; ; File: ClockPRAMPrimitives.a ; ; Contains: low-level routines for accessing the realtime clock and parameter RAM ; ; Written by: Steve Christensen ; ; Copyright: © 1991-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. ; ; This file is used in these builds: ROM ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; 12/13/93 PN Roll in KAOs and Horror changes to support Malcom and AJ ; machines. ; 6/23/93 RC Go back to the Ludwig roll-in since PDM reallly needs this code ; from Cyclone - stay tuned for further fixes/changes from Kurt ; 6/21/93 kc Roll out SM10 so that Quadras would wake up with the right time. ; 6/14/93 kc Roll in Ludwig. ; 1/14/93 GS (RBM) Fix the occassional hang at boot. When outputing from ; the VIA to Cuda, the interrupt will occur prior to the rising ; edge of CB1. Delay long enough for the edge to occur before ; acknowledging the shift register interrupt. ; 5/20/93 RM EgretReadTime should not call _EgretDispatch. The lowmem global ; 'Time' is self correcting for Egret/Caboose/Cuda. The one second ; interrupt handler for Egret / Caboose / Cuda maintains the ; lowmem global 'Time' in a self correcting manner. This routine ; need only return the lowmem 'Time'. A call to _EgretDispatch ; will cause the AutoPoll timer within Egret / Caboose / Cuda to ; reset, resulting in deferring ADB auto polling. If an ; application calls ReadTime in a tight loop, ADB polling could be ; deferred indefinitely (making the mouse/keyboard appear to hang ; or respond intermittently). Since 'Time' is self correcting, ; the routine just returns 'Time' as the result placed into ; 'GetParam'. ; 12/11/92 fau Backed out cause it broke Cyclone. ; 12/10/92 GS This patch bypasses the physical read of Egret Chip when reading ; the time. The time is automatically updated in the background, ; therefore the low mem global always reflects the accurate time. ; This patch pertains to all Egret Chip based firmware in ; Egret8/9, Caboose, and Cuda. ; 11/30/92 SWC Rolled in the rest of the Horror changes, except for HcMac code. ; Added the build conditionals back in. ;
9/3/92 SWC Fixed a couple of bugs in the RTC-based routines (you mean no ; one had any problems until now?). Thanks, Helder. ; 10/21/92 fau Cleaned up a MMCExists that was there from Pandora's timeframe: ; comment P5. Cuda works now, so we don't need to bypass stuff. ; 6/26/92 GS (RBM) Rewrite of 'CudaRdXByte' & 'CudaWrXByte' to avoid looking ; for collisions. This is possible because a 'SyncAck' cycle ; occurs immediately after 'InitVias' and disables all ; asynchronous message sources within Cuda. These routines are ; being used after the Cuda manager is installed which will cause ; a loss of data from Cuda so I also made the routine dispatch to ; a trap based function using the Cuda manager once the Cuda ; manager is installed. This is not a particularly clean ; implementation and needs to be looked at further!!! ; 5/28/92 kc Add ClkNoMem. ; 5/25/92 RB Removed a forCyclone conditional. This WAS the last one left. A ; check for MMC is used instead to skip over RTCClkNoMem. ; 5/21/92 RB Making changes for Cyclone. Original comments below: ; 2/10/92 GS Changed the PRAM IOPrimitives to use the full word of ; a register to set up the address to R/W. 1/30/92 RMP ; Temporarly disabled RTCClock read/write PRAM since Cuda isn't ; working (I know it doesn't make sense but it's 2:13 in the ; morning). 1/16/92 GS Updated the PRAMIO routine to use a ; full word as the address to Read/Write 1/16/92 GS Update ; VIA control bit var names. 1/16/92 GS Update to include the ; new file CudaMgr Clock and PRAM routines. 01/14/92 jmp ; (SWC,H5) Fixed PMgrWrXByte (registers were getting trashed). ; <1> 5/17/92 kc first checked in ; 5/2/92 kc Roll in Horror. Comments follow: ;
1/13/92 SWC Fixed PMgrWrXByte (registers were getting trashed). ;

11/25/91 CCH Used standardized equates for VIA pins. ;

11/7/91 SWC Re-wrote the Egret code. It was working on an emulator but ; stopped working when the Mac was running stand-alone. Converted ; existing implementations to use a "standard" PramIO routine that ; calls implementation specific read/write PRAM byte routines so ; there's one less routine to write for new PRAM models that can ; use it. ;

11/6/91 SWC Re-wrote PMGRXPRamIO to fix problems too numerous to mention. ;

10/15/91 SWC Adding this file into the build. PRINT OFF LOAD 'StandardEqu.d' INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a' INCLUDE 'UniversalEqu.a' IF hasPwrControls THEN INCLUDE 'PowerPrivEqu.a' ENDIF IF hasEgret THEN INCLUDE 'EgretEqu.a' ENDIF INCLUDE 'IOPrimitiveEqu.a' PRINT ON PRINT NOMDIR MACHINE MC68020 ClockPRAMPrimitives PROC EXPORT ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; Clock/PRAM primitives vector table ; ; Tables pointed to by the universal ProductInfo record (ClockPRAMPtr) for low-level ; clock and PRAM routines dependent on the hardware. There should be a table for each ; supported ProductInfo. Note that if a machine has a combination of the "standard" ; PRAM and clock models, it should have a machine-specific table added below IF hasVIAClock THEN EXPORT RTCClockPRAM DC.W 0 ; flags DC.W (RTCTableEnd-RTCClockPRAM)/4 ; number of entries RTCClockPRAM DC.L RTCInitHW-RTCClockPRAM ; initialize the hardware (RAM-less) DC.L RTCWrProtOff-RTCClockPRAM ; write-enable PRAM (RAM-less) DC.L RTCWrProtOn-RTCClockPRAM ; write-protect PRAM (RAM-less) DC.L RTCRdXByte-RTCClockPRAM ; read PRAM byte (RAM-less) DC.L RTCWrXByte-RTCClockPRAM ; write PRAM byte (RAM-less) DC.L StandardXPramIO-RTCClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (no traps)

DC.L RTCXParam-RTCClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (trap-based) DC.L RTCReadTime-RTCClockPRAM ; read the clock (uses RAM) DC.L RTCWriteTime-RTCClockPRAM ; write to the clock (uses RAM) RTCTableEnd ENDIF IF hasPwrControls THEN EXPORT PMGRClockPRAM DC.W 0 ; flags DC.W (PMGRTableEnd-PMGRClockPRAM)/4 ; number of entries PMGRClockPRAM DC.L 0 ; not used DC.L 0 ; not used DC.L 0 ; not used DC.L PMGRRdXByte-PMGRClockPRAM ; read PRAM byte (RAM-less) DC.L PMGRWrXByte-PMGRClockPRAM ; write PRAM byte (RAM-less) DC.L StandardXPramIO-PMGRClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (no traps)

