{ Created: Saturday, July 27, 1991 at 10:14 PM Notification.p Pascal Interface to the Macintosh Libraries Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1989-1991 All rights reserved This file is used in these builds: Mac32 BigBang Sys606 Change History (most recent first): <6> 7/30/91 JL Updated Copyright. Added NMProcPtr and used it to match C file. <5> 1/27/91 LN Checked in Database generate file from DSG. <4> 10/3/90 JAL Updated to match CInclude. <3> 7/16/90 VL Changed nmSIcon to nmIcon. } {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes} {$SETC UsingIncludes := 0} {$ENDC} {$IFC NOT UsingIncludes} UNIT Notification; INTERFACE {$ENDC} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingNotification} {$SETC UsingNotification := 1} {$I+} {$SETC NotificationIncludes := UsingIncludes} {$SETC UsingIncludes := 1} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingTypes} {$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Types.p} {$ENDC} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingOSUtils} {$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)OSUtils.p} {$ENDC} {$SETC UsingIncludes := NotificationIncludes} CONST nmType = 8; TYPE NMProcPtr = ProcPtr; NMRecPtr = ^NMRec; NMRec = RECORD qLink: QElemPtr; {next queue entry} qType: INTEGER; {queue type -- ORD(nmType) = 8} nmFlags: INTEGER; {reserved} nmPrivate: LONGINT; {reserved} nmReserved: INTEGER; {reserved} nmMark: INTEGER; {item to mark in Apple menu} nmIcon: Handle; {handle to small icon} nmSound: Handle; {handle to sound record} nmStr: StringPtr; {string to appear in alert} nmResp: NMProcPtr; {pointer to response routine} nmRefCon: LONGINT; {for application use} END; FUNCTION NMInstall(nmReqPtr: NMRecPtr): OSErr; INLINE $205F,$A05E,$3E80; FUNCTION NMRemove(nmReqPtr: NMRecPtr): OSErr; INLINE $205F,$A05F,$3E80; {$ENDC} { UsingNotification } {$IFC NOT UsingIncludes} END. {$ENDC}