;========================================================================== ; ; File: SCSIEqu53c96.a ; ; Contains: Equates for dealing with the SCSI 53c96 chip ; ; Written by: Jonathan Abilay/Paul Wolf ; ; Copyright: © 1990-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; 10/14/93 pdw roll-in. ; 10/12/93 pdw Added support for Synchronous data transfers, rewrote State ; Machine, message handling etc. ; 9/16/93 pdw Tailoring the Select timeout values for 20 and 40MHz clock ; speeds to about 200mS instead of 250mS to see if anybody ; complains. ; 9/9/93 pdw Lots of little changes. Name changes, temporary cache_bug ; stuff. ; 7/17/93 pdw Changed tc bit to bTermCnt (I think). ; 6/29/93 pdw Massive checkins: Change asynchronicity mechanism to CallMachine ; stack switching mechanism. Adding support for Cold Fusion. ; Rearranging HW/SW Init code. Some code optimizations. ; 5/25/93 DCB Rollin from Ludwig. (The next item below) ; 5/21/93 PW Adding target mode commands so that we can respond to a select ; without toasting the bus. ; 5/5/93 PW Converted names to meanies-friendly names. Updated with latest ; from Ludwig stuff. ; 3/26/93 PW Removed initCFx values. ; 1/31/93 PW Update from the latest of Ludwig. Also changes required for PDM ; (will update Ludwig with these as needed myself). ; 1/27/93 PW Once again, added mSCSIRstRptIntDis to CF1. ; 12/5/92 PW Got rid of confusing and worthless iDcBsxx stuff. ; 11/17/92 DCB Changed initCF1: added mSCSIRstRptIntDis to disable interrupt on ; reset until we figure out what's going on. ; 11/12/92 PW Rearranged a bit more logically and put 'm's in front of masks ; and added some more stuff. Removed parityEnable. ; 10/30/92 DCB Changed some flags for to support changes to the interrupt ; handling routines ; 10/8/92 PW Added bit definitions for status register. ; 8/31/92 PW Added vowels. Changed FFO to FIFO, Flsh to Flush, Rst to Reset, ; S to SCSI, Chp to Chip, Acep to Accept, rFOS to rFIFOflags. ; 8/30/92 PW Added cDMASelWAtn3 and cSelWAtn3 commands to equates. ; - PW Initial check-in. ; ;========================================================================== IF &TYPE('__INCLUDING_SCSIEqu53c96__') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN __INCLUDING_SCSIEqu53c96__ SET 1 ;--------------------------------------------------- ; SCSI 53C96 Command Set ;--------------------------------------------------- ;Note: ; for NON-DMA mode, bit7=0. DMA mode command bytes have bit7=1. cNOP EQU $00 ; NOP command cFlushFIFO EQU $01 ; flush FIFO command pdw cResetChip EQU $02 ; reset SCSI chip pdw cResetSCSIBus EQU $03 ; reset SCSI bus pdw cIOXfer EQU $10 ; non-DMA Transfer command cCmdComplete EQU $11 ; Initiator Command Complete Sequence pdw cMsgAccept EQU $12 ; Message Accepted pdw cSendMsg EQU $20 ; Send Message byte(s) cSendStatus EQU $21 ; Send status byte cSendData EQU $22 ; Send data byte(s) cDisconnectSeq EQU $23 ; Send 2 msg bytes and disconnect cTerminateSeq EQU $24 ; Send status byte, message byte then disconnect cTgtCmdComplete EQU $25 ; Send status byte, message byte DON'T disconnect cDisconnect EQU $27 ; Disconnect (drop busy) cRcvMsgSeq EQU $28 ; Receive Message byte(s) cRcvCmd EQU $29 ; Receive command byte(s) (specified count) cRcvData EQU $2a ; Receive data byte(s) cRcvCmdSeq EQU $29 ; Receive command byte(s) (decoded count) cStopDMA EQU $04 ; stop DMA cSelWOAtn EQU $41 ; Select Without ATN Sequence cSelWAtn EQU $42 ; Select With ATN Sequence cSelWAtnStop EQU $43 ; Select With ATN and Stop Sequence pdw cSelWAtn3 EQU $46 ; Select With ATN 3 (msg_out bytes) Sequence pdw cEnableR_sel EQU $44 ; Enable (re)selection cSetAtn EQU $1A ; Set ATN command cRstAtn EQU $1B ; Reset ATN command cDMAXfer EQU $90 ; DMA Transfer command cDMASelWOAtn EQU $C1 ; Select Without ATN Sequence, use DMA cDMASelWAtn EQU $C2 ; Select With ATN Sequence, use DMA cDMASelWAtnStop EQU $C3 ; Select With ATN and Stop Sequence pdw cDMASelWAtn3 EQU $C6 ; Select With ATN 3 (msg_out bytes) Sequence pdw ;--------------------------------------------------- ; SCSI 53C96 Register Defs, Offsets ;--------------------------------------------------- nonSerlzdDisp EQU $040000 ; disp. between serlzd and non-serlzd I/O images rXCL EQU $00 ; Transfer count bits 0-7 (r/w) rXCM EQU $10 ; Transfer count bits 8-15 (r/w) rFIFO EQU $20 ; FIFO (r/w) rCMD EQU $30 ; Command (r/w) rCF1 EQU $80 ; Configuration 1 (w) rCF2 EQU $B0 ; Configuration 2 (w) rCF3 EQU $C0 ; Configuration 3 (w) rSTA EQU $40 ; Status (r) rINT EQU $50 ; Interrupt (r) rSQS EQU $60 ; Sequence Step (r) rFIFOflags EQU $70 ; FIFO Flags/Sequence Step (r) rDID EQU $40 ; Destination Bus ID (w) rSTO EQU $50 ; Select/Reselect Timeout (w) rSyncPeriod EQU $60 ; Synchronous Period (w) rSyncOffset EQU $70 ; Synchronous Offset (w) rCKF EQU $90 ; Clock Conversion Factor (w) rTST EQU $A0 ; Test (w) rXCH EQU $E0 ; Transfer count bits 16-24 (r/w) rChipID EQU rXCH ; Chip ID register (r) rFIFObtm EQU $F0 ; Reserve FIFO Byte (w) rDMA EQU $100 ; Pseudo-DMA regr (r/w) ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————— ; SCSI 53C96 Bit Defs ;———————————————————————————————————————————————————— ;———— Interrupt Register (rINT) bits ———— bSelected EQU 0 ; selected interrupt bSelectedWAtn EQU 1 ; selected w/atn interrupt bReselected EQU 2 ; reselected interrupt bFuncComplete EQU 3 ; function complete bit bBusService EQU 4 ; bus service bit bDisconnected EQU 5 ; disconnected bit bIllegalCmd EQU 6 ; illegal command interrupt bResetDetected EQU 7 ; SCSI reset detected interrupt ;……… masks ……… mSelected EQU 1< mCF1_ParityTestMode EQU $20 ; Parity Test Mode bit mCF1_EnableParity EQU $10 ; Enable Parity Checking bit mCF1_ChipTestMode EQU $08 ; Enable Chip Test Mode bit mCF1_MyBusID EQU $07 ; My SCSI Bus ID Mask ;———— Configuration 2 Register (rCF2) bits ———— mCF2_ReserveFIFOByte EQU $80 ; Reserve FIFO Byte mCF2_FeaturesEnable EQU $40 ; Enable Phase Latch ; 53F96: turns on 24bit xfer count also mCF2_EnableByteControl EQU $20 ; Enable Byte Control mCF2_DREQHiZ EQU $10 ; DREQ High Impedance mCF2_SCSI2 EQU $08 ; SCSI-2 Mode mCF2_TgtBadParityAbort EQU $04 ; Target Bad Parity Abort mCF2_RegisterParity EQU $02 ; Regr Parity Enable mCF2_DMAParity EQU $01 ; DMA Parity Enable ;———— Configuration 3 Register (rCF3) bits ———— mCF3_FastSCSI EQU $10 ; set if rate>5MB/s mCF3_FastClock EQU $08 ; set if clock = 40MHz mCF3_SaveResidual EQU $04 ; Save Residual Byte mCF3_AltDMAMode EQU $02 ; Alternate DMA Mode mCF3_Threshold8 EQU $01 ; Threshold 8 ;———— Other Register bits ———— mSQSMsk EQU $07 ; sequence bits mask value (rSQS) mFIFOCount EQU $1F ; FIFO count mask value (rFOS) mSyncOffset EQU $0F ; synchronous offset bits (rSYO) mSyncPeriod EQU $1F ; synchronous period bits (rSYP) ;--------------------------------------------------- ; Miscellaneous Constants ;--------------------------------------------------- iFifoSize EQU $10 ; FIFO size in bytes ;--------------------------------------------------- ; 53c96 Register Values ;--------------------------------------------------- ;————— Phase values (for iPhaseMsk bits in rSTA) ————— iDataOut EQU $00 ; Data-Out SCSI Phase value iDataIn EQU $01 ; Data-In SCSI Phase value iCommand EQU $02 ; Command Phase value iStatus EQU $03 ; Status Phase value iMsgOut EQU $06 ; Msg-Out SCSI Phase value iMsgIn EQU $07 ; Msg-In SCSI Phase value ;————— Clock Conversion Values (based on SCSI chip clock - not CPU clock) ————— ccf10MHz EQU $02 ; CLK conv factor 10.0Mhz ccf11to15MHz EQU $03 ; CLK conv factor 10.01 to 15.0Mhz ccf16to20MHz EQU $04 ; CLK conv factor 15.01 to 20.0Mhz ccf21to25MHz EQU $05 ; CLK conv factor 20.01 to 25.0Mhz ccf26to30MHz EQU $06 ; CLK conv factor 25.01 to 30.0Mhz ccf31to35MHz EQU $07 ; CLK conv factor 30.01 to 35.0Mhz ccf36to40MHz EQU $00 ; CLK conv factor 35.01 to 40.0Mhz (0 := 8) SelTO16Mhz EQU 126 ; ($7e) using the formula: RV (regr value) ; 126 = (16MHz * 250mS)/ (7682 * 4) ; 250mS is ANSI standard. SelTO20Mhz EQU 132;160 ; ($) using the formula: RV (regr value) ; 162 = (20MHz * 250mS)/ (7682 * 4) ; 250mS is ANSI standard. SelTO25Mhz EQU 167 ; ($a7) using the formula: RV (regr value) ; 163 = (25MHz * 250mS)/ (7682 * 5) ; 250mS is ANSI standard. SelTO33Mhz EQU 167 ; ($a7) using the formula: RV (regr value) ; 153 = (33MHz * 250mS)/ (7682 * 7) ; 250mS is ANSI standard. SelTO40Mhz EQU 132;160 ; ($a7) using the formula: RV (regr value) ; 163 = (40MHz * 250mS)/ (7682 * 8) ; 250mS is ANSI standard. ; ;————— Values to use ————— asyncXfer EQU $0 ; Asynchronous Data Transfer = 0 Synch Offset value ; a non-zero value indicates Synch data xfer initOp EQU asyncXfer ; use this operation ;--------------------------------------------------- ; SCSI DAFB Register Information ;--------------------------------------------------- SCSI0_DAFB EQU $F9800024 ; DAFB address to access SCSI1 DREQ bit SCSI1_DAFB EQU $F9800028 ; DAFB address to access SCSI2 DREQ bit bDREQ EQU 9 ; SCSI DREQ status bit tsc_cf_stg_25 EQU $1EC ; DAFB state maching config value for 25 MHz CPU tsc_cf_stg_33 EQU $041 ; DAFB state maching config value for 33 MHz CPU ENDIF ; already included...