DC.L PMGRXParam-PMGRClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (trap-based) DC.L PMGRReadTime-PMGRClockPRAM ; read the clock (uses RAM) DC.L PMGRWriteTime-PMGRClockPRAM ; write to the clock (uses RAM) PMGRTableEnd ENDIF IF hasEgret THEN EXPORT EgretClockPRAM DC.W 0 ; flags DC.W (EgretTableEnd-EgretClockPRAM)/4 ; number of entries EgretClockPRAM DC.L 0 ; not used DC.L 0 ; not used DC.L 0 ; not used DC.L EgretRdXByte-EgretClockPRAM ; read PRAM byte (RAM-less) DC.L EgretWrXByte-EgretClockPRAM ; write PRAM byte (RAM-less) DC.L StandardXPramIO-EgretClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (no traps)

DC.L EgretXParam-EgretClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (trap-based) DC.L EgretReadTime-EgretClockPRAM ; read the clock (uses RAM) DC.L EgretWriteTime-EgretClockPRAM ; write to the clock (uses RAM) EgretTableEnd EXPORT CudaClockPRAM DC.W 0 ; flags DC.W (CudaTableEnd-CudaClockPRAM)/4 ; number of entries CudaClockPRAM DC.L 0 ; not used DC.L 0 ; not used DC.L 0 ; not used DC.L CudaRdXByte-CudaClockPRAM ; read PRAM byte (RAM-less) DC.L CudaWrXByte-CudaClockPRAM ; write PRAM byte (RAM-less) DC.L StandardXPramIO-CudaClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (no traps)

DC.L EgretXParam-CudaClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (trap-based) DC.L EgretReadTime-CudaClockPRAM ; read the clock (uses RAM) DC.L EgretWriteTime-CudaClockPRAM ; write to the clock (uses RAM) CudaTableEnd ENDIF IF hasProtectedPRAM THEN EXPORT NoPRAMClockPRAM DC.W 0 ; flags DC.W (NoPRAMTableEnd-NoPRAMClockPRAM)/4 ; number of entries NoPRAMClockPRAM DC.L 0 ; not used DC.L 0 ; not used DC.L 0 ; not used DC.L NoPRAMRdXByte-NoPRAMClockPRAM ; read PRAM byte (RAM-less) DC.L NoPRAMWrXByte-NoPRAMClockPRAM ; write PRAM byte (RAM-less) DC.L NoPRAMXPramIO-NoPRAMClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (no traps) DC.L NoPRAMXParam-NoPRAMClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (trap-based) DC.L NoPRAMReadTime-NoPRAMClockPRAM ; read the clock (uses RAM) DC.L NoPRAMWriteTime-NoPRAMClockPRAM ; write to the clock (uses RAM) NoPRAMTableEnd ENDIF IF hasVIAClock | hasPwrControls | hasEgret | hasPowerMgr THEN ;

;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: StandardXPramIO ; ; Inputs: A0 - pointer to table of base addresses ; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine ; A3 - pointer to PRAM I/O buffer ; D1 - flags indicating which external features are valid ; D3 - [r/w (bit 31)][number of PRAM bytes to read/write][starting PRAM address] ; ; Outputs: none ; ; Trashes: A0,A1,A2,A3,D0,D1,D2,D3 ; ; Function: Reads/writes byte[s] from paramter RAM before traps are set up. This calls ; the implementation-specific RdXByte and WrXByte routines to read or write ; each PRAM byte. ;________________________________________________________________________________________ IMPORT ClkWPOff,RdXByte,WrXByte StandardXPramIO MOVEM.L D7/A4-A6,-(SP) MOVEA.L DecoderInfo.VIA1Addr(A0),A2 ; get VIA 1's base address BCLR #31,D3 ; read or write? BEQ.S @StartRead ; -> read ;BigBSR6 ClkWPOff,A5 ; write-enable PRAM BRA.S @StartWrite @WriteLoop MOVE SR,-(SP) ; save the status register ORI #$0700,SR ; and disable all interrupts BigBSR6 ClkWPOff,A5 ; write-enable PRAM SWAP D3 ; get the PRAM address MOVE.W D3,D1 ; move entire address into D1 MOVE.B (A3)+,D2 ; and a data byte from the caller's buffer MOVE.L A3,D7 ; (save the buffer pointer) BigBSR6 WrXByte,A5 ; write a byte to PRAM MOVEA.L D7,A3 ; (restore the buffer pointer) ADDQ.W #1,D3 ; next byte MOVE (SP)+,SR ; restore the status register bsr.l StdXPRAM2Patch ; call the patch @StartWrite SWAP D3 ; get the count DBRA D3,@WriteLoop ; -> keep looping until done MOVEA.L A1,A6 ; point to this machine's product info ADDA.L ProductInfo.ClockPRAMPtr(A6),A6 ; and get the address of its clock/PRAM table MOVE.L 4*cpWrProtOn(A6),D0 ; get the offset to the write-protect routine BEQ.S @Done ; -> it's not supported for this implementation ;ADDA.L D0,A6 ; calculate the routine's address ;LEA @Done,A5 ; (simulate a BSR5) ;JMP (A6) ; and call it to turn on PRAM write-protect bra.s @Done ; we're done @ReadLoop SWAP D3 ; get the PRAM address MOVE.W D3,D1 ; move entire address into D1 MOVE.L A3,D7 ; (save the buffer pointer) BigBSR6 RdXByte,A5 ; read a byte from PRAM MOVEA.L D7,A3 ; (restore the buffer pointer) MOVE.B D1,(A3)+ ; and save it in the caller's buffer ADDQ.W #1,D3 ; next byte @StartRead SWAP D3 ; get the count DBRA D3,@ReadLoop ; -> keep looping until done @Done MOVEM.L (SP)+,D7/A4-A6 RTS ENDIF IF hasVIAClock THEN ;••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• RTC •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IMPORT ReadTime ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: RTCReadTime ; ; Inputs: none ; ; Outputs: D0 - result code ; "GetParam" contains the 32-bit time value read from the clock ; ; Trashes: A0,A2,A3,D1,D2,D4,D5, 8 bytes at "GetParam" ; ; Function: reads the time from the realtime clock ;________________________________________________________________________________________ RTCReadTime MOVEM.L A5/A6,-(SP) MOVEA.L VIA,A2 ; get the VIA 1 base address for RTCClkNoMem MOVEQ #2-1,D4 ; try reading twice in case the time rolls over @RetryLoop MOVEQ #$9D-256,D5 ; command to read the high byte of the time LEA GetParam,A0 ; use clock utility storage MOVEA.L A0,A3 ; and save a copy for later @ReadLoop MOVE.B D5,D1 ; get the command into D1 BSR5 RTCClkNoMem ; read a byte of the time MOVE.B D1,(A0)+ ; and save it SUBQ.B #4,D5 ; next byte BMI.S @ReadLoop ; -> keep looping until all 8 bytes are read MOVE.L (A3)+,D0 ; do the two reads of the time match? SUB.L (A3)+,D0 DBEQ D4,@RetryLoop ; -> keep looping if not, or for two tries BEQ.S @Done ; -> no error MOVEQ #ClkRdErr,D0 ; note the problem @Done MOVEM.L (SP)+,A5/A6 RTS ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: RTCWriteTime ; ; Inputs: "Time" contains the 32-bit value to write to the clock ; ; Outputs: D0 - result code ; ; Trashes: A0,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5 ; ; Function: writes a new time value to the realtime clock ;________________________________________________________________________________________ RTCWriteTime MOVEM.L D6/A2/A5/A6,-(SP) MOVEA.L VIA,A2 ; get the VIA 1 base address for RTCClkNoMem BSR5 RTCWrProtOff ; write-enable the clock chip MOVEQ #2-1,D5 ; give it two tries MOVE.L Time,D3 ; get the time to write @RetryLoop MOVEQ #$01,D6 ; command to write the low byte of the time MOVEQ #4-1,D4 @WriteLoop MOVE.L D3,D1 ; put the byte to write into the upper word SWAP D1 MOVE.B D6,D1 ; and the command in the lower word BSR5 RTCClkNoMem ; write a byte of the time ADDQ.B #4,D6 ; address the next register ROR.L #8,D3 ; get the next byte DBRA D4,@WriteLoop BIGJSR ReadTime,A0 ; read the time to verify it was written correctly BNE.S @Done CMP.L Time,D3 ; do they match? DBEQ D5,@RetryLoop ; -> keep looping if not, or for two tries BEQ.S @Done ; -> they match so we're done MOVEQ #ClkWrErr,D0 ; note the error @Done MOVE.L D0,D3 ; save the result code BSR5 RTCWrProtOn ; turn write-protect back on

