2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00

122 lines
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; File: PuppetStringDefs.a
; Contains: Puppet string conversion header file
; Written by: Phil Goldman
; Copyright: © 1986-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <0> x/xx/86 PYG New Today.
; PROCEDURE CancelSwitch; {Pascal}
; void CancelSwitch(void) /* C */
MOVE.W #IDCancelSwitch,-(SP) ;push routine ID
_OSDispatch ;go do it
; Puppet String types
pstNormalEvent EQU 0
pstNullInstr EQU 1
pstUnknownInstr EQU 2
pstMenuItem EQU 3
pstEventList EQU 4
pstEventCode EQU 5
pstImplementCode EQU 6
pstIllegalInstr EQU 7
pstMenuString EQU 8
; Instruction Types
instrReset EQU 2
instrCut EQU 3
instrCopy EQU 4
instrPaste EQU 5
instrSelRect EQU 6
instrSelAll EQU 7
instrMemCopy EQU 8
instrOutlineRect EQU 9
instrPrivate1 EQU 10 ; For intra-puppet string use only
instrQuit EQU 11
instrOpen EQU 12
instrCancel EQU 13
instrPrint EQU 14
; Instruction,Event Flags
instrMouseLocal EQU $8000
evtMouseLocal EQU $8000
evtMouseGlobal EQU $0000
evtMouseEither EQU $4000
evtIsImportant EQU $0000
evtIsUnimportant EQU $2000
; String IDs for type pstMenuString
strIDQuitMenu EQU 100
strIDQuitItem EQU 101
strIDOpenMenu EQU 102
strIDOpenItem EQU 103
; Dispatch numbers for specific routines
IDSwitchTask EQU 0
IDGetActiveTaskInfo EQU 1
IDGetSwitchInfo EQU 2
IDCancelSwitch EQU 3
; Macros for Switcher routine calls
; FUNCTION SwitchTask(taskDescriptor:Integer;
; eventListIn, eventListOut:EventListHdl; timeout:INTEGER): INTEGER;
_SwitchTask &taskDescriptor,&eventListIn,&eventListOut,&timeout
SUB #2,SP ;make room for result
MOVE.W &taskDescriptor,-(SP) ;put on task descriptor
MOVE.L &eventListIn,-(SP) ;push in evt list hdl
MOVE.L &eventListOut,-(SP) ;push out evt list hdl
MOVE.W &timeout,-(SP) ;push timeout
MOVE.W #IDSwitchTask,-(SP) ;push ID of routine
_OSDispatch ;go do it
; SwitchTask return values
ResumeFromScratchpad EQU 0
; resumeFlag EQU 1
ResumeTimeout EQU 2
ResumeEventListInErr EQU 3
ResumeEventListOutErr EQU 4
ResumeSoundActive EQU 5
ResumeFSBusy EQU 6
ResumeFromCancel EQU 7
ResumeTooManyScratchpads EQU 8
; FUNCTION GetActiveTaskInfo(taskInfo:Array of TaskInfoRec; maxSlot:INTEGER): INTEGER;
_GetActiveTaskInfo &taskInfo,&maxSlot
SUB #2,SP ;make room for result
PEA &taskInfo ;push task information record array
MOVE.W &maxSlot,-(SP) ;maximum of 8 tasks
MOVE.W #IDGetActiveTaskInfo,-(SP) ;push routine ID
_OSDispatch ;go do it
; PROCEDURE GetSwitchInfo(VAR mySwitchInfoRec: SwitchInfoRec);
; void GetSwitchInfo(switchInfoPtr) /* C */
; SwitchInfoPtr switchInfoPtr;
_GetSwitchInfo &switchInfoRec
PEA &switchInfoRec ;push ptr to the record
MOVE.W #IDGetSwitchInfo,-(SP) ;push routine ID
_OSDispatch ;go do it