; ; File: BalloonsPriv.a ; ; Contains: Private Macros for Balloon Help private routines ; ; Written by: Randy Carr ; ; Copyright: © 1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; <5> 8/21/91 JSM Clean up header. ; <4> 1/30/91 gbm sab, #38: Change the ‘already including this file’ variable to ; all uppercase (for security reasons) ; <3> 1/18/91 KSM Roll BalloonPackEqu stuff into this file. ; <2> 1/9/91 ngk change moveq to move.w for HMCountDITLHelpItems ; include 'Balloons.a' ; ;___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Private selectors for Help Manager Package ; kHMCountDITLHelpItems EQU $02F8 ; 2 words of parameters (-8) kHMModalDialogMenuSetup EQU $01F9 ; 1 word of parameters (-7) kHMInvalidateSavedBits EQU $02FA ; 2 words of parameters (-6) (Note: doesn't load package!) kHMTrackModalHelpItems EQU $00FB ; 0 words of parameters (-5) kHMBalloonBulk EQU $00FC ; 0 words of parameters (-4) kHMInitHelpMenu EQU $FFFD ; 0 words of parameters (-3) kHMDrawBalloonFrame EQU $02FE ; 2 words of parameters (-2) kHMSetupBalloonRgns EQU $07FF ; 7 words of parameters (-1) ; ; ; ;___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Private Help Manager macros ; macro _HMCountDITLHelpItems MOVE.W #kHMCountDITLHelpItems,D0 _Pack14 endm macro _HMModalDialogMenuSetup MOVE.W #kHMModalDialogMenuSetup,D0 _Pack14 endm macro _HMInvalidateSavedBits MOVE.W #kHMInvalidateSavedBits,D0 _Pack14 endm macro _HMTrackModalHelpItems MOVE.W #kHMTrackModalHelpItems,D0 _Pack14 endm macro _HMBalloonBulk MOVE.W #kHMBalloonBulk,D0 _Pack14 endm macro _HMInitHelpMenu MOVEQ #kHMInitHelpMenu,D0 _Pack14 endm macro _HMDrawBalloonFrame MOVE.W #kHMDrawBalloonFrame,D0 _Pack14 endm macro _HMSetupBalloonRgns MOVE.W #kHMSetupBalloonRgns,D0 _Pack14 endm hmGetNextHelpItem EQU -873 ; internal return code when scanning a DITL for help items hmWasAppleMenu EQU -874 ; internal return code for apple menu results ; kHMKeybdMenuID EQU -16491 ; script manager menu ID kHMProcessMenuID EQU -16489 ; application menu ID ; kHMHelpBWPictID EQU -5696 ; kHMHelpColorPictID EQU -5695 ; +1 from BW pict ID kHMHelpIconID EQU -5696 kHMAboutHelpID EQU -5696 ; These constants need to match those in Balloon.r kHMShowMenuStringIDBase EQU kHMBalloonHelpID ; From Balloons.a kHMShowMenuStringID EQU kHMShowMenuStringIDBase + 0 kHMHideMenuStringID EQU kHMShowMenuStringIDBase + 1 ; ; Process menu equates ; kHMHideCurrentItem EQU 1 kHMHideOthersItem EQU 2 kHMShowAllItem EQU 3 kHMProcessDashItem EQU 4 kHMProcessesItem EQU 5 ; kHMMenuItemCount EQU 3 ; how many items in menu ; kHMSlopPix EQU 5 kHMDelayTix EQU 5 ; ; ; ; Assembly Equivalent global offsets (Defined in BalloonDefs.p HMGlobalRecord record) ; hmgItemRect EQU 0 ; Rect hmgItemNum EQU hmgItemRect+8 ; integer hmgTitleBalloon EQU hmgItemNum+2 ; integer hmgState EQU hmgTitleBalloon+2 ; integer hmgWindow EQU hmgState+2 ; WindowPtr hmgHelpWindow EQU hmgWindow+4 ; WindowPtr; { our help window } hmgHelpWRecord EQU hmgHelpWindow+4 ; Space for help window record hmgMenuID EQU hmgHelpWRecord+windowSize ; integer hmgSavedBitsHandle EQU hmgMenuID+2 ; PixMapHandle hmgTix EQU hmgSavedBitsHandle+4 hmgLastPartCode EQU hmgTix+4 ; hmgLastWindowPtr EQU hmgLastPartCode+2 ; hmgLastMenuID EQU hmgLastWindowPtr+4 hmgLastEnabled EQU hmgLastMenuID+2 hmgLastItem EQU hmgLastEnabled+4 hmgLastWidth EQU hmgLastItem+2 ; INTEGER; hmgLastHeight EQU hmgLastWidth+2 ; INTEGER; hmgLastLeft EQU hmgLastHeight+2 ; INTEGER; hmgLastTop EQU hmgLastLeft+2 ; INTEGER; hmgSlopRect EQU hmgLastTop+2 hmgDelay EQU hmgSlopRect+8 hmgFont EQU hmgDelay+2 ; or hmgFontAndSize as a LongWord hmgFontSize EQU hmgFont+2 