; ; File: SCSIMgrHW.a ; ; Copyright: © 1989-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; 2/5/93 CSS Rollin from Horror: clear flag indicating drive is now spun down. ; 11/3/92 SWC Changed SCSIEqu.a->SCSI.a. ; 9/9/92 CSS Changed three bra.w's to bra.l's when modular makes ; caused the files to get to far apart. ; 6/20/92 PN Roll in patchIIciROM.a. New and improved bus errorhandler ; 6/2/92 kc Revert to ; 6/1/92 CS Roll more cyclone stuff in. ; 5/17/92 kc Include PowerPrivEqu.a. The powerCntl equ was moved inside the ; pmCommandRec record. ; 5/4/92 FM Undo last change and let Kurt deal with it :^) ; 5/4/92 FM Roll in changes from PatchIICiRom.a file that were "lost" in the ; review process… Making the SCSIBusErrHandler a little more ; robust. ; <13> 12/27/91 RB Rolled in Terror changes. Cleaned up a bit. ; <12> 10/2/91 JSM Don’t use any onXXMac conditionals at all, don’t use forROM, ; isUniversal, or hasPwrControls since they are always true for ; this file, don’t check for Cpu ≥ 020 since it always is. ; <11> 9/16/91 JSM Cleanup header. ; <10> 9/21/90 BG Removed <8>, <9>. 040s are behaving more reliably now. ; <9> 7/19/90 BG Found another place or two where EclipseNOPs were needed. ; <8> 6/22/90 CCH Added a NOP for flaky 68040's. ; <7> 5/16/90 MSH Added hasPowerControls to hcmac conditional. ; <6> 2/20/90 BG Added (simplistic) 040 bus error handling. Updated *Transfer* to ; decide which MaxBusErr value to use (000/020/030 vs. 040). ; <5> 1/18/90 JWK Needed for Zone5 - Fixes to old SCSI Mgr DMA routines for ; SCSIStat support and variable blind timeouts. ; <4> 1/14/90 JWK Needed for F19 - Added calls to LockMemory and UnlockMemory for ; VM support. ; <3> 1/11/90 CCH Added include of “HardwarePrivateEqu.a”. ; <2> 1/8/90 JK Needed for F19: Fixed CD-ROM bug in slow read routines - better ; loss of phase error checking. ; <1.7> 12/10/89 jwk NEEDED FOR F19 - Optimized DMA code ; <1.6> 11/2/89 MSH Rolled in updated sleeptask from hcmac reality sources. ; <1.5> 9/11/89 jwk NEEDED FOR F19 - Cleaned up DMA code, added support for SE and ; Plus ; <1.4> 7/17/89 jwk NEEDED FOR AURORA - Changed to use "padForOverPatch" conditional ; <1.3> 7/15/89 jwk NEEDED FOR AURORA - Code review changes, F19 routines ; <1.2> 6/29/89 jwk NEEDED FOR AURORA - Fixed Tape Drive and Slow Write timing bugs ; <1.1> 6/19/89 SWC Replaced bit constants for equated versions for OSS interrupt ; register tests. ; <1.0> 6/13/89 jwk Reorganizing SCSI sources to be Universal-ROM friendly ; ; Old comments are saved for historical purposes in the SCSIMgrOld.a file. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------- BLANKS ON STRING ASIS PRINT OFF IF (&TYPE('dbSymbols') = 'UNDEFINED') THEN dbSymbols EQU 0 ; for debugging purposes ENDIF IF (&TYPE('phaseLogging') = 'UNDEFINED') THEN phaseLogging EQU 0 ENDIF LOAD 'StandardEqu.d' INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a' INCLUDE 'UniversalEqu.a' ; <13> rb INCLUDE 'PowerPrivEqu.a' INCLUDE 'SCSI.a' INCLUDE 'SCSIPriv.a' INCLUDE 'SCSIEqu96.a' ; <13> rb PRINT ON SCSIHW PROC EXPORT EXPORT Arb, Sel, Delay22, SCSIIntHnd EXPORT Transfer, SlowComp, FastComp EXPORT SlowRead, SlowWrite, FastRead, FastWrite EXPORT VFastReadOSS, VFastRead, VFastWriteOSS, VFastWrite EXPORT PFastReadOSS, PFastRead, PFastWriteOSS, PFastWrite EXPORT FastReadOSS, FastWriteOSS ; EXPORT BusErrHandler ; EXPORT ClearIRQ EXPORT DisEnable IMPORT ClearSCSIInt, EnableSCSIInts, DisableSCSIInts WITH scsiPB,scsiPrivPB, scsiGlobalRecord, dcInstr, PmgrRec EXPORT SleepTask, DoSpinDown ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; DoSpinDown - Turn hard drive power off. ; ; It is assumed that the drive power is on - the power is cut unconditionally. ; with pmCommandRec DoSpinDown link a6,#-14 ; storage for Power Mgr param blk @cutPower lea.l -14(a6),a0 ; point to the parameter block move.w #powerCntl,pmCommand(a0) ; power off the SCSI +5V and +12V move.w #1,pmLength(a0) ; one byte of data in buffer move.w #hdOff*256,-2(a6) ; hdOff command pea.l -2(a6) ; address of send buffer move.l (sp)+,pmSBuffer(a0) ; save the send buffer pointer move.l zeroReg,pmRBuffer(a0) ; no data to be received _PmgrOp ; send it off to the Power Mgr tst.w d0 ; was there an error ? bne.s @exit ; if there was, don't freeze the timer @success MOVE.L PmgrBase,A0 ; get pointer to pmgr locals clr.l LastHd(A0) ; stop calling - disk is spun down bclr.b #HDPowerOn,PmgrFlags(a0) ; clear flag indicating drive is now spun down djw CSS @exit unlk a6 ; release local storage rts ; endwith ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; SleepTask - Turn hard drive power off, if necessary ; ; If the Sleep timer goes off, or the user decides to go immediately to sleep, this task ; is called. If no SCSI I/O is in progress, the power is turned off to the drive. ; SleepTask MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; save A1 cmpi.w #SleepDemand,d0 ; is it a sleep demand ? beq.s @spin ; if so, do it cmpi.w #SleepNow,d0 ; is it a sleep now ? beq.s @spin ; if so, do it cmpi.w #SleepRequest,d0 ; is it a sleep request ? bne.s @exit ; if not, ignore it move.l SCSIGlobals,a1 ; point to SCSI Mgr globals tst.l scsiQHead(a1) ; is the new SCSI Mgr busy ? bne.s @err ; we're busy, so we won't sleep @spin MOVE.L PmgrBase,A1 ; use pointer to spin down routine MOVE.L HDvector(A1),A1 JSR (A1) @exit clr.l d0 ; @err move.l (sp)+,a1 ; restore a1 rts ; we're out of here ; ; ClearIRQ ; ; Function: Clears the SCSI IRQ bit and the VIA interrupt flag, if necessary. ; ClearIRQ: move.b sRESET(a3),d1 ; clear the IRQ interrupt bit bra.l ClearSCSIInt ; call InterruptHandlers.a to clear SCSI intr latch (if any) ; ; DisEnable ; ; Called by: SCSIDT, ArbSel, SCSIIntHnd, MsgIn ; ; Calls: _PrimeTime (on the Mac Plus) ; ; On entry: d0 - If zero, disable SCSI interrupts, else enable SCSI interrupts ; ; Function: Enable/disable the CPU's SCSI interrupt. ; DisEnable: tst.l d0 ; disable or enable ? beq.s @disable ; if zero, disable interrupts @enable bra.l EnableSCSIInts ; use routine in InterruptHandlers.a @disable bra.l DisableSCSIInts ; use routine in InterruptHandlers.a ; ; BusErrHandler -- Hardware-handshaking bus error handler ; aeXFrameType EQU $07 ; Access Error Exception Stack Frame type value <6> aeXFrameSize EQU 30*2 ; size (words) of 040 AE Exception Frame <6> shortBEXFrameType EQU $0A ; Short bus cycle fault stack frame (020/030) <6> BusErrHandler: move.l d0,-(sp) ; save d0 moveq.l #$ffffff9c,d0 ; mask = $ffffff9c and.l 4+$10(sp),d0 ; clear variable bits of the fault address cmp.l SCSIHsk,d0 ; was it a SCSI chip access ? beq.s @start ; if so, start processing the bus error movem.l d1/a4,-(sp) ; save what we will trash move.l SCSIGlobals,a4 ; load our globals reference move.l SCSI2Base,d1 ; is the external SCSI chip base address valid? beq.s @NoSCSIBus2 ; -> no, cleanup and bail cmp.l hhsk5380_2(a4),d0 ; was it an external SCSI chip access ? beq.s @Is2ndSCSI ; if so, start processing the bus error @NoSCSIBus2 ; movem.l (sp)+,d1/a4 ; restore d1/a4 move.l (sp)+,d0 ; restore d0 move.l OldBusErrVct(a6),-(sp) ; put old bus error handler addr on stack rts ; jump to old handler, assuming it'll RTE @Is2ndSCSI ; movem.l (sp)+,d1/a4 ; restore d1/a4 @start subq.w #1,BusErrCount(a6) ; retry until we get tired beq.s CleanUp move.w TimeDBRA,d0 ; DBRA's per millisecond lsr.w #4,d0 ; 1ms/16 = approximately 62us (was 50us) @ErrWait dbra d0,@ErrWait ; recovery time (was 50us) move.l (sp)+,d0 ; restore d0 rte ; haven't reached max, so restart Cleanup addq.l #4,sp ; throw away copy of d0 on stack <29> move.w (sp),d0 ; get sr from stack bfextu 6(sp){0:4},d1 ; get format code from stack cmp.b #aeXFrameType,d1 ; check for 040 Access Error Exception Frame <6> beq.s Drop040XFrame ; dispose of 040 AE except. frame <6> cmp.b #shortBEXFrameType,d1 ; short 020/030 exception frame? bne.s Drop46w ; no, so use larger frame adda.w #16*2,sp ; dispose of the 16-word frame bra.s DummyFrame ; and finish up Drop040XFrame ; 040 Bus Error frame-cleaning done here <6> add.w #aeXFrameSize,sp ; remove 040 Access Error Exception Frame <6> bra.s DummyFrame ; and create dummy return frame <6> Drop46w add.w #46*2,sp ; size of exception frame DummyFrame ; ; Fake a format code 0 exception frame (4 words) to finish cleaning up ; move.w zeroReg,-(sp) ; format code 0 pea FinishErr ; PC value move.w d0,-(sp) ; sr value rte ; 'return' from the fake exception FinishErr moveq.l #scBusTOErr, d0 ; assume slow peripheral <13> rb TestFor SCSI96_1Exists ; use macro to check if we have <13> rb beq.s @noSCSI96 ; a SCSI96 chip. Bra. if not <13> rb ;In c96 DMA mode, if the phase changes while transfer count > 0 ; during transfer info then c96 generates a bus service interrupt. rts ; But return SCSI Bus TimeOut for now <13> rb @noSCSI96 btst.b #bPM, (a1) ; phase change? <13> rb bne.s @ErrorDone ; phase matches: slow peripheral <13> rb moveq.l #scPhaseErr, d0 ; return phase change error <13> rb @ErrorDone rts ; ; Arb ; ; Called by: SCSIDT ; ; Calls: Delay22. ; ; On entry: a3 - ptr to SCSI read base address ; a4 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals ; ; On exit: d0 - result code ; ; Function: Arbitrates for the SCSI bus. ; Arb: movem.l a0-a3/d1-d2,-(sp) ; save registers move.w #scsiArbitrated,scsiResult(a5) ; we're arbitrating moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; assume success btst.b #sOSSExists,G_Reserved0+3(a4) ; see if we really have an OSS beq.s @notGDUOSS ; if not, skip it btst.b #sSCSIDMAExists,G_Reserved0+3(a4) ; see if we have a SCSI DMA chip beq.s @notGDUOSS ; not the correct combination move.l #$FFFFFFFF,sDTIME(a3) ; set timer to an outlandish value move.l G_Reserved2(a4),sDCTRL(a3) ; enable auto-arbitration move.b #iARB,sMR+WrOffs(a3) ; attempt arbitration move.w TimeDBRA,d2 ; DBRA's per millisecond lsr.w #6,d2 ; 1ms/64 = 15us @delay dbra.w d2,@delay ; delay at least 15us move.l sDCTRL(a3),d1 ; get an image of the DMA control register btst.l #bWONARB,d1 ; did we win ? beq.s @busyGDU ; we didn't win move.b sRESET(a3),d1 ; clear the interrupt move.l #iINTREN,sDCTRL(a3) ; enable chip interrupts bra.s @exit ; we won @busyGDU move.l #iINTREN,sDCTRL(a3) ; turn off auto-arbitration bra.s @busy ; continue @notGDUOSS move.b G_ID(a4),sODR+WrOffs(a3) ; put CPU's ID out on the bus move.b #iARB,sMR+WrOffs(a3) ; attempt arbitration btst.b #bAIP,sICR(a3) ; check for AIP (Arbitration In Progress) bit beq.s @busy ; the bus is busy @delay22: movea.l jvDelay22(a4),a0 ; delay at least 2.2us jsr (a0) ; go to the routine @checkWin: btst.b #bLA,sICR(a3) ; did we lose arbitration ? bne.s @busy ; if we lost, get out move.b G_ID(a4),d2 ; CPU's SCSI ID move.b sCDR(a3),d1 ; check ID's on the bus eor.b d2,d1 ; take out our ID cmp.b d2,d1 ; is there a higher ID on the bus ? bhi.s @busy ; if so, we lost, so get out btst.b #bLA,sICR(a3) ; check again - did we lose arbitration ? beq.s @exit ; we won - d0 is set correctly @busy: bset.b #waitingForIRQ,state1(a4) ; we're waiting for a Loss of BSY interrupt move.b zeroReg,sMR+WrOffs(a3) ; turn off arbitration move.b #iMBSY,sMR+WrOffs(a3) ; set up for "Loss of BSY" interrupt moveq.l #scArbNBErr,d0 ; we didn't win @exit: movem.l (sp)+,a0-a3/d1-d2 ; restore registers (d0 is not restored) tst.l d0 ; set condition codes rts ; ; Sel ; ; Called by: SCSIDT ; ; Calls: Delay22. ; ; On entry: a3 - ptr to SCSI read base address ; a4 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals ; a5 - ptr to SCSI request parameter block ; ; On exit: d0 - result code ; ; Function: Selects a device. ; Sel: movem.l scsiRegs,-(sp) ; save registers move.w #scsiSelection,scsiResult(a5) ; we're attempting to select move.b #iSEL+iBSY,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; assert SEL as well as BSY since we won move.b zeroReg,sMR+WrOffs(a3) ; turn off arbitration movea.l jvDelay22(a4),a0 ; delay at least 1.2us (800+400ns) jsr (a0) ; go to the routine @select: ; start selection move.b zeroReg,sTCR+WrOffs(a3) ; clear *I/O bit to become initiator moveq.l #1,d1 ; build the select mask... move.b scsiReqID(a5),d2 ; Target ID lsl.b d2,d1 ; shift the bit to the appropriate spot or.b G_ID(a4),d1 ; merge CPU ID with Target ID move.b d1,sODR+WrOffs(a3) ; set select mask (ready to be output onto bus) move.b #iBSY+iSEL+iDB+iATN,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; assert *SEL,*DB, and *ATN move.b zeroReg,sSER+WrOffs(a3) ; disable reselection interrupts move.l zeroReg,d0 ; disable all SCSI interrupts move.l jvDisEnable(a4),a0 ; addr of intr enable/disable routine jsr (a0) ; disable SCSI interrupts move.b #iSEL+iDB+iATN,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; *SEL, *DB, and *ATN - no *BSY movea.l jvDelay22(a4),a0 ; bus settle delay (400ns) jsr (a0) ; go to the routine @timeout move.w scsiSelTO(a5),d2 ; selection timeout in milliseconds mulu.w TimeSCSIDB,d2 ; get