MOVE.L D3,D0 ; restore the result code MOVEM.L (SP)+,D6/A2/A5/A6 RTS ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: RTCXParam ; ; Inputs: A0 - pointer to user's buffer ; D0 - [number of bytes to transfer][starting PRAM address] ; D1 - bit 12: 1=read, 0=write ; ; Outputs: D0 - result code ; ; Trashes: A0,A1,A2,A3,D1,D2,D3 ; ; Function: reads/writes byte[s] from RTC-based paramter RAM ;________________________________________________________________________________________ RTCXParam MOVEA.L A0,A3 ; get the pointer to the caller's buffer MOVEA.L UnivInfoPtr,A1 ; point to the ProductInfo table

MOVEA.L A1,A0 ; and to the decoder table

ADDA.L ProductInfo.DecoderInfoPtr(A0),A0 MOVE.L D0,D3 ; get the starting PRAM address and count BTST #12,D1 ; is it a read or write? BNE.S @ItsRead BSET #31,D3 ; mark it as a write @ItsRead BSR.S StandardXPramIO ; go transfer the PRAM bytes

MOVEQ #0,D0 ; always return "no error" RTS ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: RTCRdXByte ; ; Inputs: D1 - address of PRAM byte to read ; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine ; A2 - VIA1 base address ; A3 - return address ; ; Outputs: D1 - byte read from PRAM ; ; Trashes: D0,D2,A5,A6 ; ; Function: reads a byte from RTC-based PRAM without using RAM ;________________________________________________________________________________________ RTCRdXByte ANDI.W #$00FF,D1 ; [oooo oooo 7654 3210] ASL.W #3,D1 ; [oooo o765 4321 0ooo] ROR.B #1,D1 ; [oooo o765 o432 10oo] ROR.W #8,D1 ; [o432 10oo oooo o765] ORI.B #$B8,D1 ; [o432 10oo ioii i765] BSR5 RTCClkNoMem ; read the PRAM byte ANDI.W #$00FF,D1 ; zero-extend the byte JMP (A3) ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: RTCWrXByte ; ; Inputs: D1 - address of PRAM byte to write ; D2 - byte to write to PRAM ; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine ; A2 - VIA1 base address ; A3 - return address ; ; Outputs: none ; ; Trashes: D0,D1,D2,A5,A6 ; ; Function: writes a byte to RTC-based PRAM without using RAM ;________________________________________________________________________________________ RTCWrXByte SWAP D1 ; copy the byte to write MOVE.B D2,D1 ; to the upper word of D1 SWAP D1 ANDI.W #$00FF,D1 ; [oooo oooo 7654 3210] ASL.W #3,D1 ; [oooo o765 4321 0ooo] ROR.B #1,D1 ; [oooo o765 o432 10oo] ROR.W #8,D1 ; [o432 10oo oooo o765] ORI.B #$38,D1 ; [o432 10oo ooii i765] MOVEA.L A3,A5 ; (fake out the return address) BRA.S RTCClkNoMem ; write the PRAM byte ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: RTCInitHW ; ; Inputs: A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine ; A6 - return address (BSR6) ; ; Outputs: none ; ; Trashes: D0,D1,D2,A0,A2,A5,A6 ; ; Function: initializes the RTC by taking it out of test mode ;________________________________________________________________________________________ RTCInitHW MOVEA.L A6,A0 ; save the return address MOVEA.L A1,A2 ; point to the decoder info ADDA.L ProductInfo.DecoderInfoPtr(A2),A2 MOVEA.L DecoderInfo.VIA1Addr(A2),A2 ; get VIA 1's base address

BSR5 RTCWrProtOff ; write-enable the clock chip MOVEQ #(0<<16)+($31<<0),D1 ; write zero to test bit in clock chip BSR5 RTCClkNoMem MOVEA.L A0,A5 ; restore the return address ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: RTCWrProtOn [RTC utility routine] ; ; Inputs: A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine ; A2 - VIA1 base address ; A5 - return address (BSR5) ; ; Outputs: none ; ; Trashes: D0,D1,D2,A6 ; ; Function: write-protects RTC-based PRAM when we're done modifying it ;________________________________________________________________________________________ RTCWrProtOn MOVE.L #($D5<<16)+($35<<0),D1 ; use 'set write protect' command BRA.S RTCClkNoMem ; write it to the clock chip ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: RTCWrProtOff [RTC utility routine] ; ; Inputs: A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine ; A2 - VIA1 base address ; A5 - return address (BSR5) ; ; Outputs: none ; ; Trashes: D0,D1,D2,A6 ; ; Function: write-enables RTC-based PRAM so we can write bytes to it ;________________________________________________________________________________________ RTCWrProtOff MOVE.L #($55<<16)+($35<<0),D1 ; use 'reset write protect' command * BRA.S RTCClkNoMem ; write it to the clock chip ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: RTCClkNoMem [RTC utility routine] ; ; Inputs: D1 - [x] [byte to write] [] [command (bit 7: 1=read, 0=write)] ; A2 - VIA1 base address ; A5 - return address (BSR5) ; ; Outputs: D1 - data byte read ; ; Trashes: D0,D1,D2,A6 ; ; Function: reads or writes one 8-bit clock register ;________________________________________________________________________________________ RTCClkNoMem MOVE SR,D2 ; save the SR ORI #HiIntMask,SR ; and disable interrupts SWAP D2 MOVE.B D1,D2 ; save a copy of the command BCLR #vRTCEnb,vBufB(A2) ; enable the clock MOVEQ #$78,D0 ; mask off the code bits AND.B D1,D0 CMPI.B #$38,D0 ; is this an extended command? BNE.S @NotExtended ; -> nope BSR6 SendToClk ; send the first command byte LSR.W #8,D1 ; move the second command byte into position @NotExtended TST.B D2 ; is this a read or write command? BMI.S @ItsRead ; -> read BSR6 SendToClk ; send the command byte SWAP D1 ; get the data byte BSR6 SendToClk ; and send it BRA.S @Done @ItsRead BSR6 SendToClk ; send the command byte BSR6 ReadFrClk ; and read the data byte @Done BSET #vRTCEnb,vBufB(A2) ; disable the clock SWAP D2 MOVE D2,SR ; re-enable interrupts RTS5 ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: SendToClk [RTC utility routine] ; ; Inputs: D1 - command/data