2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00

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; File: RoundedWDEF.a
; Contains: The rounded window defintion procedure
; Copyright: © 1982-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <4> 8/30/91 DTY Remove a shift which prevented half of the variations from being
; used. (Conditionilised for PsychoticFarmer.)
; <3> 11/9/90 VL (dc) Rolled back change <2> because The Gang of Five decided
; that titles should not be drawn in TrueGray.
; <2> 10/30/90 VL (KSM) Title should be drawn in TrueGray when the window is
; inactive.
; <1.2> 8/22/89 SES Removed references to nFiles. Updated equates accordingly.
; <1.1> 11/11/88 CCH Fixed Header.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; <•1.1> 9/23/88 CCH Got rid of inc.sum.d and empty nFiles
; <1.0> 2/12/88 BBM Adding file for the first time into EASE…
; <C700> 1/26/87 DAF Universal defproc (version 10)
; <C491> 12/8/86 DAF Locked title string before drawing it (OLD BUG!)
; <C424> 11/18/86 DAF Added portToMap to correct problems in cWindows.
; <C407> 10/13/86 DAF changed textmode from srcBIC to srcCopy
; <Cxxx> 10/6/86 DAF updated color support to use RGB calls on Beck's. Fixed goaway
; mask to center mask for everyone.
; 8/22/86 DLD Recoded draw goaway before DoHilite to fix Mac Plus system.
; <C60> 8/22/86 DLD Recoded draw goaway before DoHilite to fix Mac Plus system.
; 7/23/86 DLD Converted source to MPW.
; <C59> 6/30/86 DAF added color support for nuMac
; <v4> 8/7/85 EHB did variable system font height version
; 7/29/85 EHB converted back to porkshop
; 2/14/85 JTC named rsrc.
; 1/31/85 EHB made hit-testing of GoAway box accurate
; 1/11/85 JTC convert to MDS
; 10/18/83 AJH made it ignore unwanted messages; new hiliting
; 8/20/83 AJH made it get roundness from selector instead of refCon
; 4/27/83 AJH only plot, hit-test goAway if window is active
; 3/17/83 AJH Fixed D4 trash bug
; 3/7/83 AJH Made it dispose the title region (bug fix)
; 1/2/83 AJH Made it a "WDEF" resource
; 11/15/82 AJH Added GoAway button, made content rectangular
; 10/16/82 AJH Converted to QuickDraw Trap Interface
; To Do:
;EASE$$$ READ ONLY COPY of file “RoundedWDEF.a”
; 1.2 SES 08/22/1989 Removed references to nFiles. Updated equates accordingly.
; 1.1 CCH 11/11/1988 Fixed Header.
; 1.0 CCH 11/ 9/1988 Adding to EASE.
;•1.1 CCH 9/23/1988 Got rid of inc.sum.d and empty nFiles
; 1.0 BBM 2/12/88 Adding file for the first time into EASE…
;File RoundedWDEF.a
; Rounded Corner Window Definition Routine "RDocProc"
; written by Andy Hertzfeld Aug 4, 1982
; © Apple Computer, Inc. 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987
; All rights reserved.
; This file contains the window definition procedure
; "RDocProc", a standard Mac window type similar to the
; "DocumentProc" included in the ROM. It is indentical if
; the refCon is zero, otherwise the roundness of the corners
; is specified using the high 2 bytes of the window
; refCon. It is intended to be linked with applications or
; desk ornaments.
; Modification History:
; 16-OCt-82 AJH Converted to QuickDraw Trap Interface
; 15-Nov-82 AJH Added GoAway button, made content rectangular
; 02-Jan-83 AJH Made it a "WDEF" resource
; 07-Mar-83 AJH Made it dispose the title region (bug fix)
; 17-Mar-83 AJH Fixed D4 trash bug
; 27-Apr-83 AJH only plot, hit-test goAway if window is active
; 20-Aug-83 AJH made it get roundness from selector instead of refCon
; 18-Oct-83 AJH made it ignore unwanted messages; new hiliting
; 11-Jan-85 JTC convert to MDS
; 31-Jan-85 EHB made hit-testing of GoAway box accurate
; 14-Feb-85 JTC named rsrc.
; 29-Jul-85 EHB converted back to porkshop
;v4 7-Aug-85 EHB did variable system font height version
; 23 Jul 86 DLD Converted source to MPW.
; 22 Aug 86 DLD Recoded draw goaway before DoHilite to fix Mac Plus system.
;----Reno World!----------------------------------------
; <C59/30Jun86> DAF added color support for nuMac
; <C60/22Aug86> DLD Recoded draw goaway before DoHilite to fix Mac Plus system.
; <Cxxx/06Oct86> DAF updated color support to use RGB calls on Beck's. Fixed
; goaway mask to center mask for everyone.
; <C407/13Oct86> DAF changed textmode from srcBIC to srcCopy
; <C424/18Nov86> DAF Added portToMap to correct problems in cWindows.
; <C491/08Dec86> DAF Locked title string before drawing it (OLD BUG!)
; <C700/26Jan87> DAF Universal defproc (version 10)
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'colorequ.a'
; Stack Frame Definitions
WindowID EQU 14 ;
message EQU 12 ;
WFrameSize EQU -30 ;
IsColor EQU -30 ; do we have colorQD and toolbox? [boolean]
Align EQU -29 ; a dead byte for IsColor
SavFgCol EQU -28
SavBkCol EQU -22
WCTabHndl EQU -16 ;
WCTabPtr EQU -12 ;
WInfoRec EQU -8 ; <7Aug85>
WAscent EQU -8 ; <7Aug85>
WDescent EQU -6 ; <7Aug85>
WHeight EQU -4 ; <7Aug85>
WBoxDelta EQU -2 ; <7Aug85>
; FUNCTION RDocProc( selector: INTEGER
; window: WindowPtr,
; message: INTEGER;
; parameter: LongInt): LongInt
BRA.S @0
; standard header
DC.W 0 ; flags word
DC.B 'WDEF' ; type
DC.W 1 ; ID
DC.W 10 ; version
LINK A6,#WFrameSize ; set up a stack frame to address parameters
MOVEM.L D3-D5/A3-A4,-(SP) ; save work registers
; test if the message is in range
CMP.W #wCalcRgnMsg,message(A6) ; compare to highest value (this is highest for rdocs)<C700/26Jan87> DAF
BGT OORange ; skip it, it's too high <C700/26Jan87> DAF
CMP.W #wDrawMsg,message(A6) ; compare to lowest value, too <C700/26Jan87> DAF
BMI OORange ; <C700/26Jan87> DAF
MOVE.L grafGlobals(A5),A0 ; get pointer to quickDraw globals <7Aug85>
MOVE.L thePort(A0),-(SP) ; save current port on stack <7Aug85>
; Determine type of system. We need to know if we have color QuickDraw and a color
; window manager port.
CMP.W #$3FFF,ROM85 ; do we have color QD?
SLS IsColor(A6) ; set boolean depending on color or B&W system
BHI.S @BWSys ; no, this system has B&W QD
; when using the wmgrCPort, it is the defproc's responsibility to reconcile
; the wmgrPort and the wmgrCPort.
BSR UpdateCPort ; compare and update wmgrPorts, also set WMgrCPort
; save off the current port fore- & backcolors on color systems.
PEA SavFgCol(A6) ; push a pointer to save area
_GetForeColor ; get the current color
PEA SavBkCol(A6) ;
_GetBackColor ;
; also, find the auxWinRec and lock it down
CLR.L -(SP) ; here's a space for the var handle
CLR.W -(SP) ; function return here
MOVE.L 14(A6),-(SP) ; push window ptr
PEA 6(SP) ; a pointer to the space above
_GetAuxWin ; find the auxrec
ADDQ #2,SP ; pitch the boolean (it doesn't matter)
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the auxRecHandle
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; handle -> ptr
MOVE.L awCTable(A0),A0 ; get the colortable handle <1.2>
MOVE.L A0,WCTabHndl(A6) ; save this handle
_HLock ; lock the table down in memory
MOVE.L (A0),WCTabPtr(A6) ; and get a pointer too!
