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2019-06-29 15:17:50 +00:00
; File: ResourceMgrPriv.a
; Contains: private equates for the Resource Manager
; Copyright: © 1983-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM9> 5/27/93 SAM Added definition for mapForceSysHeap.
; <SM8> 3/31/93 SAM Changed kDeanBit from 2 (which was conflicting with
; systemEnabledBit) to bit 1.
; <SM7> 12/4/92 RB Added kFakeResourceOverrideMapRefNum
; <SM6> 7/27/92 FM Add elements to the ResourceMgr stack frame for use in StdEntry
; and StdExit to implement resource overrides.
; <4+> 6/14/92 CS Rollin changes from Reality :
; <14> 5/14/92 DTY #000000: Add interface for CloseResFileUnderSystemMap.
; <SM4> 4/24/92 CSS Integrated Reality changes: <13>
; <13> 3/30/92 DTY #1025140,<FM>: Add kAllOverrideAttributesMask and
; kAllButOverrideAttributesMask.
; <SM3> 4/24/92 PN Change ioQElSize to ioHQElSize.
; <SM2> 4/14/92 stb extend the standard stack frame to include the decompressor
; defproc handle
; <12> 1/30/92 DTY Add equates for preventFileFromBeingClosedBit and
; preventFileFromBeingClosedMask.
; <11> 12/17/91 DTY Add selector for _ResolveIDConflicts.
; <10> 12/6/91 DTY Add selector for _OpenResFileUnderSystemMap.
; <9> 11/5/91 DTY Add selectors for MakeOverrideMap, SetOverrideAttributes,
; GetOverrideAttributes, and SetScanOverride routines. Change
; GetMap and IsThisASystemResourceMap to negative selectors since
; these are really private routines. Switch mask values for
; kDontCountOrIndexDuplicates and kTwoDeep to match the bit
; definitions.
; <8> 11/1/91 DTY Add macro for _IsThisASystemResourceMap.
; <7> 10/23/91 DTY Add macros for _GetOverrideMap and _GetMaps, which are new
; selectors off of _ResourceDispatch.
; <6> 10/15/91 DTY Define yet another bit, twoDeepBit, which causes one deep calls
; to search the next lower map if a resource isnt found in the
; current map. This search recurses if the lower map also has
; this bit set.
; <5> 10/15/91 DTY Add mapInsertedBit & dontCountOrIndexDuplicatesBit. Resource
; maps with mapInsertedBit set causes UseResFile to back up to the
; first map with this bit set. Maps with
; dontCountOrIndexDuplicatesBit set 1) will not consider duplicate
; resources in different maps during CountResources and
; GetIndResource calls and 2) contiguous maps with this bit set
; are considered one file (one deep calls will use the n-deep
; calls).
; <4> 1/30/91 gbm sab, #38: Change the already including this file variable to
; all uppercase (for security reasons)
; <3> 10/24/90 dba add new attributes byte
; <1.1> 8/30/89 dba added some missing equates
; <1.0> 8/18/89 dba created from equates in ResourceMgr.a
; These selectors are for the Systems enjoyment only, and shouldnt be made public.
selectCloseResFileUnderSystemMap equ -4
selectResolveIDConflicts equ -3
selectOpenResFileUnderSystemMap equ -2
selectIsThisASystemResourceMap equ -1
selectGetMap equ 0
DoDispatch _ResourceDispatch,selectCloseResFileUnderSystemMap
DoDispatch _ResourceDispatch,selectResolveIDConflicts
DoDispatch _ResourceDispatch,selectOpenResFileUnderSystemMap
DoDispatch _ResourceDispatch,selectIsThisASystemResourceMap
DoDispatch _ResourceDispatch,selectGetMap
; These declarations should be moved into Traps.a if we ever make it public.
kDecompressionPasswordMask equ 1
kOverrideNextMapMask equ 2
kDontCountOrIndexDuplicatesMask equ 4
kTwoDeepMask equ 8
kPreventFileFromBeingClosedMask equ 16
kAllOverrideAttributesMask equ kOverrideNextMapMask + \
kDontCountOrIndexDuplicatesMask + \
kTwoDeepMask + \
kAllButOverrideAttributesMask equ 255 - kAllOverrideAttributesMask
selectMakeOverrideMap equ 4
selectInsertOverrideMap equ 5
selectGetOverrideMap equ 6
selectSetScanOverride equ 7
selectGetOverrideAttributes equ 8
selectSetOverrideAttributes equ 9
DoDispatch _ResourceDispatch,selectMakeOverrideMap
DoDispatch _ResourceDispatch,selectInsertOverrideMap
DoDispatch _ResourceDispatch,selectGetOverrideMap
DoDispatch _ResourceDispatch,selectSetScanOverride
DoDispatch _ResourceDispatch,selectGetOverrideAttributes
DoDispatch _ResourceDispatch,selectSetOverrideAttributes
; Resource Fork format
; The resource fork contains all the resource data, the resource map,
; and several special data objects in fixed locations. These data objects
; are normally accessed only by the Finder.
