; ; File: ADSPEqu.a ; ; Contains: xxx put contents here xxx ; ; Written by: xxx put writers here xxx ; ; Copyright: © 1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; <7> 1/30/91 gbm sab, #42: Change the ‘already including this file’ variable to ; all uppercase ; ; To Do: ; ; Version: 1.10 ; Created: Friday, January 19, 1990 at 9:11:52 AM ; File: ADSPEqu.a ; ; Assembler Interface to the Macintosh Libraries ; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1989-90 ; All Rights Reserved ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- IF &TYPE('__INCLUDINGADSPEQU__') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN __INCLUDINGADSPEQU__ SET 1 ; error codes errRefNum EQU -1280 ; bad connection refNum errAborted EQU -1279 ; control call was aborted errState EQU -1278 ; bad connection state for this operation errOpening EQU -1277 ; open connection request failed errAttention EQU -1276 ; attention message too long errFwdReset EQU -1275 ; read terminated by forward reset errDSPQueueSize EQU -1274 ; send or receive queue is too small errOpenDenied EQU -1273 ; open connection request was denied ; client control codes dspInit EQU 255 ; create a new connection end dspRemove EQU 254 ; remove a connection end dspOpen EQU 253 ; open a connection dspClose EQU 252 ; close a connection dspCLInit EQU 251 ; create a connection listener dspCLRemove EQU 250 ; remove a connection listener dspCLListen EQU 249 ; post a listener request dspCLDeny EQU 248 ; deny an open connection request dspStatus EQU 247 ; get status of connection end dspRead EQU 246 ; read data from the connection dspWrite EQU 245 ; write data on the connection dspAttention EQU 244 ; send an attention message dspOptions EQU 243 ; set connection end options dspReset EQU 242 ; forward reset the connection dspNewCID EQU 241 ; generate a cid for a connection end ; open connection modes ocRequest EQU 1 ; request a connection with remote ocPassive EQU 2 ; wait for a connection request from remote ocAccept EQU 3 ; accept request as delivered by listener ocEstablish EQU 4 ; consider connection to be open ; connection states sListening EQU 1 ; for connection listeners sPassive EQU 2 ; waiting for a connection request from remote sOpening EQU 3 ; requesting a connection with remote sOpen EQU 4 ; connection is open sClosing EQU 5 ; connection is being torn down sClosed EQU 6 ; connection end state is closed ; client event flags (bit-mask) eClosed EQU $80 ; received connection closed advice eTearDown EQU $40 ; closed due to broken connection eAttention EQU $20 ; received attention message eFwdReset EQU $10 ; received forward reset advice ; miscellaneous equates attnBufSize EQU 570 ; size of client attention message minDSPQueueSize EQU 100 ; minimum size for both receive and send queues ; connection control block equates & size ccbLink EQU 0 ; link to next ccb refNum EQU ccbLink+4 ; user reference number state EQU refNum+2 ; state of the connection end userFlags EQU state+2 ; flags for unsolicited connection events localSocket EQU userFlags+1 ; socket number of this connection end remoteAddress EQU localSocket+1 ; internet address of remote end attnCode EQU remoteAddress+4 ; attention code received attnSize EQU attnCode+2 ; size of received attention data attnPtr EQU attnSize+2 ; ptr to received attention data ccbSize EQU attnPtr+224 ; total byte size of ccb ; adsp queue element equates & size csQStatus EQU $1C ; csQStatus EQU CSParam (adsp internal use) csCCBRef EQU csQStatus+4 ; refnum of ccb ; dspInit, dspCLInit csCCBPtr EQU csCCBRef+2 ; pointer to connection control block csUserRtn EQU csCCBPtr+4 ; client routine to call on event csSendQSize EQU csUserRtn+4 ; size of send queue (0..64K bytes) csSendQueue EQU csSendQSize+2 ; client passed send queue buffer csRecvQSize EQU csSendQueue+4 ; size of receive queue (0..64K bytes) csRecvQueue EQU csRecvQSize+2 ; client passed receive queue buffer csAttnPtr EQU csRecvQueue+4 ; client passed receive attention buffer csLocSkt EQU csAttnPtr+4 ; local socket number ; dspOpen, dspCLListen, dspCLDeny csLocCID EQU csCCBRef+2 ; local connection id csRemCID EQU csLocCID+2 ; remote connection id csRemAddr EQU csRemCID+2 ; address of remote end csFltrAddr EQU csRemAddr+4 ; address filter csSendSeq EQU csFltrAddr+4 ; local send sequence number csSendWdw EQU csSendSeq+4 ; send window size csRecvSeq EQU csSendWdw+2 ; receive sequence number csAttnSendSeq EQU csRecvSeq+4 ; attention send sequence number csAttnRecvSeq EQU csAttnSendSeq+4 ; attention receive sequence number csOCMode EQU csAttnRecvSeq+4 ; open connection mode csOCInterval EQU csOCMode+1 ; open connection request retry interval csOCMaximum EQU csOCInterval+1 ; open connection request retry maximum ; dspClose, dspRemove csAbort EQU csCCBRef+2 ; abort connection immediately if non-zero ; dspStatus csSQPending EQU csCCBPtr+4 ; pending bytes in send queue csSQFree EQU csSQPending+2 ; available buffer space in send queue csRQPending EQU csSQFree+2 ; pending bytes in receive queue csRQFree EQU csRQPending+2 ; available buffer space in receive queue ; dspRead, dspWrite csReqCount EQU csCCBRef+2 ; requested number of bytes csActCount EQU csReqCount+2 ; actual number of bytes csDataPtr EQU csActCount+2 ; pointer to data buffer csEOM EQU csDataPtr+4 ; indicates logical end of message csFlush EQU csEOM+1 ; send data now ; dspAttention csAttnCode EQU csCCBRef+2 ; client attention code csAttnSize EQU csAttnCode+2 ; size of attention data csAttnData EQU csAttnSize+2 ; pointer to attention data csAttnInterval EQU csAttnData+4 ; retransmit timer in 10-tick intervals ; dspOptions csSendBlocking EQU csCCBRef+2 ; quantum for data packets csSendTimer EQU csSendBlocking+2 ; send timer in 10-tick intervals csRtmtTimer EQU csSendTimer+1 ; retransmit timer in 10-tick intervals csBadSeqMax EQU csRtmtTimer+1 ; threshold for sending retransmit advice csUseCheckSum EQU csBadSeqMax+1 ; use ddp packet checksum ; dspNewCID csNewCID EQU csCCBRef+2 ; new connection id returned dspPBSize EQU 68 ; byte size of largest dsp param block ENDIF ; ...already included