number of DBRA's move.l d2,d0 ; set up d0 as high word swap d0 @wfbsy btst.b #bBSY,sCSR(a3) ; test for *BSY dbne.w d2,@wfbsy ; loop until *BSY or timeout dbne.w d0,@wfbsy bne.s @noerror ; *BSY is asserted @nobsy move.b #iSEL,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; de-assert data bus move.w TimeSCSIDB,d2 ; delay 200us lsr.w #2,d2 ; 1ms/4 = 250us (greater than 200us) @delay dbra.w d2,@delay ; wait 250us btst.b #bBSY,sCSR(a3) ; *BSY asserted ? bne.s @noerror ; if asserted, we're done @error move.w #scsiSelectTOErr,d0 ; selection timed out move.b zeroReg,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; release the lines bra.s @exit ; done @noerror movea.l jvDelay22(a4),a0 ; bus settle delay (400ns) jsr (a0) ; go to the routine move.b #iATN,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; assert *ATN only moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; indicate success @exit: movem.l (sp)+,scsiRegs ; restore registers (d0 is not restored) tst.l d0 ; set condition codes rts ; ; Delay22(); ; ; Called by: Arb, Sel ; ; Calls: None. ; ; Function: Provides a delay of at least 2.2us, using three VIA accesses ; as a time constant. ; Delay22: movea.l VIA,a0 ; point to the VIA tst.b vIFR(a0) ; access the VIA tst.b vIFR(a0) tst.b vIFR(a0) rts ; ; SCSIIntHnd ; ; Called by: Macintosh Interrupt Dispatcher ; ; Calls: Command, Status, Data, MsgIn, MsgOut ; ; Function: ; This is the SCSI interrupt handler. (On the Mac Plus, a second timer is used to ; monitor the SCSI chip's interrupt line.) ; SCSIIntHnd: IF dbSymbols THEN link a6,#0 ; no globals, no locals nop ENDIF movem.l intrRegs,-(sp) ; save registers movea.l SCSIGlobals,a4 ; get pointer to SCSI Manager globals SCSIIntHndCommon movea.l activeReq(a4),a5 ; point to the active request, if any moveq.l #0,zeroReg ; clear out the zero register move.l zeroReg,d0 ; disable all SCSI interrupts move.l jvDisEnable(a4),a0 ; addr of intr enable/disable routine jsr (a0) ; disable SCSI interrupts move.l base5380(a4),a3 ; SCSI read base address move.w sr,-(sp) ; save current status register contents ori.w #HiIntMask,sr ; no interrupts during Reselection handshake move.b sBSR(a3),d0 ; fetch Bus and Status Register btst.l #bIREQ,d0 ; is the IRQ bit set ? beq.w @Spurious ; if not, check for spurious interrupt lsl.w #8,d0 ; put BSR in upper byte move.b sCSR(a3),d0 ; put Current SCSI Bus Status in lower byte move.w d0,d1 ; get a copy of BSR and CSR registers andi.w #mReselect,d1 ; clear don't care bits cmpi.w #iReselect,d1 ; is it a Reselection interrupt ? bne.s @chkEOP ; if not, check for an End Of Process interrupt @Reselect ; ; Since we're not a system with Parity implemented, we can't check for parity ; on Reselection. It's not worth the trouble to keep track of the ID's that implement ; Parity. ; ; btst.l #bDBP,d0 ; is /DBP asserted ? ; beq.w @Spurious ; if not, bad parity, don't respond move.b sCDR(a3),d1 ; get ID of reselecting device beq.w @Spurious ; no ID bits set move.b G_ID(a4),d0 ; get our ID bit eor.b d0,d1 ; remove our ID bit beq.w @Spurious ; only our ID bit was set, invalid reselection move.b zeroReg,sSER+WrOffs(a3) ; disable reselection interrupts move.b sICR(a3),d0 ; assert *BSY ori.b #iBSY,d0 move.b d0,sICR+WrOffs(a3) moveq.l #scResel,d0 ; send a reselect message to dTask (ID mask in d1.b) bra.s @ClearIRQ ; clear interrupt and leave @chkEOP move.w d0,d1 ; get a copy of BSR and CSR registers andi.w #mEOP,d1 ; clear don't care bits cmpi.w #iEOP,d1 ; is it an End Of Process interrupt ? bne.s @PhaseMm ; if not, check for Phase Mismatch @EOPIntr move.b zeroReg,sMR(a3) ; clear EOP interrupt (and turn off pDMA) move.b zeroReg,sICR(a3) ; deassert the data bus (for writes) moveq.l #scEOP,d0 ; send an EOP message to dTask bra.s @ClearIRQ ; clear interrupt and leave @PhaseMm move.w d0,d1 ; get a copy of BSR and CSR registers andi.w #mPhaseMm,d1 ; clear don't care bits cmpi.w #iPhaseMm,d1 ; is it a Phase Mismatch interrupt ? bne.s @LossBsy ; if not, check for Loss of BSY moveq.l #scPhaseMm,d0 ; send a Phase Mismatch message to dTask bra.s @ClearIRQ ; clear interrupt and leave @LossBsy move.w d0,d1 ; get a copy of BSR and CSR registers andi.w #mLossBsy,d1 ; clear don't care bits cmpi.w #iLossBsy,d1 ; is it a Loss of BSY interrupt ? bne.s @BusReset ; if not, check for SCSI Bus Reset moveq.l #scLossBsy,d0 ; send a Loss of BSY message to dTask bra.s @ClearIRQ ; clear interrupt and leave @BusReset move.w d0,d1 ; get a copy of BSR and CSR registers andi.w #mBusReset,d1 ; clear don't care bits cmpi.w #iBusReset,d1 ; is it a SCSI Bus Reset interrupt ? bne.s @Parity ; if not, check for a Parity interrupt ; moveq.l #scBusReset,d0 ; send a Bus Reset message to dTask bra.s @Spurious ; clear IRQ, leave as if nothing happened @Parity move.w d0,d1 ; get a copy of BSR and CSR registers andi.w #mParity,d1 ; clear don't care bits cmpi.w #iParity,d1 ; is it a Parity Error interrupt ? bne.s @Spurious ; if not, spurious interrupt moveq.l #scParity,d0 ; send a Parity error message to dTask ; fall through to clear interrupt request and leave @ClearIRQ movea.l jvMessage(a4),a0 ; addr of messaging routine jsr (a0) ; send the message to the deferred task movea.l jvClearIRQ(a4),a0 ; addr of ClearIRQ routine jsr (a0) ; clear the SCSI interrupt (and VIA, if necessary) move.w (sp)+,sr ; restore the sr IF phaseLogging THEN nop ; good place to jump to phase-logging routine ENDIF bra.s @inthndRTS ; we're done @Spurious move.w (sp)+,sr ; restore the sr btst.b #sSCSIDMAExists,G_Reserved0+3(a4) ; do we have a SCSI DMA chip ? beq.s @DMAdone ; if not, skip move.l sDCTRL(a3),d0 ; get a snapshot of DMA control register btst.l #bTIMEP,d0 ; did the watchdog timer go off ? beq.s @DMAdone ; if not, continue if dbSymbols then _Debugger endif move.w #scsiBusTOErr,d0 ; report that the watchdog timer expired movea.l jvLogError(a4),a0 ; note the SCSI error in the PB jsr (a0) ; send it moveq.l #-1,d0 ; clear the timer interrupt move.l d0,sDTIME(a3) ; hit the watchdog timer to clear the intr @DMAdone movea.l jvClearIRQ(a4),a0 ; addr of ClearIRQ routine jsr (a0) ; clear the VIA interrupt, if necessary moveq.l #1,d0 ; flag to enable interrupts movea.l jvDisEnable(a4),a0 ; addr of interrupt enable/disable routine jsr (a0) ; turn interrupts back on @inthndRTS movem.l (sp)+,intrRegs ; restore registers IF dbSymbols THEN unlk a6 rts ; finished dc.b 'INTHND ' ; MacsBug label ELSE rts ENDIF ; ; Transfer - ; ; Called by: Data ; ; Calls: The primitive data transfer routines ; ; Registers: d0 <-- error, if any ; d1 <-- bytes transferred ; d2 --> number of bytes to transfer ; d3 --> bDMAR (6) ; d4 --> type of transfer to perform (offset into "dataTable") ; ; a2 --> ptr to data buffer ; ; Function: Sets up and dispatches to the simple data-transfer routines ; ; All primitive data transfer routines assume: ; ; d0 - <-- error (if any) ; d1 - <-- bytes transferred ; d2 - --> number of bytes to transfer ; d3 - scratch - saved ; d4 - --> type of transfer to perform ; d5 - scratch - saved ; d6 - scratch - saved ; ; a0 - scratch - saved ; a1 - saved - sBSR(a3) ; a2 - ptr to data buffer - saved ; a3 - SCSI read base address ; a4 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals ; a5 - scratch - saved ; Transfer: link a6,#LocalSize ; allocate local storage moveq #MaxBusErr,d0 ; upper limit for 680x0's <6> cmp.b #cpu68040,CpuFlag ; check if we're on an 040 <6> bne.s @storeValue ; NO ... leave BusErrCount alone <6> moveq #Max040BusErrs,d0 ; YES ... use 040 MaxBusErr value <6> @storeValue ; <6> move.w d0,BusErrCount(a6) ; store upper limit for allowable bus errors <6> moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; assume no error move.l d2,d1 ; make a copy of the count - is it zero ? beq.s @exit ; if so, get out movem.l a1-a5/d2-d6,-(sp) ; save registers lea.l sBSR(a3),a1 ; save later indexing moveq.l #bDMAR,d3 ; bit DRQ test on sBSR(a3) (for speed) move.l BusErrVct,OldBusErrVct(a6) ; keep old vector move.l jvBusErr(a4),BusErrVct lea.l dataTable(a4),a0 ; point to data transfer table in globals movea.l 0(a0,d4.l),a0 ; get the routine address jsr (a0) ; go to the appropriate routine @done move.l OldBusErrVct(a6),BusErrVct ; restore previous Bus Error vector movem.l (sp)+,a1-a5/d2-d6 ; restore these guys tst.w d0 ; set the condition codes @exit unlk a6 ; release local storage rts ; ; All primitive data transfer routines use this convention: ; ; d0 - type of transfer to perform / error (if any) ; d1 - number of bytes to transfer / bytes transferred ; d2 - number of bytes to transfer ; d3 - bDMAR (6) ; d4 - scratch - saved ; d5 - scratch - saved ; d6 - scratch - saved ; ; a0 - special I/O address (pDMA or hhsk base, plus input/output register offset) ; a1 - sBSR(a3) ; a2 - ptr to data buffer ; a3 - SCSI read base address ; a4 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals ; a5 - scratch - saved ; ; ; SlowRead ; ; Called by: Transfer ; SlowRead: @RdSetup move.l pdma5380(a4),a0 ; use the global adda.l #sIDR,a0 ; input data offset subq.l #1,d2 ; decr. for DBRA move.l d2,d5 ; make a copy of the byte count swap d5 ; and get hiword in d5 @wait btst.b d3,(a1) ; DRQ ? bne.s @SnRd ; if so, start the transfer btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; look for REQ beq.s @wait ; can't check phase until REQ is asserted btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; we have REQ, do we have a phase match ? beq.s @RdPhaseErr ; if not, bail out with an error ; ; This is the loop for polled reads. Byte count is in d2,d5 ; @SnRd btst.b d3,(a1) ; DRQ? beq.s @SnRdChk ; (9) move.b (a0),(a2)+ ; read bytes into user space (13) dbra d2,@SnRd ; decrement count dbra d5,@SnRd ; high word of count bra.s @RdDone ; we're done @SnRdChk bsr.w NewPhaseCheck ; check more carefully for phase match <1> bne.s @SnRd ; continue if it is @RdPhaseErr moveq.l #scPhaseErr,d0 ; return error bra.s @exit @RdDone btst.b #bACK,sBSR(a3) ; check for ACK <3.0> beq.s @exit ; if no ACK, we're done <3.0> @ACK @wfnREQ btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; test for *REQ <3.0> beq.s @exit ; if it's gone, we're done <3.0> btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; still in same phase? <3.0> bne.s @RdDone ; if so, go back and wait <3.0> @exit swap d5 ; calculate bytes left to transfer move.w d2,d5 ; lower word of count addq.l #1,d5 ; undo adjustment for dbra sub.l d5,d1 ; number of bytes transferred rts ; ; SlowWrite ; ; Called by: Transfer ; SlowWrite: @WrSetup move.l pdma5380(a4),a0 ; point to special address space adda.w wrOffset(a4),a0 ; add in write offset, if any @ckphase btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; check for REQ beq.s @ckphase ; if no REQ, wait for synchronization @ready move.b zeroReg,sTCR+WrOffs(a3) ; match data out move.b #iDMA,sMR+wrOffs(a3) ; set DMA mode move.b #iDB,sICR+wrOffs(a3) ; assert data bus btst.b #sSCSIDMAExists,G_Reserved0+3(a4) ; see if we really have the DMA chip <2.8> beq.s @DMAdone ; if not, skip it <2.8> move.l #iHSKEN+iINTREN,sDCTRL(a3) ; turn on hhsk @DMAdone move.b zeroReg,sDMAtx+wrOffs(a3) ; start write DMA @test btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; we have REQ, are we in phase ? bne.s @wrContinue ; if in phase, continue @wrPhaseErr moveq.l #scPhaseErr,d0 ; return a phase error bra.s @WrDone ; get out @wrContinue move.l d2,d1 ; make a copy of the byte count subq.l #1,d2 ; decr. for DBRA move.l d2,d5 ; make a copy of the byte count swap d5 ; and get hiword in d5 ; ; This is the loop for polled writes. Byte count is in d2,d5 ; @SnWr btst.b d3,(a1) ; DRQ? beq.s @SnWrChk move.b (a2)+,(a0) ; write bytes dbra d2,@SnWr ; decrement count dbra d5,@SnWr bra.s @WrDone ; we're finished @SnWrChk btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; phase OK? bne.s @SnWr ; continue if it is moveq.l #scPhaseErr,d0 ; return a phase error bra.s @DMAOff ; we're done for now @WrDone ; NOTE: we shouldn't turn off DMA mode before the last byte was taken. ; If the NCR chip asserts DRQ, then the peripheral got the byte. ; If the peripheral changes the bus phase, then it must have also got it. ; This section check is from . Modified . btst.b #sSCSIDMAExists,G_Reserved0+3(a4) ; do we have a SCSI DMA chip ? beq.s @noDMA ; if not, skip @wrWait1 btst.b d3,sBSR(a3) ; check for DRQ bne.s @DMAOff ; if DRQ, peripheral got the byte btst.b #bPM,sBSR(a3) ; are we still in phase ? bne.s @wrWait1 ; if so keep waiting @noDMA @wrWait2 btst.b d3,sBSR(a3) ; check for DRQ bne.s @DMAOff ; if DRQ, peripheral got the byte btst.b #bPM,sBSR(a3) ; are we still in phase ? bne.s @wrWait2 ; if so, keep waiting @DMAOff move.b zeroReg,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; disable data bus move.b zeroReg,sMR+WrOffs(a3) ; clear DMA mode btst.b #sSCSIDMAExists,G_Reserved0+3(a4) ; see if we really have the DMA chip <2.8> beq.s @DMAdone2 ; if not, skip it <2.8> move.l #iINTREN,sDCTRL(a3) ; turn off hhsk @DMAdone2 swap d5 ; calculate number of bytes left to transfer move.w d2,d5 ; low-order word of count addq.l #1,d5 ; adjust for DBRA sub.l d5,d1 ; number of bytes transferred rts ; we're done ; ; VFastWriteOSS -- Virtual address interface to the SCSI DMA circuitry ; ; Called by: Transfer ; ; Function: This routine calls a service routine to get the physical translation ; for the virtual address/count pair passed in a2/d2. If the virtual ; data transfer cannot be performed in one DMA operation (crosses a page ; or memory bank boundary,) the virtual transfer will be completed later ; by a virtual transfer of the remaining bytes. ; VFastWriteOSS: ; movea.l scsiPrivate(a5),a0 ; get ptr to private storage record lea.l scsiVAddr(a0),a0 ; point to record for GetPhysical routine move.l a2,d0 ; get the virtual address jsr ([JStripAddress]) ; clean up that address move.l d0,(a0) ; set the virtual address field @translate move.l d2,4(a0) ; set the virtual count field moveq.l #1,d0 ; number of physical addr/count pairs move.l d0,a1 ; set up for GetPhysical call moveq.l #5,d0 ; GetPhysical selector _MemoryDispatch ; perform the translation (a0 undisturbed) bne.s @error ; if error, bail out (what to do ???) @callPhysical move.l 8(a0),a2 ; set up the physical address move.l 12(a0),d2 ; set up the physical count move.l d2,d1 ; number of bytes to transfer movea.l jvPFW(a4),a0 ; address of fast physical write routine jmp (a0) ; move the data @error if dbSymbols then _Debugger endif @exit rts ; we're done ; ; PFastWriteOSS -- Physical address interface to the SCSI DMA circuitry ; ; Called by: Transfer ; PFastWriteOSS: moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; noErr, yet move.b zeroReg,sTCR+WrOffs(a3) ; match data out move.b #iDMA,sMR+WrOffs(a3) ; set DMA mode move.b #iDB,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; assert data bus move.l #iHSKEN,sDCTRL(a3) ; turn on hhsk move.b zeroReg,sDMAtx+WrOffs(a3) ; start write DMA @start ; blind write move.l #$FFFFFFFF,sDTIME(a3) ; incredible Timer value move.l #iTIMEEN+iINTREN+iDMAEN,sDCTRL(a3) ; enable true DMA move.l a2,sDADDR(a3) ; set up DMA addr move.l d2,sDCNT(a3) ; set up byte count move.b #iIEOP+iDMA,sMR(a3) ; pDMA,EOP intr enabled move.b #iDB,sICR(a3) ; assert the data bus move.b zeroReg,sDMAtx(a3) ; start DMA write bset.b #waitingForIRQ,state1(a4) ; we're DMAing, so bail and wait for intr @exit rts PFastWrite: ; unimplemented on all other machines rts ; ; VFastWrite -- Same as FastWrite for the old SCSI Manager ; ; Called by: Transfer ; VFastWrite: ; all other machines ; ; FastWrite ; ; Called by: Transfer ; FastWrite: ;patch roll in from PatchIIciROM.a ;_________________________________________________________________________________________ ; FastWriteFix - patch to FastWrite ; ; This code replaces the low level data transfer routine for fast writes in the SCSI ; manager. It is rewritten to assume psuedo-dma is always on, and to do the device ; synchronization (looking for *REQ and DRQ), after loading a data byte into the ; output register of the 5380. We don't have to worry about zero-byte transfers. They ; are filtered out in the calling routine (Transfer). ; ; Entry: d2 = number of bytes to transfer ; a1 = addr of sBSR(a3) - by convention, and used by bus error handler ; a2 = ptr to data buffer to transfer ; a3 = base addr of NCR 53C80 ; a4 = ptr to SCSI globals ; ; Exit: d1 = number of bytes actually transfered. This value is only good if ; the transfer was good with no errors. It is inaccurate when an ; error aborts the transfer. ;This code is intended for use with 5380 ONLY, so check to make sure we ;need to do it. Note that we're assuming that SCSIExists implies a 5380. TestFor SCSIExists ; beq @Done ; don't do it if we're not using a 5380 move.l hhsk5380(a4),a0 ; point to addr for hardware handshaking adda.w wrOffset(a4),a0 ; add in write offset move.l d2,d1 ; save to return number of bytes transfered ; Pre-load the NCR 53C80's output register with a byte of data. If we are in ; the middle of a multi-block write, *ACK is currently asserted. Writing a byte ; to the output register will release *ACK, completing the handshaking, allowing ; the target to assert *REQ. Is there a chance We do not need to check for DRQ at this point (to see ; if the chip is ready for the next byte), because all data out routines always ; wait to make sure the last byte got out. sub.l #1,d2 ; dec number of bytes to xfer move.b (a2)+,(a0) ; write data byte to output register ; With *ACK released, determine if the target is in sync. We cannot look for ; *REQ to be asserted, because the target may have already accepted the data byte ; and released *REQ at this point. We can sync on DRQ which will signal when ; the NCR 53C80 is ready to accept a data byte, meaning a *REQ from the target ; must have already occurred and our data byte was taken. @syncWait btst.b #bDMAR,(a1) ; check bus & status reg for DRQ bne.s @doWrite ; DRQ present - sync-ed up so proceed btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; no DRQ - is *REQ present ? beq.s @syncWait ; no *REQ yet - wait for sync btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; with *REQ, check phase lines bne.s @syncWait ; still in data out phase - wait moveq.l #0,d1 ; out of phase - did not xfer any bytes moveq.l #scPhaseErr,d0 ; return error bra.s @Done ; exit ; Perform the write to the SCSI chip. First align the bytes to longs, then ; align them to 32 byte chunks. Transfer the bulk of the data in 32 byte ; blocks. ; Reg d2.l = number of bytes to move @doWrite cmpi.l #3,d2 ; check for very short copy bls.s @veryShort ; skip alignment if very short move.l a2,d0 ; get addr of data buffer andi.l #$00000003,d0 ; check for long word alignment beq.s @Aligned ; if no alignment needed subq.l #4,d0 ; bias by 4 to get correct index jmp @Aligned(d0.w*2) ; do the alignment move.b (a2)+,(a0) ; move a byte move.b (a2)+,(a0) ; move a byte move.b (a2)+,(a0) ; move a byte @Aligned add.l d0,d2 ; adjust the byte count (d0 = neg) move.l d2,d4 ; save tail byte count lsr.w #2,d2 ; adjust to number of longs to move moveq.l #7,d0 ; mask for starting index and.l d2,d0 ; number of long words to move first neg.w d0 ; negate to index backwards lsr.l #3,d2 ; number of 32 byte blocks to move move.l d2,d3 ; get number of 32*64K byte blks to move swap d3 ; count in low word jmp @CopyStart(d0.w*2) ; jump into the loop @CopyLoop move.l (a2)+,(a0) ; move a 32 byte block of data.... move.l (a2)+,(a0) ; ... 