|far # code, data, or both
-model nearCode| # generate 16-bit references for code, data, or both
nearData|near # (the default)
-n # generate separate global data modules for better allocation
-noload # don't use or create any symbol table resources
-o objname # generate code in file or directory objname
-only name… # only generate code for named modules
-opt off # don't apply code optimizations
-opt on | full # choose level of code optimization (full is default);
# can modify with [,nopeep] [,nostatic]
-ov # generate code to test for overflow
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
-r # don't generate range checking code
-rebuild # rebuild all symbol table resources
-sym off # don't generate SADE records
-sym on | full # generate SADE records; can modify with [,nolines] [,notypes] [,novars]
-t # write compilation time to diagnostics
-u # initialize all data to $7267 for debugging use
-y directory # create temporary files in directory
PasMat # Pascal programs formatter
PasMat [option…] [input [output]] < input > output ≥ progress
-a # set a- disable CASE label bunching
-b # set b+ enable IF bunching
-body # set body+ to disable indenting procedure bodies
-c # set c+ suppress Return before BEGIN
-d # set d+ use {…} comment delimiters
-e # set e+ capitalize identifiers
-entab # replace multiple blanks with tabs
-f # set f- disable formatting
-g # set g+ group assignment and call statements
-h # set h- disable FOR, WHILE, WITH bunching
-i directory,… # search for includes in directory,…
-in # set in+ process includes
-k # set k+ indent statements between BEGIN and END
-l # set l+ literally copy reserved words, identifiers
-list file # write listings to file
-n # set n+ group formal parameters
-o width # set output line width (default 80)
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
-pattern -old-new- # modify include names, changing old to new
-q # set q+ no special ELSE IF formatting
-r # set r+ upper case reserved words
-rec # set rec+ to indent field lists under defined id
-s file # substitute identifiers based on pairs in file
-t tab # set output tab setting (default 2)
-u # rename identifiers to match first occurence
-v # set v+ put THEN on separate line
-w # set w+ upper case identifiers
-x # set x+ suppress space around operators
-y # set y+ suppress space around :=
-z # set z+ suppress space after commas
-: # set :+ align colons in VAR declarations
-@ # set @+ multiple CASE tags on separate lines
-∂# # set #+ smart grouping of assignments and calls
-_ # set _+ delete _ from identifiers
PasRef # Pascal cross-referencer
PasRef [option…] [file…] < file > crossReference ≥ progress
-a # process includes and units each time encountered
-c # process includes and units only once
-cond # process $SETC and $IFC, $ELSEC, $ENDC conditionals
-d # process each file separately
-d name=TRUE|FALSE # set $SETC variable name to TRUE or FALSE
-i directory,… # search for includes in directory,…
-l # write identifiers in lower case
-mc68020 # source contains {$IFC OPTION(MC68020)} directives
-mc68881 # source contains {$IFC OPTION(MC68881)} directives
-n # don't process USES or includes
-ni | -noi[ncludes] # don't process include files
-nl | -nol[istings] # don't list the input
-nolex # don't write lexical information
-nt | -not[otal] # don't write total line count
-nu | -nou[ses] # don't process USES declarations
-o # source written using Object Pascal
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
-s # don't write include and USES filenames
-t # cross reference by total line number
-u # write identifiers in upper case
-w width # set output line width (default 110)
-x width # set maximum identifier width
Paste # replace selection with Clipboard contents
Paste [-c count] selection [window]
-c count # repeat the Paste count times
PerformReport # generate a performance report
PerformReport [option…] > reportFile ≥ progress
-a # list all procedures, in segment order
# (default: produce only partial list, sorted by %)
-l linkDataFile # read link map file (concatenated with ROM.list)
-m measurementsFile # read performance measurements file
# (default: "Perform.Out")
-n NN # show the top NN procedures (default: 50)
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
Position # display current line position
Position [-l | -c] [window…]
-l # only list the line number
-c # only list the character offsets
Print # print text files
Print [option…] file… < file ≥ progress
-b # print a border around the text
-b2 # alternate form of border
-bm n[.n] # bottom margin in inches (default 0)
-c[opies] n # print n copies
-ff string # treat "string" at beginning of line as a formfeed
-f[ont] name # print using specified font
-from n # begin printing with page n
-h # print headers (time, file, page)
-hf[ont] name # print headers using specified font
-hs[ize] n # print headers using specified font size
-l[ines] n # print n lines per page
-lm n[.n] # left margin in inches (default .2778)
-ls n[.n] # line spacing (2 means double-space)
-md # use modification date of file for time in header
-n # print line numbers to left of text
-nw [-]n # width of line numbers, - indicates zero padding
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
-page n # number pages beginning with n
-ps filename # include PostScript file as background for each page
-q quality # print quality (HIGH, STANDARD, DRAFT)
-r # print pages in reverse order
