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; File: SlotMgrEqu.a
; Contains: This file contains PRIVATE equates for the slot manager
; Written by: George Norman
; Copyright: © 1986-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM4> 10/28/92 SWC Changed SlotEqu.a->Slots.a.
; <SM3> 6/30/92 kc Roll in Horror, comments follow:
; <H4> 6/10/92 djw Add new selector for doSecondaryInit (a private routine)
; <H3> 6/10/92 djw Add new private trap macro's for AddCard, RemoveCard,
; and CheckSlot.
; <SM2> 5/17/92 kc Add get sGetSRTEntry vector number.
; <5> 1/7/92 RB Added a couple of records structures used to identify faulty
; drivers in Apple display cards.
; <4> 1/30/91 gbm sab, #38: Change the already including this file variable to
; all uppercase (for security reasons)
; <2> 1/17/90 djw Add new slotmgr private selector GetBoard
; <1.9> 6/30/89 djw removed pSlotStatus.
; <1.8> 4/16/89 GGD Added new data structures used by SlotInterrupts.a and
; VerticalRetraceMgr.a
; <1.7> 4/12/89 djw Removed including slotequ.a and duplicate state constants
; (state_sdminit,...)
; <1.6> 3/28/89 djw added an SRT entries count to globals. Added macros for private
; routines, added last SRT ptr in globals.
; <1.5> 3/12/89 djw changed srt link block and added some mark values, deleted
; SRTlastBlk ptr in globals and substituted expansion chassis
; support fields.
; <1.4> 3/1/89 djw change srrblock flag field from byte to long
; <1.3> 2/20/89 djw added SRT header record definition, added slot mgr globals
; record. added flag field to srrBlock for enable/disable.
; <1.2> 1/6/89 djw Add slotVNum for slot version number
; <1.1> 11/17/88 CCH Added stuff from system build.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; <1.0> 10/24/88 djw Adding for the first time into EASE.
; 1/10/88 djw created - removed sSDMRecord and state equates
Include 'Slots.a'
;MACRO: sNextStep(VAR Step:Dx; VAR Temp:Dy; VAR sPointer:An)
; sNextStep creates a new pointer from the given pointer and step
; register. The step register is updated for the next call.
; NOTE: &Temp must be CLEAR in bits 8..15.
sNextStep &Step,&Temp,&sPointer
MOVE.B &Step,&Temp ;&Temp <- the Least Significant Byte of the Step register.
ADD.W &Temp,&sPointer ;&sPointer <- &sPointer + Step[x]
@M10 ROR.L #8,&Step ;&Step <- the next step value.
TST.B &Step ;IF (the next step value is zero) THEN
BEQ.S @M10 ; GOTO @M10 {Skip it}
; Constants
slotVNum EQU 2 ; if new slot manager is in ROM <1.3>
; 1 if slot manager has been patched
; 0 if not present - really an error
srDisable EQU 0 ; bit number for srrFlags - set = disabled <1.3>
;these are apple internal only, never roll into equates
srrBlock RECORD 0 ;Slot Resource Table Record.
srrSlot DS.B 1 ; Slot
srrId DS.B 1 ; Id
srrExtDev DS.B 1 ; External Device <C663>
srrHWDev DS.B 1 ; Hardware device id. <1.3>
srrRefNum DS.W 1 ; RefNum of driver
srrIOReserved DS.W 1 ; Reserved
srrCategory DS.W 1 ; sType: Category
srrCType DS.W 1 ; Type
srrDrvrSW DS.W 1 ; DrvrSW
srrDrvrHW DS.W 1 ; DrvrHW
srrsRsrcPtr DS.L 1 ; Pointer to sResource
srrFlags DS.L 1 ; flag field <1.4>
SRTRecSize EQU * ; Size of se parameter Block
srtLink RECORD 0 ; SRT link block <1.5>
srtMarker DS.W 1 ; place holder for marker
srtNext DS.L 1 ; ptr to next srt block, or nil
srtLinkSize EQU * ; size of srt link record
srtend EQU $FFFF ; end of the srt blk and start of link block <1.5>
srtfree EQU $FF01 ; a free entry <1.5>
srtMaxEntries EQU 8 ; 8 entries per SRT block <1.3>
srtBlkSize EQU srtMaxEntries*srrBlock.SRTRecSize ; size of srt blocks to allocate <1.3>
SlotRsrcType RECORD 0 ;Slot Resource Type.
