/* File: Speech.h Contains: Interfaces to Speech Manager Written by: Tim Schaaff Copyright: © 1991-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. Change History (most recent first): 8/4/93 JDR synch with Reality and Sound Mgr. <12> 6/22/93 DTY Fix ProcPtrs again. <10+> 6/18/93 MC <10> 6/15/93 JDR fix comment <9> 6/15/93 JDR All errors belong in Error.h. Moved Speech Manager errors back to where they belong. Moved Gestalt info into GestaltEqu as well. <8> 6/15/93 JDR Corrected DTY errors in typedefs. <7> 6/10/93 DTY Add #pragma procnames for ProcPtr typedefs. <6> 6/10/93 DTY Make struct definitions Interfacer studly. <9> 6/2/93 MC Moved error codes back. <8> 3/10/93 JDR moved error codes into Errors <7> 3/10/93 JDR moved to {CIncludes} <6> 1/14/93 TIM Rename badPhonemeText error return to badInputText. <5> 11/30/92 TIM Renamed callback function typedefs to fix name-space conflicts between Speech Mgr and Quicktime Movies.h and to make them more Speech Mgr specific. <4> 10/28/92 TIM Put badPhonemeText error code back into API. <3> 9/15/92 TIM Removed badStructLen, unimplMsg, badSelector, badParmVal error return. Added “voiceNotFound” error return. Added length param to GetVoiceDescription. Prefixed some constants with “k” to conform to Apple naming conventions. <2> 7/23/92 TIM Switch resource and file type defines over to the “official” ones from Brian McGhie. <1> 7/6/92 TIM Add support for Voice management routines <0> 6/24/92 TIM Bring interfaces up to date with 1.0a7 spec <-1> 4/21/92 TIM Bring interfaces up to date with 1.0a5 spec <-2> 2/13/92 TIM Bring interfaces up to date with 1.0a3 spec <-3> 11/19/91 TIM Pass voice Handle argument to ReadNthVoice and ReadNamedVoice by reference <-4> 11/14/91 TIM Flesh out more of the API <-5> 11/11/91 TIM Bring interfaces up to date with ERS <-6> 11/6/91 TIM first checked in */ #ifndef _SPEECH_ #define _SPEECH_ #ifndef __TYPES__ #include #endif #ifndef __MEMORY__ #include #endif #ifndef __FILES__ #include #endif #define kTextToSpeechSynthType 'ttsc' /* Text-to-Speech Synthesizer component type */ #define kTextToSpeechVoiceType 'ttvd' /* Text-to-Speech Voice resource type */ #define kTextToSpeechVoiceFileType 'ttvf' /* Text-to-Speech Voice file type */ #define kTextToSpeechVoiceBundleType 'ttvb' /* Text-to-Speech Voice Bundle file type */ enum { /* constants for SpeakBuffer and TextDone callback controlFlags bits */ kNoEndingProsody = 1, kNoSpeechInterrupt = 2, kPreflightThenPause = 4 }; enum { /* constants for StopSpeechAt and PauseSpeechAt */ kImmediate = 0, kEndOfWord = 1, kEndOfSentence = 2 }; #define soStatus 'stat' /* GetSpeechInfo & SetSpeechInfo selectors */ #define soErrors 'erro' #define soInputMode 'inpt' #define soCharacterMode 'char' #define soNumberMode 'nmbr' #define soRate 'rate' #define soPitchBase 'pbas' #define soPitchMod 'pmod' #define soVolume 'volm' #define soSynthType 'vers' #define soRecentSync 'sync' #define soPhonemeSymbols 'phsy' #define soCurrentVoice 'cvox' #define soCommandDelimiter 'dlim' #define soReset 'rset' #define soCurrentA5 'myA5' #define soRefCon 'refc' #define soTextDoneCallBack 'tdcb' #define soSpeechDoneCallBack 'sdcb' #define soSyncCallBack 'sycb' #define soErrorCallBack 'ercb' #define soPhonemeCallBack 'phcb' #define soWordCallBack 'wdcb' #define soSynthExtension 'xtnd' #define soSndInit 'sndi' /* Speaking Mode Constants */ #define modeText 'TEXT' /* input mode constants */ #define modePhonemes 'PHON' #define modeNormal 'NORM' /* character mode and number mode constants */ #define modeLiteral 'LTRL' enum { /* GetVoiceInfo selectors */ soVoiceDescription = 'info', /* gets basic