BRA.S @CommonSys ;
MOVE.L WMgrPort,-(SP) ; and set port to window manager port
_SetPort ;
; rdocprocs have asymmetric titles that are 19 high. Figure it so that fonts smaller
; or equal to chicago get mapped to 19, and all others are made odd for good centering.
LEA WInfoRec(A6),A3 ; point to our info rec <7Aug85>
@1 MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ; push a pointer <7Aug85>
_GetFontInfo ; and get the font's info <7Aug85>
MOVE.W (A3)+,D0 ; get ascent+2 <5Aug85>
ADD.W (A3)+,D0 ; add descent <5Aug85>
ADDQ.W #4,D0 ; get the height <5Aug85>
BSET #0,D0 ; make height odd for symmetry <7Aug85>
MOVEQ #19,D1 ; get 19 <26Aug85>
CMP.W D1,D0 ; force height to 19 min <26Aug85>
BGE.S @3 ; => not a tiny font <5Aug85>
SUB.W D0,D1 ; how much less than 19 is it? <26Aug85>
LSR.W #1,D1 ; used for centering tiny fonts <26Aug85>
ADD.W D1,WAscent(A6) ; make the ascent "bigger" <26Aug85>
MOVEQ #19,D0 ; <7Aug85>
@3 MOVE.W D0,(A3)+ ; WHeight = ascent+descent+4 <7Aug85>
SUB.W #13,D0 ; subtract height of box <7Aug85>
LSR.W #1,D0 ; divide by 2 <7Aug85>
MOVE.W D0,(A3) ; save delta to goAway box <7Aug85>
; fetch the parameters into registers
LEA 8(A6),A0 ; get ptr to first parameter
MOVE.L (A0)+,D3 ; get param in D3
MOVE.W (A0)+,D0 ; get message
MOVE.L (A0)+,A3 ; get the window pointer
MOVE.W (A0)+,D5 ; get the selector
; <4> This line effectively reduced the number of possible variants by half.
; Take it out for PsychoticFarmer.
if CubeE then
LSR #1,D5 ; only use 8 alternatives
ASL #2,D5 ; quadruple for long index
CLR.L (A0) ; clear out function result
; case out on the message number
CMP #3,D0 ; is it one we deal with?
BGE.S @4 ; if not, skip
ASL #2,D0 ; quadruple for long index
JSR GODOCPROC(D0) ; dispatch to appropriate routine
; we're done -- restore port and registers and return to caller
TST.B IsColor(A6) ; are we on a color system?
BEQ.S @NoColor2 ; if on B&W, then skip
PEA SavFgCol(A6) ;
_RGBForeColor ;
PEA SavBkCol(A6) ;
_RGBBackColor ;
MOVE.L WCTabHndl(A6),A0 ; unlock the colortable
_HUnlock ;
_SetPort ; restore the port <7Aug85>
OORange ; 'Out Of Range, of course' <C700/26Jan87> DAF
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D5/A3-A4 ; restore work registers
UNLK A6 ; unlink stack frame
ADD #12,SP ; strip parameters
JMP (A0) ; return to caller
; DocumentProc dispatch table -- entries must be long branches!
BRA DRAWDOC ; draw is message 0
BRA HITDOC ; hit test is message 1
BRA CALCDOC ; calc test is message 2
DoneDoc RTS ; nor does it need dispose call
; utility UpdateCPort
; This utility compares the pertinent fields of the wmgrPort and the wmgrCPort,
; updating the wmgrCPort as necessary to match the wmgrPort.
