; ; File: PromptForUserEqu.a ; ; Contains: Equates for PPC PromptForUser code. ; ; Copyright: © 1986-1990, 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; <10> 6/29/92 DTY Create a record structure for PPC Globals, which includes space ; for IKeyScriptDone. ; <9> 4/2/92 FM #1020547 The password filter used to hardcode the bullet '•' ; character which isn't internationally friendly. Now I set up the ; bullet character using the itl4 table. The routines to lookup ; the character are now in PromptForUser.c and were written by ; Kevin MacDonell. The bullet is stored in the PromptForUser ; globals. ; <8> 2/11/91 EMT VC,82495: Add equates for leftArrow, rightArrow, upArrow, ; downArrow,fwdDelete, and funcKey. ; <7> 8/21/90 VC Added pGuestAllowed into Global areas. ; <6> 8/14/90 VC Added the definition for gChar and rChar ; <6> 8/14/90 VC Added the definition for gChar and rChar ; <5> 8/9/90 S Added the definition of "cmdKeyMask". The cmdKey definition in ; SYSEQU.A seems to be wrong. ; <4> 8/9/90 VC Added periodChar definition ; <3> 1/30/90 S Removed psswdStart prmtDlogID equ statements. ; <1+> 1/8/90 Sangam Including a Conditional compile for a resource ID. ; <1.0> 10/12/89 CVC Adding Access Control for the first time. ; 9/15/89 RH 1.0d1 New today ; ; To Do: ; ;EASE$$$ READ ONLY COPY of file “PromptForUserEqu.a” ; 1.0 CVC 10/12/1989 Adding Access Control for the first time. ; END EASE MODIFICATION HISTORY ;___________________________________________________________________________ ; ; PromptForUser routine Equates ; ; Ruth Hennigar ; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1986 - 1989 ; All Rights Reserved ; ; Modification History: ; ; 9/15/89 RH 1.0d1 New today ; ;___________________________________________________________________________ BLANKS ON STRING ASIS ; These are declared in PPCPromptForUser.a ;PrmtDlogID EQU -16409 ; dialog resource ID ;IF &TYPE('INIT') THEN ; PrmtDlogID EQU -930 ; dialog resource ID ;ELSE ; PrmtDlogID EQU -16409 ; dialog resource ID ;ENDIF ; Item numbers in the File Server Password (PW) window fItemOKButton EQU 1 fItemCancelButton EQU 2 fItemPromptText EQU 3 fItemUserTextLine EQU 4 fItemUNameEdit EQU 5 fItemPTextLine EQU 6 fItemPEdit EQU 7 fItemGuest EQU 8 fItemRegistered EQU 9 fItemPwdType EQU 10 ;fItemIcon EQU 11 ; Offsets into our global variables pMethod EQU 0 ; method button hit pPwdTEHandle EQU pMethod+2 ; password TE handle pPWDlogUNameHdl EQU pPwdTEHandle+4 ; handle to dialog user name pPrompt EQU pPWDlogUNameHdl+4 ; ptr to the prompt pIconHdl EQU pPrompt+4 ; handle to the icon pGuestAllowed EQU pIconHdl+4 ; Guest allowed boolean pBulletChar EQU pGuestAllowed+2 ; Character to use for masking password <9> pGlobSize EQU pBulletChar+2 ; size of my globals PromptForUserGlobalsRec Record 0 pMethod ds.w 1 pPwdTEHandle ds.l 1 pPWDlogUNameHdl ds.l 1 pPrompt ds.l 1 pIconHdl ds.l 1 pGuestAllowed ds.w 1 pBulletChar ds.w 1 IKeyScriptDone ds.w 1 pGlobalSize equ * EndR ; Character codes bsChar EQU 8 ; backspace character crChar EQU 13 ; return character enterChar EQU 3 ; enter character periodChar EQU '.' ; period character gChar EQU 'g' ; character g rChar EQU 'r' ; character r cmdKeyMask EQU 256 ; Cmd key mask maskChar EQU '•' ; masked character tabChar EQU 9 ; tab character clrChar EQU $1B ; clear key leftArrow EQU $1C rightArrow EQU $1D upArrow EQU $1E downArrow EQU $1F fwdDelete EQU $7F funcKey EQU $10 ; Dialog filter stack frame equates fItemHit EQU 8 ; item hit var ptr fEventRec EQU fItemHit+4 ; event record ptr fDlogPtr EQU fEventRec+4 ; dialog ptr fBoolean EQU fDlogPtr+4 ; boolean result fPSize EQU fBoolean-8 ; size of the parameters ; Positions on screen nameHoriz EQU 48 ; horiz position of the name string nameVert EQU 25 ; vert position of name string versLeftOffset EQU 50 ; left offset of window for version string nRadioV EQU 160 ; VS window vert coord of name only radio button pRadioV EQU 177 ; VS window vert coord of name/pswd radio button radioH EQU 75 ; VS window horiz coord of radio buttons ; ; User Authentication methods ; ; Authentication method equates (UAM types) NoUserAuth EQU 1 ; guest Password EQU 2 ; clear text password (8 byte password) EncryptPass EQU 3 ; encrytped password (8 byte password) VPassword EQU 4 ; variable size clear text password VEncryptPass EQU 5 ; variable size encrypted password UserDefinedUAM EQU 128 ; start of user defined UAM types ; ; General equates ; beepLen EQU 5 ; length (in ticks) of an error beep maxSrvrStrLen EQU 256 ; max length in bits of server name (for display purposes) maxUsrPwdLen EQU 8 ; maximum size of user password uNameSize EQU 31 ; maximum size of user name chars (not incl length byte) ;pswdStrStart EQU -16409 ; password text string resource ID start ;pswdStrStartInit EQU -930 ; password text string resource ID start (Init) ; These are declared in PPCPromptForUser.a ;IF &TYPE('INIT') THEN ; pswdStrStart EQU -930 ; password text string resource ID start ;ELSE ; pswdStrStart EQU -16409 ; password text string resource ID start ;ENDIF