/* File: Startup.c Contains: Main startup for the Process Manager. Written by: Erich Ringewald Copyright: © 1986-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. Change History (most recent first): 7/21/93 joe Back out . <27> 10/28/92 DTY Use new Get/Set macros to access ExpandMem. <26> 9/25/92 DRF Get rid of MyGestalt, since inline glue exists <25> 8/26/92 DTY Change ModSquad’s funky conditional to use #ifdefs like everyone else. <24> 8/26/92 DTY Roll in latest changes for A/UX. <23> 8/17/92 hjcr Adding support for OCE's "defer drag" feature. Conditionally compiled under MODSQUAD <22> 5/11/92 JSM #1029437 : Set emProcessMgrExists to true after calling MyNewGestalt(). <21> 3/30/92 DTY #1025416,: Look for Skia in InitConfig and set skiaExists accordingly. <20> 3/23/92 JSM OSEvents.h is obsolete, use Events.h. <19> 1/11/92 YK Initialize new globals for the TSM. <18> 11/22/91 DTY Initialize allocateGMBlkInSysHeap to be false. GMBlk normally tries to allocate it’s block in the Process Manager zone first, except when an 'obit' event is being sent. <17> 11/1/91 DTY Set TOPMAPHANDLE to point to the first system override map instead of SYSMAPHANDLE in main(). <16> 10/15/91 YK Added initializing code for the Text Service Manager. <15> 9/16/91 DFH Set initialProcessSR in InitializeScheduler. Needed for NuKernel. <14> 5/23/91 dba do a style of coercion that MPW 3.2 C likes <13> 1/28/91 DFH JSM,#81425: Removed inhibit_DAs mechanism. <12> 1/15/91 DFH (VL) Conditionalize out FloatAUXUp. <11> 1/14/91 DFH (dba) Make system mode per process. <10> 1/14/91 DFH (JDR) Conditionalize out AUX support. <8> 1/8/91 DFH (rdd) Got rid of pErrantProcess since it is no longer needed. <7> 12/15/90 DFH Main now initializes srcMyScrapInfo.pScrapOwner. <6> 12/14/90 DFH InitializeScheduler now initializes kernelMode. <5> 12/13/90 JWM For 7.0B3, sending the AppleEvent message to the network extension (Network Setup) in the shell program (Finder 7.0) about the PPCToolbox not initializing was removed. <4> 12/5/90 DFH Integrated AUX support. <3> 11/26/90 DFH Change trespass() to dbmsg(). <0> 9/2/86 ELR New Today. */ #pragma segment INIT #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Lomem.h" #include "SysMisc.h" #include "Glue.h" #include "Data.h" #include "OSDispatchPrivate.h" #include "Patches.h" #include "Aux.h" #include "Puppet.h" #include "HList.h" #include "Zone.h" #include "EppcPrivate.h" #include "AppleEventExtensions.h" /* Some function prototypes that should be in (yet another) header file */ void MyNewGestalt(void); void InitExceptions(void); void GetSwitchTab(void); void InitSystemMenus(void); void VNInit(void); void FMKill(Boolean); /* Function prototypes internal to this file */ void InitializeEnvironment(void); void InitializeScheduler(void); void InitConfig(void); void FloatMainUp(void); void FloatKernelUp(void); void FloatEppcUp(void); void FloatAUXUp(void); main(void) { LaunchResults finderLaunchResults; Handle ourScrapHdl; HighLevelEventRecord theEvent; FSSpec finderSpec; _DataInit(); /* Initialize our global data */ InitializeEnvironment(); /* Adjust machine environment to our liking */ InstallPatches(); /* Install our patches */ InitializeScheduler(); /* Initialize our global structures */ /* Locate Process Mgr's scrap handle BEFORE launches */ ourScrapHdl = SCRAPHANDLE; /* In case BG app dies before we launch FINDERNAME */ pShellProcess = ((Ptr) -1); /* Launch startup background applications */ if ((EXTENSIONSENABLEBYTE & (1 << ExtensionsEnabledBit)) != 0) LaunchFacelessTasks(); THEZONE = ProcessMgrZone; if ((finderLaunchResults.LaunchError = FSMakeFSSpec(BOOTVOL, 0, FINDERNAME, &finderSpec)) == noErr) StandardLaunch(&finderSpec, launchUseMinimum, 0, nil, &finderLaunchResults, nil); /* Quick Restore: Have to set zone to sys to do _UnloadSeg correctly */ THEZONE = SYSZONE; CURMAP = SYSMAP; TOPMAPHANDLE = GetOverrideMap(SYSMAPHANDLE); /* Bomb box if the Finder launch failed */ if (finderLaunchResults.LaunchError != noErr) SysError(dsFinderErr); /* Remember who we launched from this special place of honor */ pShellProcess = finderLaunchResults.pNewProcess; pShellProcess->p_dadProcess = nil; ShellWasFinderType = IS_FINDER(pShellProcess); /* Dump scrap since we don't use it */ if (ourScrapHdl != nil) DisposHandle(ourScrapHdl); /* Next Process Mgr call should use Process Mgr stack as kernel stack */ kernelstack = initCurStackBase; /* Prepare to execute Finder */ coercionState = CS_INIT; srcMyScrapInfo.pScrapOwner = pFrontProcess = pShellProcess; pFrontProcess->p_state = PRRUN; /* Unload initialization code before leaving, and also * remove the handle from the system res map. * NOTE: This leaves us running in a dead code segment. But the current * Resource Manager and Memory Manager let us get away with this * for now. All we need to do is make the switch_task call, since its * code is in another segment, and will never return. */ { CodeEntry *pCodeEntry; /* Needed explicitly because of C compiler bug */ pCodeEntry = InitializeEnvironment; UnloadSeg(pCodeEntry); ReleaseResource(GET_SCOD_HDL_FROM_FNC_PTR(pCodeEntry)); } /* Send Finder AppleEvents a) to say that machine was just booted, and b) to give a * message to the network extension if PPC wouldn't initialize. */ SetAppleEvent(aeStartup, &theEvent); (void) BeginSystemMode(); (void) PostHighLevelEvent((EventRecord *) &theEvent, (u_long) &pShellProcess->p_serialNumber, 0, nil, 0, receiverIDisPSN); /* For 7.0B3 the message to the network extension in the shell program about the * PPCToolbox not initializing was removed. No one to support Responder, so it * was rewritten. */ (void) EndSystemMode(); /* Switch to the Finder we launched, never to return (hopefully) */ switch_task(pFrontProcess); dbmsg("Illegal return to the Process Manager."); } /* Dummy routines to force load of CODE segments */ #pragma segment Main void FloatMainUp(void) { } #pragma segment kernel_segment void FloatKernelUp(void) { } #pragma segment eppc_segment void FloatEppcUp(void) { } #ifdef HAS_AUX_PROCESSMGR #pragma segment AUX_SEGMENT /* null procedure so that segment can get loaded appropriately */ void FloatAUXUp(void) { } #endif HAS_AUX_PROCESSMGR #pragma segment INIT /* This is the size we give the system heap at startup. It's exact value is somewhat * unimportant. It mainly determines how many times we'll have to call the System * zone or Process Mgr zone GrowZone procedures before things settle out. Make sure * it's small enough that the initial Finder launch goes smoothly. */ #define INIT_SYS_HEAP_SIZE (96*1024) /* InitializeEnvironment. Set up the initial world (i.e. heap, qd globals, etc.). */ void InitializeEnvironment(void) { CodeEntry *pCodeEntry; register OSDispatchEntry *pDispatchEntry; /* Set up our own lomem A5 ptr */ PROCESSMGRGLOBALS = CURRENTA5; /* Save initial location zero before we call any traps that might change it! */ initLocationZero = LOCATIONZERO; /* Get configuration information */ InitConfig(); /* Get table of switchable low memory locations (in System Heap) */ GetSwitchTab(); /* Expand the zone up to the APPLLIMIT */ MaxApplZone(); /* initialize the scrap, if necessary */ THEZONE = SYSZONE; if (SCRAPSTATE == (-1)) (void) ZeroScrap(); THEZONE = APPLZONE; /* Unload data init seg and release its CODE resource (to get it out of map). */ pCodeEntry = _DataInit; UnloadSeg(pCodeEntry); ReleaseResource(GET_SCOD_HDL_FROM_FNC_PTR(pCodeEntry)); /* Set up dynamic heaps */ InitHeaps(); THEZONE = SYSZONE; /* Load in the code segments now that zone expansion code is in place */ FloatMainUp(); FloatKernelUp(); FloatEppcUp(); #ifdef HAS_AUX_PROCESSMGR if (AUXIsPresent) FloatAUXUp(); #endif HAS_AUX_PROCESSMGR /* Alter dispatch table to go directly to routine, bypassing the jump table */ pDispatchEntry = &OSDispatchTable[0]; while (pDispatchEntry->dispatchAddr != nil) { pDispatchEntry->dispatchAddr = ROUTINE_ADDR(pDispatchEntry->dispatchAddr); pDispatchEntry += 1; }; /* Make sure PROCESSMGRGLOBALS world is reasonable */ InitGraf(&qd.thePort); #ifdef MM_DEBUG { pascal void DebugNotifyPurge(void); extern Ptr oldPurgeProc; oldPurgeProc = (Ptr)SYSZONE->purgeProc; SYSZONE->purgeProc = (ProcPtr)DebugNotifyPurge; } #endif MM_DEBUG /* Initialize window manager in system heap ('cause it's shared in our patch) * NOTE: Calls InitFonts for InitWindow's sake on older machines. */ InitFonts(); InitWindows(); MFLayer = GetCurLayer(); IMLayer = nil; THEZONE = APPLZONE; #ifdef HAS_AUX_PROCESSMGR /* Adjust ourselves to running under AUX */ if (AUXIsPresent) AUX_Setup(); #endif HAS_AUX_PROCESSMGR /* We want to run from the boot volume. */ SetVol(nil, BOOTVOL); /* Set up volume notification mechanism */ VNInit(); } /* GetKernelMode. Inline to fetch the processor's SR and save it sans all bits * except the supervisor/user mode one. */ #pragma parameter GetKernelMode(__A0) void GetKernelMode(short *storage) = {0x40C0, 0x0240, 0x2000, 0x3080}; /* MOVE SR,D0 * ANDI.W #$2000,D0 * MOVE.W D0,(A0) */ /* InitializeScheduler. Now that our machine environment looks good, prepare our data * structures so we can run applications. */ void InitializeScheduler(void) { PEntryPtr pProc; Handle hdl; u_size currSysHeapSize; extern StringPtr SSSPromptpStr, MacOSPortNamepStr; /* Initialize these before calling InitExceptions() because the exception * handlers will want to look at them. */ pProc = pCurrentProcess = pNullProcess; /* Install our exception handlers */ InitExceptions(); /* initialize the process list globals */ ProcessNumberSource = LowestNonSystemPSN; ProcessIDSource = MAX_PROCESSID; pProcessList = nil; pFrontProcess = pNullProcess; /* we are taking over the nullprocess */ MemClear(pProc, sizeof(PEntry)); pProc->p_state = PRNULL; pProc->p_signature = NULLPROC_SIGNATURE; pProc->p_version = SYS_VERSION; SetPSN(kSystemProcess, &pProc->p_serialNumber); pProc->p_zone = THEZONE; pProc->p_size = (unsigned long) BUFPTR - (unsigned long) THEZONE; /* Save useful startup values */ initialProcessSR = GetCPUStatusRegister() & (kCPUSupervisorMode | kCPUMasterStack); initMemTop = MEMTOP; initFSQueueHook = FSQUEUEHOOK; /* Get the stack for kernel use set up. */ initCurStackBase = CURSTACKBASE; kernelstack = nil; kernelstackbase = (unsigned long) APPLZONE->bkLim; GetKernelMode(&kernelMode); /* Because app zone can't grow anymore */ kernelbusy = 0; /* initialize the state lists */ pSleepingStateList = nil; pDyingStateList = nil; /* Now init some of the more mundane things. */ pDebugProcess = nil; debugKeyTryCount = -1; /* Based on -1 as start */ pSystemQuitAllMsg = nil; pLastBGProcess = nil; nbacks = 0; cutCopyCount = 0; dont_switch = 0; napOver = false; (void) GetDeskPort((GrafPtr *) &desklayer); desklayerowner = nil; SystemTempMemHList = CreateHList(0); /* Allocate handle for supporting the Text Service Manager */ fakeKeyHandle = (FakeKeyHandle)NewHandle( 0); fakeKeyCount = 0; dontGetFakeKey = 0; tsmLayerOwner = nil; routeEvent = false; /* Get all the resources we need. Do the Process Mgr ones first. Wait to do system * ones until we have THEZONE == SYSZONE. See note below. */ THEZONE = SYSZONE; /* Get menu strings for scrap coercion */ hdl = Get1Resource('STR#',-16414); pStrListCopyNamePrefix = (hdl == nil) ? nil : *((StrListHdl)hdl); /* Get the strings for ePPC */ SSSPromptpStr = nil; MacOSPortNamepStr = nil; if ((hdl = Get1Resource('STR#',-16457)) != nil) { SSSPromptpStr = *hdl+(Ptr)2; MacOSPortNamepStr = (Ptr)SSSPromptpStr + (Ptr)(*(char *)SSSPromptpStr); MacOSPortNamepStr += (Ptr)1; } /* <18> This semaphore is only true when an 'obit' event is being sent from SendDeathNotice. Set it to false to start off. */ allocateGMBlkInSysHeap = false; /* Make sure there is some minimum sys heap size so we won't call * the grow zone proc so many times to launch Finder. */ currSysHeapSize = (Ptr)SYSZONE->bkLim - (Ptr)SYSZONE; if (currSysHeapSize < INIT_SYS_HEAP_SIZE) (void)ProcessMgrSysGZProc(INIT_SYS_HEAP_SIZE - currSysHeapSize); /* Initialize the puppet strings */ PuppetStringsInit(); /* Get rid of old system resources that were in the system heap */ THEZONE = APPLZONE; RsrcZoneInit(); /* Switch to SYSZONE because any of the _GetResource calls below could move * memory within the call, which is a problem for the rsrc mgr routine * CheckLoad(). It saves and restores THEZONE, but our heap can move so restoring * the "original" value is incorrect. */ THEZONE = SYSZONE; { /* Get the standard MDEF for the system menus. We must do this because some apps * (like Finder!) aren't picky about what they get. We need a good version! */ long mdef = 'MDEF'; short mdefIndex = 0; long mdefVersionID = 0; Handle realMDefHdl; #define SMALLEST_GOOD_MDEF_ID (13) while (mdefVersionID < SMALLEST_GOOD_MDEF_ID) { if ((realMDefHdl = GetResource(mdef, mdefIndex)) == nil) { /* Couldn't find any tables */ assert(RESERR == memFullErr); SysError(dsMemFullErr); } /* NOTE: Create struct for this */ mdefVersionID = *((unsigned long *)(*((Handle)realMDefHdl) + 8)); mdefIndex++; } standardMenuDefProcRsrc = (Handle) StripAddress(realMDefHdl); } /* Insert the system menus now that we have the MDEF */ InitSystemMenus(); /* Get rid of useless font width tables, etc. Must be done after InitSystemMenus, * because menu installers need font info set up. */ FMKill(false); /* Announce our arrival */ MyNewGestalt(); /* Let other parts of system software know we are here without having to call the gestalt routine we just installed */ SetExpandMemProcessMgrExists((short)true); /* Initialize the Event Program to Program Communication (can load drivers) */ ePPCInit(); /* End of sys resources */ THEZONE = ProcessMgrZone; } /* InitConfig. Set up hardware/software configuration information, based on the * word of our wonderboy, Gestalt. Only gets the info we actually need. Sets * defaults if selector not installed. The defaults are somewhat impossible to * know for FPU and keyboard types, but their selectors should always be safe. */ void InitConfig(void) { long gestaltResult; /* set defaults in case selector undefined */ In32BitMode = false; Colorized = false; MachineHasFPU = false; MachineHasMacPlusKbd = false; #ifdef HAS_AUX_PROCESSMGR AUXIsPresent = false; #endif HAS_AUX_PROCESSMGR /* Check processor addressing mode */ if (Gestalt(gestaltAddressingModeAttr,&gestaltResult) == noErr) In32BitMode = ((gestaltResult & (1 << gestalt32BitAddressing)) != 0); /* Check QuickDraw version */ if (Gestalt(gestaltQuickdrawVersion,&gestaltResult) == noErr) Colorized = ((gestaltResult & 0xFFFF) >= gestalt8BitQD); /* Does this machine have an FPU? */ if (Gestalt(gestaltFPUType,&gestaltResult) == noErr) MachineHasFPU = (gestaltResult != gestaltNoFPU); /* Does this machine have an older style keyboard (without an escape key)? */ if (Gestalt(gestaltKeyboardType,&gestaltResult) == noErr) MachineHasMacPlusKbd = (gestaltResult <= gestaltMacPlusKbd); if (Gestalt(gestaltGraphicsVersion,&gestaltResult) == noErr) skiaExists = true; else skiaExists = false; #ifdef MODSQUAD /* Check whether drag manager is installed. */ if (Gestalt(gestaltDragMgrVersion, &gestaltResult) == noErr) gDragMgrIsAvailable = true; #endif #ifdef HAS_AUX_PROCESSMGR /* Check whether we're running under AUX. */ if (Gestalt(gestaltAUXVersion, &gestaltResult) == noErr && AUX_EnableCoffLaunch()) AUXIsPresent = true; #endif HAS_AUX_PROCESSMGR }