{ File: dpPubControlBlock.p Contains: Code for creation, disposing, and using Publication Control Blocks Written by: Nick Kledzik Copyright: © 1989-1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. Change History (most recent first): <6> 6/20/90 ngk change CanonicalFileSpec to FSSpec <5> 5/31/90 ngk now have GetLastEditionContainerUsed <4> 4/7/90 ngk Fix uses. <3> 3/10/90 ngk Fixed USES file order. <2> 1/6/90 ngk Changed USES to use Edition.p and EditionPrivate.p removed PubCBOnceOnlyInt to Init.p <1.7> 11/13/89 ngk Cleaned up dependencies <1.6> 10/2/89 ngk EASE sucks <•1.5> 10/2/89 ngk nothing <1.4> 9/18/89 ngk Changed FileSpec to CanonicalFileSpec. <1.3> 8/29/89 ngk Change PubCBbumpUsageCount to use IOCount instead of openCount. <1.2> 8/8/89 ngk Added PubControlBlockOnceOnlyInit <1.1> 5/29/89 ngk Changed PubCB to have a handle to usage info instead of the PubCB being variable size. Factored usage changes into PubCBbumpUsageCount <1.0> 5/19/89 ngk Submitted for first time To Do: } UNIT dpPubControlBlock; INTERFACE USES { • public Interface files } StandardEqu, Editions, { • private Interface files } EditionsPrivate, { • other Edition Manager Units } dpMisc, dpPubIO; CONST kCheckExisting = TRUE; kCanAllocateNew = TRUE; kCanGrowUsage = TRUE; FUNCTION dpGetPubCBListHeadNode(VAR headNode: PubCBLinkHandle): OSErr; FUNCTION dpRequestPubCB(editionFile: FSSpec; me: AppRefNum; checkExisting, canAllocateNew: BOOLEAN; VAR thePubCB: PubCBHandle): OSErr; FUNCTION dpReleasePubCB(thePubCB: PubCBHandle; me: AppRefNum): OSErr; FUNCTION dpPubCBbumpUsageCount(usageInfo: TotalAppUsageHandle; whichApp: AppRefNum; canGrowUsage: BOOLEAN; bumpUseCount,bumpIOCount: INTEGER):OSErr; FUNCTION dpDisposePubCB(thePubCB: PubCBHandle): OSErr; PROCEDURE dpRemoveAppsPubCBs(whichApp: AppRefNum); FUNCTION dp_GetLastEditionContainerUsed(VAR container: EditionContainerSpec): OSErr; IMPLEMENTATION {$I dpCompileOptions.inc.p } {$I dpPubControlBlock.inc.p } END. { dpPubControlBlock }