-rm n[.n] # right margin in inches (default 0)
-s[ize] n # print using specified font size
-t[abs] n # consider tabs to be n spaces
-title title # include title in page headers
-tm n[.n] # top margin in inches (default 0)
-to n # stop printing after page n
ProcNames # display Pascal procedure and function names
ProcNames [option…] [file…] < file ≥ progress
-b # display line info for procedure body
-c # process includes and units only once
-cond # process $SETC and $IFC, $ELSEC, $ENDC conditionals
-d # reset total line count to 1 on each new file
-d name=TRUE|FALSE # set $SETC variable name to TRUE or FALSE
-e # suppress page eject between each procedure listing
-f # PasMat format compatibility mode
-i pathname,… # search for includes or USES in directory,…
-l n # process only to max nesting level n
-m # generate MPW Mark commands for procedure and function declarations
-mc68020 # source contains {$IFC OPTION(MC68020)} directives
-mc68881 # source contains {$IFC OPTION(MC68881)} directives
-n # suppress line number and level information
-o # source file is an Object Pascal program
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
-u # process USES declarations
Project # set or write the current project
Project [-q | projectName] > project
-q # don't quote projects with special characters
ProjectInfo # display information about a Project
ProjectInfo [-project project] [-comments] [-latest] [-f] [-r] [-s] [-only | -m]
[-af author | -a author] [-df dates | -d dates] [-cf pattern | -c pattern]
[-t pattern] [-n name] [-newer | -update] [file…]
-a author # only list revisions created by author
-af author # only list files created by author
-c pattern # only list revisions whose comment contains pattern
-cf pattern # only list files whose comment contains pattern
-comments # list comments along with the rest of the information
-d dates # only list revisions whose create date is within dates
-df dates # only list files whose mod date is within dates
-f # list file information
-log # print project log
-m # only list files/revisions that are checked out
-newer # info on files that would be checked out using this option
-only # only list project information
-project project # name of project to get information on
-r # recursively list subprojects
-latest # only list info on the latest revision on the main trunk
-s # short listing, names and revision names only
-t pattern # only list revisions whose task contains pattern
-n name # only list revisions that have name
-update # info on files that would be checked out using this option
Note: pattern is either a literal string or /regular expression/.
Note: "dates" may take the following forms:
date # on date
<date # before but not including date
≤date # before and including date
>date # after and not including date
≥date # after and including date
date-date # between and including dates
Note: A date is mm/dd/yy [[hh:mm[:ss]] [AM|PM]]
Note: "name" may take the following forms:
name # in name
<name # before name
≤name # before and including name
>name # after name
≥name # after and including name
Quit # quit MPW
Quit [-y | -n | -c]
-y # save all modified windows (avoids dialog)
-n # do not save any modified windows (avoids dialog)
-c # cancel if a window needs to be saved (avoids dialog)
Quote # echo parameters, quoting if needed
Quote [-n] [parameter…] > parameters
-n # don't write return following the parameters
Rename # rename files and directories
Rename [-y | -n | -c] oldName newName
-y # overwrite existing file (avoids dialog)
-n # don't overwrite existing file (avoids dialog)
-c # cancel if conflict occurs (avoids dialog)
Replace # replace the selection
Replace [-c count] selection replacement [window]
-c count # repeat the replace count times
Request # request text from a dialog box
Request [-q] [-d default] [message…] < file
-q # don't set status if user selects cancel
-d default # set default response
ResEqual # compares the resources in two files
ResEqual [-p] File1 File2
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
Revert # revert window to previous saved state
Revert [-y] [window…]
-y # revert to old version (without dialog)
Rez # resource compiler
Rez [option…] [file…] < file ≥ progress
-a[ppend] # merge resource into output resource file
-align word | longword # align resource to word or longword boundries
-c[reator] creator # set output file creator
-d[efine] name[=value] # equivalent to: #define macro [value]
-i[nclude] pathname # path to search when looking for #include files
-m[odification] # don't change the output file's modification date
-o file # write output to file (default Rez.Out)
-ov # ok to overwrite protected resources when appending
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
-rd # suppress warnings for redeclared types
-ro # set the mapReadOnly flag in output
-s[earch] pathname # path to search when looking for INCLUDE resources
-t[ype] type # set output file type
-u[ndef] name # equivalent to: #undef name
RezDet # detect inconsistencies in resources
RezDet [option…] file… > dump
-b[ig] # read resources one at a time, not all at once
-d[ump] # write -show information, plus headers, lists, etc.
-l[ist] # write list of resources with minimum information
-q[uiet] # don't write any output, just set {Status}
-r[awdump] # write -dump information plus contents
-s[how] # write information about each resource
Note: Use at most one of -quiet, -list, -show, -dump, and -rawdump.
