/* File: CommToolboxPriv.r Contains: Res Privates for CTB Written by: Byron Han Copyright: © 1988-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. Change History (most recent first): <12> 8/27/91 JSM Cleanup header. <11> 6/26/91 BH move caps to CTBTypes.r <10> 2/11/91 kaz jng: Adding 'LATg' protocol value for the LAT Gateway tool <9> 1/10/91 kaz Moving 'caps' resource definition from public interfaces. <8> 1/9/91 kaz Changing ModemStringType and PrinterStringType to STR# to include driver names. Changing ChooseIDStrID from -32512 to -32510. <7> 11/1/90 fjs add grautuitous equates for color icon types <6> 9/10/90 JNG Add unavailable tool alert <5> 5/22/90 kaz Changing NuLookup STR# to a PICT <4> 3/16/90 BBH added CTB_Version <3> 3/15/90 BBH fix typo <2> 3/14/90 BBH added CTB_SysHeapMinType and ID for minimum system heap size after installation (this will go away when we do ptch's!) <1> 3/14/90 BBH first checked in */ /* =============================================================================== NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE Any changes made here MUST be reflected also in CommToolboxPriv.p CommToolboxPriv.a CommToolboxPriv.h CommToolboxPriv.r NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE =============================================================================== */ // This file contains the resource types and resource ID's to be used by the CommToolbox /* the following 7 resources are temporary to be merged into ptch code */ #define CTB_InstallType 'INIT' #define CTB_InstallID 29 #define CTB_DispatcherType 'proc' /* this used to be ctbd -32512 */ #define CTB_DispatcherID -32509 #define CTB_GestaltProcType 'proc' /* this used to be ctbg -32510 */ #define CTB_GestaltProcID -32508 #define CTB_PatchType 'ctbp' /* this used to be type ctb∂ */ #define CTB_Patch1 -32512 /* allocate low memory */ #define CTB_Patch2 -32511 /* register builtin ports */ #define CTB_Patch3 -32510 /* perform gestalt installation */ /* end temporary */ #define CTB_ConnectionMgrType 'cmtb' #define CTB_FileTransferMgrType 'cmtb' #define CTB_TerminalMgrType 'cmtb' #define CTB_CTBUtilitiesType 'cmtb' #define CTB_CommResourceMgrType 'cmtb' #define CTB_ConnectionMgrID -32512 #define CTB_FileTransferMgrID -32511 #define CTB_TerminalMgrID -32510 #define CTB_CTBUtilitiesID -32509 #define CTB_CommResourceMgrID -32508 #define CTB_VersionType 'ctb ' /* this used to be ctbv -32511 */ #define CTB_VersionID -32512 #define CTB_KeyclickType 'snd ' /* this used to be ctb$ -32511 */ #define CTB_KeyclickID -32512 #define CTB_ChooseType 'proc' /* this used to be choo -32512 */ #define CTB_ChooseID -32512 #define CTB_DITLPackType 'proc' /* this used to be ditl -32512 */ #define CTB_DITLPackID -32511 #define CTB_NuLookupType 'proc' /* this used to be nlup -32510 */ #define CTB_NuLookupID -32510 #define CTB_NuLookupParmsType 'flst' /* this used to be parm -32510 */ #define CTB_NuLookupParmsID -32510 #define CTB_ModemIconType 'ICN#' /* this used to be ctbi -32512 */ #define CTB_Modem4ColorIconType 'icl4' #define CTB_Modem8ColorIconType 'icl8' #define CTB_ModemIconID -32512 #define CTB_PrinterIconType 'ICN#' /* this used to be ctbi -32511 */ #define CTB_Printer4ColorIconType 'icl4' #define CTB_Printer8ColorIconType 'icl8' #define CTB_PrinterIconID -32511 #define CTB_ModemStringType 'STR#' /* this used to be ctbs -32512 */ #define CTB_ModemStringID -32512 #define CTB_PrinterStringType 'STR#' /* this used to be ctbs -32511 */ #define CTB_PrinterStringID -32511 #define CTB_CommFolderNameType 'STR ' /* this used to be ctbs -32510 */ #define CTB_CommFolderNameID -32510 #define CTB_MarkerType 'ctb ' /* lets CTB6 installer scripts know CTB7 is installed */ #define CTB_CTB6MarkerID 0 #define CTB_CTB7MarkerID 1 #define CTB_ChooseDLOGID -32512 #define CTB_ChoosehdlgID -32512 #define CTB_ChoosedctbID -32512 #define CTB_ChooseDITLID -32512 #define CTB_ChooseSTRsID -32510 #define CTB_ChooseLDEFID -32512 #define CTB_ChoosehmnuID -32512 #define CTB_ChoosefinfID -32512 #define CTB_ChooseflstID -32512 /* preferred over finf */ #define CTB_ChooseCNTLID -32512 #define CTB_ChooseMENUID -32512 #define CTB_ChooseConfirmDLOGID -32511 #define CTB_ChooseConfirmDITLID -32511 #define CTB_ChooseUnavailableDLOGID -32509 #define CTB_ChooseUnavailableDITLID -32509 #define CTB_NulookuphdlgID -32510 #define CTB_NulookupDLOGID -32510 #define CTB_NulookupdctbID -32510 #define CTB_NulookupDITLID -32510 #define CTB_NulookupPICTID -32510 #define CTB_NulookupLDEFID -32510 #define CTB_PopupCDEFType 'CDEF' #define CTB_PopupCDEFID 63 /* added since CTB6 */ #define CTB_PopupTriangleType 'PICT' #define CTB_PopupTriangleID -8224 /* owned by cdef 63 */ #define CTB_PopupExpandType 'proc' /* this expands menuwidth */ #define CTB_PopupExpandID -8224 /* owned by cdef 63 */