{ Created: Tuesday, July 23, 1991 at 9:02 PM Packages.p Pascal Interface to the Macintosh Libraries Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1985-1991 All rights reserved This file is used in these builds: BigBang Sys606 Change History (most recent first): <24> 4/1/92 DCL Un-Include StandardFile. <23> 3/31/92 DCL Re-Include StandardFile for now. <22> 3/30/92 DCL Moved IUGetItlTable to Script.[hap] And ceased to include StandardFile. <21> 3/26/92 DCL For New IM: Moved many declarations and routines from Packages.[ph] to TextUtils.[ph] And moved all of the Date & Time stuff to a new DateTime include file. #1025005 <20> 3/20/92 DCL #1025005,: For New IM: Moved some declarations and routines from Packages.[ph] to Language.[ph] <19> 3/19/92 DCL For New IM: Moved declarations and routines to Script.[ph] <18> 7/31/91 JL Updated Copyright. Restored Comments. <17> 1/27/91 LN Checked in Database Generated file from DSG. <16> 1/7/91 JDR (dba) IUMagPString, IUMagIDPString, IUCompPString, and IUEqualPString use the parameter name itl2Handle. All other intlParams become intlHandle. <15> 1/2/91 PKE (bbm) Updated comments and rearranged a few constants to match latest Inside Mac summary. <14> 11/4/90 dba shorten the inline for IUDateString <13> 8/29/90 PKE Add iuWhiteSpaceList constant. <12> 8/24/90 PKE Add iuUnTokenTable constant. <11> 7/2/90 PKE Moved definition of LangCode into Types.p. <10> 6/20/90 PKE Added some verXxx synonyms that are less ambiguous than the old names. <9> 5/29/90 ngk Move ScriptCode definition to Types.p <8> 5/11/90 PKE Added verArabic as synonym for verArabia. <7> 3/2/90 Official MPW version. <6> 2/7/90 csd Commented out the definition of colorPicker=12 because it was conflicting with UNIT ColorPicker. No one uses it anyway. <5> 2/7/90 ngk Pull all StandardFile stuff out into a separate file - StandardFile.p <4> 1/23/90 PKE Moved IULDateString and IULTimeString interfaces from Script.p to here, where they should have been all along. This requires auto-include of Script.p for definition of LongDateTime. Added INLINE implementation of several International Utilities routines (and removed them from Interfaces.o): IUGetIntl, IUSetIntl, IUDateString, IUDatePString, IUTimeString, IUTimePString, IUMetric, IUMagString, IUMagIdString. Moved glue for IUCompPString, IUEqualPString, and IUStringOrder into Interface.o and removed INLINE implementation here. <3> 1/17/90 PKE Added several new verXxx codes. <2> 1/7/90 ngk Changed auto-include from Alias.p to Aliases.p <1> 12/17/89 CCH Adding for the first time into BBS. (BBS versions above, EASE versions below) <1.4> 10/14/89 ngk Added new StandardFile calls. <1.3> 9/22/89 PKE Defined more ScriptCode and LangCode values. Added interface and table selector constants for IUGetItlTable. <1.2> 9/18/89 PKE Defined and used new ScriptCode and LangCode types for script and language sorting; rearranged parameters for IUStringOrder and IUTextOrder. <1.1> 9/15/89 PKE Add interfaces and temporary glue for 7.0 procedure IUClearCache and functions IUMagPString, IUMagIDPString, IUCompPString, IUEqualPString, IUScriptOrder, IULangOrder, IUTextOrder, IUStringOrder. Also added bigBangEquates symbol to mark new stuff. <1.0> 11/17/88 CCH Adding to EASE. } {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes} {$SETC UsingIncludes := 0} {$ENDC} {$IFC NOT UsingIncludes} UNIT Packages; INTERFACE {$ENDC} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingPackages} {$SETC UsingPackages := 1} {$I+} {$SETC PackagesIncludes := UsingIncludes} {$SETC UsingIncludes := 1} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingTypes} {$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Types.p} {$ENDC} {$SETC UsingIncludes := PackagesIncludes} CONST listMgr = 0; {list manager} dskInit = 2; {Disk Initializaton} stdFile = 3; {Standard File} flPoint = 4; {Floating-Point Arithmetic} trFunc = 5; {Transcendental Functions} intUtil = 6; {International Utilities} bdConv = 7; {Binary/Decimal Conversion} editionMgr = 11; {Edition Manager} PROCEDURE InitPack(packID: INTEGER); INLINE $A9E5; PROCEDURE InitAllPacks; INLINE $A9E6; {$ENDC} { UsingPackages } {$IFC NOT UsingIncludes} END. {$ENDC}