UpdateCPort ; <C700/26Jan87> DAF
MOVE.L WmgrCPort,-(SP) ; make the wmgrCPort the current port
_SetPort ; set it
MOVE.L WmgrPort,A0 ; get the wmgrPort addr
MOVE.L WmgrCPort,A1 ; and the wmgrCPort too
PEA bkPat(A0) ; push pointers to pattern for later
PEA pnPat(A0) ;
; copy all fields from pnLoc to end of grafPort, excluding pnPixPat and fillPixPat
LEA pnLoc(A0),A0 ; point at source
LEA pnLoc(A1),A1 ; point at dest
MOVE.L (A0)+,(A1)+ ; copy pnLoc
MOVE.L (A0)+,(A1)+ ; copy pnSize
MOVE.W (A0)+,(A1)+ ; copy pnMode
ADDQ #8,A0 ; skip pnPat (aka, pnPixPat,fillPixPat)
ADDQ #8,A1 ;
MOVE.W #((portRec-pnVis)/2)-1,D0 ; set up a counter (long sized)
MOVE.W (A0)+,(A1)+ ; copy it
DBRA D0,@1 ; loop
; now set up the patterns in the wmgrCPort (which is thePort)
; the parameters were pushed before the copying loop above
RTS ; <C700/26Jan87> DAF
; SetUpColor takes a window part identifier in D0, finds the corresponding
; part in the AuxWinTable (the part code is in the .value field) and returns
; a pointer to its RGB on the stack. If the requested part is not found,
; the first color table element is used (I'd use frameColor, but that might
; not be there!). Trashes A0/D0.
MOVE.L D1,-(SP) ; save a register
MOVE.L WCTabPtr(A6),A0 ; get the color table pointer
MOVE.W CTSize(A0),D1 ; get the color table size
MULU #8,D1 ; convert to color table index
CMP.W CTTable+value(A0,D1),D0 ; is this the one?
BEQ.S FoundIt ; if equal, then done
SUB.W #8,D1 ; try the previous one
BGE.S LegalIndex ; loop while index positive
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; OK, use the first one
LEA CTTable+rgb(A0,D1),A0 ; get the address of the color to use
MOVE.L A0,D0 ; we'll need A0 in a second
MOVE.L (SP)+,D1 ; restore the register
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the return address
MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; push the rgb addr on the stack
JMP (A0) ; return to caller
PORTTOMAP ; <C424/18Nov86> DAF
; Given a window pointer in A0, return the bitmap/pixmap pointer in A0
; DrawDoc -- draw the document window. The windowPtr is in A3
TST.B WVISIBLE(A3) ; is it visible?
BEQ.S DoneDoc ; if not, don't do anything
; see if its a EORGoAway call and special case it
CMP #wInGoAway,D3 ; is it a goAway call?
BEQ EorGoAway ; if so, go handle it
; derive the titleBar rectangle from the structRgn and keep it in TempRect
LEA TEMPRECT,A0 ; get pointer to tempRect
MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A3),A1 ; get structure region handle
MOVE.L (A1),A1 ; get strucRgn pointer
ADDQ #RGNBBOX,A1 ; point A1 at the bounding box
MOVE.L (A1)+,(A0)+ ; copy bounding box into tempRect
MOVE.L (A1),(A0)
; make bottom := top + height
MOVE -4(A0),D0 ; get top
ADD.W WHeight(A6),D0 ; compute top + height <EHB 7Aug85>
MOVE D0,(A0) ; update bottom
; handle the case of non-rectangular titleBar -- we must allocate a region
CLR.L -(SP) ; make space for function result
_NewRgn ; allocate a region
MOVE.L (SP),A4 ; keep it in A4 -- and don't pop it off
PEA TEMPRECT ; tempRect defines the bounding rect
BSR GetRadPoint ; get the radius point in D0
MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; push the radius factor
ST -(SP) ; topRound is true
CLR -(SP) ; botRound is false
BSR MakeRoundRegion ; make the region
; set the frame color first
TST.B IsColor(A6) ; is it color?
BEQ.S @NoColor3 ; no, so skip this
MOVE.W #wframeColor,D0 ; get element index
BSR.S SetUpColor ; get it on the stack
_RGBForeColor ; and set it
; and do a PenNormal so that pattern and mode are OK (mostly for PaintRgn coming up) <C254/22Oct86> DAF
_PenNormal ; <C254/22Oct86> DAF
; draw the titlebar outline
MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ; push the region
_FrameRgn ; frame it
; determine the highlight state and set colors accordingly <26Apr86>
TST.B IsColor(A6) ; is it color?
BEQ.S @NoColor4 ; no, so skip this
TST.B WHILITED(A3) ; is it hilited?
