; ; File: XUnSupp.a ; ; Contains: Routines to handle the unsupported data type/format exception ; ; Originally Written by: Motorola Inc. ; Adapted to Apple/MPW: Jon Okada ; ; Copyright: © 1990, 1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; This file is used in these builds: Mac32 ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; <2> 3/30/91 BG Rolling in Jon Okada's latest changes. ; <1> 12/14/90 BG First checked into TERROR/BBS. ; xunsupp.a ; Based upon Motorola file 'x_unsupp.sa'. ; CHANGE LOG: ; 09 Jan 91 JPO Inserted label "unsupp" at start of code. Renamed ; label "end_fix" to "usend_fix". ; * * x_unsupp.sa 3.1 12/10/90 * * fpsp_unsupp --- FPSP handler for unsupported data type exception * * Trap vector #55 (See table 8-1 Mc68030 User's manual). * Invoked when the user program encounters a data format (packed) that * hardware does not support or a data type (denormalized numbers or un- * normalized numbers). * Normalizes denorms and unnorms, unpacks packed numbers then stores * them back into the machine to let the 040 finish the operation. * * Unsupp calls two routines: * 1. get_op - gets the operand(s) * 2. res_func - restore the function back into the 040 or * if fmove.p fpm, then pack source (fpm) * and store in users memory . * * Input: Long fsave stack frame * * * Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1990 * All Rights Reserved * * THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF MOTOROLA * The copyright notice above does not evidence any * actual or intended publication of such source code. * X_UNSUPP IDNT 2,1 Motorola 040 Floating Point Software Package unsupp: ; label inserted <1/9/91, JPO> fpsp_unsupp: * link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE fsave -(a7) movem.l d0-d1/a0-a1,USER_DA(a6) fmovem.x fp0-fp3,USER_FP0(a6) fmovem.l fpcr/fpsr/fpiar,USER_FPCR(a6) move.b (a7),VER_TMP(a6) ;save version number move.b (a7),d0 ;test for valid version num andi.b #$f0,d0 ;test for $4x cmpi.b #VER_4,d0 ;must be $4x or exit bne fpsp_fmt_error fmove.l #0,FPSR ;clear all user status bits fmove.l #0,FPCR ;clear all user control bits * * The following lines are used to ensure that the FPSR * exception byte and condition codes are clear before proceeding, * except in the case of fmove, which leaves the cc's intact. * unsupp_con: move.l USER_FPSR(a6),d1 btst #5,CMDREG1B(a6) ;looking for fmove out bne.b fmove_con and.l #$FF00FF,d1 ;clear all but aexcs and qbyte bra.b usend_fix ; label RENAMED <1/9/91, JPO> fmove_con: and.l #$0FFF40FF,d1 ;clear all but cc's, snan bit, aexcs, and qbyte usend_fix: ; label RENAMED <1/9/91, JPO> move.l d1,USER_FPSR(a6) st UFLG_TMP(a6) ;set flag for unsupp data bsr get_op ;everything okay, go get operand(s) bsr res_func ;fix up stack frame so can restore it clr.l -(a7) move.b VER_TMP(a6),(a7) ;move idle fmt word to top of stack bra gen_except *