; --------------------------
; Picture of a Resource Fork
; --------------------------
; 0-------------------> ---------------------------------
; ! Resource Header !
; 16------------------> ! Directory copy !
; 128-----------------> ! ....other user data.... !
; ! ... !
; ResDataOffset-------> ! Resource Data !
; ! ... !
; ! !
; ResMapOffset--------> ! Resource Map !
; ! ... !
; ---------------------------------
; (Note ResDataOffset+DataSize=ResMapOffset,
; ResMapOffset+MapSize=EOF.)
; Resource header is defined as follows:
resDataOffset EQU 0 ; 4 byte offset to resource data in the file
resMapOffset EQU resDataOffset+4 ; 4 byte offset to resource map in the file
dataSize EQU resMapOffset+4 ; 4 byte data size
mapSize EQU dataSize+4 ; 4 byte map size
hdrSize EQU mapSize+4
; After resource header, remaining block has the following info by convention:
dirCopy EQU hdrSize ; Copy of directory entry, truncated to 112 bytes
userData EQU dirCopy+112 ; User data starts here and continues
; up to ResDataOffset. CreateResFile
; allocates 128 bytes for userData.
dataFirstRes EQU userData+128 ; ResDataOffset usually points here.
; Resource Data format
; Each resource has a four-byte length, followed by the data. The data
; is packed initially, and UpdateResFile packs the data if fragmented
; by RmveResource, ChangedResData, and UpdateResFile calls.
; Resource Map format
; The Resource Map contains references to resources either in the current
; resource file or in Sys.rsrc. These references include the type, ID,
; and/or names of the resources, their locations in the data section of the
; resource fork, and special attributes of each resource.
; --------------------------
; Picture of a Resource Map
; --------------------------
; 0-------------------> ---------------------------------
; ! (Copy of Resource Hdr) !
; 16------------------> ! MNext !
; ! MRefNum !
; ! MAttr !
; ! MTypes !
; ! MNames !
; MTypes--------------> ! TypeCount !
; ! TypeA !
; ! CountA !
; ! OffsetA !
; ! TypeB !
; ! CountB !
; ! OffsetB !
; ! ... !
; MTypes+OffsetA-----> ! IDA1 !
; ! NameOffA1 !
; ! LocationA1 !
; ! HandleA1 !
; ! IDA2 !
; ! NameOffA2 !
; ! LocationA2 !
; ! HandleA2 !
; ! ... !
; MTypes+OffsetB-----> ! IDB1 !
; ! NameOffB1 !
; ! LocationB1 !
; ! HandleB1 !
; ! ... !
; MNames-------------> ! <length> !
; ! "Ascii String" !
; MNames+NameOff2----> ! <length2> !
; ! "Another String" !
; ! ... !
; ---------------------------------
; (Note: MTypes is always the same--right after
; the resource map header. )
; The resource map is defined as follows:
; A copy of resource header precedes the other resource map info.
mNext EQU hdrSize ; Handle to next map
mRefNum EQU mNext+4 ; Map file reference number
mAttr EQU mRefNum+2 ; Map attributes word (high byte only used)
mInMemoryAttr equ mAttr+1 ; Attributes for use in memory only <3>
mTypes EQU mAttr+2 ; Type offset in map (64K max offset)
mNames EQU mTypes+2 ; Name offset in map (64K max offset)
; bits in mInMemoryAttr
decompressionPasswordBit equ 0 ; set this to search for dcmps in this map <3>
overrideNextMapBit equ 1 ; set this bit to recursively override resources in the next lower map when _UseResFile is called on the lower map <6>
dontCountOrIndexDuplicatesBit equ 2 ; set this bit to not count or index through duplicate resource types and IDs <5>
twoDeepBit equ 3 ; set this bit to recursively look in the current map and the next map on one deep calls <6>
preventFileFromBeingClosedBit equ 4 ; set this bit to prevent a resource file from being closed. <12>
; bits in mAttr
mapForceSysHeap equ 0 ; set this bit to force all map resources to load in SysHeap <SM9>
; Type Block:
typeCount EQU 0 ; TypeCount(A3) gives number of types
; Offsets into a type entry:
tType EQU 0 ; Type of resources
tCount EQU tType+4 ; 2 byte count, zero based
tOffset EQU tCount+2 ; 2 byte offset
tSize EQU tOffset+2 ; Type entry size
typeShift EQU 3 ; log2 TSize.