BNE.S @8 ; ≠ is highlighted, = is not highlighted
MOVEQ #wTitleBarColor,D0 ; not hilited, so paint the titlebar in this color
BSR.S SetUpColor ;
MOVEQ #wFrameColor,D0 ; in this state, text is in frame color
BSR.S SetUpColor ;
BRA.S @9
@8 MOVEQ #wTitleBarColor,D0 ; hilited, so paint the text in this color
BSR.S SetUpColor ; (foreColor is already frameColor!)
@9 _RGBBackColor
; now, go on and draw the rest of the titlebar
MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ; push it again
MOVE.L OneOne,-(SP) ; inset by 1
_InsetRgn ; inset it
MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ; push for erase (now paint)
TST.B IsColor(A6) ; is it color?
BEQ.S @NoColor5 ; no, so erase
_PaintRgn ; paint it
BRA.S @Common5 ; and continue
@NoColor5 _EraseRgn ; erase it
; hilite the title bar by filling it with specified pattern
BSR DoTitleString ; draw the centered Title
; plot the goAway button, if necessary
TST.B WHilited(A3) ; if hilited window <08/22/86 DLD>
BEQ.S DisposIt ; if not, don't plot goAway <08/22/86 DLD>
TST.B WGoAway(A3) ; is there a goaway button? <08/22/86 DLD>
BEQ.S DoHilite ; if not, skip <08/22/86 DLD>
TST.B IsColor(A6) ; is it color?
BEQ.S @NoColor6 ;
MOVEQ #notSrcCopy,D1 ; plot in notsrcCopy mode <08/22/86 DLD>
BRA.S @Common6 ; continue
@NoColor6 MOVEQ #srcCopy,D1 ; default to srcCopy mode <08/22/86 DLD>
@Common6 ; since we will invert <08/22/86 DLD>
LEA GoAwaySymbol,A1 ; get the goAway symbol <08/22/86 DLD>
BSR.S PlotGoAway ; draw goAway <08/22/86 DLD>
TST.B IsColor(A6) ; is it B&W?
BNE.S @BW1 ;
SUBQ #1,TempRect+Bottom ; adjust bottom
PEA TEMPRECT ; push the title rect
MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ; push the region handle
_DisposRgn ; deallocate it
; frame the body of the window
TST.B IsColor(A6) ; is it color?
BEQ.S @NoColor8 ;
MOVEQ #wFrameColor,D0 ; get the framecolor in Fore
BSR SetUpColor ;
MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A3),-(SP) ; push the structure
_FrameRgn ; frame the body
; BuildTBarRect builds a rectangle enclosing the titleBar in TempRect
LEA TEMPRECT,A0 ; get pointer to tempRect
MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A3),A1 ; get structure region handle
MOVE.L (A1),A1 ; get strucRgn pointer
ADDQ #RGNBBOX,A1 ; point A1 at the bounding box
MOVE.L (A1)+,(A0) ; copy bounding box into tempRect
MOVE.L (A1),4(A0)
; make bottom := top + height
MOVE Top(A0),D0 ; get top
ADD.W WHeight(A6),D0 ; add in height <EHB 7Aug85>
MOVE D0,Bottom(A0) ; update bottom
SUBQ #1,Right(A0) ; inset right
RTS ; return to caller
; EORGoAway hilites/unhilites the goAway button. It falls through into PlotGoAway
BSR.S BuildTBarRect ; build the bounding rect
LEA GoAwaySymbol,A1 ; get the bitMap
ADD.W #32,A1 ; bump to the EOR Mask
MOVEQ #SrcXOR,D1 ; set EOR as the plot mode
; PlotGoAway plots the goAway button. A1 holds the symbol, D1 the plotting mode
LEA TempRect,A0 ; point to temprect <7Aug85>
MOVE.W WBoxDelta(A6),D0 ; get offset from top to GABox <7Aug85>
ADD.W D0,(A0) ; add offset to top <7Aug85>
SUBQ.W #1,(A0) ; align bitmap <7Aug85>
ADDQ.W #8,2(A0) ; add margin to left <7Aug85>
MOVE.L (A0)+,(A0) ; bottom/right = top/left <7Aug85>
MOVEQ #16,D0 ; get a constant <7Aug85>
ADD.W D0,(A0)+ ; Bottom = top + 16 <7Aug85>
ADD.W D0,(A0) ; Right = Left + 16 <7Aug85>
MOVE D1,D0 ; set plotting mode
MOVE.L #$00100010,D1
BSR.S PlotSymbol ; plot it in tempRect
BSR.S BuildTBarRect ; rebuild tempRect
; PlotSymbol -- plot the little 16 by 16 symbol bitmap pointed to by A1 into the rectangle
; pointed held in TempRect. D0 holds the mode.
