; ; File: VectorTablePatch.a ; ; Contains: This contains macros used to create the ROM vectorization ; patches applied by the Vectorization tool. The user ; needs to assemble this file directly, and pass in the name of ; the vector table source file ( VectorTable.a ) on the command ; line with: ; ; Asm VectorTablePatch.a -d "&VECTORTABLE='filename'" ; ; Written by: Kurt Clark ; ; Copyright: © 1992-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; 2/21/93 kc Change to case on change macros to create empty module for ; routines that we don't want to vectorize, so that we do not ; generate a "non vectorized routine warning" ; 12/3/92 RB Added the feature has2MegOrMore. ; <1> 12/2/92 kc first checked in ; To Do: ; MACHINE mc68020 Case On kDoNotPatch Equ 1 ; info table format version kDirectVector Equ 1 ; direct vector type kIndirectVector Equ 2 ; indirect vector type Macro ; nothing to do here but we will generate an empty patch &Name vDataTable ; module so the vectorize tool will not generate a &Name Proc Export ; "Non vectorized routine" warning. EndProc EndMacro Macro ; nothing to do here but we will generate an empty patch &Name vNoVector ; module so the vectorize tool will not generate a &Name Proc Export ; "Non vectorized routine" warning. EndProc EndMacro Macro ; At some point we may decide to administer atraps &Name vATrap &TNum ; with the same technique we use for ROM vectors. &Name Proc Export ; nothing to do now but we will generate an empty patch EndProc ; module so the vectorize tool will not generate a EndMacro ; "Non vectorized routine" warning. Macro ; This is used for any vectors where performance is &Name vDirect &TVec, &CVec, &AReg ; important enough to warrant a seperate low memory vector. &Name Proc Export ; At this point we are not administering direct vectors. EndProc ; nothing to do here but we will generate an empty patch EndMacro ; module so the vectorize tool will not generate a ; "Non vectorized routine" warning. Macro &Name vIndirect &TVec, &CVec, &AReg, &Cond ; Make sure that we want to create a vector for this entry If &Name = '' Then ; check name AError 'Name missing from vIndirect Macro' Exitm Endif If &Cond ≠ '' Then ; check conditional If &Type(&Cond) = 'UNDEFINED' Then &Name proc export ; generate an empty patch endproc Exitm ElseIf Not &Eval(&Cond) Then &Name proc export ; generate an empty patch endproc Exitm Endif Endif ; Create the "patch" that the will be appended to the callee's module. If &AReg ≠ '' And &AReg = 'A7' Then &Name proc export ; export entrypoint move.l ([&TVec],&CVec),-(sp) ; push address of the "real" routine rts ; and jump to it EndProc Else &Name proc export ; export entrypoint move.l &TVec,&AReg ; move address of table into register move.l &CVec(&AReg),&AReg ; move address of "real" routine into register jmp (&AReg) ; and jump to it EndProc Endif EndMacro Include &VECTORTABLE ; do the real work End