; ; File: IconUtils.a ; ; Contains: Assembler portion of utilities for plotting color icons. ; Includes dispatcher. ; ; Written by: David Collins ; ; Copyright: © 1990-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; 6/3/93 PN In routines GetIconCacheData and SetIconCacheData the input ; parameters are 8 bytes. In returning from the routines, 6 was ; added to stack pointer and left 2 bytes on the stack. Correction ; is made by adding 8 to stack pointer. ; 11/19/92 RB Set ROMMapInsert to MapTrue just before doing some GetResource ; calls so that we look in ROM first. ; <28> 7/1/92 DC #1032893 : Replaced the Psychotic Farmer fix to the listed ; bug with the CubeE fix which is more robust and correct and ; makes the world safe for Tsunami. ; <27> 3/20/92 DC Removed GetGlobalPtr in future versions to take advantage of ; GetExpandMem macro. ; <26> 3/19/92 DC Changed references to printerPortCache in the globalIconData ; structure to a separate ExpandMem reference. ; <25> 10/29/91 DC Rolled out all post-7.0 changes by one huge conditional for ; Cube-E. ; <24> 9/27/91 DC Fixed a bug in Get/SetIconDevice. Still treated icon globals as ; a handle as opposed to a Ptr. ; <23> 8/30/91 DC Removed GetGlobalHandle (no longer used). Added patches to ; printing traps to intercept the creation of grafports used for ; printing. ; <22> 3/5/91 DC dba, #84160: Added GetGlobalHandle ; <21> 11/29/90 DC ngk - Added GetIconDevice. Changed the internal name of ; SetIconDevice from SetIconDevice. ; <20> 11/27/90 DC NGK - Added dispatch info for PlotIconHandle PlotSICNHandle and ; PlotCIconHandle ; <19> 9/15/90 DC Fixed bug in SetIconDevice ; <18> 7/30/90 gbm axe warnings ; <17> 7/26/90 DC Fixed some dumb bugs. ; <16> 7/25/90 DC added Get/Set cache proc/data (untested) ; <15> 7/23/90 DC added default label usin in PlotIconSuite glue ; <14> 7/5/90 DC Added hit-testing and region-producing ; <13> 6/29/90 DC Fixed ShouldPlotDeep() to not check a GrafPort's bit-depth. ; Added GetLabel and SetLabel ; <12> 6/13/90 DC Adding an install proc to set up global color icon data ; <11> 6/7/90 ngk Added END to end of file to suppress warning ; <10> 5/31/90 DC Changed sicn to icm# ; <9> 5/30/90 DC Changed name of interface from IconUtils.a to Icons.a ; <8> 5/22/90 DC Made IconCache a subclass of IconSuite. ; <7> 5/4/90 DC Added many routines NewIconSuite, ForEachIconDo, etc. ; <6> 4/18/90 DC Use typeTable for mapping of IconType values to corresponding ; ResType ; <5> 4/10/90 DC Fixed dispatcher so that it dispatches as opposed to crashing ; <4> 4/9/90 DC Fixed ShouldPlotDeep ; <1> 4/7/90 DC first checked in ; ; To Do: ; ; this is a big conditional used to protect Cube-E from all my post-7.0 changes. I thought ; this was the safest way to roll back completely to 7.0. The code in the else clause of this ; conditional is the entirety (minus header comments) of version 64 of IconUtils.c, which is ; the version that went into 7.0 final. IF TheFuture THEN LOAD 'StandardEqu.d' INCLUDE 'InternalMacros.a' INCLUDE 'LinkedPatchMacros.a' INCLUDE 'IconUtilsPriv.a' INCLUDE 'ToolUtils.a' ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IconDispatch - dispatcher for all Icon utilities. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IconDispatch BeginDispatcher $ABC9,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci) DispatchSelectors __PlotIconID=selectPlotIconID DispatchSelectors __GetIconSuite=selectGetIconSuite DispatchSelectors __DisposeIconSuite=selectDisposeIconSuite DispatchSelectors __PlotIconSuite=selectPlotIconSuite DispatchSelectors __MakeIconCache=selectMakeIconCache DispatchSelectors __PlotIconMethod=selectPlotIconMethod DispatchSelectors __LoadIconCache=selectLoadIconCache DispatchSelectors __NewIconSuite=selectNewIconSuite DispatchSelectors __AddIconToSuite=selectAddIconToSuite DispatchSelectors __GetIconFromSuite=selectGetIconFromSuite DispatchSelectors __ForEachIconDo=selectForEachIconDo DispatchSelectors __GetLabel=selectGetLabel DispatchSelectors __SetLabel=selectSetLabel DispatchSelectors __PtInIconID=selectPtInIconID DispatchSelectors __PtInIconSuite=selectPtInIconSuite DispatchSelectors __PtInIconMethod=selectPtInIconMethod DispatchSelectors __RectInIconID=selectRectInIconID DispatchSelectors __RectInIconSuite=selectRectInIconSuite DispatchSelectors __RectInIconMethod=selectRectInIconMethod DispatchSelectors __IconIDToRgn=selectIconIDToRgn DispatchSelectors __IconSuiteToRgn=selectIconSuiteToRgn DispatchSelectors __IconMethodToRgn=selectIconMethodToRgn DispatchSelectors __SetSuiteLabel=selectSetSuiteLabel DispatchSelectors __GetSuiteLabel=selectGetSuiteLabel DispatchSelectors __SetIconDevice=selectSetIconDevice DispatchSelectors __GetIconCacheData=selectGetIconCacheData DispatchSelectors __SetIconCacheData=selectSetIconCacheData DispatchSelectors __GetIconCacheProc=selectGetIconCacheProc DispatchSelectors __SetIconCacheProc=selectSetIconCacheProc DispatchSelectors __PlotIconHandle=selectPlotIconHandle DispatchSelectors __PlotSICNHandle=selectPlotSICNHandle DispatchSelectors __PlotCIconHandle=selectPlotCIconHandle DispatchSelectors __GetIconDevice=selectGetIconDevice DispatchSelectors __UpdateIconGlobals=selectUpdateIconGlobals EndDispatcher ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; typeTable - a table that maps icontype values to the corresponding ResType. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROC CASE ON EXPORT typeTable typeTable CASE OFF DC.L Large1BitMask DC.L Large4BitData DC.L Large8BitData DC.L Small1BitMask DC.L Small4BitData DC.L Small8BitData DC.L Mini1BitMask DC.L Mini4BitData DC.L Mini8BitData CASE ON ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FromResource is a call-back of the kind used by PlotIconGeneric, IconToRgnGeneric ; and HitTestIconGeneric (See IconUtils.c). It is used to implement PlotIconID, ; PtInIconID, RectInIconID and IconIDtoRgn. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FromResource PROC EXPORT IMPORT typeTable MOVE.W $A(SP), D0 ; get the icon type MOVE.L $4(SP), D1 ; get the icon data SUBQ #$4, SP ; Make Room for return parameter ASL.W #$2, D0 ; get index into type table LEA typeTable, A1 ; get the table of resTypes MOVE.L $00(A1,D0.W), -(SP) ; push the icon type MOVE.W D1, -(SP) ; push the icon id MOVE.W #MAPTRUE,ROMMAPINSERT ; look in ROM first rb _GetResource ; call GetResource MOVE.L (A7)+, D0 ; pop the handle into D0 for return RTS ; return ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The following block implements PlotIconID, PlotIconSuite and LoadIconCache ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROC EXPORT __PLOTICONID EXPORT __PLOTICONSUITE EXPORT __LOADICONCACHE IMPORT PLOTICONGENERIC ; defined in IconUtils.c IMPORT FromResource IMPORT FromSuite ; defined in IconUtils.c defaultID EQU 2 suiteHandle EQU 4 transform EQU 8 labelMask EQU $0F00 __PLOTICONID MOVEQ #0, D1 ; record a true value for "dontDraw" MOVEA.L (A7)+, A0 ; Save the return address in A0 MOVE.W (A7)+, D0 ; Pop the Id off the stack EXT.L D0 ; Extend the id to a long MOVE.L D0, -(A7) ; Push it back on the stack as a refcon for PlotIconGeneric PEA FromResource ; Push the address of FromResource BRA.S COMMON ; go to common code __LOADICONCACHE MOVEQ #1, D1 ; record a true value for "dontDraw" BRA.S POPRETURN ; go to the save return address code __PLOTICONSUITE MOVE.W transform(A7), D1 ; Get the current transform ANDI.W #labelMask, D1 ; check if there is a specified label BNE.S SETFLAG ; if there is, plot normally MOVEA.L suiteHandle(A7), A0 ; Get a handle to the suite MOVEA.L (A0), A0 ; Get a pointer to the suite MOVE.W defaultID(A0), D0 ; Get the default label BEQ.S SETFLAG ; if there is no default, plot normally OR.W D0,transform(A7) ; replace label with the new value SETFLAG MOVEQ #0, D1 ; record a false value for "dontDraw" POPRETURN MOVEA.L (A7)+, A0 ; Save the return address in A0 PEA FromSuite ; Push the address of FromSuite (the suite handle is already on the stack) COMMON MOVE.W D1,-(A7) ; Push the "dontDraw" value MOVE.L A0, -(A7) ; Re-push the return address JMP PLOTICONGENERIC ; Jump to PlotIconGeneric ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The following block implements IconIdToRgn and IconSuiteToRgn ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROC EXPORT __ICONIDTORGN EXPORT __ICONSUITETORGN IMPORT ICONTORGNGENERIC IMPORT FromResource IMPORT FromSuite __ICONIDTORGN MOVEA.L (A7)+, A0 ; Save the return address in A0 MOVE.W (A7)+, D0 ; Pop the Id off the stack EXT.L D0 ; Extend the id to a long MOVE.L D0, -(A7) ; Push it back on the stack as a refcon for PlotIconGeneric PEA FromResource ; Push the address of FromResource BRA.S COMMON ; go to common code __ICONSUITETORGN MOVEA.L (A7)+, A0 ; Save the return address in A0 PEA FromSuite ; Push the address of FromSuite (the suite handle is already on the stack) COMMON MOVE.L A0, -(A7) ; Re-push the return address JMP ICONTORGNGENERIC ; Jump to IconToRgnGeneric ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The following block implements PtInIconID, PtInIconSuite, RectInIconID and ; RectInIconSuite ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROC EXPORT __PTINICONID EXPORT __PTINICONSUITE EXPORT __RECTINICONID EXPORT __RECTINICONSUITE IMPORT HITTESTICONGENERIC ; defined in IconUtils.c IMPORT FromResource IMPORT FromSuite ; defined in IconUtils.c __RECTINICONID MOVEQ #1, D1 ; record that this is a rect call BRA.S IDCODE __PTINICONID MOVEQ #0, D1 ; record that this is a point call IDCODE MOVEA.L (A7)+, A0 ; Save the return address in A0 MOVE.W (A7)+, D0 ; Pop the Id off the stack EXT.L D0 ; Extend the id to a long MOVE.L D0, -(A7) ; Push it back on the stack as a refcon for PlotIconGeneric PEA FromResource ; Push the address of FromResource BRA.S COMMON ; go to common code __RECTINICONSUITE MOVEQ #1, D1 ; record that this is a rect call BRA.S SUITECODE __PTINICONSUITE MOVEQ #0, D1 ; record that this is a point call SUITECODE MOVEA.L (A7)+, A0 ; Save the return address in A0 PEA FromSuite ; Push the address of FromSuite (the suite handle is already on the stack) COMMON MOVE.W D1,-(A7) ; Push the IsRect value MOVE.L A0, -(A7) ; Re-push the return address JMP HITTESTICONGENERIC ; Jump to HitTestIconGeneric ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FromMethod is a call-back of the kind used by PlotIconGeneric, IconToRgnGeneric ; and HitTestIconGeneric (See IconUtils.c). It is used to implement PlotIconMethod, ; PtInIconMethod, RectInIconMethod and IconMethodtoRgn. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FromMethod PROC EXPORT IMPORT typeTable MOVE.W $A(SP), D0 ; get the icon type MOVEA.L $4(SP), A0 ; get the icon data SUBQ #$4, SP ; Make Room for return parameter ASL.W #$2, D0 ; get index into type table LEA typeTable, A1 ; get the table of resTypes MOVE.L $00(A1,D0.W), -(SP) ; push the icon type MOVE.L (A0)+,-(SP) ; push the method data MOVE.L (A0), A0 ; get the address of the IconGetter JSR (A0) ; call the IconGetter MOVE.L (A7)+, D0 ; pop the handle into D0 for return RTS ; return ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PlotIconMethod ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __PLOTICONMETHOD PROC EXPORT IMPORT FromMethod IMPORT PLOTICONGENERIC ; defined in IconUtils.c LEA $14(SP), A0 ; Point to just beyond the rect parameter LEA 4(SP), A1 ; Get the address of the Method and its data SUBQ #2, SP ; Make room for return value MOVE.L -(A0), -(SP) ; Repush the rect parameter MOVE.L -(A0), -(SP) ; Repush the alignment and transform MOVE.L A1, -(SP) ; push a ptr to the method data PEA FromMethod ; push the method handler CLR.W -(SP) ; push a false for dontDraw parameter and allocate for return value JSR PLOTICONGENERIC ; Jump to PLOTICONGENERIC MOVE.W (SP)+, D0 ; Get return value MOVEA.L (SP), A0 ; Get return address LEA $14(SP), SP ; Pop the parameters MOVE.W D0, (SP) ; place the return value JMP (A0) ; RETURN ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IconMethodToRgn ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __ICONMETHODTORGN PROC EXPORT IMPORT FromMethod IMPORT ICONTORGNGENERIC ; defined in IconUtils.c LEA $16(SP), A0 ; Point to just beyond the rect parameter LEA $4(SP), A1 ; Get the address of the Method and its data SUBQ #$2, SP ; Make room for return value MOVE.L -(A0), -(SP) ; Repush the RgnHandle parameter MOVE.L -(A0), -(SP) ; Repush the DestRect MOVE.W -(A0), -(SP) ; Repush the alignment MOVE.L A1, -(SP) ; push a ptr to the method data PEA FromMethod ; push the method handler JSR ICONTORGNGENERIC ; Call common icon to rgn code MOVE.W (SP)+, D0 ; Get return value MOVEA.L (SP), A0 ; Get return address LEA $16(SP), SP ; Pop the parameters MOVE.W D0, (SP) ; place the return value JMP (A0) ; RETURN ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The following block implements PtInIconMethod and RectInIconMethod ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROC isAPoint EQU 0 isARect EQU 1 EXPORT __PTINICONMETHOD EXPORT __RECTINICONMETHOD IMPORT FromMethod IMPORT HITTESTICONGENERIC ; defined in IconUtils.c __RECTINICONMETHOD MOVEQ #isARect, D0 ; record that this is a rect test BRA.S COMMON __PTINICONMETHOD MOVEQ #isAPoint, D0 ; record that this is a point test COMMON LEA $16(SP), A0 ; Load A0 with address just after all params LEA $4(SP), A1 ; Get the address of the method data SUBQ #$2, SP ; make room for return value MOVE.L -(A0), -(SP) ; repush the test data (point or rect ptr) MOVE.L -(A0), -(SP) ; repush the icon dest rect MOVE.W -(A0), -(SP) ; repush the alignment MOVE.L A1, -(SP) ; push a pointer to the method data PEA FromMethod ; push the method handler MOVE.W D0, -(SP) ; push the point/rect identifier JSR HITTESTICONGENERIC ; jsr to HitTestIconGeneric MOVE.W (SP)+, D0 ; pop the return value