LEA IconBitMap,A0 ; get pointer to source bitmap
MOVE.L A1,(A0) ; update base address of bitMap
MOVE #2,4(A0) ; update rowBytes
MOVE.L #$00100010,10(A0) ; adjust boundsRect
; push parameters for CopyBits call to transfer arrow bitMap
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; push pointer source bitmap
MOVE.L GrafGlobals(A5),A1 ; get lisaGraf global baseaddress
MOVE.L THEPORT(A1),A1 ; get thePort
PEA PORTBITS(A1) ; that's the destination bitmap
PEA BOUNDS(A0) ; boundsRect of bitmap is source
PEA TempRect ; tempRect is the destination
MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ; theMode is in D0
CLR.L -(SP) ; no mask region
; transfer the bitMap (stretching as necessary...)
_CopyBits ; let Bill stretch those bits
RTS ; return to caller
; DoTitleString is the common code that draws the title centered in tempRect
DoTitleString ; on entry, temprect is title rect inset by one
BSR BuildTBarRect ; calculate title bar rect
; compute indent factor based on GoAwayButton state
@1 MOVE.W TempRect+Right,D3 ; get right
SUB.W TempRect+Left,D3 ; compute width
SUB.W WTITLEWIDTH(A3),D3 ; compute extra x
ASR.W #1,D3 ; divide by 2
; if there's a goAway button, make sure the margin is at least 28 pixels
TST.B WGoAway(A3) ; is there a go away button
BEQ.S @2 ; skip if there's not
TST D3 ; is it negative?
BMI.S @3 ; if so, pin at 28
CMP.W #28,D3 ; if goAway button, must have some margin
BGT.S @2
@3 MOVEQ #28,D3
@2 ADD TempRect+Left,D3 ; compute x position
MOVE.W D3,-(SP) ; and push for MoveTo
MOVE.W TempRect+Top,D0 ; get top <7Aug85>
ADD.W WAscent(A6),D0 ; move down to baseline <7Aug85>
ADDQ.W #2,D0 ; add a little white space <7Aug85>
MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ; push baseline <7Aug85>
TST.B IsColor(A6) ; is it color?
BEQ.S @NoColor9 ; no, so skip
MOVE.W txMode(A3),-(SP) ; save the xfer mode
MOVE.W #notsrcCopy,-(SP) ; set the text mode <C407/13Nov86> DAF
; draw the string
MOVE.L WTITLEHANDLE(A3),A0 ; get titleHandle
_HLock ; lock that puppy <C491/08Dec86> DAF
MOVE.L (A0),-(SP) ; push title pointer
_DrawString ; draw it
MOVE.L WTITLEHANDLE(A3),A0 ; get titleHandle again <C491/08Dec86> DAF
_HUnlock ; unlock it <C491/08Dec86> DAF
TST.B IsColor(A6) ; is it color?
BEQ.S @NoColor10 ; no, so skip
_TextMode ; and restore textMode <26Apr86>
RTS ; all done drawing title...
; GetRadPoint returns the radius in D0 of the round rect parameter defined
; by the selector parameter
MOVE.L RadiusTable(D5),D0
DC.L $00100010 ; (16,16)
DC.L $00040004 ; (4,4)
DC.L $00060006 ; (6,6)
DC.L $00080008 ; (8,8)
DC.L $000A000A ; (10,10)
DC.L $000C000C ; (12,12)
DC.L $00140014 ; (20,20)
DC.L $00180018 ; (24,24)
; MakeRoundRegion -- makes a round region given a bounding rectangle and a radius
; value. Also, half round regions (top round, bottom square) are supported
; by the topRound,botRound booleans
; MakeRoundRegion( theRgn:RegionHandle
; theRect: Rect
; xRad,yRad: INTEGER
; topRound,botRound: BOOLEAN)
MakeRoundRegion ; ???? was ...Rgn
LINK A6,#0 ; set up stack frame
MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ; save work registers
TST.L 8(A6) ; are flags both false?
