; ; File: HALc96Data.a ; ; Contains: 53c96 Hardware-Specific routines ; ; Written by: Paul Wolf ; ; Copyright: © 1990-1994 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; 1/25/94 DCB Rolled in Paul's change to stop trashing A0 in the TIB ; interpreter. ; 1/9/94 pdw Added Clinton's new SlowWrite routine. ; 12/19/93 DCB Added code to save the handshake values from each call to the ; fast read and write routines. This is so that scatter gather ; lists work without the sglists having to be multiples of the ; smallest handshake size. ; 11/22/93 pdw Rolling in from . ; 11/11/93 pdw Some slight optimizations to SlowWrite loop. ; 11/10/93 pdw Added include of HardwarePrivateEqu.a ; 11/9/93 pdw Fixed bug in scatter/gather that happened when a zero-length ; element was encountered. ; 11/22/93 pdw Added forSTP601v1 around the BIOS hack. ; 11/16/93 SAM Include HardwarePrivateEqu.a ; 11/9/93 KW in SlowReadRealC96 have wombats get the 16 bytes with 4 long ; word reads. STP needs this for awhile until BTU gets reved ; 10/29/93 pdw Fixed build - RecordCmd is being expanded in ROM but not init in ; SOME places. ; 10/29/93 DCB Adding calls to deferAndWait after calls to Wt4SCSI do reduce ; the interrupt level during transfers. Also added code to remove ; the bus error handler when we are asychronous to avoid the ; problem of chaining to our own bus error handler. ; 10/28/93 pdw Starting to make an attempt to fix the wrong-direction bug. ; 10/14/93 pdw Moved stuffing of A0 with ioPtr to top of TIB loop instead of ; just before calling transfer routine. ; 10/14/93 pdw Fixed bug. ; 10/14/93 pdw roll-in. ; 10/12/93 pdw Added support for Synchronous data transfers, rewrote State ; Machine, message handling etc. ; 9/26/93 pdw Clinton's changes. ; 9/24/93 DCB Fixing yet another residual length problem. This time with ; SlowReadRealC96. ; 9/19/93 DCB Changing the SlowWrite routine so that it correctly returns the ; number of bytes not transferred. If it necessary to do an ; additional move.w to get a DREQ then that word wasn't accounted ; for. ; 9/13/93 pdw Fixed Smurf by reverting to the old slow SlowRead routine if ; we're on a real c96. On a Curio, we use the new fast SlowRead ; routine. ; 9/9/93 pdw Lots of little changes. Name changes, temporary cache_bug ; stuff. ; 8/19/93 DCB Improving the bus error handler so that disconnects at ; non-polled bytes will work properly. ; 8/13/93 pdw RecordCmd and eieieo stuff. ; 7/19/93 pdw Fixed build. ; 7/19/93 pdw Got rid of a beq.s to the next instruction to get rid of build ; warning. ; 7/17/93 pdw Rewrote SlowRead96 routine from scratch. ; 7/8/93 pdw Adding call to RecordError in TIB interpreter. ; 6/29/93 pdw Massive checkins: Change asynchronicity mechanism to CallMachine ; stack switching mechanism. Adding support for Cold Fusion. ; Rearranging HW/SW Init code. Some code optimizations. ; 5/25/93 DCB Rollin from Ludwig. (The next item below) ; 5/20/93 DCB Changing _debuggers to DebugStrs so we can turn them off at ; compile time. ; 5/5/93 PW Converted names to meanies-friendly names. Updated with latest ; from Ludwig stuff. ; 5/1/93 PW Added 1,511 TIB optimization. ; 4/8/93 DCB Fixed a bug with long transfers that don't have TIB support ; 3/20/93 PW Rolled in Ludwig changes. ; 3/3/93 PW Added some fixes for Quadra support. ; 2/17/93 PW Added stuff needed to fix dataResidLen and bitbucketing bugs. ; 1/31/93 PW Update from the latest of Ludwig. Also changes required for PDM ; (will update Ludwig with these as needed myself). ; 1/27/93 PW Added support for new dispatches data routines based on ; scsiDataType field. Rewrote DoDataBuffer routine. ; 12/9/92 PW Fixed test tool SCSIRead phase err crash that was revealed by ; early-return-from-cmd change that was made to XPTOldCall. ; 11/12/92 PW Changed SlowCableMode to mSlowCableMode to correspond to changes ; in SCSIEqu53c9x.a ; 10/30/92 DCB Various changes in interrupt handling to improve performance. ; 10/14/92 PW Made fix for S/G bugs which showed up if premature phase change ; during DMA write. ; 10/8/92 PW Added GrossError checks. Some trivial name changes. Added test ; for out of bounds xferType. (cb) Fixed .w vs .l direction ; parameter bug in calling of StartDMA. ; 8/31/92 PW Changed register and command definitions to reflect changes to ; SCSIEqu53c96. ; 8/30/92 PW Fixed some 'how many bytes were transferred' bugs. ; 8/6/92 PW Removed installation of BusErrHandler from Transfer and put it ; in the appropriate FastRead and FastWrite routines so it only ; gets loaded on appropriate machines. ; 7/29/92 PW Removed some debugger traps. ; 7/27/92 PW Virtually initial check-in. ; ;========================================================================== MACHINE MC68020 ; '020-level BLANKS ON ; assembler accepts spaces & tabs in operand field PRINT OFF ; do not send subsequent lines to the listing file ; don't print includes PostNOP EQU 1 INCLUDE 'SysErr.a' INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a' INCLUDE 'Debug.a' ; for NAME macro INCLUDE 'SCSI.a' INCLUDE 'SCSIEqu53c96.a' INCLUDE 'ACAM.a' INCLUDE 'SIMCoreEqu.a' INCLUDE 'XPTEqu.a' INCLUDE 'HALc96equ.a' PRINT ON ; do send subsequent lines to the listing files CASE OBJECT HALc96Data PROC EXPORT EXPORT Xfer1Byte96, OneByteRead EXPORT DoDataIn, DoDataOut, OneByteWrite EXPORT SlowRead96, SlowReadReal96, SlowWrite96 EXPORT FastRead96, FastWrite96 EXPORT InitDataStuff EXPORT DoSaveDataPointer EXPORT DoRestorePointers EXPORT DoModifyDataPointer EXPORT InitDataSG EXPORT InitDataBuffer EXPORT InitDataTIB EXPORT DoDataTIB EXPORT DoDataBuffer EXPORT DoDataSG EXPORT DoBitBucket IMPORT Wt4SCSIInt, Ck4SCSIInt IMPORT InstallBEH96, RemoveBEH96 IMPORT Ck4DREQ IMPORT WtForFIFOData IMPORT RecordEvent, RecordError IMPORT DataIn_PSC1x1, DataIn_PSCDMA, DataOut_PSC IMPORT DeferAndWait IMPORT QuickIntCheck, FullIntRegs WITH HALc96GlobalRecord WITH SIM_IO, HALactions, SCSIPhase ;========================================================================== ; ; DoDataIn and DoDataOut ; ; Called by: Toolbox Trap Dispatcher ; ; Calls: primitive data transfer routines ; ; On entry: A3 - SCSI read base address ; A4 - ptr to HALactionPB ; A5 - pointer to SCSI Manager globals ; ; Function: Performs TIB interpretation, and data transfers. DoDataIn DoDataOut dataCommon and.b #$FF-mCF1_SlowCableMode,rCF1(a3) ; turn-off Slow cable mode during data xfer eieio move.l dataRoutine(A0), A1 jmp (A1) RTSNAME 'DoDataCommon' ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; DoDataTIB - TIB data type handler ; ; ———————— Internal:——————————————————————————————————————————————— ; in this case, data desc is S/G and handshake desc must be used (do union of SG and TIB) HALTransferRegs REG D2-D6/A0-A1 DoDataTIB IF 1 AND RECORD_ON THEN pea 'TIB ' ; EVENT = move.l sp, -(sp) ; bsr RecordEvent addq.l #8, sp ENDIF ; ; What direction is data transfer request? Set up D4 (xferRoutine ptr) accordingly ; cmp.w #kDataIn, HALactionPB.action(A4) ; are we doing a read? beq.s @isDataIn @isDataOut ;—————— move.l #writeOffset, D1 ; get offset to write routines add.b scsiTransferType(A0), D1 ; add the selection to the offset bra.s @1 @isDataIn ;—————— IF readOffset <> 0 THEN move.l #readOffset, D1 ; get offset to read routines add.b scsiTransferType(A0), D1 ; add the selection to the offset ELSE moveq.l #0, D1 move.b scsiTransferType(A0), D1 ; get the transfer type selection ENDIF @1 move.l (xferRoutines, A5, D1.L*4), D4 ; get routine in D4 for Transfer's use ;—————— ; pdw Fß TOP ——— ; ; See if TIB is a 1,511 type and if so, convert to a straight-512 TIB (but more general) ; check for inc,add,inc,add,loop,stop or inc,mv,inc,mv,loop,stop type TIBs ; clr.b optimTIB(A5) ; default optimizing TIB flag = not doing it move.l scsiDataPtr(A0), A1 ; get the TIB pointer move.l A1, -(sp) ; save A1 since we trash it in TIB interp move.l A2, -(sp) ; save A2 since we trash it ; check instruction 1 (second instruction) move.w 1*scSize +scOpcode(a1), D3 ; get instr 1 into D3 for instr 3 ck cmp.w #scMove, D3 ; is it scMove? beq.s @keepCking1 ; yes -> check next instruction cmp.w #scAdd, D3 ; is it scAdd? bne.w @exec @keepCking1 ; check instruction 0 moveq.l #scInc, D1 ; cmp.w 0*scSize +scOpcode(a1), D1 ; opcode == scInc? bne.w @exec ; no -> go walk the TIB ; check instruction 2 ;; move.w #scInc, D1 (already) ; (scInc already in D1) cmp.w 2*scSize +scOpcode(a1), D1 ; scInc? bne.w @exec ; check instruction 3 cmp.w 3*scSize +scOpcode(a1), D3 ; is it same as instruction 1? bne.w @exec cmp.w #scMove, D3 ; are they scMove? bne.s @ck4Add ; no -> check for scAdd ; trashing A0 here lea 0*scSize +scParam1(a1), A0 ; get addr of addr field in first scInc cmp.l 1*scSize +scParam1(a1), A0 ; should be source address of first move bne.w @exec cmp.l 3*scSize +scParam2(a1), A0 ; should be dest address of second move bne.w @exec lea 2*scSize +scParam1(a1), A2 ; get addr of addr field in second scInc cmp.l 1*scSize +scParam2(a1), A2 ; should be dest address of first move bne.w @exec cmp.l 3*scSize +scParam1(a1), A2 ; should be source address of second move bne.w @exec move.l 0*scSize +scParam2(a1), D0 ; instr 0 transfer count move.l 2*scSize +scParam2(a1), D1 ; instr 2 transfer count bra.s @keepCking3 @ck4Add cmp.w #scAdd, D3 ; are they scAdd? bne.s @exec move.l 0*scSize +scParam2(a1), D0 ; instr 0 transfer count == ... cmp.l 1*scSize +scParam2(a1), D0 ; ...instr 1 increment? bne.s @exec move.l 2*scSize +scParam2(a1), D1 ; instr 2 transfer count == ... cmp.l 3*scSize +scParam2(a1), D1 ; ...instr 3 increment? bne.s @exec move.l 0*scSize +scParam1(a1), A0 ; get contents of addr field in first scInc cmp.l 2*scSize +scParam1(a1), A0 ; should be same as second scInc bne.s @exec lea 0*scSize +scParam1(a1), A0 ; get addr of addr field in first scInc cmp.l 3*scSize +scParam1(a1), A0 ; should be dest address of second scAdd bne.s @exec lea 2*scSize +scParam1(a1), A2 cmp.l 1*scSize +scParam1(a1), A2 ; check source address bne.s @exec @keepCking3 ; check instruction 4 move.w 4*scSize +scOpcode(a1), D2 cmp.w #scLoop, D2 ; scLoop? bne.s @exec moveq.l #-40, D2 cmp.l 4*scSize +scParam1(a1), D2 ; jump==-40? bne.s @exec ; check instruction 5 move.w 5*scSize +scOpcode(a1), D2 cmp.w #scStop, D2 ; scStop? bne.s @exec move.b D3, optimTIB(A5) ; set optimizing TIB flag (and remember add/mv) move.l D0, firstIncCount(A5) ; remember first scInc count move.l D1, secondIncCount(A5) ; remember second scInc count add.l D1, D0 ; calc total block size (add transfer counts) move.l D0, 0*scSize +scParam2(a1) ; first scInc transfers total block clr.l 2*scSize +scParam2(a1) ; second scInc transfers none cmp.w #scAdd, D3 ; is this an scAdd TIB? bne.s @exec move.l D0, 1*scSize +scParam2(a1) ; first scAdd do add of total transfer clr.l 3*scSize +scParam2(a1) ; second scAdd do none ; ; pdw Fß BOT ——— ;—————— ; ; Interpret the TIB ; @exec move.l HALactionPB.ioPtr(A4), A0 ; load A0 with ptr to SCSI_IO pb bra.s @getCmd ; tighten loop by branching first @c_inc tst.l D2 beq.s @next_cmd movem.l HALTransferRegs, -(sp) ; save registers move.l D4, A1 jsr (A1) ; go to the appropriate routine movem.l (sp)+, HALTransferRegs ; restore these guys tst.l d1 ; set Z if all done bne.s @earlyEnd ; if error, exit add.l D2, scParam1(a1) ; increment the pointer by size of xfer ; FALL THROUGH to @next_cmd ; continue @next_cmd @c_nop ; also NOP, just skip the command add.w #scSize, a1 ; point to the next TIB instruction ; FALL THROUGH to @exec ; ; Loop through the TIB, interpreting as we go ; @getCmd move.w scOpcode(a1), d1 ; get the function opcode move.l scParam1(a1), a2 ; get the generic address move.l scParam2(a1), d2 ; get the generic count cmp.w #maxOpcode, d1 ; valid opcode ? bhi.s @c_badop ; return err if not add.w d1,d1 ; index times two jmp @JmpTable(d1.w) ; jump into table @JmpTable ; bra.s @c_badop ; 0 is not a valid opcode bra.s @c_inc ; 1 bra.s @c_noinc ; 2 bra.s @c_add ; 3 bra.s @c_move ; 4 bra.s @c_loop ; 5 bra.s @c_nop ; 6 bra.s @c_stop ; 7 bra.s @c_stop ;c_compare ; 8 @earlyEnd moveq.l #scPhaseErr, D0 @data_error move.l D0, -(sp) bsr RecordError ; Err! addq.l #4, sp bra.s @data_end @c_badop moveq.l #scBadParmsErr, D0 ; bad opcode bra.s @data_error @c_noinc ; NOINC addr,count tst.l D2 beq.s @next_cmd movem.l HALTransferRegs, -(sp) ; save registers move.l D4, A1 jsr (A1) ; go to the appropriate routine movem.l (sp)+, HALTransferRegs ; restore these guys tst.l d1 ; set Z if all done bne.s @earlyEnd ; if error, exit bra.s @next_cmd ; else process next command @c_add ; ADD addr,data add.l d2, (a2) ; the count added to the where bra.s @next_cmd ; process the next command @c_move ; MOVE addr1,addr2 move.l (a2), (ZA0,D2.L) ; simple enough bra.s @next_cmd ; process the next command @c_loop ; LOOP relative addr,count tst.l d2 ; check for zero loop count beq.s @next_cmd ; if count is already zero, quit loop subq.l #1, d2 ; drop the count move.l d2, scParam2(a1) ; put the count back for next time beq.s @next_cmd ; if count exhausted, don't loop add.l a2, a1 ; modify the command pointer bra.s @exec ; and process the next command @c_stop moveq.l #noErr, D0 ; indicate no error ; FALL THROUGH to @data_end ; @data_end move.w D0, HALactionPB.result(A4) ; with whatever err ;=== Flush the cache line that contains location 8 (because of MOVE16 bug) tst.b HBAhasHskPseudoDMA(A5) ; if we have a bus error handler pdw beq.s @skipFlushCache movem.l D0-D2, -(sp) moveq.l #9, D0 ; FlushCacheRange HWPriv scsiSelector move.l #8, A0 ; starting address of flush range move.l #4, A1 ; length of range _HWPriv movem.l (sp)+, D0-D2 ; restore regs @skipFlushCache move.l (sp)+, A2 ; restore A2 (saved before TIB interp) move.l (sp)+, A1 ; restore A1 (saved before TIB interp) pdw Fß move.l HALactionPB.ioPtr(A4), A0 ; restore A0 - ptr to SCSI_IO pb ;—————— ; pdw Fß TOP ——— ; ; Replace munged TIB values if we optimized it before the interpretation ; move.b optimTIB(A5), D3 ; test optimizing TIB flag if DEBUGGING then beq.w DataDone ; didn't optimize -> DataDone else beq.s DataDone ; didn't optimize -> DataDone endif cmp.w #scAdd, D3 ; is this an scAdd TIB? bne.s @restoreMove @restoreAdd move.l firstIncCount(A5), D3 move.l D3, 0*scSize +scParam2(a1) ; restore first scInc count move.l D3, 1*scSize +scParam2(a1) ; restore first scAdd count move.l secondIncCount(A5), D3 move.l D3, 2*scSize +scParam2(a1) ; restore second scInc count move.l D3, 3*scSize +scParam2(a1) ; restore second scAdd count bra.s DataDone @restoreMove move.l firstIncCount(A5), 0*scSize +scParam2(a1) ; restore first scInc count move.l secondIncCount(A5), 2*scSize +scParam2(a1) ; restore second scInc count ;—————— ; pdw Fß BOT ——— bra.s DataDone RTSNAME 'DoDataTIB' ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; DoDataBuffer - buffer data type handler ; ; ———————— Internal:——————————————————————————————————————————————— D1_remaining EQU D1 ; .l = number of bytes remaining in this block D2_xferSize EQU D2 ; .l = number of bytes remaining in this block XferRegs REG D2/A0-A2 DoDataBuffer IF 1 AND RECORD_ON THEN pea 'DBfr' ; EVENT = move.l sp, -(sp) ; number of bytes bsr RecordEvent addq.l #8, sp ENDIF ; ; Set up for a call to the "transfer one block of data" routine ; D2 (number of bytes) and A2 (address of buffer) for call to transfer routine ; move.l currentSGptr(A0), A2 ; current position in buffer move.l currentSGcount(A0), D2_xferSize ; how far we've got to go beq.s DataDone ; zero? if so, get out move.l D2_xferSize, D1_remaining ; make a copy of the count ; ; Do the transfer of this block ; movem.l XferRegs, -(sp) ; save registers movea.l xferRoutine(A0), A1 ; get the address of the transfer routine jsr (A1) ; go to the transfer routine IF DEBUGGING THEN cmp.l HALactionPB.ioPtr(A4), A0 beq.s @nobug DebugStr 'Err! A0!=ioPtr in DoDataBuffer' @nobug ENDIF movem.l (sp)+, XferRegs ; restore these guys ; ; This call got further into this block and may have gotten done with it ; Update the Current pointers to point to this block with count as returned by Data call ; sub.l D1_remaining, D2 ; calc how many bytes we transferred beq.s PhaseErr ; (if no bytes, then phase err) add.l D2, currentSGptr(A0) ; and where we need to start next time sub.l D2, scsiDataResidual(A0) ; and what our total residual is move.l D1_remaining, currentSGcount(A0) ; and how far we've got to go ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— DataDone ;=== exit and return result ori.b #mCF1_SlowCableMode,rCF1(a3) ; go back to Slow cable mode for all else eieio rts NAME 'DoDataBuffer' ; If we are in the wrong phase at the start of the data routine that means that we must be in ; the OTHER data phase (i.e. data in vs. data out). This is because the SIM would never call ; the data routine in unless we are in one or the other. The only other possibility is that ; the target just dropped the bus on us. PhaseErr move.b currentPhase(A5), D0 ; was it perhaps an unexpected disconnect? cmp.b #kBusFreePhase, D0 bne.s @ckData move.w #SCResults.scsiUnexpectedBusFree, HALactionPB.result(A4) bra.w DataDone @ckData and.b #%110, D0 ; get rid of direction bit cmp.b #(kDataOutPhase ** %110), D0 ; a data phase? beq.s @wrongDir IfDebugStr 'Totally wrong phase in data routine' move.w #SCResults.scsiWrongDirection, HALactionPB.result(A4) bra.w DataDone @wrongDir move.w #SCResults.scsiWrongDirection, HALactionPB.result(A4) bra.w DataDone RTSNAME 'PhaseErr' ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; DoDataSG - scatter/gather data type handler ; ; ———————— Internal:——————————————————————————————————————————————— ;D1_remaining EQU D1 ; .l = number of bytes remaining in this block D2_position EQU D2 ; .l = position DoDataSG WITH SGRecord IF 1 AND RECORD_ON THEN pea 'ScGt' clr.l -(sp) bsr RecordEvent addq.l #8, sp ENDIF move.l A2, -(sp) ; save A2 since we trash it in S/G walking ; ; Set up for a call to the "transfer one block of data" routine ; D2 (number of bytes) and A2 (address of buffer) for call to transfer routine ; move.l currentSGptr(A0), A1 ; pdw TOP move.l currentSGcount(A0), D2_position ; how far we've already gone into this block @loop move.l sgAddr(A1), A2 ; current buffer's start address add.l D2_position, A2 ; displace start address that amount move.l sgCount(A1), D1_remaining ; get the total buffer size sub.l D2_position, D1_remaining ; and sub what we've done for to-do size pdw BOT ; ; Do the transfer of this block ; @doData move.l D1_remaining, D2 ; D2 input parm = # of bytes to transfer pdw beq.s @dataDone ; if no data, skip xfer routine movem.l XferRegs, -(sp) ; save registers movea.l xferRoutine(A0), A1 ; get the address of the transfer routine jsr (A1) ; go to the transfer routine movem.l (sp)+, XferRegs @dataDone sub.l D1_remaining, D2 ; calc how many bytes we transferred sub.l D2, scsiDataResidual(A0) ; and what our total residual now is tst.l D1_remaining ; any bytes left in this block? beq.s @nextEntry ; no, go to next entry ; ; This call got further into this block but didn't get done with it ; Update the Current pointers to point to this block with count as returned by Data call ; @thisEntryNotDone ; pdw TOP move.l sgCount(A1), D2_position ; get the total buffer size sub.l D1_remaining, D2_position ; sub # of bytes left from total count move.l D2_position, currentSGcount(A0) ; how far we've already gone into this block ; pdw BOT bra.s @outOfPhaseOrError ; yes - go do them ; ; This call got done with this block ; Update the Current pointers to point to the next block ; @nextEntry lea sgNextBlock(A1), A1 ; point to next S/G entry move.l A1, currentSGptr(A0) ; store in current pointer moveq.l #0, D2_position ; pdw TOP move.l D2_position, currentSGcount(A0) ; init count to '0 bytes xferred so far' ; ; Now see if we're completely done ; compare new SGptr with the end of the SG list (scsiDataPtr + 8*scsiSGListCount) ; moveq.l #0, D1 ; move.w scsiSGListCount(A0), D1 ; how many elements in SG list lsl.l #3, D1 ; 8 bytes per SG element add.l scsiDataPtr(A0), D1 ; point just past last element cmp.l A1, D1 ; are we there? pdw BOT bhi.s @loop ; no -> keep going ; if all done, set kbDataDone bit to tell SIM (so it will bitbucket or whatever if still data phz) bset.b #SIMprivFlagsRecord.kbDataDone, SIMprivFlags(A0) @outOfPhaseOrError move.l (sp)+, A2 bra.w DataDone RTSNAME 'DoDataSG' ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— InitDataStuff ; ; Initialize Current pointers and Saved pointers ; and, as an extra added bonus, initialize DataRoutine and