MOVEA.L (SP), A0 ; pop the return address LEA $16(SP), SP ; pop the remaining parameters MOVE.W D0, (SP) ; return the error JMP (A0) ; return ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The following block implements AddIconToSuite and GetIconFromSuite ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROC paramErr EQU -50 IMPORT EDITICONSUITE ; defined IconUtils.c EXPORT __ADDICONTOSUITE, __GETICONFROMSUITE __ADDICONTOSUITE MOVEQ #1, D1 ; Store a code indicating __AddIconToSuite BRA.S COMMON ; Branch to Common code __GETICONFROMSUITE MOVEQ #0, D1 ; Store a code indicating __GetIconFromSuite COMMON MOVEA.L (SP), A0 ; Get the return address MOVE.L D1, (SP) ; Place the routine flag at the top of the stack MOVE.L A0, -(SP) ; Push the return address JMP EDITICONSUITE ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; pascal void AdjustRgn(RgnHandle, Rect *from, Rect *to); ; ; exactly like MapRgn except it checks if the from and to rect are the same width ; and height. If they are the same width and height, it calls OffsetRgn (much cheaper). ; It is NOT a general purpose routine. It makes use of the fact that "from" has (0,0) ; for a top left point. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADJUSTRGN PROC EXPORT TO EQU $4 FROM EQU $8 MASKRGN EQU $C MOVEA.L TO(A7), A0 ; Get a pointer to the "to" Rect MOVEA.L FROM(A7), A1 ; Get pointer to the "from" Rect ADDQ.L #4, A1 ; A1 is now a pointer to the "bottom" coordinate of "from" MOVE.L MASKRGN(A7), -(A7) ; re-push the RgnHandle for the call to offset or map ; Get the top left point of "to" into D0. This is also the offset of "to" from ; "from" because we know that "from"'s upper left is (0, 0). MOVE.L (A0)+, D0 ; Move the top left point of "to" into D0 ; The following code gets the difference between the bottom right point ; of the "to" Rect and the bottom right point of the "from" rect and ; stores it as a Point in D1 MOVE.L (A0), D1 ; Move the bottom right point of "to" into D1 SWAP D1 ; Get the bottom value into the low word of D1 SUB.W (A1)+, D1 ; Subtract the bottom value of "from" SWAP D1 ; Get the right value of "to" into low word of D1 SUB.W (A1), D1 ; Subtract the right value of "from" ; If the two difference points are the same, then the rectangles are equivalent ; but offset from one another, in which case we call OffsetRgn. CMP.L D0, D1 BNE.S DOMAP TST.L D0 ; Are the Rects Identical? BNE.S OFFSET ; No, do the offset rgn. ADDQ.L #4, A7 ; Yes, pop the rgn handle and leave BRA.S LEAVE OFFSET MOVE.L D0, -(A7) ; Push the difference point _OffsetRgn ; trap to OffsetRgn BRA.S LEAVE ; exit the routine DOMAP SUBQ.L #$6, A1 ; Rewind A1 to point at "from" MOVE.L A1, -(A7) ; push a pointer to the "from" rect SUBQ.L #$4, A0 ; Rewind A0 to point at "to" MOVE.L A0, -(A7) ; push a Pointer to the "to" rect _MapRgn ; trap to MapRgn LEAVE MOVEA.L (A7)+, A0 ; Get return address MOVEQ #$C, D0 ; Clean up stack ADD.L D0, A7 JMP (A0) ; return RTS ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The following block implements GetIconCacheData, SetIconCacheData, GetIconCacheProc ; and SetIconCacheProc ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE OFF PROC THEDATA EQU 4 ; offset on the stack of data/proc THECACHE EQU 8 ; offset on the stack of the cache EXPORT __GetIconCacheData, __SetIconCacheData EXPORT __GetIconCacheProc, __SetIconCacheProc __GetIconCacheData MOVEQ #0, D0 ; record that this is a get call BRA.S COMMONDATA ; Go to the common call for Get/Set Data __SetIconCacheData MOVEQ #1, D0 ; record that this is a set call BRA.S COMMONDATA ; Go to the common call for Get/Set Data __GetIconCacheProc MOVEQ #0, D0 ; record that this is a get call BRA.S COMMONPROC ; Go to the common call for Get/Set Proc __SetIconCacheProc MOVEQ #1, D0 ; record that this is a set call COMMONPROC MOVEQ #IconCache.userMethod, D1 ; record the offset of the procPtr COMMONDATA MOVEQ #IconCache.userPtr, D1 ; record the offset of the data COMMON MOVEA.L THECACHE(SP), A0 ; Get the handle to the cache MOVEA.L (A0), A0 ; Get the ptr to the cache TST.W IconSuite.theType(A0) ; check if it is a cache BNE.S ISSUITE ; exit with paramErr MOVE.W #paramErr, D0 ; record the error BRA.S EXIT ; cleanup and exit ISSUITE ADDA.L D1, A0 ; A1 now points to data or proc as apropriate TST.L D0 ; check if this is a get or set call… BEQ.S GETCODE ; and branch as appropriate. MOVE.L THEDATA(SP), (A0) ; set the apropriate member BRA.S EXITOK ; Exit without error. GETCODE MOVEA.L THEDATA(SP), A1 ; get the address to return data in MOVE.L (A0), (A1) ; return the data EXITOK MOVEQ #noErr, D0 ; record no error. EXIT MOVEA.L (SP)+, A0 ; Pop return address into A0 ADDQ.L #8, SP ; Point stack at return value MOVE.W D0, (SP) ; put return value on the stack JMP (A0) ; return ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The following block implements SetIconDevice and GetIconDevice ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROC EXPORT __SetIconDevice EXPORT __GetIconDevice __GetIconDevice MOVEQ #1, D0 ; Set flag indicating this is a GetIconDevice call BRA.S COMMON __SetIconDevice CLR.L D0 ; Set flag indicating this is a SetIconDevice call COMMON MOVEA.L 4(SP), A1 ; Get the parameter CMPI.W #$3FFF, ROM85 ; Bail if not color QuickDraw BGT.S CHECK_AND_EXIT MOVE.L EXPANDMEM, A0 ; point to expandMem MOVEA.L ExpandMemRec.emIconCluts(A0), A0 ; Get pointer to our globals TST.L D0 ; Is this a get or a set call? BEQ.S SET MOVE.L GlobalIconData.virtualScreen(A0), (A1) ; Stuff the variable parameter with the current icon device BRA.S EXIT SET MOVE.L A1, GlobalIconData.virtualScreen(A0) ; Stuff the right field with the imput data BRA.S EXIT CHECK_AND_EXIT TST.L D0 BEQ.S EXIT CLR.L (A1) EXIT MOVEA.L (SP), A1 ADDQ.L #$8, SP ; pop the parameters and return address JMP (A1) ; return ENDPROC ; here begins the 7.0 version of the code ELSE LOAD 'StandardEqu.d' INCLUDE 'InternalMacros.a' INCLUDE 'LinkedPatchMacros.a' INCLUDE 'IconUtilsPriv.a' INCLUDE 'ToolUtils.a' ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IconDispatch - dispatcher for all Icon utilities. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IconDispatch BeginDispatcher $ABC9,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci) DispatchSelectors __PlotIconID=selectPlotIconID DispatchSelectors __GetIconSuite=selectGetIconSuite DispatchSelectors __DisposeIconSuite=selectDisposeIconSuite DispatchSelectors __PlotIconSuite=selectPlotIconSuite DispatchSelectors __MakeIconCache=selectMakeIconCache DispatchSelectors __PlotIconMethod=selectPlotIconMethod DispatchSelectors __LoadIconCache=selectLoadIconCache DispatchSelectors __NewIconSuite=selectNewIconSuite DispatchSelectors __AddIconToSuite=selectAddIconToSuite DispatchSelectors __GetIconFromSuite=selectGetIconFromSuite DispatchSelectors __ForEachIconDo=selectForEachIconDo DispatchSelectors __GetLabel=selectGetLabel DispatchSelectors __SetLabel=selectSetLabel DispatchSelectors __PtInIconID=selectPtInIconID DispatchSelectors __PtInIconSuite=selectPtInIconSuite DispatchSelectors __PtInIconMethod=selectPtInIconMethod DispatchSelectors __RectInIconID=selectRectInIconID DispatchSelectors __RectInIconSuite=selectRectInIconSuite DispatchSelectors __RectInIconMethod=selectRectInIconMethod DispatchSelectors __IconIDToRgn=selectIconIDToRgn DispatchSelectors __IconSuiteToRgn=selectIconSuiteToRgn DispatchSelectors __IconMethodToRgn=selectIconMethodToRgn DispatchSelectors __SetSuiteLabel=selectSetSuiteLabel DispatchSelectors __GetSuiteLabel=selectGetSuiteLabel DispatchSelectors __SetIconDevice=selectSetIconDevice DispatchSelectors __GetIconCacheData=selectGetIconCacheData DispatchSelectors __SetIconCacheData=selectSetIconCacheData DispatchSelectors __GetIconCacheProc=selectGetIconCacheProc DispatchSelectors __SetIconCacheProc=selectSetIconCacheProc DispatchSelectors __PlotIconHandle=selectPlotIconHandle DispatchSelectors __PlotSICNHandle=selectPlotSICNHandle DispatchSelectors __PlotCIconHandle=selectPlotCIconHandle DispatchSelectors __GetIconDevice=selectGetIconDevice EndDispatcher ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; typeTable - a table that maps icontype values to the corresponding ResType. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROC CASE ON EXPORT typeTable typeTable CASE OFF DC.L Large1BitMask DC.L Large4BitData DC.L Large8BitData DC.L Small1BitMask DC.L Small4BitData DC.L Small8BitData DC.L Mini1BitMask DC.L Mini4BitData DC.L Mini8BitData CASE ON ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; GetGlobalPtr and GetGlobalHandle are utilities which return either a pointer or ; handle to the icon utilities global block ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetGlobalPtr PROC EXPORT CASE OFF WITH ExpandMemRec MOVE.L ExpandMem, A0 MOVE.L emIconCluts(A0), A0 MOVE.L (A0), D0 ENDWITH RTS CASE ON ENDPROC GetGlobalHandle PROC EXPORT CASE OFF WITH ExpandMemRec MOVE.L ExpandMem, A0 MOVE.L emIconCluts(A0), D0 ENDWITH RTS CASE ON ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FromResource is a call-back of the kind used by PlotIconGeneric, IconToRgnGeneric ; and HitTestIconGeneric (See IconUtils.c). It is used to implement PlotIconID, ; PtInIconID, RectInIconID and IconIDtoRgn. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FromResource PROC EXPORT IMPORT typeTable MOVE.W $A(SP), D0 ; get the icon type MOVE.L $4(SP), D1 ; get the icon data SUBQ #$4, SP ; Make Room for return parameter ASL.W #$2, D0 ; get index into type table LEA typeTable, A1 ; get the table of resTypes MOVE.L $00(A1,D0.W), -(SP) ; push the icon type MOVE.W D1, -(SP) ; push the icon id MOVE.W #MAPTRUE,ROMMAPINSERT ; look in ROM first rb _GetResource ; call GetResource MOVE.L (A7)+, D0 ; pop the handle into D0 for return RTS ; return ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The following block implements PlotIconID, PlotIconSuite and LoadIconCache ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROC EXPORT __PLOTICONID EXPORT __PLOTICONSUITE EXPORT __LOADICONCACHE IMPORT PLOTICONGENERIC ; defined in IconUtils.c IMPORT FromResource IMPORT FromSuite ; defined in IconUtils.c defaultID EQU 2 suiteHandle EQU 4 transform EQU 8 labelMask EQU $0F00 __PLOTICONID MOVEQ #0, D1 ; record a true value for "dontDraw" MOVEA.L (A7)+, A0 ; Save the return address in A0 MOVE.W (A7)+, D0 ; Pop the Id off the stack EXT.L D0 ; Extend the id to a long MOVE.L D0, -(A7) ; Push it back on the stack as a refcon for PlotIconGeneric PEA FromResource ; Push the address of FromResource BRA.S COMMON ; go to common code __LOADICONCACHE MOVEQ #1, D1 ; record a true value for "dontDraw" BRA.S POPRETURN ; go to the save return address code __PLOTICONSUITE MOVE.W transform(A7), D1 ; Get the current transform ANDI.W #labelMask, D1 ; check if there is a specified label BNE.S SETFLAG ; if there is, plot normally MOVEA.L suiteHandle(A7), A0 ; Get a handle to the suite MOVEA.L (A0), A0 ; Get a pointer to the suite MOVE.W defaultID(A0), D0 ; Get the default label BEQ.S SETFLAG ; if there is no default, plot normally OR.W D0,transform(A7) ; replace label with the new value SETFLAG MOVEQ #0, D1 ; record a false value for "dontDraw" POPRETURN MOVEA.L (A7)+, A0 ; Save the return address in A0 PEA FromSuite ; Push the address of FromSuite (the suite handle is already on the stack) COMMON MOVE.W D1,-(A7) ; Push the "dontDraw" value MOVE.L A0, -(A7) ; Re-push the return address JMP PLOTICONGENERIC ; Jump to PlotIconGeneric ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The following block implements IconIdToRgn and IconSuiteToRgn ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROC EXPORT __ICONIDTORGN EXPORT __ICONSUITETORGN IMPORT ICONTORGNGENERIC IMPORT FromResource IMPORT FromSuite __ICONIDTORGN MOVEA.L (A7)+, A0 ; Save the return address in A0 MOVE.W (A7)+, D0 ; Pop the Id off the stack EXT.L D0 ; Extend the id to a long MOVE.L D0, -(A7) ; Push it back on the stack as a refcon for PlotIconGeneric PEA FromResource ; Push the address of FromResource BRA.S COMMON ; go to common code __ICONSUITETORGN MOVEA.L (A7)+, A0 ; Save the return address in A0 PEA FromSuite ; Push the address of FromSuite (the suite handle is already on the stack) COMMON MOVE.L A0, -(A7) ; Re-push the return address JMP ICONTORGNGENERIC ; Jump to IconToRgnGeneric ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The following block implements PtInIconID, PtInIconSuite, RectInIconID and ; RectInIconSuite ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROC EXPORT __PTINICONID EXPORT __PTINICONSUITE EXPORT __RECTINICONID EXPORT __RECTINICONSUITE IMPORT HITTESTICONGENERIC ; defined in IconUtils.c IMPORT FromResource IMPORT FromSuite ; defined in IconUtils.c __RECTINICONID MOVEQ #1, D1 ; record that this is a rect call BRA.S IDCODE __PTINICONID MOVEQ #0, D1 ; record that this is a point call IDCODE MOVEA.L (A7)+, A0 ; Save the return address in A0 MOVE.W (A7)+, D0 ; Pop the Id off the stack EXT.L D0 ; Extend the id to a long MOVE.L D0, -(A7) ; Push it back on the stack as a refcon for PlotIconGeneric PEA FromResource ; Push the address of FromResource BRA.S COMMON ; go to common code __RECTINICONSUITE MOVEQ #1, D1 ; record that this is a rect call BRA.S SUITECODE __PTINICONSUITE MOVEQ #0, D1 ; record that this is a point call SUITECODE MOVEA.L (A7)+, A0 ; Save the return address in A0 PEA FromSuite ; Push the address of FromSuite (the suite handle is already on the stack) COMMON MOVE.W D1,-(A7) ; Push the IsRect value MOVE.L A0, -(A7) ; Re-push the return address JMP HITTESTICONGENERIC ; Jump to HitTestIconGeneric ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FromMethod is a call-back of the kind used by PlotIconGeneric, IconToRgnGeneric ; and HitTestIconGeneric (See IconUtils.c). It is used to implement PlotIconMethod, ; PtInIconMethod, RectInIconMethod and IconMethodtoRgn. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FromMethod PROC EXPORT IMPORT typeTable MOVE.W $A(SP), D0 ; get the icon type MOVEA.L $4(SP), A0 ; get the icon data SUBQ #$4, SP ; Make Room for return parameter ASL.W #$2, D0 ; get index into type table LEA typeTable, A1 ; get the table of resTypes MOVE.L $00(A1,D0.W), -(SP) ; push the icon type MOVE.L (A0)+,-(SP) ; push the method data MOVE.L (A0), A0 ; get the address of the IconGetter JSR (A0) ; call the IconGetter MOVE.L (A7)+, D0 ; pop the handle into D0 for return RTS ; return ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PlotIconMethod ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __PLOTICONMETHOD PROC EXPORT IMPORT FromMethod IMPORT PLOTICONGENERIC ; defined in IconUtils.c LEA $14(SP), A0 ; Point to just beyond the rect parameter LEA 4(SP), A1 ; Get the address of the Method and its data SUBQ #2, SP ; Make room for return value MOVE.L -(A0), -(SP) ; Repush the rect parameter MOVE.L -(A0), -(SP) ; Repush the alignment and transform MOVE.L A1, -(SP) ; push a ptr to the method data PEA FromMethod ; push the method handler CLR.W -(SP) ; push a false for dontDraw parameter and allocate for return value JSR PLOTICONGENERIC ; Jump to PLOTICONGENERIC MOVE.W (SP)+, D0 ; Get return value MOVEA.L (SP), A0 ; Get return address LEA $14(SP), SP ; Pop the parameters MOVE.W D0, (SP) ; place the return value JMP (A0) ; RETURN ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IconMethodToRgn ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __ICONMETHODTORGN PROC EXPORT IMPORT FromMethod IMPORT ICONTORGNGENERIC ; defined in IconUtils.c LEA $16(SP), A0 ; Point to just beyond the rect parameter LEA $4(SP), A1 ; Get the address of the Method and its data SUBQ #$2, SP ; Make room for return value MOVE.L -(A0), -(SP) ; Repush the RgnHandle parameter MOVE.L -(A0), -(SP) ; Repush the DestRect MOVE.W -(A0), -(SP) ; Repush the alignment MOVE.L A1, -(SP) ; push a ptr to the method data PEA FromMethod ; push the method handler JSR ICONTORGNGENERIC ; Call common icon to rgn code MOVE.W (SP)+, D0 ; Get return value MOVEA.L (SP), A0 ; Get return address LEA $16(SP), SP ; Pop the parameters MOVE.W D0, (SP) ; place the return value JMP (A0) ; RETURN ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The following block implements PtInIconMethod and RectInIconMethod ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROC isAPoint EQU 0 isARect EQU 1 EXPORT __PTINICONMETHOD EXPORT __RECTINICONMETHOD IMPORT FromMethod IMPORT HITTESTICONGENERIC ; defined in IconUtils.c __RECTINICONMETHOD MOVEQ #isARect, D0 ; record that this is a rect test BRA.S COMMON __PTINICONMETHOD MOVEQ #isAPoint, D0 ; record that this is a point test COMMON LEA $16(SP), A0 ; Load A0 with address just after all params LEA $4(SP), A1 ; Get the address of the method data SUBQ #$2, SP ; make room for return value MOVE.L -(A0), -(SP) ; repush the test data (point or rect ptr) MOVE.L -(A0), -(SP) ; repush the icon dest rect MOVE.W -(A0), -(SP) ; repush the alignment MOVE.L A1, -(SP) ; push a pointer to the method data PEA FromMethod ; push the method handler MOVE.W D0, -(SP) ; push the point/rect identifier JSR HITTESTICONGENERIC ; jsr to HitTestIconGeneric MOVE.W (SP)+, D0 ; pop the return value MOVEA.L (SP), A0 ; pop the return address LEA $16(SP), SP ; pop the remaining parameters MOVE.W D0, (SP) ; return the error JMP (A0) ; return ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The following block implements AddIconToSuite and GetIconFromSuite ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROC paramErr EQU -50 IMPORT EDITICONSUITE ; defined IconUtils.c EXPORT __ADDICONTOSUITE, __GETICONFROMSUITE __ADDICONTOSUITE MOVEQ #1, D1 ; Store a code indicating __AddIconToSuite BRA.S COMMON ; Branch to Common code __GETICONFROMSUITE MOVEQ #0, D1 ; Store a code indicating __GetIconFromSuite COMMON MOVEA.L (SP), A0 ; Get the return address MOVE.L D1, (SP) ; Place the routine flag at the top of the stack MOVE.L A0, -(SP) ; Push the return address JMP EDITICONSUITE ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; pascal void AdjustRgn(RgnHandle, Rect *from, Rect *to); ; ; exactly like MapRgn except it checks if the from and to rect are the same width ; and height. If they are the same width and height, it calls OffsetRgn (much cheaper). ; It is NOT a general purpose routine. It makes use of the fact that "from" has (0,0) ; for a top left point. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADJUSTRGN PROC EXPORT TO EQU $4 FROM EQU $8 MASKRGN EQU $C MOVEA.L TO(A7), A0 ; Get a pointer to the "to" Rect MOVEA.L FROM(A7), A1 ; Get pointer to the "from" Rect ADDQ.L #4, A1 ; A1 is now a pointer to the "bottom" coordinate of "from" MOVE.L MASKRGN(A7), -(A7) ; re-push the RgnHandle for the call to offset or map ; Get the top left point of "to" into D0. This is also the offset of "to" from ; "from" because we know that "from"'s upper left is (0, 0). MOVE.L (A0)+, D0 ; Move the top left point of "to" into D0 ; The following code gets the difference between the bottom right point ; of the "to" Rect and the bottom right point of the "from" rect and ; stores it as a Point in D1 MOVE.L (A0), D1 ; Move the bottom right point of "to" into D1 SWAP D1 ; Get the bottom value into the low word of D1 SUB.W (A1)+, D1 ; Subtract the bottom value of "from" SWAP D1 ; Get the right value of "to" into low word of D1 SUB.W (A1), D1 ; Subtract the right value of "from" ; If the two difference points are the same, then the rectangles are equivalent ; but offset from one another, in which case we call OffsetRgn. CMP.L D0, D1 BNE.S DOMAP TST.L D0 ; Are the Rects Identical? BNE.S OFFSET ; No, do the offset rgn. ADDQ.L #4, A7 ; Yes, pop the rgn handle and leave BRA.S LEAVE OFFSET MOVE.L D0, -(A7) ; Push the difference point _OffsetRgn ; trap to OffsetRgn BRA.S LEAVE ; exit the routine DOMAP SUBQ.L #$6, A1 ; Rewind A1 to point at "from" MOVE.L A1, -(A7) ; push a pointer to the "from" rect SUBQ.L #$4, A0 ; Rewind A0 to point at "to" MOVE.L A0, -(A7) ; push a Pointer to the "to" rect _MapRgn ; trap to MapRgn LEAVE MOVEA.L (A7)+, A0 ; Get return address MOVEQ #$C, D0 ; Clean up stack ADD.L D0, A7 JMP (A0) ; return RTS ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The following block implements GetIconCacheData, SetIconCacheData, GetIconCacheProc ; and SetIconCacheProc ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE OFF PROC THEDATA EQU 4 ; offset on the stack of data/proc THECACHE EQU 8 ; offset on the stack of the cache EXPORT __GetIconCacheData, __SetIconCacheData EXPORT __GetIconCacheProc, __SetIconCacheProc __GetIconCacheData MOVEQ #0, D0 ; record that this is a get call BRA.S COMMONDATA ; Go to the common call for Get/Set Data __SetIconCacheData MOVEQ #1, D0 ; record that this is a set call BRA.S COMMONDATA ; Go to the common call for Get/Set Data __GetIconCacheProc MOVEQ #0, D0 ; record that this is a get call BRA.S COMMONPROC ; Go to the common call for Get/Set Proc __SetIconCacheProc MOVEQ #1, D0 ; record that this is a set call COMMONPROC MOVEQ #IconCache.userMethod, D1 ; record the offset of the procPtr COMMONDATA MOVEQ #IconCache.userPtr, D1 ; record the offset of the data COMMON MOVEA.L THECACHE(SP), A0 ; Get the handle to the cache MOVEA.L (A0), A0 ; Get the ptr to the cache TST.W IconSuite.theType(A0) ; check if it is a cache BNE.S ISSUITE ; exit with paramErr MOVE.W #paramErr, D0 ; record the error BRA.S EXIT ; cleanup and exit ISSUITE ADDA.L D1, A0 ; A1 now points to data or proc as apropriate TST.L D0 ; check if this is a get or set call… BEQ.S GETCODE ; and branch as appropriate. MOVE.L THEDATA(SP), (A0) ; set the apropriate member BRA.S EXITOK ; Exit without error. GETCODE MOVEA.L THEDATA(SP), A1 ; get the address to return data in MOVE.L (A0), (A1) ; return the data EXITOK MOVEQ #noErr, D0 ; record no error. EXIT MOVEA.L (SP)+, A0 ; Pop return address into A0 ADDQ.L #8, SP ; Point stack at return value MOVE.W D0, (SP) ; put return value on the stack JMP (A0) ; return ENDPROC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The following block implements SetIconDevice and GetIconDevice ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROC EXPORT __SetIconDevice EXPORT __GetIconDevice __GetIconDevice MOVEQ #1, D0 ; Set flag indicating this is a GetIconDevice call BRA.S COMMON __SetIconDevice CLR.L D0 ; Set flag indicating this is a SetIconDevice call COMMON MOVEA.L 4(SP), A1 ; Get the parameter CMPI.W #$3FFF, ROM85 ; Bail if not color QuickDraw BGT.S CHECK_AND_EXIT MOVE.L EXPANDMEM, A0 ; point to expandMem MOVEA.L ExpandMemRec.emIconCluts(A0), A0 ; Get Handle to our globals MOVEA.L (A0), A0 ; Get pointer TST.L D0 ; Is this a get or a set call? BEQ.S SET MOVE.L GlobalIconData.virtualScreen(A0), (A1) ; Stuff the variable parameter with the current icon device BRA.S EXIT SET MOVE.L A1, GlobalIconData.virtualScreen(A0) ; Stuff the right field with the imput data BRA.S EXIT CHECK_AND_EXIT TST.L D0 BEQ.S EXIT CLR.L (A1) EXIT MOVEA.L (SP), A1 ADDQ.L #$8, SP ; pop the parameters and return address JMP (A1) ; return ENDPROC ENDIF END ; of file