byte to write to RTC ; A2 - VIA1 base address ; A6 - return address (BSR6) ; ; Outputs: none ; ; Trashes: D0,D1 ; ; Function: writes a command or data byte to the RTC (assumes interrupts masked to $2700) ;________________________________________________________________________________________ SendToClk MOVEQ #8-1,D0 ; shifting out 8 bits @ShiftLoop SWAP D0 ; save the count MOVE.B vBufB(A2),D0 ; get the VIA register's contents ROR.B #1,D0 ; shift the bits to position the RTC data bit (bit 0) ADDX.B D1,D1 ; shift the next data bit into the extend bit ADDX.B D0,D0 ; shift the data bit from the extend bit to the RTC data bit MOVE.B D0,VBufB(A2) ; stuff it back into the VIA register BCLR #vRTCClk,vBufB(A2) ; and clock the bit out BSET #vRTCClk,vBufB(A2) SWAP D0 ; get the bit counter back DBRA D0,@ShiftLoop ; -> keep looping until all bits are shifted out RTS6 ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: ReadFrClk [RTC utility routine] ; ; Inputs: A2 - VIA1 base address ; A6 - return address (BSR6) ; ; Outputs: D1 - data byte read from RTC ; ; Trashes: D0 ; ; Function: reads a data byte from the RTC (assumes interrupts masked to $2700) ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ReadFrClk BCLR #vRTCData,vDirB(A2) ; set the RTC data bit's direction to input MOVEQ #1,D1 ; initialize the result with a flag bit @ShiftLoop BCLR #vRTCClk,vBufB(A2) ; clock the next bit in BSET #vRTCClk,vBufB(A2) MOVE.B vBufB(A2),D0 ; read the register LSR.B #vRTCData+1,D0 ; shift the RTC data bit into the carry/X ADDX.B D1,D1 ; shift in the new bit towards the msb BCC.S @ShiftLoop ; -> keep looping until the flag bit shifts out BSET #vRTCData,vDirB(A2) ; restore the RTC data bit's direction to output RTS6 ENDIF ; {hasVIAClock} IF hasPwrControls THEN ;••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Power Manager •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WITH PMCommandRec IMPORT USTPmgrSendCommand, USTPMgrSendByte, USTPMGRRecvByte ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: PMGRReadTime ; ; Inputs: none ; ; Outputs: D0 - result code ; "GetParam" contains the 32-bit time value read from the clock ; ; Trashes: A0 ; ; Function: reads the time from the realtime clock ;________________________________________________________________________________________ PMGRReadTime PEA GetParam ; pmRBuffer MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ; pmSBuffer (not used) CLR.W -(SP) ; pmLength = 0 MOVE.W #TimeRead,-(SP) ; pmCommand = read time MOVE.L SP,A0 ; point to the parameter block _PmgrOp ; read the time LEA pmRBuffer+4(SP),SP ; clean up the stack RTS ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: PMGRWriteTime ; ; Inputs: "Time" contains 32-bit quantity to write to clock ; ; Outputs: D0 - result code ; ; Trashes: A0 ; ; Function: writes a new time value to the realtime clock ;________________________________________________________________________________________ PMGRWriteTime PEA Time ; pmRBuffer (not used) MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ; pmSBuffer MOVE.W #4,-(SP) ; pmLength = 4 bytes of time MOVE.W #TimeWrite,-(SP) ; pmCommand = write time MOVE.L SP,A0 ; point to the parameter block _PmgrOp ; read the time LEA pmRBuffer+4(SP),SP ; clean up the stack RTS ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: PMGRXParam ; ; Inputs: A0 - pointer to user's buffer ; D0 - [number of bytes to transfer][starting PRAM address] ; D1 - bit 12: 1=read, 0=write ; ; Outputs: D0 - result code ; ; Trashes: A0,A1,A2,D1,D2,D3 ; ; Function: reads/writes byte[s] from PMGR-based parameter RAM ;________________________________________________________________________________________ PMGRXParam MOVEA.L SP,A2 ; point to the current top of stack MOVE.L D0,D2 ; SWAP D2 ; D2.L=[starting PRAM address][count] ADDQ.W #2+1,D2 ; make space on the stack for a buffer and 2 parameter bytes BCLR #0,D2 ; and round up to the next word SUBA.W D2,SP MOVEA.L SP,A1 MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; pmRBuffer MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; pmSBuffer MOVE.B D0,(A1)+ ; put the PRAM address SWAP D0 MOVE.B D0,(A1)+ ; and count at the start of the send buffer MOVEQ #xPramRead,D3 ; assume it's a read MOVEQ #2,D2 ; BTST #12,D1 ; is this a write command? BNE.S @NoWrBuffer ; -> no MOVEQ #xPramWrite,D3 ADD.W D0,D2 ; adjust the count to include the bytes to be written BRA.S @StartCopy @CopyLoop MOVE.B (A0)+,(A1)+ ; copy the write buffer into the stack buffer @StartCopy DBRA D0,@CopyLoop @NoWrBuffer MOVE.W D2,-(SP) ; pmLength MOVE.W D3,-(SP) ; pmCommand MOVEA.L SP,A0 _PMgrOp ; have the PMGR read/write PRAM MOVEA.L A2,SP ; restore the stack pointer RTS ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: PMGRWrXByte ; ; Inputs: D1 - address of PRAM byte to write ; D2 - byte to write to PRAM ; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine ; A2 - VIA1 base address ; A3 - return address ; ; Outputs: none ; ; Trashes: A0,A3,A4,A5,A6,D0,D1,D2 ; ; Function: writes a byte to PMGR-based PRAM without using RAM ;________________________________________________________________________________________ PMGRWrXByte MOVEA.L A3,A4 ; save the return address EXG D3,D1 ; save D3 in D1, put PRAM address in the upper word of D3 SWAP D3 EXG D4,D2 ; save D4 in D2, put data byte in the upper word of D4 SWAP D4 MOVE.L D6,D0 ; save D6 MOVE.W #(xPramWrite<<0)|\ ; pmCommand (-1<<8),D3 ; pmLength = -1 (just send command byte) MOVEA.L A1,A0 ; point to the decoder table ADDA.L ProductInfo.DecoderInfoPtr(A0),A0 BigBSR6 USTPmgrSendCommand,A5 ; send the command to the PMGR BNE.S @PMgrDone ; -> error MOVE.B #3,D3 ; send pmLength = 3 (address, count, data) BigBSR5 USTPMgrSendByte,A6 BNE.S @PMgrDone ; -> error SWAP D3 ; send the PRAM address BigBSR5 USTPMgrSendByte,A6 BNE.S @PMgrDone ; -> error MOVEQ #1,D3 ; send the PRAM byte count BigBSR5 USTPMgrSendByte,A6 BNE.S @PMgrDone ; -> error MOVE.L D4,D3 ; send the PRAM data byte SWAP D3 BigBSR5 USTPMgrSendByte,A6 @PMgrDone MOVE.L D1,D3 ; restore registers MOVE.L D2,D4 MOVE.L D0,D6 JMP (A4) ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: PMGRRdXByte ; ; Inputs: D1 - address of PRAM byte to read ; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine ; A2 - VIA1 base address ; A3 - return address ; ; Outputs: D1 - byte read from PRAM ; ; Trashes: A0,A3,A4,A5,A6,D0,D2 ; ; Function: reads a byte from PMGR-based PRAM without using RAM ;________________________________________________________________________________________ PMGRRdXByte MOVEA.L A3,A4 ; save the return address EXG D3,D1 ; save D3 in D1, put command/data bytes in D3 MOVE.L D4,D0 ; save other registers MOVE.L D6,D2 ANDI.L #$000000FF,D3 ; mask the PRAM address and build the command: ORI.L #(xPramRead<<16)|\ ; pmCommand (2<<24)|\ ; pmLength (1<<8),D3 ; count = 1 byte SWAP D3 ; D1.L=[count][addr][pmLength][pmCommand] MOVEA.L A1,A0 ; point to the decoder table ADDA.L ProductInfo.DecoderInfoPtr(A0),A0 BigBSR6 USTPmgrSendCommand,A5 ; send the command to the PMGR BNE.S @PMgrError ; -> error BigBSR5 USTPMGRRecvByte,A6 ; read a byte back BNE.S @PMgrError ; -> error CMPI.B #xPramRead,D3 ; is it the reply byte? BNE.S @NoReplyByte ; -> no, new protocol BigBSR5 USTPMGRRecvByte,A6 ; read the count byte BNE.S @PMgrError ; -> error @NoReplyByte BigBSR5 USTPMGRRecvByte,A6 ; read the PRAM byte BEQ.S @PMgrDone ; -> got it @PMgrError MOVEQ #0,D3 ; return a zero if an error occurs @PMgrDone EXG D1,D3 ; restore D3, return PRAM byte in D1 MOVE.L D0,D4 ; restore other registers MOVE.L D2,D6 TST.B D1 ; set up the CCR if anybody cares JMP (A4) ENDWITH ; {PMgrRec} ENDIF ; {hasPwrControls} IF hasEgret THEN ;••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Egret •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WITH EgretPB ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: EgretReadTime ; ; The one second interrupt handler for Egret/Caboose/Cuda maintains the lowmem global ; 'Time' in a self correcting manner. This routine need only return the lowmem 'Time'. ; A call to _EgretDispatch will cause the AutoPoll timer within Egret/Caboose/Cuda to ; reset, resulting in deferring ADB auto polling. If an application calls ReadTime ; in a tight loop, ADB polling could be deferred indefinitely (making the mouse/keyboard ; appear to hang or respond intermittently). Since 'Time' is self correcting, the ; routine just returns 'Time' as the result placed into 'GetParam'. ; ; Inputs: none ; ; Outputs: D0 - result code ; "GetParam" contains the 32-bit time value read from the clock ; ; Trashes: A0 ; ; Function: reads the time from the realtime clock ;________________________________________________________________________________________ EgretReadTime clr.l d0 ; result code = noErr move.l Time,GetParam ; return current time ; CLR.L -(SP) ; pbCompletion = nil ; LEA pbCmdType-pbCompletion(SP),SP ; ; MOVE.W #(pseudopkt<<8)+\ ; pbCmdType = pseudo type ; (RdTime<<0),(SP) ; pbCmd = read time ; MOVEA.L SP,A0 ; point to the parameter block ; _EgretDispatch ; call Egret to read the time ; MOVE.L pbParam(A0),GetParam ; move the time into a temporary buffer ; LEA EgretPBSize(SP),SP ; clean up the stack RTS ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: EgretWriteTime ; ; Inputs: "Time" contains 32-bit quantity to write to clock ; ; Outputs: D0 - result code ; ; Trashes: A0 ; ; Function: writes a new time value to the realtime clock ;________________________________________________________________________________________ EgretWriteTime CLR.L -(SP) ; pbCompletion = nil LEA pbParam-pbCompletion(SP),SP MOVE.L Time,(SP) ; pbParam = current time MOVE.W #(pseudopkt<<8)+\ ; pbCmdType = pseudo type +(WrTime<<0),-(SP) ; pbCmd = write time MOVEA.L SP,A0 ; point to the parameter block _EgretDispatch ; call Egret to read the time LEA EgretPBSize(SP),SP ; clean up the stack RTS ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: EgretXParam ; ; Inputs: A0 - pointer to user's buffer ; D0 - [number of bytes to transfer][starting PRAM address] ; D1 - bit 12: 1=read, 0=write ; ; Outputs: D0 - result code ; ; Trashes: A0 ; ; Function: reads/writes byte[s] from Egret-based parameter RAM ;________________________________________________________________________________________ EgretXParam CLR.L -(SP) ; pbCompletion = nil SUBQ.W #pbCompletion-pbBufPtr,SP MOVE.L A0,(SP) ; pbBufPtr = pointer to user's buffer SWAP D0 MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ; pbByteCnt = number of PRAM bytes to read/write SUBQ.W #pbByteCnt-pbParam,SP SWAP D0 ADDI.W #$0100,D0 ;• convert PRAM address to 6805 address (temporary?) MOVE.W D0,(SP) ; pbParam = starting PRAM address MOVE.W #(pseudopkt<<8)+\ ; pbCmdType = pseudo type (Rd6805Addr<<0),-(SP) ; pbCmd = read PRAM BTST #12,D1 ; is this a write command? BNE.S @NotWrite ; -> no MOVE.W #(pseudopkt<<8)+\ ; pbCmdType = pseudo type (Wr6805Addr<<0),(SP) ; pbCmd = write PRAM @NotWrite MOVEA.L SP,A0 ; point to the parameter block _EgretDispatch ; call Egret to read/write PRAM LEA EgretPBSize(SP),SP ; clean up the stack RTS ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: EgretWrXByte ; ; Inputs: D1 - address of PRAM byte to write ; D2 - byte to write to PRAM ; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine ; A2 - VIA1 base address ; A3 - return address ; ; Outputs: none ; ; Trashes: D0,D1,D2,A5,A6 ; ; Function: writes a byte to Egret-based PRAM without using RAM ;________________________________________________________________________________________ EgretWrXByte SWAP D1 MOVE.B D2,D1 ; save the byte to send SWAP D1 BSET #15,D1 ; mark this as a write ; fall into EgretRdXByte ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: EgretRdXByte ; ; Inputs: D1 - address of PRAM byte to read ; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine ; A2 - VIA1 base address ; A3 - return address ; ; Outputs: D1 - byte read from PRAM ; ; Trashes: D0,D2,A5,A6 ; ; Function: reads a byte from Egret-based PRAM without using RAM ;________________________________________________________________________________________ EgretRdXByte BCLR #vSysSesbit,vBufB(A2) ; pending transaction? BEQ.S @NotPending ; -> no BSR5 EgretDelay ; wait a bit BCLR #vViaFullBit,vBufB(A2) ; de-assert VIA full BSR5 EgretDelay ; wait some more BRA.S @NotPending @Abort BSR6 EgretReadByte ; too many bytes being returned so BEQ.S @Abort ; keep throwing them out until there are no more, BRA.S @Reset ; then start over @DisposePacket BSR5 EgretDelay ; wait for the interrupt to occur TST.B vSR(A2) ; then read the ATTN byte to clear the interrupt @Reset BCLR #vSysSesbit,vBufB(A2) ; turn off SYS session BCLR #vViaFullBit,vBufB(A2) ; and