XferRoutine ptrs ; ; First, figure out whether this request is for a S/G or a single data buffer ; If S/G point to first S/G element; If buffer, act like scsiDataPtr/scsiDataLength is a S/G element ; InitDataStuffRegs REG D0-D2/A1 movem.l InitDataStuffRegs, -(sp) ; ; Decide whether we will use Buffer, S/G, or TIB then ; Init data pointer stuff accordingly, as well as residual count stuff ; Get the address of the data interpreter into dataRoutine ; moveq.l #0, D1 move.b scsiDataType(A0), D1 move.l (dataRoutines, A5, D1.L*4), A1 ; get the data routine move.l A1, dataRoutine(A0) ; save it in ioPB move.l (initDataRoutines, A5, D1.L*4), A1 ; get the init data ptr routine jmp (A1) ; jump to init data pointer routine ;——————————— InitDataTIB moveq.l #0, D0 bra.s exitInitData ; get out (we're in Select: no data info) InitDataSG move.l scsiDataPtr(A0), A1 ; get start of SG list moveq.l #0, D0 bra.s fillInPointers InitDataBuffer move.l scsiDataPtr(A0), A1 ; get start of buffer move.l scsiDataLength(A0), D0 ; get byte count fillInPointers move.l A1, currentSGptr(A0) ; init ptr move.l D0, currentSGcount(A0) ; init count to 0 move.l A1, savedSGptr(A0) ; init ptr move.l D0, savedSGcount(A0) ; init count to 0 move.l scsiDataLength(A0), D0 ; get byte count move.l D0, scsiDataResidual(A0) ; current residual ptr move.l D0, savedResidLen(A0) ; saved residual ptr ;——————————— ; ; Determine whether we're data IN, OUT or neither then ; Put the address of the data & transfer routine into xferRoutine(io) and dataRoutine(io) ; move.l scsiFlags(A0), D0 and.l #scsiDirectionMask, D0 ; are we data in or out? cmp.l #scsiDirectionIn, D0 beq.s @isDataIn @notDataIn cmp.l #scsiDirectionOut, D0 beq.s @isDataOut @noDataXfer ;—————— moveq.l #0, D0 move.l D0, scsiDataResidual(A0) ; current residual ptr move.l D0, savedResidLen(A0) ; saved residual ptr move.l jvBitBucket(A5), dataRoutine(A0) lea NoDataXfer, A1 move.l A1, xferRoutine(A0) bra.s exitInitData @isDataOut ;—————— move.l #writeOffset, D1 ; get offset to write routines add.b scsiTransferType(A0), D1 ; add the selection to the offset bra.s @1 @isDataIn ;—————— IF readOffset <> 0 THEN move.l #readOffset, D1 ; get offset to read routines add.b scsiTransferType(A0), D1 ; add the selection to the offset ELSE moveq.l #0, D1 move.b scsiTransferType(A0), D1 ; get the transfer type selection ENDIF @1 move.l (xferRoutines, A5, D1.L*4), A1 ; get the routine address move.l A1, xferRoutine(A0) exitInitData movem.l (sp)+, InitDataStuffRegs rts NAME 'InitDataStuff' ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— DoSaveDataPointer ; ; Copy Current pointers into Saved ; move.l currentSGptr(A0), savedSGptr(A0) ; copy ptr move.l currentSGcount(A0), savedSGcount(A0) ; copy count move.l scsiDataResidual(A0), savedResidLen(A0) ; copy residual ptr rts NAME 'DoSaveDataPointer' ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— DoRestorePointers ; ; Copy Saved pointers into Current ; move.l savedSGptr(A0), currentSGptr(A0) ; copy ptr move.l savedSGcount(A0), currentSGcount(A0) ; copy count move.l savedResidLen(A0), scsiDataResidual(A0) ; copy residual ptr rts NAME 'DoRestorePointers' ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— DoModifyDataPointer DebugStr 'Got Modify Data Pointer Message' rts NAME 'DoModifyDataPointer' ENDWITH ;SGRecord ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— IllegalXfer move.l #'Xfer', -(sp) DebugStr 'Ileagal Xfer' addq.l #4, sp rts NAME 'IllegalXfer' ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— NoDataXfer rts NAME 'NoDataXfer' ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; DoBitBucket - bit buckets data in or out until no longer in data phase ; DoBitBucket moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d0 ; load mask bits for phase value and.b rSTA(a3), d0 ; get phase bits cmp #iDataOut, d0 ; bne.s @checkPhase ; btst.b #7, SCSI_IO.scsiResultFlags(A0) beq.s @checkPhase DebugStr 'The SCSIMgr will now trash your data. Is that a problem?' @checkPhase moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, D0 ; load mask bits for phase value and.b rSTA(a3), D0 ; get phase bits cmp #iDataIn, D0 ; beq.s @inDataIn ; cmp #iDataOut, D0 ; bne.s @notInDataPhase ; @inDataOut move.b #$EE, rFIFO(A3) ; load filler byte into FIFO eieio bsr Xfer1Byte96 ; xfer 1 byte and wait for intrp w/o timeout bne.s @xferErr ; bra. on xfer error subq.l #1, scsiDataResidual(A0) ; adjust residual length bra.s @checkPhase @inDataIn bsr Xfer1Byte96 ; xfer 1 byte and wait for intrp w/o timeout bne.s @xferErr ; bra. on xfer error move.b rFIFO(A3), D0 ; just empty the FIFO subq.l #1, scsiDataResidual(A0) ; adjust residual length bra.s @checkPhase @xferErr @notInDataPhase rts NAME 'DoBitBucket' ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; OneByteRead/OneByteWrite - proc to transfer 1 byte ; OneByteRead RecCmd $10, 'D',$01 move.b #cIOXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load IO transfer cmd & begin xfers eieio bsr.w Wt4SCSIInt ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout ; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|rSQS|rSTA move.b rFIFO(a3), (a2)+ ; xfer byte from FIFO into input buffer rts NAME 'OneByteRead' OneByteWrite move.b (a2)+, rFIFO(a3) ; preload the FIFO eieio RecCmd $10, 'D',$02 move.b #cIOXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load IO transfer cmd & begin xfers eieio bsr.w Wt4SCSIInt ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout ; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|rSQS|rSTA rts NAME 'OneByteWrite' ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; Xfer1Byte96 - proc to transfer 1 byte of data ; Xfer1Byte96 RecCmd $10, 'D',$03 move.b #cIOXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load IO transfer cmd & begin xfer eieio bsr.w Wt4SCSIInt ; wait for interrupt rts NAME 'Xfer1Byte96' ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; SlowRead96 - implements Polled Read ; ; Called by: Transfer ; ; All primitive data transfer routines assume: ; ; d1 - <-- bytes transferred ; d2 - --> number of bytes to transfer ; d4 - --> type of transfer to perform ; d5 - scratch - saved ; d6 - scratch - saved ; ; a0 - scratch - saved ; a1 - SCSI chip read base address - NON-SERIALIZED ; a2 - ptr to data buffer - saved ; a3 - SCSI chip read base address - SERIALIZED ; A5 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals ; ; Method of Data Transfer: (pDMA and programmed IO) ; 1) calculate # of 16-byte block transfers to perform using pDMA & remember the remainder ; 2) Enable c96 DMA and wait till the 16-byte FIFO is full and DREQ is asserted ; 3) Transfer all data in the FIFO and wait for the intrp ; 4) Repeat until all blocks have been transferred ; 5) Transfer remaining data using non-DMA transfer command byte then ; Wait and poll for byte-in-fifo