; ; File: WindowMgr.a ; ; Contains: Window Manager for MacIntosh User Interface ToolBox ; ; Written by: Andy Hertzfeld May 23, 1982 ; ; Copyright: © 1982-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; 9/30/93 IH Change hasDisplayMgr feature to hasDisplayMgrWindows. This ; allows me to build the display manager in the gibbly without ; patching out the window manager on PDM. ; 9/9/93 SAM w/jdr Saved D1 thru a call to CopyRgn in DragTheRgn. Bad Ernie. ; 9/2/93 SKH The gray region was not being set up correctly for non-rounded GDevices ; 6/22/93 kc Check window title handle before dereferencing it in GetWTitle. ; 6/17/93 KW (LW11 fau) In the dragThumb routine, check to see if the ; emControlHandle is nil, and if so, do the normal case where we ; use Paintrgn. (LW10 fau) Cleaned up the use of DragFlag to ; always set and test a word. ; 6/14/93 kc Roll in Ludwig. ; 5/3/93 chp Flush the caches for WDEF handles smaller than 32 bytes. It used ; to be 16 bytes, but a 22-byte, unflushed, fake defproc has been ; discovered in Software Ventures Microphone II and Microphone ; Pro. (RADAR #1082386) ; 3/8/93 fau In the CallWindow routine, flushed the cache if the WDEF handle ; is less or equal to 16 bytes. In previous ROMS, HLock was doing ; the cache flush, but SM Roms don't do that anymore. See the ; comment for more details. ; 6/7/93 CSS Per Shannon Holland, fix another problem if the scroll bar was ; unable to get the colors it needed to draw the shaded colors on ; color monitor. ; 6/3/93 CSS Per Shannon Holland and KON, change the pattern to black when we ; do our special thumb dragging routine. This fixes a bug in PDM. ; 5/17/93 CSS Per code review with Mark Law and Kevin Williams of Cyclone: ; change test for whether we changed ports to WMgrCPort from a ; test of PortOffset (the failure case would be if local 0,0 is ; ever equal to global 0,0 which is possible even though unlikely) ; to testing if the port is color again. ; 5/5/93 CSS Make sure that the clip is wide open when we use the wmgrcport ; when dragging the thumb. ; 5/5/93 CSS Dean fixed a problem with not working properly when ; drawing in black&white ports. Also, I cleaned up some of the ; code. ; 4/30/93 CSS Make _DragTheRgn drag a black box when we are dragging a scroll ; bar thumb. We tell this by using the DragFlag. So, we must be ; careful about clearing this flag after we are done with it. The ; clear state (DragFlag=0) is the original behavior of _DragTheRgn ; 4/8/93 IH Touch file to force rebuild because default state of ; hasDisplayMgr flag is changing for RISC builds. Display Manager ; will not initialize properly without recompiling this file. ; 3/31/93 IH Use Display Manager to Draw Desktop if hasDisplayMgr is true. ; 2/4/93 CSS Rollin Horror (WindowMgrPatch.a). Comments follow: ;
7/8/92 SWC Fixed a bug in InitWindowFramePatch that would cause it to fall ; thru to the ‘normal’ code even in the LCD case. ;

01/27/92 jmp Removed the BoxFlag dependencies in these patches, and padded to ; match the TERROR/Zydeco ROM map. ;

1/14/92 SWC Added DB-Lite LC to the list of LCD screen machines. Changed ; boxTIM and boxTIMLC to boxPowerBook170 and boxPowerBook140. ;

10/29/91 jmp Did a quick-and-dirty update to the InitWindowsFrame and ; InitWindowsRgn patches to support DB-Lites. These routines need ; to be cleaned up soon. ; 1/13/93 kc Change BSR's to JSR's to appease the Linker gods. ; 12/10/92 HI Modified CallWindow to save the A4 register for those WDEF's ; which trash it (specifically Dreams 1.1). (Hoon Im) ; 12/09/92 HI Modified DragTheRgn to set/clear the emIsDragging field of ; ExpandMem upon entry/exit. This allows OSEventAvail to determine ; whether to execute the HelpMgr patch code or bypass it. The ; HelpMgr patch code causes the HelpMgr to remove/show balloons ; which trash the clipRgn, penPat, and penMode of WMgrPort; then, ; DragTheRgn canNOT properly remove the drag region. Bypassing the ; HelpMgr patch code solves this problem and IT IS supposed to ; behave this way in the first place. (Hoon Im) ; 11/3/92 SWC Changed PaletteEqu.a->Palettes.a. ; 9/17/92 kc Remove short branches. ; 7/15/92 PN Fix the bug in ShowHide where the show/hide flag was push on the ; stack before jsr Preshowhide. The byte gets pushed was not the ; flag but some garbage since the offset from (sp) was wrong. ; 7/13/92 FM Fixed a bug in send behind. In the case where a window had ; actually been moved forward by SendBehind I wasn't preserving ; the original nextWindow in a4. As a result the loop was ; comparing to whatever garbage happened to be in a4 which would ; often cause a crash. Basically just a dumb mistake on my part… ; 6/22/92 RB Rolled-in the Help Manager patch to ShowHide from ; BalloonPthc28.a, HMShowHidePatch. ; 6/12/92 CSS Roll-in Reality Changes: ; <10> 6/11/92 FM Removed the obsolete call to FixSMgrWorld. ; 5/22/92 FM ; 5/5/92 FM Redo the windowmgr patches and bring up to date w/ Reality: ; ; deleted calcviswindow since it is completely patched out. Kept SubStructLoop. ; deleted CheckUpdate because it is completely patched out ; and PaintBehind ; ; ; rolled in patchSectRgn. Just needed to call _ClipAbove instead of JSRing ; ; rolled in CheckPaintWhiteWord. Changed a tst.b to a tst.w ; ; rolled in PaintDesk from WindowMgrPatches.a into PaintTheDesk in the WindowMgr.a file. ; I renamed the routine PaintDesk (as in the patch file) and I took out the ROM85 check for ; color since the SuperMario ROM always has color. Took out export of NoDeskHook. Its no ; longer needed since (yet again) we're not jumping through the patch file anymore. ; ; rolled in PreShowHide more cleanly in ShowHide. ; ; Renamed InitWindows as InitWindowsGuts so that we wouldn't be bouncing between the patch ; file, LayerMgr.c and here. The Dispatch Table now points to __InitLayers ; ; copied over Philips NewWindow and NewCWindow routines and broke them into procs. ; ; Renamed closewindow as closewindowguts so that it can be called from the layermgr ; and the dispatch table won't point at the patch file. ; ; rolled in patch to move ShowHide call in closewindow, in front of KillControls to eliminate unecessary redrawing ; ; Changed all frontwindow calls to JSR __ActiveWindow ; ; Rolled in ShowHideInShowWindow correctly (and cleaner). Otherwise we would be trashing A1 all the time. ; ; ; Roll in SetWTitleActivatePalette ; ; Rolled in PaintOneInMoveWindow w/ explanation. ; ; Cleaned up the ugly patchFrontWindow selectWindow case ; ; re-roll in the SendBehind patch instead of copyingy and pasting it so it is easier to read ; and more straightforaward. ; ; fixed bugs due to copy and paste in the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate ; proceudres. ; ; Rolled in PatchDragGrayRgn ; ; Renamed FindWindow as findlayer because thats what the patches did. Saves us going through ; the patch file. ; ; ReRolled in the fixes to SetCtlColor and SetWinColor which were messy and wrong. ; Added utility routine GetRearWindow ; ; ; <9> 4/23/92 DTY The last change leaves a region on the screen if you drag a ; window over the menu bar, then back again. If the outline is ; just becoming visible again, don’t do the XorRgn. ; <8> 4/21/92 DTY Get rid of the “fast paint” case in DragTheRgn. _PaintRgn is ; fast enough now to deal with funky regions. Also reworked ; dragging algorithm so the region doesn’t flicker as it is ; dragged around. ; <7> 4/17/92 DTY Dean hates the fact that everything’s lumped into one huge Proc. ; Make separate procs for all the routines. ; <6> 9/25/91 JSM Also, stop using useless conditional HMenus. ; <5> 9/25/91 JSM Cleanup header, remove use of hasCQD from this file since all ; future ROMs will have color QuickDraw. ; <4> 9/13/90 BG Removed <3>. 040s are behaving more reliably now. ; <3> 7/19/90 BG Added EclipseNOPs for flakey 040s. ; <2> 1/18/90 DVB Include PalettePriv.a ; <1.5> 12/4/89 MSH Moved a local label into a conditional. ; <1.4> 10/31/89 dba concatenated source files WindowMgr1.a, WindowMgr2.a and ; WindowMgr3.a to this one ; ; Note: This file used to be split into four pieces. Here are the modification histories for each: ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Modification History for WindowMgr.a ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 1.3 SES 08/22/1989 Removed references to nFiles. ; 1.2 DAF 05/30/1989 Added INCLUDE of PaletteEqu.a ; 1.1 CCH 11/10/1988 Fixed Header. ; 1.0 CCH 11/ 9/1988 Adding to EASE. ; 1.3 GGD 11/ 2/1988 Got rid of machine specific conditionals in favor of ; feature based conditionals. ; 1.2 PKE 10/27/1988 Added reference to FixSMgrWorld ;•1.1 CCH 9/23/1988 Got rid of inc.sum.d and empty nFiles ; 1.0 BBM 2/11/88 Adding file for the first time into EASE… ; ; 04-Aug-82 AJH added DocumentProc ; 10-Aug-82 AJH got rid of scrapWindow,getSysWindows,GetGrayRgn ; 31-Aug-82 AJH added GrowWindow ; 07-Sep-82 AJH added DrawMBar external reference ; 22-Sep-82 AJH integrate string routines ; 25-Sep-82 AJH added dBoxWProc,TrackGoAway ; 29-Sep-82 AJH made CallWindow externally accessible ; 09-Oct-82 AJH converted to QuickDraw Trap interface ; 16-Oct-82 AJH added copyRight notice ; 01-Nov-82 AJH added FindWindow ; 14-Nov-82 AJH added SelectWindow ; 20-Nov-82 AJH changed SendToBack to SendBehind ; 21-Nov-82 AJH got rid of DiffVisBehind ; 24-Dec-82 AJH made DocumentProc,DBoxProc resources ; 02-Jan-83 AJH made ShowHide externally accessible ; 31-Jan-83 AJH added CloseWindow ; 07-Feb-83 AJH GetSysPorts -> GetWmgrPort ; 03-Apr-83 AJH Added interface for PinRect, DeltaPoint ; 28-Apr-83 AJH move PinRect to cursor core ; 23-Jun-83 SC Multi-window ornaments (Changed SystemKind test in wmgrasm3) ; 05-Aug-83 AJH Added DrawGrowIcon ; 12-Aug-83 AJH added alternate entry point to DragTheRgn (DragGrayRgn) ; 09-Sep-83 AJH made WmgrGray external ; 23 Jan 85 LAK Adapted for new equate files.; ; 23-Jan-85 EHB added patches: cancel pending paintBehind; reset alarm parity; ; say that window world exists. ; 23-Jan-85 EHB Made CloseWindow cancel pending activate events; made it ; properly update curActivate in DoActivate ; 23-Jan-85 EHB Fixed SetWTitle so no flicker if structure doesn't change ; 23-Jan-85 EHB fixed FrontWindow to return NIL if no window world ; 31 Jan 85 EHB When a window is closed or disposed, and thePort was set to ; that window, set thePort to WMgrPort instead. ; 10-May-85 EHB Made the drawing in InitWindows really clean ; 9-Jul-85 EHB Added ROMMapInsert for ROM resources ; 5-Aug-85 EHB Made initwindows call menu routine CalcMBHeight so that the menu ; bar height always correct for calc'ing regions. ; EHB Added SetWPort and RestorePort to CallWindow so that defproc can ; call GetFontInfo on the window manager port ; 6-Aug-85 EHB fixed DragWindow's pinning for variable menu heights ; Added .REF of CalcMBHeight from menu manager ; 29-Aug-85 EHB In SetWTitle check for NIL window title handle ; 29-Aug-85 EHB Added routine TrackBox for tracking zoom boxes etc... ; 29-Aug-85 EHB Added routine ZoomWindow(window:windowPtr;partCode:integer); ; to do it, split off MoveGuts and SizeGuts from Move- and SizeWindow ; 09-Sep-85 EHB Pull right update byte off stack in sizewindow. ; 23-Oct-85 EHB save D1 across FindWindow to make OverView work ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; Post Lonely Hearts ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; <19feb86> BBM Made some modifications to work under MPW ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; DAF Color window manager support for nuMac added (no 020 code) ; DAF Updated default color constants for new QD ; DAF Made a fix to GoPaintOne to correctly preserve colors ; DAF Converted to RGBColor specifications everywhere. ; Added color window manager port. Added new call ; GetCWmgrPort. ; DAF reverted to setting wmgrPort rather than wmgrCPort for ; compatibility ; DAF Made FindWindow call MBarProc (menuMgr) to test for menubar hits ; To do this, CallMBarProc is imported. ; DAF Added SetDeskCPat, removed SetDeskColor ; DAF Added GetWVariant ; MSH Port to HcMac (Laguna). Menu bar proc call. ; rwh Port to Modern Victorian ; DAF Updated PaintDesk to switch to system heap when using deskPPAT. ; Fixed CallWindow to call syserror if WDEF LoadResource didn't work. ; ; <1.2/30May89> DAF Added PaletteEqu.a. Fixed up 32-bit mode handling of auxWinRecs. ; Updated palette disposal in CloseWindow. ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Modification History for WindowMgr1.a ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 1.2 SES 08/22/1989 Removed references to nFiles. Updated equates accordingly. ; 1.1 CCH 11/10/1988 Fixed Header. ; 1.0 CCH 11/ 9/1988 Adding to EASE. ; 1.1 GGD 11/ 2/1988 Got rid of machine specific conditionals in favor of ; feature based conditionals. ; 1.0 BBM 2/11/88 Adding file for the first time into EASE… ; ; 20-Aug-82 AJH Fixed bug in InsertWindow when inserting 1st one in list ; 06-Sep-82 AJH Made InsertWindow/DeleteWindow handle empty list ; 08-Oct-82 AJH Converted for QuickDraw trap interface ; 21-Nov-82 AJH got rid of DiffVisBehind (no-one was using it) ; 21-Nov-82 AJH Added string routines (were in WmgrAsm2) ; 23-Nov-82 AJH Made InsertWindow clear NextWindow link to avoid circles ; 19-Dec-82 AJH Installed deskHook hook for painting the desk, use deskPat ; 23-Jan-83 AJH Made it use deskHook for inDesk in FindWindow ; 10-Jun-83 AJH Saved code in NewString, SetString using Capps' routines ; 15-Aug-83 AJH Monster code krunch following review (Donn, Jerome) ; 01-Sep-83 AJH Changed booleans in PaintOne to be bytes instead of words ; 28-Oct-85 EHB In ShowHide, fixed compare of booleans for equality. ; ; DAF Changed GoPaintOne and desktop filling routines to ; support color in nuMac ; DAF Fixed color setting in GoPaintOne. ; EHB Added routine PortToMap ; Make sure we use the right BOUNDS for color ports ; (only needed for nuMac, but works for old) ; DAF Converted to RGB color specifications. Changed ; manager to use color wmgrPort. Disabled whiteRgn ; erase in PaintBehind for nuMac only. Fixed ; PaintWhite to work in nuMac. ; DAF reverted to setting wmgrPort rather than wmgrCPort for ; compatibility ; DAF Fixed NoDeskHook to eliminate update bug, and use pRam copy ; of deskCPatEnable. ; <18Jun87> DAF Conditionalized Palette Mgr patch to ShowHide. ; rwh Port to Modern Victorian ; DAF Updated PaintDesk to switch to system heap when using deskPPAT. ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Modification History for WindowMgr2.a ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 1.7 SES 08/22/1989 Removed references to nFiles. Updated equates accordingly. ;•1.6 DAF 06/30/1989 Override of previous version due to lack of space on ; Reality ; 1.6 DAF 06/30/1989 Cleared hi half of register in EORSymbol's call to WDEFs ; 1.5 DAF 06/28/1989 Moved WWExist flag setting to end of routine (after ; window world really IS set up) ; 1.4 DAF 05/30/1989 Fixed dispose of AuxWinRecs in 32-bit addressing mode. ; Updated palette dispose tests ;•1.3 DAF 04/27/1989 Improved color desktop handling in InitWindows ; 1.2 MSH 03/01/1989 Added support for external video (Topanga) with Dave F's ; help. ; 1.1 CCH 11/10/1988 Fixed Header. ; 1.0 CCH 11/ 9/1988 Adding to EASE. ; 1.2 GGD 11/ 2/1988 Got rid of machine specific conditionals in favor of ; feature based conditionals. ; 1.1 PKE 10/27/1988 Added code to InitWindows for in-ROM ScriptManager. ; 1.0 BBM 2/11/88 Adding file for the first time into EASE… ; ; 04-Aug-82 AJH 'TenBytExit' label added add end of 'SizeWindow' ; 10-Aug-82 AJH Got rid of GetSysWindows,GetGrayRgn,scrapWindow; ; 20-Aug-82 AJH Added InitMsg call to NewWindow; DisposeMsg call to DisposeWindow ; 29-Aug-82 AJH made InitWindowsinitialize IShapeHook for controls ; 06-Sep-82 AJH made CheckUpdate handle empty window list ; 06-Sep-82 AJH got rid of Alert and DialogWindow as special ones ; 07-Sep-82 AJH saved code in InitWindow using common code to draw menu bar ; 12-Sep-82 AJH made windowMgr calcRgns for invisible windows instead of procs ; 19-Sep-82 AJH made InitWindow set up symbol bitmap low memory pointers ; 22-Sep-82 AJH integrated string routines ; 26-Sep-82 AJH made DisposeWindow dispose the window's controls ; 28-Sep-82 AJH made TrackGoAway send message to XOR, changed CallDWindow ; 05-Oct-82 AJH Fixed HiliteWindow clip bug, made code saving optimizations ; 10-Oct-82 AJH Converted to QuickDraw trap interface ; 16-Oct-82 AJH Made dot-size independent ; 14-Nov-82 AJH Added SelectWindow ; 16-Nov-82 AJH Made Initwindows initialize TaskLock ; 19-Nov-82 AJH Made it use more traps for internal calls ; 21-Nov-82 AJH Fixed thePort trashing bug in HiliteWindow, moved string routines ; 24-Nov-82 AJH Made selectWindow call BTF1 instead of BTF ; 19-Dec-82 AJH Added initialization of cur(De)active, deskHook ; 20-Dec-82 AJH Added SelectWindow calls to New,Dispose,Move ; 21-Dec-82 AJH Made SelectWindow post activate/deactivate events ; 22-Dec-82 AJH Fixed region dispose bug in MoveWindow ; 24-Dec-82 AJH changed initialization, defProcs as resources for 2.0 ; 02-Jan-83 AJH made disposeWindow kill a the picture if its installed ; 09-Jan-83 AJH removed size-checking in SizeWindow ; 12-Jan-83 AJH rewrote CheckUpdate to support pictures ; 31-Jan-83 AJH clear high byte when loading the defProc ; 31-Jan-83 AJH no more special casing of alertWindows; fixed HideWindow problem ; 31-Jan-83 AJH added CloseWindow ; 07-Feb-83 AJH made NewWindow generate updates; no more deskPort ; 26-Feb-83 AJH fixed select bug when disposing the last window ; 27-Feb-83 AJH saved some code in CloseWindow by using ClosePort ; 07-Mar-83 AJH made CloseWindow dispose of the title string ; 09-Mar-83 AJH fixed bug introduced by disposing the title string ; 02-Apr-83 AJH saved code by not initing wmgrPort visRgn ; 03-Apr-83 AJH made NewWindow use defProc 0 if it can't find one ; 05-Apr-83 AJH made InitWindows initialize the ghostWindow ptr ; 10-May-83 AJH made InitWindows init CloseOrnHook ; 09-Jun-83 AJH made InitWindows only draw minimal black for corners ; 10-Jun-83 AJH new, much improved MoveWindow (blits as much as it can) ; 16-Jun-83 AJH PaintBehind a little earlier in MoveWindow ; 05-Aug-83 AJH Made NewWindow default textFont to 1 ; 06-Aug-83 BLH Moved oneOne, minusOne initialization to Start; ; Moved DragHook, TaskLock, CloseOrnHook, DeskHook to ; segment loader. ; 13-Aug-83 AJH Made InitWindows do a ShowCursor ; 15-Aug-83 AJH Monster code krunch after review (Donn, Jerome) ; 02-Sep-83 AJH masked off high-order bits in user's storage ptr ; 02-Sep-83 AJH made it use least recent deactivate ; 12-Sep-83 AJH made it post CurDeKind in CloseWindow and when its ; deactivated ; 23-Jan-85 EHB added patches: cancel pending paintBehind; reset alarm parity; ; say that window world exists. ; 23-Jan-85 EHB Made CloseWindow cancel pending activate events; made it ; properly update curActivate in DoActivate ; 23-Jan-85 EHB Fixed SetWTitle so no flicker if structure doesn't change ; 31 Jan 85 EHB When a window is closed or disposed, and thePort was set to ; that window, set thePort to WMgrPort instead. ; 10-May-85 EHB Made the drawing in InitWindows really clean ; 9-Jul-85 EHB Set flag to Get new window resource from ROM if possible ; 10-Jul-85 EHB Set flag to reload WDEF from ROM if possible too ; 5-Aug-85 EHB Initwindows calls CalcMBHeight to set up height of menu bar ; 29-Aug-85 EHB In SetWTitle check for NIL window title handle ; 29-Aug-85 EHB Added routine TrackBox for tracking zoom boxes etc... ; 29-Aug-85 EHB Added routine ZoomWindow(window:windowPtr;partCode:integer); ; to do it, split off MoveGuts and SizeGuts from Move- and SizeWindow ; 09-Sep-85 EHB Pull right update byte off stack in sizewindow. ; 28-Oct-85 EHB In ShowWindow, set boolean WVISIBLE to $01, not $FF ; 03-Nov-85 EHB Get Window Ptr into A3 BEFORE calling CallWCalc ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Post Lonely Hearts Changes ; ; DAF Changed InitWindows to allocate window and control Aux ; structures and desk colors ; DAF Updated default colors to work w/new QD ; EHB Make sure we use the right BOUNDS for color ports ; (only needed for nuMac, but works for old) ; Added NewCWindow. ; DAF Added InitMenus to InitWindows so that menuBar def ; proc is initialized before attempting to clear ; the bar region. THIS NEEDS A BETTER RESOLUTION! ; DAF updated wmgr to RGBColor. Revamped InitWindows. ; DAF reverted to setting wmgrPort rather than wmgrCPort for ; compatibility ; DAF converted InitWindows to use look in system file, then ROMresources ; for default window and control colors (wctb=0,cctb=0). Added ; DeskCPat init stuff in InitWindows. Also made some 32-bit changes. ; DAF general cleanup from code review. Added GetWVariant. ; Restructured desk pattern stuff in InitWindows. ; EHB Added SmartMove routine for multiple screens ; DAF Improved 32-bit handling. When MMUFlag=1, moved variant code to ; auxWinRec ; DAF set visible flag in off at beginning of NewWindow, so ; SetWinColor doesn't try to draw with invalid portRect in 32-bit. ; DAF Fixed LoadResource in CallWindow. Switched to using pRAM copy ; bit (pCDeskPat) to tell which deskPat to use. Switched to using ; rGetResource when loading wctb,cctb in InitWindows. Switched 32-bit ; stuff to use MMU32Bit (the correct flag) ; DAF Adjusted InitWindows to read binary deskpat always. Also does not ; look in ROM for ppat=16. ; EHB Make sure that each device is active in InitWindows. ; ;------ Macintosh II is born ------------------------------------------------ ; ; <12May87> DAF Rolled in Palette Manager patches from ROM78Fix ; rwh Port to Modern Victorian ; DAF Fixed CallWindow to call syserror if WDEF LoadResource didn't work. ; This is better since Juggler can gracefully terminate this app. ; ;------ Aurora ------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; <1.3> DAF Improved DeskCPat handling in InitWindows ; <1.4> DAF Updated CloseWindow to correctly handle the auxWinRecs in 32-bit addressing ; mode. Also, dvb had an update to the Palette disposal routines. ; <1.5> DAF Moved clearing of WWExist to end of InitWindows (when it's really done!) ; rather than at beginning. This helps out the Palette manager when it's ; dealing with the color apple in the menubar during InitWindows' InitMenus call. ; <1.6> DAF Fixed an old bug for Ernie. TrackGoAway passes a word-sized part code to the ; WDEF in a long-size field. Make sure that the hiword of the long is clear. ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Modification History for WindowMgr3.a ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 1.5 DAF 07/23/1989 Corrected 32-bit mode bug in SetWinColor for dialogs. ; Updated obsolete equate names ; 1.4 DAF 07/14/1989 FOR AURORA BUILD - Corrected DeAlAux in ; SetWinColor/SetCtlColor to fix the auxWinList/auxCtlList problems in ; 32-bit addressing mode. ; 1.3 DAF 05/30/1989 Improved 32-bit addressed behaviour of SetAuxWin et.al. ;•1.2 DAF 04/27/1989 Made sure SetDeskCPat released old desktop PixPat before ; setting new one. ; 1.1 CCH 11/10/1988 Fixed Header. ; 1.0 CCH 11/ 9/1988 Adding to EASE. ; 1.4 GGD 11/ 2/1988 Got rid of machine specific conditionals in favor of ; feature based conditionals. ; 1.3 rwh 9/24/1988 fixed added NuMac conditionals to also be for onMvMac ; 1.2 DAF 6/17/88 added conditionals for numac that were left out. ; 1.1 CSL 4/18/88 fixed bug introduced by rolling in code for NuMac. ; 1.0 BBM 2/11/88 Adding file for the first time into EASE… ; ; 20-Aug-82 AJH Fixed DragWindow bug in computing position when origin <> (0,0) ; 21-Aug-82 AJH Made InvalRect/Rgn share more code with ValRect/Rgn ; 21-Aug-82 AJH Added boundRect to DragTheRgn so it can be used by Controls ; 29-Aug-82 AJH Made DragTheRgn use a pattern from global area (dragPattern) ; 30-Aug-82 AJH Added slopRect parameter to dragTheRgn ; 06-Sep-82 AJH Got rid of special casing of alert/dialog windows ; 06-Sep-82 AJH Added GrowWindow ; 08-Sep-82 AJH Fixed BeginUpdate -- it was trashing A3 ; 09-Sep-82 AJH Put bounds (size) checking into GrowWindow ; 28-Sep-82 AJH Changed FrontWindow to skip alertKind only, added CallDragHook ; 05-Oct-82 AJH Made some code saving optimizations ; 06-Oct-82 AJH Made dragging pin instead of freezing (DragTheRgn,GrowWindow) ; 10-Oct-82 AJH Converted to QuickDraw trap interface ; 16-Oct-82 AJH Made independent of screen size ; 25-Oct-82 AJH Made FrontWindow return frontmost visible window ; 01-Nov-82 AJH Added control-less FindWindow to window manager ; 07-Nov-82 AJH Tweaked delay in DragTheRgn for 512 machine ; 16-Nov-82 AJH Made DragWindow look at command key state for ClipAbove ; 16-Nov-82 AJH Changed menuBar hit-test in FindWindow to 20 pixels ; 20-Nov-82 AJH Changed SendToBack to SendBehind ; 20-Nov-82 AJH Finally fixed bounds pinning in GrowWindow ; 24-Nov-82 AJH made bringToFront clear DragFlag as default entry ; 20-Dec-82 AJH made bringToFront do nothing if its already the front one ; 21-Dec-82 AJH made SendBehind call SelectWindow when appropriate ; 04-Feb-83 AJH added actionProc to DragTheRgn ; 26-Feb-83 AJH made DragTheRgn distinguish between aborted and not moved ; fixed DragWindow accordingly. ; 05-Apr-83 AJH made FrontWindow ignore the ghostWindow ; 28-Apr-83 AJH moved PinRect to cursorCore ; 26-Jun-83 AJH fixed keyMap clobber in DragWindow; ; pinned users dragRect at top (12) ; 01-Jul-83 SC fixed bug in DragWindow created by above ; 05-Aug-83 AJH Added DrawGrowIcon ; 15-Aug-83 AJH code krunch after review ; 30-Aug-83 AJH fixed restorePort bug and saved code in SendBehind (thanks,Donn) ; 07-Sep-83 AJH fixed stack offset bug in SendBehind (introduced 30-Aug) ; 23-Jan-85 EHB fixed FrontWindow to return NIL if no window world ; 5-Aug-85 EHB fixed DragWindow's pinning for variable menu heights ; 23-Oct-85 EHB save D1 across FindWindow to make OverView work ; ;------------------------------- Lonely Heifer ROMs ---------------------------------- ; 14-Jan-86 EHB Fixed infinite loop bug in DragTheRgn (@DragDelay) ; EHB Make sure we use the right BOUNDS for color ports ; (only needed for nuMac, but works for old) ; DAF Fixed DragGrayRgn and GrowWindow to save and restore penstate in ; both wmgrPort and wmgrCPort ; DAF Fixed DeAlAux (in SetWinColor) to not dispose default winCTable ; DAF Made FindWindow call MBarProc (menuMgr) to test for menubar hits ; DAF Removed SetDeskColor. Added DeskCPat. ; EHB Disable all drag bounds for multiple screens ; EHB Fixed bug in merged code in DragTheRgn ; DAF Made small fixes in SetWinColor for 32-Bit Support ; DAF Fixed some small bugs introduced in SetWinColor in C591. ; Corrected resource bit test in SetWinColor (it was backward!) ; DAF Changed _ShowControl in SetCtlColor to _Draw1Control so that it ; would correctly redraw. ; EHB Added fast version of dragTheRgn (if region is rect) ; DAF Changed SetDeskCPat to use pCDeskPat and to switch to binary pat if ; pixPatHandle is NIL. ; DAF Fixed special case testing in SetGuts so that it wouldn't dereference ; a -1 handle. ; DAF Fixed stack trashing problem in SetDeskCPat(NIL). ; DAF Corrected C835. ; rwh Port to Modern Victorian ; DAF Fixed register trashing bug in GetPinMouse to correct extra update ; problem in GrowWindow ; ;--------- Aurora!! ------------------ ; ;<1.2/27Apr89> DAF Rolled patch to SetDeskCPat into source. Now the desk pix pat is disposed ; when a new one is set (instead of overwriting!). ;<1.3/30May89> DAF Updated AuxWin/CtlRec handlers to be more graceful in 32-bit addressing mode ; ;<1.5/23Jul89> DAF Corrected 32-bit bug in SpecAlloc. Updated equate names in this file ; to the official MPW names (this file doesn't need nToolEqu.a anymore). ; LOAD 'StandardEqu.d' INCLUDE 'ColorEqu.a' INCLUDE 'ScriptPriv.a' INCLUDE 'Palettes.a' INCLUDE 'PalettePriv.a' INCLUDE 'Balloons.a' ; INCLUDE 'BalloonsPriv.a' ; INCLUDE 'ControlPriv.a' IF hasDisplayMgrWindows THEN ; INCLUDE 'Displays.a' ; INCLUDE 'DisplaysPriv.a' ; ENDIF MACHINE MC68020 ; needed for cache flush fau ; *** move these equates into system equate files CurLayer EQU $A90 WMgrUpdate EQU $AFC PortToBitMap Proc Export ; Given a window pointer in A0, return the bitmap/pixmap pointer in A0 ADDQ #PORTBITS,A0 ;POINT TO BITMAP/PIXMAP HANDLE TST ROWBYTES(A0) ;BITMAP OR PIXMAP HANDLE? BPL.S GOTBITMAP ;=>JUST A BITMAP MOVE.L BASEADDR(A0),A0 ;ELSE GET PORT'S PIXMAP HANDLE MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;GET PIXMAP POINTER GotBitMap RTS EndProc ; ; SetUpColor takes a window part identifier in D0, and the windowRecord ; in A0, finds the appropriate rgb, and returns with a pointer to ; it, ready for RGBForeColor. The auxRec is not locked, so RGBForeColor ; should be called immediately. If the desired window part is not found,. ; the first color in the auxRec is used. SetUpColor Proc Export MOVEM.L D1/D3,-(SP) ; save some registers MOVE.W D0,D3 ; keep the window part SUBQ #4,SP ; make room for var ptr result CLR.B -(SP) ; make room for boolean result MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; push window ptr PEA 6(SP) ; push pointer to placeholder _GetAuxWin ; get the window aux rec ADDQ #2,SP ; pitch the boolean MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the auxWinHandle MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; get the auxWinPtr MOVE.L awCTable(A0),A0 ; get the color table handle <1.2> MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; get a cTabPtr MOVE.W CTSize(A0),D1 ; get the color table size MULU #CTEntrySize,D1 ; convert to color table index LegalIndex CMP.W CTTable+value(A0,D1),D3 ; is this the one? BEQ.S FoundIt ; if equal, then done SUB.W #CTEntrySize,D1 ; try the previous one BGE.S LegalIndex ; loop while index positive MOVEQ #0,D1 ; OK, use the first one FoundIt LEA CTTable+rgb(A0,D1),A0 ; get the address of the color to use MOVE.L A0,D0 ; we'll need A0 in a second MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1/D3 ; restore the registers MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the return address MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; move the ret addr back JMP (A0) ; return to caller EndProc ; ; FUNCTION NewString(string): StringHandle ; ; allocates a string as a relocatable object on the heap and returns ; a handle to it ; ; NewString Proc Export Import GetSPtr BSR.S GetSPtr ;A0 points to string, D0 has length _PtrToHand ;allocate handle in A0 MOVE.L A0,8(SP) ;return it as the result MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ;strip parameter RTS ;return to caller EndProc ; GetSPtr is common code for NewString and SetString. It gets the pointer ; to the string in A0 and its length in D0 GetSPtr Proc Export MOVE.L 8(SP),A0 ;get the string pointer MOVEQ #0,D0 ;clear out high part of D0 MOVE.B (A0),D0 ;get the length ADDQ #1,D0 ;bump to include length byte RTS EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE SetString(h: StringHandle; s: string) ; ; set the specified string handle to the specified string ; SetString Proc Export Import GetSPtr Import TwoParmExit MOVE.L 8(SP),A1 ;get the stringHandle BSR.S GetSPtr ;set up A0 and D0 _PtrToXHand ;let Capps do the work BRA TwoParmExit ;standard exit saves code <27oct85> BBM EndProc ; ; Utility PrevWindow(windowPtr):windowPtr ; ; given a window in the display list, find the one in front of it. If ; the parameter is NIL, find the last one in the list. If the parameter ; is the first in the list, return NIL. If not found, use last window ; ; this utility routine has a register interface to save code. On entry, ; D0 contains the window to be searched for. On exit, A0 contains the ; result. A0, A1 and D0 are trashed -- all other registers are preserved. PrevWindow Proc Export MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ;save window to search for MOVE.L WINDOWLIST,A1 ;get the 1st entry in the window list SUB.L A0,A0 ;set prev to NIL PrevLoop CMP.L (SP),A1 ;does it match the parameter? BEQ.S DONEPWINDOW ;if so, we're done MOVE.L A1,A0 ;update prev pointer MOVE.L NEXTWINDOW(A0),A1 ;get the next one in the list MOVE.L A1,D0 ;is it NIL? BNE.S PrevLoop ;if not,loop DonePWindow MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ;restore D0 RTS EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE InsertWindow(window,behind); ; ; insert this behind into the window list behind the one specified by the ; "behind" parameter. If behind = NIL, insert it as the last one in the ; list. If this is the first window (windowList = NIL), insert as first one. ; Make sure the window's windowLink ptr is initialized to NIL. ; InsertWindow Proc Export Import PrevWindow Export TwoParmExit MOVE.L 8(SP),D1 ;get window to insert MOVE.L D1,A1 ;get ptr in A-reg CLR.L NextWindow(A1) ;make its link NIL TST.L WindowList ;is the windowList empty? BNE.S @1 ;if not, go look at behind ; ; its the first one ever so install it at the head of the list ; MOVE.L D1,WindowList ;make it the head of the list BRA.S TwoParmExit ;all done! ; ; check to see if we should insert it as the last one (behind = NIL). ; @1 MOVE.L 4(SP),D0 ;behind = NIL ? BEQ.S INSERTLAST ; MOVE.L D0,A0 ;get behind MOVE.L NEXTWINDOW(A0),NEXTWINDOW(A1) ;update the link of new one MOVE.L A1,NEXTWINDOW(A0) ;insert new one in list BRA.S TWOPARMEXIT ;all done ; ; insert it as the last one in the list ; InsertLast MOVEQ #0,D0 ;find the last one BSR.S PREVWINDOW ;find last window in list MOVE.L D1,NEXTWINDOW(A0) ;insert the window in the list ; TwoParmExit MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;get return address ADDQ #8,SP ;strip parameters JMP (A0) ;all done -- return to caller EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE DeleteWindow(window) ; ; delete the specified window from the list ; ; DeleteWindow Proc Export Import PrevWindow Import OneParmExit Export OneParmExit Export WRts1 MOVE.L 4(SP),D0 ;get the parameter window BSR PREVWINDOW ;find the one before it ; MOVE.L A0,D1 ;is it the first window? BNE.S @1 ;if not, skip adjust LEA WindowList-NextWindow,A0 ;make it point to windowList @1 MOVE.L D0,A1 ;get the window to be deleted MOVE.L NEXTWINDOW(A1),NEXTWINDOW(A0) ;splice out of the list OneParmExit MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ;strip sole parameter WRts1 RTS EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE ClipAbove(window) ; ; set the clipRgn of the window manager's port to be the gray Rgn intersected ; with the current clipRgn, minus the structRgns of all the windows above ; the parameter window. ; ClipAboveGuts Proc Export Import SubStructLoop MOVEM.L D4/A2-A3,-(SP) ;save work registers MOVE.L WMGRPORT,A0 ;get ptr to the windowMgr port MOVE.L CLIPRGN(A0),D4 ;get wmgrPort clipRgn handle MOVE.L 16(SP),A2 ;get the window MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push clipRgn MOVE.L GRAYRGN,-(SP) ;push grayRgn MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;clipRgn gets the result _SectRgn ;SectRgn(clipRgn,grayRgn,clipRgn) ; ; now subtract all windows above the parameter window from the clipRgn ; BSR SubStructLoop ;let common code do the work MOVEM.L (SP)+,D4/A2-A3 ;restore work registers MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ;strip parameter RTS ;return to caller EndProc ; the following routine subtracts the structRgns of all windows in the list ; from the region in D4 until the window in A2 is reached. It is common code ; to CalcVis and ClipAbove SubStructLoop Proc Export MOVE.L WINDOWLIST,A3 ;get 1st window in list CVLoop CMP.L A2,A3 ;have we reached parameter window yet? BEQ.S WRTS1 ;if so, we're done TST.B WVISIBLE(A3) ;dont bother if its not visible BEQ.S SKIPDIFFRGN MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push the visRgn MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A3),-(SP) ;push region to be subtracted MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;visRgn gets the result _DiffRgn SkipDiffRgn MOVE.L NEXTWINDOW(A3),A3 ;examine next one in list BRA.S CVLOOP ;loop till we reach parameter window EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE PaintOneGuts(window: windowPtr; clobbered: RgnHandle); ; ; paint one window, clipped to the clobbered region and all windows ; above it. If some content is exposed, erase it and add it to the ; update region. IF the window is NIL, paint gray (its the desk) ; ; FM the Window will never be NIL now, thanks to the layer manager. PaintOneGuts Proc Export Import SetWPClip Import TestClip Import TwoParmExit Import CallDWindow Import GetNewRgn Import SetupColor Export PaintODone MOVEM.L D3-D4/A2-A3,-(SP) ;save work registers MOVE.L 24(SP),A2 ;get the window pointer BSR SetWPClip ;setWPort, get clip in D3 MOVE.L A2,D0 ;is window NIL? BNE.S GOPAINTONE ;if not, go paint it ; ; all done with PaintOne ; PaintODone MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D4/A2-A3 ;restore work registers BRA TWOPARMEXIT ;standard exit to save code (was .s) ; ; see if the window intersects with clobbered; if not, dont bother to paint; ; otherwise go paint it ; GOPAINTONE TST.B WVISIBLE(A2) ;is it visible? BEQ.S PAINTODONE ;if not, we're done MOVE.L 20(SP),-(SP) ;push clobbered MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A2),-(SP) ;push the structRgn of the window MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;their intersection is the clipRgn _SectRgn ;SectRgn(clobbered,structRgn,clipRgn) ; BSR TESTCLIP ;exit if clipRgn is empty MOVE.L A2,-(SP) ;now subtract windows above this one _ClipAbove ; FM call the trap instead JSRing BSR TESTCLIP ;exit if nothing left to paint ; ; draw the structure of the window by calling its window definition procedure ; MOVE.L A2,A3 ;A3 holds the window BSR CALLDWINDOW ;call the windowProc to draw it ; ; intersect the window's content region with the clipRgn and possibly erase ; and update that area ; BSR GETNEWRGN ;allocate a new region handle MOVE.L (SP)+,A3 ;keep it in A3 ; MOVE.L CONTRGN(A2),-(SP) ;push the content region MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;intersect with the clipRgn MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;put the result in the tempRgn _SectRgn ;SectRgn(contRgn,clipRgn,tempRgn) ; TST.W PAINTWHITE ;should we erase it? FM do TST.w not TST.b BEQ.S SKIPERASE ;if not, skip erasing BTST #isPixMap,portBits+rowbytes(A2) ; is it a new window? DAF BEQ.S @1 ; if zero, then stay in wmgrPort DAF MOVE.L wmgrCPort,-(SP) ; in new, so do it in wmgrCPort for full color DAF _SetPort ; DAF @1 SUBQ #6,SP ; room to save current port rgbBkColor PEA (SP) ; pointer to saved backcolor _GetBackColor ; get the rgbColor MOVE.W #wContentColor,D0 ; get the content color MOVE.L A2,A0 ; copy the windowptr BSR SetUpColor ; get a pointer on the stack _RGBBackColor ; and set it MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the update area _EraseRgn ;erase it PEA (SP) ; push the saved color _RGBBackColor ; reset the back color ADDQ #6,SP ; flush the saved color MOVE.L wmgrPort,-(SP) ; for compatibility, force wmgrPort DAF _SetPort ; set it DAF ; SkipErase TST.B SAVEUPDATE ;accumulate the updates? BEQ.S SKIPUPDATE MOVE.L UPDATERGN(A2),-(SP) ;push the current update region MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the clobbered region MOVE.L UPDATERGN(A2),-(SP) ;result goes in update region _UnionRgn ;add it to the current update region ; SkipUpdate MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push tempRgn handle _DisposRgn ;de-allocate it BRA PAINTODONE ;all done with paintOne EndProc ; SetWPClip is a code saving utility used in PaintOne and PaintBehind SetWPClip Proc Export Import SetWPort BSR SETWPORT ;get into the window mgr port MOVE.L WMGRPORT,A3 ;A3 points to the wmgrPort MOVE.L CLIPRGN(A3),D3 ;D3 holds wmgrPort^.clipRgn RTS ;return to caller EndProc ; ; TestClip is a procedure used to speed things up by not bothering to paint ; windows that wouldn't show anyway. It does this by seeing if the clipRgn ; (passed in D3) is empty. If it is, it pop's the stack and exits PaintOne, ; since the window wouldn't show anyway ; TestClip Proc Export Import PaintODone SUBQ #2,SP ;make room for result MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push the region to be tested _EmptyRgn ;is it empty? TST.B (SP)+ ;test result BNE.S @1 ;if it's empty, go pop stack RTS ;its not empty, so just return ; @1 ADDQ #4,SP ;pop off caller's return address BRA PAINTODONE ;exit immediately EndProc ; ; PaintDesk is a utility used to paint the desk gray. It clips to every visible window ; and then fills the port with gray. It assumes A3 points to the WMgrPort ; PaintDesk Proc Export IF hasDisplayMgrWindows THEN ; We should use the Display Manager desk draw routines Move.l wmgrCPort,A0 ; switch to the cGrafPort Move.l clipRgn(A0),-(SP) _DMDrawDesktopRegion ELSE MOVE.L DeskHook,D0 ;user got a deskPaint routine? BEQ.S NoDeskHook ;if not, paint gray ; a routine is installed in the deskHook so invoke it to do the painting MOVE.L D0,A0 ;get deskPaint address MOVEQ #0,D0 ;flag its a paint call JMP (A0) ;let the user do the painting NoDeskHook MOVE.L TheZone,-(SP) ; Save the current heap zone FM MOVE.L SysZone,TheZone ; Switch to the system heap in case of pattern expansion FM TST.B pCDeskPat ; test flag to see which to use DAF BPL.S @69 ; if ≥, then use binary pat DAF SUBQ #8,SP ; make room to save wmgrPort,curHeap DAF MOVE.L theZone,4(SP) ; save current heap DAF PEA (SP) ; make a pointer to it _GetPort ; get that address MOVE.L wmgrCPort,-(SP) ; switch to the cGrafPort _SetPort MOVE.L GrayRgn,-(SP) ;PUSH THE DESKTOP REGION <11/9/86 EHB> MOVE.L DeskCPat,-(SP) ; push the desk ppat _FillCRgn ; and fill _SetPort MOVE.L (SP)+,theZone ; restore theZone DAF BRA.S @70 ; @69 MOVE.L GRAYRGN,-(SP) ;PUSH THE DESKTOP REGION <11/9/86 EHB> PEA DeskPattern ; push the desk pattern _FillRgn ; and paint the desktop @70 MOVE.L (SP)+,TheZone ; Restore the current heap zone FM ENDIF RTS EndProc ; ; Utility GetNewRgn:RgnHandle ; ; This short utility is used to save code. It allocates a new region and ; returns its handle on the top of the stack. ; GetNewRgn Proc Export SUBQ #4,SP ;make space for result _NewRgn ;allocate new region MOVE.L 4(SP),A0 ;get return address MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ;strip it JMP (A0) ;return to caller EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE SaveOld(window) ; ; SaveOld saves the parameter window's old structure and content regions ; for the "DrawNew" operation. It must be followed by a call to DrawNew; ; note that they are not nestable. ; SaveOld Proc Export Import GetNewRgn MOVEM.L D3-D4/A2,-(SP) ;save work registers BSR.S GETNEWRGN ;get "oldStruct" region MOVE.L (SP)+,D3 ;and keep in D3 BSR.S GETNEWRGN ;get "oldCont" region MOVE.L (SP)+,D4 ;and keep in D4 ; MOVE.L 16(SP),A2 ;get the window pointer ; ; copy the window's structRgn into oldStruct and its content region into oldCont ; MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A2),-(SP) ;push the structure region MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push oldStruct _CopyRgn ;oldStruct <- structRgn MOVE.L CONTRGN(A2),-(SP) ;push the content region MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push oldCont _CopyRgn ;oldCont <- contRgn ; ; update the oldStructure and oldContent globals and return to caller ; SODone MOVEM.L D3-D4,OLDSTRUCTURE ;update oldStructure,Content MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D4/A2 ;restore work registers MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ;strip parameter RTS EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE DrawNew(window: windowPtr; fUpdate: BOOLEAN); ; ; called after a "SaveOld" call. It updates the area ; clobbered := (oldStruct XOR newStruct) UNION (oldContent XOR newContent) ; If fUpdate is TRUE, updates are accumulated ; ; DrawNew Proc Export Export SixBytExit MOVEM.L D3-D4/A2,-(SP) ;save work registers MOVE.L 18(SP),A2 ;get the window ptr MOVEM.L OLDSTRUCTURE,D3-D4 ;get oldStructure,Content TST.B WVISIBLE(A2) ;is this one visible? BEQ.S SKIPXOR ;if not, its a waste of time to XOR ; ; compute (oldStruct XOR newStruct) UNION (oldContent XOR newContent) ; MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A2),-(SP) ;push newStruct MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push oldStruct MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;oldStruct gets the result _XorRgn ; MOVE.L CONTRGN(A2),-(SP) ;push newCont MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push oldContent MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;oldContent gets the result _XorRgn ; SkipXOR MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push oldContent MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push oldStructure MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;oldStructure gets result _UnionRgn ;union them together ; ; now paint the window clipped to the part that changed (the region in D3) ; MOVE.B 16(SP),SAVEUPDATE ;set update flag according to fUpdate MOVE.L A2,-(SP) ;push the window MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push clobbered _PaintOne ;paint the window ST SAVEUPDATE ;re-enable update accumulation ; ; paint all the windows behind the parameter window as some may have been ; exposed ; MOVE.L NEXTWINDOW(A2),-(SP) ;start with one immediately behind MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;clip to clobbered area ; PaintBehind in DrawNew - since we have done CalcAncestorRgns in _PaintOne, we can do a PaintBehindLite FM move.l ExpandMem,a0 ; FM st ExpandMemRec.ancestorRgnsCalced(a0) ; set the one-shot to keep from recalcing ancestor rgns FM _PaintBehind MOVE.L A2,-(SP) ;push the parmeter window MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push clobbered _CalcVBehind ;recalculate visRgns of behind windows ; ; dispose of oldStruct and oldContent regions and return to caller ; MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push oldStructure _DisposRgn ;dispose of it MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push oldContent _DisposRgn ;dispose of that one, too ; MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D4/A2 ;restore work registers SixBytExit MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;get return address ADDQ #6,SP ;strip stack of 6 parameter bytes JMP (A0) ;return to caller EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE ShowHide(window: windowPtr; showFlag: BOOLEAN); ; ; This is the low level routine for showing and hiding windows. It sets the ; visible state of the window according to the value of the showFlag boolean. ; A1 is preserved so ShowWindow and HideWindow can save some code ; ; ShowHide Proc Export Import SetWPort Import CallWCalc Import RestorePort Import SixBytExit IMPORT PreShowHide IMPORT ptchHMGetBalloons ; rb, start MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; we have to save this register (Why?, I don't know) JSR ptchHMGetBalloons ; what is the state of What Is? mode? BEQ.S @BalloonsOff ; EQ means no, so, let's not do anything. SUBQ #2,SP ; room for Boolean _HMIsBalloon ; was there a Balloon up? TST.B (SP)+ BEQ.S @BalloonsOff ; EQ means no, so, let's exit now MOVE.L ExpandMem,A0 ; point to the expand mem ptr MOVE.L ExpandMemRec.emHelpGlobals(A0),A0 ; A0 = global ptr ; note: 10 = 6 + A1 saved on stack MOVE.L 10(SP),D0 ; get the ShowHide WindowPtr that was passed CMP.L hmgWindow(A0),D0 ; was it our balloon window? BEQ.S @BalloonsOff ; yes, ignore _ShowHide calls with the balloon window MOVE hmgTitleBalloon(A0),D0 ; see if one of the menu bar title balloons was up (<>0) BNE.S @BalloonsOff ; NE means one was so just exit the patch TST.B 8(SP) ; true if the window is becoming active BNE.S @BalloonsOff ; NE means that somebody called ShowHide ; to show a currently showing window @DifferentLastWindow SUBQ #2,SP ; remove any balloons that might have been up _HMRemoveBalloon ; do the remove ADDQ.L #2,SP ; toss result @BalloonsOff MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ; restore the return address that was in A1 ; rb, end MOVEM.L D3-D4/A1/A3,-(SP) ;save work registers ; FM roll in patchShowHide from WindowMgrPactches.a ; FM ; FM ShowHide patch for the Layer Manager ; FM PreShowHide fixes up the regions of the windows of the layer to be shown/hidden: ; FM If the layer is becoming visible, all the visible windows (determined by the visible flag) ; FM will have their structRgn and contRgn recalculated. ; FM If the layer is becoming invisble, all the windows will have their structRgn, contRgn and ; FM visRgn emptied out. MOVE.L 22(SP),-(SP) ; FM Push the WindowPtr on the stack MOVE.B 24(SP),-(SP) ; FM Push the show/hide flag on the stack FM fix up regions on Layer Hides/Reveals MOVE.L 22(SP),A3 ;get the window pointer MOVE.B 20(SP),D3 ; get showFlag MOVE.B WVisible(A3),D0 ; get wvisible flag EOR.B D3,D0 ; already in requested state? LSR #1,D0 ; only bit 0 is significant BCC.S SHDONE ; => same as before BSR.S SETWPORT ;get into the wmgrPort MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push window pointer _SaveOld ;save old state of struct and cont ; MOVE.B D3,WVISIBLE(A3) ; set new state of visible BSR CALLWCALC ;recalculate regions ; MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push window ST -(SP) ;fUpdate = TRUE (accumulate updates) _DrawNew ;draw the new state ; BSR.S RESTOREPORT ;restore saved grafPort TST.B WVisible(A3) ; is this window visible now? <12May87 DAF> BEQ.S SHDONE ; if not visible, don't activate palette <12May87 DAF> MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ; push the window pointer <12May87 DAF> _ActivatePalette ; and activate it ; SHDone MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D4/A1/A3 ;save work registers BRA SIXBYTEXIT ;standard exit saves code EndProc ; ; Utility SetWPort; ; ; SetWPort is a utility used to save code. It gets the current grafPort into ; D4 (for later restoring by RestorePort) and sets the port to the wmgrPort ; SetWPort Proc Export MOVE.L grafGlobals(A5),A0 ;get pointer to lisaGraf globals MOVE.L thePort(A0),D4 ;get the current port MOVE.L WMgrPort,ThePort(A0) ;push the wmgrPort pointer RTS EndProc ; ; Utility RestorePort; ; ; RestorePort is a utility used to save code. It sets the grafPort to ; the window pointer saved in D4. ; RestorePort Proc Export MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push the old grafPort GoSetPort _SetPort ;and set it RTS EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE GetWMgrPort(VAR wPort: windowPtr); ; ; access routine that returns pointers to the window manager's port ; GetWMgrPort Proc Export BLANKS ON STRING ASIS MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ;get return address MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;get pointer to wmgrPort variable MOVE.L WMGRPORT,(A0) ;move it in JMP (A1) ;return to caller EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE GetCWMgrPort(VAR wPort: windowPtr); ; ; access routine that returns pointers to the window manager's cGrafPort ; GetCWMgrPort Proc Export MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ;get return address MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;get pointer to wmgrPort variable MOVE.L wmgrCPort,(A0) ;move it in JMP (A1) ;return to caller EndProc ; ; Utility AllocPort -- a little utility to save some code ; ; D1 is non-zero to open a color port ; AllocPort Proc Export Export AllocP1 Export AllocP2 Export AllocCPort MOVEQ #PortRec,D0 ;get size of a grafPort MOVEQ #0,D1 ;say it's a black and white port AllocP1 _NewPtr ;allocate the grafPort AllocP2 MOVE.L A0,A3 ;remember it in A3 MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ;push it as parameter to OpenPort TST D1 ;black and white or color? BNE.S AllocCPort ;=>color _OpenPort ;open it RTS ; AllocCPort _OpenCPort ;open a color port RTS ;and return EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE InitWindowsGuts FM ; ; High-level routine to initialize the window world. Will eventually be ; called during SYSINIT but now must be called by the application. ; ; This routine is now called InitWindowsGuts because it is called from the middle FM ; of InitLayers to do the low level WindowMgr initialization. FM ; InitWindowsGuts Proc Export Import AllocPort Import AllocP1 Import GetNewRgn Import CalcMBHeight Import DrawMBar ; Stack Frame definition ; DAF LocalVar EQU 0 ; stack frame eliminated DAF LINK A6,#LocalVar ; make a stack frame DAF MOVEM.L D3-D7/A3-A4,-(SP) ;save work registers ; Added patches: cancel pending PaintBehind; reset alarm parity; and say ; that the window world exists. MOVEQ #7,D0 ; handy bit number BSET D0,DSWndUpdate ; cancel pending PaintBehind BSET D0,AlarmState ; reset alarm parity MOVE.L MinusOne,SaveUpdate ;enable update accumulation and erasing ; set up the deskPattern from Sys.resource SUBQ #4,SP ;make room for function result MOVE #deskPatID,-(SP) ;push pattern ID of deskPattern _GetPattern ;tell resource manager to get it MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;get the pattern handle MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;get pattern pointer MOVE.L (A0)+,DeskPattern ;init the deskPattern MOVE.L (A0),DeskPattern+4 ;don't forget 2nd half of it TST.B pCDeskPat ; test flag BPL.S @12 ; if hi bit clear, don't load ppat ; ; load the DeskCPat from the system if pCDeskPat enabled ; Switch to the system zone temporarily, so that GetPixPat will allocate ; it's private storage on the system heap (it normally allocates on theZone) ; MOVE.L TheZone,-(SP) ; save it DAF MOVE.L SysZone,TheZone ; get the system zone DAF MOVE.L DeskCPat,D0 ; get the current pattern <1.3> BEQ.S @100 ; if NIL, then continue <1.3> CMP.L MinusOne,D0 ; is it uninitialized? <1.3> BEQ.S @100 ; if so, then continue <1.3> MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; push old pat handle <1.3> _DisposPixPat ; release it <1.3> @100 SUBQ #4,SP ; make room for function result MOVE #deskPatID,-(SP) ; push pattern ID of deskCPat _GetPixPat ; tell resource manager to get it from system MOVE.L (SP)+,DeskCPat ; put handle to pattern in lomem BNE.S @30 ; if not present, use binary pat BCLR #7,pCDeskPat ; clear the cDeskPat bit @30 MOVE.L (SP)+,theZone ; restore the app's zone DAF @12 ; ; allocate and init the window manager's port ; BSR AllocPort MOVE.L A3,WMGRPORT ;make it the wmgrPort ; ; also allocate the wmgr COLOR port! ; DAF ; note that both ports share the same handles to vis & clip regions! ; The other fields should not be changed during normal usage ; ; <13Nov86 EHB> Save visRgn and clipRgn in D6 and D7 for later use ; MOVE.L A3,A4 ; hold this for a moment DAF MOVE.L visRgn(A4),D6 ; deallocate oldport's regions DAF MOVE.L clipRgn(A4),D7 ; cGrafPort's regions DAF MOVE.L #PortRec,D0 ; get color port size for NewPtr DAF MOVEQ #-1,D1 ; non-zero means color port DAF BSR AllocP1 ; DAF MOVE.L A3,wmgrCPort ; set up lomem DAF MOVE.L visRgn(A3),visRgn(A4) ; copy the handles to old port DAF MOVE.L clipRgn(A3),clipRgn(A4) ; DAF MOVE.L A4,A3 MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ; push the old port _SetPort ; set it back ; Initialize DeskRgn, the union of all screen devices. Set WmgrPort.VisRgn to DeskRgn. ; The bounding box of DeskRgn region is what we will use to black out the corners. MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ; push DeskRgn <13Nov86 EHB> _SetEmptyRgn ; and empty it out <13Nov86 EHB> MOVE.L DEVICELIST,A4 ; get handle to main screen <13Nov86 EHB> DoNextDev MOVE.L (A4),A0 ; point at main screen device <13Nov86 EHB> TST GDFlags(A0) ; is device active? BPL.S @NxtDev ; =>no, try next device MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ; push ScreenRgn <13Nov86 EHB> MOVE.L GDRect+TopLeft(A0),-(SP); push topleft of device's rect <13Nov86 EHB> MOVE.L GDRect+BotRight(A0),-(SP) ; push botright <13Nov86 EHB> _SetRecRgn ; get ScreenRgn <13Nov86 EHB> MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ; push ScreenRgn <13Nov86 EHB> MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ; push DeskRgn <13Nov86 EHB> MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ; get result in DeskRgn <13Nov86 EHB> _UnionRgn ; add screen to desk <13Nov86 EHB> @NxtDev MOVE.L (A4),A0 ; point to grafDevice <13Nov86 EHB> MOVE.L GDNextGD(A0),D0 ; get next grafDevice <13Nov86 EHB> MOVE.L D0,A4 ; save in A4 <13Nov86 EHB> BNE.S DoNextDev ; => more devices to do <13Nov86 EHB> MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ; push the DeskRgn <13Nov86 EHB> MOVE.L VisRgn(A3),-(SP) ; push the port's visRgn <13Nov86 EHB> _CopyRgn ; visRgn := DeskRgn <13Nov86 EHB> IF hasDisplayMgrWindows THEN ; ; Now that the WMgr port is initialized, initialize the Display Manager ; We must do this between when the WMgrPort is initialized and when the desktop is drawn subq.l #2,sp ; init display manager (now that wmgrport is set up) _DMInitDisplayManager move.w (sp)+,d0 ; get result ENDIF ; initialize the screen by drawing the menu bar, blacking out the corners, and then ; filling the rest with the deskPattern. ; ; draw the empty menu bar, leaving the clip region set to the menuBar _InitMenus ; init the mbar defproc DAF JSR CalcMBHeight ; use menu mgr routine to calc new size JSR DrawMBar ; use menu mgr routine to save code ; set TempRect to the DeskRgn's bounding box MOVE.L D7,A0 ; get deskRgn <13Nov86 EHB> MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; and point at it <13Nov86 EHB> LEA RgnBBox(A0),A0 ; point to deskRgn bounding box <13Nov86 EHB> LEA TempRect,A4 ; get a temp rect MOVE.L A4,A1 ; get a copy to trash MOVE.L (A0)+,(A1)+ ; copy the deskRect MOVE.L (A0),(A1) ; initialize the gray region BSR GETNEWRGN ; allocate a region MOVE.L (SP)+,D5 ; keep grayRgn in D5 MOVE.L D5,GRAYRGN ; update grayRgn global _HidePen ; don't really draw this _OpenRgn ; start recording a region ; CSS Rollin patch from Horror: InitWindowsRgnPatch ; InitWindowsRgnPatch - Decides whether WMgrCPort part of the GrayRgn should be ; round or square. LCD displays have square regions and ; CRT displays have rounded ones. IF hasPwrControls THEN ; IMPORT LCDScreenChk ; CSS BigJsr LCDScreenChk,a0 ; If we don’t have an LCD screen, BEQ.S @DoNormalCode ; then just go on. Move.l A4,-(Sp) ; Push the temp rect. _FrameRect ; Draw it. BRA.S @DontRound @DoNormalCode ENDIF MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ; push the temp rect <13Nov86 EHB> MOVE.L #ScreenRadius,-(SP) ; with rounded corners _FrameRoundRect ; draw it @DontRound ; SKH, fixed SM mistake, the grayRgn was not being pushed onto the stack MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ; push the grayRgn _CloseRgn ; initialize the gray region _ShowPen ; show the pen again ; subtract the menu bar from the gray region MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ; push the gray region MOVE.L ClipRgn(A3),-(SP) ; push the clipRgn (menuBar only) MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ; grayRgn gets the result _DiffRgn ; grayRgn := grayRgn - menuBar ; finally intersect the gray region with the deskRegion MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ; push the deskRgn <13Nov86 EHB> MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ; push the gray region <13Nov86 EHB> MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ; get result in gray region <13Nov86 EHB> _SectRgn ; set the wmgrPort clipRgn to the wide open region MOVE.L GRAFGLOBALS(A5),A0 ; get grafglobals <13Nov86 EHB> MOVE.L WIDEOPEN(A0),-(SP) ; push wide open region <13Nov86 EHB> _SetClip ; set clipRgn to wideopen <13Nov86 EHB> ; CSS Rollin patch: InitWIndowsRgnPatch from Horror: ; InitWindowsFramePatch - Decides whether the corners of the screen should be rounded ; or not. LCD displays don’t have rounded corners while CRT ; displays do. IF hasPwrControls THEN ; CSS IMPORT LCDScreenChk ; CSS BigJsr LCDScreenChk,a0 ; do we have an LCD screen? CSS BNE.S @doneRounding ; don't round the corners ENDIF ; black out the corners of the desk MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ; push the temp rect MOVE.L #$FFFDFFFD,-(SP) ; and make it bigger _InsetRect ; by 3 pixels on each side MOVE.L #$00030003,-(SP) ; get a wider pen _PenSize MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ; push the port rect MOVE.L #$00160016,-(SP) ; and a radius for nice rounding _FrameRoundRect ; and black out the corners _PenNormal ; fix the pen back up IF hasPwrControls THEN ; CSS @doneRounding ENDIF IF hasDisplayMgrWindows THEN ; MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ; push grayRgn <13Nov86 EHB> _DMDrawDesktopRegion ELSE ; and paint gray rgn with old or new pattern MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ; push grayRgn <13Nov86 EHB> TST.B pCDeskPat ; test flag to see which to use DAF BPL.S @UseOldPat ; if hi bit clear, then use binary pat MOVE.L wmgrCPort,-(SP) ; set the cgrafPort for color patterns _SetPort ; MOVE.L DeskCPat,-(SP) ; push the desk PPAT _FillCRgn ; and fill the gray region MOVE.L wmgrPort,-(SP) ; restore the wmgrPort _SetPort ; BRA.S @DonePat ; @UseOldPat PEA DeskPattern ; push the desk pattern _FillRgn ; and paint the desktop <13Nov86 EHB> @DonePat ENDIF ; set the wmgrPort clipRgn to the gray region MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ; push grayRgn _SetClip ; set clipRgn to grayRgn ; make sure the cursor is visible _ShowCursor ; ; initialize the window list to empty ; CLR.L WindowList ; ; set up the AuxWinList ; DAF ; MOVE.L #AuxWinSize,D0 ;set up for newHandle DAF _NewHandle ,CLEAR ;allocate a new record (init fields to NIL, too) DAF MOVE.L A0,A4 ;copy the handle DAF _HLock ;lock that bad boy (no BUS ERRORs!) DAF MOVE.L A4,AuxWinHead ;set up list head DAF MOVE.L (A4),A3 ;get a pointer to the default DAF SUBQ #4,SP ;leave room for the function result DAF MOVE.L #'wctb',-(SP) ;push the resource type DAF CLR.W -(SP) ;get wctb=0 DAF _rGetResource ;get from disk or ROM (last) DAF @1 MOVE.L (SP)+,awCTable(A3) ;set up the colortable DAF<1.7> MOVE.L A4,A0 ;copy the handle to unlock _HUnlock ;unlock the auxWinRec DAF ; ; since there's no InitControls, set up the AuxCtlList DAF ; MOVE.L #acSize,D0 ;set up for newHandle DAF<1.7> _NewHandle ,CLEAR ;allocate a new record (init fields to NIL, too) DAF MOVE.L A0,A4 ;copy the handle DAF _HLock ;lock it down DAF MOVE.L A4,AuxCtlHead ;set up list head DAF MOVE.L (A4),A3 ;get a pointer to the default DAF SUBQ #4,SP ;leave room for the function result DAF MOVE.L #'cctb',-(SP) ;push the resource type DAF CLR.W -(SP) ;get cctb=0 DAF _rGetResource ;get from disk or ROM (last) DAF @2 MOVE.L (SP)+,acCTable(A3) ;set up the colortable DAF<1.7> MOVE.L A4,A0 ;copy the handle to unlock _HUnlock ;unlock the auxCtlRec DAF ; ; allocate saveVisRgn, a region used to save the visRgn during updates ; BSR GETNEWRGN ;allocate a region MOVE.L (SP)+,SAVEVISRGN ;update saveVisRgn global ; ; initialize