4 bytes at a time move.l (a2)+,(a0) move.l (a2)+,(a0) move.l (a2)+,(a0) move.l (a2)+,(a0) move.l (a2)+,(a0) move.l (a2)+,(a0) @CopyStart dbra d2,@CopyLoop ; loop in chunks of 32 bytes dbra d3,@CopyLoop ; loop in chunks of 32*64K bytes andi.l #$00000003,d4 ; check for tail alignment move.l d4,d2 ; d2 = number of bytes remaining @veryShort neg.w d2 ; negate to index backwards jmp @Remaining(d2.w*2) ; write remaining bytes move.b (a2)+,(a0) ; move a byte move.b (a2)+,(a0) ; move a byte move.b (a2)+,(a0) ; move a byte @Remaining ; Before exiting this routine, make sure that the peripheral has actually accepted ; the data byte. Wait for a DRQ (meaning the SCSI chip is ready for another byte) ; before exiting. @DoneWait moveq.l #0,d0 ; set good return btst.b #bDMAR,(a1) ; check for DRQ (a1 = sBSR(a3)) bne.s @Done ; if DRQ, peripheral got the byte btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; no DRQ - is *REQ present ? beq.s @DoneWait ; no *REQ yet - wait for it btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; are we still in phase ? bne.s @DoneWait ; if so, keep waiting @Done rts ; we're done ;end FastWrite patch roll in from PatchIIciROM.a ; ; FastWriteOSS -- Old SCSI Mgr virtual address interface to the SCSI DMA circuitry ; ; Called by: Transfer ; ; NOTE: ; Because the SCSI Bus Error handler counts on the a6 linkage that is in ; effect when this routine is called, the local storage needed by this routine ; to perform a DMA operation is simply allocated by moving the stack pointer. ; ; After allocating the local storage, the stack appears as follows: ; ; SP ---> virtAddress \ The stack pointer points to the ; virtCount \ parameter block for the GetPhysical call. ; physAddress / (All values are long words.) ; physCount / ; - reserved - Extra long word ; cleanAddress Pushed after StripAddress ; returnAddr <--- SP on entry ; ... ; FastWriteOSS: move.l a2,d0 ; make the buffer address 32-bit clean jsr ([JStripAddress]) ; clean up that address move.l d0,-(sp) ; save the 32-bit clean address <4> lea.l -AddLocalSize(sp),sp ; allocate additional storage move.l d0,vAddr(sp) ; set the virtual address field <4> move.l d2,vCount(sp) ; set the virtual count field <4> movea.l d0,a0 ; virtual address <4> movea.l d2,a1 ; virtual count <4> moveq.l #2,d0 ; LockMemory selector <4> _MemoryDispatch ; lock the buffer (a0 undisturbed) <4> bne.w @badAddrError ; if error, then bail out <4> movea.l sp,a0 ; a0 -> logical/physical param block movea.w #1,a1 ; number of physical addr/count pairs moveq.l #5,d0 ; GetPhysical selector _MemoryDispatch ; perform the translation (a0 undisturbed) bne.w @badAddrError ; if error, then bail out @ckphase btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; check for REQ beq.s @ckphase ; if no REQ, wait (synchronization) @ready move.b zeroReg,sTCR+WrOffs(a3) ; match data out move.b #iDMA,sMR+WrOffs(a3) ; set DMA mode move.b #iDB,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; assert data bus moveq.l #iHSKEN,d5 ; move.l d5,sDCTRL(a3) ; turn on hhsk move.b zeroReg,sDMAtx+WrOffs(a3) ; start write DMA @wait btst.b d3,sBSR(a3) ; is DRQ asserted ? bne.s @start ; if so, ACK must be true (pDMA) btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; check for REQ for phase check beq.s @wait ; no REQ yet btst.b #bPM,sBSR(a3) ; are we still in phase ? bne.s @wait ; keep waiting @wrPhaseErr moveq.l #scPhaseErr,d0 ; return a phase error bra.w @WrDone ; get out @start ; at this point, d0 = noErr bset.b #doingDMA,state1(a4) ; we're DMAing, so don't bother the chip <5> move.l G_Reserved1(a4),sDTIME(a3) ; set Timer value <5> moveq.l #iTIMEEN+iINTREN+iDMAEN,d5 ; move.l d5,sDCTRL(a3) ; enable true DMA move.l pAddr(a0),sDADDR(a3) ; set up DMA addr move.l pCount(a0),sDCNT(a3) ; set up byte count move.b #iIEOP+iDMA,sMR(a3) ; pDMA,EOP intr enabled move.b #iDB,sICR(a3) ; assert the data bus move.b zeroReg,sDMAtx(a3) ; start DMA write ; ; The pCount field is used to flag the need to move more data. ; If pCount is zero, it reflects that no more data needs to be moved. ; If pCount is nonzero, a translation will be performed, leaving pCount nonzero. ; move.l vCount(a0),pCount(a0) ; any bytes left to transfer ? beq.s @noPreflight ; if not, nothing to translate movea.w #1,a1 ; number of physical addr/count pairs moveq.l #5,d0 ; GetPhysical selector _MemoryDispatch ; perform the translation (a0 undisturbed) bne.w @badAddrError ; if error, then bail out @noPreflight movea.l OSS,a1 ; point to base of OSS chip @waitForIntr btst.b #OSSIntSCSI-8,OSSIntStat(a1) ; check for a SCSI interrupt beq.s @waitForIntr ; wait for a SCSI interrupt move.l sDCTRL(a3),d5 ; check for success andi.w #iDMABERR+iTIMEP,d5 ; DMA bus error or watchdog timeout ? bne.s @badAddrError ; if so, handle it tst.l sDCNT(a3) ; did we transfer all the data ? bne.s @badAddrError ; if not, report an error move.b zeroReg,sMR(a3) ; clear EOP interrupt (and turn off pDMA) tst.b sRESET(a3) ; clear SCSI interrupt @chkDone tst.l pCount(a0) ; were any bytes left to transfer ? bne.s @start ; continue until all bytes transferred move.l d2,d1 ; return number of bytes transferred @WrDone ; NOTE: we shouldn't turn off DMA mode before the last byte was taken. ; If the NCR chip asserts DRQ, then the peripheral got the byte. ; If the peripheral changes the bus phase, then it must have also got it. ; This section check is from . Modified . btst.b #bACK,sBSR(a3) ; check for ACK <3.0> beq.s @DMAOff ; if no ACK, we're done <3.0> @ACK @wfnREQ btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; test for *REQ <3.0> beq.s @DMAOff ; if it's gone, we're done <3.0> btst.b #bPM,sBSR(a3) ; still in same phase? <3.0> bne.s @WrDone ; if so, go back and wait <3.0> @DMAOff move.b zeroReg,sMR+WrOffs(a3) ; clear DMA mode move.b zeroReg,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; disable data bus moveq.l #iINTREN,d5 ; move.l d5,sDCTRL(a3) ; turn off hhsk bclr.b #doingDMA,state1(a4) ; we're finished DMAing <5> lea.l AddLocalSize(sp),sp ; deallocate additional storage on the stack movea.l (sp)+,a0 ; set virtual address <4> movea.l d2,a1 ; set virtual count <4> move.w d0,-(sp) ; save result from SCSI I/O <4> moveq.l #3,d0 ; UnlockMemory selector <4> _MemoryDispatch ; unlock the buffer (a0 undisturbed) <4> move.w (sp)+,d0 ; restore original result <4> rts @badAddrError moveq.l #scBusTOErr,d0 ; return a SCSI bus timeout error bra.s @DMAOff ; rts ; we're done ; ; VFastReadOSS -- Virtual address interface to the DMA circuitry ; ; Called by: Transfer ; ; Function: This routine calls a service routine to get the physical translation ; for the virtual addr/count pair that is passed in a2/d2. If the virtual ; data transfer cannot be performed in one DMA operation (crosses a page or ; memory bank boundary,) the virtual transfer will be completed later by ; a virtual transfer of the remaining bytes. ; VFastReadOSS: movea.l scsiPrivate(a5),a0 ; get ptr to private storage record lea.l scsiVAddr(a0),a0 ; point to record for GetPhysical routine move.l a2,d0 ; get the virtual address jsr ([JStripAddress]) ; clean up that address move.l d0,(a0) ; set the virtual address field @translate move.l d2,4(a0) ; set the virtual count field moveq.l #1,d0 ; number of physical address/count pairs move.l d0,a1 ; set up for GetPhysical call moveq.l #5,d0 ; GetPhysical selector _MemoryDispatch ; perform the translation (a0 undisturbed) bne.s @error ; if error, then bail out (what to do ???) @callPhysical move.l 8(a0),a2 ; set up the physical address move.l 12(a0),d2 ; set up the physical count move.l d2,d1 ; number of bytes to transfer movea.l jvPFR(a4),a0 ; address of fast physical data transfer routine jmp (a0) ; move the data @error if dbSymbols then _Debugger endif @exit rts ; ; PFastRead -- Physical address interface to the DMA circuitry ; ; Called by: Transfer ; PFastReadOSS: moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; noErr, yet @start move.l #$FFFFFFFF,sDTIME(a3) ; incredible Timer value move.l #iTIMEEN+iINTREN+iDMAEN,sDCTRL(a3) ; enable true DMA move.l a2,sDADDR(a3) ; set up DMA addr move.l d2,sDCNT(a3) ; set up byte count move.b #iIEOP+iDMA,sMR(a3) ; pDMA,EOP intr enabled move.b zeroReg,sIDMArx(a3) ; start DMA read bset.b #waitingForIRQ,state1(a4) ; we're DMAing, so bail and wait for intr @exit rts ; ; PFastRead -- Physical address interface to the DMA circuitry ; ; Called by: Transfer ; PFastRead: ; all other machines rts ; unimplemented ; ; VFastRead -- For all other machines, same as old SCSI Mgr FastRead routine ; ; Called by: Transfer ; VFastRead: ; ; FastRead ; ; Called by: Transfer ; FastRead: @RdSetup move.l hhsk5380(a4),a0 ; use the global adda.l #sIDR,a0 ; input data offset @wait btst.b d3,(a1) ; DRQ? bne.s @start ; have DRQ, so let's go btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; test for REQ in case of phase error beq.s @wait ; no REQ, so wait @ckphase btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; phase OK? bne.s @start ; continue if in phase @RdPhaseErr moveq.l #scPhaseErr,d0 ; return error bra.w @exit @start move.l d2,d1 ; copy of transfer count moveq.l #3,d4 ; mask for long alignment cmp.l d4,d2 ; enough bytes to align? bhi.s @over3 ; more than three bytes moveq.l #-1,d5 ; fudge to calculate normally moveq.l #-1,d6 ; more fudging bra.s @BlRdRmdr ; do them one at a time @over3 move.l a2,d5 ; get destination address neg.l d5 ; negate to get odd byte count and.l d4,d5 ; mask off to get 0-3 count sub.l d5,d2 ; d2 = count after alignment bra.s @1 ; in case it's already aligned @0 move.b (a0),(a2)+ ; do the leading unaligned bytes @1 dbra d5,@0 ; loop until long-word aligned move.l d2,d5 ; copy of the count lsr.l #5,d5 ; divide by 32 bne.s @over32 ; more than 32 bytes left moveq.l #-1,d5 ; fudge to calculate normally moveq.l #-1,d6 ; more fudging bra.s @BlRdRmdr ; get the remaining bytes @over32 subq.l #1,d5 ; adjust for dbra move.l d5,d6 ; high order word of count swap d6 ; number of 32-byte moves moveq.l #$1F,d4 ; 32-1 and.l d4,d2 ; remainder count after 32-byte moves @BlRd32 ; move.l (a0),(a2)+ ; do 8 aligned longs (32 bytes) move.l (a0),(a2)+ move.l (a0),(a2)+ move.l (a0),(a2)+ move.l (a0),(a2)+ move.l (a0),(a2)+ move.l (a0),(a2)+ move.l (a0),(a2)+ dbra d5,@BlRd32 ; low word of # of 32-byte moves dbra d6,@BlRd32 ; high order word bra.s @BlRdRmdr @BlRdSingle move.b (a0),(a2)+ @BlRdRmdr dbra d2,@BlRdSingle swap d6 ; calculate bytes left to transfer move.w d5,d6 ; get low order word addq.l #1,d6 ; groups of 32 lsl.l #5,d6 ; multiply by 32 ext.l d2 ; make d2 a long addq.l #1,d2 ; single bytes left add.l d2,d6 ; add to total sub.l d6,d1 ; result @RdDone btst.b #bACK,sBSR(a3) ; check for ACK <3.0> beq.s @exit ; if no ACK, we're done <3.0> @ACK @wfnREQ btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; test for *REQ <3.0> beq.s @exit ; if it's gone, we're done <3.0> btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; still in same phase? <3.0> bne.s @RdDone ; if so, go back and wait <3.0> @exit rts ; ; FastReadOSS -- Old SCSI Mgr virtual address interface to the DMA circuitry ; ; Called by: Transfer ; ; NOTE: ; Because the SCSI Bus Error handler counts on the a6 linkage that is in ; effect when this routine is called, the local storage needed by this routine ; to perform a DMA operation is simply allocated by moving the stack pointer. ; ; After allocating the local storage, the stack appears as follows: ; ; SP ---> virtAddress \ The stack pointer points to the ; virtCount \ parameter block for the GetPhysical call. ; physAddress / (All values are long words.) ; physCount / ; - reserved - Extra long word ; cleanAddress Pushed after StripAddress ; returnAddr <--- SP on entry ; ... ; FastReadOSS: move.l a2,d0 ; make the address 32-bit clean jsr ([JStripAddress]) ; clean up that address move.l d0,-(sp) ; save the 32-bit clean virtual address <4> lea.l -AddLocalSize(sp),sp ; allocate additional storage move.l d0,vAddr(sp) ; set the virtual address <4> move.l d2,vCount(sp) ; set the virtual count <4> movea.l d0,a0 ; virtual address <4> movea.l d2,a1 ; virtual count <4> moveq.l #2,d0 ; LockMemory selector <4> _MemoryDispatch ; lock the buffer (a0 undisturbed) <4> bne.w @badAddrError ; if error, then bail out <4> movea.l sp,a0 ; a0 -> logical/physical param block <4> movea.w #1,a1 ; number of physical address/count pairs moveq.l #5,d0 ; GetPhysical selector _MemoryDispatch ; perform the translation (a0 undisturbed) bne.w @badAddrError ; if error, then bail out @wait btst.b d3,sBSR(a3) ; DRQ? bne.s @start ; have DRQ, so let's go btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; test for REQ in case of phase error beq.s @wait ; no REQ, so wait btst.b #bPM,sBSR(a3) ; phase OK? bne.s @start ; continue if in phase @RdPhaseErr