interrupt ; 6) Transfer data from fifo to input buffer ; 7) Repeat process until all remaining bytes have been transferred ; ; The weird thing about this routine (and SlowWrite as well) is that you can get a phase ; change but not get an interrupt because there may be outstanding DREQs and the c96 ; will not set bINT until all DREQs have been satisfied. This means that we have to ; keep an eye on the phase bits to see if we get a change. ; SlowRead96 IF 1 AND RECORD_ON THEN pea 'SwRd' ; EVENT = move.l scsiDataResidual(A0), -(sp) bsr RecordEvent addq.l #8, sp ENDIF IF 1 AND RECORD_ON THEN move.l D2, -(sp) ; number of bytes move.l A2, -(sp) ; bsr RecordEvent addq.l #8, sp ENDIF tst.b HBAhasDMA(A5) ; are we on a DMA (i.e. a Curio) machine? beq SlowReadReal96 ; no -> do SlowRead for Real 53c96 parts cmp.b #kDataInPhase, currentPhase(A5) bne @wrongPhase bclr #0, D2 ; odd xfer? beq.s @even move.b #cIOXfer, rCMD(A3) ; move that 1 byte (guaranteed - we have REQ) bsr Wt4SCSIInt jsr DeferAndWait ; defer til interupts are enabled move.b rFIFO(A3), (A2)+ cmp.b #kDataInPhase, currentPhase(A5) bne @wrongPhase ;…………………………… @even move.l pdmaNonSerlzdAddr(A5), A1 ; point to non-serialized chip image lea rFIFOflags(A3), A0 ; init A0 for btsts in loop move.l #3, D3 ; ...and D3 move.l #4, D4 ; ...and D4 move.l D2, D6 swap D6 ; .w = # of 64K chunks tst.w D2 ; mod 64K nonzero? beq @loop64Kbtm ; yes -> go straight to 64K loop move.l D2, D1 move.b D1, rXCL(A3) lsr.l #8, D1 move.b D1, rXCM(A3) clr.w D2 ; assume we transfer those bytes ;—————————————————— @startXfer RecCmd $90, 'D',$04 move.b #cDMAXfer, rCMD(A3) ; load DMA transfer cmd & start loading FIFO nop nop nop bra.s @ck4IntOrPhaseChange ;…………………………… @read16 move.w (a1), (a2)+ ; read 8 bytes move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ @read8 move.w (a1), (a2)+ ; read 8 bytes move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ @ckFIFO nop btst D3, (A0) ; FIFO half full? nop bne.s @read8 ; yes -> read 8 bytes btst D4, (A0) ; FIFO full? nop bne.s @read16 ; yes -> read 16 bytes btst D3, (A0) ; FIFO half full? nop bne.s @read8 @ck4IntOrPhaseChange move.b rSTA(A3), D5 ; interrupt? bmi.s @outOfPhase btst D3, (A0) ; half full? nop bne.s @read8 btst D4, (A0) ; full? nop bne.s @read16 btst D3, (A0) ; half full? nop bne.s @read8 btst #bTermCount, D5 ; transfer complete? nop bne.s @tc btst D3, (A0) ; half full? nop bne.s @read8 btst D4, (A0) ; full? nop bne.s @read16 btst D3, (A0) ; half full? nop bne.s @read8 and.b #iPhaseMsk, D5 ; and mask bits for phase value btst D4, (A0) ; full? nop bne.s @read16 cmpi.b #kDataInPhase, D5 ; still in Data In phase? bne.s @outOfPhase ; no -> take care of leftovers, get int btst D3, (A0) ; half full? nop bne.s @read8 btst D4, (A0) ; full? nop bne.s @read16 bra.s @ckFIFO ;—————————————————— @tc @outOfPhase moveq.l #mFIFOCount, D0 ; use mask to get FIFO flag field and.b rFIFOflags(A3), D0 ; get FIFO count beq.s @noBytesInFIFO IF 0 AND RECORD_ON THEN pea 'ffc0' add.b D0, 3(sp) move.l A2, -(sp) bsr RecordEvent addq.l #8, sp ENDIF ;sub.l D0, D2 ; subtract from total request lsr.b #1, D0 ; how many words (Carry = odd byte) bcc.s @evenFIFO ; no -> just xfer words move.b rFIFO(a3), (a2)+ ; get odd byte out bra.s @evenFIFO ; now get the words @fifoWords move.w (a1), (a2)+ @evenFIFO dbra D0, @fifoWords @noBytesInFIFO IF 0 AND RECORD_ON THEN pea 'ls12' move.l -12(A2), -(sp) bsr RecordEvent addq.l #8, sp ENDIF IF 0 AND RECORD_ON THEN move.l -8(A2), -(sp) move.l -4(A2), -(sp) bsr RecordEvent addq.l #8, sp ENDIF bsr Wt4SCSIInt ; let's go get that interrupt jsr DeferAndWait ; defer til interupts are enabled clr.l D1 move.b rXCM(A3), D1 ; get high byte lsl.w #8, D1 move.b rXCL(A3), D1 ; get low byte add.l D1, D2 ; add to unxferred count cmpi.b #kDataInPhase, currentPhase(A5) ; still data-in? bne.s @exit ; no->exit ;—————————————————— @loop64Kbtm dbra D6, @loop64Ktop @wrongPhase @exit move.l D2, D1 move.l HALactionPB.ioPtr(A4), A0 ; restore A0 - ptr to SCSI_IO pb rts @loop64Ktop clr.b rXCL(A3) sub.l #$10000, D2 ; assume we're going to transfer all 64K clr.b rXCM(A3) bra.w @startXfer RTSNAME 'SlowRead96' SlowReadReal96 ;——————————————————————————————————————————— ; ; Setup A1 to point to a non-serialized image of the c96. If such an image doesn't exist this ; value will be the same as the serialized image. ; move.l pdmaNonSerlzdAddr(A5), A1 ; point to non-serialized chip image moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d0 ; load mask for phase bits and.b rSTA(a3), d0 ; are we in data-in phase? cmpi #iDataIn, d0 ; data-in phase bits = 001 bne.w PhaseErrAtStart ; bra. on phase err clr.l D3 ; d3 = bytes transferred to get DREQ after ; we change phase move.l D2, D4 ; d4 = copy of transfer count and.l #$F, D2 ; d2 = remainder word count after 16-byte moves lsr.l #4, D4 ; divide xfer count by 16 move.l D4, D6 ; d4.w has lower 16-byte block count swap D6 ; d6.w has upper 16-byte word count clr.b rXCM(a3) ; rXCM = 0, clear most-sig. byte count move.b #$10, rXCL(a3) ; rXCL = 16 bytes, least-sig. byte value eieio bra.w @bottomRead16 @read16 moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d5 ; load mask bits for phase value and.b rSTA(a3), d5 ; are we still in data-in phase? cmpi.b #iDataIn, d5 ; data-in phase bits = 001 bne.w @gotPrematureInt ; no: probably in status phase - split RecCmd $90, 'D',$05 move.b #cDMAXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load DMA transfer cmd & start loading FIFO nop ; currently loaded transfer count is used/reused @1 btst.b #bTermCount, rSTA(a3) ; check if we've rcvd all the data bne.s @4 ; if we have, go get the bytes bsr Ck4SCSIInt ; poll for unexpected intrp while waiting bne.w @gotPrematureInt ; ... maybe disconnected or something catastrophic. ; premature phase change won't generate intrp bit 'cuz of outstanding DREQ... ; ... we have to check this condition explicitly moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d5 ; load mask bits for phase value and.b rSTA(a3), d5 ; are we still in data-in phase? cmpi.b #iDataIn, d5 ; data-in phase bits = 001 beq.s @1 ; yes, bra. & keep polling tst.b rXCL(a3) ; not data-in anymore, have we xferred all data (XCL = 0)? beq.s @1 ; if yes then there MUST be a transfer complete bit set bra.w @prematurePhzChgSR ; transfer count not 0 so we have a premature end ; We need 8 guaranteed DREQs to safely transfer 16 bytes without bus error. ; DREQ will be active as long there are threshold number of bytes in the ; FIFO. @4 ; Why is this here? Ck4DREQ is really slow, and it seems unnecessary. If we don't have an interrupt ; and we do have a full FIFO we damn well better have a DREQ. Maybe it has something to do with the value ; of the FIFO flags field floating a bit during an xfer... ; bsr Ck4DREQ ; beq.s @1 ; loop until asserted ; btst #4, rFIFOflags(a3) ; see if FIFO is full beq.s @1 ; loop until asserted IF forSTP601v1 THEN cmp.b #pdmaTypeBIOS,HALc96GlobalRecord.dmaType(A5) ; Is this a Wombat or Primus/Optimus? bne.s @notBIOSbased nop move.l (a1), (a2)+ ; read 16 bytes move.l (a1), (a2)+ move.l (a1), (a2)+ move.l (a1), (a2)+ bra.b @endloop @notBIOSbased ENDIF nop ; squoosh pipeline move.w (a1), (a2)+ ; read 16 bytes move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ @endloop IF PostNOP THEN nop ; squoosh pipeline ENDIF ; Note that intrp is asserted only after transfer count is 0, no DREQs pending, ; and the target asserts REQ for the next byte. bsr.w QuickIntCheck ; Really Fast check for interrupt beq.b @NoIntYet ; @GotAnInt move.l d1, d0 ; copy d1 since we might need to pass it to doIntRegs andi.l #$00BF00FF, d0 ; don't care about FOS or Gross Error bit !!! use constant cmp.l #$00910010, d0 ; Interrupt Pending, XferCnt 0, Data In, Bus Service !!! use constant beq.b @bottomRead16 ; cool, keep going with xfer ; not what we were looking for, doIntRegs jsr FullIntRegs ; re-enter doIntRegs d1 is the parameter bra.b @bottomRead16 ; we just did a wt4scsi the hard way @NoIntYet ClearSCSIIRQ ; make sure that we don't go async with an interrupt ; pending at the VIA but not at the c96 bsr.w Wt4SCSIInt ; Do the long wait for an interrupt bsr.w DeferAndWait ; defer til interupts are enabled @bottomRead16 dbra D4, @read16 ; loop until done, d4 is lower word count dbra D6, @read16 ; loop until done, d6 is upper word count ClearSCSIIRQ ; make sure that we don't go async with an interrupt ; pending at the VIA but not at the c96 ; ; Take care of "singles" - left overs less than 16 bytes. Use polled reads for this ; by issuing cIOXfer command, waiting for the interrupt then getting the byte. Must ; check for proper phase between each byte. ; bra.s @16OrLess ; bra. to bottom of loop for zero case @rdSingle RecCmd $10, 'D',$06 move.b #cIOXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load IO transfer cmd & begin xfers eieio bsr.w Wt4SCSIInt ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout move.b rFIFO(a3), (a2)+ ; xfer byte from FIFO into input buffer @16OrLess moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d5 ; load mask bits for phase value and.b rSTA(a3), d5 ; are we still in data-in phase? cmpi.b #iDataIn, d5 ; data-in phase bits = 001 dbne D2, @rdSingle ; read the rest of the remainders bne.s @singlesPhaseChange moveq.l #0, D1 ; no bytes left to transfer rts ; ; ; Premature phase change - get leftover bytes out of FIFO ; @prematurePhzChgSR bsr Ck4DREQ ; more than 2 bytes in FIFO? beq.s @5 ; if no DREQ, skip dummy rDMA access move.w rDMA(a3), (a2)+ ; get the word out of the FIFO addq.l #2,d3 ; account for this data in residual length bra.s @prematurePhzChgSR ; and see if there's more @5 ; and give us that intrp bsr.w Wt4SCSIInt ; Clear pending intrp & get err status ; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA @gotPrematureInt moveq.l #mFIFOCount, D0 ; use mask to get FIFO flag field and.b rFIFOflags(a3), D0 ; how many bytes left in FIFO? add.l D0, D3 ; add remainder to our log bra.s @btmLeftovers @topLeftovers move.b rFIFO(a3), (a2)+ @btmLeftovers dbra D0, @topLeftovers ; calc how many bytes we've xferred... @singlesPhaseChange swap D6 ; calculate bytes left to transfer move.w D4, D6 ; form long word count addq.l #1, D6 ; undo adjustment for aborted dbra lsl.l #4, D6 ; mult by 16 add.l D2, D6 ; add un-xferred remainder sub.l D3, D6 ; account for bytes removed after phase chg move.l D6, D1 ; number of bytes not transferred rts RTSNAME 'SlowReadReal96' ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; FastRead96 - implements FastRead ; ; Called by: Transfer ; ; All primitive data transfer routines assume: ; ; Inputs ---> ; -> D2.L number of bytes to transfer ; -> A2 ptr to data buffer - saved ; -> A3 SCSI chip read base address - SERIALIZED ; -> A5 ptr to SCSI Mgr globals ; ; Outputs <--- ; <- d1.L bytes not transferred ; ; Internal --- ; D3 - trashed ; A0 - scratch - saved ; A1 - SCSI chip read base address - NON-SERIALIZED ; A2 - ptr to data buffer - saved ; A3 - SCSI chip read base address - SERIALIZED ; A5 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals ; ; Method of Data Transfer: (uses Pseudo-DMA) ; 0) Make sure we got our intrp from the last cmd send ; 1) Parcel transfer into 64KB blocks since TC regr. handles 64KB max ; 2) Read 1st byte if input buffer is NOT word aligned ; 3) Calc. the number of 32-byte block transfers to perform ; 4) Calc. the remaining number of byte transfers to perform ; 5) Read data 32-byte blocks at a time using word MOVEs ; 6) Read remaining data a word at a time ; 7) Transfer residual byte if there is one D2_thisTime EQU D2 ; .l = number of bytes remaining in this block D3_total EQU D3 ; .l = number of bytes remaining in this request ;———————————— FastRead96 ; ; Loop thru scsiHandshake structure ; move.l D2, D3_total ; save original total request count @firstHandshake lea scsiHandshake(A0), A1 ; and now with ptr to scsiHandshake tst.w (A1) ; if no handshake, beq.s FastRead96inner ; -> skip handshake, goto inner routine moveq #0, D2_thisTime move.w hdshkRemainder(a0), D2_thisTime ; Leftover Hansdhake? beq.b @next ; nope, start handshake over again move.w #0, hdshkRemainder(a0) ; don't try to do it again... moveq #0, d0 move.b hdshkIndex(a0), d0 ; find out which handshake element we were working on lsl.w #1, d0 ; adjust for word length add.w d0, A1 ; index into the handshake array bra.b @handshake ; and do it @next moveq.l #0, D2_thisTime move.w (A1)+, D2_thisTime beq.s @firstHandshake @handshake sub.l D2_thisTime, D3_total ; decrement total by this hsk count beq.s @lastOne ; if same, -> this is the last one blo.s @useTotal ; if total use the total left move.l A1, -(sp) bsr.s FastRead96inner ; else, use the hsk value as count move.l (sp)+, A1 tst.w D1 ; did we go out of phase? bne.s @didntFinish ; -> yes, adjust unxferred count and ret bra.s @next ; -> no, get the next hsk for next xfer @didntFinish add.l D3_total, D1 ; readjust total count by unxfered amount rts ; (D1 is return value) @useTotal add.l D2_thisTime, D3_total ; restore total to what it was... move.l D2_thisTime, D0 ; remember what handshake was sub.l D3_total, D0 ; and figure out the remainder was move.w D0, hdshkRemainder(A0) ; so we can remember it for later move.l A1, D0 ; get next hanshake sub.l #2, D0 ; and back up one word (element) lea scsiHandshake(A0), A1 ; get the first hanshake sub.l A1, D0 ; calculate the offset move.b D0, hdshkIndex(A0) ; and remember it for later (whew!) move.l D3_total, D2_thisTime @lastOne bsr.s FastRead96inner rts ;———————————— FastRead96inner IF 1 AND RECORD_ON THEN pea 'FsRd' ; EVENT = move.l scsiDataResidual(A0), -(sp) bsr RecordEvent addq.l #8, sp