window manager globals (and desk mgr) ; CLR.L GhostWindow ;init ghostWindow pointer LEA CurActivate,A0 ;get address of activate buffer CLR.L (A0)+ ;clear it CLR.L (A0)+ ;clear deactivate, too ; ; flag that the window manager has now been initialized ; CLR.B WWExist ; say the window world exists <1.5> DAF MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ; dispose of WMGRCPORT visRgn <13Nov86 EHB> _DisposRgn MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ; and WMGRCPORT clipRgn <13Nov86 EHB> _DisposRgn _InitPalettes ; init palette manager <12May87 DAF> ; ; all done -- restore registers return to caller ; MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D7/A3-A4 ;restore work registers UNLK A6 ; bag the stack frame DAF RTS EndProc ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; FUNCTION NewCWindow( wStorage: Ptr; ; pboundsRect: Rect; ; pTitle: String; ; pVisible: BOOLEAN; ; theProc: INTEGER; ; pBehind: WindowPtr; ; pGoAway: BOOLEAN; ; pRefCon: LongInt; ): windowPtr; ; ; Allocates and initializes a new color window, and returns a pointer to it ; ; Roll in new 'NewCWindow' from WindowMgrPatches.a which rewrites the whole thing in C NEWCWINDOW PROC EXPORT IMPORT NewWindowCommon ;in layermgr.c MOVE.L (SP)+, A0 ST -(SP) MOVE.L A0, -(SP) IMPORT NewWindowCommon JMP NewWindowCommon ENDPROC ; end roll in ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; FUNCTION NewWindow( wStorage: Ptr; ; pboundsRect: Rect; ; pTitle: String; ; pVisible: BOOLEAN; ; theProc: INTEGER; ; pBehind: WindowPtr; ; pGoAway: BOOLEAN; ; pRefCon: LongInt; ): windowPtr; ; ; Allocates and initializes a new window, and returns a pointer to it ; Roll in new 'NewWindow' from WindowMgrPatches.a which rewrites the whole thing in C NewWindow PROC EXPORT IMPORT NewWindowCommon ;in layermgr.c MOVE.L (SP)+, A0 CLR.B -(SP) MOVE.L A0, -(SP) JMP NewWindowCommon ENDPROC ; end roll in ; Utility CancelActivate -- takes a window pointer and checks to see if ; that address is in either the CurActivate or the curDeactive locations. ; If it is, sets the high bit of that address. Has the effect of ; cancelling pending activate events. Trashes A0, D0 and D1. ; Note: patch worked by clearing curActivate or curDeactive. This doesn't work ; because if a window was both curActivate and curDeactive, then both are cleared ; and next GetNextEvent on an activate doesn't set sys<->app bit. Solved by ; cancelling event by setting high bit. See also: fix in DoActivate. CancelActivate Proc Export LEA CurActivate,A0 ; check curActivate first MOVE.L A3,D0 ; get window pointer BSR.S @1 ; into D0 ADDQ #4,A0 ; now do curDeactive @1 MOVE.L (A0),D1 ; get current active/deactive ptr EOR.L D0,D1 ; compare addresses AND.L MaskBC,D1 ; minus the high bits BNE.S @2 ; oops, not the same address BSET #7,(A0) ; else cancel the event @2 RTS ; EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE CloseWindow(window); ; ; hides a window, unlinks it from the window list and disposes of all ; the storage it uses except for the window itself. ; CloseWindowGuts Proc Export Import SetWPort Import CancelActivate Import CallWindow Import DeleteWindow Import RestorePort Import DoActivate Import __ActiveWindow MOVEM.L D3-D4/A2/A3,-(SP) ;save working registers <1.4/DAF> MOVE.L 20(SP),A3 ;get window pointer BSR SETWPORT ;set the port to the wmgrPort ; Cancel pending activate events. (This cancels activates for DisposeWindow too) BSR.S CancelActivate ; SUBQ #4,SP ;make room for frontWindow result JSR __ActiveWindow ; FM This was _FrontWindow ; But we need Active window with layers ; ; FM Moved the show hide call before the KillControls call ; FM Preventing unecessary drawing as controls are disposed. MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the window CLR.W -(SP) ;say "Hide" _ShowHide ;hide the window ; ; dispose of all the controls in the window ; MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the window ptr _KillControls ;get rid of them MOVEQ #WDisposeMsg,D0 ;tell window to dispose of private data BSR CallWindow ;send window dispose message ; ; dispose of palette, then auxWinRec if present. To do this, do a SetWinColor with the ; request being the default colortable (which deletes the auxWinRec). ; If we are in 24-bit mode, then set the default color table which will delete the auxWinRec and ; color table if it's not a resource. In 32-bit mode, also set the default color table which ; will delete the color table if it's not the default, then remove the auxWinRec upon return. ; TST PORTBITS+ROWBYTES(A3) ; is it new? BPL.S @NotNew ; => no MOVE.L GrafVars(A3),A0 ; get grafVar handle MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; point at grafVars MOVE.L PmFgColor(A0),D0 ; is there a palette BEQ.S @NotNew ; => no Move.L D0,A0 ; let's use an address register AWC.PB457 Move.L (A0),A0 ; dereference it AWC.PB457 BTst #DisposeBit,pmPrivate(A0) ; should we dispose of it? AWC.PB457 Beq.S @NotNew ; no => the user has to dispose of it AWC.PB457 MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; else push palette _DisposePalette ; and dump it @NotNew MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ; push handle for SetWinColor later SUBQ #4+2,SP ; make room for VAR return and boolean func result <1.4/DAF> CLR.L -(SP) ; push the window pointer PEA 6(SP) ; push a pointer to the cTabHndl placeholder _GetAuxWin ; get the default cTabHndl ADDQ #2,SP ; dump the function result MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the default winRec handle MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; get the default ptr MOVE.L awCTable(A0),-(SP) ; push default colors hndl <1.7> TST.B MMU32Bit ; are we in 32-bit mode? <1.4/DAF> BEQ.S @WinRec24 ; nope, so get rid of it the easy, old-fashioned way <1.4/DAF> LEA AuxWinHead,A1 ; get the head of the auxWinList (offset is zero so this works!) @10 MOVE.L (A1),A2 ; get the handle to the auxWinRec MOVE.L (A2),A0 ; get the pointer to the auxWinRec CMP.L awOwner(A0),A3 ; is this the one? <1.7> BEQ.S @20 ; yes, so remove it LEA awNext(A0),A1 ; get the next one <1.7> BRA.S @10 @20 MOVE.L awNext(A0),(A1) ; link around the closing window <1.7> MOVE.L A2,A1 ; copy the dead auxWinRec handle MOVE.L (A1),A1 ; get a pointer to it MOVE.L awCTable(A1),D0 ; get the doomed color table handle <1.7> CMP.L (SP)+,D0 ; does this doomed record have the same color table as the default? BEQ.S @30 ; if so, then don't delete it MOVE.L D0,A0 ; get the doomed ctab handle in A0 _HGetState ; get the tag bits of this color table BTST #resource,D0 ; is the resource bit set? BNE.S @30 ; if so, don't delete it (it the app's responsibility) _DisposHandle ; kill the color table @30 MOVE.L A2,A0 ; release the auxWinRec _DisposHandle ; ADDQ #4,SP ; get rid of the extra window pointer pushed above BRA.S @WinRecDone ; @WinRec24 _SetWinColor ; set this window's colors to default @WinRecDone MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push windowPtr BSR DELETEWINDOW ;splice it out of the list ; ; now that the visual stuffs taken care off, free up the storage of the window ; data structure ; MOVE.L WTitleHandle(A3),A0 ;get the title string handle _DisposHandle MOVE.L StructRgn(A3),-(SP) ;push the structRgn _DisposRgn ;dispose it MOVE.L CONTRGN(A3),-(SP) ;push the content region _DisposRgn ;dispose it MOVE.L UPDATERGN(A3),-(SP) ;ditto for the update Rgn _DisposRgn ;dispose it MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push pointer to port TST portVersion(A3) ; is this a Window or cWindow? DAF BPL.S @Old ; if +, then old port DAF _CloseCPort ; if cWindow, close cPort DAF BRA.S @Dunn ; all done DAF @Old _ClosePort ;deallocate vis and clip @Dunn ; DAF ; MOVE.L windowPic(A3),D0 ;get picture handle BEQ.S @1 ;if it doesnt have one, skip MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ;get the picture handle _KillPicture ;dispose it @1 CMP.L (SP)+,A3 ;was it the old frontWindow? BNE.S @2 ;if not, we're done MOVE.W windowKind(A3),CurDeKind ;get kind of old one SUBQ #4,SP ;make room for frontWindow result JSR __ActiveWindow ; FM This was _FrontWindow ; But with the Layer manager we ; have to use ActiveWindow to get the ; most truly frontmost window. BSR DoActivate ;select the new frontWindow ; if thePort was set to the window we just closed, leave it set to the window manager port @2 CMP.L D4,A3 ; was old grafPort our window? BEQ.S StdExitOne ; =>yes, leave ThePort=WmgrPort BSR RESTOREPORT ; else restore old grafPort StdExitOne MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D4/A2/A3 ;restore work registers MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ;strip parameter RTS EndProc ; Utility MakeDeactive -- takes a window ptr in D0. It unhilites the window ; and posts the deactivate only if there wasn't one already posted MakeDeactive Proc Export MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ;push the window ptr MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ;push it again for hilite CLR.W -(SP) ;hilite = false _HiliteWindow ;unhilite it MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ;get window pointer back TST.L CurDeactive ;is the one in there already? BGT.S @1 ;if so, dont post it MOVE.L D0,A0 ;get the window pointer MOVE.W windowKind(A0),CurDeKind ;get kind of old one MOVE.L D0,curDeactive ;post the event! @1 RTS ;return to caller EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE DisposeWindow(theWindow: windowPtr); ; ; does a close window and then disposes of the window itself -- it assumes ; the window's storage was allocated on the heap ; DisposeWindow Proc Export MOVE.L 4(SP),-(SP) ;push "theWindow" _CloseWindow ;close it MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ;get the return address MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;get the window _DisposPtr ;dispose of it JMP (A1) ;return to caller EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE ShowWindow(theWindow: windowPtr); ; ; make the parameter window visible (if its not already). Use the "ShowHide" ; utility routine to do the real work. Also, select the window if its ; going to be the top one. ; ShowWindow Proc Export MOVE.L WindowList,A0 ;get base of windowList ; in this loop we see if we can find this window before any visible one SFLoop TST.B WVisible(A0) ;is this one visible? BNE.S justShowIt ;if so, we're not frontWindow CMP.L 4(SP),A0 ;is this one us? BEQ.S ShowSelect ;if so, better go select it MOVE.L NextWindow(A0),A0 ;try the next one MOVE.L A0,D0 ;is it NIL? BNE.S SFLoop ;if not, try again ; the window isn't before FrontWindow so just show it JustShowIt MOVE.L 4(SP),-(SP) ; push the window for the call to ShowHide FM MOVE.B #1,-(SP) ; push TRUE boolean _ShowHide ; do it MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; Get return address in A0 FM ADDQ #4,SP ; Nuke the window parameter FM JMP (A0) ; return to caller ; the window we're about to show is the new front window so we better select it ; ShowSelect MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ;push it _SelectWindow ;select it BRA.S JustShowIt ;go show it, too EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE HideWindow(theWindow: windowPtr); ; ; make the parameter window invisible (if its not already). Use the "ShowHide" ; utility routine to do the real work. It also does the appropriate SelectWindow ; if the one we're hiding was the front window. ; HideWindow Proc Export Import __ActiveWindow SUBQ #4,SP ;make room for result JSR __ActiveWindow ;get the frontMost window MOVE.L 8(SP),-(SP) ;push the window CLR.W -(SP) ;push FALSE for "hide" _ShowHide ;hide it ; if the one we hid was the frontWindow, select the new frontWindow MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ;get old frontWindow CMP.L 4(SP),D0 ;is it this one? BNE.S DoneHide1 ;if not, we're done ; we just hid the frontWindow so call SelectWindow to fix things up BSR MakeDeactive ;go post the deactivate SUBQ #4,SP ;make room on stack JSR __ActiveWindow ;get new frontWindow MOVE.L (SP),CurActivate ;remember to activate it BEQ.S DoneH2 ;if none, better not activate _SelectWindow ;select it ; all done with HideWindow DoneHide1 MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ;strip parameter RTS ;return to caller DoneH2 ADDQ #4,SP ;pop off the window BRA.S DoneHide1 ;use common code EndProc ; ; FUNCTION GetWRefCon(window):LONGINT ; ; Returns the application-defined reference constant associated with the window ; GetWRefCon Proc Export Export GetWCommon MOVE.W #WRefCon,D1 ;get offset to refCon GetWCommon MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;get return address MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ;get the window pointer MOVE.L 0(A1,D1),(SP) ;pass back the refCon JMP (A0) ;return to caller EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE SetWRefCon(window: windowPtr; value: LongInt); ; ; Sets the application-defined reference constant associated with the window ; SetWRefCon Proc Export Export SetWCommon MOVE.W #WRefCon,D1 ;get offset to refCon SetWCommon MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;get return address MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ;get the value MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ;get the window pointer MOVE.L D0,0(A1,D1) ;pass back the refCon JMP (A0) ;return to caller EndProc ; PROCEDURE SetWindowPic(window: windowPtr; thePic: PicHandle); ; ; Sets the picture handle of a window ; SetWindowPic Proc Export Import SetWCommon MOVE.W #WindowPic,D1 ;get offset to windowPic BRA SetWCommon ;use common code EndProc ; ; FUNCTION GetWindowPic(window):picHandle ; ; Returns the window picture associated with the window ; GetWindowPic Proc Export Import GetWCommon MOVE.W #WindowPic,D1 ;get offset to windowPic BRA GetWCommon ;use common code EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE GetWTitle(window: WindowPtr; VAR title: string); ; ; return the title of the window. Make sure we make a copy of the ; string cause it might move around. ; GetWTitle Proc Export MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1/A0-A1 ;get return address, stringPtr, windowPtr MOVE.L WTITLEHANDLE(A1),D0 ;do we have a title BEQ.S @NilTitle ; nope MOVE.L D0,A1 ;get handle of title MOVE.L (A1),A1 ;handle -> pointer MOVEQ #0,D0 MOVE.B (A1),D0 ;get length of string in bytes @1 MOVE.B (A1)+,(A0)+ ;move a byte of the string DBRA D0,@1 ;loop till its moved BRA.S @Exit ;is this really necessary @NilTitle MOVE.B #0,(A0)+ ;zero length string @Exit MOVE.L D1,A0 ;get return address JMP (A0) ;all done! EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE SetWTitle(window: windowPtr; title: String); ; ; set the title of a window, redrawing stuff as necessary ; SetWTitle Proc Export Import SetWPort Import CallWCalc Import RemoveContent Import RestorePort Import TwoParmExit MOVEM.L D3-D5/A2-A3,-(SP) ;save work registers (push one extra) MOVE.L 24(SP),D5 ;get title String MOVE.L 28(SP),A3 ;get the window pointer BSR SETWPORT ;get into the window manager port ; MOVE.L StructRgn(A3),A0 ;get the structRgn _HandToHand ;clone it MOVE.L A0,D3 ;set clobbered to struct MOVE.L WTitleHandle(A3),D0 ; test for NIL handle BEQ.S @2 ; dispose region, restore port MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; else push handle MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ;push pointer to new title _SetString ;update the window's title ; SUBQ #2,SP ;make room for stringWidth result MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ;push newString pointer _StringWidth ;measure width of new title MOVE.W (SP)+,WTITLEWIDTH(A3) ;update window's title width ; BSR CALLWCALC ;invoke the windowProc to calc regions ; if the new region is the same as the old region, then simply paint the ; current window (this is the usual case). Otherwise, redraw all windows. CLR.W -(SP) ; room for boolean result MOVE.L StructRgn(A3),-(SP) ; compare the new structure MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ; to the old one _EqualRgn ; MOVE.W (SP)+,D0 ; are they equal?? BEQ.S @1 ; no, redraw everything BSR.S RemoveContent ; else remove content from region MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ; and paint the window MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ; with the new structure _PaintOne ; BRA.S @2 ; ; compute the union of the old and new structures of the window, subtract ; out the content region, and redraw clipped to that @1 move.l a3,-(sp) ; FM pass the window pointer _ActivatePalette ; FM go tell the Palette Mgr to think about this window MOVE.L StructRgn(A3),-(SP) ;push new struct MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push old struct MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;clobbered gets the result _UnionRgn ;clobbered = old and new struct BSR.S RemoveContent ; remove content from region MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the window MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push clobbered _PaintBehind ;PaintBehind(theWindow,clobbered) MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the window MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push clobbered _CalcVBehind ;CalcVBehind(theWindow,clobbered) ; ; all done -- dispose clobbered, restore the port and return to caller @2 MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push clobbered _DisposRgn ;dispose it BSR RESTOREPORT ;restore grafPort MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D5/A2-A3 ;restore registers GoTwoParm BRA TWOPARMEXIT ;standard exit saves code EndProc ; Utility PROCEDURE RemoveContent; ; ; This is a code saving utility. It subtracts the content region of ; the window in A3 from the region in D3 and leaves the result in ; the region in D3. RemoveContent Proc Export MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push clobbered MOVE.L ContRgn(A3),-(SP) ;push content region MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;clobbered gets the result _DiffRgn ;subtract off the result RTS ; EndProc ; ; Utility FUNCTION DeltaPoint(point1,point2: Point): Point; ; ; DeltaPoint is a code saving utility that computes the difference between ; two LisaGraf points, Result := point1 - point2. ; DeltaPoint Proc Export Import TwoParmExit MOVE 8(SP),D0 ;get point1.v SUB 4(SP),D0 ;subtract point2.v MOVE D0,12(SP) ;record result ; MOVE 10(SP),D0 ;get point1.h SUB 6(SP),D0 ;subtract point2.h MOVE D0,14(SP) ;record result BRA TwoParmExit ;standard exit saves code EndProc ; MoveGuts is common code shared between MoveWindow and ZoomWindow. It calculates the ; offset from the global point in D0 and the topLeft of the portRect, and offsets the ; portRect and regions by that amount. StructRgn is in A4. MoveGuts Proc Export Import PortToBitMap Import DeltaPoint Import NegWords MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ;push structure region SUBQ #4,SP ;make room for result MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ;get global place to move to SUBQ #4,SP ;make room for result MOVE.L PORTRECT(A3),-(SP) ;get portRect topLeft MOVE.L A3,A0 ;get port pointer BSR PortToBitMap ;convert to bitMap/pixMap pointer MOVE.L BOUNDS(A0),-(SP) ;push portBounds topLeft BSR.S DeltaPoint ;compute portRect - bounds (global portRect) BSR.S DeltaPoint ;compute target - current ; ; now offset all the windows' regions ; MOVE.L (SP),D3 ;remember the offset _OfsetRgn ;offset the structure MOVE.L CONTRGN(A3),-(SP) MOVE.L D3,-(SP) _OfsetRgn ;offset the content region MOVE.L UPDATERGN(A3),-(SP) MOVE.L D3,-(SP) _OfsetRgn ;offset the update region MOVE.L A3,A0 ;get port pointer BSR PortToBitMap ;convert to bitMap/pixMap pointer PEA BOUNDS(A0) ;push pointer to port bounds rect MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push offset BSR NEGWORDS ;negate it _OffsetRect ;offset port bounds rect to new position RTS ; return to sender... EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE MoveWindow(window: windowPtr; hGlobal,vGlobal: INTEGER; front:BOOLEAN); ; ; move the position of the window (hGlobal and vGlobal specify the ; new position of topLeft) without changing its size. If the front parameter ; is true, also bring the window to the front ; MoveWindow Proc Export Import SetWPort Import ClipGAbove Import GetNewRgn Import MoveGuts Import SmartMove Import SelWin1 Import RestorePort Import TenBytExit MOVEM.L D3-D6/A3-A4,-(SP) ;save work registers BSR SETWPORT ;get into the wmgr Port MOVE.L 34(SP),A3 ;get window ptr ; compute the region that describes the currently visible part of the window ; and keep it in D5 ; BSR ClipGAbove ;clip to windows above us ; BSR GETNEWRGN ;allocate a new region, keep in A4 MOVE.L (SP)+,D5 ;call it srcRgn and keep in D5 MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A3),A4 ;get the structure region MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ;push the structure region MOVE.L WMGRPORT,A0 ;get the wmgrPort MOVE.L CLIPRGN(A0),-(SP) ;intersect clipRgn