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2019-06-29 15:17:50 +00:00
File: UniversalLayout.r
Contains: A generic ROM description used by the RomLayout tool to create
a ROM image.
Written by: Kurt Clark.
Copyright: © 1992-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<SM4> 6/14/93 kc Bump DeclSize to 176k
<SM3> 3/31/93 kc Include RomResoruces.r, add rmap record and change some of the
other records to use the format used by the new RomLayout tool.
<SM2> 3/5/93 PN Grow Mike Puckets DeclData size.
<SM3> 12-04-92 jmp Added a 'rdcl' resource for the VSC (Keystone) DeclData.
<SM2> 11/23/92 kc Add RomBase.
#include "RomTypes.r"
#include "RomResources.r"
#define RomSize 0x00200000
#define StartOfRom 0x00000000
#define EndOfRom RomSize
#if 0 This is a hack for BlackBird that will go away when we get Mike's new virtual slot manager
#define VSCBoundry 0x00002000 /* The VSC DeclData must be on an 8K boundry. */
#define DeclSize (VSCBoundry*22) /* Give DeclData 176K for now. */
#define EndOfVSC (RomSize-DeclSize) /* Where VSCDeclData lives. */
resource 'rsiz' (128, "Size of ROM Image") {
RomSize; /* Size of the ROM */
resource 'rbas' (128, "Base address of ROM Image") {
RomBase; /* Base address of the ROM */
resource 'rcod' (128, "Main Code Image") {
{RsrcDir}, /* Path Name */
"MainCode.rsrc", /* File Name */
'ZROM', /* Resource Type */
0x0080, /* Resource ID */
StartOfRom /* ROM Address */
resource 'rrhd' (128, "Resource Header") {
kDynamicAddress, /* Address */
0x0000001A; /* Fixup address */
resource 'rdcl' (128, "DeclData") {
{RsrcDir}, /* Path Name */
"DeclData", /* File Name */
EndOfRom /* ROM Address */
#if 0
resource 'rdcl' (129, "VSC DeclData") {
{RsrcDir}, /* Path Name */
"VSCDeclData", /* File Name */
EndOfVSC /* ROM Address */
resource 'rcks' (128, "ROM Check Sum") {
StartOfRom + 4, /* Calculate checksum from */
EndOfRom, /* start of rom to end of rom */
'ZROM', /* Fixup Resource Type */
0x0080, /* Fixup Resource ID */
0x00000030, /* Slice Checksum offset */
0x00000000 /* Checksum offset */
resource 'rref' (129, "Size of ROM in bytes") {
'ZROM', /* Referenced Resource Type */
0x0080, /* Referenced Resource ID */
EndOfRom, /* Referenced address */
'ZROM', /* Fixup Resource Type */
0x0080, /* Fixup Resource ID */
0x00000040; /* Fixup address */
resource 'rmap' (128, "main code link map") {
'ZROM', /* Resource Type */
0x0080, /* Resource ID */
{TextDir}, /* LinkMap Path Name */
"", /* LinkMap File Name */
{TextDir}, /* Symbol Path Name */
"MainCode.Sym" /* Symbol File Name */