moveq.l #scPhaseErr,d0 ; return error bra.w @exit @start ; at this point, d0 = noErr bset.b #doingDMA,state1(a4) ; we're DMAing, so don't bother the chip <5> move.l G_Reserved1(a4),sDTIME(a3) ; set Timer value <5> moveq.l #iTIMEEN+iINTREN+iDMAEN,d5 ; move.l d5,sDCTRL(a3) ; enable true DMA move.l pAddr(a0),sDADDR(a3) ; set up DMA addr move.l pCount(a0),sDCNT(a3) ; set up byte count move.b #iIEOP+iDMA,sMR(a3) ; pDMA,EOP intr enabled move.b zeroReg,sIDMArx(a3) ; start DMA read ; ; The pCount field is used to flag the need to move more data. ; If pCount is zero, it reflects that no more data needs to be moved. ; If pCount is nonzero, a translation will be performed, leaving pCount nonzero. ; move.l vCount(a0),pCount(a0) ; any bytes left to transfer ? beq.s @noPreflight ; if not, nothing to translate movea.w #1,a1 ; number of physical address/count pairs moveq.l #5,d0 ; GetPhysical selector _MemoryDispatch ; perform the translation (a0 undisturbed) bne.w @badAddrError ; if error, then bail out @noPreflight movea.l OSS,a1 ; point to base of OSS chip @waitForIntr btst.b #OSSIntSCSI-8,OSSIntStat(a1) ; check for a SCSI interrupt beq.s @waitForIntr ; wait for a SCSI interrupt move.l sDCTRL(a3),d5 ; check for success andi.w #iDMABERR+iTIMEP,d5 ; DMA bus error or watchdog timeout ? bne.s @badAddrError ; if so, handle it tst.l sDCNT(a3) ; did we transfer all the data ? bne.s @badAddrError ; if not, report an error move.b zeroReg,sMR(a3) ; clear the EOP interrupt, turn off pDMA tst.b sRESET(a3) ; clear SCSI interrupt move.b #iDMA,sMR(a3) ; turn on pDMA move.b zeroReg,sIDMArx(a3) ; kick the pDMA mode @chkDone tst.l pCount(a0) ; any bytes left to transfer ? bne.s @start ; keep going until all bytes transferred move.l d2,d1 ; return number of bytes transferred @RdDone btst.b #bACK,sBSR(a3) ; check for ACK <3.0> beq.s @exit ; if no ACK, we're done <3.0> @ACK @wfnREQ btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; test for *REQ <3.0> beq.s @exit ; if it's gone, we're done <3.0> btst.b #bPM,sBSR(a3) ; still in same phase? <3.0> bne.s @RdDone ; if so, go back and wait <3.0> @exit bclr.b #doingDMA,state1(a4) ; we're finished DMAing <5> lea.l AddLocalSize(sp),sp ; deallocate additional storage movea.l (sp)+,a0 ; set virtual address <4> movea.l d2,a1 ; set buffer length <4> move.w d0,-(sp) ; save result from SCSI I/O <4> moveq.l #3,d0 ; UnlockMemory selector <4> _MemoryDispatch ; unlock the buffer (a0 undisturbed) <4> move.w (sp)+,d0 ; restore original result <4> rts @badAddrError moveq.l #scBusTOErr,d0 ; report a "bus timeout error" bra.s @exit ; rts ; ; SlowComp ; ; Called by: Transfer ; SlowComp: @CompSetup move.l pdma5380(a4),a0 ; use the global adda.l #sIDR,a0 ; input data offset subq.l #1,d2 ; decr. for DBRA move.l d2,d5 ; make a copy of the byte count swap d5 ; and get hiword in d5 @wait btst.b #bDMAR,(a1) ; DRQ ? bne.s @SnComp ; if so, start the transfer btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; look for REQ beq.s @wait ; can't check phase until REQ is asserted btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; we have REQ, do we have a phase match ? beq.s @CompPhaseErr ; if not, bail out with an error @SnComp ; Slow compare loop. Byte count in d2,d5 btst.b #bDMAR,(a1) ; DRQ? beq.s @SnCompChk ; no, so check phase move.b (a0),d3 ; get data byte <29Oct85> cmp.b (a2)+,d3 ; same? <29Oct85> beq.s @SnComp1 ; if so, continue moveq.l #scCompareErr,d0 ; record compare error <29Oct85> @SnComp1 dbra d2,@SnComp ; repeat dbra d5,@SnComp ; repeat bra.s @RdDone ; let's get out of here @SnCompChk bsr.w NewPhaseCheck ; check more carefully for phase match <1> bne.s @SnComp ; continue if it is @CompPhaseErr moveq.l #scPhaseErr,d0 ; return error bra.s @exit ; let's get out here @RdDone btst.b #bACK,sBSR(a3) ; check for ACK <3.0> beq.s @exit ; if no ACK, we're done <3.0> @ACK @wfnREQ btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; test for *REQ <3.0> beq.s @exit ; if it's gone, we're done <3.0> btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; still in same phase? <3.0> bne.s @RdDone ; if so, go back and wait <3.0> @exit swap d5 ; calculate bytes left to transfer move.w d2,d5 ; lower word of count addq.l #1,d5 ; undo adjustment for DBRA sub.l d5,d1 ; number of bytes transferred moveq.l #bDMAR,d3 ; restore d3 rts ; ; FastComp ; ; Called by: Transfer ; FastComp: @CompSetup movea.l hhsk5380(a4),a0 ; use the global adda.l #sIDR,a0 ; input data register offset subq.l #1,d2 ; decr. for DBRA move.l d2,d5 ; make a copy of the byte count swap d5 ; and get hiword in d5 @wait btst.b #bDMAR,(a1) ; DRQ ? bne.s @BlCmp ; have DRQ, so let's go btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; test for REQ in case of phase error beq.s @wait ; no REQ, so wait @ckPhase btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; phase OK ? bne.s @BlCmp ; continue if in phase @RdPhaseErr moveq.l #scPhaseErr,d0 ; return error bra.s @exit ; let's get out here @BlCmp move.b (a0),d3 ; blind compare <29Oct85> -- no optimization cmp.b (a2)+,d3 beq.s @BlCmp1 moveq.l #scCompareErr,d0 ; record compare error @BlCmp1 dbra d2,@BlCmp dbra d5,@BlCmp @RdDone btst.b #bACK,sBSR(a3) ; check for ACK <3.0> beq.s @exit ; if no ACK, we're done <3.0> @ACK @wfnREQ btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; test for *REQ <3.0> beq.s @exit ; if it's gone, we're done <3.0> btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; still in same phase? <3.0> bne.s @RdDone ; if so, go back and wait <3.0> @exit swap d5 ; calculate bytes left to transfer move.w d2,d5 ; lower word of count addq.l #1,d5 ; undo adjustment for DBRA sub.l d5,d1 ; number of bytes transferred moveq.l #bDMAR,d3 ; restore d3 rts ; ; This "improved" phase checking routine will fix the CD-ROM problem on Zone5. <1> ; On the SCSI DMA chip it's possible to have a DRQ without a phase match, and if an ; interrupt occurs between checks of the BSR register, it appears that a disasterous ; phase change has occurred. ; To fix this problem, a snapshot is taken of the BSR register. If either DRQ or PM ; are set, then it is okay to continue. If both are cleared, a phase error has occurred. ; If DRQ or PM are set, the Zero flag is cleared. ; If neither are set, the Zero flag is set. ; ; Destroys d6 ; NewPhaseCheck: moveq.l #iDMAR+iPM,d6 ; if DRQ or PM is set, all is well and.b sBSR(a3),d6 ; get a snapshot of the register rts ; if either is set, then Z=0 <1> ENDWITH END