hmgBulkReentrantCount EQU hmgFontSize+2 hmgOSEventReentrantCount EQU hmgBulkReentrantCount+2 hmgCloseViewCount EQU hmgOSEventReentrantCount+2 hmgLayer EQU hmgCloseViewCount+2 hmgProcessName EQU hmgLayer+4 hmgMenuQueue EQU hmgProcessName+34 hmgDialogQueue EQU hmgMenuQueue+4 hmgTEHandle EQU hmgDialogQueue+4 ; TEHandle; hmgSystemMenuID EQU hmgTEHandle+4 ; INTEGER; hmgSystemMenuItem EQU hmgSystemMenuID+2 ; INTEGER; hmgInMenuSelectFlag EQU hmgSystemMenuItem+2 ; INTEGER; hmgWhatIs EQU hmgInMenuSelectFlag+2 ; ; kTitleType EQU 1 kDialogType EQU 2 kMenuType EQU 3 kRectType EQU 4 kMFType EQU 5 kWindPartType EQU 6 ; kwasMultiFinder EQU -2 kwasWindowPart EQU -3 kwasMenuTitle EQU -4 kwasCleared EQU -5 kwasEasyAccess EQU -6 ; ; {System STR# resource indexes} ; kHMMenuTitleIndex EQU 1 ; kHMAboutHelpIndex EQU 2 ; kHMAboutHelpDisabled EQU 3 kHMReserved EQU 4 ; kHMWhatIsHide EQU 5 ; kHMInDragIndex EQU 6 ; kHMInGrowIndex EQU 7 ; kHMInGoAwayIndex EQU 8 ; kHMInZoomIndex EQU 9 ; kHMMultiFinderIndex EQU 10 ; kHMInScrollBar EQU 11 ; kHMInDisabledScrollBar EQU 12 ; kHMInOtherWindow EQU 13 ; kHMInLayerPreamble EQU 14 ; kHMInLayerBody EQU 15 ; kHMOutsideModalWindow EQU 16 ; kHMAppleMenuTitle EQU 17 kHMShowHideEnabled EQU 18 kHMHideCurrentEnabled EQU 0 ; must be in numerical order per menu kHMHideOthersEnabled EQU 1 kHMShowAllEnabled EQU 2 kHMShowHideDisabled EQU 21 kHMHideCurrentDisabled EQU 0 kHMHideOthersDisabled EQU 1 kHMShowAllDisabled EQU 2 kHMEasy1Access EQU 24 ; kHMEasy2Access EQU 25 ; kHMEasy3Access EQU 26 ; kHMActiveApplEnabled EQU 27 ; kHMActiveApplDisabled EQU 28 ; kHMActiveApplChecked EQU 29 ; kHMActiveApplOther EQU 30 kHMActiveApplDisabledTitle EQU 31 kHMActiveApplDisabledItem EQU 32 ; ; ; Universal Help Mgr Resource BTSTing bits that correspond to the ; additive "Options for Help Manager resources in 'hmnu', 'hdlg', 'hrct', 'hovr', & 'hfdr' resources" ; ; hmDefaultOptions EQU 0 ; default options for help manager resources ; hmUseSubID EQU 1 ; treat resID's in resources as subID's of driver base ID (for Desk Accessories) ; hmAbsoluteCoords EQU 2 ; ignore window port origin and treat rectangles as absolute coords (local to window) ; hmSaveBitsNoWindow EQU 4 ; don't create a window, just blast bits on screen. No update event is generated ; hmSaveBitsWindow EQU 8 ; create a window, but restore bits behind window when window goes away & generate update event ; hmMatchInTitle EQU 16 ; for hwin resources, match string anywhere in window title string ; kBTSTUseSubID EQU 0 ; treat resID's in resources as subID's of driver base ID (for Desk Accessories) kBTSTAbsoluteCoords EQU 1 ; ignore window port origin and treat rectangles as absolute coords (local to window) kBTSTSaveBitsNoWindow EQU 2 ; don't create a window, just blast bits on screen. No update event is generated kBTSTSaveBitsWindow EQU 3 ; create a window, but restore bits behind window when window goes away & generate update event kBTSTMatchInTitle EQU 4 ; for hwin resources, match string anywhere in window title string ; ; HMNamedResourceItem offsets ; hmNamedMsgSize EQU 0 hmNamedHelpType EQU 2 hmNamedResType EQU 4 hmNamedEnabledID EQU 8 hmNamedDisabledID EQU 10 hmNamedCheckedID EQU 12 hmNamedOtherID EQU 14 ; ; ; hmnu resource structure ; hmnuVersion EQU 0 ; version of this structure hmnuOptions EQU 2 ; options hmnuProcID EQU 6 ; the Balloon procedure ID (resource ID) hmnuVariant EQU 8 ; the Balloon variant # hmnuCount EQU 10 ; how many messages in the array hmnuHeaderSize EQU hmnuCount + 2 ; add this value to index to start of ; real data ; ; hmnuMissingMsg message offsets ; hmnuMissingSize EQU hmnuCount + 2 ; hmnuMissingType EQU hmnuMissingSize + 2 hmnuMissingData EQU hmnuMissingType + 2 ; hmnuArray EQU 0 ; start of hmnuArray ; ; hmnuArray record structure ; hmnuHelpMsgSize EQU 0 hmnuHelpType EQU 2 ; what type of hmnu message hmnuHelpData EQU 4 ; start of message array for hmnu msgs ; hmnuCompareStr EQU 0 ; address of pstring to compare menu items agains hmnuCompHeaderSize EQU 2 ; *** 1 ints for HelpMsgSize & hmnuHelpType ; hmnuCompType EQU 0 hmnuCompData EQU 2 ; ; hdlg resource offsets ; hdlgVersion EQU 0 ; version of this structure hdlgOffset EQU 2 ; offset hdlgOptions EQU 4 ; options hdlgProcID EQU 8 ; the Balloon procedure ID (resource ID) hdlgVariant EQU 10 ; the Balloon variant # hdlgCount EQU 12 ; how many messages in the array hdlgHeaderSize EQU hdlgCount+2 ; add this value to index to start of ; real data ; ; hdlgMissingMsg message offsets ; hdlgMissingSize EQU hdlgHeaderSize hdlgMissingTip EQU hdlgMissingSize + 2 hdlgMissingHotRect EQU hdlgMissingTip + 4 hdlgMissingType EQU hdlgMissingHotRect + 8 hdlgMissingData EQU hdlgMissingType + 2 ; hdlgArray EQU 0 ; this is the beginning of message records array ; ; HDialogArray record offsets ; hdlgHelpMsgSize EQU 0 ; size of help message (I did this for high-level langs) hdlgHelpType EQU 2 ; what type of hdlg message hdlgTip EQU 4 ; tip point hdlgHotRect EQU 8 ; hot rect hdlgHelpData EQU 16 ; start of message array for hdlg msgs ; ; ; hwin resource offsets ; hwinType EQU 0 hwinOptions EQU 2 hwinCount EQU 6 hwinArray EQU 8 ; hwinResID EQU 0 hwinResType EQU 2 hwinLength EQU 6 hwinString EQU 8 ; title string is always word aligned ; ; hrct Resource structure ; hrctVersion EQU 0 ; version of the hrct resource hrctOptions EQU hrctVersion + 2 ; options long hrctProcID EQU hrctOptions + 4 ; use this procedure ID or default if 0 hrctVariant EQU hrctProcID + 2 ; use this variant # or default if 0 hrctCount EQU hrctVariant + 2 ; this is the count of records in hrct resource ; hrctArray EQU hrctCount+2 ; this is the beginning of message records array ; hrctHelpMsgSize EQU 0 ; size of help message (I did this for high-level langs) hrctHelpType EQU 2 ; type of help message hrctTip EQU 4 ; tip point hrctHotRect EQU 8 ; hot rect hrctHelpData EQU 16 ; contents of help message ; ; hovr resource structure ; hovrVersion EQU 0 ; version of this structure hovrOptions EQU 2 ; options hovrProcID EQU 6 ; the Balloon procedure ID (resource ID) hovrVariant EQU 8 ; the Balloon variant # hovrCount EQU 10 ; how many messages in the array hovrHeaderSize EQU hovrCount + 2 ; add this value to index to start of ; real data ; ; hovrMissingMsg message offsets ; hovrMissingSize EQU hovrCount + 2 ; hovrMissingType EQU hovrMissingSize + 2 hovrMissingData EQU hovrMissingType + 2 ; hovrArray EQU 0 ; start of hovrArray ; ; hovrArray record structure ; hovrHelpMsgSize EQU 0 hovrHelpType EQU 2 ; what type of hovr message hovrHelpData EQU 4 ; start of message array for hovr msgs ; ; hfdr Resource structure ; hfdrVersion EQU 0 ; version of the hfdr resource hfdrOptions EQU 2 ; options long hfdrProcID EQU hfdrOptions + 4 ; use this procedure ID or default if 0 hfdrVariant EQU hfdrProcID + 2 ; use this variant # or default if 0 hfdrCount EQU hfdrVariant + 2 ; this is the count of records in hfdr resource ; hfdrArray EQU hfdrCount+2 ; this is the beginning of message records array ; ; at this point, the data matches the hovr resource ; hfdrHelpMsgSize EQU 0 hfdrHelpType EQU 2 ; what type of hfdr message hfdrHelpData EQU 4 ; start of message array for hfdr msgs ; kHMMinimumHelpMsgSize EQU 4 ; min size (in bytes) to extract a help msg w/o counting pstrings