RotateWindows # send active (frontmost) window to back
RotateWindows [-r]
-r # reverse rotation; bring bottom window to front
Save # save specified windows
Save [-a | window…]
-a # save the contents of all windows
SaveOnClose # set save behavior when closing windows
SaveOnClose [-a | -d | -n] [window…]
-a # always save upon close ("Close -y")
-d # default behavior for Close
-n # never save upon close ("Close -n")
Search # search files for pattern
Search [-b] [-s | -i] [-nf] [-ns] [-r] [-sf] [-q] [-f file] pattern [file…] < file > found
-b # break "File/Line" from matched pattern
-i # case insensitive search (overriding {CaseSensitive})
-s # case sensitive search (overriding {CaseSensitive})
-nf # write error message if pattern not found
-ns # return 0 when pattern not found
-q # suppress file name and line number in output
-r # write non-matching line to standard output
-sf # stop at first match
-f file # lines not written to output are put in this file
Set # define or write Shell variables
Set [name [value]] > variableList
SetDirectory # set the default directory
SetDirectory directory
SetFile # set file/folder attributes
SetFile [option…] file/folder…
-a attributes # attributes (lowercase = 0, uppercase = 1)*
-c creator # file creator
-d date # creation date (mm/dd/yy [hh:mm[:ss] [AM | PM]])*
-l h,v # ICON location (horizontal,vertical)*
-m date # modification date (mm/dd/yy [hh:mm[:ss] [AM | PM]])*
-t type # file type
Note: Period (.) represents the current date and time.
Note: The following attributes may be used with the -a option:
L Locked
V Invisible*
B Bundle
S System
I Inited*
D Desktop*
M Shared (can run multiple times)
A Always switch launch (if possible)
*Note: Options/attributes marked with an asterisk (*) are allowed with folders
SetPrivilege # set access privileges for directories on file servers
SetPrivilege [option…] directory… > information
-d privileges # set privileges for seeing directories
-f privileges # set privileges for seeing files
-g group # make the directories belong to group
-i # return information on directories
-m privileges # set privileges for making changes
-o owner # make owner the owner of directories
-r # operate (set or list) recursively
Note: The following privilege characters may be used with
the -d, -f, or -m options (Upper case enables the privilege,
lower case disables it):
O Owner
G Group
E Everyone
SetVersion # maintain version and revision number
SetVersion [option…] file > output ≥ progress
-b # increment the bug fix component by 1
-country name # country code name
-csource file # update the #define Version string in C source
-d # display (updated) version numbers to standard output
-fmt nƒ.mƒ # format version numbers according to specification
-i resid # use specified resource id instead of 0
-p # write SetVersion's version info to diagnostic file
-prefix prefix # prefix version with specified prefix
-[p]source file # update the Version string constant in Pascal source
-r # increment the revision component by 1
-rezsource file # update the resource definition in Rez source
-sb bugfix # set the bug fix component to the specified value
-sr revision # set the revision component to the specified value
-stage stage # set release stage for a 'vers' resource
-suffix suffix # suffix the version with specified suffix
-sv version # set the version component to the specified value
-sx nonrel # set the non-release component to the specified value
-sync 1 | 2 # synchronize 'vers',1 with 'vers',2 or vice versa
-t type # use specified resource type
-v # increment the version component by 1
-verid identifier # use C/Pascal source version id instead of "Version"
-version fmtstring # alternate way of specifying version component actions
-verstring longstring # set the long version string of a Finder 'vers' resource
-x # increment the non-release component by 1
Shift # renumber command file positional parameters
Shift [number]
ShowSelection # place the selection within an editor window
ShowSelection [-t | -b | -c | -n lines | -l line] [window]
-t # place first line of selection at top of window
-b # place first line of selection at bottom of window
-c # center the first line within the window
-n lines # place first line of selection lines from the top
-l line # place line at the top of window
Shutdown # power down or restart the machine
Shutdown [-y | -n | -c] [-r]
-y # save all modified windows (avoids dialog)
-n # do not save any modified windows (avoids dialog)
-c # cancel if a window needs to be saved (avoids dialog)
-r # restart the machine
SizeWindow # set a window's size
SizeWindow [h v] [window]
h # window width (horizontal)
v # window height (vertical)
Sort # sort or merge lines of text
Sort [option…] [files…]
-b # skip leading blanks of each field
-check # check if input is sorted (exit code 5 if not).
-d # sort fields as decimal numbers
-f field[,field] # specify fields to sort on (see below)
-fs string # specify field separator characters
-l # convert to lowercase before comparison
-merge # merge pre-sorted input files
-o file # specify output file, allows sorting-in-place
-p # print version and progress information
-quote # handle fields with quotes
-stdin # place-holder for standard input (acts like a file)
-r # reverse order of comparison
-t # sort fields as text (default)
-u # convert to uppercase before comparison
-unique # write only unique output lines
-x # sort fields as hexadecimal numbers (leading '$'
# or '0x' is ignored)
The comma-separated field specifications (following -f) take the forms:
or [F][.C][+N][bdlqrtux]
'F' is a field number (0=whole line [default], 1=first word, 2=second word…).