ENDIF IF 1 AND RECORD_ON THEN move.l D2, -(sp) ; number of bytes move.l A2, -(sp) ; bsr RecordEvent addq.l #8, sp ENDIF ; ; Setup A1 to point to a non-serialized image of the c96. If such an image doesn't exist this ; value will be the same as the serialized image. ; move.l pdmaNonSerlzdAddr(A5), A1 ; point to non-serialized chip image moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d0 ; load mask for phase bits and.b rSTA(a3), d0 ; are we in data-in phase? cmpi.b #iDataIn, d0 ; data-in phase bits = 001 bne.w PhaseErrAtStart ; bra. on phase err cmpi.l #1, d2 ; special case a 1 byte transfer bne.s @not1 ; pdw bsr OneByteRead ; subq.l #1, d2 bra @goodFRead @not1 ; ; Install our bus error handler because we are going into a routine that blindly accesses ; the SCSI chip (and it might not always be ready) ; bsr.w InstallBEH96 move.l d2, d6 ; d6 = number 64KB block to perform swap d6 ; upper word of d6 = lower word of d2 andi.l #$0000FFFF, d2 ; mask out upper word beq @2 ; if 0 then we have $10000 (64K) bytes to xfer bra.s @skipPhaseCk @next64KB moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d0 ; load mask for phase bits and.b rSTA(a3), d0 ; are we in data-in phase? cmpi.b #iDataIn, d0 ; data-in phase bits = 001 bne.w @outOfPhase ; outta here. @skipPhaseCk move.l d2, d4 ; d4 <- d2 move.b d4, rXCL(a3) ; TC regr (least-sig. byte) <- d4.b lsr.l #8, d4 ; get upper byte of low word move.b d4, rXCM(a3) ; TC regr (most-sig. byte) eieio RecCmd $90, 'D',$08 move.b #cDMAXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load DMA transfer cmd & begin xfers eieio ; move.l a2, d5 ; ; btst.l #0, d5 ; check if input buffer is on word boundary ; bne.s @misAligned @aligned move.l d2, d4 ; d4 = copy of transfer count lsr.l #5, d4 ; divide xfer count by 32 ror.l #1, d2 ; xfer byte count to word & remember odd byte and.w #$F, d2 ; d2 = remainder word count after 32-byte moves neg.w d2 ; negate to form a backward jump offset nop ; squoosh pipeline jmp @RdLoop(d2.w*2) ; bra. into the loop @read32 ; move.w (a1), (a2)+ ; do 16 bytes move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ ; do another 16 bytes move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ move.w (a1), (a2)+ ; @RdLoop IF DEBUGGING THEN tst.b rXCL(A3) ; just for analyzer ENDIF dbra d4, @read32 ; d4 = # of 32-byte transfers IF PostNOP THEN nop ; squoosh pipeline ENDIF bsr.w RemoveBEH96 bsr.w Wt4SCSIInt ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout bsr.w DeferAndWait ; defer til interupts are enabled bsr.w InstallBEH96 bclr.l #31, d2 ; check if we expected a residual byte beq.s @2 ; bra. if no residual moveq.l #mFIFOCount, d0 ; use mask to get FIFO flag field and.b rFIFOflags(a3), d0 ; get # of bytes in FIFO bne.s @3 ; get byte if FIFO is not empty IfDebugStr 'FIFO Empty when we expected residual byte' bra.b @2 @3 bset.l #31, d2 ; check if we expected a residual byte move.b rFIFO(a3), (a2)+ ; xfer residual byte @2 move.l #$10000, d2 ; init to transfer 64K bytes dbra d6, @next64KB ; bsr.w RemoveBEH96 ; ; Remove our bus error handler ; @goodFRead ; Don't remove bus error handler here ; because we can get here from a 1 byte read moveq.l #0, D1 ; d1 = # of bytes transferred @exit rts ; @outOfPhase bsr.w RemoveBEH96 add.l #1,d6 ; undo for dbra swap d6 ; d6 contains the number of 64k xfers move.w #0, D6 ; we only care about the high word move.l d6,d1 ; return the number of bytes left to be xferred bra.s @exit RTSNAME 'FastRead96' ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— PhaseErrAtStart move.l D2, D1 ; return same number as requested rts ; NAME 'PhaseErrAtStart' ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; SlowWrite96 - implements Polled Write ; ; Called by: Transfer ; ; All primitive data transfer routines assume: ; ; d1 - <-- bytes transferred ; d2 - --> number of bytes to transfer ; d3 - scratch - saved ; d4 - --> type of transfer to perform ; d5 - scratch - saved ; d6 - scratch - saved ; ; a0 - scratch - saved ; a1 - SCSI chip read base address - NON-SERIALIZED ; a2 - ptr to data buffer - saved ; a3 - SCSI chip read base address - SERIALIZED ; A5 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals ; a5 - scratch - saved ; ; SlowWrite96 IF 1 AND RECORD_ON THEN pea 'SwWr' ; EVENT = move.l scsiDataResidual(A0), -(sp) bsr RecordEvent addq.l #8, sp ENDIF IF 1 AND RECORD_ON THEN move.l D2, -(sp) ; number of bytes move.l A2, -(sp) ; bsr RecordEvent addq.l #8, sp ENDIF moveq #0, D3 ; d3 is a residual count, assume zero for now tst.b currentPhase(A5) ; bne.w PhaseErrAtStart ; data-out phase bits = 0, bra. on phase err @skipPhaseCk ; Fill up FIFO with data and start a transfer move.l D2, D4 lsr.l #4, D4 ; how many 16-byte loops are needed move.l D4, D6 ; prep D4 to be low word counter swap D6 ; prep D6 to be high word counter and.w #$F, D2 ; d2 = remainder word count after 16-byte moves beq.b @loopBottom ; if nothing this time do the DBRA and 16 full bytes neg.w D2 ; negate to form a backward jump offset jmp @bottomOfMoveBs(D2.w*4) ; bra. into the loop @write16 ; move.b (a2)+, rFIFO(a3) ; do 8 bytes move.b (a2)+, rFIFO(a3) move.b (a2)+, rFIFO(a3) move.b (a2)+, rFIFO(a3) move.b (a2)+, rFIFO(a3) move.b (a2)+, rFIFO(a3) move.b (a2)+, rFIFO(a3) move.b (a2)+, rFIFO(a3) ; move.b (a2)+, rFIFO(a3) ; do 8 more bytes move.b (a2)+, rFIFO(a3) move.b (a2)+, rFIFO(a3) move.b (a2)+, rFIFO(a3) move.b (a2)+, rFIFO(a3) move.b (a2)+, rFIFO(a3) move.b (a2)+, rFIFO(a3) move.b (a2)+, rFIFO(a3) @bottomOfMoveBs RecCmd $10, 'D',$0a move.b #cIOXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load IO transfer cmd & begin xfers eieio ; nonserialized I/O machines only bsr.w QuickIntCheck ; Really Fast check for interrupt beq.b @NoIntYet ; move.l D1, D0 ; copy d1 since we might need to pass it to doIntRegs andi.l #$00BF00FF, D0 ; don't care about some flags or Gross Error bit !!! use constant cmp.l #$00900010, D0 ; Interrupt Pending, XferCnt 0, Data Out, Bus Service !!! use constant bne.b @doFullRegs ; not cool->do the full int thing @loopBottom dbra D4, @write16 ; d4 = # of 16-byte tranfers (low word) dbra D6, @write16 ; d6 = # of 16-byte tranfers (high word) ; ; We've transferred all requested data. ; @completeSlowWrite ClearSCSIIRQ ; make sure that we don't go async with an interrupt ; pending at the VIA but not at the c96 moveq.l #0, D1 ; D1 = # of bytes remaining rts ; @doFullRegs ; not what we were looking for, doIntRegs bsr.w FullIntRegs ; re-enter doIntRegs d1 is the parameter bra.b @afterWt4 ; we just did a wt4scsi the hard way @NoIntYet ClearSCSIIRQ ; make sure that we don't go async with an interrupt ; pending at the VIA but not at the c96 bsr.w Wt4SCSIInt ; Do the long wait for an interrupt bsr.w DeferAndWait ; defer til interupts are enabled @afterWt4 tst.b currentPhase(A5) ; beq.s @loopBottom moveq.l #mFIFOCount, D1 ; and.b int_rFIFOflags(A5), D1 ; get # of un-xferred data in FIFO bne.s @doFlush @afterFlush swap D6 ; move hi word of counter into hi word of long move.w D4, D6 ; get low order word into same long lsl.l #4, D6 ; multiply by 16 add.l D6, D1 ; add FIFOcount to total bytes left rts ; @doFlush RecCmd $01, 'D',$0c move.b #cFlushFIFO, rCMD(a3) ; Flush FIFO eieio bra.s @afterFlush RTSNAME 'SlowWrite96' ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; FastWrite - implements Blind Write ; ; Called by: Transfer ; ; All primitive data transfer routines assume: ; ; d1 - <-- bytes transferred ; d2 - --> number of bytes to transfer ; d3 - scratch - saved ; d5 - scratch - saved ; d6 - scratch - saved ; ; a0 - scratch - saved ; a1 - SCSI chip read base address - NON-SERIALIZED ; a2 - ptr to data buffer - saved ; a3 - SCSI chip read base address - SERIALIZED ; A5 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals ; a5 - scratch - saved ; ; Method of Data Transfer: (uses pseudo-DMA mode) ; 0) Make sure we got our intrp from the last cmd send ; 1) Parcel transfer into 64KB blocks since TC regr. handles 64KB max ; 2) Preload FIFO with non-aligned byte; get us word aligned ; 3) Calc. the number of 32-byte block transfers to perform ; 4) Calc. the remaining number of transfers to perform ; 5) Write data 32-byte blocks at a time using word MOVEs ; 6) Write remaining data using word MOVEs ; 7) Transfer residual byte if there is one ;———————————— FastWrite96 ; ; Loop thru scsiHandshake structure ; move.l D2, D3_total ; save original total request count @firstHandshake lea scsiHandshake(A0), A1 ; and now with ptr to scsiHandshake tst.w (A1) ; if no handshake, beq.s FastWrite96inner ; -> skip handshake, goto inner routine moveq #0, D2_thisTime move.w hdshkRemainder(a0), D2_thisTime ; Leftover Hansdhake? beq.b @next ; nope, start handshake over again move.w #0, hdshkRemainder(a0) ; don't try to do it again... moveq #0, d0 move.b hdshkIndex(a0), d0 ; find out which handshake element we were working on lsl.w #1, d0 ; adjust for word length add.w d0, A1 ; index into the handshake array bra.b @handshake ; and do it @next moveq.l #0, D2_thisTime move.w (A1)+, D2_thisTime beq.s @firstHandshake @handshake sub.l D2_thisTime, D3_total ; decrement total by this hsk count beq.s @lastOne ; if same, -> this is the last one blo.s @useTotal ; if total use the total left move.l A1, -(sp) bsr.s FastWrite96inner ; else, use the hsk value as count move.l (sp)+, A1 tst.w D1 ; did we go out of phase? bne.s @didntFinish ; -> yes, adjust unxferred count and ret bra.s @next ; -> no, get the next hsk for next xfer @didntFinish add.l D3_total, D1 ; readjust total count by unxfered amount rts ; (D1 is return value) @useTotal add.l D2_thisTime, D3_total ; restore total to what it was... move.l D2_thisTime, D0 ; remember what handshake was sub.l D3_total, D0 ; and figure out the remainder was move.w D0, hdshkRemainder(A0) ; so we can remember it for later move.l A1, D0 ; get next hanshake sub.l #2, D0 ; and back up one word (element) lea scsiHandshake(A0), A1 ; get the first hanshake sub.l A1, D0 ; calculate the offset move.b D0, hdshkIndex(A0) ; and remember it for later (whew!) move.l D3_total, D2_thisTime @lastOne bsr.s FastWrite96inner rts ;———————————— FastWrite96inner IF 1 AND RECORD_ON THEN pea 'FsWr' ; EVENT = move.l scsiDataResidual(A0), -(sp) bsr RecordEvent addq.l #8, sp ENDIF IF 1 AND RECORD_ON THEN move.l D2, -(sp) ; number of bytes move.l A2, -(sp) ; bsr RecordEvent addq.l #8, sp ENDIF ; ; Setup A1 to point to a non-serialized image of the c96. If such an image doesn't exist this ; value will be the same as the serialized image. ; move.l pdmaNonSerlzdAddr(A5), A1 ; point to non-serialized chip image moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d0 ; and.b rSTA(a3), d0 ; are we in data-out phase? bne.w PhaseErrAtStart ; data-out phase bits = 0, bra. on phase err cmpi.l #1, d2 ; if 1 byte write then... bne.s @not1 ; pdw bsr OneByteWrite ; ...do 1 byte transfer subq.l #1, D2 bra @goodFWrite @not1 ; ; Install our bus error handler because we are going into a routine that blindly accesses ; the SCSI chip (and it might not always be ready) ; bsr.w InstallBEH96 move.l d2, d6 ; d6 = number 64KB block to perform swap d6 ; upper word of d6 = lower word of d2 andi.l #$0000FFFF, d2 ; mask out upper word beq @2 ; if 0 then we have $10000 (64K) bytes to xfer move.l a2, d5 ; btst.l #0, d5 ; check if input buffer is on word boundary bne.w @misAligned bra.b @skipPhaseCk @next64KB ; buffer is aligned from this point moveq.l #iPhaseMsk, d0 ; load mask for phase bits and.b rSTA(a3), d0 ; are we in data-out phase? bne.w @phaseErr ; nope, outta here. @skipPhaseCk move.l d2, d4 ; d4 <- d2 move.b d4, rXCL(a3) ; TC regr (least-sig. byte) <- d4.b lsr.l #8, d4 ; get upper byte of low word move.b d4, rXCM(a3) ; TC regr (most-sig. byte) <- d4.b eieio RecCmd $90, 'D',$0e move.b #cDMAXfer, rCMD(a3) ; load DMA transfer cmd & begin xfers eieio move.l d2, d4 ; d4 = copy of transfer count lsr.l #5, d4 ; divide xfer count by 32 ror.l #1, d2 ; xfer byte count to word & remember odd byte and.w #$F, d2 ; d2 = remainder word count after 32-byte moves neg.w d2 ; negate to form a backward jump offset nop ; squoosh pipeline jmp @WrLoop(d2.w*2) ; bra. into the loop @write32 ; move.w (a2)+, (a1) ; do 16 bytes move.w (a2)+, (a1) move.w (a2)+, (a1) move.w (a2)+, (a1) move.w (a2)+, (a1) move.w (a2)+, (a1) move.w (a2)+, (a1) move.w (a2)+, (a1) move.w (a2)+, (a1) ; do another 16 bytes move.w (a2)+, (a1) move.w (a2)+, (a1) move.w (a2)+, (a1) move.w (a2)+, (a1) move.w (a2)+, (a1) move.w (a2)+, (a1) move.w (a2)+, (a1) ; @WrLoop dbra d4, @write32 ; d4 = # of 32-byte tranfers nop ; Force write to complete. ; INT & TC maybe TRUE at this point btst.l #31, d2 ; check if we have a residual byte beq.s @noResidual ; @residual move.b (a2)+, rDMA(a3) ; xfer residual byte eieio @noResidual bsr.w RemoveBEH96 ; remove BEH when not in data xfer routine bsr.w Wt4SCSIInt ; Wait for intrp w/o timeout ; on exit d5 = rFOS|rINT|0|rSTA bne.s @goodFWrite ; bra. if ended up disconnected bsr.w DeferAndWait ; defer til interupts are enabled bsr.w InstallBEH96 @2 move.l #$10000, d2 ; init to transfer 64K bytes dbra d6, @next64KB ; @disconnected ; ; Remove our bus error handler ; bsr.w RemoveBEH96 @goodFWrite moveq.l #0, D1 ; d1 = # of bytes transferred @exit rts ; @misAligned ; subq.l #1, d2 ; adjust for transfer count calc move.b (a2)+, rFIFO(a3) ; ...preload fifo with odd byte eieio bra.w @next64KB ; now we're word aligned @phaseErr bsr.w RemoveBEH96 add.l #1,d6 ; undo for dbra swap d6 ; d6 contains the number of 64k xfers move.w #0, D6 ; we only care about the high word move.l d6,d1 ; return the number of bytes left to be xferred bra.s @exit RTSNAME 'FastWrite96' ENDWITH END