; Offsets into a resource entry:
rID EQU 0 ; ID of the resource
rNameOff EQU rID+2 ; name offset of the resource
rAttr EQU rNameOff+2 ; attribute byte (high byte of locn)
rLocn EQU rAttr ; location of the resource in source file
rHndl EQU rLocn+4 ; handle of the resource
refID EQU rHndl ; if reference, ID of refd resource
refNameOff EQU refID+2 ; if reference, NameOff of refd resource
reSize EQU rHndl+4 ; resource entry size
; Stack frame definition
ioStkFrame EQU -ioHQElSize ; stack frame is ioHQElSize long
rMgrStack EQU ioStkFrame ; Resource mgr stack frame = IOStkFrame
kDeanBit equ 1 ; <SM8><53> This bit in BrianBits will mark whether or not this call to CheckLoad allocates the master pointer
kBrianBits equ $B20 ; <53> We never define this in an interface file
kInitialEntryCount equ 30 ; Make space for 30 resources at first
; Cache flag bits
kCacheIsOneDeepBit equ 0 ; Cache was formed from a one deep call
kCacheHasROMResourcesBit equ 1 ; <34> Cache was formed when ROMMapInsert was set.
kCacheHasOverridesBit equ 2 ; <35> Cache was formed when emScanOverrides was on
; Cache flag masks
kCacheIsOneDeepMask equ 1 ; <34>
kCacheHasROMResourcesMask equ 2 ; <34>
kCacheHasOverridesMask equ 4 ; <35>
; Cache offsets
kCacheFlags equ 0 ; Flags for cache
kCachedMap equ 2 ; Resources cached from this resource map
kResourceType equ 4 ; Resource type in cache
kResourceCount equ 8 ; Number of entries cached
kCacheHeaderSize equ 12 ; Offset to cached information
; Cache entry offsets
kMapHandleEntry equ 0 ; Handle to resource map this resource came from
kDataOffsetEntry equ 4 ; Offset to resource data from beginning of resource map
kResourceIDEntry equ 6 ; ID of this resource
kCacheEntrySize equ kResourceIDEntry + 2 ; Size of each cache entry
; stack frame record definition added <sm1>stb
ResourceMgrStack RECORD {a6Link},decr
a6Link DS.L 1
ioBlock DS.B ioHQElSize
realCurMap ds.w 1
overrideCurMap ds.w 1
OverrideSysMapHndl ds.l 1
OverrideSysMap ds.l 1
doOverrides ds.w 1
localSize EQU *
; Length of length longword
lenWdLen EQU 4 ; a longword is 4 bytes.
; Special number for resource overrides <SM7> rb
kROMMapRefNum EQU 1 ; 1 has always been the ROM <SM7> rb
kFakeResourceOverrideMapRefNum equ 3 ; 3 is not a valid reference number, so its safe to use <SM7> rb
; Equates added after <01jan85> by BBM
ROMRsrcStart EQU $1A ; offset to beggining of rom Rsrc stuff <28aug85> BBM
preKey EQU $20B7A185 ; first key in preload key info <20jun85> BBM
preDataBuff EQU $00 ; offset key info inside cache 00:
preVersion EQU preDataBuff+4 ; four byte version number 04:
preLock EQU preVersion+4 ; Ptr to end of preload locked rsrcs 08:
preUnLock EQU preLock+4 ; Ptr to end of preload unlocked rsrcs 0C:
preExtra EQU preUnLock+4 ; Ptr to end of extra preload rsrcs 10:
preEnd EQU preExtra+4 ; $0C bytes reserved for future use 14:
preSize EQU preEnd-preDataBuff ; size of preload stuff in rsrc fork <11jul85> BBM
HSCache EQU RMGRHiVars ; start lowmem cache for HandleScan 00: <12mar85> BBM
HSCRType EQU HSCache ; D3.L = resource type cache 00:
HSCHandle EQU HSCRType+4 ; A1.L = handle to resource 04:
HSCROffset EQU HSCHandle+4 ; A2.L = offset to resource entry 08:
HSCTOffset EQU HSCROffset+4 ; A3.L = offset to TypeCount 0C:
HSCMapHndl EQU HSCTOffset+4 ; A4.L = handle to map 10:
HSCEntryCnt EQU HSCMapHndl+4 ; D4.W = entry count (-1) 14:
HSCTypeCnt EQU HSCEntryCnt+2 ; D5.W = type count (-1) 16:
HSCMapRNum EQU HSCTypeCnt+2 ; D6.W = Rsrc File Reference number 18:
ResOneDeep EQU HSCMapRNum+2 ; flag for onedeep (auto-cleared) 1A: <12mar85> BBM
GIROneDeep EQU ResOneDeep+1 ; flag (true means insert rom map) 1B: <09jul85> BBM
GIRIndex EQU GIROneDeep+1 ; last index + 1 used by GetIndResource 1C: <09jul85> BBM
NewResDefEnd EQU HSCache+$20 ; end of low mem space 20: <17jun85> BBM
ENDIF ; ...already included