## File: Interfaces.Dict ## Date Created: 4/22/90 ## Purpose: This file was created so that radical changes in the Interface Files ## would not have to disrupt your current source code. ## ## How to use: Copy the Interfaces.Dict file to the Interfaces folder in your MPW folder. ## You need to run each file in your source through the canon tool with ## this dicitonary file individually. You need a for...loop. ## ## set sources "" # set the variable sources to the path of the sources. (Ex. set sources "Hard Disk:Sources:") ## export sources ## set exit 0 ## For i in `Files -f -r "{Sources}"` ## if `exists -f "{i}"` ## canon -s "{MPW}Interfaces:"Interfaces.Dict "{i}" > "{i}".can ## rename -y "{i}".can "{i}" ## end ## end ## ## hfileInfo hFileInfo # change all occurences of hfileInfo to hFileInfo # as per the change in CInfoPBRec in Files.h teStylPaste teStylePaste # as per the change in ToolEqu.a _TEStylPaste _TEStylePaste getStylHandle getStyleHandle # as per the change in ToolEqu.a _GetStylHandle _GetStyleHandle setStylHandle setStyleHandle # as per the change in ToolEqu.a _SetStylHandle _SetStyleHandle getStylScrap getStyleScrap # as per the change in ToolEqu.a _GetStylScrap _GetStyleScrap teStylInsert teStyleInsert # as per the change in ToolEqu.a _TEStylInsert _TEStyleInsert ############ # Sound ############ noteSynth squareWaveSynth noteCmd freqDurationCmd baseNote baseFrequency numSampleFrames sampleFrames dataPointerFlag dataOffsetFlag ############ # Quickdraw ############ PICT2Header OpenCPicParams ############ # PictUtil ############ METHOD_SYSTEM systemMethod METHOD_POPULAR popularMethod METHOD_MEDIAN medianMethod ############ # Icons ############ spoolFolderIconResource printMonitorFolderIconResource ############ # EPPC ############ rtrnReciptMsgID rtrnReceiptMsgID ############ # Traps.a ############ Pixmap32Bit PixMap32Bit ############ useMFTemp UseTempMem