; ; File: PPCBrowser.a ; ; Contains: Assembly routines for the PPCBrowser. ; ; Written by: Jeff Miller ; ; Copyright: © 1990, 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; 11/5/92 SWC Changed PackMacs.a->Packages.a. ; <6> 9/16/90 JSM Add ContainsWildcard. ; <5> 4/13/90 JSM Don't need to uppercase strings in InsertListCell. ; <4> 4/5/90 JSM Add PenPatGray. ; <3> 3/8/90 JSM Change InsertListCell to return whether cell was unique. ; <2> 2/20/90 JSM Change DispatchTable format. ; <1> 2/19/90 JSM First checked in. ; TITLE 'PPCBrowser.a' BLANKS ON STRING ASIS CASE OBJ CODEREFS FORCEPC SEG 'Main' PRINT OFF LOAD 'StandardEqu.d' INCLUDE 'Packages.a' PRINT ON DoDebug EQU 1 ; ; Macro to put in debug symbols for MacsBug ; IF DoDebug THEN MACRO DoDebugSymbols &name DC.B $80 + &LEN(&name), '&name' DC.W $0000 ENDM ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; ; PPCBrowser package header ; ;=============================================================================== BrowsePackEntry PROC EXPORT DC.W $A9FF ; package entry point (unused now) DC.B 'PACK' DC.W 9 ; package number DC.W 0 ; version ; ; DispatchTable for DispatchHelper ; MyDispatchTable DC.W 0 ; dispatchFlags (always 0) DC.B 0 ; first selector DC.B 0 ; last selector ; ; macro to build jump table ; MACRO JT &entry IMPORT &entry DC.W &entry - MyDispatchTable ENDM CASE OFF ; following are Pascal routines JT MyPPCBrowser CASE OBJ ENDPROC ;=============================================================================== ; ; short InsertListCell(char *theStr, ListHandle theList, Boolean *Unique); ; ; Inserts specified text alphabetically as a cell in specified list. ; Only inserts unique cells, sets unique to FALSE if cell already ; exists. Returns row where cell was inserted, or where matching ; cell exists. Algorithm stolen from the Chooser. ; ; Note that IUMagString does the right thing always. It will sort ; strings for keyboard navigation (i.e. Ab ab Ac instead of Ab Ac ab), ; and will mark strings as equal correctly for PPC ports (i.e. ; finder != Finder). (Question: is this always true? PPCToolbox ; does a byte compare for equality.) ; ; Register Usage: ; ; A2 = theList ; A3 = theStr ; A4 = testCell ; ; D3 = binary search lower bound, initially dataBounds.top ; D4 = binary search upper bound, initially dataBounds.bottom ; D5 = row to test between D3 and D4 ; ;=============================================================================== InsertListCell PROC EXPORT StackFrame RECORD {A6Link},DECR unique DS.L 1 theList DS.L 1 theStr DS.L 1 Return DS.L 1 A6Link DS.L 1 testCell DS.B 34 ; current cell data LocalSize EQU * ENDR WITH StackFrame LINK A6,#LocalSize ; set up stack frame MOVEM.L A2-A4/D3-D5,-(SP) ; preserve registers MOVE.L theList(A6),A2 ; A2 = theList MOVE.L theStr(A6),A3 ; A3 = theStr LEA testCell(A6),A4 ; A4 = testCell ; set up for binary search MOVE.L (A2),A0 ; A0 = list pointer MOVE.W dataBounds+top(A0),D3 ; D3 = dataBounds.top MOVE.W dataBounds+bottom(A0),D4 ; D4 = dataBounds.bottom @continueSearch CMP.W D3,D4 ; no more rows? BEQ.S @foundRow ; yes, we're done ; calculate a test row midway between current top and bottom MOVE.W D4,D5 ; calculate test row in D5 SUB.W D3,D5 ; D5 = currTop - currBottom ASR.W #1,D5 ; DIV 2 ADD.W D3,D5 ; + currTop ; get contents of test row MOVE.W #34,-(SP) ; max length to get PEA testCell+1(A6) ; retrieve cell here PEA 4(SP) ; return length here MOVE.W #0,-(SP) ; get from column 0 MOVE.W D5,-(SP) ; and the test row MOVE.L A2,-(SP) ; theList _LGetCell MOVE.W (SP)+,D0 ; get length MOVE.B D0,(A4) ; and stuff it in testCell ; compare