'C' is the starting column number (from 1), default=1.
'K' is the ending column number >= C, default=infinite.
'N' is the maximum number of characters in the field, default=infinite.
Only one of '-K' or '+N' can be specified.
The local modifier characters 'bdlqrtux' have the same meaning on a
per-field basis as -b, -d, -l, -q, -r, -t, -u and -x (which take effect
StackWindows # arrange windows diagonally
StackWindows [-h num] [-v num] [-r top,left,bottom,right] [-i | windows…]
-h num # horizontal offset between windows
-v num # vertical offset between windows
-r t,l,b,r # rectangle in which to stack windows
-i # include the worksheet
windows… # list of windows to tile
StreamEdit # scriptable text editor
StreamEdit [option…] file…
-d # delete lines (don't copy them)
-e statements # add 'statements' to the script
-o file # direct output to file in a "safe" manner
-p # print progress information
-s file # specify a file containing a script to execute
-set variable[=string] # set the value of a variable
A script consists of zero or more of:
<address> <command>…
Addresses take the forms (highest to lowest precedence):
( address ) # override precedence
! address # match line not matching the address
address1 && address2 # match line matching address1 AND address2
address1 || address2 # match line matching address1 OR address2
address1 , address2 # match address1…address2
/regular expression/ # a line that matches the expression
• # matches BEFORE the first line
N # matches the Nth line
$ # matches the last line
∞ # matches AFTER the last line
A regular expression starting with 'ç' is case-sensitive. Any '•' must
follow the 'ç'.
Commands are:
Append <text> # append text to append buffer
Exit [status] # exit with zero or specified status
Change <text> # set contents of edit buffer
Delete # clear contents of edit buffer
Insert <text> # append text to insert buffer
Next # proceed with next line
Print <text> # Print the text
[-To file ] # directed to the specified file
[-AppendTo file] # appended to the specified file
Replace /pat/ <text> # do replacement
[-c count] # specify repeat count (N or ∞)
Set variable <text> # set variable's value
[-a] # append to variable's current value
[-i] # insert at front of variable's current value
Option AutoDelete # append "1,$ Delete" to script
Where <text> consists of zero or more of:
"a string" # the specified text
'a string' # the specified text
. # the current line (the edit buffer)
variableName # the contents of the named string variable
®N # an "®" variable set by a regular expression
-from <filename> # the next line from the file, where filename
# is a string or a variable name
-n # suppress newline at end
If <text> is empty, it defaults to "." (the current line).
Target # make a window the target window
Target name
TileWindows # arrange windows in a tiled fashion
TileWindows [-h | -v] [-r top,left,bottom,right] [-i | windows…]
-h # tile windows horizontally
-v # tile windows vertically
-r t,l,b,r # rectangle in which to tile windows
-i # include the worksheet
windows… # list of windows to tile
TransferCkid # move Projector information from one file to another
TransferCkid sourceFile destinationFile
Translate # translate characters
Translate [-p] [-s] src [dst] < file > output ≥ progress
-p # write progress information to diagnostics
-s # set font, font size, and tab setting of output
Unalias # remove aliases
Unalias [name…]
Undo # undo the last edit
Undo [window]
Unexport # remove variable definitions from the export list
Unexport [-r | -s | name…] > unexports
-r # generate Export commands for all unexported variables
-s # print the names only
Unmark # remove a marker from a window
Unmark name… window
Unmount # unmount volumes
Unmount volume…
UnmountProject # unmount projects
UnmountProject -a | Project…
-a # unmount all mounted projects
Unset # remove Shell variable definitions
Unset [name…]
UserVariables # uses Commando to set all the user variables
Version # print the version of the MPW Shell
Volumes # list mounted volumes
Volumes [-l] [-q] [volume…] > volumeList
-l # long format (name, drive, size, free, files, dirs)
-q # don't quote volume names with special characters
WhereIs # find the location of a file
WhereIs [-c] [-d] [-v] [-s directory]… pattern
-c # completely match filepattern
-d # include directories
-v # verbose output - put summary line at end
-s directory # starting directory/volume for search
Which # determine which file the shell will execute
Which [-a] [-p] [name] > file ≥ progress
-a # report all commands named "name"
-p # writes progress information to diagnostics
Windows # list windows
Windows [-q] [-o]
-q # don't quote window names with special characters
-o # list "Open" command lines for execution
ZoomWindow # enlarge or reduce a window's size
ZoomWindow [-b | -s] [window]
-b # zoom to full screen (big)
-s # zoom back to regular size (small)