de-assert VIA full BCLR #SRdir,vACR(A2) ; define shift direction = FROM Egret BSR5 EgretDelay ; wait BRA.S @CheckXCVR @ThrowAway BSET #vSysSesbit,vBufB(A2) ; set SYS session BSR6 EgretReadByte ; read a byte to throw away @CheckXCVR BTST #vXcvrSesBit,vBufB(A2) ; is XCVR session asserted (active low)? BEQ.S @ThrowAway ; -> yes, throw away the byte BSR5 EgretDelay ; wait @NotPending ORI.B #ACRMode++(1< yes, dispose of the packet BSET #vSysSesbit,vBufB(A2) ; assert sys session signal MOVEQ #pseudopkt,D0 ; packet type BSR6 EgretSendByte BMI.S @Reset ; -> Egret's hung, so try to reset BTST #vXcvrSesBit,vBufB(A2) ; is XCVR session asserted (active low)? BEQ.S @Reset ; -> yes, throw out the packet MOVEQ #rdPram,D0 ; assume we're doing a read TST.W D1 ; are we? BPL.S @SendCmd MOVEQ #wrPram,D0 ; no, we're writing @SendCmd BSR6 EgretSendByte ; send the command byte MOVEQ #0,D0 BSR6 EgretSendByte ; send the MSB of the PRAM address MOVE.B D1,D0 BSR6 EgretSendByte ; send the LSB of the PRAM address TST.W D1 ; are we writing? BPL.S @SendDone MOVE.L D1,D0 ; yes, get the data byte SWAP D0 BSR6 EgretSendByte ; and send it @SendDone BCLR #SRdir,vACR(A2) ; define shift direction = FROM Egret BCLR #vSysSesbit,vBufB(A2) ; turn off SYS session @WaitForIRQ BTST #ifSR,vIFR(A2) ; wait for shift to complete BEQ.S @WaitForIRQ BTST #vXcvrSesBit,vBufB(A2) ; is XCVR session asserted (active low)? BNE.S @WaitForIRQ ; -> no, keep polling until it is TST.B vSR(A2) ; read the ATTN byte to clear the interrupt BSR5 EgretDelay ; wait BSET #vSysSesbit,vBufB(A2) ; assert sys session again BSR6 EgretReadByte ; read the response packet type BNE.S @Reset ; -> XCVR session turned off early, so try again BSR6 EgretReadByte ; read the response packet flag BNE.S @Reset ; -> XCVR session turned off early, so try again TST.W D1 ; is this a read or write? BPL.S @FinishRead ; -> read BSR6 EgretReadByte ; read the "command was" byte BEQ.S @Abort ; -> XCVR session is still on, so try again CMPI.B #wrPram,D0 ; is this the correct packet? BNE.S @Reset ; -> no, try again BCLR #vSysSesbit,vBufB(A2) ; turn off SYS session BCLR #vViaFullBit,vBufB(A2) ; and de-assert VIA full BSR5 EgretDelay ; delay to let Egret see the lines change state JMP (A3) @FinishRead BSR6 EgretReadByte ; read the "command was" byte BNE.S @Reset ; -> XCVR session turned off early, so try again SUBQ.B #rdPram,D0 ; is this the correct packet? BNE.S @Reset ; -> no, try again BSR6 EgretReadByte ; read the PRAM data byte BCLR #vSysSesbit,vBufB(A2) ; turn off SYS session @Wait4XCVR BTST #vXcvrSesBit,vBufB(A2) ; wait for XCVR session to turn off BEQ.S @Wait4XCVR BCLR #vViaFullBit,vBufB(A2) ; de-assert VIA full BSR5 EgretDelay ; delay to let Egret see the lines change state MOVE.B D0,D1 ; return the byte in D1 JMP (A3) ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: EgretSendByte [Egret utility routine] ; ; Inputs: D0 - byte to send to Egret ; A2 - VIA1 base address ; A6 - return address (BSR6) ; ; Outputs: none ; ; Trashes: D2,A5 ; ; Function: sends a byte to Egret ;________________________________________________________________________________________ EgretSendByte MOVEA.L A6,A5 ; save the return address MOVE.B D0,vSR(A2) ; load byte into shift register BSET #vViaFullBit,vBufB(A2) ; indicate shift register is full MOVE.W #32767,D0 ; set a 42msec timeout @Wait4Shift BTST #ifSR,vIFR(A2) ; wait for shift to complete DBNE D0,@Wait4Shift BEQ.S EgretSendTO ; -> timed out TST.B vSR(A2) ; clear the interrupt BCLR #vViaFullBit,vBufB(A2) ; then negate VIA full bit ; delay a bit so Egret can keep up... EgretDelay MOVEQ #104,D2 ; delay 125µs minimum (we actually delay 134µsec) @wait TST.B (A2) ; sync to VIA clock (about 1.28µsec/access) DBRA D2,@wait ; delay at least 100 us (very rough) EgretSendTO TST.W D0 ; set CCR: BMI if send timeout, BPL if OK RTS5 ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: EgretReadByte [Egret utility routine] ; ; Inputs: A2 - VIA1 base address ; A6 - return address (BSR6) ; ; Outputs: D0 - byte read ; ; Trashes: D2,A5 ; ; Function: reads a byte from Egret ;________________________________________________________________________________________ EgretReadByte BCLR #vViaFullBit,vBufB(A2) ; de-assert VIA full @Wait4Shift BTST #ifSR,vIFR(A2) ; wait for shift to complete BEQ.S @Wait4Shift BSET #vViaFullBit,vBufB(A2) ; acknowlege byte MOVE.B vSR(A2),D0 ; read the byte BSR5 EgretDelay ; give Egret time to see it BTST #vXcvrSesBit,vBufB(A2) ; return with the state of XCVR session RTS6 ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: CudaRdXByte ; ; Inputs: D1 - address of PRAM byte to read ; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine ; A2 - VIA1 base address ; A3 - return address ; ; Outputs: D1 - byte read from PRAM ; ; Trashes: D0,D2,A5,A6 ; ; Function: reads a byte from Egret-based PRAM without using RAM ; ; This routine can only be executed after a SyncAck cycle. The SyncAck cycle, ; which is executed immediately after InitVia will disable all asynchronous ; message sources within Cuda. This allows the following routine to be written ; without regard to detecting collisions between command packets and response ; packets. AT NO TIME SHOULD AN ASYNCHRONOUS MESSAGE SOURCE BE ENABLED PRIOR ; TO USE OF THIS ROUTINE. ASYNCHRONOUS MESSAGE SOURCES SHOULD ONLY BE ENABLED ; AFTER THE CUDA MANAGER HAS BEEN INSTALLED. ;________________________________________________________________________________________ CudaRdXByte cmp.l #$8000,sp ; is there any stack yet? ble.s @5 ; no, use register based cmp.w #0,EgretBase bne.s @5 movec VBR,d2 ; get the contents of VBR tst.l d2 ; check for zero bne.s @5 ; This code allows the low level routines to be used after the Cuda manager is installed ; by constructing a parameter block on the stack and issuing a call to CudaDispatch. This ; is absolutely necessary because the low level routines do not detect collisions which can ; occur once the Cuda manager is installed. Further, it is almost impossible to determine ; how to to synchronize Cuda after an asynchronous re-boot has occurred. movem.l a0-a6/d0/d2-d7,-(sp) suba.l #EgretPBSize,sp ; make room on the stack for Cuda parameter block move.b #pseudoPkt,pbCmdType(sp) ; set packet type move.b #RdPram,pbCmd(sp) ; set packet command move.w d1,pbParam(sp) ; set pram address