the theStr and the current cell MOVE.L A4,A0 ; get current cell data MOVEQ #0,D0 MOVE.B (A0)+,D0 ; get length MOVE.L A3,A1 ; get theStr MOVEQ #0,D1 MOVE.B (A1)+,D1 ; get length SUBQ #2,SP ; make room for integer result MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; aStr = testCell MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; bStr = theStr MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ; aLen = length of testCell MOVE.W D1,-(SP) ; bLen = length of theStr _IUMagString MOVE.W (SP)+,D0 ; get result BEQ.S @notUnique ; testCell == theStr, don't insert BMI.S @afterCurr ; testCell < theStr, insert after MOVE.W D5,D4 ; testCell >= theStr, insert before BRA.S @continueSearch ; currBottom = test row @afterCurr MOVE.W D5,D3 ; currTop = test row + 1 ADDQ #1,D3 BRA.S @continueSearch @notUnique MOVE.W D5,D4 ; D4 = matching cell MOVEQ #0,D0 ; return false => cell is not unique BRA.S @exit @foundRow ; add a row in the right place SUBQ #2,SP ; make room for integer result MOVE.W #1,-(SP) ; add one row MOVE.W D4,-(SP) ; at the right row MOVE.L A2,-(SP) ; theList _LAddRow ADDQ #2,SP ; ignore result ; put theStr in the new cell MOVE.L A3,A0 ; get theStr MOVEQ #0,D0 MOVE.B (A0)+,D0 ; get the length MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; the data for the cell MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ; length of data MOVE.W #0,-(SP) ; column 0 MOVE.W D4,-(SP) ; the right row MOVE.L A2,-(SP) ; theList _LSetCell MOVEQ #1,D0 ; return true => cell is unique ; clean up and exit @exit MOVE.L unique(A6),A0 ; set unique MOVE.B D0,(A0) MOVE.W D4,D0 ; return row where inserted MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4/D3-D5 ; restore registers UNLK A6 ; tear down stack frame RTS ENDWITH ; StackFrame IF DoDebug THEN DoDebugSymbols InsertListCell ; label for MacsBug ENDIF ENDPROC ; end of InsertListCell ;=============================================================================== ; ; void PenPatGray(); ; ; Set the pen pattern of the current port to gray. ; Written in assembly to get the QD globals and avoid use of ; GetIndPattern. ; ;=============================================================================== PenPatGray PROC EXPORT MOVE.L GrafGlobals(A5),A0 ; get a pointer to the QD globals PEA gray(A0) ; push pointer to gray pattern _PenPat ; and set it RTS IF DoDebug THEN DoDebugSymbols PenPatGray ; label for MacsBug ENDIF ENDPROC ; end of PenPatGray ;=============================================================================== ; ; Boolean ContainsWildcard(char *theStr); ; ; Searchs theStr for any occurence of NBP wildcard characters "=" ; or "≈". Assumes theStr is a pascal string. Returns TRUE if ; a the string contains a wildcard character, FALSE otherwise. ; ; Register Usage: ; ; A0 = current character to test ; ; D1 = length of string left to test ; ;=============================================================================== ContainsWildcard PROC EXPORT MOVEQ #0,D0 ; assume we return false MOVE.L 4(SP),A0 ; A0 = theStr MOVEQ #0,D1 ; clear D1 MOVE.B (A0)+,D1 ; D0 = length of theStr BEQ.S @doReturn ; if empty, return SUBQ.B #1,D1 ; predecrement for loop ; loop through string looking for wildcards @searchLoop CMPI.B #'=',(A0) ; is this '='? BEQ.S @returnTrue ; yes CMPI.B #'≈',(A0)+ ; is this '≈'? BEQ.S @returnTrue ; yes DBRA D1,@searchLoop ; no, keep looking @return BRA.S @doReturn ; wildcard not found, return false @returnTrue MOVEQ #1,D0 ; return true @doReturn RTS IF DoDebug THEN DoDebugSymbols ContainsWildcard ; label for MacsBug ENDIF ENDPROC ; end of ContainsWildcard END