;EASE$$$ READ ONLY COPY of file “alLDEF.a” ; 1.0 prp 08/07/1989 Initial Creation ; END EASE MODIFICATION HISTORY ;________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; File: alLDEF.a ; Contains: alias manager list definition procedure ; adopted from FindFile ; Written by: Prashant Patel ; ; Copyright 1989 by Apple Computer, Inc. ; All Rights Reserved. ; ;________________________________________________________________________________ BLANKS ON STRING ASIS INCLUDE 'Traps.a' INCLUDE 'PackMacs.a' alLDEF PROC EXPORT ; PROCEDURE DrawCell(LMessage:INTEGER; LSelect:BOOLEAN; LRect:Rect; LCell: Cell; ; LDataOffset, LDataLen:INTEGER; LHandle:Handle); ; Stack Frame definition for ListDefProc 0 LHandle EQU 4 ; Handle to list data record LParamSize EQU 20 ; # of bytes of parameters BRA.S @0 ; enter here ; standard header DC.W 0 ; flags word DC.B 'LDEF' ; type DC.W -16390 ; ID DC.W 0 ; version @0 MOVE.L LHandle(SP), A1 ; Get handle to list record MOVE.L (A1), A1 ; Pointer to list record MOVE.L listDefHandle(A1), A0 ; Get handle to me (defproc) _HUnlock ; Unlock me (fix for List Manager bug) MOVE.L refCon(A1), D0 ; Should be (gulp) pointer to C defproc BEQ.S noC ; Bail out if no C yet MOVE.L D0, A0 ; Get in right register JMP (A0) ; execute the real one noC: MOVE.L (SP)+, A0 ; Return address ADDA.W #LParamSize, SP ; Pop args JMP (A0) ; Return to List Mgr. END