BEQ.S PlainRect ; if so, its just a rectangle
TST.L 12(A6) ; is radius factor 0?
BNE.S ComplexRect ; if not, its a round one
; optimize for the rectangular case
MOVE.L 20(A6),-(SP) ; push region handle
MOVE.L 16(A6),-(SP) ; push rectangle pointer
_RectRgn ; make a rectangular region
BRA.S MMRDone ; all done!
; make a region with top and bottom corners rounded
_HidePen ; hide the pen
_OpenRgn ; start recording the region
MOVE.L 16(A6),-(SP) ; push the rectangle pointer
MOVE.L 12(A6),-(SP) ; push the radius point
_FrameRoundRect ; define the region
MOVE.L 20(A6),-(SP) ; push region handle
_CloseRgn ; assign roundRect region
_ShowPen ; enable drawing again
; now square up either the top or bottom of the region (or neither)
MOVE.L 16(A6),A0 ; get rectangle pointer
TST.W 8(A6) ; examine 'botRound' flag
BNE.S CheckTRound ; if true, see if top needs squaring
MOVE BOTTOM(A0),D1 ; get bottom y coordinate
SUBQ #8,D0 ; compute top
BRA.S SquareIt
TST.W 10(A6) ; examine 'topRound' flag
BNE.S MMRDone ; if that true, we're done
MOVE Top(A0),D0 ; get top y coordinate
ADDQ #8,D1 ; get bottom
; here we build a rect in ToolScratch that has the same X as tempRect, but centered
; around the top or bottom
LEA ToolScratch,A1 ; get pointer to dest Rect
MOVE D0,(A1)+ ; update top
MOVE Left(A0),(A1)+ ; copy left
MOVE D1,(A1)+ ; update bottom
MOVE Right(A0),(A1) ; copy right
; now make a region out of that rectangle
CLR.L -(SP) ; make space for result
_NewRgn ; allocate a new region
MOVE.L (SP),A3 ; keep a copy in A3
PEA ToolScratch ; push the rectangle pointer
_RectRgn ; make the rectangular region
; now union with the parameter region to square up the edges
MOVE.L 20(A6),-(SP) ; push destination region
MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ; push square region
MOVE.L 20(A6),-(SP) ; dest gets the result
; all done -- deallocate the temporary region
MOVE.L (SP)+,A3 ; restore work reg
UNLK A6 ; unlink stack frame
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get return address
ADD #16,SP ; strip parameters
JMP (A0) ; all done!
; HitDoc -- perform a hit test on the document. On entry, D3 contains the mousePoint
; in global coordinates while A3 holds the window pointer
MOVEQ #16,D4 ; keep 16 in a register to save code
CLR.W -(SP) ; make room for function result
MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ; push the mouse point
MOVE.L CONTRGN(A3),-(SP) ; push content region handle
_PtInRgn ; is the point in the content region?
TST.B (SP)+ ; well, is it?
BEQ.S NotInContent ; if not, go check out drag region
; the point is in the content region so return a '1'
MOVEQ #wInContent,D0 ; return in content
BRA.S DoneHitDoc ; go store function result and return
; its not in the content -- see if its in the dragRgn (content extended by titleBar)
MOVE.L StructRgn(A3),-(SP)
BEQ.S DoneHit1
CLR.W -(SP) ; make room for function result
MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ; push the mouse point
MOVE.L ContRgn(A3),A4 ; get content region handle
MOVE.L (A4),A4 ; get region ptr
ADDQ #RgnBBox,A4 ; get bounding box ptr
MOVE.W WHeight(A6),D0 ; get height of title bar <7Aug85>
SUB.W D0,Top(A4) ; decrease by height of title bar <7Aug85>
MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ; push the rect
_PtInRect ; is the point in the title bar?
MOVE.W WHeight(A6),D0 ; get height of title bar <7Aug85>
ADD.W D0,Top(A4) ; and fix the bounding box up <7Aug85>
TST.B (SP)+ ; examine result
BEQ.S DoneHit1 ; if not, return 0 (do nothing)
; see if its in leftmost 16 of drag, which is the goAway button
TST.B WGoAway(A3) ; is there a goAway button?
