{ File: dpDialogs.p Contains: code for all modal dialogs in the Edition Manager Written by: Nick Kledzik Copyright: © 1989-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. Change History (most recent first): <15> 5/7/92 DCL April Fools! Un-Included DateTime. <14> 4/1/92 DCL Include DateTime.p to get the calls that were moved there from elsewhere. Part of #1025005 <13> 10/2/91 JSM Use StandardFilePriv instead of StandardFile3Priv. <12> 1/29/91 JAL Added include for MenuMgrPriv. <11> 12/14/90 ngk add USE of dpSection <10> 10/29/90 ngk added use of DialogsPriv <9> 6/6/90 ngk Use IconUtilsPriv for generic icons <8> 5/31/90 ngk use CTBUtilities <7> 4/7/90 ngk Add use of dpPubIO. Fix USES again. <6> 3/17/90 ngk Add dp_DrawPreview to interface. <5> 3/10/90 ngk Fix USES for faster compiles. <4> 2/25/90 ngk Use StandardFile3 LDEF. <3> 2/7/90 ngk Add dependency on Dialogs and Files. <2> 1/6/90 ngk Change USES to Editions.p & EditionsPrivate.p moved last container code to dpInit.p removed short versions of routines. <1.7> 11/13/89 ngk Cleaned up USEs <•1.6> 10/2/89 ngk Added DialogsOnceOnlyQuit to support saving of last EditionContainer throught shutdowns <1.5> 9/25/89 ngk Changed some uses to support new SectionInfoDialog. <1.4> 9/18/89 ngk Added filter proc to dialogs <1.3> 8/8/89 ngk Changed definition of dpSubscribeToDialog and dpPublishAsDialog to use reply records instead of lots of VAR parameters. <1.2> 5/31/89 ngk Removed dependency on SofaLinks <1.1> 5/29/89 ngk Added SectionInfoDialog Changed Interface to PublishAsDialog to return UpdateMode <1.0> 5/19/89 ngk Submitted for first time } UNIT dpDialogs; INTERFACE USES { • public Interface files } StandardEqu, Editions, StandardFile, CTBUtilities, { • private Interface files } EditionsPrivate, IconUtilsPriv, StandardFilePriv, Layers, DialogsPriv,MenuMgrPriv, { • other Edition Manager Units } dpMisc, dpSection, dpPubIO, dpEvents; FUNCTION dp_DrawPreview(theData: Handle; theFormat: FormatType; previewRect: Rect): OSErr; FUNCTION dp_NewSubscriberExpDialog(VAR reply: NewSubscriberReply; where: Point; extentionDITLresID: INTEGER; dlgHook: ExpDlgHookProcPtr; filterProc: ExpModalFilterProcPtr; callBackPtr: Ptr): OSErr; FUNCTION dp_NewPublisherExpDialog(VAR reply: NewPublisherReply; where: Point; extentionDITLresID: INTEGER; dlgHook: ExpDlgHookProcPtr; filterProc: ExpModalFilterProcPtr; callBackPtr: Ptr): OSErr; FUNCTION dp_SectionOptionsExpDialog(VAR reply: SectionOptionsReply; where: Point; extentionDITLresID: INTEGER; dlgHook: ExpDlgHookProcPtr; filterProc: ExpModalFilterProcPtr; callBackPtr: Ptr): OSErr; IMPLEMENTATION {$I dpCompileOptions.inc.p } {$I dpDialogs.inc.p } END. { dpDialogs }