with structRgn MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ;get result in srcRgn _SectRgn ;intersect em ; ; remember the old struct ; MOVE.L A4,A0 ;clone structRgn _HandToHand ;perform the clone MOVE.L A0,D6 ;keep in D6 ; ; figure out the offsets for moving it MOVE.L 30(SP),D0 ; pass new topLeft in D0 BSR MoveGuts ; call code shared with ZoomWindow ; if NuMac then clip to windows that don't need to be redrawn BSR SmartMove ;clip to screens with same color table MOVE.L D5,-(SP) MOVE.L D3,-(SP) _OfsetRgn ;offset visible part of struct ; ; Set up the clipRgn for the blit ; TST.B 28(SP) ;bring to front flag set? BEQ.S NoBTF0 ;if not, skip ; Roll in patchSetclip from WindowMgrPatches.a ; Fix MoveWindow so that it calls ClipAbove(WindowList) for the bringToFront case ; _SetClip ; MOVE.L WindowList, A3 ;else, clipAbove the first window BSR ClipGAbove ;clip to windows above us MOVE.L 34(SP),A3 ;get window Test & Adjust to 34(sp) ; end roll -in NoBTF0 ; commented out DAF MOVE.L WMGRPORT,A0 ;get wmgrPort PEA PORTBITS(A0) ;use screen bitmap MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ;its the destination, too MOVE.L D6,A0 ;get src region handle MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;get pointer PEA RGNBBOX(A0) ;push pointer to its bounding box MOVE.L (A4),A0 ;dereference the structRgn PEA RGNBBOX(A0) ;its the destination box CLR -(SP) ;mode is srcCopy MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ;clip to vis part of structRgn _CopyBits ;do it! ; draw the part of the window we couldn't move -- the part covered by some other ; window or off the screen. Compute the part of the window that needs ; repainting into D5 MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ;push the whole structure MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ;push the visible part MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ;result goes in D5 _DiffRgn ;compute invis part of struct ; ; better fix up the ones behind up first to avoid two images ; MOVE.L NEXTWINDOW(A3),-(SP) ;push next window MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ;clobbered is old structure _PaintBehind ; ; bring it to the front if necessary ; TST.B 28(SP) ;bring to front flag set? BEQ.S @3 ;if not, skip MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the window MOVE.W #$FFFF,DragFlag ;set implicit param to BTF BSR SelWin1 ;bring us to the front CLR.W DragFlag ; CSS ; now we can repaint the clobbered part of the window in its new position @3 MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the windowPtr MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ;push clobbered ; PaintOne in MoveWindow - since we have done CalcAncestorRgns in _PaintBehind, we can do a PaintOneLite FM move.l ExpandMem,a0 ; FM st ExpandMemRec.ancestorRgnsCalced(a0) ; set the one-shot to keep from recalcing ancestor rgns FM _PaintOne ;repaint it, clipped to clobbered ; ; better union new and old structRgns for CalcVisBehind clobbered ; MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ;old struct MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ;new struct MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ;old gets result _UnionRgn ;union them together ; MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the window MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ;clobbered is old structure _CalcVBehind ;recalculate visRgns of those behind MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ;all done with this region _DisposRgn ;return to free list MOVE.L D6,-(SP) _DisposRgn MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the window pointer _ActivatePalette ;and activate the palette BSR RESTOREPORT ;restore the old grafPort MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D6/A3-A4 ;restore work registers BRA TenBytExit ;standard exit saves code EndProc ; Utility SmartMove(srcRgn,offset) ; We only want to blt the parts of the src that are going to screens with the same color ; table as the src. Subtract all other parts from the srcRgn so that they can ; be drawn in response to an update event. ; SrcRgn is in D5. Offset is in D3 SmartMove Proc Export Import NegWords MOVEM.L D5-D7/A2-A4,-(SP) ; save work registers SUBQ #8,SP ; make room for rectangle MOVE.L SP,A2 ; keep tempRect in A2 SUBQ #8,SP ; make room for 2 region handles _NewRgn ; allocate tempRgn MOVE.L (SP)+,D7 ; keep tempRgn in D7 _NewRgn ; allocate rgn for dst screen MOVE.L (SP)+,D6 ; keep scrnRgn in D6 ; check each device to see if src is on that device. MOVE.L DeviceList,A4 ; keep current device in A4 NxtDev1 MOVE.L (A4),A0 ; point to current device TST GDFlags(A0) ; is it active? BPL SkipDev1 ; => no, skip to next device MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ; push tempRgn PEA GDRect(A0) ; push rect _RectRgn ; create a rectangular region MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ; push srcRgn MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ; push device's rectangle MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ; keep intersection in tempRgn _SectRgn ; get intersection of window with device CLR.B -(SP) ; prepare for boolean result MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ; push intersection _EmptyRgn ; is the result empty? TST.B (SP)+ ; test result of intersection BNE SkipDev1 ; => no intersection, we're cool ; got a src device, check all possible dst devices MOVE.L DeviceList,A3 ; keep current device in A3 NxtDev2 MOVE.L (A3),A0 ; point to current device TST GDFlags(A0) ; is it active? BPL.S SkipDev2 ; => no, skip to next device CMP.L A3,A4 ; does src device = dst device? BEQ.S SkipDev2 ; => yes, we know the color table matches ; does color table of src device match color table of dst device? MOVE.L (A4),A1 ; point to source device MOVE.L GDPMap(A1),A1 ; get handle to src pixMap MOVE.L (A1),A1 ; point to src pixMap MOVE.L pmTable(A1),A1 ; get handle to color table MOVE.L (A1),A1 ; point to color table MOVE.L ctSeed(A1),D0 ; get color table's seed MOVE.L GDPMap(A0),A1 ; get handle to dst pixMap MOVE.L (A1),A1 ; point to dst pixMap MOVE.L pmTable(A1),A1 ; get handle to color table MOVE.L (A1),A1 ; point to color table CMP.L ctSeed(A1),D0 ; are color tables the same? BEQ.S SkipDev2 ; => yes, blit is fine ; color tables don't match. Calculate the part of the src to be moved to this device (if any) LEA GDRect(A0),A0 ; get dst deviceRect MOVE.L A2,A1 ; get tempRect MOVE.L (A0)+,(A1)+ ; copy topLeft MOVE.L (A0),(A1) ; copy botRight MOVE.L A2,-(SP) ; push rectangle MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ; push offset BSR NEGWORDS ; negate it _OffsetRect ; offset by move amount MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ; push scrnRgn MOVE.L A2,-(SP) ; push tempRect _RectRgn ; regionize offset device's rect MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ; push scrnRgn MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ; push tempRgn MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ; get result in scrnRgn _SectRgn ; get intersection CLR.B -(SP) ; prepare for boolean result MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ; push intersection _EmptyRgn ; is the result empty? TST.B (SP)+ ; test result of intersection BNE.S SkipDev2 ; => no intersection, we're cool ; subtract this piece of the src from the srcRgn MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ; push region being moved MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ; push part going to bigger screen MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ; get result as region being moved _DiffRgn ; srcRgn := srcRgn-scrnRgn ; check next dst device SkipDev2 MOVE.L (A3),A0 ; point to current device MOVE.L GDNextGD(A0),D0 ; get next device MOVE.L D0,A3 ; keep current device in A3 BNE.S NxtDev2 ; =>do next device ; check next src device SkipDev1 MOVE.L (A4),A0 ; point to current device MOVE.L GDNextGD(A0),D0 ; get next device MOVE.L D0,A4 ; keep current device in A4 BNE.S NxtDev1 ; =>do next device ; clean up and return MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ; push scrn region _DisposRgn ; dispose of it MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ; push temp region _DisposRgn ; dispose of it ADDQ #8,SP ; strip tempRect MOVEM.L (SP)+,D5-D7/A2-A4 ; restore work registers RTS ; and return EndProc ; ; function GetWVariant ( someWindow : WindowPtr ) : integer; ; ; GetWVariant returns the variant code of the windowRecord pointed at by ; someWindow. The value returned is an integer even though variants ; are currently only 4 bits as word params on the stack are easier to ; handle ; GetWVariant Proc Export ; DAF MOVE.L 4(SP),A1 ; get windowPtr DAF TST.B MMU32Bit ; are we running 32-bit? DAF BEQ.S @1 ; do it the old way SUBQ #6,SP ; leave room for result and boolean MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; push the windowPtr DAF PEA 6(SP) ; point to the result space _GetAuxWin ; get the window's auxRec ADDQ #2,SP ; flush the boolean MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the auxRec handle MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; get the auxRec ptr CLR.W D0 ; clear hi part of register MOVE.B awFlags(A0),D0 ; get the variant byte <1.7> BRA.S @2 @1 CLR.W D0 ; clear hi part of register MOVE.B WindowDef(A1),D0 ; get the variant code AND.W #$000F,D0 ; trim to 4 bits @2 MOVE.W D0,8(SP) ; return the result MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the return addr DAF ADDQ #4,SP ; flush parameter DAF JMP (A0) ; return to caller EndProc ; ; UTILITY CallWindow ; ; This utility is used to save code. It has a register interface: ; A3 holds the window ; D3 holds the parameter ; D0 holds the message ; ; On exit, D0 contains the result parameter ; CallWindow Proc Export MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ;save A4 CLR.L -(SP) ;make room for function result SUBQ #2,SP ;leave space for variant DAF MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push window pointer MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ;push message index MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push parameter SUBQ #2,SP ;make room for function return DAF MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push window pointer DAF _GetWVariant ;get variant code DAF MOVE.W (SP)+,10(SP) ;put in placeholder on stack DAF MOVE.L WindowDef(A3),A0 ;get proc handle TST.L (A0) ;has the proc been purged? DAF BNE.S @1 ;if we got it, skip MOVE.L A0,D0 ;clean the handle (historical) DAF _StripAddress ;clean the pointer DAF MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ;better reload the proc DAF _LoadResource ;via the resource manager TST.L (A0) ;did we get it this time? DAF BNE.S @1 ;yup, keep going DAF MOVE.W #WDEFnFnd,D0 ;get error code DAF _SysError ;and croak DAF @1 ; Some programmers are pretty slimy and load a WDEF that is empty. They then fau ; stuff some code into it. However, since HLOCK does not flush the cache anymore, fau ; the code that they stuff into it might not get written back to memory. To solve this, fau ; we check here whether the WDEF resource size is less than, say, 32 bytes. If so, we chp ; assume that they have already loaded theWDEF and modified it, so we flush the cache fau ; for them. _GetHandleSize ; How big is our WDEF Handle fau cmp.l #32,D0 ; Is it "small" chp bhi.s @RealWDEF ; no, don't flush the cache fau jsr ([jCacheFlush]) ; else, flush the caches. fau @RealWDEF ; fau _HLock ;lock the proc handle DAF MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;get the proc pointer DAF JSR (A0) ;call it MOVE.L WindowDef(A3),A0 ;get the proc handle DAF _HUnlock ;free the defproc DAF MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ;get the reply MOVE.L (SP)+,A4 ;restore A4 RTS EndProc ; ; CALLDWINDOW -- sends a draw message to the window ; CallDWindow Proc Export Import CallWindow MOVEM.L D3,-(SP) ;preserve D3 MOVEQ #0,D3 ;zero D3 (draw all) MOVEQ #WDrawMsg,D0 ;draw message BSR.S CallWindow ;call it MOVE.L (SP)+,D3 ;restore A3 RTS EndProc ; ; UTILITY CallWCalc -- takes same parameters as call window and issues "calc your regions" ; message to the window if its visible. If the window isn't visible, it sets all the ; regions to empty. ; CallWCalc Proc Export Import CallWindow MOVEQ #WCalcRgnMsg,D0 ;assume its visible TST.B WVisible(A3) ;is it visible? ;;;; BNE.S CallWindow ;if so, ask the window defProc to do it BEQ.S @1 ;=>if not, empty regions LEA PortBounds(A3),A1 ;get portbounds MOVE.L (A1)+,-(SP) ;save whatever's there MOVE.L (A1)+,-(SP) ; TST PortBits+RowBytes(A3) ;is it a new port BPL.S @0 ;=>no MOVE.L PortBits+BaseAddr(A3),A0 ;get the pixmap MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;point to it MOVE.L Bounds+botRight(A0),-(A1) ; MOVE.L Bounds(A0),-(A1) ;set up bounds @0 BSR CallWindow ;get the defproc to recalc MOVE.L (SP)+,PortBounds+BotRight(A3) ;restore whatever was there MOVE.L (SP)+,PortBounds(A3) ; RTS @1 ; ; the window isn't visible so set its structure, content and visible regions to empty ; MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A3),-(SP) ;zero the structure region _SetEmptyRgn MOVE.L CONTRGN(A3),-(SP) ;zero the content region _SetEmptyRgn MOVE.L VISRGN(A3),-(SP) ;zero the visRgn _SetEmptyRgn RTS ;all done with calcRgn EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE HiliteWindow(window: windowPtr; fHilite: Boolean); ; ; Hilite or unhilite a window, depending on the state of the fHilite ; boolean. ; HiliteWindow Proc Export Import SetWPort Import ClipVStruct Import CallDWindow Import RestorePort Import SixBytExit MOVEM.L D3-D4/A3-A4,-(SP) ;save work registers MOVE.L 22(SP),A3 ;get window pointer MOVE.B 20(SP),D3 ;get fHilite boolean BSR SETWPORT ;get into the wmgrPort ; MOVE.B WHilited(A3),D0 ;get current hilite state EOR D3,D0 ;compare with parameter LSR #1,D0 ;just consider low bit BCC.S SWDONE ;if so, nothing more to do MOVE.B D3,WHILITED(A3) ;set the new state of the window ; BSR.S ClipVStruct ;clip to windows above us BSR CALLDWINDOW ;invoke the windowProc to draw it ; SWDone BSR RESTOREPORT ;restore old grafPort MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D4/A3-A4 ;restore work registers BRA SIXBYTEXIT ;standard exit saves code EndProc ; ; ClipVStruct and ClipGAbove are code saving utilities that set the clipping region to ; exclude the windows above the on in A3. ClipVStruct also clips to the window's ; structure while ClipGAbove uses the gray region (the desk) instead ; ClipVStruct Proc Export Export ClipGAbove MOVE.L StructRgn(A3),-(SP) ;push the structure ClipCommon _SetClip ;clip to it MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the window _ClipAbove ;clipAbove does all the real work RTS ; ClipGAbove MOVE.L GrayRgn,-(SP) ;push the gray region BRA.S ClipCommon ;let common code do the rest EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE SizeWindow(window: WindowPtr; w,h: INTEGER; fUpdate: BOOLEAN); ; ; Change the size of the window to the width/height specified by w,h. If ; fUpdate is TRUE, generate the appropriate update events ; TitleLeft EQU 32 SizeWindow Proc Export Import SizeGuts Import SetWPort Export TenBytExit MOVEM.L D3-D4/A3-A4,-(SP) ;save work registers MOVE.L 22(SP),D3 ;w and h = 0? (get width, too) BEQ.S SizeDone ;if so, don't do anything MOVE.L 26(SP),A3 ;get the window pointer MOVE 22(SP),D4 ;get the new height (already got width) LEA PORTRECT(A3),A4 ;get a pointer to the portRect ADD (A4)+,D4 ;bottom := top + height ADD (A4)+,D3 ;right := left + width MOVE.W D4,(A4)+ ;update bottom MOVE.W D3,(A4)+ ;update width ; ; now that the portRect is set to the new size. Update the screen if necessary ; TST.B WVISIBLE(A3) ;is the window visible? BEQ.S SIZEDONE ;if so, we're done BSR SETWPORT ;get into the window manager port MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the window pointer _SaveOld ;SaveOld(window) MOVE.B 20(SP),D3 ; pass update flag in D3 <9 Sep 85> BSR.S SizeGuts ; call code shared with zoomWindow MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ; push the window pointer <12May87 DAF> _ActivatePalette ; and activate it's palette <12May87 DAF> SizeDone MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D4/A3-A4 ;recover registers TenBytExit MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;get return address ADD #10,SP ;pop off the paramters JMP (A0) ;return to caller EndProc ; SizeGuts is code shared between SizeWindow and ZoomWindow. The window's (A3) old ; regions have been saved by _SaveOld. This calculates the new regions and then ; draws the new window, updating the clobbered regions as necessary, and generating ; update events if D3 is TRUE. Before exiting, it gets out of the window manager port ; and back into the port saved in D4. SizeGuts Proc Export Import CallWCalc Import ClipVStruct Import CallDWindow Import RestorePort BSR CALLWCALC ; have window recalc its regions BSR ClipVStruct ; clip to those above us BSR CALLDWINDOW ; tell window to draw itself MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ; push pointer to window MOVE.B D3,-(SP) ; push update flag _DrawNew ; update the screen image BSR RESTOREPORT ; restore the port in D4 RTS EndProc ; PROCEDURE ZoomWindow(window: windowPtr; partCode: Integer; front: BOOLEAN); ; 36 34 32 ; ZoomWindow handles resizing the window in response to a click in the zoom box. ; It is usually called when the FindWindow classification code is "inZoomIn" or ; "inZoomOut". It resizes the window, leaving the local coordinates of the topLeft ; of the portRect unchanged (thus PortBounds are changed). It does not bring the ; window to the front. ; NOTE: This routine can only be called for window variation code 8 (hasZoomBox) or ; it will dereference bogus data from the wDataHandle. Also no provisions are made ; for the zooming of invisible windows. ZoomWindow Proc Export Import SetWPort Import CallWCalc Import MoveGuts Import SizeGuts Import SelWin1 Import TwoParmExit MOVEM.L D3-D6/A2-A4,-(SP) ; save work registers BSR SETWPORT ; get into window manager port (save old in D4) MOVE.L 36(SP),A3 ; A3 = window pointer BSR CALLWCALC ; have window recalc its regions ; this saves current size too MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ; push window pointer _SaveOld ; save current structure & content regions ; DrawNew called by SizeGuts MOVE.L wDataHandle(A3),A2 ; get the data handle MOVE.L (A2),A2 ; and point to the data (smallSize,bigSize:Rect) CMPI.W #inZoomIn,34(SP) ; was it zoom in? BEQ.S @1 ; => yes, A2 points to smallSize ADDQ #8,A2 ; else point A2 to bigSize @1 MOVE.L StructRgn(A3),A4 ; get structure region into A4 MOVE.L (A2)+,D0 ; get new topLeft for common code BSR MoveGuts ; share code with MoveWindow ; calculate new botRight by adding width and height to new topLeft MOVE.W (A2)+,D0 ; get bottom of new rect MOVE.W (A2)+,D1 ; get right of new rect SUBQ #8,A2 ; rewind to beginning of rect SUB.W (A2)+,D0 ; D0 = height SUB.W (A2)+,D1 ; D1 = width LEA PortRect(A3),A0 ; update portRect with new botRight ADD.W (A0)+,D0 ; D0 = new bottom ADD.W (A0)+,D1 ; D1 = new right MOVE.W D0,(A0)+ ; set bottom MOVE.W D1,(A0)+ ; set right ; call code that is shared with SizeWindow to recalculate and draw ; SizeGuts calls CALLWCALC which causes the window's position to be updated MOVEQ #1,D3 ; pass update flag in D3 BSR.S SizeGuts ; share code with SizeWindow TST.B 32(SP) ; bring to front flag set? BEQ.S @2 ; => no MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ; push the window MOVE.W #$FFFF,DragFlag ; bring to front BSR SelWin1 ; and select the window CLR.W DragFlag ; CSS @2 PEA PortRect(A3) ; invalidate the entire portRect _InvalRect MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D6/A2-A4 ; restore registers BRA TwoParmExit ; and return EndProc ; ; FUNCTION TrackGoAway(window: windowPtr; thePt: Point): BOOLEAN; ; ; TrackGoAway tracks a window's go away button. It is usually called when the ; FindWindow classification code is "inGoAway". The point parameter is usually ; the mousePoint attached with the mouseDown event (in global coordinates). ; TrackGoAway hilites/unhilites the go away button and returns true if the mouse ; went up in the goAway button and false otherwise. ; TrackGoAway Proc Export Import SetWPort Import ClipVStruct Import CallWindow Import EORSymbol Import CallDragHook Import RestorePort Import TenBytExit Export TrackBox MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get RTS MOVE.W #wInGoAway+2,-(SP) ; push "part code" to track MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; put RTS back ; FUNCTION TrackBox(window: windowPtr; thePt: Point; partCode: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; ; 14 10 8 18 ; ; TrackBox tracks the part specified by partcode. It is used to track both the goAway ; box and the zoom box. TrackBox calls the defProc to hilite/unhilite the specified part ; and returns true if the mouse is released in the specified