BEQ.S ItsInDrag ; if not, skip
TST.B WHilited(A3) ; only draw it for the active one
BEQ.S ItsInDrag
MOVE D3,D0 ; get mousePt
MOVE.L A3,A0 ; copy the windowPtr for PortToMap <C424/18Nov86> DAF
BSR PortToMap ; convert it <C424/18Nov86> DAF
ADD Bounds+Left(A0),D0 ; convert to local <C424/18Nov86> DAF
SUB PortRect+Left(A3),D0 ; compensate for origin
CMP #18,D0 ; is it too far right?
BGT.S ItsInDrag ; if so, its in drag
SUBQ #8,D0 ; it must be at least 8
BMI.S ItsInDrag
MOVE.L D3,D0 ;; now check vertical
SWAP D0 ;; which is high word of D3
ADD.W Bounds+Top(A0),D0 ;; convert to local (A0 is still valid) <C424/18Nov86> DAF
SUB.W PortRect+Top(A3),D0 ;; compensate for origin
; D0 is aligned with 0 as the bottom of the title bar.
ADD.W WBoxDelta(A6),D0 ; below box? <7Aug85>
BPL.S ItsInDrag ; => yes <7Aug85>
ADD.W #11,D0 ; in box? <7Aug85>
BMI.S ItsInDrag ; => no <7Aug85>
; its in the goAway button so signal it
MOVEQ #wInGoAway,D0
BRA.S DoneHitDoc
MOVEQ #wInDrag,D0 ; flag in drag region
MOVE.L D0,20(A6) ; update function result
DoneHit1 RTS
; CalcDoc -- calculate the structure and content regions for the window pointed
; to by A3.
LEA TEMPRECT,A0 ; get a pointer to the work rectangle
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; push for later offset
MOVE.L PORTRECT(A3),(A0)+ ; copy topLeft of portRect
MOVE.L PORTRECT+4(A3),(A0) ; copy botLeft of portRect
; offset it to global coordinates
MOVE.L A3,A0 ; copy window pointer <C424/18Nov86> DAF
BSR PortToMap ; convert pointer, if necessary <C424/18Nov86> DAF
MOVE.L BOUNDS(A0),-(SP) ; push topLeft of port.portBits.bounds <C424/18Nov86> DAF
NEG 2(SP) ; negate offset
_OffsetRect ; offset tempRect to global coordinates
; make the content region square for fast updating
MOVE.L CONTRGN(A3),A0 ; A0 holds the content region
CLR D1 ; topround is false
BSR.S GOMAKERGN ; go make the region into content region
; now do the structure region. First correct the bounding rectangle (tempRect) for
; structure instead of content
PEA TEMPRECT ; push a pointer to the rect
MOVE.L MinusOne,-(SP) ; make 1 pixel bigger, all around
_InsetRect ; make it bigger
MOVE.W WHeight(A6),D0 ; move up to top of window <7Aug85>
SUBQ.W #1,D0 ; tweak it <7Aug85>
SUB.W D0,TempRect+Top ; and set top of struct region <7Aug85>
MOVEQ #1,D1 ; topRound is true
MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A3),A0 ; A0 holds the structRgn pointer
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; push the region handle
PEA TEMPRECT ; push bounding rectangle pointer
BSR GETRADPOINT ; get the radius factor
MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; push it
MOVE.W D1,-(SP) ; topRound is in D1
ST -(SP) ; so is botRound
BSR MakeRoundRegion ; go make the region
; all done with CalcDocRgns
; BitMap for default GoAway button
DC.W $0000,$0000,$7FF0,$4010
DC.W $4010,$4010,$4010,$4010
DC.W $4010,$4010,$4010,$4010
DC.W $7FF0,$0000,$0000,$0000
; brand-new, centered mask <Cxxx/06Oct86> DAF
DC.W $0000,$0000,$7FF0,$4210
DC.W $5250,$4A90,$4010,$5DD0
DC.W $4010,$4A90,$5250,$4210
DC.W $7FF0,$0000,$0000,$0000