{ Created: Sunday, July 28, 1991 at 12:14 AM ToolUtils.p Pascal Interface to the Macintosh Libraries Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1985-1992 All rights reserved This file is used in these builds: Mac32 BigBang Sys606 Change History (most recent first): <5> 3/12/92 DCL For New Inside Mac Text volume: Moved GetString, Munger, SetString, NewString, GetIndString to the new file: TextUtils.[ph] <4> 7/31/91 JL Updated Copyright. <3> 1/27/91 LN Checked in Database generate file from DSG. made formal parameter names match .h file. <2> 10/2/90 JAL Added Inlines for ScreenRes } {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes} {$SETC UsingIncludes := 0} {$ENDC} {$IFC NOT UsingIncludes} UNIT ToolUtils; INTERFACE {$ENDC} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingToolUtils} {$SETC UsingToolUtils := 1} {$I+} {$SETC ToolUtilsIncludes := UsingIncludes} {$SETC UsingIncludes := 1} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingQuickdraw} {$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Quickdraw.p} {$ENDC} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingTextUtils} {$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)TextUtils.p} {$ENDC} {$SETC UsingIncludes := ToolUtilsIncludes} CONST sysPatListID = 0; iBeamCursor = 1; crossCursor = 2; plusCursor = 3; watchCursor = 4; TYPE Int64Bit = RECORD hiLong: LONGINT; loLong: LONGINT; END; FUNCTION FixRatio(numer: INTEGER;denom: INTEGER): Fixed; INLINE $A869; FUNCTION FixMul(a: Fixed;b: Fixed): Fixed; INLINE $A868; FUNCTION FixRound(x: Fixed): INTEGER; INLINE $A86C; PROCEDURE PackBits(VAR srcPtr: Ptr;VAR dstPtr: Ptr;srcBytes: INTEGER); INLINE $A8CF; PROCEDURE UnpackBits(VAR srcPtr: Ptr;VAR dstPtr: Ptr;dstBytes: INTEGER); INLINE $A8D0; FUNCTION BitTst(bytePtr: Ptr;bitNum: LONGINT): BOOLEAN; INLINE $A85D; PROCEDURE BitSet(bytePtr: Ptr;bitNum: LONGINT); INLINE $A85E; PROCEDURE BitClr(bytePtr: Ptr;bitNum: LONGINT); INLINE $A85F; FUNCTION BitAnd(value1: LONGINT;value2: LONGINT): LONGINT; INLINE $A858; FUNCTION BitOr(value1: LONGINT;value2: LONGINT): LONGINT; INLINE $A85B; FUNCTION BitXor(value1: LONGINT;value2: LONGINT): LONGINT; INLINE $A859; FUNCTION BitNot(value: LONGINT): LONGINT; INLINE $A85A; FUNCTION BitShift(value: LONGINT;count: INTEGER): LONGINT; INLINE $A85C; FUNCTION HiWord(x: LONGINT): INTEGER; INLINE $A86A; FUNCTION LoWord(x: LONGINT): INTEGER; INLINE $A86B; PROCEDURE LongMul(a: LONGINT;b: LONGINT;VAR result: Int64Bit); INLINE $A867; FUNCTION GetIcon(iconID: INTEGER): Handle; INLINE $A9BB; PROCEDURE PlotIcon(theRect: Rect;theIcon: Handle); INLINE $A94B; FUNCTION GetPattern(patternID: INTEGER): PatHandle; INLINE $A9B8; FUNCTION GetCursor(cursorID: INTEGER): CursHandle; INLINE $A9B9; FUNCTION GetPicture(pictureID: INTEGER): PicHandle; INLINE $A9BC; FUNCTION SlopeFromAngle(angle: INTEGER): Fixed; INLINE $A8BC; FUNCTION AngleFromSlope(slope: Fixed): INTEGER; INLINE $A8C4; FUNCTION DeltaPoint(ptA: Point;ptB: Point): LONGINT; INLINE $A94F; PROCEDURE ShieldCursor(shieldRect: Rect;offsetPt: Point); INLINE $A855; PROCEDURE ScreenRes(VAR scrnHRes: INTEGER;VAR scrnVRes: INTEGER); INLINE $225F,$32B8,$0102,$225F,$32B8,$0104; PROCEDURE GetIndPattern(VAR thePat: Pattern;patternListID: INTEGER;index: INTEGER); {$ENDC} { UsingToolUtils } {$IFC NOT UsingIncludes} END. {$ENDC}