sCategory DS.W 1 ; sType: Category
sCType DS.W 1 ; Type
sDrvrSW DS.W 1 ; DrvrSW
sDrvrHW DS.W 1 ; DrvrHW
SRSize EQU * ; Size of Slot resource type.
seHeader2 RECORD 0 ;Record structure of sExec Block, Revision-2.
seRevision DS.B 1 ; Revision of seBlock. Revision = 2. {Must be same field as se1Block}
seCPUId DS.B 1 ; Id of CPU
seTimeOut DS.W 1 ; Time Out
seCodeOffset DS.L 1 ; Offset to code.
; Slot Manager global variables - globals are a negative offset from sInfoPtr.
slotGlobals RECORD 0,DECR ; global variables for slot manager <1.3>
BusUseCnt DS.W 1 ; count for usage of exception vector - when zero restore saved one
entryMMUMode DS.W 1 ; saved mmu mode when bus exception was swapped
sysBusExcptn DS.L 1 ; saved bus exception vector
slotBusExcptn DS.L 1 ; slot manager's bus exception vector
lastSRTPtr DS.L 1 ; ptr to the last entry in the SRT <1.6>
srtCnt DS.W 1 ; number of entries in the SRT <1.6>
expnSlot DS.B 1 ; expansion chassis slot number <1.5>
expnId DS.B 1 ; expansion chassis sRsrc id <1.5>
slotGlobalSize EQU slotGlobals-*
; <5> rb, from Terror
DevTblRec Record 0 ; CardDevice identification record.
category Ds.w 1 ; spCategory
cType Ds.w 1 ; spCType
drvrSW Ds.w 1 ; spDrvrSW
drvrHW Ds.w 1 ; spDrvrHW
drvrVers Ds.w 1 ; driver version number
DTEntrySize Equ *
LoadTBlRec Record 0 ; Table of device parameter offsets.
ltAddrOff Ds.l 1 ; Offset to driver code.
ltSizeOff Ds.l 1 ; Offset to size of driver.
ltSpID Ds.b 1 ; Kind of spID to look for.
ltSpExtDev Ds.b 1 ; Multiple devices?
ltPadding Ds.b 2 ; Padding (for alignment).
LTEntrySize Equ *
; Slot manager private routines - these routines are accessed through <1.6>
; the vector table, but not the trap dispatcher.
slotjsr &selector
pea @resume
move.l ([SDMJmpTblPtr],&selector*4),-(sp)
sDoSecondary equ $0f ; <h4> djw
sAddCard equ $1e ; <h3> djw
sRemoveCard equ $1f ; <h3> djw
sCheckSlot equ $27 ; <h3> djw
NewSRTEntry equ $34
InitEntry equ $35
SrToSpBlock equ $36
Read4Bytes equ $37
GetBoard equ $38 ; <2>
BusException equ $39
InstallBus equ $3A
RestoreBus equ $3B
AllocSRTBlk equ $3C
sGetSRTEntry equ $3D
; Slot manager sustem private routines which are accessed through the trap dispatcher.
macro ; <h3> djw
moveq.l #sAddCard,d0
macro ; <h3> djw
moveq.l #sRemoveCard,d0
macro ; <h3> djw
moveq.l #sCheckSlot,d0
; Private data structures used by slot interrupt and VBL processing.
slotVBLInfo record {slotVBLQHdr},increment
ds.w 1 ; unused space, for alignment
slotVBLQHdr ds.b qHeadSize ; slot VBL queue header for this slot
slotTickCount ds.l 1 ; VBL tick count for this slot
sVBLInfoSize equ *-slotVBLInfo
slotIntGlobals record {slotVBLPtrs},increment ; globals pointed to by SlotQDT
slotVBLPtrs ds.l TotalSlots ; pointers to slotIntInfo records, indexed by slot number
ds.l 1 ; filler, reserved
slotIntQHeads ds.l TotalSlots ; pointers to SlotIntQElement records, indexed by slot number
ds.l 1 ; filler, reserved
slotVBLInfos ds.b TotalSlots*slotVBLInfo.sVBLInfoSize ; VBL info record for each possible slot
sIntGlobalSize equ *-slotIntGlobals
ENDIF ; ...already included