move.w #1,pbByteCnt(sp) ; 1 byte to send move.l sp,pbBufPtr(sp) add.l #pbParam+2,pbBufPtr(sp) ; point to our data buffer move.b #0,pbFlags(sp) move.w #0,pbResult(sp) move.l #0,pbCompletion(sp) ; execute synchronously move.l sp,a0 ; parameter block in a0 _EgretDispatch ; (this is actually the Cuda A-Trap) move.w pbParam+2(sp),d1 ; get pram data adda.l #EgretPBSize,sp ; remove parameter block from stack movem.l (sp)+,a0-a6/d0/d2-d7 jmp (a3) ; ; The following code is executed only when the Cuda manager is not installed. ; AT NO TIME SHOULD AN ASYNCHRONOUS MESSAGE SOURCE BE ENABLED PRIOR TO USE OF THIS ROUTINE. ; ASYNCHRONOUS MESSAGE SOURCES SHOULD ONLY BE ENABLED AFTER THE CUDA MANAGER HAS BEEN INSTALLED. ; @5 ori.b #ACRmode,vacr(a2) ; else initialize via mode bset.b #SRdir,vACR(a2) ; set output mode move.b #pseudopkt,vSR(a2) ; send packet type & clear any pending shift irq bclr.b #TIP,vBufB(a2) ; start the transaction @10 btst.b #ifSR,vIFR(a2) ; Wait for shift register IRQ to indicate byte was read beq.s @10 ;________________________________________________________________________________________________ ; When outputing from the VIA to Cuda, the interrupt will occur prior to the rising edge ; of CB1. Delay long enough for the edge to occur before acknowledging the shift ; register interrupt. (R. Montagne 1/11/93) ;________________________________________________________________________________________________ moveq #10,d2 ; delay for 10µS min. @m7dly ; tst.b vBufB(a1) ; hardware access is 1.2µS sub.b #1,d2 ; can only trash low byte bne.s @m7dly ; wait long enough for CB1 to rise (10µS delay) tst.b vSR(a2) ; Clear the shift register IRQ moveq #rdpram,d2 ; Send the command byte BSR6 CudaWriteByte move.l d1,d2 lsr.l #8,d2 ; Send PRAM address MSB BSR6 CudaWriteByte move.l d1,d2 ; Send PRAM address LSB BSR6 CudaWriteByte bclr.b #SRdir,vACR(a2) ; Define direction FROM Cuda btst.b #SRdir,vACR(a2) @69up bne.s @69up ori.b #((1<(rbm)<2> begin { ble.s @5 ; no, use register based cmp.w #0,EgretBase bne.s @5 movec vbr,d5 ; get a copy of VBR tst.l d5 ; is it zero? bne.s @5 ; This code allows the low level routines to be used after the Cuda manager is installed ; by constructing a parameter block on the stack and issuing a call to CudaDispatch. This ; is absolutely necessary because the low level routines do not detect collisions which can ; occur once the Cuda manager is installed. Further, it is almost impossible to determine ; how to to synchronize Cuda after an asynchronous re-boot has occurred. movem.l a0-a6/d0/d3-d7,-(sp) suba.l #EgretPBSize,sp ; make room on the stack for Cuda parameter block move.b #pseudoPkt,pbCmdType(sp) ; set packet type move.b #WrPram,pbCmd(sp) ; set packet command move.w d1,pbParam(sp) ; set pram address move.w d2,pbParam+2(sp) ; set pram data move.w #1,pbByteCnt(sp) ; 1 byte to send move.l sp,pbBufPtr(sp) add.l #pbParam+2,pbBufPtr(sp) ; point to our data buffer move.b #0,pbFlags(sp) move.w #0,pbResult(sp) move.l #0,pbCompletion(sp) ; execute synchronously move.l sp,a0 ; parameter block in a0 _EgretDispatch ; (this is actually the Cuda A-Trap) adda.l #EgretPBSize,sp ; remove parameter block from stack movem.l (sp)+,a0-a6/d0/d3-d7 jmp (a3) ; The following code is executed only when the Cuda manager is not installed. ; AT NO TIME SHOULD AN ASYNCHRONOUS MESSAGE SOURCE BE ENABLED PRIOR TO USE OF THIS ROUTINE. ; ASYNCHRONOUS MESSAGE SOURCES SHOULD ONLY BE ENABLED AFTER THE CUDA MANAGER HAS BEEN INSTALLED. @5 move.l d2,d5 ; Save the write data ori.b #ACRmode,vacr(a2) ; else initialize via mode bset.b #SRdir,vACR(a2) ; set output mode move.b #pseudopkt,vSR(a2) ; send packet type & clear any pending shift irq bclr.b #TIP,vBufB(a2) ; start the transaction @10 btst.b #ifSR,vIFR(a2) ; Wait for shift register IRQ to indicate byte was read beq.s @10 ;________________________________________________________________________________________________ ; When outputing from the VIA to Cuda, the interrupt will occur prior to the rising edge ; of CB1. Delay long enough for the edge to occur before acknowledging the shift ; register interrupt. (R. Montagne 1/11/93) ;________________________________________________________________________________________________ move.b #10,d2 ; mode 7 interrupt occurs at falling edge CB1 @m7dly ; tst.b vBufB(a1) ; hardware access is 1.2µS sub.b #1,d2 ; can only trash low byte bne.s @m7dly ; wait long enough for CB1 to rise (10µS delay) tst.b vSR(a2) ; Clear the shift register IRQ moveq #wrpram,d2 ; Send the command byte BSR6 CudaWriteByte move.l d1,d2 lsr.l #8,d2 ; Send PRAM address MSB BSR6 CudaWriteByte move.l d1,d2 ; Send PRAM address LSB BSR6 CudaWriteByte move.l d5,d2 ; Send the write data BSR6 CudaWriteByte bclr.b #SRdir,vACR(a2) ; Define direction FROM Cuda ori.b #((1< @m7dly ; tst.b vBufB(a1) ; hardware access is 1.2µS sub.b #1,d2 ; can only trash low byte bne.s @m7dly ; wait long enough for CB1 to rise (10µS delay) tst.b vSR(a2) ; Clear the shift register IRQ RTS6 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPORT CudaReadByte CudaReadByte btst.b #ifSR,vIFR(a2) ; Wait for IRQ beq.s CudaReadByte move.b vSR(a2),d2 ; Read data from VIA (clears IRQ) and.w #$00FF,d2 ; isolate the byte eori.b #1<(rbm)<2> end } RTS6 ENDWITH ; {EgretPB} ENDIF ; {hasEgret} IF hasProtectedPRAM THEN ; •••••••••••••••••••••••• PRAM in VRAM, clock is someplace else •••••••••••••••••••••••• WITH ProductInfo, VideoInfo ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: NoPRAMReadTime ; ; Inputs: none ; ; Outputs: D0 - result code ; "GetParam" contains the 32-bit time value read from the clock ; ; Trashes: TBD ; ; Function: Would read the time from the clock if we knew what kind it was. This routine ; is provided as an aid to the person who has to code for this case. ;________________________________________________________________________________________ NoPRAMReadTime MOVEQ #dsCoreErr,D0 ; just die so we know something didn't happen _SysError MOVEQ #clkRdErr,D0 ; and leave this as a clue to why RTS ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: NoPRAMWriteTime ; ; Inputs: "Time" contains 32-bit quantity to write to clock ; ; Outputs: D0 - result code ; ; Trashes: TBD ; ; Function: Would write the time to the clock if we knew what kind it was. This routine ; is provided as an aid to the person who has to code for this case. ;________________________________________________________________________________________ NoPRAMWriteTime MOVEQ #dsCoreErr,D0 ; just die so we know something didn't happen _SysError MOVEQ #clkWrErr,D0 ; and leave this as a clue to why RTS ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: NoPRAMXParam ; ; Inputs: A0 - pointer to user's buffer ; D0 - [number of bytes to transfer][starting PRAM address] ; D1 - bit 12: 1=read, 0=write ; ; Outputs: D0 - result code ; ; Trashes: A0,A1,A2,D1,D2,D3 ; ; Function: reads/writes byte[s] from parameter RAM that hides in unused video RAM ; (assumes that traps and the MMU are set up) ;________________________________________________________________________________________ NoPRAMXParam MOVEA.L A0,A2 ; save the pointer to the user's buffer, MOVE.L D0,D3 ; and the starting PRAM address and count MOVEQ #true32b,D0 ; switch into 32-bit addressing mode _SwapMMUMode MOVEA.L UnivInfoPtr,A1 ; point to this machine's product info, ADDA.L VideoInfoPtr(A1),A1 ; which leads to video info, MOVEA.L VRAMPhysAddr(A1),A1 ; which leads to the base address of video, LEA -256(A1),A1 ; which leads to PRAM in unused video memory ADD.W D3,A1 ; index into start of desired PRAM SWAP D3 ; get the number of bytes to transfer BTST #12,D1 ; is it a write? BNE.S @StartCopy ; -> no EXG A1,A2 ; yes, exchange source and destination pointers BRA.S @StartCopy @CopyPRAM MOVE.B (A1)+,(A2)+ ; move the bytes @StartCopy DBRA D3,@CopyPRAM _SwapMMUMode ; restore the addressing mode MOVEQ #0,D0 ; never an error RTS ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: NoPRAMXPramIO ; ; Inputs: A0 -- pointer to table of base addresses ; A1 -- pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine ; A3 -- pointer to PRAM I/O buffer ; D1 -- flags indicating which external features are valid ; D3 -- [r/w (bit 31)][number of PRAM bytes to read/write][starting PRAM address] ; ; Outputs: none ; ; Trashes: A2,A3,D3 ; ; Function: reads/writes byte[s] from parameter RAM that hides in unused video RAM ; before traps (or the MMU) are set up ;________________________________________________________________________________________ NoPRAMXPramIO MOVEA.L A1,A2 ; point to this machine's product info, ADDA.L VideoInfoPtr(A2),A2 ; which leads to video info, MOVEA.L VRAMPhysAddr(A2),A2 ; which leads to the base address of video, LEA -256(A2),A2 ; which leads to PRAM in unused video memory ADD.W D3,A2 ; index into start of desired PRAM SWAP D3 ; get the number of bytes to transfer BCLR #15,D3 ; is it a write? BEQ.S @StartCopy ; -> no EXG A2,A3 ; yes, exchange source and destination pointers BRA.S @StartCopy @CopyPRAM MOVE.B (A2)+,(A3)+ ; move the bytes @StartCopy DBRA D3,@CopyPRAM RTS ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: NoPRAMRdXByte ; ; Inputs: D1 - address of PRAM byte to read ; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine ; A2 - VIA1 base address ; A3 - return address ; ; Outputs: D1 - byte read from PRAM ; ; Trashes: A0,D0 ; ; Function: reads a byte from parameter RAM that hides in unused video RAM without using RAM ;________________________________________________________________________________________ NoPRAMRdXByte MOVEA.L A1,A0 ; point to this machine's product info, ADDA.L VideoInfoPtr(A0),A0 ; which leads to video info, MOVEA.L VRAMPhysAddr(A0),A0 ; which leads to the base address of video, LEA -256(A0),A0 ; which leads to PRAM in unused video memory MOVEQ #0,D0 MOVE.B D1,D0 ; zero-extend the byte number to make an index MOVE.B 0(A0,D0),D1 ; and get the byte JMP (A3) ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: NoPRAMWrXByte ; ; Inputs: D1 - address of PRAM byte to write ; D2 - byte to write to PRAM ; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine ; A2 - VIA1 base address ; A3 - return address ; ; Outputs: none ; ; Trashes: A0,D0 ; ; Function: writes a byte to parameter RAM that hides in unused video RAM without using RAM ;________________________________________________________________________________________ NoPRAMWrXByte MOVEA.L A1,A0 ; point to this machine's product info, ADDA.L VideoInfoPtr(A0),A0 ; which leads to video info, MOVEA.L VRAMPhysAddr(A0),A0 ; which leads to the base address of video, LEA -256(A0),A0 ; which leads to PRAM in unused video memory MOVEQ #0,D0 MOVE.B D1,D0 ; zero-extend the byte number to make an index MOVE.B D2,0(A0,D0) ; and write the byte JMP (A3) ENDWITH ; {ProductInfo, VideoInfo} ENDIF ; {hasProtectedPRAM} ; •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ;________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: ClkNoMem ; ; Inputs: A1 - VIA 1 base address ; A5 - return address (BSR5) ; D1 - clock chip command byte (bit 7: 0=write, 1=read) ; D2 - data byte to write ; ; Outputs: D2 - data byte read ; ; Trashes: A0,A1,A5,A6,D1,D3 ; ; Function: support for the jClkNoMem vector (do we still need this?) ;________________________________________________________________________________________ EXPORT ClkNoMem ClkNoMem RTS5 ;________________________________________________________________________________________ thru next ; These patches change the behavior of StandardXPramIO so that during a multi-byte ; write to PRAM, interrupts are disabled and re-enabled around the write of each byte, ; and the RTC is write-enabled and then write-protected again during the time that ; interrupts are off. This fixes a problem where the Reliability Manager's interrupt ; task, which calls this routine to write to PRAM every 5 minutes, interrupts during ; this loop, resulting in PRAM being left write-protected; when control returns to the ; foreground, remaining bytes to be written to PRAM don't get written. ; ; Monte Benaresh - 7/2/93 ;________________________________________________________________________________________ StdXPRAM2Patch ; patch for StandardXPramIO MOVEA.L A1,A6 ; point to this machine's product info ADDA.L ProductInfo.ClockPRAMPtr(A6),A6 ; and get the address of its clock/PRAM table MOVE.L 4*cpWrProtOn(A6),D0 ; get the offset to the write-protect routine BEQ.S @Done ; -> it's not supported for this implementation ADDA.L D0,A6 ; calculate the routine's address movea.l (sp)+,A5 ; simulate a BSR5 which returns to our caller JMP (A6) ; and call it to turn on PRAM write-protect @Done rts ; END