part. Keeps part in D6. TrackBox LINK A6,#-4 ;build a stack frame MOVEM.L D3-D6/A3,-(SP) ;save some registers BSR SetWPort ;remember old grafPort and set wmgrPort LEA 8(A6),A0 ;get param addr in register MOVE.W (A0)+,D6 ; keep part code in D6 SUBQ #2,D6 ; map to hit-test part number MOVE.L (A0)+,-4(A6) ;init mousePt MOVE.L (A0)+,A3 ;get the window CLR.W (A0) ;assume result false MOVEQ #0,D5 ;flag goAway button as un-hilited BSR ClipVStruct ;clip to those above us TrackGALoop MOVEQ #WHitMsg,D0 ;its a hit-test message MOVE.L -4(A6),D3 ;get the mouse point BSR CallWindow ;tell window to hit test itself CMP D6,D0 ; check the returned part BEQ.S @1 ; if not our part, make it 0 MOVEQ #0,D0 ; otherwise, its zero @1 CMP D0,D5 ;has it changed? BEQ.S NextTrkGA ;if not, nothing to do MOVE D0,D5 ;remember the change BSR.S EORSymbol ;and reflect it on the screen ; keep tracking until the mouse goes up NextTrkGA PEA -4(A6) ;push mouse address _GetMouse ;read the mouse ; call the users hook routine, if installed BSR CallDragHook ;call user if installed ; loop till the mouse button goes up CLR.W -(SP) ;make room for result _WaitMouseUp ;is it still down? TST.B (SP)+ ;well, is it? BNE.S TrackGALoop ;if so, continue to loop ; ; the mouse button went up so flag the result and unhilite it if we have to ; TST D5 ;were we in the button? BEQ.S DoneGA ;if not, we're done ADDQ.B #1,18(A6) ;flag it true, we're in the button BSR.S EORSymbol ;unhilite the symbol DoneGA BSR RestorePort ;restore grafPort MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D6/A3 ;restore work registers UNLK A6 BRA TenBytExit EndProc ; ; EORSymbol is a utility that exclusive ors the goAway button into the proper ; hilite state by invoking the windowProc to do the dirty work. ; EORSymbol Proc Export Import CallWindow MOVEQ #WDrawMsg,D0 ;the message is draw MOVEQ #0,D3 ; the param to the window defproc is a long ; so make sure that this word param has a ; clean hi word. MOVE D6,D3 ; param is "GoAway" BSR CallWindow ;call the window RTS EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE SelectWindow(theWindow: windowPtr); ; ; SelectWindow is called when the mouse button is clicked in a "behind" ; window. It unHilites the current FrontWindow, brings the new one to ; the front and then hilites it. It also posts activate/deactivate events. ; "DoActivate" is an alternative entry point that doesn't bother with the ; old top window at all. ; SelectWindow Proc Export Import BTF1 Import MakeDeactive Import __ActiveWindow Export SelWin1 Export DoActivate CLR.W DragFlag ;clear implicit parm to BTF SelWin1 SUBQ #4,SP ;make room for FrontWindow result JSR __ActiveWindow ;find out the old frontWindow FM use ActiveWindow MOVE.L 8(SP),-(SP) ;push the new window JSR BTF1 ;bring it to the front ; We used to just assume that the BTF1 call made us the front window. When the FM ; Layer manager was introduced they started checking which widnow ended up in front FM ; after the BTF1 call with a call to __ActiveWindow. FM MOVE.L 8(SP),A0 ;get the window in A0 MOVE.B wVisible(A0),-(SP) ;save visible on stack ST.B wVisible(A0) ;make it appear visible for ActiveWindow SUBQ.L #4,SP ;Get the new frontwindow. This seems uncecessary FM JSR __ActiveWindow ;but thats the way the patch worked. FM MOVE.L 14(SP),A0 ;get the window in A0 MOVE.B 4(SP),wVisible(A0) ;restore wVisible MOVE.L (SP)+,10(SP) ;its a side affect of layers. FM ADDQ #2,SP ; clear saved visible flag off the stack MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ;get the oldFrontWindow BEQ.S DoActivate ;if NIL, don't bother CMP.L 4(SP),D0 ;is it the same one? BEQ.S SkipUnHilite ;if so, dont post events JSR MakeDeactive ;go post the deactivate ; Note: Move D0 to curActivate before checking for window to activate. This clears ; curActivate if there are no (visible) windows left. DoActivate MOVE.L 4(SP),D0 ;get the window to activate MOVE.L D0,curActivate ;post the activate event BEQ.S NoActivate ;if none, skip SkipUnHilite MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ;push the new window for HiliteWindow <12May87 DAF> MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ;copy it for ActivatePalette (actually HiliteWindow) <12May87 DAF> ST -(SP) ;push "TRUE" _HiliteWindow ;hilite the new one _ActivatePalette ;activate its palette <12May87 DAF> NoActivate MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ;strip the parameter RTS ;return to caller EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE BringToFront(window); ; ; bring the parameter window to the front of the list (right after the ; dialogWindow). ; BLANKS ON STRING ASIS BringToFront Proc Export Import SetWPort Import GetNewRgn Import PortToBitMap Import NegWords Import DeleteWindow Import RestorePort Export BTF1 CLR.W DragFlag ;we want to paint BTF1 MOVEM.L D3-D6/A2-A4,-(SP) ;save some work registers MOVE.L 32(SP),A3 ;get the window pointer BSR SETWPORT ;get into the wmgr port LEA WindowList,A2 ;keep windowList ptr in A2 ; ; check to see if its already on front -- if so, ignore the call ; CMP.L (A2),A3 ;is it the front one? BEQ BTFDone ;if so, we're done <27oct85> BBM ; ; calculate the union of all windows in front of us and then subtract this ; window from everyone who used to be on front ; BSR GETNEWRGN ;allocate "clobbered" region MOVE.L (SP)+,D3 ;keep clobbered in D3 MOVE.L (A2),A4 ;start with 1st window in list BTFLoop CMP.L A3,A4 ;done yet? BEQ.S DONEUNION ;if so, exit loop TST.B WVISIBLE(A4) ;is current one visible BEQ.S NEXTBTF ;if not, don't bother unioning ; MOVE.L A4,A0 ;get port pointer BSR PortToBitMap ;convert to bit/pixmap pointer MOVE.L BOUNDS(A0),D6 ;get global topLeft of curWindow MOVE.L VISRGN(A4),D5 ;get visRgn handle of curWindow ; ; offset the visRgn of current window to global coordinates, subtract the ; structRgn of the parameter window, then offset back to local coordinates ; MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ;push the visRgn MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ;push the offset point BSR NEGWORDS ;negate offset _OfsetRgn ;offset to global coordinates ; MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ;push the visRgn MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A3),-(SP) ;push the theWindow^.structRgn MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ;result goes in visRgn _DiffRgn ;visRgn := visRgn - structRgn ; MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ;push the visRgn MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ;push the offset _OfsetRgn ;back to local coordinates ; ; add the structRgn of the current window to clobbered ; MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A4),-(SP) ;push curWindow^.structRgn MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push clobbered MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;clobbered gets the result _UnionRgn ;clobbered := clobbered + structRgn NextBTF MOVE.L NEXTWINDOW(A4),A4 ;get next window MOVE.L A4,D0 ;is it NIL? BNE.S BTFLOOP ;loop till done ; ; now that we have clobbered built, splice the window out of the list, insert it ; right behind the dialogWindow (i.e., the "front") and recalculate its visRgn ; DoneUnion MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the window BSR DELETEWINDOW ;splice it out of the list ; ; insert window as first one in list ; MOVE.L (A2),NextWindow(A3) MOVE.L A3,(A2) ; ; redraw the window, clipped to the union of those in front of it ; TST.W DragFlag ;test if from MoveOptimized BNE.S DontPaint ;if so, we're done MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A3),-(SP) ;push the structRgn of window MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push clobbered MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;clobbered gets the result _SectRgn ;make clobbered as small as we can MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the window pointer MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push clobbered ; No need to calculate structure regions in the bring to front case because the window isn't moving FM move.l ExpandMem,a0 ; FM st ExpandMemRec.ancestorRgnsCalced(a0) ; set the one-shot to keep from recalcing ancestor rgns _PaintOne ;paint the window, clipped to clobbered DontPaint ; Use CalcVBehind instead of CalcVis because of layers. FM MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the window FM MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A3),-(SP) ;for now, everything's clobbered FM _CalcVBehind ;recalculate its visible region FM MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;all done with clobbered region _DisposRgn ;so we can dispose it BTFDone BSR RESTOREPORT ;set port back to what it was (was .S) MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D6/A2-A4 ;restore working registers MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ;strip parameter RTS ;return to caller EndProc ; ; NEGWORDS is a short utility intended to save code. It negates the two words on the ; top of the stack ; NegWords Proc Export NEG 4(SP) ;negate y coordinate NEG 6(SP) ;negate x coordinate RTS EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE SendBehind(window,behind: windowPtr) ; ; send a window behind another window, redrawing all exposed areas. If ; behind is NIL, send it to the back ; ; If SendBehind is actually moving a window to the front, we should paint starting with the window ; that ends up behind the window we are moving instead of the window that was behind it before we ; moved anything. To do this, we get the new “behind” window in A3, and then look through the list. ; If we never see that window in A3, then we know we should start painting there, but if we do see ; it, then we use the old code which paints from the old front window. SendBehind Proc Export Import SetWPort Import DeleteWindow Import InsertWindow Import RestorePort Import TwoParmExit Import __ActiveWindow MOVEM.L D3-D4/A2-A4,-(SP) ;save work registers MOVE.L 28(SP),A3 ;get window pointer BSR SETWPORT ;get into the window mgr port ; SUBQ #4,SP ;make room for result JSR __ActiveWindow ;figure out the frontmost window CMP.L (SP)+,A3 ;is it this one? BNE.S GoSendIt ; ; we're sending the frontMost window behind so go find the next visible window ; in the list and select it ; MOVE.L A3,A0 ;get frontWindow in A0 @1 MOVE.L NextWindow(A0),A0 ;get the next window MOVE.L A0,D0 ;is it NIL? BEQ.S GoSendIt ;if so, dont call selectWindow TST.B WVisible(A0) ;is it visible? BEQ.S @1 ;if not, loop till we find one MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ;we found one! _SelectWindow ;select it GoSendIt MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the window BSR DELETEWINDOW ;splice it out of the list MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A3),D3 ;get its structRgn into a register MOVE.L NEXTWINDOW(A3),-(SP) ;save the window currently behind the one we're moving MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the window MOVE.L 32(SP),-(SP) ;push behind BSR INSERTWINDOW ;insert it at the end of the list ; Check is the window moved forward or backward in the list. move.l (sp),d0 ; get the window that WAS behind the window we moved bra.s @start ; start with the NIL check @loop cmp.l d0,a3 ; if we find the window that is behind <34><35> beq MovedBack ; we are moving window to the back move.l d0,a0 move.l nextWindow(a0),d0 @start bne.s @loop ; if we have another window, go looping ; Since we moved the window forward, nothing needs to be repainted except for the window we ; moved, which may now be exposed more. First, we calculate the visRgns of the moved window and all ; the windows behind it using CalcVBehind and the strucRgn of the moved window. Then, we figure out ; what part of the window was exposed by adding up all the strucRgns of the windows that it was ; moved in front of. We then use PaintOne to paint the window, but we set the flag that prevents ; CalcAncestorRgns, since this can never change the total region of windows in the layer. MovedForward move.l (sp)+,a4 ; save old behind window in non-volatile register move.l a3,-(sp) ; calc the windows behind me move.l d3,-(sp) _CalcVBehind ; Union strucRgns of all windows that used to be in front of the window that moved, ; but are now behind it. We can find these windows by starting behind where the ; window is now, and stopping when we get where it was before it moved. move.l nextWindow(a3),d0 ; start behind us beq.s Done ; if nothing is behind us, we are done move.l d0,a2 ; start with this window subq #4,sp _NewRgn move.l (sp)+,d3 ; get a new region for unioning @loop2 cmp.l a2,a4 ; check if we are done yet <36><39> beq.s @doneUnionRgns ; if done => exit loop <39> move.l structRgn(a2),-(sp) ; get the strucRgn move.l d3,-(sp) ; union with our region move.l d3,-(sp) ; destination in our region _UnionRgn move.l nextWindow(a2),a2 ; move to next window (will never be NIL before the end) bra.s @loop2 ; <39> @doneUnionRgns ; <39> ; Now we have a region including all windows that used to cover the window that ; moved but don’t cover it any more. By calling PaintOne with this region, we redraw ; only the newly revealed part of the window that moved. move.l a3,-(sp) move.l d3,-(sp) ; paint the newly exposed part of the moved window move.l ExpandMem,a0 st ExpandMemRec.ancestorRgnsCalced(a0) ; set the one-shot to keep from recalcing ancestor rgns _PaintOne move.l d3,-(sp) _DisposeRgn ; get rid of that region Done bra Exit ;standard exit to save code ; Moved the window backwards in the list. This is the old SendBehind code mostly MovedBack move.l (sp),-(sp) ;2 copies for the next two calls… MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push the structRgn _CalcVBehind ;recalc the visRgns of guys below MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push the structRgn _PaintBehind ;redraw guys below us ; Exit BSR RestorePort ;restore the users port MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D4/A2-A4 ;restore registers BRA TwoParmExit ;standard exit to save code EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE BeginUpdate(window: windowPtr); ; ; prepare a window for updating by saving its visRgn and then intersecting it ; with its update region. Remember the visRgn in global coordinates in case ; the user calls SetOrigin before calling EndUpdate. ; BeginUpdate Proc Export Import PortToBitMap Import NegWords IMPORT BeginUpdateOfLayersChildren MOVEM.L D3-D4/A3,-(SP) ;save working registers MOVE.L 16(SP),A3 ;get the windowPtr MOVE.L A3,WMgrUpdate ; Copy the window pointer to a safe place. FM MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ; Check is this window is a layer FM JSR BeginUpdateOfLayersChildren ; And update its children if so… FM MOVE.L A3,A0 ;get port pointer BSR PortToBitMap ;convert to bit/pixmap pointer MOVE.L BOUNDS(A0),D3 ;get dh,dv (topLeft of boundsRect) MOVE.L VISRGN(A3),D4 ;get the window's visRgn ; MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push the visRgn MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push dh,dv BSR NEGWORDS ;negate offset (local -> global) _OfsetRgn ;offset visRgn to global ; ; copy global version of visRgn into saveVisRgn ; MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push visRgn MOVE.L SAVEVISRGN,-(SP) ;make a copy of the visRgn _CopyRgn ;in saveVisRgn ; MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push visRgn MOVE.L UPDATERGN(A3),-(SP) ;push the update region MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;the visRgn gets the result _SectRgn ;intersect visRgn and updateRgn ; MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push visRgn MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push dh,dv _OfsetRgn ;convert visRgn back to local ; MOVE.L UPDATERGN(A3),-(SP) ;zero out the update region _SetEmptyRgn ;zero it ; this was STDEXITONE ; MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D4/A3 ;restore work registers MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ;strip parameter RTS ; ; PROCEDURE EndUpdate(window: windowPtr); ; ; EndUpdate is called by an application after completing an update to restore ; the window's visRgn back to normal ; EndUpdate Proc Export Import PortToBitMap Import __CalcVis ; We should make sure that this endupdate call matches the BeginUpdate FM ; Check WMgrUpdate to do this… FM MOVE.L WMgrUpdate, D0 CMP.L 4(SP), D0 ; Is it the right window? BEQ.S @gotRightWindow ; Just CalcVis if not. JMP __CalcVis ; exit now! @gotRightWindow CLR.L WMgrUpdate ; Clear the global. MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;save work register MOVE.L 8(SP),A3 ;get the windowPtr MOVE.L SAVEVISRGN,-(SP) ;push saved visRgn handle MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ;make a copy for later MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ;and another one ; ; offset global visRgn back to local ; MOVE.L A3,A0 ;get port pointer BSR PortToBitMap ;convert to bit/pixmap pointer MOVE.L BOUNDS(A0),-(SP) ;push port.portBits.topLeft _OfsetRgn ;global -> local ; MOVE.L VISRGN(A3),-(SP) ;push current visRgn handle _CopyRgn ;restore window's real visRgn ; _SetEmptyRgn ;make saveVisRgn small to save space ; MOVE.L (SP)+,A3 ;restore work register MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ;strip parameter RTS ;return to caller EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE DragWindow(window: windowPtr; startPt: Point; boundsRect: Rect); ; ; Drag a gray outline of a window around, tracking the mouse until the button goes up. ; Then use MoveWindow to move it to its new location ; myKeyMap EQU -36 ;place to hold keyMap WindowBounds EQU -16 ;rectangle for bounds when dragging WindowFiller EQU -8 ;for historical reasons DragWindow Proc Export Import SetWPort Import ClipGAbove Import GetNewRgn Import PortToBitMap Import RestorePort Import TwelveBytExit LINK A6,#-36 ;allocate stack frame MOVEM.L D3-D6/A3-A4,-(SP) ;save work registers SUBQ #2,SP ;make room for result _WaitMouseUp ;is mouse button stillDown? TST.B (SP)+ ;well? BEQ EXITDRAG ;if not, dont drag at all ; ; Set up window bounds and window slop rectangles based on the parameter boundsRect ; MOVE.L 8(A6),A0 ;point to the users boundsRect MOVE (A0)+,D0 ; get top MOVE.W MBarHeight,D1 ; get height of menu bar ADDQ #4,D1 ; plus 4 <5Aug85> CMP.W D1,D0 ; is the top at height+4 <5Aug85> BHS.S SkipDrgPin ; if greater, we're cool MOVE.W D1,D0 ; pin at height+4 <5Aug85> SkipDrgPin LEA WindowBounds(A6),A1 ;point to the DragTheRgn bounds MOVE D0,(A1)+ ; move in bounds top MOVE.W (A0)+,(A1)+ ;move in bounds left MOVE.L (A0),(A1) ;move in bounds botRight ; MOVE.L 12(A6),D3 ;get start point MOVE.L 16(A6),A3 ;get window BSR SETWPORT ;get into the wmgrPort ; MOVE.L GrayRgn,-(SP) ;push grayRgn _SetClip ;clip to the gray region PEA myKeyMap(A6) ;push pointer to keyMap _GetKeys ;read the keyMap MOVE.B myKeyMap+6(A6),D6 ;command key down? ; Roll in patchDragGrayRgn from WindowMgrPatches.a FM ; If the command key is down we want to clip above the window FM ; we're dragging. If not we want to clip above the front most FM ; window in this layer. FM BMI.S @commandKeyDown ;if so then clip above this window FM MOVE.L WindowList, A3 ;otherwise just ClipAbove the first window FM @commandKeyDown BSR ClipGAbove ;clip to windows above us FM MOVE.L 16(A6),A3 ;get the window to drag back into A3 FM BSR GETNEWRGN ;allocate a region MOVE.L (SP),A4 ;call it bodyRgn and keep in A4 MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A3),-(SP) ;copy the structure region MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ;into the body _CopyRgn ;do the copy ; ;room for result already on stack MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ;push the region MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push the mouse point PEA WindowBounds(A6) ;push the boundsRect MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ;its also the slopRect CLR.W -(SP) ;no axis constraints CLR.L -(SP) ;no action proc ; CLR.W DragFlag ; not dragging control thumb CSS _DragGrayRgn ;drag it until the mouse goes up MOVE.L (SP)+,D5 ;get dV,dH BEQ.S DontMove ;if it didn't move, handle special CMP.W #$8000,D5 ;was it aborted? BEQ.S DoneDrag ;if so, we're done ; ; figure out where to move the port to and move it ; MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the window for move call MOVE.L PORTRECT(A3),D0 ;get the port rect topLeft MOVE.L A3,A0 ;get port pointer BSR PortToBitMap ;convert to bit/pixmap pointer SUB.W BOUNDS+2(A0),D0 ;compute global x position ADD D5,D0 ;add in delta X MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ;push new x position SWAP D0 ;get y in low part SWAP D5 ;get deltaY in low part SUB.W BOUNDS(A0),D0 ;compute global y position ADD D5,D0 ;add in the y delta MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ;push new y position TST.B D6 ;command key down? SPL -(SP) ;if not, push TRUE (bring to front) _MoveWindow ;move it