voice info */ soVoiceFile = 'fref' /* gets voice file ref info */ }; struct SpeechChannelRecord { long data[1]; }; typedef struct SpeechChannelRecord SpeechChannelRecord; typedef SpeechChannelRecord *SpeechChannel; struct VoiceSpec { OSType creator; /* creator id of required synthesizer */ OSType id; /* voice id on the specified synth */ }; typedef struct VoiceSpec VoiceSpec; enum {kNeuter = 0, kMale, kFemale}; /* returned in gender field below */ struct VoiceDescription { long length; /* size of structure - set by application */ VoiceSpec voice; /* voice creator and id info */ long version; /* version code for voice */ Str63 name; /* name of voice */ Str255 comment; /* additional text info about voice */ short gender; /* neuter, male, or female */ short age; /* approximate age in years */ short script; /* script code of text voice can process */ short language; /* language code of voice output speech */ short region; /* region code of voice output speech */ long reserved[4]; /* always zero - reserved for future use */ }; typedef struct VoiceDescription VoiceDescription; struct VoiceFileInfo { FSSpec fileSpec; /* volume, dir, & name information for voice file */ short resID; /* resource id of voice in the file */ }; typedef struct VoiceFileInfo VoiceFileInfo; struct SpeechStatusInfo { Boolean outputBusy; /* TRUE if audio is playing */ Boolean outputPaused; /* TRUE if channel is paused */ long inputBytesLeft; /* bytes left to process */ short phonemeCode; /* opcode for cur phoneme */ }; typedef struct SpeechStatusInfo SpeechStatusInfo; struct SpeechErrorInfo { short count; /* # of errs since last check */ OSErr oldest; /* oldest unread error */ long oldPos; /* char position of oldest err */ OSErr newest; /* most recent error */ long newPos; /* char position of newest err */ }; typedef struct SpeechErrorInfo SpeechErrorInfo; struct SpeechVersionInfo { OSType synthType; /* always ‘ttsc’ */ OSType synthSubType; /* synth flavor */ OSType synthManufacturer; /* synth creator ID */ long synthFlags; /* synth feature flags */ NumVersion synthVersion; /* synth version number */ }; typedef struct SpeechVersionInfo SpeechVersionInfo; struct PhonemeInfo { short opcode; /* opcode for the phoneme */ Str15 phStr; /* corresponding char string */ Str31 exampleStr; /* word that shows use of phoneme */ short hiliteStart; /* segment of example word that */ short hiliteEnd; /* should be hilighted (ala TextEdit) */ }; typedef struct PhonemeInfo PhonemeInfo; struct PhonemeDescriptor { short phonemeCount; /* # of elements */ PhonemeInfo thePhonemes[1]; /* element list */ }; typedef struct PhonemeDescriptor PhonemeDescriptor; struct SpeechXtndData { OSType synthCreator; /* synth creator id */ Byte synthData[2]; /* data TBD by synth */ }; typedef struct SpeechXtndData SpeechXtndData; struct DelimiterInfo { Byte startDelimiter[2]; /* defaults to “[[“ */ Byte endDelimiter[2]; /* defaults to “]]“ */ }; typedef struct DelimiterInfo DelimiterInfo; /* Text-done callback routine typedef */ #pragma procname SpeechTextDone typedef pascal void (*SpeechTextDoneProcPtr) (SpeechChannel, long, Ptr *, long *, long *); typedef SpeechTextDoneProcPtr SpeechTextDoneCBPtr; /* Speech-done callback routine typedef */ #pragma procname SpeechDone typedef pascal void (*SpeechDoneProcPtr) (SpeechChannel, long ); typedef SpeechDoneProcPtr SpeechDoneCBPtr; /* Sync callback routine typedef */ #pragma procname SpeechSync typedef pascal void (*SpeechSyncProcPtr) (SpeechChannel, long, OSType); typedef SpeechSyncProcPtr SpeechSyncCBPtr; /* Error callback routine typedef */ #pragma procname SpeechError typedef pascal void (*SpeechErrorProcPtr) (SpeechChannel, long, OSErr, long); typedef SpeechErrorProcPtr SpeechErrorCBPtr; /* Phoneme callback routine typedef */ #pragma procname SpeechPhoneme typedef pascal void (*SpeechPhonemeProcPtr) (SpeechChannel, long, short); typedef SpeechPhonemeProcPtr SpeechPhonemeCBPtr; /* Word callback routine typedef */ #pragma procname SpeechWord typedef pascal void (*SpeechWordProcPtr) (SpeechChannel, long, long, short); typedef SpeechWordProcPtr SpeechWordCBPtr; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif pascal NumVersion SpeechManagerVersion (void) = {0x203C,0x0000,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr MakeVoiceSpec (OSType creator, OSType id, VoiceSpec *voice) = {0x203C,0x0604,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr CountVoices (short *numVoices) = {0x203C,0x0108,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr GetIndVoice (short index, VoiceSpec *voice) = {0x203C,0x030C,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr GetVoiceDescription (VoiceSpec *voice, VoiceDescription *info, long infoLength) = {0x203C,0x0610,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr GetVoiceInfo (VoiceSpec *voice, OSType selector, void *voiceInfo) = {0x203C,0x0614,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr NewSpeechChannel (VoiceSpec *voice, SpeechChannel *chan) = {0x203C,0x0418,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr DisposeSpeechChannel (SpeechChannel chan) = {0x203C,0x021C,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr SpeakString (StringPtr s) = {0x203C,0x0220,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr SpeakText (SpeechChannel chan, Ptr textBuf, long textBytes) = {0x203C,0x0624,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr SpeakBuffer (SpeechChannel chan, Ptr textBuf, long textBytes, long controlFlags) = {0x203C,0x0828,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr StopSpeech (SpeechChannel chan) = {0x203C,0x022C,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr StopSpeechAt (SpeechChannel chan, long whereToStop) = {0x203C,0x0430,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr PauseSpeechAt (SpeechChannel chan, long whereToPause) = {0x203C,0x0434,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr ContinueSpeech (SpeechChannel chan) = {0x203C,0x0238,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal short SpeechBusy (void) = {0x203C,0x003C,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal short SpeechBusySystemWide (void) = {0x203C,0x0040,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr SetSpeechRate (SpeechChannel chan, Fixed rate) = {0x203C,0x0444,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr GetSpeechRate (SpeechChannel chan, Fixed *rate) = {0x203C,0x0448,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr SetSpeechPitch (SpeechChannel chan, Fixed pitch) = {0x203C,0x044C,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr GetSpeechPitch (SpeechChannel chan, Fixed *pitch) = {0x203C,0x0450,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr SetSpeechInfo (SpeechChannel chan, OSType selector, void *speechInfo) = {0x203C,0x0654,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr GetSpeechInfo (SpeechChannel chan, OSType selector, void *speechInfo) = {0x203C,0x0658,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr TextToPhonemes (SpeechChannel chan, Ptr textBuf, long textBytes, Handle phonemeBuf, long *phonemeBytes) = {0x203C,0x0A5C,0x000C,0xA800}; pascal OSErr UseDictionary (SpeechChannel chan, Handle dictionary) = {0x203C,0x0460,0x000C,0xA800}; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif