/* File: SIMCorePriv.h Contains: private header stuff for the core of the Apple SIM layer Written by: Paul Wolf Copyright: © 1992-1994 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. Change History (most recent first): 1/31/94 DCB Changed prototype for SIMDualIntPoll 1/29/94 DCB Added otherSIMg to the SIM globals for better dual bus support. 11/22/93 pdw Rolling in from . 11/11/93 pdw Made the HALglobals 16-byte aligned relative to SIMglobals. 11/8/93 pdw Added some spares in the globals. 9/29/93 chp Include some prerequisite headers if necessary. 10/29/93 DCB roll-in. 10/28/93 pdw Added some states used during Target mode. 10/14/93 pdw roll-in. 10/12/93 pdw Added a couple more states. 10/12/93 pdw Added support for Synchronous data transfers, rewrote State Machine, message handling etc. 9/12/93 pdw Prototype maintenance. 9/9/93 pdw Lots of little changes. Name changes, temporary cache_bug stuff. 7/17/93 pdw A few little things. 6/29/93 pdw Massive checkins: Change asynchronicity mechanism to CallMachine stack switching mechanism. Adding support for Cold Fusion. Rearranging HW/SW Init code. Some code optimizations. 5/25/93 DCB Rollin from Ludwig. (The next item below) 5/21/93 PW Adding SIMg parameter to ValidateDeviceIdent so that it can check HostID. 5/5/93 PW Converted names to meanies-friendly names. Updated with latest from Ludwig stuff. 4/30/93 DCB Added prototype for CallBusInquiry 4/14/93 DCB Added SIMInitInfo record to the SIM Globals so we would have it later when we re-register with a new XPT. 3/26/93 PW Moved CallCompRoutine into SIM from XPT. 1/31/93 PW Update from the latest of Ludwig. Also changes required for PDM (will update Ludwig with these as needed myself). 1/27/93 PW Added defaultDisc boolean for optimization of non-concurrent environments. Added prototype for SIMIntPoll. 1/12/93 DCB Added an abort command parameter block to the globals for use in SIMTimerProc. 12/17/92 DCB Got rid of a parameter in SetupResetPB which was no longer needed. 12/5/92 PW Changed ValidateDI prototype. 11/20/92 DCB Async Abort,Terminate and Reset Device support plus I removed some include files 10/30/92 DCB Changed to reflect new ACAM.h <1> 10/8/92 PW first checked in Before SIMCore.h and SIMCorePriv.h split 9/14/92 DCB Added some constants for SCSI ID range limits 9/11/92 DCB Mostly support for BusDeviceReset. Also added a WentBusFree state 8/31/92 DCB Added aborted and terminated ioStats. 8/30/92 PW Added kAssertATN to HALactions record. 8/30/92 DCB Added Immediate Queue to the globals for Terminate/Abort IO 8/20/92 DCB Fixed SCSI Bus Reset */ #ifndef __SIMCOREPRIV__ #define __SIMCOREPRIV__ #ifndef __SCSI__ #include #endif #ifndef __SIMCORE__ #include "SIMCore.h" #endif //**** SCSI State Machine states ***** typedef enum { kIdle =0, // 0 kInitiatingNormal, kInitiatingSDTR, kInitiatingAsyncMsg, kInitiatingOldCall, // 4 kReconGettingMsg, kReconAcceptingMsg, kReconRejectingMsg, kAcceptingDataMsg, // 8 kRejectingDataMsg, kSendingMsg, kGettingDataMsg, kSendingCommand, // C kSwitchingPhase, kGettingStatus, kBitBucketing, kSelecting, // $10 kAwaitingOldCall, kPerformingOldCall, kWentBusFree, kGettingSCSIMsgIn, // $14 kWastingPhase, kDoingData, kGotR_selected, kAcceptingRejectedIdentify, // $18 kAbortingRejectedIdentify, kSendingKillMsg, kSendingEarlyKillMsg, kSendingCommand, // $1c kAcceptingSDTR, kAcceptingEarlySDTR, kRejectingSDTR, kSendingDetectedErrorMsg, // $20 kRejectingEarlyMsg, kEarlySwitchingPhase, kDisconnecting, kDisconnectingB4Command, // $24 kFailingSelect, kWastedToBusFree, kAcceptingRejectedAsyncMsg, kHandlingSelected, // $28 kFreeMachine, kNumSSMstate } SSMstate; /********** GLOBALS **************/ typedef struct { // Static description of bus HALinitInfo HALinfo; // copy of HALinitInfo, made after registration // Dynamic description of bus short unusedS1; // to align qHdr QHdr qHdr; // q header for the SCSI_Exec_IO pbs short unusedS2; // to align qHdr QHdr resetHdr; // q header for pbs which have been cancelled by a reset short unusedS3; // to align qHdr QHdr immedQHdr; // q header for immediate actions (Abort, reset etc.) short pushedState; // to align qHdr QHdr resetPBQ; // a queue of ResetDevice parameter blocks uchar SSMflags; // 8 flags for SCSI state machine uchar Qflags; // 8 flags for SCSI Q Boolean flag2; // Boolean flag4; // Boolean r_selectWaiting;// set by R_selectISR and cleared by StartMachine (+others) Boolean sensePBBusy; // set whenever autosense IOpb is in use Boolean SIMBusy; // Boolean flag5; // short state; // current state of State Machine uchar reconTargetID; // ID of target that just reconnected uchar reconLUN; // LUN of target ... HALactionPB halPB; // action PB for speaking at the HAL SIM_IO * currIOptr; // current IO PB that the SSM is talking about ushort senseWaiting; // Total number of parmeter blocks waiting for autosense SCSIInstr senseTIB[2]; // The TIB for autosense ($a * 2 = $14) void (*MakeCallback)(); // pointer to the XPT layer’s MakeCallback routine Boolean defaultDisc; // true if we should default to disconnect allowed uchar hostID; // Macintosh's (initiator's) SCSI ID on this bus char unusedC8; char unusedC9; Boolean needNegot[8]; // array of flags (per target): needs negotiation uchar syncRAoffset[8];// REQ/ACK offset (per target) uchar syncPeriod[8]; // Transfer period factor (per target) SIM_IO * discIOs[8][8]; // array of pointers to PBs that are disconnected uchar LUNstate[8][8]; // array of flags for the state of a particular LUN (Disconnected, Frozen etc) SIMTMTask mySIMTMTask; // time manager task queue entry (for timeouts) SIMinitInfo * initInfo; // Saved SIM Init Info for re-registration Ptr otherSIMg; // used on dual bus machines long spares[19]; // extras to make patching easier // SIM_IOs (should be at end to make Macsbugging easier) SIM_IO sensePB; // A Parameter block to be used for a request sense SIM_IO resetDevPB; // SCSIAbortCommandPB abortPB; // A parameter block to timeout parameter blocks } SIMglobals; #define sizeofSIMGlobals (((sizeof(SIMglobals)-1)/16+1)*16) //====== Bit definitions for SSMFlags field ====== #define kbSSMBusy 0 /******** Bit definitions for LUNstate field ********/ #define km_LUNdisconnected 0x01 /* LUN has disconnected */ #define km_LUNfrozen 0x02 /* LUN has been frozen */ /******** Fake Functions **********/ #define IdentifyMsg(a,b) (0x80+(a<<6)+(b)) #define IdentifyToLUN(a) ((a)&0x7) #define FindUsedLUN(a,b) (SIMg->LUNstate[a][b]) #define ReconnectIO(a,b) {SIMg->discIOs[a][b] = 0 ; SIMg->LUNstate[a][b] &= ~km_LUNdisconnected;} #define DisconnectIO(a,b,c) {SIMg->discIOs[a][b] = (c); SIMg->LUNstate[a][b] |= km_LUNdisconnected;} #define DefrostLUN(a,b) SIMg->LUNstate[a][b] &= ~km_LUNfrozen; #define FreezeLUN(a,b) SIMg->LUNstate[a][b] |= km_LUNfrozen; #define CallHALaction( a, p, s) do { \ (p)->action = (a); \ ((SIMg->HALinfo.HALaction)(p) ); } while (false) #define CallHALResetBus( a) do { \ ((SIMg->HALinfo.HALResetBus)(a) ); } while (false) #define CallHALSyncConfig(o,p,h) do { \ ((SIMg->HALinfo.HALSyncConfig)(o,p,h) ); } while (false) #define CallHALAssertATN( a) do { \ ((SIMg->HALinfo.HALAssertATN)(a) ); } while (false) #define CallHALTeardownIO( i, h) do { \ ((SIMg->HALinfo.HALTeardownIO)((i),(h))); } while (false) /******** Some Basic Constants *********/ #define kHighestTarget 7 // #define kHighestLUN 7 // #define kHostID 7 // #define kMaxTransferType 1 #define SUPPORTED_scFlags ( \ scsiDirectionMask | \ scsiDisableAutosense | \ scsiCDBIsPointer | \ scsiDisableSyncData | \ scsiSIMQHead | \ scsiSIMQFreeze | \ scsiSIMQNoFreeze | \ scsiDoDisconnect | \ scsiDontDisconnect | \ scsiDataDMAready ) #define SUPPORTED_scIOFlags ( \ scsiNoParityCheck | \ scsiDisableSelectWAtn | \ scsiSavePtrOnDisconnect | \ scsiNoBucketIn | \ scsiNoBucketOut ) #define SUPPORTED_scDataTypes ( \ scsiBusDataTIB | \ scsiBusDataBuffer | \ scsiBusDataSG ) /******** Function Prototypes - Entry Points (called by XPT via SIMinitInfo) ********/ OSErr SIMinit (SIMinitInfo * SIMinfoPtr); long SIM_ISR (SIMglobals * SIMg); long SIMIntPoll (SIMglobals * SIMg); void SIMaction (SIM_IO *ioPtr, SIMglobals * SIMg); void NewOldCall( SIM_IO * ioPtr, SIMglobals * SIMg); long SIMDualIntPoll(SIMglobals *SIMg); /******** Function Prototypes - Internal to SIM ********/ void CallCompRoutine( SCSI_IO * ioPtr); void ResetSIM( SIMglobals * SIMg); void ReconnectEvent( HALactionPB * reconPBptr); void ReconStartMachine( SIMglobals * SIMg); void NewIOStartMachine( SIMglobals * SIMg); void ReconnectISR( SIMglobals * SIMg); Boolean TheMachine( OSErr * finalStatus, SIM_IO ** completedIO, SIMglobals * SIMg); void StartTimer( SIMglobals * SIMg); void SIMTimerProc( void); Boolean CallBusInquiry( SIM_IO * ioPtr, SIMglobals * SIMg); void CompleteIO( OSErr finalStatus, SIM_IO * ioPtr, SIMglobals * SIMg); short BlockInterrupts(void); void UnblockInterrupts( short oldSR); void SetupResetPB( uchar TargetID, SIMglobals * SIMg ); OSErr ValidateDeviceIdent( DeviceIdent TargetID, SIMglobals * SIMg ); Boolean ValidatePB( SIM_IO *ioPtr, SIMglobals * SIMg ); void CallMachine(SIMglobals * SIMg); extern SIM_IO * GetNextAutoSense( SIMglobals * SIMg); #endif __SIMCOREPRIV__