DoneDrag MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ;push temp region _DisposRgn ; BSR RESTOREPORT ;restore original port ExitDrag MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D6/A3-A4 ;restore register UNLK A6 ;de-allocate stack frame BRA TwelveBytExit ;standard exit saves code ; ; handle the case where the window didn't move ; DontMove TST.B D6 ;command key down? BMI.S DoneDrag ;if so, we're done MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the window _SelectWindow ;select it BRA.S DoneDrag EndProc DragRegion Proc Export Export DragGrayRgn Export DragTheRgn Export CallDragHook Export WMgrGray Import GetNewRgn WMgrGray DC.W $AA55,$AA55,$AA55,$AA55 ; alternate entry point to DragTheRgn that forces the drag pattern to gray DragGrayRgn MOVE.L WMgrGray,DragPattern ;copy into DragPattern MOVE.L WMgrGray+4,DragPattern+4 ;better copy both halves ; ; FUNCTION DragTheRgn(theRgn,mousePt,boundsRect,slopRect,axis,actionProc): LongInt ; ; Drag the region around until the mouse button goes up. It respects the grafPort it ; is called from. It returns deltaX,deltaY (distance between final point and initial one) ; which will be $8000 if the button goes up outside the boundsRect. Don't drag the region ; out of the rect. The axis parameter is a 16-bit integer; if zero, there are no ; constraints, if its one it can only be dragged horizontally, if two only vertically. ; ; Parameter Equates ; ; DragTheRgnFrame RECORD {A6Link},Decr DragResult ds.l 1 ;long result -- amount moved DRgn ds.l 1 ;region handle to input region DMPoint ds.l 1 ;initial mouse point DBoundsRect ds.l 1 ;the rect we can't leave DSlopRect ds.l 1 ;the rect for throwaway decision DAxis ds.w 1 ;integer specifying axis constraints DActionProc ds.l 1 ;actionProc retAddr ds.l 1 A6Link ds.l 1 Padding ds.w 1 ;not used, but in original equates DSavePen ds.b psRec ;penState record (for wmgrPort) DSaveCPen ds.b psRec ;penState record (for wmgrCPort) OrigPort ds.l 1 ;incoming value of thePort IsWMgrPort ds.w 1 ;true if thePort is a wmgrPort FrameSize equ * EndR With DragTheRgnFrame DragTheRgn LINK A6,#FrameSize ;make room for savePenState MOVEM.L D3-D7/A3-A4,-(SP) ;reserve work registers MOVE.L ExpandMem,A0 ;get ExpandMem globals ST ExpandMemRec.emIsDragging(A0) ;we're dragging LEA DMPoint(A6),A0 ;point to parameters MOVE.L (A0)+,D3 ;get the mousePt MOVE.L (A0)+,A3 ;get the region handle CLR.L (A0) ;assume delta is zero ; ; save the penState before setting it to what we need for dragging ; PEA DSavePen(A6) ;push pointer to savePenState MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ;dup for later restore _GetPenState ;save the pen state ; ; set up the pen for dragging ; PEA DragPattern ;XOR specified pattern _PenPat MOVE #14,-(SP) ;set pen mode to notPatXor _PenMode move.l OneOne,-(sp) _PenSize ; Make sure that a thin outline is dragged ; ; since FrameRgn is too slow, build a region that is just the outline so we ; can paint it fast ; bsr GetNewRgn move.l (sp)+,a4 ; This is a scratch region for flicker free dragging MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push full region on stack for later BSR GETNEWRGN ;allocate another region MOVE.L (SP),D4 ;keep in D4 (leave on stack) _CopyRgn ;copy full region to temp in D4 MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push temp region MOVE.L ONEONE,-(SP) ;inset by 1 _InsetRgn MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push full region MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push inset one MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;original one stays around _DiffRgn ;turn it into a frame by subtracting MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;get rid of temp region _DisposRgn MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;draw initial frame bsr DrawDraggedRgn ;draw it CSS MOVEQ #-1,D5 ;flag it as visible and active ; so that we can use multiple screens, look to see if the bounds rect is derived from ; screenbits. If it is, then pin to the grayRgn instead of the boundsrect. Also pin to ; the grayRgn instead of the sloprect. If bounds not screenbits, then just use provided ; bounds and slop, but convert them to regions for ease of coding. BSR GETNEWRGN ;;allocate bounds region MOVE.L (SP)+,D6 ;;keep in D6 BSR GETNEWRGN ;;allocate slop region MOVE.L (SP)+,D7 ;;keep in D7 MOVE.L GRAFGLOBALS(A5),A0 ;;point to grafGlobals LEA SCREENBITS+BOUNDS(A0),A0;;point to screenbits.bounds MOVE.L 4(A0),-(SP) ;;push botRight MOVE.L (A0),-(SP) ;;push topleft MOVE MBarHeight,D0 ;;get mbarHeight ADD D0,TOP(SP) ;;bump top by mbarheight ADD #30,TOP(SP) ;;and make room for ghost windows MOVE.L SP,-(SP) ;;point to rect MOVE.L #$00060006,-(SP) ;;inset bounds by six _InsetRect MOVE.L 4(SP),-(SP) ;;push botRight MOVE.L 4(SP),-(SP) ;;push topLeft CLR.B -(SP) ;;prepare for boolean result PEA 2(SP) ;;push srcrect1 MOVE.L DBoundsRect(A6),-(SP) ;;push srcrect2 PEA 10(SP) ;;push dstrect = srcRect1 _SectRect ;;get intersection TST.B (SP)+ ;;ignore result CLR.B -(SP) ;;prepare for boolean result PEA 10(SP) ;;push our original inset PEA 6(SP) ;;push result of intersection _EqualRect ;;are they equal TST.B (SP)+ ;;test result ADD #16,SP ;;strip 2 rectangles BEQ.S NotEqual ;;=>no, do pinning old way MOVE.L grayRgn,-(SP) ;;push grayRgn MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ;;push slopRgn _CopyRgn ;;slopRgn := grayRgn MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ;;push slopRgn MOVE.L #$00040004,-(SP) ;;inset gray rgn by four _InsetRgn MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ;;copy slopRgn MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ;;to boundsRgn _CopyRgn ;;boundsRgn := grayRgn BRA.S DragLoop ;;=>dive into loop NotEqual MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ;;push slopRgn MOVE.L DSlopRect(A6),-(SP) ;;push slopRect _RectRgn ;;slopRgn := RectRgn(slopRect) MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ;;push boundsRgn MOVE.L DBoundsRect(A6),-(SP) ;;push boundsRect _RectRgn ;;boundsRect := RectRgn(boundsRect) ; ; here is the main drag loop -- first read the mouse in our local coordinates ; DragLoop SUBQ #6,SP ;make room for results MOVE.L SP,-(SP) ;push pointer to result buffer _GetMouse ;read the current mouse position MOVE.L (SP),D4 ;remember pt in D4 (keep on stack) ; ; see if the point is in the boundsRect; if it isn't, don't move the region ; MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ;;push the bounds rgn _PtInRgn ;;test if the point is inside the region TST.B (SP)+ ;is it? (moved out of conditional) DAF BEQ OutOfBounds ;if not, don't move ; ; get y in low part of D1, x in low part of D4 ; DragInBounds MOVE.L D4,D1 ;copy whole point SWAP D1 ;get y in low part CMP.L D4,D3 ;did it move? BEQ.S NOMOTION ;if not, skip ; ; it moved so compute dh,dv and move it ; MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;save current position SUB D3,D4 ;compute Dx SWAP D3 SUB D3,D1 ;compute Dy ; ; if we constrained, don't allow any motion in the axis we're constrained to ; MOVE DAxis(A6),D0 ;any constraints? BEQ.S NConstraint ;if not, skip SUBQ #1,D0 ;horizontally? BNE.S @1 ;if not, it must be vertical CLR D1 ;make v offset 0 (h only) BRA.S NConstraint @1 CLR D4 ;make h offset 0 (v only) ; ; update the continuous offset result ; NConstraint ADD D1,DragResult(A6) ;accumulate y offset ADD D4,DragResult+2(A6) ;accumulate x offset ; ; Make a copy of the dragging region ; move.w d1,-(sp) ;Save D1 (y delta) Sure wish there was a free register! move.l a3,-(sp) move.l a4,-(sp) _CopyRgn move.w (sp)+,d1 ;Restore D1 cuz CopyRgn doesn't preserve it Ernie! ; ; offset the copy to new position and update the screen ; MOVE.L a3,-(SP) ;push the region MOVE.W D4,-(SP) ;push dx MOVE.W D1,-(SP) ;push dy _OfsetRgn ;offset to new position tst.w d5 ; See if it’s visible bnz.s @regionIsVisible ; If it is, do the Xor to do a combination erase/paint move.l a3,-(sp) ; The drag region just came back into boundRect, so it needs to be draw anew bsr DrawDraggedRgn ; Doing the Xor would also redraw the region in it’s last visible location, leaving garbage on the screen CSS bra.s @markOutlineVisible ; Just paint the region in it’s new position @regionIsVisible move.l a4,-(sp) ; Push the region before it was offset move.l a3,-(sp) ; Push the region in it’s new location move.l a4,-(sp) ; Mess with the copy _XorRgn ; Make a region that’s the difference between the two locations move.l a4,-(sp) ; Just paint this difference bsr DrawDraggedRgn ; CSS @markOutlineVisible MOVEQ #-1,D5 ;mark it active again MOVE.L (SP)+,D3 ;update new position NoMotion MOVE.L DActionProc(A6),D0 ;get the actionProc BSR CallDrg1 ;call it if we got one BSR CallDragHook ;call the user if she's installed ; ; wait at least 2 ticks to avoid disappearing ; MOVE.L Ticks,D0 ADDQ.L #2,D0 ;bump it two ticks DragDelay CMP.L Ticks,D0 ;has ticks caught up yet? BHI.S DragDelay ;loop till it has <14Jan86> ; SUBQ #2,SP ;make room for function result _WaitMouseUp ;is button stillDown? TST.B (SP)+ ;examine result BNE.S DRAGLOOP ;loop if it is ; ; the mouse went up so remove outline (if visible), restore pen and we're done ; TST D5 ;is it visible? BEQ.S ItsClear ;if not, don't bother MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push region handle bsr DrawDraggedRgn ;remove outline of region CSS ItsClear _SetPenState ;restore old pen state ; This is probably not necessary, but to avoid compatibility problems, ; make sure that the returned region is the (offset) frame of the original region. MOVE.L (A3),A0 ;point at the region CMP #$A,RgnSize(A0) ;is it rectangular? BNE.S @NoRect ;=>no, not a rect MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push full region on stack for later MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ;push temp region _CopyRgn ;copy full region to temp in D4 MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ;push temp region MOVE.L ONEONE,-(SP) ;inset by 1 _InsetRgn MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push full region MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ;push inset one MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;original one stays around _DiffRgn ;turn it into a frame by subtracting @NoRect @99 ; ; if the last point isn't inside the slopRect, make sure we return an offset of 0 ; SUBQ #6,SP ;make room for results MOVE.L SP,-(SP) ;push pointer to result buffer _GetMouse ;read the current mouse position MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ;push slopRect pointer _PtInRgn ;is the point in the slopRect? TST.B (SP)+ ;is it? BNE.S @3 ;if so, skip zeroing offset ; ; flag it as aborted ; MOVE.L #$80008000,DragResult(A6) ;set delta to large neg number @3 MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ;dispose of slop region _DisposRgn MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ;dispose of bounds region _DisposRgn move.l a4,-(sp) _DisposRgn ; Dispose of secondary dragging region MOVE.L ExpandMem,A0 ;get ExpandMem globals CLR.B ExpandMemRec.emIsDragging(A0) ;we're done dragging MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D7/A3-A4 ;restore work registers UNLK A6 ;deallocate stack frame MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;get return address ADD #22,SP ;strip parameters JMP (A0) ;return to caller ; ; CallDragHook calls the user's drag hook routine, if one is installed ; CallDragHook MOVE.L DragHook,D0 ;is there a hook routine? CallDrg1 BEQ.S NoDHook ;if not, don't bother MOVE.L D0,A0 ;get the hook routine JSR (A0) ;call it ; NoDHook RTS ;all done! ; ; OutOfBounds is called from the main loop when the mousePt is outside of the ; boundsRect. If its outside the slopRect turn it off, if its inside, turn it on ; OutOfBounds SUBQ #2,SP ;make room for result MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push the mouse point MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ;;push the slop region _PtInRgn ;;is mouse in slop rgn TST.B (SP)+ ;is it? BNE.S InSlopRect ;if it is, go handle it ; ; its not in the slopRect so make it invisible ; TST D5 ;is it visble BEQ.S NoMotion ;if its already invisible, we're done MOVEQ #0,D5 ;set its state to invisible GoPaintRgn MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push region again bsr DrawDraggedRgn ;get rid of it CSS @Fast BRA.S NoMotion ;all done ; ; its in the slopRect, but not in the boundsRect. Make it visible again if it was ; invisible ; InSlopRect TST D5 ;examine visible state BNE.S PinBounds ;if already visible, pin at bounds MOVEQ #1,D5 ;flag it visible but frozen BRA.S GoPaintRgn ;if not, go paint it ; ; we're out of the bounds so fake up a mouse point that's inside the bounds to pin at ; the edge ; PinBounds SUBQ #4,SP ;make room for result MOVE.L DBoundsRect(A6),-(SP) ;push the boundsRect pointer MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push the point _PinRect ;figure out inside point MOVE.L (SP)+,D4 ;get the pinned point BRA DragInBounds ;pretend it was inside ; CSS The following is a new routine to paint the dragging region to fix the ; scroll bar thumb appearing in yellow. DrawDraggedRgn tst.w DragFlag ; control manager dragging thumb? bne.s @dragThumb ; Yes. Force black drag ; We’re doing normal outline dragging, so just paint the region. @paintnormal move.l 4(sp),-(sp) ; get rgn to paint _PaintRgn move.l (sp)+,(sp) ; strip parameter rts ; To get the thumb to show up in color against the scroll bar’s gray background, ; force the region outline to draw in black. @dragThumb move.l ExpandMem,a0 move.L ExpandMemRec.emControlHandle(a0),d1 ; get control handle saved for us in _DragControl beq.s @paintnormal ; do the normal painting if there's no controldefhandle. move.l d1,a0 move.l (a0),a0 ; get the ptr to control record move.l contrlDefHandle(a0),d0 ; get the CDEF handle _StripAddress move.l d0,a0 move.l (a0),a0 ; get the ptr to CDEF cmp.l #'CDEF',4(a0) ; just for yucks make sure this is a CDEF bne.s @paintnormal ; paint normal if our handle is bad btst #0,3(a0) ; Can CDEF handle this message? beq @paintnormal ; no --> normal paint move.l 4(sp),d0 ; get rgn to draw clr.l -(sp) ; make room for function result clr.w -(sp) ; zero variant move.l d1,-(sp) ; save control handle move.w #drawThumbOutlineMsg,-(sp) ; draw thumb rgn outline message move.l d0,-(sp) ; rgn to draw ; note: we don't need to lock this handle ; because the client (of the control) should ; already have locked it. jsr (a0) ; call the control addq #4,sp ; strip function result move.l (sp)+,(sp) ; strip parameter rts EndWith EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE InvalRgn( badRgn: regionHandle); ; ; invalidate a region by adding it to the current window's update region. The region ; is assumed to be in local coordinates ; InvalRgn Proc Export Export IValCommon Export GoExit1 Import PortToBitMap Import NegWords MOVEQ #0,D0 ;signal invalidate ; ; common code for invalRgn and valRgn ; IValCommon MOVEM.L D3-D5/A3,-(SP) ;save work registers MOVE D0,D5 ;remember flag in D5 MOVE.L GrafGlobals(A5),A0 ;get LisaGraf globals base MOVE.L THEPORT(A0),A3 ;get current window MOVE.L 20(SP),D4 ;get region handle MOVE.L A3,A0 ;get port pointer BSR PortToBitMap ;convert to bit/pixmap pointer MOVE.L BOUNDS(A0),D3 ;get port bounds topLeft MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push the regionHandle MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push topLeft BSR NEGWORDS ;negate it _OfsetRgn ;offset to global coordinates ; MOVE.L UPDATERGN(A3),-(SP) ;push update region MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push region to be unioned MOVE.L UPDATERGN(A3),-(SP) ;result goes in update region TST D5 ;union or difference? BNE.S GODIFFIT _UnionRgn ;union them together BRA.S SKIP1DIFFIT GoDiffIt _DiffRgn Skip1DiffIt MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push parameter region MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push portBounds _OfsetRgn ;back to local coordinates GoExit1 MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D5/A3 ;restore work registers MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ;strip parameter RTS ;return to caller EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE InvalRect(badRect: RECT); ; ; Invalidate a rectangular area by adding it to the current window's update region. ; The rectangle is assumed to be in local coordinates ; InvalRect Proc Export Export IRectCommon Import IValCommon Import GoExit1 MOVEQ #0,D0 ;flag that its inval ; ; common code for inval/val rect ; IRectCommon MOVEM.L D2-D5/A3,-(SP) ;save work registers (& one extra) MOVE D0,D5 ;remember flag in D5 _NewRgn ;allocate a new region MOVE.L (SP),D4 ;keep rgnHandle in D4 (leave on stack, too) MOVE.L 24(SP),-(SP) ;push badRect pointer _RectRgn ;set the region to the rectangle MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push the region handle MOVE D5,D0 ;get flag in D0 BSR.S IVALCOMMON ;invalidate it ; MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ;push region handle _DisposRgn ;de-allocate it BRA GOEXIT1 ;standard exit saves code EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE ValidRgn(goodRgn: regionHandle); ; ; Validate a region by subtracting it from the current window's update region. ; The region is assumed to be in local coordinates. It shares lots of common code ; with InvalidRgn ; ValidRgn Proc Export Import IValCommon MOVEQ #-1,D0 ;flag it as a val call BRA IVALCOMMON ;let common code do the rest EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE ValidRect(goodRect: RECT); ; ; Validate a rectangular area by subtracting from to the current window's update region. ; The rectangle is assumed to be in local coordinates. It share lots of common code ; with InvalidRect. ; ValidRect Proc Export Import IRectCommon MOVEQ #-1,D0 ;flag it as a val call BRA IRECTCOMMON ;let common code do the rest EndProc ; ; FUNCTION GrowWindow(window: windowPtr; mousePt: Point; bBox: Rect): LongInt; ; ; GrowWindow is called when the mouse goes down in the grow icon of a window ; It drags out a flickering outline by calling the window definition procedure ; and returns the new size as the result of the function. the bBox specifies ; the min and max size the window is limited to ; GWRect EQU -8 GWPenState EQU -28 GWSRect EQU -36 ;;copy of size rect DAF GWKeyMap EQU -72 ;;key map DAF GWPenCState EQU -92 GWFrameSize EQU GWPenCState GrowWindow Proc Export Import WMgrGray Import SetWPort Import ClipGAbove Import PortToBitMap Import NegWords Import CallGrow Import GWCalcSize Import DeltaPoint Import GetPinMouse Import CallDragHook Import RestorePort Export TwelveBytExit LINK A6,#GWFrameSize ;build stack frame MOVEM.L D3-D7/A3-A4,-(SP) ;save work registers ; ; save old grafPort in D4 and get into the window manager port ; BSR SetWPort ;get into wmgrPort MOVE.L 12(A6),D3 ;get the mouse point MOVE.L 16(A6),A3 ;get the window ; ; clip to the windows above the current one ; BSR ClipGAbove ;clip to windows above us ; ; preserve the current penState and then set up gray,notPatXor ; PEA GWPenState(A6) ;push pen save area address MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ;dup for later restore _GetPenState ;remember current state _PenNormal ;reset pen to normal state MOVE #notPatXor,-(SP) ;push desired xfer mode _PenMode ;set the mode PEA WMgrGray ;push the pattern _PenPat ;set it ; ; build initial boundsRect and draw the initial grow outline ; LEA GWRect(A6),A4 ;get window rect pointer MOVE.L PortRect(A3),(A4) ;copy topLeft MOVE.L PortRect+4(A3),4(A4) ;copy botRight, toop MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ;push a pointer to the rect MOVE.L A3,A0 ;get port pointer BSR PortToBitMap ;convert to bit/pixmap pointer MOVE.L BOUNDS(A0),-(SP) ;push bitmap.bounds.topLeft BSR NegWords ;negate offset (local -> global) _OffsetRect ;offset rect to global BSR CallGrow ;draw the outline <27oct85> BBM ; ; remember the initial size before we start ; BSR GWCalcSize ;calc the size of rect in A4 MOVE.L D0,D6 ;remember in D6 ; ; compute offset from starting bottom right and keep in D5 ; SUBQ #4,SP ;make room for result MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push mouse pt MOVE.L BotRight(A4),-(SP) ;push bottom right BSR DeltaPoint ;get the offset MOVE.L (SP)+,D5 ;keep in D5 ; ; here is the main loop -- read the mousePoint, compute difference from oldPoint. ; If it moved, adjust the rectangle and redraw it. Keep doing this until the ; mouse button goes up. ; GDragLoop MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;remember old point BSR GetPinMouse ;calculate the new bottom right <27oct85> BBM MOVE.L (SP),D0 ;recover old point MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push new point MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ;push old point BSR DeltaPoint ;compute difference MOVE.L (SP)+,D7 ;get the offset BEQ.S GDNextLoop ;if not, skip ; ; erase, set up new position, redraw ; BSR.S CallGrow ;erase it ADD.W D7,Right(A4) ;add delta x to right SWAP D7 ;get v delta ADD.W D7,Bottom(A4) ;add delta y to bottom BSR CallGrow ;redraw in new position ; ; call the user's hook routine (if installed) and then loop while the mouse button ; is still down. ; GDNextLoop BSR CallDragHook ;call user if installed CLR.W -(SP) ;make room for result _WaitMouseUp ;is it still down? TST.B (SP)+ ;well, is it??? BNE.S GDragLoop ;loop till it goes up ; ; the mouse button went up so get rid of the outline ; BSR CallGrow ;undraw the outline ; ; now figure out the size of the rectangle and return that as the result ; BSR GWCalcSize ;calculate the new size in D0 CMP.L D0,D6 ;save as it used to be? BNE.S @1 ;if not, we're cool MOVEQ #0,D0 ;if so, return 0 @1 MOVE.L D0,20(A6) ;return new size as function result ; ; Ok, we're all done -- restore penState, port and work registers before returning ; _SetPenState ;remember current state ; BSR RestorePort ;restore old grafPort ; MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D7/A3-A4 ;restore work registers UNLK A6 ;unbuild stack frame TwelveBytExit MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;get return address ADD #12,SP ;strip parameters JMP (A0) ;return to caller ; ; CallGrow issues the Grow message to a window to tell it to draw its grow frame ; CallGrow Proc Export Import CallWindow MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;preserve D3 MOVEQ #WGrowMsg,D0 ;get the grow message MOVE.L A4,D3 ;the rectangle is the parameter BSR CallWindow ;tell the window MOVE.L (SP)+,D3 ;restore D3 RTS EndProc ; ; GetPinMouse returns the current mouse position in D3. It sometimes lies ; to make sure it never exceeds the bounds specified by the SizeRect. ; GetPinMouse Proc Export Import DeltaPoint Import GWCalcSize MOVE.L BotRight(A4),-(SP) ;remember botRight SUBQ #8,SP ;make room for mousePt, result MOVE.L SP,-(SP) ;push ptr to mousePt buffer _GetMouse ;get the current mouse position ; subtract base offset from mousePt MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ;push the base offset BSR DeltaPoint ;subtract it MOVE.L 8(A6),A0 ;;point to size rect LEA GWSRect(A6),A1 ;;point to our copy MOVE.L (A0)+,(A1)+ ;;copy topleft MOVE.L (A0)+,(A1)+ ;;copy botright PEA GWKeyMap(A6) ;;push pointer to keyMap _GetKeys ;;read the keyMap TST.B GWKeyMap+6(A6) ;;command key down? DAF BPL.S NoCmd ;;if not, restrict max size MOVE.L #$7FFE7FFE,GWSRect+BotRight(A6) ;;else open up max size NoCmd MOVE.L (SP)+,BotRight(A4) ;make it the new bottom right BSR.S GWCalcSize ;calculate the new size into D0 MOVE.L (SP),BotRight(A4) ;restore original size PEA GWSRect(A6) ;;point to fudged sizeRect MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ;;push new size _PinRect ;;and pin to fudged sizeRect SWAP D5 ;get y offset MOVE Top(A4),D3 ;get top value ADD.W (SP)+,D3 ;compute pinned bottom ADD.W D5,D3 ;add base offset SWAP D3 ;get x SWAP D5 MOVE Left(A4),D3 ;get left value ADD.W (SP)+,D3 ;compute pinned right ADD.W D5,D3 ;add base offset RTS ;return to caller EndProc ; ; GWCalcSize calculates the size of the rectangle pointed to by A4. It returns ; the size as a LisaGraf point in D0 ; GWCalcSize Proc Export SUBQ #4,SP ;make room for result MOVE.L BotRight(A4),-(SP) ;push bottom right MOVE.L TopLeft(A4),-(SP) ;push topLeft BSR DeltaPoint ;subtract them MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ;get the result RTS EndProc ; ; FUNCTION FindWindow(thePoint: Point; ; VAR theWindow: WindowPtr): INTEGER; ; ; FindWindow is the routine that correlates a mouse position with the logical ; data structure in that position. It passes back the window pointer of the ; window the point is in as well as a classification code further classifying ; the position. ; __FindLayer Proc Export Import CallMBarProc Import CallWindow Import TwoParmExit MOVEM.L D1/D3/A3,-(SP) ;save work registers <23-Oct-85 EHB> ; ; assume classification code is zero (inDesk) and the windowPtr are NIL. ; LEA 16(SP),A0 ;point to window ptr var <23-Oct-85 EHB> MOVE.L (A0)+,A1 ;get pointer to windowPtr CLR.L (A1) ;make it NIL MOVE.L (A0)+,D3 ;get the mouse point CLR.W (A0) ;set classification code to zero ; ; first check to see if the point is on the menu bar. This routine is amended to call the ; menuBar defproc on nuMac or Aladdin. It returns - for not in menubar, ; 0 for in menubar, but not in title, or + for in menu Title. ; MBarHitMsg EQU 1 ; temporary equate DAF MOVEQ #MBarHitMsg,D0 ; put hit message in D0 DAF MOVE.L D3,D1 ; send point as parameter DAF JSR CallMBarProc ; call menuBar defproc DAF TST.L D0 ; test the result DAF BMI.S NotOnMBar ; if +, then not on bar DAF ; MOVEQ #inMenuBar,D0 ;return "inMenuBar" classification code BRA.S GoDoneFW ;all done with findWindow ; ; scan through the windowList starting at the front to see which window the point is in. ; NotOnMBar MOVE.L WindowList,A3 ;alertWindow is the frontmost window ; ; here is the loop where we hit-test the point against all visible windows ; FWLoop MOVE.L A3,D0 ;is it NIL (the end of the list)? BEQ.S DoneFW1 ;if so, we're done (its inDesk) <27oct85> BBM ; TST.B WVisible(A3) ;is this window visible? BEQ.S NextFW ;if not, don't test it ; ; first check to see if its in the structure region of the window ; CLR.W -(SP) ;make room for function result MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;push the point MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A3),-(SP) ;push the structure region _PtInRgn ;is the point in the structure region? TST.B (SP)+ ;examine result BEQ.S NextFW ;if its not, go examine next one ; ; its in the window somewhere so call the window definition procedure to classify it ; MOVEQ #WHitMsg,D0 ;its a hit-test message BSR CallWindow ;ask the window about it TST.W D0 ;D0 has the result BNE.S FoundWindow ;if its non-zero, we've found it! ; ; it isn't the current window so keep looking until we run off the end of the window list ; NextFW MOVE.L NextWindow(A3),A3 ;get the next window in the list BRA.S FWLoop ;loop till we find one ; ; at this point we've found the window the point is in. Update the result and ; return to the caller. ; FoundWindow MOVE.L 16(SP),A0 ;get pointer to window result <23-Oct-85 EHB> MOVE.L A3,(A0) ;update window result ; ; check for if its a system window (The kind is < 0) ; TST WindowKind(A3) ;check out the kind parameter BPL.S GoChkDrag ;if not a system(<0), skip MOVEQ #inSysWindow,D0 ;return "inSystemWindow" GoDoneFW BRA.S DoneFWindow ;we're done ; ; if its in the drag area or grow area of the window, no further classification needed ; GoChkDrag CMP #wInDrag,D0 ;is it in the content area? BLT.S ItsInContent ;if its in content, return that BGT.S itsInGrow ;if greater, its in grow area MOVEQ #inDrag,D0 ;return "inDragArea" BRA.S DoneFWindow ;we're done itsInGrow ADDQ #2,D0 ;return "inGrowArea" or "inGoAway" BRA.S DoneFWindow ; ; its in the content area of a user window so waltz through the controlList to see ; if its in any of the controls. First get into the window's port and convert ; the mouse point into local coordinates ; ItsInContent MOVEQ #inContent,D0 DoneFWindow MOVE D0,24(SP) ;update classification code result <23-Oct-85 EHB> MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1/D3/A3 ;restore work registers <23-Oct-85 EHB> BRA TwoParmExit ;standard exit saves code ; ; its in the desk, so if someones in the deskHook, return "inSysWindow" ; DoneFW1 MOVE.L DeskHook,D0 ;is someone installed in deskHook? BEQ.S DoneFWindow ;if not, return "inDesk" MOVEQ #inSysWindow,D0 ;return "inSysWindow BRA.S DoneFWindow ;all done EndProc ; ; PROCEDURE DrawGrowIcon(theWindow: WindowPtr); ; ; DrawGrowIcon draws the grow icon in the window by asking the defProc to ; do it. ; DrawGrowIcon Proc Export Import SetWPort Import CallWindow Import RestorePort MOVEM.L A3/D4,-(SP) ;save work registers MOVE.L 12(SP),A3 ;get the window ptr BSR SetWPort ;get in the window manager port MOVEQ #WGIconMsg,D0 ;get message ID BSR CallWindow ;invoke the defProc BSR RestorePort ;restore user's grafPort MOVEM.L (SP)+,A3/D4 ;restore work registers MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ;strip parameter RTS ;return to caller EndProc ; ; procedure SetDeskCPat (newDeskPat : PixPatHandle); ; ; SetDeskCPat sets the low-memory location DeskCPat to point at the supplied pixPat, ; then causes a redraw of the desktop. This change to the desktop cPat does not ; cross application boundaries, but DeskPatDisable does. ; Stack Fixed DAF ; SetDeskCPat Proc Export TST.L 4(SP) ; is the newPat NIL? <1.2> BEQ.S @TurnOff ; yes, so switch back to binary DAF MOVE.L DeskCPat,D0 ; get the current deskCPat <1.2> BEQ.S @1 ; if NIL, then continue <1.2> CMP.L MinusOne,D0 ; continue if uninitialized, too <1.2> BEQ.S @1 ; <1.2> MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; push old desk pix pat <1.2> _DisposPixPat ; flush the old one <1.2> @1 MOVE.L 4(SP),DeskCPat ; set it <1.2> BSET #7,pCDeskPat ; if you called this you must want the pixPat DAF @DrawIt CLR.L -(SP) ; push a NIL pointer for DrawIt, make space for TurnOff DAF MOVE.L grayRgn,-(SP) ; gray rgn is clobbered DAF ; No need to recalculate regions since we aren't moving any windows. move.l ExpandMem,a0 st ExpandMemRec.ancestorRgnsCalced(a0) ; set the one-shot to keep from recalcing ancestor rgns _PaintOne ; redraw the desktop MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the return address ADDQ #4,SP ; flush the parameter JMP (A0) ; and return @TurnOff SUBQ #4,SP ; make room for GetPattern result DAF MOVE #deskPatID,-(SP) ; push pattern ID of deskPattern DAF _GetPattern ; tell resource manager to get it DAF MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the pattern handle DAF MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; get pattern pointer DAF MOVE.L (A0)+,DeskPattern ; init the deskPattern DAF MOVE.L (A0),DeskPattern+4 ; don't forget 2nd half of it DAF BCLR #7,pCDeskPat ; disable the cPat DAF BRA.S @DrawIt ; redraw the desktop DAF EndProc ; ; procedure SetWinColor ( theWindow:windowPtr; newColorTable:CTabHandle ); ; ; This procedure changes the awCTable field of the theWindow's auxWinRec. ; If newColorTable is equal to the default record's CTabHandle, then ; the auxWinRec is deallocated. If this window does not have an ; auxWinRec, then one is allocated at the head of the list. If theWindow ; is NIL, then the default colors are changed. If a record gets deallocated, ; it's colorTable is disposed unless it has it's resource bit set (then the ; app must take responsibility) ; ; Most of this code is shared with the control manager. Since the auxRec ; offsets are the same for both types of auxrecs, the code should be OK, ; even though the code uses the auxWinRec names. ; SetWinColor Proc Export Export SetCtlColor Import GetAuxGuts IMPORT GetRearWindow MOVEM.L A2/A3,-(SP) ;get some address registers MOVE.L AuxWinHead,A2 ;get the list head LEA AuxWinHead,A3 ;in case we need to deallocate BSR SetGuts ;bsr so that we can redraw on return DAF MOVE.L 16(SP),D0 ;get windowPtr DAF BNE.S GotWindow ; FM Was the window NIL? ; The RedrawAll code is used by SetCtlColor/SetWinColor for the case when the ; caller passes NIL as a control/window to indicate that they want to replace the ; default color table. move.l ExpandMem,a0 ; st ExpandMemRec.ancestorRgnsCalced(a0) ; set the one-shot to keep from recalcing ancestor rgns RedrawAll bsr GetRearWindow ; Returns rearmost window in A1 move.l a1,-(sp) ; Paint from the rearmost window on up move.l GrayRgn,-(sp) ; Use the entire desktop as the clobbered region _PaintOne ; Draw all the windows BRA SetEnd GotWindow MOVE.L D0,A2 ; Put the window in A2 TST.B portVersion(A2) ; is it a new window? <1.5/23Jul89 DAF> BPL.S @1 ; don't set bkColor in old windows <1.5/23Jul89 DAF> SUBQ #4,SP ; make a placeholder for the current port DAF PEA (SP) ; push pointer to placeholder DAF _GetPort ; get thePort DAF MOVE.L A2,-(SP) ; make this port the current port DAF _SetPort ; set it DAF MOVE.L 16(SP),A0 ; copy cTabHandle to A-reg DAF MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; get cTabPtr DAF MOVE.W CTSize(A0),D1 ; get the color table size DAF MULU #CTEntrySize,D1 ; convert to color table index DAF @LegalIndex CMP.W #wContentColor,CTTable+value(A0,D1) ; is this the one? DAF BEQ.S @FoundIt ; if equal, then done DAF SUB.W #CTEntrySize,D1 ; try the previous one DAF BGE.S @LegalIndex ; loop while index positive DAF MOVEQ #0,D1 ; OK, use the first one DAF @FoundIt PEA CTTable+rgb(A0,D1) ; push the address of the color to use DAF _RGBBackColor ; set the background color DAF _SetPort ; restore thePort DAF @1 TST.B wVisible(A2) ;if not visible, all done DAF BEQ.S SetEnd ; MOVE.L A2,-(SP) ;push windowPtr DAF MOVE.L StructRgn(A2),-(SP) ;push structure rgn as clobbered DAF _PaintOne ;redraw it DAF BRA.S SetEnd ; DAF SetCtlColor MOVEM.L A2/A3,-(SP) ;get some address registers MOVE.L AuxCtlHead,A2 ;get the list head LEA AuxCtlHead,A3 ;in case we need to deallocate BSR.S SetGuts ; DAF MOVE.L 16(SP),D0 ; FM get the control handle DAF ;FM A NIL control handle means the caller wants to replace the default color table ;FM We did that in SetGuts so now we should refresh all of the windows… BEQ RedrawAll ; FM Go refresh all the windows MOVE.L D0,A0 ; FM Get the control handle in A0 MOVE.L (A0),A1 ;get the control pointer DAF TST.B contrlVis(A1) ;is it visible? DAF BEQ.S SetEnd ;nope, so we're done DAF MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ;push control handle DAF _Draw1Control ;redraw it DAF SetEnd MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2/A3 ;restore the saved registers MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;get the return address ADDQ #8,SP ;flush the parameters JMP (A0) ;and go home SetGuts tWind EQU $18 ;some equates for parameters nCTab EQU $14 ; after LINK (don't forget the movem above!) LINK A6,#0 ;no globals CLR.L -(SP) ;return AuxWinHandle here CLR.W -(SP) ;function return here CLR.L -(SP) ;NIL for default PEA 6(SP) ;pointer to the placeholder MOVE.L A2,A1 ;set up list head for GetAuxGuts BSR GetAuxGuts ;get the default record ADDQ #2,SP ;ignore boolean result MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;get the default handle MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;get a pointer MOVE.L awCTable(A0),A0 ;get the cTabHandle <1.5> CMP.L nCTab(A6),A0 ;if the same then deallocate <1.5> BEQ DeAlAux ; CMP.L #-1,nCTab(A6) ;if -1, then allocate a rec with default table DAF BEQ.S SpecAlloc ; DAF MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ;save a reg (yuck, but registers are tight!) DAF MOVE.L nCTab(A6),A0 ;get the new color table handle DAF MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;get a pointer DAF CMP.W #-1,ctSize(A0) ;is ctSize -1? DAF MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;get the register back (don't change flags) DAF BEQ.S SpecAlloc32 ;If so, alloc a rec with default table <1.5 DAF> CLR.L -(SP) ;temp for returned handle CLR.W -(SP) ;for function return MOVE.L tWind(A6),-(SP) ;here's the ID field PEA 6(SP) ;pointer to handle placeholder MOVE.L A2,A1 ;set up list head (again!) BSR GetAuxGuts ;get this record MOVE.B (SP)+,D0 ;get the result (set flags) MOVEA.L (SP)+,A0 ;get the auxrec handle too BEQ.S AllocAux ;if result FALSE, then allocate a new one MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;dereference the handle MOVE.L nCTab(A6),awCTable(A0) ;and set the field <1.5> SWCDone UNLK A6 RTS ; if this routine is called in 24-bit mode, then it falls through to SpecAlloc and makes ; a new auxWinRec with a copy of the default colortable. If it is called in 32-bit ; mode, then it finds the window's pre-existing auxWinRec (one is always guaranteed to ; exist) and sets it's colortable to be a copy of the default colortable handle. SpecAlloc32 TST.B MMU32Bit ; are we in 32-bit mode? <1.5/DAF> BEQ.S SpecAlloc ; no, so allocate a new record with a copy of the default colors <1.5/DAF> MOVE.L A0,nCTab(A6) ; stick the default colors in the stack frame <1.5/DAF> CLR.L -(SP) ; return AuxWinHandle here <1.5 DAF> CLR.W -(SP) ; leave room for return value here <1.5/DAF> MOVE.L tWind(A6),-(SP) ; find this window <1.5 DAF> PEA 6(SP) ; point to placeholder <1.5 DAF> MOVE.L A2,A1 ; set up list head for GetAuxGuts (windows or controls) <1.5 DAF> BSR GetAuxGuts ; get it (it will always be here in 32-bit mode) <1.5 DAF> ADDQ #2,SP ; the result should have always returned true <1.5/DAF> MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the win/ctl rec handle <1.5 DAF> MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; get a pointer <1.5 DAF> MOVE.L nCTab(A6),awCTable(A0) ;and set the default colortable (in nCTab) field <1.5 DAF> BRA.S SWCDone ; <1.5 DAF> ; this routine is a little unsavory- it sticks the default cTabHandle (in A0) in the ; stack frame, then falls through to AllocAux. This routine ALWAYS makes a new ; auxWinRec whose color table is the same as the default. SpecAlloc MOVE.L A0,nCTab(A6) ; stick the default colors in the stack frame <1.5/DAF> ; this utility allocates an auxRec at the beginning of the AuxWinList ; remember that A2=(AuxListHead), A3=AuxListHead AllocAux MOVE.L #AuxWinSize,D0 ;set up for newHandle _NewHandle ,clear ;allocate a new record MOVE.L A0,(A3) ;put the new element at the head of the list MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;dereference the new element MOVE.L A2,awNext(A0) ;reconnect the list <1.5> MOVE.L nCTab(A6),awCTable(A0) ;attach the color table <1.5> MOVE.L tWind(A6),D0 ; get this in a reg <1.4/DAF> _StripAddress ; @1 MOVE.L D0,awOwner(A0) ; put in the ID field <1.5/DAF> BRA.S SWCDone ; this utility deallocates an auxRec and its colortable. Note that the offset to awNext ; is zero, so that the first dereference will work. DeAlAux MOVE.L A0,A2 ;save the default CTabH in A2 DAF MOVE.L A3,A1 ;prime the pointers @1 MOVE.L awNext(A1),D1 ;get handle to next <1.5> MOVE.L D1,A0 ;get copy of handle (doesn't change flags) BEQ.S @4 ;never delete the default record DAF MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;dereference MOVE.L awOwner(A0),D0 ;get owner ID <1.5> CMP.L tWind(A6),D0 ;test for match BEQ.S @2 ;eliminate when matched MOVE.L A0,A1 ;copy current to previous BRA.S @1 @2 MOVE.L awNext(A0),-(SP) ; save link if we need to remove <1.4/1.5> MOVE.L awCTable(A0),A0 ;get handle to colortable <1.5> _HGetState ;get handle tag byte DAF BTST #resource,D0 ;is it a resource? Then don't dispose DAF BNE.S @3 ;if it is, don't dispose DAF _DisposHandle @3 TST.B MMU32Bit ;are we running 32-bit? DAF BEQ.S @10 ;no, so dispose the record DAF MOVE.L D1,A0 ;move handle to an A-reg DAF MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;dereference it DAF MOVE.L A2,awCTable(A0) ;put it in the auxRec <1.5> ADDA #4,SP ;we won't link around this record <1.4> BRA.S @4 ;and continue @10 MOVE.L D1,A0 ;get handle to auxRec _DisposHandle MOVE.L (SP)+,awNext(A1) ; remove the disposed record from the list <1.4/1.5> @4 BRA SWCDone EndProc ; ; function GetAuxWin (theWindow:windowPtr; var AWHndl:AuxWinHandle) : boolean; ; ; GetAuxWin finds the handle to the appropriate auxWinRec for the ; windowRec pointed to by theWindow. If theWindow is NIL, the handle to ; the default record is returned. The boolean returns TRUE if a unique ; AuxWinHandle for that windowPtr is found, FALSE if the default record ; handle is returned. {and TRUE if theWindow was NIL, but should I change that?} ; ; GetAuxWin Proc Export Export GetAuxCtl Export GetAuxGuts MOVE.L AuxWinHead,A1 ;get the list head BRA.S GetAuxGuts GetAuxCtl MOVE.L AuxCtlHead,A1 GetAuxGuts MOVE.B #1,12(SP) ;set the boolean to TRUE MOVE.L 8(SP),D0 ;get the ID field _StripAddress ; make it 32-bit OK @1 MOVE.L (A1),A0 ;dereference to ptr CMP.L awOwner(A0),D0 ;do they match? <1.5> BEQ.S @3 MOVE.L A1,D2 ;save this handle (if returning default) MOVE.L awNext(A0),D1 ;move down the chain (set flags) <1.5> MOVE.L D1,A1 ;copy to address register BNE.S @1 ;if next = NIL, then at the end TST.L D0 ;was it a default request? BEQ.S @3 ;if so, then handle is OK MOVE.B #0,12(SP) ;set the boolean to FALSE MOVE.L D2,A1 ;and put this handle back @3 MOVE.L 4(SP),A0 ;get a pointer to var result MOVE.L A1,(A0) ;save the result ; The routines that need to get at a window’s color table generally call GetAuxWin first to ; get the color table handle. That makes this a good place to reload the color table if it’s ; been purged. move.l (A1), A0 ; FM Aux[Win|Ctl]Ptr in A0 move.l awCTable(A0), A0 ; FM Color table handle (resource handle) in A0 tst.l (A0) ; FM is the master pointer NIL? bnz.s @exit ; FM if so then we should reload the table move.l A0, -(SP) ; FM push the resource handle _LoadResource ; FM try to get it back in memory @exit MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;get the return address ADDQ #8,SP ;flush the parameters JMP (A0) ;and go home EndProc END